


Bolsterstone Christenings, 1778 to 1813 in date order


Description of this file:

The christenings at the chapelries of Bolsterstone and Midhope between the 8th of Feb. 1778 and the 26th of Dec. 1813.   The first column contains "B" or "M" for Bolsterstone or Midhope.   "The ancient chapel of Bolsterstone was a chapel-of-ease to St. Nicholas' church, Bradfield until 1870, when Bolsterstone became a separate parish. In 1791 the existing building was demolished, and replaced by a new chapel consecrated in 1795. This was rebuilt between 1872 and 1879 to form the present church, being re-opened on the 13 June 1879.   Between c. 1665 and 1847 the livings of the chapelries of Bolsterstone and Midhope were normally held together, and Midhope entries were included in Bolsterstone registers until 1813 when separate registers were begun."   More information at www.bolsterstone.net

Transcription of the Bolsterstone Christenings, 1778 to 1813 in date order


The Christenings at the chapelries of Bolsterstone and Midhope, 1778 to 1813.
BMARSDEN, Benjamin 12843 08 Feb 1778son of Ben MARSDEN; labourer & Mary his wife of Clough House. Ben is son of John MARSDEN
BSIDDENS, James 4220 09 Feb 1778son of Ann SIDDENS of Town End, widow
BMARSDEN, Martha 12846 12 Feb 1778dau. of Benjamin MARSDEN and Alice his wife of Roid, Taylor
BIBBOTSON, Joseph 3683 14 Feb 1778son of William IBBOTSON & Ann his wife of Wood, labourer (NB: chapelry transcripts say farmer and add William is son of Henry)
BMILNS, Thomas 4039 15 Feb 1778son of John MILLS & Ann his wife of Middopstones, taylor
BMARSDEN, Ann 12847 15 Feb 1778dau. of William MARSDEN & Hannah his wife of Storth house, Cropper
BBOCKING, Mary 3014 22 Feb 1778dau. of Robert BOCKIN and Ann, his wife, of Watson House, farmer (NB: CTs say Hanah)
BKAY, Sarah 3622 29 Mar 1778dau. of Joseph KAY & Ann his wife Middopstones, labourer (NB CTs say victualler and that Joseph is son of Joshua)
BCHARLESWORTH, Catherine 1788 19 Apr 1778dau. of John CHARLESWORTH of Edge end, wheelwright (sic) . John son of William CHARLESWORTH
BHIDE, Mary 3670 19 Apr 1778dau. of James HIDE of Lane End, Spiggot Maker
BDRANFIELD, Elisabeth 3173 10 May 1778dau. of Tho. DRANSFIELD & Sarah his wife. File cutter
BGRAYSON, Hannah 3256 28 May 1778dau. of John & Mary GRAYSON of Royd, farmer
BHAIGH, Ann 2646 31 May 1778dau. of Jonathan & Sarah HAIGH of Clough, Weaver
BHELLIWELL, Benjamin 3876 25 Jun 1778son of Fran. HELLIWELL and Sarah his wife of Shawhouse, carpenter (NB: CTs say 31st. May)
BTAYLOR, John 14991 25 Jun 1778son of X^ (Christopher) TAYLOR of Dikeside in the Parish of Penistone near Middopstones, labourer
(NB: this is not on the on-line records)
BBLACKLEY, Joseph 2897 29 Jun 1778son of Richard and Elizabeth BLACKLEY of Pothouse in Middopstones, labourer
(NB: on-line records (BTs) don't mention wife's name)
BAPPLEYARD, Willm. 2919 19 Jul 1778son of Edward APPLEYARD of Oakes in Middop Stones, farmer.
BYATES, Hannah 4483 13 Sep 1778dau. of Edward and Hannah YATES of Bolsterstone, clothier
BHELLIWELL, Ann 3888 25 Oct 1778dau. of Joseph and Mary HELLIWELL of Bowergate---, farmer
BASHTON, Sarah 2936 25 Dec 1778dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Green, labourer
BTRICKET, Mary 4382 25 Dec 1778dau. of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
BBRADLEY, Isaac 2902 27 Dec 1778son of Nicholas and Sarah BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, farmer
BFOX, Mary 3286 27 Dec 1778dau. of Edward and Hannah FOX of Green, labourer
BSTANIFORTH, Mary 4068 27 Dec 1778dau. of John and Martha STANIFORTH of Townebd, collier (NB: on-line as PANEFORTH and mother's name not mentioned)
BROPER, Mary 4216 27 Dec 1778dau. of Thomas and Catherine ROPER of Windle, farmer (NB mother's name not on on-line records)
BIBBOTSON, Sarah 13896 28 Dec 1778natural dau. of Mary IBBOTSON of Yews trees. Father is Gilbert WAINWRIGHT of W ---bridge, farmer.
(NB: The on-line records give her name as Sarah WAINWRIGHT)
BCOLDWELL, Joseph 14304 23 Jan 1779son of Benjamin and Elizabeth COLDWELL of Deepcar, shoemaker
BBRAMWELL, Sarah 3023 14 Mar 1779dau. of James and Rebecca BRAMWELL of Smithymoor
BBEAVER, Willm. 2996 18 Apr 1779son of John and Martha BEVER of Upper Midhope, labourer
BMORTON, Mary 4042 13 May 1779dau. of John and Mary MORTON of Race House, taylor
BBRAMWELL, George 2933 16 May 1779son of George and Martha BRAMALL of Bolsterstone (Green Head), labourer
BELLISON, Hannah 3233 16 May 1779dau. of William and Mary ELLISON of Sunbank, farmer
BMALLISON, Thom. 2482 06 Jun 1779son of Thomas & Hannah MALLISON of Leakhouse, labourer
BMATE, Hannah 12911 08 Jun 1779natural daughter of Mary MATE of Peasbloom House, father is Benjamin JACKSON
BCUTTLE, Hannah 3048 20 Jun 1779dau. of Thomas and Mary CUTTLE of Midhope, weaver
BKAY, Joshua 3992 11 Jul 1779BTs say son of Joshua and Ann KAY of Middop. Victualler but the chapelry transcripts say son of Joseph and Ann KAY
BDRONFIELD, John 3216 25 Jul 1779son of John and Ann DRONFIELD of Lowflat, farmer
BWOODHOUSE, Willm. 4465 04 Aug 1779son of Christopher and Rebecca WOODHOUSE of Upper Middop, labourer
BGRAYSON, Joseph 3210 29 Aug 1779son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer
BMARSDEN, Joseph 4037 25 Sep 1779son of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Royd, Taylor
BGRAYSON, Mary 3198 02 Oct 1779dau. of Thom. and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar, Miller
BTAYLOR, Elizabeth 4385 03 Oct 1779dau. of Christ. and Mary TAYLOR of Middop, farmer
BGRAYSON, Hannah 3268 17 Oct 1779dau. of John and Hannah GRAYSON, blacksmith
BLINSLEY, Emelia 4045 17 Oct 1779dau. of Joshua LINSLEY of Pothouse
BGRAYSON, Mary 3277 07 Nov 1779dau. of Joseph and Hannah GRAYSON, Whitwell, labourer
BMATTHEWMAN, Mary 14161 07 Nov 1779dau. of John and Mary MATTHEWMAN of Holehouse, farmer
BDENTON, John 3114 26 Dec 1779son of Josepf and Anne DENTON of Middop
BSTOCKS, John 12913 26 Dec 1779son of John and Mary STOCKS of Upper Middop
(NB this is hard to read on the on the BTs and appears as MACKS on the on-line records)
BAPPLEYARD, Edward 2894 06 Jan 1780son of Edward and Ann APPLEYARD of Middop or Oak
BHAWKARD, Elizabeth 3616 19 Jan 1780dau. of Martin and Mary HAWKARD, Langley brook
BHELLIWELL, John 3902 04 May 1780son of Jos-h and Mary HELLIWELL of Bowergate End
BMORTON, Jeremiah 12916 05 May 1780son of Nicholas and Esther MORTON of Crofts
BGLEADHILL, Mary 3181 07 May 1780Mary, natural daughter of Martha GLEADHILL, father William KEY (KAY)
BPOOL, Thomas 4133 07 May 1780son of Thomas and Ann POOL of Green, liquor dealer
BTAYLOR, Hannah 4355 11 Jun 1780of Cinderhill, weaver
BTATE, Sarah 4376 11 Jun 1780dau. of Thomas and Ann TATE of Midhopestones, labourer
BDOWNING, Joseph 3117 02 Jul 1780son of William and Mary DOWNING of Middopstones, farmer
BGELDER, Martha 3222 02 Jul 1780of Midhopestones
BHAIGH, Elizabeth 2668 30 Jul 1780dau. of Jonathan & Sarah HAIGH of Hoylehouse, Clough, weaver
BCOOPER, John 3090 30 Jul 1780son of Tho. and Mary COOPER of Reynold House, labourer
BMILNS, Sarah 4056 06 Aug 1780dau. of John and Ann MILNS of Middopstones, taylor
BCHARLESWORTH, Martha 1773 20 Aug 1780dau. of Joseph and Elisabeth CHARLESWORTH of Green, Taylor
BCOLDWELL, Isaac 3087 10 Sep 1780son of Benjamin and Elizabeth COLDWELL of Deepcar, Shoomaker :-)
BCROSLEY, Frances 3137 05 Nov 1780dau. of Hannah WALKER of Middopstones. Father is Abraham CROSLEY of Middop, the pious clerk of Middop Chapel.
BSENIOR, George 4305 05 Nov 1780son of Samuel SENIOR of Middopstones, farmer
BSLACK, Elias 4269 25 Nov 1780son of Elias and Margaret SLACK of Deepcar
BSHAW, Hannah 1137 03 Dec 1780dau. of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Bankhouses, clothier
BRIDOL, William 4073 25 Dec 1780son of Tho and Elizabeth RIDAL of Lane end, Millwright
BTRICKET, Elisabeth 4459 25 Dec 1780Elizabeth, dau. of George and Mary TRICKET of Whitwell, Labourer
BMARSDEN, William 12848 25 Dec 1780son of WIlliam and Hanah MARSDEN of Storth house, cloth dresser (sic)
BTHICKETT, Martha 4371 01 Jan 1781Daughter of Joseph THICKHEAD of Midhopestones, shoemaker
BGRAYSON, Ann 3288 05 Jan 1781dau. of John and Mary GRAYSON of Royd, farmer
BASHTON, Christopher 1365 21 Jan 1781son of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Green, Farmer
BROPER, John 4245 18 Feb 1781son of Thomas and Catherine ROPER of Windle, farmer
BWOODHOUSE, Martha 12725 18 Feb 1781dau. of John and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel Stile, Middopstones, farmer
BCHARLESWORTH, Sarah 1793 25 Feb 1781dau. of John and Rebecca CHARLESWORTH of Moor Royd, taylor
BRIDAL, William 4150 25 Feb 1781son of Thomas and Elizabeth RIDAL of Lane end, Millwright
BWEBSTER, Sarah 4492 11 Mar 1781dau. of John and Martha WEBSTER of Upper Middop, labourer
BMALLISON, Joseph 2485 18 Mar 1781Son of John and Sarah MALLINSON of Green Moor, Taylor
BTAYLOR, Mary 4352 02 Apr 1781dau. of Christ. and Mary TAYLOR of Midhopestones, potter
BBRAMWELL, Amelia 2962 13 Apr 1781dau. of James and Rebecca BRAMWELL of Smithymoor, Labourer
BKAY, William 3914 13 Apr 1781son of Joseph and Ann KAY of Middopstones, Victualler
BTRICKET, Martha 4417 24 Apr 1781Martha, dau. of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
BGRAYSON, Thomas 3302 25 Apr 1781son of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar, Miller
BLINDLEY, Elizabeth 3980 15 Jul 1781dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth LYNDLEY of Bategreen, potter
BMARSDEN, Charlotte 14997 15 Jul 1781dau. of John and Grace MARSDEN of Bank, cordwainer
BHELLIWELL, Sarah 3792 22 Jul 1781dau. of Francis and Sarah HELLIWELL of Shaw House, carpenter
BDENTON, Sarah 3158 26 Aug 1781dau. of John and Mary DENTON of Hand Bank
BIBBOTSON, Willm. 3941 09 Sep 1781son of William and Ann IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BMALLISON, James 2488 23 Sep 1781of Hunshelfbank, labourer
BMATTHEWMAN, John 14173 27 Sep 1781son of John and Mary MATTHEWMAN of Hoyl house, farmer
BMARSDEN, Sarah 14994 04 Nov 1781dau. of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Royd, taylor
BSTANNIFORTH, Hannah 4301 25 Nov 1781dau. of John STANNIFORTH of Lane End, Collier, commonly called Judy (sic)
BHELLIWELL, Benjamin 3768 25 Dec 1781son of Joseph and Mary HELLIWELL of Bowergate end, farmer
BBEEVER, Benjamin 2939 30 Dec 1781son of John and Martha BEEVER of Midhopestones
BMORTON, Martha 14998 13 Jan 1782dau. of John and Mary MORTON of New Mill Bank, taylor
BWOODHOUSE, Thoms. 4414 20 Jan 1782son of Christopher and Rebecca WOODHOUSE of Dikeside, Labourer
BDOWNING, John 3161 27 Jan 1782son of Wm & Mary DOWNING of Middop Hall, farmer
BTAYLOR, Martha 4388 27 Jan 1782dau. of Margaret TAYLOR of Middopstones
BGRAYSON, George 3313 03 Feb 1782son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Hunshelfe Bank, farmer
BHAIGH, Martha 2658 08 Feb 1782Natural daughter of Ann HAIGH of Deepcarr. Born 7th Aug. 1780. Father Benjamin MATTHEWMAN
BGREAVES, Elizabeth 3408 24 Mar 1782dau. of Benjamin GREAVES of Alderman's Head, farmer
BCUTTLE, Joshua 3081 05 May 1782son of Thom & Mary CUTTLE , weaver
BDENTON, John 3096 05 May 1782son of Jonathan and Ann DENTON of Dikeside, labourer
BMILNS, Benjamin 12687 05 May 1782son of John & Ann MILNS of Middopstones, taylor
BSHAW, Benjm. 1113 09 May 1782son of Phinaes and Mary SHAW of Newmill Bridge, labourer or clothier
BBRAMWELL, James 2978 09 May 1782dau. of George and Elizabeth BRAMWELL of Bolsterstone, hunter --tt-- labourer. (NB CTs have mother as Jane)
BGRAYSON, John 3224 09 May 1782son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer
BDRONFIELD, Mary 3230 02 Jun 1782dau. of Thomas and Ann DRONFIELD, soldier or cutler (NB the CTs say parents John and Elizabeth !)
BHANSON, Benjamin 3724 02 Jun 1782Son of Rebecca Hanson, but who its Father .. none can tell. (Bishop's Transcripts)
BSANDERSON, Hannah 4293 06 Jun 1782dau. of John SANDERSON of Upper Middop. Being adult & as she thinks fit for a husband. Before she was a Quaker.
BRIDAL, Mary 4204 11 Aug 1782dau. of Wm. & Mary RIDAL of Townend. Mason
BGRAYSON, Joseph 3238 18 Aug 1782son of John and Mary GRAYSON of Royd, farmer
BCOOPER, Elizabeth 14372 10 Nov 1782dau. of Thomas and Mary COOPER of Bolsterstone, labourer
BBATTY, Elizabeth 2263 01 Dec 1782dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth BATTY of Whitwell, clothier
BCROSSLAND, Hannah 3155 30 Dec 1782son of Nathaniel and Sarah CROSLAND of Hoylhouse
BGRAYSON, Joseph 3183 01 Jan 1783son of Joseph and Hannah GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, labourer
BDUNGWORTH, Mary 3189 01 Jan 1783dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth DUNGWORTH, labourer
BGRAYSON, Elizabeth 3241 01 Jan 1783dau. of Hanah GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, widow
BBRAMALL, Mary 2990 05 Jan 1783dau. of Benjamin and Ann BRAMALLof Busk, labourer
BBOWER, Elizabeth 2899 02 Feb 1783dau. of Buckley and Ann BOWER of Lee house, shoemaker
BMITCHEL, Hannah 4379 24 Feb 1783dau. of Sarah MITCHEL , father William TATE
BMALLISON, John 2491 09 Mar 1783son of John and Sarah MALLISON of Wellhill, Labourer
BIBBOTSON, Elizabeth 3953 16 Mar 1783dau. of William and Ann IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BBATTY, John 2260 23 Mar 1783son of Martin and Lydia BATTY of Damsteads, clothier
BGREAVES, Joseph 3458 23 Mar 1783son of Jonathan and Alice GREAVES of Langley Brook, farmer
BTATE, Mary 4349 23 Mar 1783dau. of Thomas and Anne TATE of Middop, clothier
BMARSH, Mary 2128 13 Apr 1783dau. of John and Sarah MARSH of Middopstones, mason
BFOX, Maria 15002 04 May 1783dau. of Benjamin and Hanah FOX OF Middopstones (NB not on the on-line records)
BHAIGH, Martha 2660 29 May 1783dau. of Jonathan and Sarah HAIGH of Clough. Jersey Weaver
BGRAYSON, Elizabeth 3259 29 May 1783dau. of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON od Deepcar. Miller
BCHARLESWORTH, Joseph 1779 30 May 1783son of Wm. and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Lee House, labourer
BDENTON, Joseph 3170 29 Jun 1783son of Joseph & Ann DENTON, Handbank, labourer
BWOOD, Sarah 1459 06 Jul 1783natural dau. of Martha WOOD of Barnside House, single woman
BSTEEL, Elisabeth 4343 06 Jul 1783dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, vulcan
BDRONFIELD, Charles 3176 03 Aug 1783son of John and Ann DRONFIELD of Lowflat, farmer
BRAMSDEN, John 4082 03 Aug 1783son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, file hewer
BMARSDEN, Joseph 12849 10 Aug 1783son of William and Hanah MARSDEN of Storth house, cropper
BTRICKET, Ann 4471 21 Sep 1783Ann, dau. of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
BMORTON, John 4100 23 Sep 1783son of John and Mary MORTON of race house, taylor
BHAIGH, Emelia 2663 26 Oct 1783natural dau. of Ann (Nancy) HAIGH of Deepcar who has pay from the Parish
BJACKSON, Sarah 12673 02 Nov 1783dau. of George and Betty JACKSON of Hermit Royd, farmer
BROPER, Catharine 4248 20 Nov 1783dau. of Thomas and Catherine ROPER of Windle, farmer
BGRAYSON, Ann 3319 25 Dec 1783dau. of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Whitwell, labourer
BDOWNING, Ann 3099 29 Dec 1783dau. of Wilm and Mary DOWNING of Upper Middop hall, farmer
BGRAYSON, Joseph 3316 08 Feb 1784son of Joseph and Elisabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer. CTs say: N.B. it was 5 weeks old
BSHAW, Nathaniel 1143 20 Feb 1784son of Phinehas & Mary SHAW of Newmill Bridge, Clothier
BSANDERSON, Sarah 4303 14 Mar 1784dau. of John SANDERSON of Upper Midhope, an adult
BASHTON, Ann 1359 21 Mar 1784dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Green, labourer
BMAITE, Sarah 15005 18 Apr 1784natural dau. of Mary MAITE of Deepcar, spinster
BDENTON, Richd. 3037 25 Apr 1784son of Jonathan DENTON of Dikeside, Parish of Penistone, labourer.
BBRAMALL, Martha 2916 24 Jun 1784dau. of James and Rebecca BRAMALL of Smithymoor, labourer
BHELLIWELL, Joseph 3807 27 Jun 1784dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, labourer
BMARSDEN, Hannah 15003 04 Jul 1784dau. of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Roid, taylor
BSTANIFORTH, Joseph 4290 25 Jul 1784son of John & Mary STANIFORTH of Lane End, Collier, relieved from -- (sic) Parish
BSANDERSON, Thomas 4313 01 Aug 1784son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee House, Cordwainer
BSPOONER, John 4275 08 Aug 1784son of Joseph and Ann SPOONER, labourer
BJACKSON, Benjamin 2476 15 Aug 1784son of Abraham and Martha JACKSON, farmer
BHAWKSWORTH, John 3701 29 Aug 1784son of Joseph and Sarah HAWKSWORTH of Upper Middop, farmer and clothier
BCHARLESWORTH, Martha 1799 05 Sep 1784dau. of John and Rebeckah CHARLESWORTH of Green, Taylor and farmer NB: BTs just say taylor
BIBBOTSON, Henry 3965 24 Oct 1784son of William and Ann IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BCROSSLAND, John 3093 14 Nov 1784son of Nathaniel and Sarah CROSLAND of Stocksbridge, clothier
BHELLIWELL, George 3822 30 Jan 1785son of John and Hanah HELLEWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BGRAYSON, Hannah 3322 06 Feb 1785dau. of Tho. and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar. Miller
BBUCKLEY, Ann 3084 27 Mar 1785dau. of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BGRAYSON, Sarah 3325 27 Mar 1785dau. of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer
BCOWPER, Thomas 3164 17 Apr 1785son of Thomas and Mary COWPER of Bolsterstone, labourer
BWOODCOCK, Hannah 4453 06 May 1785dau. of John and Hannah WOODCOCK of Deepcar, miller
BHELLIWELL, Thomas 3837 08 May 1785son of Francis and Sarah HELLEWELL of Shaw house, carpenter
BDENTON, Mary 3039 15 May 1785dau. of Joseph and Ann DENTON of Middop Stones, labourer
BHOWARD, Ann 3709 26 Jun 1785dau. of Martin and Mary HOWARD of Middopstones
BDENTON, John 3140 07 Aug 1785son of Jonathan and Sarah DENTON of Hunshelfbank, Clothier was born July 1st and baptized August 7th 1785
BGREAVES, Sarah 3349 28 Aug 1785dau. of Benjamin and Martha GREAVES of Middopstones, ---
BLINDLEY, Eleanor 4001 27 Oct 1785dau. of Joshua and Elisabeth LINDLEY of Glass house, Potter
BMARSH, William 2125 30 Oct 1785son of John and Sarah MARSH of Middopstones
BSHAW, John 1122 25 Dec 1785son of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Newmillbridge, clothier
BCHARLESWORTH, Sarah 1802 25 Dec 1785dau. of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Clough, labourer
BDENTON, Mary 3069 22 Jan 1786dau. of Jonathan and Ann DENTON of Middopstones
BDUNGWORTH, Richard 3265 17 Feb 1786son of Joseph and Elizabeth DUNGWORTH of Bolsterstone, poor
BGRAYSON, Thomas 3328 17 Feb 1786son of Joseph and Hannah GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, labourer
BHELLIWELL, John 3783 17 Feb 1786son of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, labourer, NB he was 8 weeks old
BMARSDEN, Alice 4033 17 Feb 1786dau. of William and Hannah MARSDEN of Storthhouse, Clothdresser
BTAYLOR, Rachel 4390 05 Mar 1786dau. of Henry and Jane TAYLOR of Cinderhill, ---weaver, poor
BHELLIWELL, George 3849 19 Mar 1786son of John and Mary HELLIWELL of Hunshelf bank, husbandman
BGRAYSON, Joseph 3331 27 Mar 1786son of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Brightholmlee, husbandman
BSTEEL, Mary 4346 14 Apr 1786dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, blacksmith or vulcan
BGRAYSON, Thomas 3334 16 Apr 1786son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer
BTHICKET, Joshua 1336 16 May 1786son of Joshua THICKET of Middopstones, cornwainer
BTRICKET, John 4432 26 May 1786John, son of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
BRAMSDEN, William 4159 28 May 1786son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, file smith
BHOOL, Hannah 3695 02 Jul 1786dau. of James and Mary HOIL, cloth dresser. NB: on-line (BTs) as HOOL (Think it must be HOYLE)
BKAY, Joseph 4007 02 Jul 1786natural son of Elizabeth (Betty) KAY of Cross House
BIBBOTSON, Ann 3974 09 Jul 1786dau. of William and Ann IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BMORTON, Elisabeth 4085 09 Jul 1786dau. of John and Mary MORTON of Race House, taylor
BHOBSON, Martha 3704 20 Aug 1786dau. of Thomas and Martha HOBSON of Wigtwizzle, farmer
BSANDERSON, George 4325 20 Aug 1786son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Leehouse, cordwainer
BGRAYSON, Elisabeth 3337 03 Sep 1786dau. of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar, miller
BHAWKSWORTH, Mary 3715 17 Sep 1786dau. of Joseph and Sarah HAWKSWORTH of Upper Middop, farmer
BHELLIWELL, William 3852 12 Nov 1786son of Joseph and Mary HELLIWELL of Reinor house, farmer
BHELLIWELL, Mary 3864 24 Dec 1786dau. of Francis and Sarah HELLIWELL of Shawhouse, Carpenter
BHELLIWELL, John 3879 27 Dec 1786son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BSTANLEY, Matthew 4322 31 Dec 1786son of Thomas and Elisabeth STANLEY of Middopstones, carpenter
BMILNS, George 12688 31 Dec 1786son of John and Ann MILLNS of Middopstones, taylor
BBUCKLEY, Jeremiah 3102 21 Jan 1787son of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BASHTON, George 1368 25 Mar 1787son of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Green, labourer
BCRESWICK, Mary 3075 22 Apr 1787dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Eudenlodge, Farmer
BMARSDEN, Ann 4047 24 Jun 1787dau. of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Royd, taylor
BSMITH, Benjamin 4225 25 Jun 1787son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH of Green, malster
BDENTON, Sarah 3051 25 Jul 1787dau. of Joseph and Ann DENTON of Middopstones, labourer
BKENWORTHY, Ruth 14920 25 Dec 1787dau. of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of Moor Royd, clothier
BHELLIWELL, Jonas 3891 07 Sep 1788son of John and Mary HELLEWELL of Bank, labourer
BWILSON, Hannah 4399 28 Sep 1788dau. of William and Hannah WILSON of Roid, farmer
MTHICKET, Frances 14944 07 Oct 1788dau. of John THICKET (NB not on the on-line records (BTs))
BSANDERSON, Ann 4207 19 Oct 1788dau. of George and Ann SANDERSON of Leehouse, cordwainer
BSLACK, Joseph 4272 09 Nov 1788son of Elias and Margaret SLACK of C---end, yeo (sic)
BCRESWICK, Elisabeth 3078 16 Nov 1788dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Euden, farmer
BHELLIWELL, Joshua 3905 21 Dec 1788son of Francis and Sarah HELLEWELL of Shaw house, carpenter
BHELLIWELL, Ann 3795 25 Dec 1788dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Carr head, labourer
BSTEEL, Sarah 4242 25 Dec 1788dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, vulcan
BBEVER, William 2981 11 Jan 1789son of Martha BEVER, father William BASHFUL, clothier (NB the on-line records have him as William BASHFUL)
BGRAYSON, Benjamin 3385 11 Jan 1789son of Joseph and Hannah GRAYSON of Greavhouse, farmer
BHELLIWELL, Grace 3771 25 Jan 1789dau. of John and Hanah HALLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BBEEVER, James 3005 08 Feb 1789son of John and Martha BEEVER
BSTANLEY, John 4331 08 Feb 1789son of Matthew and Elizabeth STANLEY of Holi (sic), labourer
BSMITH, Mary 4257 10 Feb 1789son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH of Green, farmer
BSTANLEY, Thomas 4213 01 Mar 1789son of Thomas and Elizabeth STANLEY of Brooksbank, farmer
BHELLIWELL, Thomas 3810 08 Mar 1789son of Thomas and Hanah HELLIWELL of Bank, farmer
BRAMSDEN, Thomas 4162 15 Mar 1789son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN, filesmith
BDYSON, John 1891 22 Apr 1789son of Mary DYSON of Lane End. NB: On the CTs the mother's name has been rubbed out.
BTAYLOR, Joseph 4361 23 Apr 1789son of Henry TAYLOR of Smithy Moor, (can't read occupation)
BGRAYSON, George 3340 03 May 1789son of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar
BCUTHILL, Maria 3066 10 May 1789dau. of Thomas and Sarah CUTHILL of Middop
BHAWLEY, Joseph 3726 10 May 1789son of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY of Hunshelf
BBUCKLEY, Joseph 3120 21 May 1789son of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BMITCHEL, Thomas 4030 21 May 1789son of James and Mary MITCHEL of Newmill Bank, clothier
BTRICKET, Thomas 4489 21 May 1789son of James and Sarah TRICKET of Clough, mason
MSTANLEY, Mary 13373 23 May 1789dau. of Joseph and Mary STANLEY of Brooksbank, farmer
BRIDAL, Joseph 4139 24 May 1789son of Hannah RIDAL
BWAGSTAFF, John 9685 09 Jul 1789son of John and Ann WAGSTAFF of Foxhouse in the Liberty of Holmfirth, Clothier
MCRESWICH, Mary 12665 09 Aug 1789dau. of William and Ann CRESWICK of Euden, farmer. NB: On-line IGI index as GRESWICK
BSHAW, Sarah 1152 20 Sep 1789dau. of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Newmill Bridge, clothier
BHAWK, Joseph 3643 27 Sep 1789son of Joseph and Lydia HAWK of Holehouse, labourer. Poor.
BGRAYSON, Henry 3358 25 Oct 1789Benjamin and Henry twin sons of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Brightholmlee
BGRAYSON, Benjamin 3399 25 Oct 1789Benjamin and Henry twin sons of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Brightholmlee
BKENWORTHY, William 3935 27 Oct 1789son of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of Moor House, clothier
BASHTON, William 1353 25 Dec 1789son of William and Hannah ASHTON of Green, farmer
BLEE, Gattatha 3971 27 Dec 1789dau. of Joseph and Mary LEE, labourer
BMARSDEN, John 15004 07 Feb 1790dau. of Benjamin and Alice MARSDEN of Royd, taylor
BMORTON, John 4059 21 Feb 1790son of John and Sarah MORTON of Townend, farmer
BWOOD, Ann 1450 28 Feb 1790dau. of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Stocksbridge, felmonger
BBROWN, Joseph 3026 21 Mar 1790son of Ann BROWN of Hunshelf Bank. Poor
BCHARLESWORTH, Emelia 1805 02 May 1790dau. of Mary CHARLESWORTH of Hungerhill
BSANDERSON, Elisabeth 4334 30 May 1790dau. of George and Ann SANDERSON of Leehouse, cordwainer
BSMITH, Joseph 4308 20 Jun 1790son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH of Green, malster and farmer
MHAWLEY, Mary 13483 22 Aug 1790dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY of Middop
MBRAMALL, John 14128 22 Aug 1790son of John and Mary BRAMALL of Middop. NB: not on CTs
BMORTON, William 4062 26 Sep 1790son of William and Julia MORTON of Townend, labourer
BGRAYSON, Benjamin 3413 03 Oct 1790son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer
BHELLIWELL, John 3825 28 Nov 1790son of John and Mary HELLIWELL of Deepcar, labourer
BHELLIWELL, Thomas 3840 25 Dec 1790son of George and Sarah HELLEWELL of Car head, farmer
MHAWKSWORTH, Martha 13729 26 Dec 1790dau. of Joseph and Sarah HAWKSWORTH of Middop
MDENTON, Ellen 14135 26 Dec 1790dau. of Jonathan and Ann DENTON of Middop
MTHICKET, Ann 14181 26 Dec 1790dau. of John and Ann THICKET of Middop (NB this is on the BTs but not on the CTs)
BCRESWICH, Hannah 3045 23 Jan 1791dau. of William and Ann CRESWICK of Euden, farmer
BGRAYSON, Grace 3425 30 Jan 1791dau. of Thomas and Mary GRAYSON of Deepcar, miller
BGRAYSON, George 3437 03 Apr 1791son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer
BSTEEL, George 4228 03 Jun 1791dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, blacksmith
MDENTON, Sarah 14138 26 Jun 1791dau. of John and Martha DENTON of Middop
BSHAW, Phinehas 1158 03 Aug 1791son of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Brightholmlee, clothier
BHELLIWELL, William 3894 14 Aug 1791son of Francis and Sarah HELLIWELL of Shaw house, carpenter
BHELLIWELL, William 3828 20 Aug 1791son of Thomas and Hanah HELLIWELL of Bank, farmer
BMORTON, John 4115 16 Oct 1791son of John and Martha MORTON of Royd, taylor cotton----
BBUCKLEY, John 3042 23 Oct 1791son of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BMORTON, Sarah 4127 23 Oct 1791dau. of John and Sarah MORTON of Town End, farmer
BRAMSDEN, Ann 4174 23 Oct 1791dau. of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filesmith
BHELLIWELL, Hannah 3882 30 Oct 1791dau. of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Holly bush, labourer
BDRONFIELD, Ann 3247 27 Nov 1791dau. of John and Ann DRONFIELD of Low Flatt, farmer
BCRESWICK, Sarah 3126 25 Dec 1791dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Euden Lodge, farmer
BRAMSDEN, Mary 4189 08 Jan 1792dau. of Michael and Elizabeth RAMSDEN of Hunshelf Bank, clothier
BKENWORTHY, Sarah 3926 22 Jan 1792dau. of John and Sarah KENWORTH of Moorhouse, clothier
BHELLIWELL, Jonathan 3813 14 Feb 1792son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BSANDERSON, Sarah 4231 18 Mar 1792dau. of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee-House, cordwainer
   19 May 1792Bolsterstone Chapel was rebuilt & preached in for the first time.
(This may explain some of the foreign names around at the time ...
maybe workers from other parishes working on the church.
BSHAW, John 1164 20 May 1792son of John and Hannah SHAW of Aughty Bridge, baker.
The (sic) John was the first infant that was baptised in Bolsterstone New Chapel
BJONES, John Morris 2479 20 May 1792son of Samuel and Sarah JONES of Edge end, labourer
BELLISON, John 3179 01 Jul 1792son of Sarah ELLISON of Sunnybank
MSANDERSON, John 9691 02 Jul 1792son of Joshua and Hannah SANDERSON
BMORTON, Mary 4141 22 Jul 1792dau. of William and Julia MORTON of Town-end, Labourer
BHUDSON, Joseph 3735 01 Aug 1792son of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane end, labourer
MHOLMS, Mary 14189 05 Aug 1792dau. of James and Esther HOLMS
BHAWK, George 3646 12 Aug 1792son of Robert and Sarah HAWK of Holly Busk, farmer
BWOOD, John 1461 17 Aug 1792son of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Hunshelf bank, skinner and felmonger
MHAWLEY, John 13486 26 Aug 1792son of James and Ann HAWLEY
BSTEPHENSON, Hannah 4368 23 Sep 1792dau. of William and Hannah STEPHENSON of Holly Edge, labourer
BBOOTH, Hannah 1529 14 Oct 1792dau. of Joseph and Mary BOOTH of Greenorwood Head, labourer
BSMITH, George 4319 14 Oct 1792son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH of Green, being a month old
BGRAYSON, John 3449 25 Dec 1792son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliff, Farmer
BSLACK, Elisabeth 4287 25 Dec 1792dau. of Elias and Margaret SLACK of Rowlee House, yeoman
MGREAVES, Martha 14205 30 Dec 1792Not on the CTs
BMARSDEN, William 14157 06 Jan 1793son of John and Ann MARSDEN of Wigtwisel, labourer
MCRESWICK, Ann 14131 20 Jan 1793dau. of William and Ann CRESWICK of Euden, farmer
MKAY, Mary 14149 20 Jan 1793dau. of Joseph and Ann KAY
MDENTON, Hannah 14139 10 Feb 1793dau. of Joseph and Ann DENTON
BHELLIWELL, Sarah 3867 09 Mar 1793dau. of John and Mary HELLIWELL of Deep-Carr, labourer
BROPER, Ann 4263 11 Mar 1793dau. of Thomas and Betty ROPER of Windhill, farmer
BMATTHEWMAN, Hannah 14160 14 Apr 1793dau. of John and Mary MATTHEWMAN of Stead, farmer
BGRAYSON, Martha 14162 09 May 1793dau. of John and Mary GRAYSON of Royd, farmer
BMORTON, Ann 4076 12 May 1793dau. of John and Sarah MORTON of Town End, yeoman
BWALKER, Joseph 4474 12 May 1793son of John and Jane WALKER of Deep-Carr, labourer
BSHAW, Joseph 1170 19 May 1793son of Phinehas and Mary SHAW of Brightholmlee, clothier
MSTANLEY, Martha 13374 19 May 1793dau. of Thomas and Elisabeth STANLEY
BBRADLEY, Frances 3017 02 Jun 1793dau. of George and Sarah BRADLEY of Ones Acre, labourer
BLEADBEATER, Benjamin 4021 02 Jun 1793son of George and Martha LEADBEATER of Thorne House
MBRAMALL, Ann 14129 11 Aug 1793dau. of John and Mary BRAMALL
MELLIS, Mary 14144 11 Aug 1793dau. of William and Rachel ELLIS
BCHARLESWORTH, Hannah 1810 25 Aug 1793dau. of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Clough, labourer
MWALKER, William 14154 22 Sep 1793son of Matthew and Mary WALKER: NB: On-line records don't have the given name
BWOOD, Mary 1453 29 Sep 1793dau. of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Bottom, feltmonger
BGRAYSON, Elisabeth 3373 17 Nov 1793dau. of Joseph and Mary GRAYSON of Newmill Bridge, labourer
MCRESSICK, Grace 12605 01 Dec 1793dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Euden, Farmer
BBUCKLEY, Hannah 3132 25 Dec 1793dau. of Joseph and Ann BUCKLEY of Bolsterstone, cordwainer
BMITCHEL, Mary 14163 25 Dec 1793dau. James and Mary MITCHEL of Newmill Bank, labourer
BHELLIWELL, John 3774 29 Dec 1793son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Holly Bush, labourer
MMORTON, Charlotte 14150 05 Jan 1794dau. of Sarah MORTON
MTHICKET, Thomas 14167 05 Jan 1794son of John and Ann THICKET
MSANDERSON, Hannah 9690 11 Feb 1794dau. of Joshua and Hannah SANDERSON
BASHTON, John 1373 02 Mar 1794son of William and Hannah ASHTON of Green, farmer
BGRAYSON, Jonathan 3361 07 Mar 1794son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, Famer
BCHARLESWORTH, Benjamin 1816 04 Apr 1794son of John and Martha CHARLESWORTH of Clough, Jersey weaver
BASHTON, Hannah 1376 18 Apr 1794dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Bolsterstone, labourer
BDRONFIELD, Elisabeth 3204 20 Apr 1794dau. of John and Ann DRONFIELD of Low Flatt, farmer
BWHITE, George 4438 11 May 1794son of Benjamin and Martha WHITE of Sheffield, sawyer
BRONKSLEY, Mary 4097 29 May 1794dau. of Isaac and Ann RONKSLEY of Hollow Meadow, farmer
BHELLIWELL, Charles 3855 01 Jun 1794son of Thomas and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bank, farmer
MDOWNING, George 12679 29 Jun 1794son of William and Mary DOWNING
BHELLIWELL, Thomas 3798 06 Jul 1794son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BWEBSTER, Joseph 4450 27 Jul 1794son of John and Martha WEBSTER of New Hall, labourer
BBOOTH, Elisabeth 1520 24 Aug 1794dau. of Joseph and Mary BOOTH of Greenorside, labourer
BRAMSDEN, Sarah 4201 24 Aug 1794dau. of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filesmith
BHUDSON, Martha 3747 02 Oct 1794dau. of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane End, labourer
BKENWORTHY, George 4018 05 Oct 1794son of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of Moorhouse, clothier
BGRAYSON, Ann 11852 25 Oct 1794dau. of Abraham and Mary GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, farmer
BSTEEL, Ann 4260 09 Nov 1794dau. of George and Ann STEEL of Bolsterstone, vulcan
MHAWLEY, Ann 13487 23 Nov 1794dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY
BHAWK, Elisabeth 3631 28 Dec 1794dau. of Robert and Sarah HAWK of Hollybush, farmer
BHELLIWELL, Isaac 9002 28 Dec 1794son of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcarr, farmer
BBRADLEY, Elizabeth 2927 01 Feb 1795dau. of Geo. and Sarah BRADLEY of One Acres, labourer
BGRAYSON, Matilda 3402 20 Feb 1795dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Town end, joiner
BBRADLEY, Sarah 2956 21 Feb 1795this chr. is on the BTs but not on the CTs
BBRAMALL, George 2888 01 Mar 1795son of George and Septima BRAMALL of Glasshouse, labourer
BWINTERBOTTOM, Joseph 4477 01 Mar 1795son of Timothy and Ann WINTERBOTTOM of Bolsterstone, weaver
BCRESWICK, Grace 3146 12 Apr 1795dau. of William and Ann CRESWICK of Euden, farmer
BEARNSHAW, Ann 3283 12 Apr 1795dau. of Thomas and Hannah EARNSHAW of Hunshelf, clothier
BMORTON, Sarah 4153 07 May 1795Not on the CTs
MGREAVES, Robert 14928 10 May 1795son of Jonathan and Alice GREAVES of Langsett, farmer (NB not on the online records)
MROPER, Martha 14931 31 May 1795dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ROPER of Windle, farmer (NB not on the on-line records (BTs))
BELLIS, Samuel 2131 21 Jun 1795son of William and Rachel ELLIS of Middop hall, farmer. Born June 18th
BWOOD, Sarah 1464 28 Jun 1795dau. of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Hunshelf, feltmonger
MWALKER, Joseph 14932 28 Jun 1795son of Matthew WALKER, corn Miller (NB not on the on-line records (BTs))
BKENWORTHY, Sarah 3947 05 Jul 1795dau. of Josias and Frances KENWORTHY of Newhall, clothier
  30 Jul 1795Bolsterstone Chapel was consecrated by the most Reverand Father in God, William MARKHAM, Lord Archbishop of York
BCROSSLAND, Geo. 3167 02 Aug 1795son of George and Sarah CROSSLAND of Hunshelf, clothier
BHELLIWELL, Thos. 3908 04 Oct 1795son of John and Mary HELLIWELL of Deepcar, labourer. Born Sept. 6th
BMORTON, Mary 4168 18 Oct 1795dau. of John and Sarah MORTON of Townend, farmer
BGRAYSON, Elizabeth 3452 01 Nov 1795dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer
BHELLIWELL, Thos. 3658 13 Dec 1795son of Benjamin and Hannah HELLIWELL of Canyers (sic), farmer
BGILLOT, Christiana 6597 03 Jan 1796dau. of Hannah GILLOT, father John ELLIOT
BSANDERSON, William 4234 31 Jan 1796son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee house, cordwainer
BSHAW, Mary 1099 14 Feb 1796dau. of Phineas & Mary SHAW of Brightholmlee, clothier
BHELLIWELL, George 3672 14 Feb 1796son of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcar, farmer
MDOWNING, Samuel 12680 20 Mar 1796son of William and Mary DOWNING, farmer
BCHARLESWORTH, Emelia 1785 07 May 1796dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth CHARLESWORTH of Green, jersey weaver
BIBBOTSON, Ann 3983 08 May 1796dau. of John and Elizibeth IBBOTSON of Yew Trees, labourer
BMORTON, George 4180 08 May 1796son of Andrew and Ann MORTON of Royd, collier
BGRAYSON, John 3343 29 May 1796son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Hungerhill, farmer
BWOOD, Thos. 1467 26 Jun 1796son of Thomas and Martha WOOD, feltmonger
MSTANLEY, Ann 13375 26 Jun 1796dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth STANLEY of Brooksbank, farmer
BWOODCOCK, Thos. 4441 03 Jul 1796son of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Thurlston, clothier
BASHTON, Lidia 1379 10 Jul 1796dau. of William and Hannah ASHTON of Bank, farmer
BDYCHE, Joseph 2722 10 Jul 1796son of John and Ruth DYCHE of Pennook, labourer
BHELLEWIL, Hanah 3741 17 Jul 1796dau. of Thomas and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bank, farmer
BIBOTTSON, Elleonor 3944 07 Aug 1796dau. of William and Mary IBBOTSON of Wood, farmer
BCOPLEY, Joseph 3031 21 Aug 1796son of Joseph and Mary COPLEY of Whitwell, jersey weaver. Born 25th June.
BMARSDEN, John 12867 21 Aug 1796son of Ambrose and Mary MARSDEN of Euden, farmer
BBOOTH, Sarah 1526 04 Sep 1796dau. of Joseph and Sarah BOOTH of Greenwood Head, labourer
MDENTON, Obediah 14140 04 Sep 1796son of Joseph and Ann DENTON of Handbank
BMORTON, John 4195 11 Sep 1796son of William and Julia MORTON of Town end, labourer
BCHARLESWORTH, Elisabeth 1782 18 Sep 1796dau. of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Edge end, farmer
BDRANFIELD, Hanah 3244 02 Oct 1796dau. of George and Ann DRONFIELD of Low Flatt, farmer
BKENWORTHY, Elisabeth 3959 09 Oct 1796dau. of Josiah and Frances KENWORTHY of Glasshouse, clothier
MCROSSLEY, Abraham 11908 16 Oct 1796son of Benjamin and Ruth CROSLEY
MBARROW, Milly 14122 16 Oct 1796dau. of Joseph and Sarah BARROW : NB: BTs have name as Emelea
MELLIS, Elizabeth 14145 16 Oct 1796Elizabeth or Betty, dau. of William and Rachel ELLIS of Middop Hall, farmer.
MTHICKET, Mary 14935 04 Dec 1796dau. of John and Ann THICKET of Middopstones, shoemaker (nb on-line records (bts) have father Joshua)
MHINCHCLIFFE, George 13674 18 Dec 1796son of William and Mary HINCHCLIFFE. NB: On-line records (BTs) as HENCHCLIFFE
MHAWKE, Joshua 13740 18 Dec 1796son of Martha HAWKE, father Joshua SANDERSON of Upper Middop
BMARSDEN, Thomas 4024 15 Jan 1797son of John and Ann MARSDEN of Twigtwisel :-) labourer
MWALKER, Samuel 14174 29 Jan 1797son of Matthew and Mary WALKER, corn miller
BBRAMALL, Joseph 2891 26 Feb 1797son of George and Septima BRAMALL of Clough, labourer
BHAGUE, Martha 14970 28 Feb 1797dau. of Sarah HAGUE spinster of Cross, father Joseph HAGUE of Worral, labourer (NB Not on the on-line records BTs))
BHELLEWELL, James 3870 08 Mar 1797son of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BGRAYSON, Joseph 3440 16 Apr 1797son of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Townend, cabinet maker. Born 8th March
BBRADLEY, Anna 3020 30 Apr 1797dau. of George and Sarah BRADLEY of Ones-acre, labourer (On-line as Hanah BRADSLEY)
BASHTON, Elisabeth 1382 28 May 1797dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON of Nook
BHELLEWELL, John 3885 28 May 1797son of Joseph and Mary HELLIWELL of Horner house, farmer
BKENWORTHY, Joseph 14918 29 May 1797son of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of New hall, clothier. (NB this is not on the on-line records)
BGRAYSON, Henry 3388 23 Jul 1797son of John and Sarah GRAYSON of Storth House, farmer. Born 24th June
BCRESWICK, George 3111 30 Jul 1797son of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Euden lodge, farmer
BSANDERSON, John 4218 30 Jul 1797natural son of Mary SAUNDERSON, father Charles ASKHAM, clothier
MTHICKETT, Hanah 12800 06 Aug 1797dau. of Benjamin and Ann THICKET
BSMITH, Joseph 4328 13 Aug 1797son of Joseph and Elizabeth SMITH of Pennook, labourer
MCRESWICK, Elizabeth 14133 27 Aug 1797dau. of Ann CRESWICK of Uden, widow
BGARSIDE, Ann 3311 01 Oct 1797dau. of William GARSIDE of Deepcar, labourer
MGREAVES, George 14204 08 Oct 1797son of Jonathan and Alice GREAVES of Langside (sic), farmer
MWEBSTER, Deborah 14973 08 Oct 1797dau. of Catherine WEBSTER of Langside (sic) (NB not on the on-line records BTs)
BOSTICK, John 4109 28 Oct 1797son of William and Johannah OSTICK of Bate green, labourer
BYATES, John 4486 28 Oct 1797son of Joseph and Sarah YATES of Bate green, labourer
BHAWK, John 3750 05 Nov 1797son of Robert and Sarah HAWKARD of Holly bank, farmer (NB sure this should be HAWK)
BHELLEWELL, Mary 3897 05 Nov 1797dau. of John and Hannah HELLIWELL of Deep Carr, labourer
BMORTON, Elisabeth 4103 26 Nov 1797dau. of Joseph and Frances MORTON of Watson house, farmer
BRAMSDEN, Joseph 4112 26 Nov 1797son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, file ---
BWOOD, Martha 1456 03 Dec 1797dau. of Joseph and Martha WOOD of Hunshelf bank, fellmonger
BSAUNDERSON, George 4295 06 Dec 1797son of Joseph and Sarah SANDERSON of Wigtwi--le, cutler
BSHAW, Elisabeth 1131 24 Dec 1797dau. of Pheneas & Mary SHAW of Brightholmley, clothier
BWOODCOCK, John 4402 24 Dec 1797son of John and Hannah WOODCOCK of Moor Royd, clothier
BDRANFIELD, Mary 3201 25 Dec 1797dau. of George and Ann DRONFIELD of Lowflat, labourer
BELLISON, Elisabeth 3250 25 Dec 1797dau. of William and Mary ELLISON of Sunebank (sic), farmer
MTHICKETT, Mary 12711 31 Dec 1797dau. of Joshua and Mary THICKET, shoemaker
BIBBOTSON, Elizabeth 14982 07 Jan 1798dau. of John and Elizabeth IBBOTSON of Yew trees, labourer (NB not on the on-line records)
BSIMPSON, Mary 14986 07 Jan 1798dau. of Samuel and Hannah SIMPSON of Yewtrees, forgeman (NB this is not on the on-line records)
BBRADLEY, Mary 14983 14 Jan 1798dau. of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Lane, labourer (NB this not on the on-line records)
BHELLIWELL, Sarah 15478 18 Feb 1798dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcar, farmer. NB: this is not on the on-line records (BTs)
BCHARLESWORTH, Elizabeth 14976 02 Mar 1798natural dau. of Rose CHARLESWORTH, father Sam BIRKENSHAW (NB This is not on the on-line records)
MCROSSLEY, Rebecca 11909 04 Mar 1798dau. of Benjamin and Ruth CROSLEY
BMORTON, Ann 4106 06 Mar 1798dau. of Thomas and Mary MORTON, farmer
BHELLIWELL, Ann 15068 18 Mar 1798dau. of John and Mary HELLIWELL, labourer (NB this is not on the on-line records)
MELLIS, Ellianor 14146 25 Mar 1798dau. of William and Rachel ELLIS, farmer
BHELLEWELL, Mary 15067 01 Apr 1798dau. of Benjamin and Ann HELLIWELL of Canyers, farmer (NB this is not on the on-line records)
BCROSLEY, Samuel 3063 08 Apr 1798son of Nathaniel and Sarah CROSSLEY of Hunshelf bank, clothier
BSHAW, Jonathan 1125 15 Apr 1798son of Joseph and Hanah SHAW of Bolsterstone, labourer. (Should this be John and Hannah?)
BGRAYSON, Hanah 3428 10 May 1798dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, farmer
(NB could be 13th May)
BSANDERSON, Joshua 4251 10 Jun 1798son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee house, cordwainer
BASHTON, Joseph 1385 17 Jun 1798son of William and Hannah ASHTON of Green, farmer
BMORTON, Elisabeth 4088 14 Jul 1798dau. of Andrew and Ann MORTON of Roid, collier
BKENWORTHY, Mary 3968 05 Aug 1798dau. of Josias and Frances KENWORTHY of Bate Green, clothier
BMORTON, George 14934 20 Sep 1798son of William and Julia MORTON alias TATE, Town end labourer (NB not on the on-line records (BTs))
BHUDSON, Mary 3628 01 Oct 1798dau. of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane, labourer
MSTANLEY, George 13376 21 Oct 1798son of Thomas and Elizabeth STANLEY
MBRAMALL, David 14127 21 Oct 1798son of John and Mary BRAMALL
BBRAMAL, John 2976 04 Nov 1798son of Martha BRAMAL of Green head, father Joseph MORTON of Watson house
BCHARLESWORTH, Elisabeth 1819 18 Nov 1798dau. of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Clough, labourer
BHELLEWELL, Sarah 3900 18 Nov 1798dau. of Joseph and Mary HELLEWELL of Horner house, farmer (NB mother's name not on the on-line records)
BMARSDEN, Sarah 14980 18 Nov 1798dau. of Hannah MARSDEN, father John GAUNT, carpenter
MBARBER, Susanna 14119 23 Dec 1798dau. of Joseph and Mary BARBER of Stannington
MMARSDEN, Ambrose 12870 18 Jan 1799son of Ambrose and Mary MARSDEN of Uden, farmer
BGRAYSON, Mary 14855 17 Feb 1799dau. of Jonathan and Rachel GRAYSON of Hollings, farmer
BHOYLAND, Joseph 3721 24 Feb 1799son of James and Ann HOYLAND of Westwood in the parish of Tankersley, collier
BWAINWRIGHT, George 4393 24 Feb 1799son of John and Ann WAINWRIGHT of Uden, farmer
BEARNSHAW, Sarah 3297 27 Feb 1799dau. of Thomas and Hannah EARNSHAW of Clough, labourer and ---?
BBRAMALL, Mary 3002 10 Mar 1799dau. of George and Septima BRAMALL, labourer
MHAWLEY, Abraham 13488 31 Mar 1799son of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY of Brookbank, farmer
BHAMMOD, Catharine 3698 04 May 1799dau. of Peter and Catherine HAMMAND of Hoylhouse, farmer. NB: On on-line records as HAMMOD
BBRADLEY, Rachel 2973 05 May 1799dau. of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone
BDRABLE, William 3213 08 May 1799sons of William and Sarah DRABBLE of Over Moorgate, born 17th May
BDRABLE, John 3227 08 May 1799sons of William and Sarah DRABBLE of Over Moorgate, born 17th May
BCOLDWELL, John 3105 19 May 1799son of John and Mary COLDWEL of Uscar (sic), shoemaker
BHELLEWEL, Benjaman 3410 26 May 1799son of John and Hannah HELLEWEL of Bolsterstone, farmer
BBRAGG, Elisabeth 2930 07 Jul 1799dau. of Charles and Sarah BRAGG of Cross House, labourer
MELLIS, William 14147 14 Jul 1799son of William and Rachel ELLIS of Middop Hall, farmer
BGRAYSON, Ninus 3416 04 Aug 1799son of Benjamin and Ann GRAYSON of New Hall, cabinett maker.
BIBBOTSON, Eleanor 3989 12 Aug 1799dau. of John and Elizabeth of Yew Trees. There is something else written in the margin. All I can read is dead.
I think it must say father is dead because there is also a burial 12th August 1799 .. John IBBOTSON of Yew Trees.
BBRADLEY, Nicholas 2987 18 Aug 1799son of George and Sarah BROADLEY (sic) of Ones Acre, labourer
BBOOTH, George 1523 28 Aug 1799son of Joseph and Mary BOOTH of Greenwood Head, wood collier (sic)
BDRANFIELD, Martha 3186 28 Aug 1799dau. of George and Ann DRANFIELD of Low Flatts, labourer
BHAWKING, Charlote 3689 30 Aug 1799dau. of Thomas and Ann HAWKING of Broomhead, farmer. Born 4th. June. NB: On-line records (BTs) have HAWKEN
MDOWNING, Richard 12681 15 Sep 1799son of William and Mary DOWNING, farmer
BSENIOR, William 4316 25 Nov 1799son of William and Hannah SENIOR of Townend, labourer
BSMITH, Mary 4210 25 Dec 1799son of Joseph and Elizabeth SMITH alias MILLER of Pennook, labourer
MTHICKETT, Elizabeth 12712 29 Dec 1799dau. of Joshua and Mary THICKET, shoemaker
BMORTON, Elisabeth 4065 04 Jan 1800dau. of Mary YATES, father Thomas MORTON
BSLACK, Maria 4298 16 Feb 1800dau. of Elias and Margaret SLACK of Rowley House, farmer and yeoman
BBOCKING, Thomas 2921 24 Feb 1800son of Robert and Rebecca BOCKING of Watson House
BHELLEWEL, Catharine 3461 24 Feb 1800dau. of John and Hannah HELLEWEL of Lane, farmer
BMARSDEN, George 1470 26 Feb 1800son of Hannah MARSDEN, father George WOOD (NB on the on-line records as WOOD)
BGRAYSON, Ann 3376 16 Mar 1800dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Town end, cabinet maker
MCROSSLEY, John 11911 23 Mar 1800son of Benjamin and Ruth CROSSLEY, labourer
BELLISON, William 3207 13 Apr 1800son of William and Mary ELLISON of Sunny bank, farmer
BRAMSDEN, Benjamin 4094 16 Apr 1800son of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filesmith
BWOODCOCK, Ann 4480 23 Apr 1800dau. of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Green, clothier
BBRADLEY, Nicholas 2913 24 Apr 1800son of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY
BCHARLESWORTH, John 1796 25 May 1800son of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH from Edge end and now of Bolsterstone, labourer
BWATSON, Sarah 4411 25 May 1800dau. of Joseph and Hanah WATSON of Mostinley (sic), labourer
BASHTON, George 1362 01 Jun 1800son of William and Hanah ASHTON of Green, farmer
MHINCHCLIFFE, Mary 13675 22 Jun 1800dau. of William and Mary HINCHCLIFFE, labourer. NB: On on-line records (BTs) as HENCLIFF
BHELLEWEL, Hanah 3355 20 Jul 1800dau. of George and Sarah HELLEWELL of Deepcar, farmer
BKENWORTHY, Rachael 3977 20 Jul 1800dau. of John and Sarah KENWORTHY of Clough, clothier
BASHFORD, Ann 2882 19 Oct 1800dau. of George and Mary ASHFORD of Brightholmley, cabinet maker
BSANDERSON, Mathew 4266 02 Nov 1800son of George and Ann SANDERSON of Lee house, cordwainer
BCROSSLAND, Elisabeth 3034 23 Nov 1800dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah CROSSLAND of Bottom, clothier
BHELLEWEL, Jonathan 3446 23 Nov 1800son of John and Mary HELLEWELL of Hunshelf Bank, labourer
BSUGDEN, Sarah 4373 23 Nov 1800dau. of Charles and Hanah SUGDEN of Hunshelf Bank Bottom, clothier
BGRAYSON, Ann 3364 25 Dec 1800dau. of Jonathan and Rachel GRAYSON of Hollings, farmer
BHELLEWEL, Joseph 3397 25 Dec 1800son of Joseph HELLIWELL of Horner house, labourer
BMARSDEN, Thomas 12869 05 Jul 1801son of Ambrose and Mary MARSDEN of Uden, farmer
MTHICKET, John 14180 19 Jul 1801son of John and Ann THICKETT
BHELLEWELL, Deborah 3789 02 Aug 1801dau. of Thomas and Hannah HELLEWELL of Sunnybank, farmer
BASHTON, Mary 1356 16 Aug 1801dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth ASHTON
BHAMMOND, Ann 3712 02 Sep 1801dau. of Peter and Catherine HAMMOND of Hoilhouse, farmer
BBOCKING, George 2924 11 Dec 1801son of Robert and Rebecca BOCKING of Watson House, farmer
BSTANNIFORTH, Ann 4311 10 Jan 1802dau. of Mary STANIFORTH. Father is Thomas SLACK, cabinet maker. NB: Father's name not on on-line records (BTs)
BDYCHE, William 2719 12 Jan 1802son of John and Ruth DYCHES, labourer
MWAINWRIGHT, John 13678 24 Jan 1802son of John and Anne WAINWRIGHT of Uden, farmer
BELLIOT, Eleanor 3308 08 Feb 1802dau. of John and Sarah ELLIOT of Holling Edge, farmer
BSHAW, Ann 1102 28 Feb 1802Anne dau. of Sarah SHAW of Brightholmlee, spinster
BMORTON, William 4118 31 Mar 1802son of Mary YATES, father Thomas MORTON
BBRAMALL, William 2948 06 Apr 1802son of Martha BRAMAL of Greenhead
BSHAW, George 1146 18 Apr 1802son of Pheneas & Mary SHAW of Brightholmley, clothier
BSHAW, William 1173 18 Apr 1802son of John and Sarah of Wood, famer
BGRAYSON, Ann 11853 25 Apr 1802dau. of Benjamin and Anne GRAYSON of New Hall, cabinett maker
MBRAMALL, Mary 14130 25 Apr 1802dau. of John and Mary BRAMAL of Middopstones, blacksmith
MTHICKETT, Emelia 14176 25 Apr 1802dau. of Martha TRICKET (sic)
BMARTIN, Hannah 15055 23 May 1802dau. of George and Hannah MARTEN (MARTIN ?) of Stocksbridge
MCROSSLEY, Martha 11910 26 Jun 1802dau. of Benjamin and Ruth CROSSLEY of Upper Middop, farmer
BKENWORTHY, Joseph 3986 04 Jul 1802son of Josiah and Frances KENWORTHY, Potthouse, clothier
BHILL, Martha 3649 11 Jul 1802dau. of Jonathan and Hannah HILL of Green, labourer
BBRAGG, George 2959 25 Aug 1802son of Charles and Sarah BRAGG of Cross, labourer
BBRADLEY, Joseph 2885 28 Aug 1802son of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer
BSMITH, Hannah 4340 05 Sep 1802dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth SMITH of Pen Nook, labourer
MWEBSTER, Charles 13297 19 Sep 1802son of John and Martha WEBSTER of Middopstones, labourer
BHAGUE, Thomas 2652 03 Oct 1802son of Joseph and Ann HAGUE of Deepcar, wire drawer
BGRAYSON, Elisabeth 3405 03 Oct 1802dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Town End, born Aug. 28th
BHOLEY, Sarah 3729 03 Oct 1802dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HOLEY of Green, labourer and Pauper
BHELLEWEL, Frances 3434 04 Oct 1802dau. of John and Hannah HELLEWELL of Lane, farmer & collier
BYATES, Ellianor 4429 25 Nov 1802dau. of Joseph and Sarah YATES of Glasshouse, labourer. (NB: on-line reords have mother as Hannah)
BSHAW, Hannah 3464 05 Dec 1802dau. of Joseph and Hannah SHAW of Brightholmley, labourer (NB the on-line records have no surname)
BRAMSDEN, Charlottte 4070 05 Dec 1802dau. of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filesmith
BSHAW, William 1116 21 Jan 1803son of John and Hannah SHAW of Wood, farmer
MGREAVES, Charles 14203 23 Jan 1803son of Jonathan and Alice GREAVES of Upper Middop, farmer
MWOODHOUSE, Elleneliet 12815 13 Feb 1803dau. of Martha WOODHOUSE
MWADWORTH, Hannah 14188 13 Feb 1803dau. of Thomas and Hannah WADSWORTH. NB: on-line (BTs) as WADWORTH
BHELLEWEL, Martha 3422 20 Feb 1803dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcar
BSTEEL, Mary 4278 20 Feb 1803son of Joseph and Hanah STEEL of Royd, Wheelwright or labourer
BHELLIWELL, Emelia 15066 20 Feb 1803dau. of George and Sarah HELLIWELL of Deepcar
MDOWNING, Abraham 12682 15 Mar 1803son of William and Mary DOWNING of Middopstones, farmer
BMORTON, George 4130 12 Apr 1803son of Joseph and Ann MORTON of Watson house, farmer
BHELLEWEL, George 3382 22 May 1803son of Joseph and Mary HELLEWEL of Horner house, farmer
BBOKING, Anne 2953 27 May 1803dau. of Robert and Rebecca BOCKING of Watson House, farmer & was buried June 2nd.
BDEARNALLY, Hannah 3149 05 Jun 1803dau. of John and Mary DEARNLEY of Whitfield in Derbyshire
BSTANIFORTH, William 1167 02 Jul 1803son of Hannah STANIFORTH , father Benjamin SHAW of Bolsterstone (NB On-line as William SHAW)
MTHICKETT, Joseph 12713 05 Jul 1803son of Joshua and Mary THICKHEAD or THICKET of Middopstones, shoemaker
BKENWORTHY, Martha 3995 07 Aug 1803dau. of Joshua and Elleanor KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
BBRAMALL, William 3011 06 Nov 1803son of George and Septima BRAMALL of Glass House, labourer
BHELLEWEL, Joseph 3370 06 Nov 1803son of John and Mary HELLEWEL of Hunshelf bank, labourer
BCHARLESWORTH, John 1813 11 Dec 1803son of John and Sarah CHARLESWORTH of Hoylhouse, labourer
BHELLEWELL, Hannah 3765 13 Dec 1803dau. of Benjamin and Hannah HELLIWELL of Canniers (sic), farmer
BSANDERSON, Mary 4284 25 Dec 1803dau. of George and Ann SANDERSON, cordwainer
BMARSDEN, George 15056 25 Dec 1803son of William and Mary MARSDEN of Edge end, farmer
BGRAYSON, Mary 3455 29 Dec 1803dau. of Abraham and Mary GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, farmer
BHILL, John 3634 31 Dec 1803son of Jonathan and Hannah HILL of Green, labourer
BMARSDEN, Joseph 12868 01 Jan 1804son of Ambrose and Mary MARSDEN of Uden, farmer
BWALTON, John 4420 03 Jan 1804son of James and Ann WALTON, near Windle, farmer
BCRESWICK, Amelia 3060 20 Apr 1804dau. of Joseph and Sarah CRESWICK of Uden, farmer
BSHAW, Mary 1140 13 May 1804dau. of John & Hanah SHAW of Wood, farmer (NB: BTs have mother's name as Ane)
BGRAYSON, William 3346 13 May 1804son of Benjamin and Ane GRAYSON of New Hall, cabinett maker.
BWOODCOCK, Richard 4423 13 May 1804son of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Green, clothier
BHAWKE, Mary 3661 27 May 1804dau. of Robert and Sarah HAWKE of Holling busk, farmer
BWAINWRIGHT, Sarah 4447 03 Jun 1804dau. of John and Ane WAINWRIGHT of Uden, farmer (NB: the on-line records give the mother's name as Sarah)
BHAGUE, Hannah 2665 24 Jun 1804dau. of Joseph and Ane HAGUE of Deepcar, wire maker (NB On-line as HAIGH)
BBOKING, Sarah 2970 13 Jul 1804dau. of Robert & Rebecca BOKING of Watson House, farmer
BMORTON, Thomas 4144 15 Jul 1804son of Thomas MORTON of Waldershelf, farmer. NB: the on-line records (BTs) have the mothers name as Mary
MTHICKETT, Joel 12798 29 Jul 1804son of Benjamin and Ane THICKET, corn miller. NB: On-line (BTs) as THICKHEAD
BSHAW, James 1161 05 Aug 1804son of Pheneas & Mary SHAW of Brightholmley, clothier
BHOLLINGS, Thomas 3652 05 Aug 1804son of Thomas and Mary HOLLINGS of Hoilhouse, farmer
MWEBSTER, William 13296 19 Aug 1804son of John and Martha WEBSTER, labourer
BRIDAL, John 4192 14 Oct 1804son of ---- and Elizabeth RIDAL of Green, labourer. NB: the curate didn't finish writing the father's name.
NB: The on-line records (BTs) have William
BRODGOR, John 4165 21 Oct 1804son of Thomas and Hanah RADGER. NB: On-line records (BTs) have RODGOR
BDYCHE, John 2716 28 Oct 1804son of John and Ruth DYCHE of Pennook, labourer
BHAWKE, Thos. 3675 28 Oct 1804son of Hanah HAWKE of Langley Brook, spinster
BGRAYSON, John 3443 04 Nov 1804son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Eldercliffe, labourer
BMORTON, Emelia 4079 04 Nov 1804dau. of Joseph and Eleanor MORTON of Watson House, farmer
BMARSDEN, Ben 15057 25 Dec 1804son of Joseph and Ane MARSDEN of Roid, the taylor's son
BKENWORTHY, Mary 3998 30 Dec 1804dau. of Joshua and Ellianor KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
MWOODHOUSE, Rachael 12817 03 Feb 1805dau. of William and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel Steel
BCOLDWELL, Thos 3123 12 Feb 1805son of Benjamin and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, cordwainer
BHOLLY, Elisabeth 3756 21 Mar 1805dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HOLY of Green, cordwainer
BHELLEWEL, Elisabeth 3762 26 May 1805dau. of George and Sarah HELLEWELL of Deepcar, farmer and hard (sic) labourer
BHELLEWEL, Jonathan 3801 03 Jun 1805son of John and Mary HELLEWEL of Wightwizzle, farmer
MDOWNING, George 12683 04 Jun 1805son of William and Mary DOWNING of the Upper Hall
BBRADLEY, John 2999 16 Jun 1805son of Benjamin and Mary BRADLY of Bolsterstone, labourer
BSTEEL, Sarah 4358 07 Jul 1805dau. of Joseph and Hannah STEEL of Royd, carpenter
BHUDSON, Emelia 3759 28 Jul 1805dau. of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane end, labourer
BIBBOTSON, Thos. 3911 23 Aug 1805son of Joseph and Elizabeth IBBOTSON of Town End, labourer
BDRANFIELD, Mary 3262 08 Sep 1805dau. of Charles and Elizabeth DRANFIELD of Low Flatts, farmer
BGOODLAD, William 3253 09 Nov 1805son of William and Jane GOODLAD of Deepcar, basket Maker
BSHAW, John 1107 16 Nov 1805son of John and Hannah SHAW of Wood, farmer
BIBBOTSON, Ane 4004 16 Nov 1805dau. of William and Rose IBBOTSON of Springfield, hatter
BWRAGG, Thomas 4444 16 Nov 1805son of Joseph and Ane RAGG, basket maker
BSHAW, Elisabeth 1110 02 Feb 1806dau. of Joseph and Ane SHAW of Bolsterstone, labourer
BHILL, William 3677 17 May 1806son of Jonathan HILL of Green, labourer
BGRAYSON, Ezra 3391 18 May 1806son of Benjamin and Ane GRAYSON of New Hall, cabinet maker
BGRAYSON, John 3394 18 May 1806son of Abraham and Mary GRAYSON of Bolsterstone, farmer
BMARSDEN, Mary 4027 18 May 1806dau. of Ambrose MARSDEN of Yewden, farmer (NB as MARSEN on on-line records)
BMORTON, Susannah 4156 18 May 1806dau. of Joseph and Ane MORTON of Watson house, labourer
BHELLEWEL, Ben. 3816 25 May 1806son of Benjamin and Hanah HELLEWEL of Can-erss (sic), farmer
BHATTERSLEY, Ane 2950 08 Jun 1806son of Benjamin and Mary HATERSLEY of Slate thorp, nailor
BKENWORTHY, John 3917 06 Jul 1806son of Joshua ! and Frances KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
BRAMSDEN, Hannah 4121 06 Jul 1806dau. of Robert and Sarah RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filemaker
BHAGUE, George 2649 22 Aug 1806son of Joseph and Ane HAGUE of Deepcar, wire drawer (NB On-line records have mother Elizabeth)
BRAMSDEN, John 4136 08 Sep 1806son of John and Emelia RAMSDEN of Bolsterstone, filemaker
BHELLIWELL, Charles 5856 08 Sep 1806son of Isaac and Mary HELLEWELL of Sunny Bank, labourer
BGRAYSON, George 3431 01 Oct 1806son of Joseph and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Deepcar, labourer
BCOLDWEL, Hannah 3057 12 Oct 1806dau. of Joseph and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, stone mason
BKENWORTHY, Ruth 4012 29 Oct 1806dau. of Joshua and Ellenor KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
BWOODCOCK, Rebecca 4426 29 Oct 1806dau. of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Moor Roid, clothier
BSHAW, Elisabeth 1155 02 Nov 1806dau. of Pheneas & Mary SHAW of New Mill Bank, clothier
BRIDAL, Elisabeth 4124 06 Nov 1806dau. of William and Elizabeth RIDAL of Bolsterstone, labourer
BDRANFIELD, Mary 3271 01 Jan 1807dau. of John and Elizabeth DRANFIELD of Allen croft, labourer
BIBBOTSON, Elisabeth 3932 22 Feb 1807dau. of Joseph and Ane IBBOTSON of Town End, labourer
BBOCKING, Mary 2984 19 Apr 1807dau. of Robert and Rebecca BOCKING of Watson House, farmer
BHOLLINGS, William 3637 08 May 1807son of Thomas and Mary HOLLINGS of Hoilhouse, farmer
BHOLEY, Martha 3732 17 May 1807dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HOLLY of Green, labourer
BHELLEWELL, Mary 3804 17 May 1807dau. of John and Mary HELLEWELL of Hunshelf, labourer
BSHILLTOE, James 4237 17 May 1807son of Mary SHILLETOE. NB: On-line records (BTs) have SHILLTOE
BSMITH, Ane 4239 31 May 1807dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth SMITH of Pennook, labourer
BSHAW, Sarah 1134 21 Jun 1807dau. of Benj. and Ane (sic) SHAW of Wigtwizzle, clothier
BGRAYSON, George 14854 21 Jun 1807son of Jonathan and Rachel GRAYSON of Hollings, farmer
(NB the on-line records have mother Rebecca)
MHAWKSWORTH, George Brown 13732 24 Jun 1807son of John and Hannah HAWKSWORTH of Middop hall, farmer
BMARSDEN, Hannah 12850 19 Jul 1807dau. of William and Mary MARSDEN of Edge end, farmer. (NB On-line records have mother as Ane)
BWRAGG, Mary 4405 04 Oct 1807dau. of Thomas and Ane RAGG of Roid, basket maker
BWALTON, Thomas 4462 04 Oct 1807son of George and Hannah WALTON of Stocksbridge, labourer
BCOLDWELL, Benjamin 3143 11 Oct 1807son of Benjamin and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, cordwainer
BMARSDEN, John 4036 11 Oct 1807son of Joseph and Ane MARSDEN of Outebridge, taylor, from the Roid
BDRANFIELD, Elisabeth 3280 13 Dec 1807dau. of Charles and Elizabeth DRANFIELD of Hungerhill, farmer
MWOODHOUSE, George 12818 10 Jan 1808son of William and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel Steel Middopstones, carpenter
BLEADBEATER, William 3950 31 Jan 1808son of George and Martha LEADBEATER of Thorn House, farmer (NB: the on-line records have mother: Ane)
BFIRTH, Thos. 3274 14 Feb 1808son of Thomas and Ane FIRTH of Bolsterstone, yarn spinner. NB: This is on the on-line records (BTs) as FISH
BBROADHEAD, William 3072 20 Mar 1808son of Benjamin and Rose BROADHEAD of Hunshelfbank, labourer
BCHARLESWORTH, Charlote 3718 27 Mar 1808dau. of Mary CHARLESWORTH of Clough, father Matthew HOBSON of Greenside
BHELLEWEL, Deberah 3777 16 Apr 1808dau. of George and Sarah HELLEWEL of Deepcar, farmer
BBRADLEY, Hariet 2942 23 Apr 1808dau. of John and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer
BIBBOTSON, Jonathan 3920 22 May 1808son of Jonathan and Rose IBBOTSON of Spring Field, hatter. (NB:! are there two families of hatters at Springfield !?)
BMORTON, Mary 4171 22 May 1808dau. of Thomas and Mary MORTON of W. COCKSHUT's farm
BSTEEL, John 4363 29 May 1808son of Joseph and Hannah STEEL of Roid, carpenter. NB: the on-line records (BTs) have the mother as Mary
MSANDERSON, Mary 12905 01 Jul 1808dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth SANDERSON of Upper Middop, farmer
BBOKING, George 2910 31 Jul 1808son of John and Elizabeth BOKING of Watson House, farmer
MHAWKSWORTH, Sarah 13733 07 Aug 1808dau. of John and Hannah HAWKESWORTH of Middop hall, farmer and corn miller
MFOLEY, George 14117 22 Aug 1808son of John and Mary FOLEY of Middopstones, clothier
BGRAYSON, Mary 3419 16 Oct 1808dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Town end, cabinett maker
BHUDSON, Elisabeth 3655 16 Oct 1808dau. of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane, labourer
BHOLLINGS, John 3667 16 Oct 1808son of Thomas and Mary HOLLINS of Hoilhouse, farmer
BWOODCOCK, Mellen 15452 05 Nov 1808son of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Green, clothier and farmer. In the margin the remark certainly Mellor.
NB: The on-line IGI has this as female chr. but I don't think so.
BHELLEWELL, Ane 3819 25 Dec 1808dau. of George and Ratchel (sic) HELLEWELL of Bank, labourer
BIBBOTSON, Thos. 3923 12 Jan 1809son of Joseph and Ane IBBOTSON of Town End, labourer
BCOPLEY, Mary 3135 15 Jan 1809dau. of Elizabeth COPLEY of Wigtwizzle
BHERING, Hannah 3619 15 Jan 1809dau. of James and Hannah HERING of Moorhall, labourer (NB On-line records have Hannah, dau. of James and Mary HENING)
BBRADLEY, Ane 2945 08 Feb 1809dau. of Benjamin and BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer
BMORTON, Charles 4183 08 Feb 1809son of Joseph and Ane MORTON of Watson house, labourer
BHELLEWEL, Jonathan 3843 12 Feb 1809son of Benjamin and Hanah HELLEWELL of Old Booth (sic), labourer
BASHTON, Mary 1388 26 Feb 1809dau. of William and Hannah ASHTON of Green, farmer. NB: the on-line records have mother's name Ane
BDRANFIELD, John 3291 26 Feb 1809son of John and Elizabeth DRANFIELD of Allen Croft
MTHICKETT, Thomas 3753 10 Mar 1809son of Joshua and Mary THICKET. NB: On-line records (BTs) have HICKHEAD
BHELLEWELL, John 3834 19 Mar 1809son of John and Ane HELLEWELL of Windle, labourer
BGRAYSON, Hannah 3379 02 Apr 1809dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth GRAYSON of Worall, shoemaker
BHELLEWEL, Joseph 3858 23 Apr 1809son of John and Lucy HELLEWELL of Green, labourer
BWAINWRIGHT, Ane 4435 23 Apr 1809dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth WAINWRIGHT of Townend, cabinet maker
BCOLDWEL, William 3028 14 May 1809son of Joseph and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, stone mason
BBROADHEAD, Lucy 3054 14 May 1809dau. of Benjamin and Rose BROADHEAD of Green, labourer
BPARKEN, George 4091 14 May 1809son of George and Hannah PARKEN (sic) of Bolsterstone, labourer (NB on the on-line records as George P. could be PARKER)
BYATES, Ben. 4468 14 May 1809son of Joseph and Mary YATES of Glasshouse, labourer
BSHAW, Hannah 1128 21 May 1809dau. of John and Hannah SHAW of Wood, farmer
BHAGUE, Hannah 2655 25 Jun 1809dau. of Joseph and Ane HAGUE of Deepcar, wire drawer
BWOODHOUSE, Joseph 15476 25 Jun 1809son of Joseph and Ane WOODHOUSE of Brightholmlee, labourer
BHOLEY, James 3744 02 Jul 1809son of Joseph and Elizabeth HOLEY OF Whitwell, labourer
BHILL, Amelia 3692 16 Jul 1809dau. of Jonathan and Hannah HILL of Green, labourer
BCHARLESWORTH, George 1790 23 Jul 1809son of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Edge end, farmer
BCHARLESWORTH, John 1649 06 Aug 1809son of James and Sarah CHARLESWORTH of Uden Hagg, labourer
BHATTERSLEY, William 2965 06 Aug 1809son of William HATTERSLEY of New Mill Bank, stone mason
BSKELTON, William 4337 03 Sep 1809son of William and Hannah SKELTON of Moorhall, labourer (NB on-line as SHELTON)
MRIDAL, James 4177 10 Sep 1809son of William and Elizabeth RIDAL, labourer
BKENWORTHY, Sarah 3938 26 Nov 1809dau. of Joshua and Ellenor KENWORTHY of Hen Holmes, clothier
MHILL, George 14194 24 Dec 1809son of John and Susan HILL of Middop, shoemaker
BDRANFIELD, William 3294 21 Jan 1810son of Charles and Elizabeth DRANSFIELD of Lowflatts, farmer
BHELLEWELL, Jonathan 3780 28 Feb 1810son of Isaac and Mary HELLIWELL of Bolsterstone, labourer
BCOLDWELL, George 3108 01 Mar 1810son of Benjamin and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, cordwainer
BWALTON, Ane 14926 01 Mar 1810dau. of George and Hannah WALTON of Stocksbridge, labourer
BIBBOTSON, Hannah 3956 28 Mar 1810dau. of George and Ane IBBOTSON of Derbyshire, Chr. privately
BSMITH, Benjamin 4222 01 Apr 1810son of Joseph and Elizabeth of Pennook, labourer
BBRAMALL, George 2907 08 May 1810son of John and Charlotte BRAYMALL, Uden, farmer
BSMITH, Ane 14925 18 May 1810dau. of Benjamin and Martha SMITH junior of New Hall, farmer. (NB this was not on the on-line records)
MHAWKSWORTH, Ane 13734 24 Jun 1810dau. of John and Hannah HAWKSWORTH of Middop hall, farmer
MTHICKETT, George 12799 23 Sep 1810son of Benjamin and Ane THICKET, corn miller. NB: On-line records (BTs) have FRICKET
MWOODHOUSE, John 14164 23 Sep 1810son of William and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel steel, farmer
BMARSDEN, Sarah 4050 30 Sep 1810dau. of William and Mary MARSDEN of Edge End, farmer
BGRAYSON, Hanah 3367 07 Oct 1810dau. of Jonathan and Rachel GRAYSON of Hollings, farmer
BMELLOR, John 4009 07 Oct 1810son of Joseph and Mary MELLOR of Green head, labourer
(NB on-line IGI as KELLOR)
MSENIOR, William 12876 14 Oct 1810son of George and Martha SENIOR of Bolsterstone
BFIRTH, Ane 1041 02 Dec 1810dau. of Thomas and Ane FIRTH or FRITH of Bolsterstone, woolen yarn spinner
BHELLEWELL, Ane 3846 09 Dec 1810dau. of John and Lucy HELLIWELL of Lee house, farmer
BIBBOTSON, John 4015 30 Dec 1810son of Joseph and Ane of Holling Edge, labourer
BHELLEWELL, Joel 14202 30 Dec 1810son of George and Rachel HELLIWELL of Sunnybank, labourer.
NB This is on-line on the Midhope records but should be Bolsterstone
BIBBOTSON, Hannah 14927 30 Dec 1810dau. of Henry and Sarah IBBOTSON of Brightholmley, labourer
MPOOL, Elisabeth 14182 30 Dec 1810dau. of Thomas and Martha POOL of Hunshelf, farmer
BSHAW, Martha 1104 31 Dec 1810dau. of Benjamin and Ane SHAW of Wigtwizzle, clothier
Chapelry transcripts say Bolsterstone .. BTs say Midhope)
BSHAW, William 1213 31 Dec 1810son of Nathaniel and Mary SHAW of Fairest, clothier
(NB chapelry transcripts say carpenter)
BLEADBEATER, Ane 3962 10 Jan 1811dau. of George and Martha LEADBEATER of Homhouse (sic), clothier
BHATTERSLEY, Hannah 2967 11 Feb 1811dau. of Joseph and Hannah HATTERSLEY, mason
BHOLEY, Ellen 3625 03 Mar 1811dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HOWLEY of Whitwell
MFOLEY, Jonathan 14118 10 Mar 1811son of John and Mary FOLEY of Pothouse, labourer
BEARNSHAW, Ane 3192 14 Mar 1811dau. of John and Mary EARNSHAW of Nether Bradfield. NB: on-line records (BTs) as EANSHAW
BWAINWRIGHT, John 4396 17 Mar 1811son of Joshua and Elizabeth WAINWRIGHT of Townend, cabinet maker
BNEWTON, William 4186 21 Mar 1811son of Isaac and Elizabeth NEWTON of Yew Trees
BCHARLESWORTH, Mary 1807 20 May 1811dau. of James and Sarah CHARLESWORTH of Haggs
BDUNGWITH, George 3129 20 May 1811son of Richard and Hannah DUNGWITH of Green head, labourer
BROPER, Hannah 4281 20 May 1811dau. of John and Ane ROPER of Wharncliffe side, blacksmith
BHOLLINGS, Frances 3680 01 Sep 1811dau. of Thomas and Mary HOLLINS of Hoil House, farmer
BMORTON, James 3707 20 Oct 1811son of Thomas MORTON of William COCKSHUT's farm (NB on on-line as HORTON)
MHILL, Mary 14195 27 Oct 1811dau. of John and Susan HILL
MWEBSTER, Joseph 13298 17 Nov 1811son of John and Martha WEBSTER, labourer. NB: On-line as WIBSTER
BBRAMALL, Joseph 2993 15 Dec 1811son of John and Charlotte BRAMALL of Holt, farmer
BHELLEWELL, Harriot 3861 25 Dec 1811dau. of Joseph and Ane HELLEWELL of Green, farmer
BWOOLLEY, Jane 4456 29 Dec 1811dau. of Joseph and Ane WOOLEY of Bolsterstone
MPEARSON, Sarah 14185 29 Dec 1811dau. of John and Hannah PEARSON
BVAUGHTON, Sarah 6969 05 Jan 1812dau. of James and Elizabeth BAUGHTON of Deepcar, shoemaker. NB: should be VAUGHTON as on on-line records (BTs)
BHAGUE, Sarah 3738 19 Jan 1812dau. of Joseph and Ane HAGUE of Deepcar, wire drawer (NB on-line as HAUGE)
BHAGUE, John 14968 26 Jan 1812son of Peter and Ane HAGUE, born 7th Jan. (NB this is not on the on-line records)
MMARSDEN, John 12855 02 Feb 1812son of John and Mary MARSDEN
MSENIOR, Sarah 12875 16 Feb 1812dau. of George and Martha SENIER
BWALTON, Mary 4408 08 Mar 1812dau. of George and Hannah WATSON (sic) of Unschriven bridge, labourer. NB: this should be WALTON as on the BTs
BSHAW, Joseph 1176 03 Apr 1812son of John and Hannah SHAW of Wood, farmer
BASHTON, Elias 1371 03 Apr 1812son of William ASHTON of Green, labourer
BDRANFIELD, John 3305 07 Apr 1812son of Charles and Elizabeth DRANSFIELD of Hungerhill, farmer
MCRAWSHAW, Jonathan 1741 20 Apr 1812son of Thomas and Hannah CRAWSHAW
BKENWORTHY, Ellin 3929 14 Jun 1812dau. of Joshua and Ellin KENWORTHY of Dean Head, clothier
BHELLIWELL, William 6115 14 Jun 1812son of John and Lucy HELLIWILL of Lee House
BHOBSON, Ellinor 2257 21 Jun 1812dau. of Luke and Lidia HOBSON of Barnside Cote, farmer. NB: The on-line records (BTs) have the name as PEARSON
BFARRAY, Joseph 3195 05 Jul 1812son of Thomas and Sarah FARRAY of Swinton, labourer
MMARSDEN, Thomas 12860 12 Jul 1812son of Ambrose and Ann MARSDEN
BSIDDENS, Jane 4254 26 Jul 1812dau. of George and Mary SIDDENS of Lane End, spe-----
MGREEN, John 12879 16 Aug 1812son of Benjamin and Elizabeth GREEN
BHUDSON, Benjamin 3640 06 Sep 1812son of Joseph and Mary HUDSON of Lane End, labourer
BNEWTON, Isaac 4198 06 Sep 1812son of Isaac and Elizabeth NEWTON of Yew Trees
BSMITH, John 14910 26 Sep 1812son of Benjamin and Ann SMITH senior of New Hall, farmer. A Roman Catholic but baptized at our Chapel
BBRADLEY, Eliza 2904 04 Oct 1812dau of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer. Twin
BBRADLEY, James 3008 04 Oct 1812son of Benjamin and Mary BRADLEY of Bolsterstone, labourer. Twin
BCOLDWELL, Robert 3152 11 Oct 1812son of Benjamin and Mary COLDWELL of Deepcar, shoemaker
BFRETWELL, William 3300 11 Oct 1812son of Hannah FRETWELL of Green
MDOWNING, Ann 12686 15 Nov 1812dau. of John and Mary DOWNING
BHADFIELD, Joseph 3352 22 Nov 1812son of Joseph and Sarah HADFIELD
BPOOL, Martha 4147 29 Nov 1812dau. of Thomas and Martha POOL of Hunshelf, clothier
BDYSON, James 1888 06 Dec 1812son of John and Emelia DYSON of Royd, collier
MBEEVER, Joseph 13290 26 Dec 1812son of Mary BEEVER
BHELLIWELL, Mary 3686 27 Dec 1812dau. of Isaac and Mary HELLIWELL of Royd, labourer
BGRAYSON, John 14790 27 Dec 1812son of Henry and Sarah GRAYSON of Brightholmlee, shoemaker
BSHAW, James 1119 31 Dec 1812son of Nathaniel & Mary SHAW of Fairest, farmer
MWOODHOUSE, William 12801 04 Jan 1813son of William and Martha WOODHOUSE of Chapel Stile, carpenter
BDRABBLE, Mary 5801 10 Jan 1813dau. of Joseph and Hannah DRABBLE, collier
BSMITH, James 7830 31 Jan 1813son of James and Elizabeth SMITH of Town End, labourer
MTHICKETT, Joann 12768 20 Feb 1813dau. of Martha THICKETT of Hunshelf, spinster
BDUTTON, Henriet 5233 21 Feb 1813dau. of Henry and Sarah DUTTON of Hermit royd, labourer
BDRANFIELD, Charles 5102 07 Mar 1813son of John and Elizabeth DRANFIELD. Born 8th Dec. 1812
BOLIVER, Ellinor 7174 07 Mar 1813dau. of Thomas and Jane OLIVER of Watson House, collier
BWARD, Mary 8468 07 Mar 1813dau. of Thomas and Sarah WARD of Whitwell, farmer
BWALTON, George 8315 21 Mar 1813son of George and Hannah WALTON of Stocksbridge, born 1st. Feb.
BFIRTH, Joseph 943 28 Mar 1813son of Thomas and Ann FIRTH of Bolsterstone
BHELLEWELL, Thomas 6300 04 Apr 1813son of George and Rachel HELLIWELL of Bank
MHAWKSWORTH, Hannah 13735 04 Apr 1813dau. of John and Hannah HAWKSWORTH of Middop hall, farmer
MSENIOR, George 10134 25 Apr 1813son of George and Martha SENIOR of Middopstones, labourer
BHAWLEY, Henry 6075 23 May 1813son of Joseph and Elizabeth HAWLEY of Bolsterstone, farmer. Born 23rd. April
BIBBOTSON, Ann 6735 23 May 1813dau. of Henry and Sarah IBBOTSON of Brightholmlee, labourer
BSTEEL, Harriot 7980 29 May 1813dau. of Joseph and Hannah STEEL of Royd, carpenter. Born March 1st
BWAINWRIGHT, Sarah 8294 29 May 1813dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth WAINWRIGHT of Townend; joiner. Born March 26th
BHILL, Ruth 6431 04 Jul 1813dau. of Jonathan and Hannah HILL of Cross, labourer, born 15th ---
BBREARLEY, Elizabeth 1586 18 Jul 1813dau. of Gamm and Ann BREARLEY of Eldercliff, mason
BHIRST, Mary 6569 26 Sep 1813dau. of Benjamin and Ann HIRST of Allen Croft, labourer
BIBBOTSON, Mary 6709 26 Sep 1813dau. of Joseph and Ann IBBOTSON of Holling Edge, labourer
MSWALLOW, John 14770 28 Sep 1813son of Abraham and Hannah SWALLOW of Euden, carpenter
BBEEVER, Mary 13578 17 Oct 1813dau. of Joseph and Hannah BEEVER of Bolsterstone, carpenter
MCROSSLEY, Sarah 11912 31 Oct 1813dau. of Benjamin and Ruth CROSSLEY of Upper Midhope, farmer
BHELLEWELL, Frances Ridge 6277 14 Nov 1813son of Ann HELLEWELL
MASHTON, Hannah 14311 21 Nov 1813dau. of Samuel and Mary ASHTON of Langley Brook, labourer
BCHARLESWORTH, Joseph 1683 12 Dec 1813son of James and Sarah CHARLESWORTH of Hagg, farmer
BWOODCOCK, Sarah 8655 12 Dec 1813dau. of Richard and Hannah WOODCOCK of Green, clothier
MSHAW, Edmund 11929 19 Dec 1813son of John and Sarah SHAW of Lane, labourer
BHELLEWELL, Lucy 6315 25 Dec 1813dau. of John and Lucy HELLIWELL of Lee house, farmer. Born Nov. 4
MCHARLESWORTH, Jonathan 1828 26 Dec 1813son of William and Mary CHARLESWORTH of Hedge End, farmer
MHILL, Joseph 14196 26 Dec 1813son of John and Susan HILL of Ecklands, clothier.

Data transcribed from:
Chapelry Transcripts FHL British Film Nr. 1595068
and the
Bishop's Transcripts of Bolsterstone and Midhope
Christenings and burials, 1778-1871
FHL BRITISH Film 919294

Transcribed by
Jane Lachs ©2002