


Campsall, Yorkshire, England. Geographical and Historical information from 1835.


Geographical and Historical information from the year 1835.

"CAMPSALL, a parish in the upper division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, comprising the townships of Askerne, Campsall, Fenwi,ck, Moss, Norton, and Sutton, and containing 1898 inhabitants, of which number, 389 are in the township of Campsall, 8 miles N.N.W. from Doncaster. The living is a discharged vicarage, in the archdeaconry and diocese of York, rated in the king's books at £16. 16.8., endowed with £.600 private benefaction, and £ 600 royal bounty, and in the patronage of R. Yarburgh, Esq. The church is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene."

"ASKERNE, a township in the parish of CAMPSALL, upper division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 7 miles N. from Doncaster, containing 159 inhabitants. Here is a sheet of water, called Askerne Pool, a few yards from which rises a spring with a sulphureous impregnation, the water of which is esteemed beneficial in rheumatic and scorbutic diseases, and is now extensively used; a spacious inn has lately been erected for the accommodation of visitors."

"FENWICK, a township in the parish of CAMPSALL, upper division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 5 miles S.W. from Snaith, containing 295 inhabitants. There is a place of worship for Wesleyan Methodists."

"MOSS, a township in the parish of CAMPSALL, upper division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 6 miles N.W. from Thorne, containing 242 inhabitants."

"NORTON, a township in the parish of CAMPSALL, upper division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 8 miles N.W. from Doncaster, containing 668 inhabitants. There is a place of worship for Wesleyan Methodists."

"SUTTON, a township in the parish of CAMPSALL, upper division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 6 miles N.W. from Doncaster, containing 145 inhabitants."

[Transcribed by Mel Lockie © from
Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of England 1835]