Arncliffe, Memorial Plaque transcription
Arncliffe parish:
Source=h:/!Genuki/WM2transcriptionsToHtml/input/WRYPatriciaHayward.txtArncliffe, Memorial Plaque transcription:
The list of those who fought at Flodden Field in A.D. 1513, in the church
A list of those who fought at | Littondale (Amerdale) which at | |
Flodden Field in A.D. 1513 | that date included the townships of Litton | |
and Halton Gill | ||
Arncliffe | ||
John Knolle, able horse and harnish'd (armoured) | John Knolle, able horse and harnish'd. | |
Oliver Knolle, a bowe. | Abraham Knolle, a bille | |
Robert Tylson, a bille. | Richard Franklin, a bowe. | |
William Firth, a bowe. | John Franklin, a bowe. | |
Richard Clemenger, a bille. | Richard Fawcytt, a bowe. | |
Peter Prass, a bille. | Jack Tylson, a bowe. | |
John Carlyll, a bille. | Adam Langstroth, a bille. | |
Richard Atkinson, a bowe | James Knolle, a bille. | |
John Wilson, a bowe. | Rauffe Knolle, a bille. | |
John Atkinson, a bowe | Matthew Knolle, a bille. | |
William Thornton, a bille. | ||
Hawkswick | Iak Ellison, a bille. | |
William Calvard, a bowe, able horse and harnish'd | Roger Franklin, a bowe. | |
Arthur Redyman, a bowe, able horse and harnish'd | Robert Stoneford, a bille. | |
Henry Bullark, a bille. | ||
Henry Franklin, a bowe. | ||
John Walker, a bowe. | ||
Roger Tenant, a bowe. | ||
Thomas Wederheide, a bowe. | ||
Jakob Tenant, a bille. | ||
Henry Tylson, a bowe. | ||
John Coward, a bille. |
Data transcribed by
Patricia Hayward
from photography by Colin Hinson