


Arncliffe, Yorkshire, England. Geographical and Historical information from 1835.


Geographical and Historical information from the year 1835.

"ARNCLIFFE, a parish comprising the township of Buckden in the eastern division, and the chapelry of Haltongill, and the townships of Arncliffe, West Halton, Hawkswith, and Litton, in the western division, of the wapentake of STAINCLIFFE and EWCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, and containing 1063 inhabitants, of which number, 189 are in the township of Amcliffe, lOf miles N.E. from Settle. The living is a discharged vicarage, in the archdeaconry and diocese of York, rated in the king's books at £ 13. 6. 8., endowed with £200 private benefaction, and £200 royal bounty, and in the patronage of the Master and Fellows of University College, Oxford. The church is dedicated to St. Oswald. The village is pleasantly situated near the river Wharf: the scenery in the vicinity is highly picturesque."

"BUCKDEN, a township in that part of the parish of ARNCLIFFE, which is in the-eastern division of the wapentake of STAINCLIFFE-and-EWCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 18 "2 taining 382 inhabitants."

"DEARNBROOK, a hamlet in that part of the parish of ARNCLIFFE, which is in the western division of the wapentake of STAINCLIFFE-AND-EWCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 8 miles N.E. from Settle. The population is returned with the parish."

"DEEPDALE, a hamlet in that part of the parish of ARNCLIFFE, which is in the eastern division of the wapentake of STAINCLIFFE-AND-EWCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 15 miles N.N.E. from Settle. The population is returned with the parish."

"HALTON GILL, a chapelry in that part of the parish of ARNCLIFFE, which is in the western division of the. wapentake of STAINCLIFFE-AND-EWCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 11 miles N.N.E. from Settle, containing 114 inhabitants. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the archdeaconry and diocese of York, endowed with £400 royal bounty, and £200 parliamentary grant, and in the patronage of the Vicar of Arncliffe. A school was erected in 1630, by William Fawcett, and endowed by him with an annuity of £13. 6. 8., for the instruction of poor children."

"HALTON WEST, a township in that part of the parish of ARNCLIFFE, which is in the western division of the wapentake of STAINCLIFFE-AND-EWCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 7 miles S.E. from Settle, containing 190 inhabitants."

"HAWKSWITH, a township in that part of the parish of ARNCLIFFE, which is in the western division of the wapentake of STAINCLIFFE-AND-EWCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 12 miles E.N.E. from Settle, containing 86 inhabitants."

"HUBBERHOLME, a chapelry in that part of the parish of ARNCLIFFE, which is in the eastern division of the wapentake of STAINCLIFFE-AND-EWCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 18 miles N.N.E. from Settle. The population is returned with the parish. The. living is a perpetual curacy, in the archdeaconry and diocese of York, endowed with £200 private benefaction, and £ 800. royal bounty, and in the patronage of the Vicar of Arncliffe, The church is dedicated to St. Michael."

"LITTON, a township in that part of the parish of ARNCLIFFE, which is in the western division of the wapentake of STAINCLIFFE-and-EWCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 11 miles N.E. from Settle, containing 102 inhabitants."

[Transcribed by Mel Lockie © from
Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of England 1835]