


Aldborough, Yorkshire, England. Geographical and Historical information from 1750.


Geographical and Historical information from the year 1750.

"ALDBOROUGH, (or OLDBOROUGH) a parish in the West Riding of Yorkshire,, 3 m. from Rippon,and 168 from London. The r. Ure runs by it to Boroughbridge. Sundry coins, and other monuments of the Saxons and Romans have been discovered here; for it was an ancient Roman city and colony, called Isurium Brigantium. Here was also formerly a chantry."

"BOROUGHBRIDGE, (given as "BURROWBRIDGE") in the parish of Aldborough, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, is a post-town, 169 cm. and 209 mm. from London; 'tis so called from its fine bridge of stone, with very wide high arches over the Ure r. which runs to it from Rippon, that is 4 m. off, and which being joined a little below by the Swale, is there called the Ouse. This bor. is governed by a bailiff, and first sent members to pt. in the r. of Q. Mary I. 'Tis thought that 7 or 8000 l. a year is laid out here in hard-ware, which is the chief support of the place, There are high stone causeys at the end of the bridge to keep out the water, which nevertheless sometimes overflows them. It has a Mt. on S. and a Fair June 11, for a week, besides another great fair for cattle. Here was formerly a chantry. This was one of the manors which K. Edw. II. granted to his favourite Piers Gaveston. And here he fought a battle with his barons and defeated them. Sir Thomas Tancred, Bart, has a good seat here."

[Transcribed by Mel Lockie © from
Stephen Whatley's England's Gazetteer, 1750]