Aldborough Directory of Trades and Professions for 1829
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for ALDBOROUGH in Pigot's Directory of 1829.
Post Office, - Boroughbridge, William Hirst, Post Master.
- Letters for London and the South are despatched at half-past five in the morning, and arrive at seven in the evening.
- Letters for Glasgow and the North are despatched at seven in the evening, and arrive at half-past five in the morning.
- Letters to York, Hull, and all parts of the East are despatched at half-past two in the afternoon, and arrive at seven in the evening.
- Office open from April to October at seven in the morning; the other six months at eight, and closes at ten at night.
- Atkinson Mrs. M. Boroughbridge
- Croop Rev. John, Boroughbridge
- Curbs Matthew, gent. Boroughbridge
- Duncombe Rev. Edward, Aldborough
- Flintoff Miss E. Boroughbridge
- Fretwell Lieut. Boroughbridge
- Fretwell Mrs. Boroughbridge
- Gill Charles, gent. Boroughbridge
- Glenton Matthew, gent. Boroughbridge
- Hird Henry, gent. Boroughbridge
- Horsfall Rev. Thomas, Kirkby-on-the-Moor
- Lawson Andrew, esq. (magistrate) Aldborough
- Lawson Mrs. B. J. Borough hall
- Mush Misses E. & S. Boroughbridge
- Norris Rev. William, Boroughbridge
- Scruton Richard, gent. Boroughbridge
- Bulmer Richard, (boarding & day) Aldbro'
- National School, Boroughbridge -Joseph King, master
- Newsom Ann, Boroughbridge
- Newsom John (boarding and day) Boroughbridge
- Wilson Sarah (boarding and day) Boroughbridge
- Gray William, Boroughbridge
- Hirst William, Boroughbridge
- Fletcher, Stubbs & Co. Boroughbridge-(draw on Sir Richard Carr Glyn and Co. London)
- Allison Peter, Aldborough
- Stephenson George, Boroughbridge
- Thompson Robert, Aldborough
- Umpleby Nicholas, Boroughbridge
- Brown Matthew, Boroughbridge
- Green Robert, Boroughbridge
- Thompson James, Boroughbridge
- Brown Richard & William, Boroughbridge
- Gill Charles, Boroughbridge
- Gledden John, Boroughbridge
- Hardcastle John, Boroughbridge
- Kettlewell James, Aldborough
- Leckenby George, Boroughbridge
- Leckenby Robert, Boroughbridge
- Metcalfe Edward, Boroughbridge
- Paley George, Aldborough
- Stork John, Boroughbridge
- Tebb William, Boroughbridge
- Topham William, Boroughbridge
- Cope William, Aldborough
- Horner Charles, Boroughbridge
- Atha John, Aldborough
- Bains Joseph, Aldborough
- Caress John, Boroughbridge *
- Caress John, jun. Boroughbridge *
- Caress Richard, Boroughbridge *
- Caress Richard, jun. Boroughbridge *
- Fall Leonard, Aldborough
- Hardcastle Thomas, Boroughbridge
- Naylor Francis, Boroughbridge
- * This surname is probably Carrass (see later directories).
- Brown, John, Boroughbridge
- Farmery Richard, Boroughbridge
- Harker George, Boroughbridge
- Hogg Mary, Boroughbridge
- Kay Thomas, Boroughbridge
- Kitchen William, Boroughbridge
- Armstrong Thomas, Boroughbridge
- Hogg & Powell, Boroughbridge
- Hogg Thomas, Boroughbridge
- Stead William, (& miller) Boroughbridge
- Topham Thomas, Boroughbridge
- Abbey Richard & Son, Boroughbridge
- Burton Thomas, (tea & coffee) Boroughbridge
- Dew Thomas, Boroughbridge
- Malin George (& tallow chandler) Boroughbridge
- Morrell John, Boroughbridge
- Stubbs Thomas (& wine merchant) Boroughbridge
- Webster Robert, Aldborough
- Crown, Hugh Stott, Boroughbridge
- Three Greyhounds, Richard Fell Hindle, Boroughbridge
- Brown John, Boroughbridge
- Hardcastle William, Boroughbridge
- Hird George, Boroughbridge
- Somerton William, Aldborough
- Topham George, Aldborough
- Abbey Richard & Son, Borough bridge
- Dew Thomas, Boroughbridge
- Oliver Christopher, (linen only) Boroughbridge
- Steator Elizabeth, Boroughbridge
- Tebb Ann (& draper) Boroughbridge
- Williams Jane, Boroughbridge
- Abley Robert, Aldborough
- Irvin James, Boroughbridge
- Buttery Thomas William, Boroughbridge
- Jackson Thomas, Boroughbridge
- Fulton John, Boroughbridge
- Warwick William (& porter dealer) Boroughbridge
- Metcalfe Isabella, Boroughbridge
- Sleator Elizabeth, Boroughbridge
- Parkinson William, Boroughbridge
- Sedgwick Roger, Boroughbridge
- Bruce Matthew Aldborough
- Dagget John, Boroughbridge
- Fothergill James, Boroughbridge
- Fothergill William, Boroughbridge
- Umpleby Francis, Aldborough
- Black Bull, Silvester Dawson, Boroughbridge
- Black Horse, Edw, Swinbank, Boroughbridge
- Black Lion, Thomas Marston, Boroughbridge
- Black Swan, George Rowell, Boroughbridge
- Freemasons' Arms, George Harker, Boroughbridge
- Grantham Arms, Geo, Hood, Boroughbridge
- Malt Shovel, Robert Winteringham, Boroughbridge
- Ship, Richard Blackburn, Aldborough
- Three Horse Shoes, Jonathan Morrell, Boroughbridge
- White Horse, Samuel Morrell, Boroughbridge
- Windmills, Francis Earle, Boroughbridge
- Hogg M. & William, Boroughbridge
- Steele John (& iron) Boroughbridge
- Blackburn George, canal agent, Boroughbridge
- Brown George, turner, Boroughbridge
- Dalton Henry, brazier & tinner, Boroughbridge
- Darnbrough William, tanner, Boroughbridge
- Duffield Michael, linen & sacking manufacturer, Aldborough
- Gatenby Edward, baker & flour dealer, Boroughbridge
- Heuthwaite James, flax dresser, Boroughbridge
- Horner Elizabeth, shoe & cap dealer, Boroughbridge
- Jackson Jonathan, watch & clock maker, Boroughbridge
- Lancaster Ths, ham & bacon dealer, Boroughbridge
- Lumley John, veterinary surgeon, Boroughbridge
- Morrell Joseph, porter mercht, Boroughbridge
- Morrell Samuel & Jonathan, brewers, Boroughbridge
- Mortimer Thomas, painter & paper hanger Boroughbridge
- Pearson George, cooper, Boroughbridge
- Robinson George, druggist and tea dealer, Boroughbridge
- Sadler ----, gunsmith, Aldborough
- Scurrah Christopher, glass & earthenware dealer, Boroughbridge
- Shepherd Francis, whitesmith, Boroughbridge
- Smith Elizabeth, confectioner, Boroughbridge
- Wilson William, wheelwright, Boroughbridge
- All call at the Crown Boroughbridge.
- To London, the Express (from Carlisle) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at six; goes thro, York, Doncaster Grantham & Biggleswade.
- To Carlisle the Express (from London) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday forenoon at eleven; goes thro' Richmond, Greta Bridge, Appleby and Penrith
- To Leeds, the Phoenix (from Newcastle-upon-Tyne) every afternoon (Sundays excepted) at four; goes thro' Knaresborough and Harrogate.
- To Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, the Phoenix (from Leeds) every morning (Sundays excepted) at ten; goes thro' Thirsk, Stockton, Sunderland & South Shields.
- To Leeds, Northallerton, &c. Hobson & Welsh's- & F. & R. Pickersgill's
- To Thornton Dale, from the Black Bull, Boroughbridge, daily.
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003