


Adlingfleet, Yorkshire, England. Geographical and Historical information from 1835.


Geographical and Historical information from the year 1835.

"ADLINGFLEET, a parish in the lower division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, comprising the townships of Adlingfleet, Fockerby, and Haldenby with Eastoft, and containing 431 inhabitants, of which number, 256 are in the township of Adlingfleet, 9 miles S.E. from Howden. The living is a vicarage, in the archdeaconry and diocese of York, rated in the king's books at £9. 12.11., and in the patronage of the Crown. The church is dedicated to All Saints. In 1743, Mary Ramsden bequeathed the sum of £200 for apprenticing boys and educating girls in Fockerby, Norton, Linton, and Adlingfleet."

"EASTOFT, a township, joint with Haldenby, in the parish of ADLINGFLEET, lower division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 10 miles S.S.E. from Howden, containing 69 inhabitants."

"FOCKERBY, a township in the parish of ADLINGFLEET, lower division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 10 miles S.E. from Howden, containing 106 inhabitants. Here is a free school, formerly a grammar school, endowed with land-producing £60 per annum, the gift of Mr. Skerne: the master is appointed by the Master and Fellows of Catherine Hall, Camhridge, to which hall there are eight exhibitions, founded by the same individual, whose niece, Mrs. Mary Ramsden, in 1743, founded six fellowships and ten scholarships in the same, preference being given to youths born in the county of York, and more particularly to such as had been educated in the free school at Fockerby."

"HALDENBY, a township, joint with Eastoft, in the parish of ADLINGFLEET, lower division of the wapentake of OSGOLDCROSS, West riding of the county of YORK, 9 miles S.S.E. from Howden, containing 69 inhabitants."

[Transcribed by Mel Lockie © from
Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of England 1835]