Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/NRY/NRYChCollection.txtData from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
The place: STOKESLEY. Church dedication: ST. ST. PETER. Church type: Rectory in charge.
Area, 6,690 acres. Langbarugh liberty, W.D. - Population, 2,376 *2; Church-room, 700; Net value, £1,220. -This Church, in which was a Chantry founded by William de Stokesley, is an ancient Rectory, formerly belonging to the patronage of the Abbot and Convent of St. Mary's, York, to whom it was given by Guy de Baliol. At the Dissolution, the Advowson came to the Crown, and King Henry VIII. gave it to the See of York.Mr. Graves gives a catalogue of the Rectors.
Valued in Pope Nicholas's taxation, at £53. 6s. 8d.; Nova Tax, £23. 6s. 8d.; and in the King's Books, at £30. 6s. 10d. per annum ; Synodals, 9s.; Procurations, 7s. 6d. *3
Mr. Graves gives the pedigrees of the Forsters, Marwoods, and Ewes.
30th September 1730, a commission was granted by the Archbishop to inspect the state of the parsonage.
13th October 1769, faculty granted to rebuild the body of the Church and part of the chancel.
24th June 1771, confirmation of allotment of seats.
24th April 1741, faculty to erect a gallery.
29th May 1752, faculty to erect another gallery.
10th October 1823, faculty to erect a gallery.
The glebe house is fit for residence. It was rebuilt in 1792.
The Register Books, commence in 1571. Deficient 1625-1646-1653.
John Preston's charity, by will, dated 19th November 1805. £2,000 was left for building a school house, or enlarging the old one, and for teaching twelve free scholars the classics, English, writing, and arithmetic. The testator died in 1814, and at the time of the Report, the sum of £2,780. 11s. 5d. was invested in the Navy Fives, but the trustees had determined not to commence the school until the capital had been raised by accumulation to £4000. -Vide 8th Report, page 746.A Post town.
Torre's MS., page 23. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. iii. page 138. Nonae Rolls, page 232. Bodleian MS., No. 5078. Graves's Cleveland, page 222. Valor Ecc. vol. iii. page 89. Mon. Angl., vol. iii. page 537. Burton's Monasticon, pages 156. 251. 336. 359.
*1 Stoke, a wood, Ley, a field.*2 Viz. Great and Little Busby, 106 ; Easby, 151; Newby, 152; Stokesley, 1,967. In 1834, returned at 2,219 exclusive of Westerdale.
*3 Tanner refers to a charter respecting this Church, Not. Monast. ed. 1744, page 639, col. 2 ; and to the appropriation, page 631, col. 2. The Valor Ecc. specifies the mansion, tithes, and glebe land, and the mansion, lands, and tenements of the Chantry.
Other information:
EASBY. -This is a small township within the parish of Stokesley.Torre says, " There was a Chapel in the town of Eseby, for the dedication whereof, and of the Chapel yard, a Commission issued 7th August, 1349." There is now no Chapel.
Torre's MS., page 23.
George Lawton in 1842..
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