Skelton In Cleveland Parish, Directory of Trades and Professions for 1890
Transcript of the entry for the Post Office, professions and trades
for SKELTON IN CLEVELAND in Bulmer's Directory of 1890.
- Agricultural Society's Show held in July; Thomas Petch, hon. secretary
- Burial Board meet in Board Room, Green Road, first Friday in each month; J. W. Witt, superintendent.
- Miners' Hospital - Messrs. Merryweather & Dunn, medical officers
- Registrar of Births and Deaths, Marske District (Guisborough Union). - A. Ellis
- Skelton and Brotton Local Board. - Meetings first Tuesday in each month; John W. Witt, architect and surveyor
- School Board. - Thomas Petch, chairman
- Vaccination Officer, A. Ellis
- Post, Money Order, Telegraph Office, and Savings Bank, Skelton-in-Cleveland. R.S.O, Yorkshire; Alexander Ellis, postmaster. Letters arrive at 5-30 am., and are despatched at 9-30 a.m. and 6-25 p.m. On Sundays letters arrive at 8-40 am., and are despatched at 5-5 p.m.
- Lingdale Post, Money Order Office, and Savings Bank. Letters via Skelton, R.S.O.; Thomas Wm. Cook, postmaster. Letters arrive at 8-30 a.m., and are despatched at 5-10 p.m.
- North Skelton Post, Money Order Office, and Savings Bank. Letters via Skelton, R.S.O.; Edwin Tuck, postmaster. Mails arrive at 8 a.m., and are despatched at 5-30 p.m.
- Boosbeck Post, Money Order Office, and Savings Bank. Letters via Skelton, R.S.O; Stephen Crouch, postmaster. Mails arrive at 5-5 a.m., and are despatched at 5-30 p.m.
- Atkinson George, manager, Co-operative stores
- Attewell George, general dealer, Lingdale
- Ayrton Mrs. Cliffden, Saltburn
- Barker George, surveyor, North Skelton
- Barraclough Miss Martha, schoolmistress, Boosbeck
- Barren Fras. Henderson, vict., Victoria Hotel, Lingdale
- Bean Robt., market gardener, North Skelton
- Bearpark Leonard, grocer and draper
- Bell Robt., music teacher, &c., 67 High street
- Blackett Mrs. Eliz. Mary, draper, 149 High st
- Blackett Wm. Walton, basket mkr., The Ellers
- Bolton John Gatenby, cashier, 83 High street
- Bomby William, tailor, Boosbeck
- Boughen Samuel, insurance agent, 29 High street, Lingdale
- Bowes Emanuel, huckster, Lingdale
- Brighton Alfred, vict., New Inn
- Brooksbank John, market gardener
- Brooksbank Mr. Matthew, 89 High street
- Brough Richard, police constable
- Brown Miss Annie, schoolmistress, Lingdale
- Brown Geo. Hutchinson, carrier, New Skelton
- Brown Wm., cashier, Park pit; h 90 High st
- Bulmer John, tinsmith, Lingdale
- Burhope George, china dealer. Lingdale
- Caldwell Dr. Matthew, Boosbeck
- Calow Joseph, draper, &c., Lingdale
- Campbell Robert, grocer, Lingdale
- Carter Mr. John, 30 High street
- Carter William, ironmonger, &c., 163 High st
- Casson William Bell, schoolmaster, Lingdale
- Cawthorn Mrs. Sarah, dressmaker and milliner, Boosbeck
- Cawthorn William, store manager, Boosbeck
- Chisholm James, mechanical engineer, North Skelton
- Clark Matthew, grocer, New Skelton
- Clay William, stocking knitter, Lingdale
- Coatsworth John, grocer, Lingdale
- Codling Mrs. Rebecca, dressmaker, 44 High st
- Collier Mrs. Mary, dressmaker and milliner, 169 High street
- Cook & Son, general merchants, Lingdale
- Cook Alfred, grocer, 38 Harker street
- Cook Henry, grocer, Lingdale
- Cook Robert, grocer, Lingdale
- Cook Thomas William (Cook & Son), Lingdale
- Cook William (Cook & Son), Dingdale
- Coupland James, china dealer, Lingdale
- Craven Mrs. Emily, 40 High street
- Crofts Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, fancy repository and milliner, 103 High street
- Cromar Alex. Chivas, vict., Duke William Inn
- Cross Robert, butcher, North Skelton
- Crouch Joseph, newsagent, &c., 87 High street
- Crouch Stephen, newsagent, Boosbeck
- Curry Joseph, engineer, Park pit
- Cuthbertson Miss Mary, dressmaker, Boosbeck
- Devany Thomas, police constable
- Dickinson Mrs. Elizabeth
- Dixon James, cowkeeper, New Skelton
- Dixon Jno., grocer, seed and manure merchant - See Advt.
- Dorman Arthur John, iron master, Rushpool
- Douglas Mrs. Caroline, schoolmistress, North Skelton
- Douglas John, journalist, High street
- Dowsett Mrs. Elizabeth, grocer, New Skelton
- Dowson Brothers (Henry & Watson), grocer, 151 High street
- Dunn Dvd. Simpson, M.D., B.A. 89 Boosbeck rd
- Dunn William, hairdresser, High street
- Dunning Robert, fruiterer, High street
- Elliott James. cab owner, 91 High street
- Ellis Alexander, chemist, &c. ; registrar of births and deaths, and vaccination officer
- Ellis Rev. Robert James, M.A., The rectory
- Evans Mrs. Hannah, dressmkr., 45 Boosbeck rd
- Faulkner John, grocer, Lingdale
- Featherstone John, bootmaker and dealer, 109 High street
- Fisher Miss Mary, schoolmistress
- Flower Rev. Edward, curate, New Skelton
- Frank Mr. Daniel
- Garbutt Thomas, miller, Skelton mill
- Gibbs David, plumber, &c.
- Gilderoy Mrs. Mary, gen. dealer, Cleveland st
- Gill Thomas, schoolmaster, Boosbeck
- Gowland John Marsh, plumber and gasfitter
- Grainger David Eli, boot factor, New Skelton
- Hamilton Edw. Bell, Esq., Rigwood Saltburn
- Hardwick Francis Robert, cashier, Lingdale
- Hardwick Thomas, carrier, Lingdale
- Harker George, schoolwarden, New Skelton
- Harll Robert, under manager, Old shaft
- Harris Alfred (Taylor & Harris); h High street
- Hewling Samuel, bootmaker, 7 Green road
- Hood Robert, bridge keeper, Saltburn
- Horn Robert, vict., Bull's Head Hotel, North Skelton
- House Noah, vict., Old Royal George
- Imeson Thomas, police sergeant
- Kelly Michael David, M.D., 87 Boosbeck road
- Kelso William, clerk, New Skelton
- Kidd Charles, fruiterer, 13 High street
- Kidd Mrs. Mary, grocer, 26 Boosbeck road
- Kidson Mr. Richard, 77 Boosbeck road
- King George, watchmaker, &c., High street
- Kitching William, grocer. Boosbeck
- Knaggs Richard, grocer, &c., Cleveland street
- Knaggs William, bootmaker and dealer, 97 High street and 47 Boosbeck road
- Lamb George, builder, &c., 107 High street
- Langstaff Christopher, grocer, Lingdale
- Langstaff George, blacksmith, Lingdale
- Leak Rev. William Henry, curate
- Legg Newark, butcher, Lingdale
- Lowe John, tailor, &c., 21 High street
- Marley Mr. Robert, Boosbeck
- Matthews, Arthur, cashier, North Skelton
- McLane George, blacksmith, 34 High street
- Milligan James, draper, Lingdale
- Mills Miss M. A., matron, Miners' Hospital
- Mitchell John George, tailor, clothier and boot dealer, 74 High street
- Nelson Miss Elizabeth Mary, music teacher, Boosbeck
- Nicholl Miss Annie, schoolmistress, Lingdale
- Nicholson William, watchmaker, Lingdale
- Oldroyd Mrs. Ann, lodgings, &c., 125 High st
- Ord Mrs. Harriet, beer and wine retailer, Miner's Arms
- Outwaite Christopher, joiner, &c., 69 High st
- Pacey Harry, huntsman, Bridge house
- Padget Miss Jane, grocer, 39 Boosbeck road
- Palmer Mrs. Catherine, private school
- Pattinson Henry, saddler, 15 High street
- Pattinson John, vict., Wharton Arms
- Pennington John, keeper, The Kennels
- Petter William, joiner, Lingdale
- Price Mrs. Alice, grocer, Lingdale
- Raisbeck Thomas, under manager, Lingdale
- Richardson John, blacksmith, 20 Trout Hall ln
- Ridgard George, general dealer, High street
- Ridsdale William, mason, High street
- Rixham Thomas, schoolmaster, New Skelton
- Robinson Miss Emily, schoolmistress, High st
- Robinson George, cabinetmaker, 1 High street
- Robinson Mr. Martin, 8 Green road
- Robinson Thomas, carrier, High street
- Robson George, butcher, 9 High street, and 2 Boosbeck road
- Rushby Mrs. Ann, grocer, Boosbeck
- Salmon Sidney, draper, Lingdale
- Scott James, dairyman, New Skelton
- Seaton Wm. Hy., flour dealer, 61 Boosbeck rd
- Sharp Thomas, builder, Dixon street
- Shepherd Thomas, assistant overseer and bill poster, &c.
- Sissen Thomas, bootmaker, 37 High street
- Skelton Estate Offices; steward, E. B. Hamilton
- Smith Robert, vict., Station Hotel, Boosbeck
- Snowdon John, vict., Lingdale Hotel
- Stephenson Henry, tailor, 105 High street
- Stobbs Mr. George, Fern villa
- Stobbs Mr. Henry, Belle villa
- Stockdale Thos., bootmaker and dlr., Lingdale
- Storey Joseph, clerk, Boosbeck
- Sturges Rev. T. R. H., curate, Lingdale
- Tate Addison, painter, glazier, &c., Boosbeck road; h 80 High street
- Tate Robert, cartowner, &c,, 55 High street
- Tate William, vict., Green Inn
- Taylor & Harris, grocers, drapers, &c.
- Taylor George G., bank agent (Taylor & Harris); h High street
- Taylor John L., shop assistant
- Taylor Mr. Thomas, 1 Green road
- Taylor William, bootmaker and dealer, Lingdale
- Thompson John Thomas, shop assistant
- Thompson John, station master, Boosbeck
- Thompson Mr. Thomas, Hill house
- Thompson Wilson, surveyor, Hill house
- Tippet Richard, insurance agent, New Skelton
- Treen Chas., sergeant instructor, 1st B.V.Y.R., High street
- Tuck Edwin, grocer and postmaster, Boosbeck and North Skelton
- Varty, Thomas, engineer, Park pit
- Vivers Andrew, fitter, Lingdale
- Vivers Thomas, mechanical engineer, Lingdale
- Walker Joseph, grocer and undertaker, 21 Boosbeck road
- Ward Henry, hairdresser, 173 High street
- Ward Henry, joiner, Boosbeck
- Ward Robert, grocer, Back lane
- Ward Thee. Swales, mngr., Co-operative stores
- Wardman Mrs. Christiana, dressmaker, 32 High street
- Watson James, butcher, 11 High street
- Watson Robert, butcher, Lingdale
- Watson William, grocer, New Skelton
- Wedgwood John, hardware dealer, Lingdale
- Wedgwood Joseph, grocer, Lingdale
- Wharton William Henry Anthony, Esq., Skelton castle
- Wharton, John Thos., Esq., J.P., Skelton castle
- White Miss Martha Elizabeth, schoolmistress, 51 Boosbeck road
- Wilkinson Mr. Robert, High street
- Wilkinson Robert, butcher, High street
- Wilkinson William, butcher, High street
- Wilks Jeremiah, farm bailiff, Home farm
- Wilks Wm., vict., Commercial Hotel, Boosbeck
- Williams Mrs. Mary, grocer, Lingdale
- Wilson George, grocer, Lingdale
- Wilson Joseph, grocer, &c.
- Winsor William, butcher, Lingdale
- Witts John William, C.E., architect and surveyor, Skelton and Brotton Local Beard
- Wood James Thompson, beer, wine and spirit merchant, &c.
- Wood John Robert, joiner
- Wood John, stationer, &c., 129 High street
- Wood John, tailor and draper, 111 High street
- Woodhouse William, joiner, Estate saw mills
- Wright Thomas, cemetery keeper and sexton, New Skelton
- Wright William, bootmaker, Boosbeck
- Wrightson William, blacksmith, 3 High street
- Young William, butcher, 121 High street
- Younger Jno. Wilkinson, joiner, 17 Boosbeck rd
- Andrew George, White house, Saltburn
- Armstrong Robert, Fairfields
- Brown George, New Skelton
- Dixon James, New Skelton
- Emerson Miss Hannah, Faughfield
- Garbutt Thomas, Skelton mill
- Marlborough Joseph, Hollywell farm, Boosbeck
- Marley Matthew, Rokeley
- Marley Robert, Boosbeck
- Pearson John, New Brook
- Petch David Thomas, Hobdale
- Petch Rbt. Pinkney, Priestcroft and Groundhill
- Petch Thomas, Barns and Back Lane farms
- Petch William Dixon, East pastures and Greenhill farm
- Robinson Henry, Howla hay
- Scott James, New Skelton
- Stevenson Robert Waller, Trout Hall farm and Airy hill
- Thompson Allen, Manless green
- Wharton J. T., Esq., Home farm
- Wilkinson John, Lingdale
- Wilson Mrs., Grange farm
- Young Robert, Claphow
- Post Office. Mails arrive from Guisborough at 9 a.m., and are despatched at 4-40 p.m. Postal Address for Great Moorsholm and Gerrick, Guisborough; and for Little Moorsholm, Lingdale, Skelton, R.S.O.
- Armstrong Henry, grocer
- Brooks Thomas, schoolmaster
- Glover John, bootmaker, &c.
- Harding Mrs. Martha
- Hewison James, grocer and draper
- Jackson John, blacksmith, &c.
- Jeffels John, grocer and postmaster
- Johnson George, grocer
- Liverseed Robert, joiner and assistant overseer
- Shaw Mrs. Ann, grocer
- Turner John, clogger
- Williamson William, joiner, &c.
- Archibald Mrs. Annie, Little Moorsholm
- Archibald John, Little Moorsholm
- Atkinson Henry, West Throstle Nest
- Bell Richard, North Lingdale farm
- Brown John, Gerrick
- Brown Thomas, (also vict.), Plough Inn
- Cail George, Moorside
- Cail John, South Lingdale farm
- Cockerill William, Ankle farm
- Coulson Thomas, Moorside
- Galloway Robert, (also miller)
- Harland Robert, Far Gerrick
- Hodgson Francis, Moorsholm
- Johnson David, Moorsholm Ness
- Marsay John, Hillocks farm
- Marsay Matthew, Moor farm
- Marsay William, Hillocks farm
- Moore William, Moorsholm lodge
- Potter James, Osborne farm, Gerrick
- Potter John, The Grange, Gerrick
- Raw William, Red hall
- Sanderson John, Hagworm hall
- Scarth John, Gerrick
- Shaw David, Moorsholm
- Shaw Thomas, Moorsholm
- Slater Michael, Helm head
- Slater William, Moorsholm
- Smith James, Moorside
- Smith John, Moorsholm grange
- Suckling Frederick, Swingdale
- Swales George, Moorsholm
- Thompson George, Moorsholm
- Thornton James, Moorsholm gardens
- Ward Isaac, Mount pleasant
- Ward John, Moorsholm burrows
- Wood George, Moorsholm
- Wotton Eli, (also vict.), Jolly Sailor Inn
- Young John, East Throstle Nest
- Letter Box at Charlton's Cottages cleared at 5-45 ; and at Margrove Park at 5-35.
- Armstrong William Henry, under-manager, South Skelton mines
- Bainbridge John, farmer, Ayesdale Gate farm
- Barr Miss Annie, provision dealer, &c., Charlton's cottages
- Barraclough Miss Martha, schoolmistress, Margrove park
- Brown Ed. Charlton, clerk, Charlton's cottages
- Dale William, farmer, Margrove park
- Farndale Martin, farmer, Tidkinhow
- Farrow Mrs. Eliz., dressmaker, Charlton's cot
- House John, manager, South Skelton mines
- Langstaff John, farmer, Stanghow
- Lynas Ralph, farmer, Cumbank
- Marley Thomas, butcher, Charlton's cottages
- Powell William, manager, Carr's Tilery, Slapewath
- Scarth Mrs. Elizabeth, Cow house, Stanghow
- Scarth Mr. Isaac, The Hall
- Storey Henry, vict., Fox Hounds, Slapewath
- Tarbit George, mechanical engineer, South Skelton mine; h 53 High street
- Tate John, mining engineer, Spa mine ; h Fancy cottage
- Thompson James, overman, Margrove park
- Wilson John, farmer, Hollin hill
Scan, OCR and html by Colin Hinson. Checking and correction by Peter Nelson.