


Robinson's Guide to Richmond (1833)




Robinson's Guide to Richmond (1833)

Part 3
Trinity Chapel

Trinity Chapel

IN the centre of the spacious Market-place, stands the TRINITY CHAPEL, an uncouth looking building:- its origin is lost in the mists of antiquity, but it is said to have been re-built about the year 1360. In 1712 it ceased to be used as a place of worship, and was for some years in a ruinous condition; but about 1744, it was again repaired by the corporation, who claim the appointment of the minister. The north aisle (which fronts the Marketplace) is partitioned off, and used as the Consistory court for the archdeaconry of Richmond. It may here be noticed, as a singular fact, that, five hundred years ago, a kinsman of the well known Prince Talleyrand de Perigord; was archdeacon of Richmond! Elias Talleyrand was appointed to that dignity by the Pope in the year 1322: in his letters of collation, he is styled "germanus nobilis viri Archambaudi comitis Petragoricensis," i.e. "the cousin-german of the noble gentleman; Archambaud, count of Perigord." In the list of archdeacons annexed to the history of Richmond, he is, by a casual mistranslation, styled "a German," without mentioning the Perigord family. At a little distance is the Market Cross, erected in 1771; beneath it is a reservoir, calculated to contain about twelve thousand gallons of water, which is brought from Aislabeck spring, about two miles distant, and distributed from this point to the different parts of the town. Behind the Trinity chapel is the Guild, or Town-hall, containing the court where the borough sessions are held; and a spacious room used for public meetings, &c.

PASSING along French-gate, we come to the PARISH CHURCH:

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Data transcribed from:
Robinson's Guide to Richmond (1833)
Scan, OCR and html software by Colin Hinson.