Northallerton Directory of Trades and Professions for 1834
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for NORTHALLERTON in Pigot's Directory of 1834.
Post: - Post Office, Northallerton, Francis Hirst, Post master
- Ainsley John, esq. Romanby
- Ainsley William, esq. Castle hills
- Alderson Miss Kitty, Northallerton
- Armitage John L. (magistrate) Breckenbrough
- Armitage William, esq. Ainderby hall
- Bearpark Richard, esq. Ainderby Steeple
- Beckett Rev. Wilson, Northallerton
- Bedingfield Colonel, Northallerton
- Blanshard Richard, esq. Northallerton
- Body Mrs. Jane, Northallerton
- Booth Mrs. Colonel, Northallerton
- Booth John, esq. Warleby hall
- Boss Captain R.N. & M.P. Ottrington hall
- Coore Foster L. esq. (magistrate) Scruton
- Crompton Joshua, esq. (magistrate) Siou hill
- Cust Rev. William, Denby hill
- Dent Rev. William (magistrate) Crosby cote
- Dighton Miss ---, Northallerton
- Dighton Francis, esq. Northallerton
- Graham Sir B.R. bart. (magistrate) Norton conyers
- Green Rev. John Northallerton
- Grundy Mrs. Mary, Ainderby Steeple
- Hewgill Henry, esq. (magistrate) Hornby grange
- Hunter Mr. Thomas, Northallerton
- Hutton John, esq. Sober hill
- Jackson Mr. George, Brompton
- Jefferson John, esq. Northallerton
- Kirby Mrs. ---, Northallerton
- Leighton Mrs. Hannah, Ainderby Steeple
- Lloyd George, esq. (magistrate) Cowsby
- Meadows Mrs. Mary, Ainderby Steeple
- Meynard Captain, Harlsey castle
- Morley Rev. Thomas Wilson (magistrate) Birkby
- Parkin Mrs. ---, Northallerton
- Pattison Mrs. Eleanor, Ainderby Steeple
- Peacock John, esq. Northallerton
- Peirse Captain ---, Northallerton
- Peirse Richard William C. Thimbleby lodge
- Redfern Francis, esq. Langton lodge
- Rigg Mrs. ---, Northallerton
- Robson Rev. James (magistrate & vicar of Ainderby Steeple) Vicarage
- Rutson William, esq. (magistrate) Newby Wiske
- Skipsey Rev. Richard, Northallerton
- Smith John Whitney, esq. Northallerton
- Squire Edward, esq. Romanby
- Steel Rev. --- (incumbent of Brompton) Harsley
- Towers Colonel ---, Hutton bonvil
- Townsend Rev. George (magistrate & vicar) Vicarage
- Tyrconnel the Right Honourable John Earl of, Kiplin
- Wade Miss Elizabeth, Northallerton
- Wade Miss Jane, Northallerton
- Walker Misses ---, Northallerton
- Walker James, esq. (magistrate) Sand Hutton
- Walker Thomas, esq. Maunby
- Welbank William, esq. Northallerton
- Wilkinson Miss Eilen, Northallerton
- Endowed School, Brompton --- Edward Pearson, master ; Isabella Lang, mistress
- Endowed Grammar School, Northallerton --- Rev. John Bowness, master
- Frankland Sarah (day & boarding) Northallerton
- Graham Timothy (day & boarding) Ainderby Steeple
- Mayne Richard, sen. Northallerton
- Mitchell Mary, Northallerton
- National School, Northallerton --- Christopher Spivey, master ; Ann Spivey, mistress
- Atkinson Thomas C. Northallerton
- Davison Robert, Northallerton
- Fielding Gabriel (barrister) Northallerton
- Fowle Thomas, Northallerton
- Harrison Henry, Northallerton
- Hirst Henry, Northallerton
- Walker John, Northallerton
- Walton John Saunders, Northallerton
- Walton Robert B. Northallerton
- Bowman Thomas, Northallerton
- Flower Thomas, Northallerton
- Kingston David, Northallerton
- Metcalfe Eneas, Northallerton
- Ward Ann, Northallerton
- Warwick Elizabeth, Northallerton
- Backhouse & Co. (agency) Northallerton -- (draw on Sir James Esdaile & Co. London) -- Lancelot Marshall, agent
- Darlington District Banking Co. (branch of) Northallerton -- (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London) William Welbank, agent
- Savings' Bank, Northallerton -- Richard Mayne, secretary
- Johnson Henry, Ainderby Steeple
- Plews William, Ainderby Steeple
- Walker Matthew, Northallerton
- Coates John, Morton
- Garrett Robert, Northallerton
- Lowther John, Brompton
- Luck Robert, Northallerton
- Maynell George, Northallerton
- Pape John, Northallerton
- Robson Benjamin, Ainderby Steeple
- Robson Benjamin, Northallerton
- Robson William, Romanby
- Snowball William, Northallerton
- Staindrop William, Brompton
- Thompson Thomas, Brompton
- Langdale Christopher (& stamp distributer) Northallerton
- Metcalfe John, Northallerton
- Bamlett Thomas, Northallerton
- Barnett Cuthbert, Ainderby Steeple
- Barnett Thomas, Northallerton
- Brown William, Northallerton
- Carver Simeon, Northallerton
- Clarkson Samuel, Northallerton
- Davison Thomas, Romanby
- Fawcett Thomas, Northallerton
- Gargett George, Brompton
- Hill William, Northallerton
- Holmes George, Northallerton
- Lambert Thomas, Northallerton
- Merryweather Thomas, Morton
- Metcalf James, Northallerton
- Middleton Thomas, Northallerton
- Peckitt Thomas Parker, Northallerton
- Smith William, Northallerton
- Sugget George, Brompton
- White Thomas, Ainderby Steeple
- Wood James, Northallerton
- Wright John, Northallerton
- Remmer Thomas, Northallerton
- Squire Edward, Romanby
- Wilson Thomas, Northallerton
- Fawcett George, Brompton
- Fawcett Thomas, Brompton
- Hawman Thomas, Northallerton
- Mudd Richard, Northallerton
- Pallister & Horner, Northallerton
- Peacock Abraham, Northallerton
- Pearson Thomas, Ainderby Steeple
- Scary William, Ainderby Steeple
- Dixon John, Northallerton
- Clark Stephen, Brompton
- Dixon John, Ainderby Steeple
- Fairbairn Thomas, Northallerton
- Flintoff Christopher, Northallerton
- Kingston John, Northallerton
- Peacock Jonathan, Northallerton
- Raisbeck John, Romanby
- Smith John, Northallerton
- Stockill Mark, Brompton
- Webster John, Northallerton
- Wilson John, Romanby
- Robinson William Stevinson, Northallerton
- Snowdon Robert, Northallerton
- Ering John, Romanby
- Goldsbrough Jonathan, Northallerton
- Johnson James, Brompton
- Lodge Robert, Northallerton
- McLane William, Brompton
- Metcalf Thomas, Brompton
- Pearson Thomas, Northallerton
- Ramshaw William, Romanby
- Simpson John, Morton
- Simpson Thomas, Morton
- Bainbridge Bartholomew, Northallerton
- Betteney Mary, Northallerton
- Dixon Thomas, Northallerton
- Langdale Christopher, Northallerton
- Pearson Robert (druggist) Brompton
- Robinson John, Northallerton
- Robinson Joseph Torr, Northallerton
- Broad Thomas, Northallerton
- Todd Susannah, Northallerton
- Wilson John, Northallerton
- Carver William, Northallerton
- Rogerson William, Morton
- Smith Timothy, Northallerton
- Tanfield John, Northallerton
- Dixon William, Northallerton
- Dowson Henry, Northallerton
- Hamilton Thomas, Northallerton
- Harrison Thomas, Northallerton
- Lightfoot William, Northallerton
- Sedgwick Henry, Alderson
- Atlas, Henry Harrison, Northallerton
- Guardian, Joseph Clemishaw, Northallerton
- Royal Exchange, Thomas Watson, Northallerton
- Sun, William Buck, Northallerton
- Yorkshire, John Tutin, Northallerton
- Barnett Jane, Northallerton
- Bell William, Northallerton
- Wood James, Northallerton
(See also Shopkeepers, &c.)
- Ayre George, Northallerton
- Buck William, Northallerton
- Hare Robert, Northallerton
- Heslington John, Northallerton
- Marshall Lancelot, Northallerton
- Masterman George, Northallerton
- Robinson Joseph Torr, Northallerton
- Russell Nathaniel, Northallerton
- Tanfield John, Northallerton
- Tanfield John, jun. Northallerton
- Wilford Aaron, Brompton
- Wilkinson James, Northallerton
- Gamble Thomas, Northallerton
- Gibson George, Northallerton
- Lamb Matthew, Northallerton
- Stroughair Christopher Thomas, Northallerton
- Black Bull, Robert Smith, Northallerton
- Golden Lion, Francis Hirst, Northallerton
- King's Head, Elizabeth Scott, Northallerton
- Hare Edward, Northallerton
- Thompson Isaac, Northallerton
- Tesseyman George, Northallerton
- Walbran Henry, Northallerton
- Bett Richard, Morton
- Broad Thomas, Northallerton
- Byerley Henry, Brompton
- Chapman James, Northallerton
- Coates George, Brompton
- Lougtoft Mark, Morton
- Metcalfe John, Northallerton
- Raw Christopher, Northallerton
- Stokel George, Northallerton
- Thompson Thomas, Northallerton
- Dixon Luke, Northallerton
- Dowson George, Northallerton
- Fletcher Charles, Northallerton
- Jackson George, Northallerton
- Ramshaw Thomas, Brompton
- Smith John, Northallerton
- Tutin John, Northallerton
- Wigfield Jonathan (& hosier) Northallerton
- Buckle John, Brompton
- Naisby Henry, Northallerton
- Pattison John (& flax dresser) Brompton
- Pearson William, Northallerton
- Ramshaw Thomas, Brompton
- Russell Nathaniel (& flax dresser) Northallerton
- Thompson John, Brompton
- Tyerman John, Brompton
- Wilford John & Sons, Brompton
- Thompson Isaac (& brewer) Northallerton
- Watson Thomas, Northallerton
- Kingston Thomas, Windmill
- Lee Henry, Foxton mill
- Lowther James, Brompton
- Raper Francis, Prison mill
- Barstow Jane, Northallerton
- Chapman Elizabeth, Northallerton
- Ireland Elizabeth, Northallerton
- Masterman Jacobina, Northallerton
- Russell Elizabeth, Northallerton
- Wheldon Hannah, Northallerton
- Cooper John, Northallerton
- Reed John (& house decorator) Northallerton
- Russell Ann & Sons, Northallerton
- Soppet Miles, Northallerton
- Tennant James, Northallerton
- Best John, Northallerton
- Thompson William, Northallerton
- Watson Thomas, Northallerton
- Blackett Robert, Northallerton
- Lunn Thomas, Northallerton
- Masterman George, Northallerton
- Watson James, Northallerton
- Broad Thomas, Northallerton
- Byers Elizabeth, Northallerton
- Clemishaw Joseph, Northallerton
- Harrison Thomas, Northallerton
- Hedger Clarender, Ainderby Steeple
- Holmes John, Northallerton
- Kingston David, Northallerton
- Peacock Jonathan, Northallerton
- Pearson Martha, Brompton
- Thompson John, Brompton
- Walker John, Northallerton
- Wheldon Thomas, Northallerton
- Wilson Thomas, Northallerton
- Barker Thomas, Northallerton
- Pearson William, Northallerton
- Thompson Isaac (& wine) Northallerton
- Addy John, Morton
- Bett George, Morton
- Coates Stephen, Brompton
- Metcalfe William, Northallerton
- Flower Mary, Northallerton
- Jaques Sarah, Northallerton
- Masterman Jacobina, Northallerton
- Metcalfe Eleanor, Northallerton
- Wheldon Hannah, Northallerton
- Dighton William Beckwith & Christopher, Northallerton
- Hodgson John, Northallerton
- Hodgson Robert, Northallerton
- Oastler William, Northallerton
- Harrison Henry (of roads) Northallerton
- Marshall William (& architect) Northallerton
- Mayne Richard (of taxes) Northallerton
- Wiseman William (land) Northallerton
- Atkinson & Son, Northallerton
- Barnet John, Northallerton
- Bowman Christopher, Northallerton
- Britton John, Northallerton
- Hamilton Daniel, Northallerton
- Holmes John, Northallerton
- Mirfield Edward (& draper) Brompton
- Pearson John (& draper) Northallerton
- Ragg John, Ainderby Steeple
- Stelling Thomas, Northallerton
- Thompson James, Northallerton
- Wheldon Thomas, Northallerton
- Wheldon Thomas, jun. Northallerton
- Gibson George, Northallerton
- Hare Robert, Northallerton
- Marshall Lancelot, Northallerton
- Masterman George, Northallerton
- Sedgwick Henry Alderson, Northallerton
- Angel, John Dixon, Ainderby Steeple
- Black Swan, John Jackson, Northallerton
- Black Swan, John Langdale, Northallerton
- Buck, Thomas Wright, Northallerton
- Carpenter's Arms, Mark Longtoft, Northallerton
- Crown, George Gargett, Brompton
- Durham Ox, Joseph Rogers, Northallerton
- Fleece, Hannah Guthrie, Northallerton
- George & Dragon, John Best, Northallerton
- George & Dragon, Eleanor Robinson, Ainderby Steeple
- George Inn, Dorothy Clidero, Northallerton
- Golden Lion, Robert Bell, Romanby
- Horse & Jockey, Thomas Todd, Spring gardens
- King's Arms, William Smith, Northallerton
- Lord Nelson, Thomas Walker, Northallerton
- Mason's Arms, Mary Ann Langdale, Northallerton
- Mason's Arms, Christiana Winn, Northallerton
- New Inn, William Humphreys, Northallerton
- Nonplus, John Marsden, Morton
- Oak Tree, Charles Cade, Northallerton
- Oak Tree, John Lunn, Brompton
- Old Golden Lion, John Cariss, Northallerton
- Old Royal George, Robert Clark, Morton
- Ox, William Pearson, Brompton
- Pack Horse, Lucy Simpson, Northallerton
- Rose & Crown, George Chapman, Northallerton
- Ship, John Newton, Romanby
- Ship, Sherwood Small, Northallerton
- Three Horse Shoes, John Lowther, Brompton
- Three Tuns, Richard Bulmer, Northallerton
- Tickle Toby, David Kingston, Northallerton
- Turf Hotel, Robert Kidd, Northallerton
- Waggon & Horses, Thomas Pearson, Northallerton
- White Steer, Thomas Ward, Ainderby Steeple
- Flower James, Northallerton
- Hawman Samuel, Northallerton
- Rogerson John (& dish) Morton
- Cade Thompson William, Northallerton
- Hepton & Son, Northallerton
- Pates Thomas, Northallerton
- Tesseyman George, Northallerton
- Calvert Christopher, Northallerton
- Douthwait Charles, Northallerton
- Hewson Robert, Northallerton
- Nevison William, Northallerton
- Blackett John, fishmonger & dealer in game, Northallerton
- Bowman Richard, sheriff's officer, Northallerton
- Bradley Thomas, assistant overseer, Northallerton
- Broad Thomas, retailer of beer, Northallerton
- Chipchaise John, retailer of beer, Brompton
- Clerk of the Peace Office -- Lupton Topham, clerk of the peace; Thomas Wait, clerk of indictments
- Close Thomas, retailer of beer, Northallerton
- Cooper William, farrier, Northallerton
- Dale Henry, chain & nail maker, Northallerton
- Garthwaite John, wool comber, Northallerton
- Hardwick John, coach builder, Northallerton
- Hawman Thomas, breeches maker & glover, Northallerton
- Holmes John, retailer of beer, Northallerton
- Merryweather Isaac, tin plate worker & brazier, Northallerton
- Millson John, master of the workhouse, Northallerton
- Naisby Thomas, hosier, Northallerton
- Register Office -- Richard William C. Peirse, registrar; R.W.Peirse, deputy
- registrar
- Robinson George, reed maker, Brompton
- Shepherd William, keeper of the house of correction, Northallerton
- Spencer Charles, gun manufacturer, Northallerton
- Subscription Library -- John Whitney Smith, secretary
- Tunstall Thomas, machine maker, Northallerton
- Webster John, retailer of beer, Brompton
- To Bedale, John Snowball and Robert Pearson, from Brompton, every Tuesday
- To Darlington, John Flintoff, every Mon. & Thurs. and Henry Carter, every Mon.
- To Leeds, Francis & Richard Pickersgill, from the Buck, daily
- To Newcastle on Tyne, Francis & Richard Pickersgill, from the Buck, daily
- To Richmond, John Snowball, every Saturday
- To Ripon, Robert Pearson, from Brompton, every Monday & Thursday
- To Stockton, John Snowball, every Mon. & Thurs. and Robert Pearson, from Brompton, every Monday, Wednesday & Friday
- To Thirsk, Simon Briggs, from the George & Dragon, every Tuesday & Friday
- To York, Francis & Richard Pickersgill, from the Buck, daily and John Flintoff, every Monday & Thursday
Transcribed by Steve Garton. ©2000