Northallerton Directory of Trades and Professions for 1823
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for NORTHALLERTON in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Post, - Post Master Mr. Henry Hirst.
Places front whence Distance. Postage. Arrival of Mails. Departure of Mails.
Letterbags are recvd
London 228 11d. 20 m. past 12 am.
York 32 7 ditto.
Easingwold 19 5 ditto. Immediately after
Thirsk 9 4 ditto. the arrival from
Newcastle 49 7 40 m. past 7 pm the opposite
Gateshead 48 7 ditto. direction.
Durham 34 7 ditto.
Darlington 16 5 ditto.
- Bailey Susan, gentlewoman
- Beckett Dorothy, gentlewoman
- Blanshard Richard, Esq.
- Body George, gentleman
- Body Jane, gentlewoman
- Bowness Rev. John
- Bowyer Rev. Archdeacon
- Cooper Thomas, gentleman
- Dighton Mrs. & Miss, gentlewomen
- Dixon John, gentleman
- Dowson John, gentleman
- Fife Capt. 69th regiment of foot
- Flower, William, yeoman
- Hennicott Rev. Richard, curate
- Hirst Henry, solicitor, & clerk of the general meetings of lieutenancy
- Jackson Richard, gentleman
- Jefferson John, gentleman
- Little Robert, gentleman
- Marshall William, architect
- Metcalf Dorothy, gentlewoman
- Monkhouse, ------- gentleman
- Parkin Mrs. gentlewoman
- Rigg Mary, gentlewoman
- Rigge Fletcher, Esq.
- Shepherd Thomas, sen. governor of the House of Correction
- Smith J. Whitney, Esq.
- Wailes William, deputy clerk of the peace
- Walker Francis, gentleman
- Walton J. S. deputy registrar, and agent to the Bishop of Durham
- Wasse J. M.D.
- Watson Richard, gentleman
- Welbank William, Esq.
- Wilkinson Rev. James, lecturer, and chaplain to the House of Correction
- Wilkinson Jane, gentlewoman
- Bowness Rev. J. (endowed grammar)
- Hall Jane, (ladies' day)
- Mayne Richard, sen. (day)
- Mitchell Mary, (ladies' boarding)
- Noble John, (day)
- Pallister Ann, (ladies' boarding & day)
- Spivey Christopher and Margaret, (national)
- York Thomas, (gent.'s boarding & day)
- Fletcher, Stubbs, Dew, and Stott, on Sir Richard Carr Glynn, Burt. & Co.
- Hutchinsons and Place, on Sir Peter Pole, Bart. and Co.
- Dobson Chrisr.
- Harrison Henry
- Hirst Henry
- Wailes William
- Walton J. Sanders, steward to the Court Leet and Court Baron
- Bowman Thomas
- Flower Thomas
- Masterman Thomas
- Snowden Robert
- Kingston David
- Metcalf Enos
- Railton Robert
- Richardson William
- Ward John
- Wardwick Alex.
- Garrett Robert
- Meynell George
- Nicholson John
- Pape John
- Snowball William
- Barnet Thomas, sen.
- Barnet Thomas, jun.
- Benson John
- Brown William
- Carver Simon
- Hill William
- Holmes George
- Lambert Thomas
- Metcalf John H.
- Peckitt P. Thomas
- Raw David
- Sayer Thomas
- Smith William
- Thompson Robert
- Hawman Thomas
- Mudd Richard
- Mudd William
- Peacock Abm.
- Thompson Robert
- Wilkinson Thomas
- Dixon John
- Grundy William
- Smith John
- Wood John
- Hall William, (cheese)
- Hare Rt. (cheese)
- Todds S. and Co. (cheese)
- Wilkinson James, (butter)
- Buck William
- Dale Henry
- Dale Thomas
- Dixon Thomas
- Langdale James
- Robinson John
- Hepton William
- Tesseyman George
- Carver William
- Chapman Roger
- Smith Timothy
- Tanfield John
- Dixon William
- Hamilton Thomas
- Harrison Thomas
- Taylor Robert
- Russell Nathaniel
- Globe, William, Wailes
- London Guardian, William, Wellbank
- Norwich Union, Thomas, Dixon
- Royal Exchange Thomas, Watson
- Union, Jas. Langdale, stationer
- Barnett Thomas
- Bell William
- Robinson Thomas
- Wood George
- Betteney James
- Jaques Thomas
- Airton Thomas
- Buck William
- Clemishaw Charlt.
- Elgie John, tea & coffee dealer,
- Geldurt John
- Hall William
- Hamilton Mary
- Hare Robert
- Kingston David
- Langdale Mrs. (tea)
- Marshall Launce.
- Peacock Jonathan
- Russell Nathaniel
- Tanfield John
- Todd S. and Co.
- Wilkinson James
- Wilson Thomas
- Flower George
- Gamble Thomas
- Gibson George
- Lamb Matthew
- Hunter Thomas
- Thompson Isaac
- Bowman John
- Brecken Thomas
- Broades Thomas
- Chapman Jas.
- Metcalf John
- Raw Christr.
- Snowden Robert
- Stokell George
- Tanfield William
- Thompson Thomas
- Whytall J. E.
- Hall Jane
- Langdale James
- Spivey Christopher, (gent.'s subs.)
- Jackson George
- Johnson Joseph
- Russell Nathaniel
- Dixon Luke
- Jackson George
- Peacock Thomas, & mercer
- Punderson Jabez, (wholesale)
- Hirst Francis
- Peacock Jonathan
- Readman John
- Chapman Elizabeth
- Cooke M. and A.
- Dale Ann
- Langdale Ellen
- Masterman J.
- Peacock Elizabeth
- Peckett Ann
- Sowerby Mary
- Stelling Mary
- Weldon Jemima
- Wigfield Jane
- Wilson Mary
- Barker George
- Cooper J. B.
- Gibson John
- Reed John
- Loftus Thomas
- Russell Simon
- Tennant James
- Wood Richard
- Best John, & curled hair manufacturer.
- Watson Joseph
- Watson Thomas
- Blackett Robert
- Lunn Thomas
- Masterman George
- Watson James
- Barker Thomas
- Jefferson Charles
- Kemp Peter, & wine
- Peacock William, & wine
- Thompson Isaac
- Humble John
- Metcalf William
- Wallis Alice
- Dale Ann
- Hill Mary
- Masterman J.
- Metcalf Ellen
- Peckitt Ann
- Shepherd Jane
- Weldon Jemima
- Wigfield Jane
- Dighton W. B. & C.
- Hodgson Robert
- Oastler William
- Atkinson Thomas
- Barnett John
- Bateman Thomas
- Bradley Thomas
- Britton John
- Hamilton Daniel
- Holmes John
- Stelling Thomas
- Weldon Thomas
- Gibson George
- Hare Robert
- Marshall Launcelot
- Clark John
- Sedgwick H. A.
- Loftus Thomas
- Russell Simeon, tinman
- Tennant James
- Walbran Henry
- Goldsbrough Jonth.
- Hawman Samuel
- Hobson William
- Lodge Henry & Rt.
- Nelson William
- Pearson Thomas
- Calvert Mary
- Nevison William
- Shepherd William
- Snowball Robert
- Fairburn Joseph
- Flower James
- Black Bull, Robert Smith
- Black Swan, John Simeson
- Durham Ox, Robert Thompson
- Fleece, William Guthrie
- George Inn, Dorothy Chithero
- George and Dragon, George Watson
- Golden Lion (commercial Inn and posting house), Francis Hirst,
- King's Arms, Charles C. Cade
- King's Head, W. Scott, & posting hs.
- Lord Nelson, Thomas, Walker
- Mason's Arms, Alice Wallis
- New Inn, William Humphrey
- Oak Tree Inn, Thomas, Masterman
- Old Golden Lion, John Caris
- Pack Horse, Robert Simpson
- Talbot Inn, Thomas, Wright
- Three Tuns, John Tyreman
- Victory, Thomas, Robinson
- Wheat Sheaf, Charles Kingston
- White Horse, William, Grundy
- Barker Christr. veterinary surgeon
- Bowman Thomas, Sheriff's officer
- Bray Robert, parish clerk
- Broades Mary, confectioner
- Chapman Ann, silk dyer
- Chapman William, sen. perpetual overseer
- Flower Thomas, bailiff for the liberty of Allertonshire
- Hardwick John, coach maker
- Hawman Thomas, glove maker, &c.
- Kemp Anthony, waiter at the Golden Lion
- Langdale James, printer and bookseller, chief constable for Allertonshire, and clerk of sub-division meetings of lieutenancy
- Lunn Ralph, waiter at the Golden Lion
- Marshall William, architect
- Moon John, corn miller
- Naisbitt Thomas, hosier
- Robinson Robert, reed maker
- Shepherd Thomas, jun. under gaoler
- Soppit Robert, officer of excise
- Wait Thomas, clerk of indictments for North Riding
- Walker Matthew, basket maker
- Wigfield Jonathan, hosier, &c. and brickmaker
- Wilson John, governor of workhouse and inspector of raw hides
- From the Golden Lion, Francis Hirst,
- The CLEVELAND COACH, during the season, Mon. Wed, and Sat. from Redcar to Bedale, at 11 morning, returns at 3 afternoon.
- The HIGH FLYER (alternate months at the Golden Lion and King's Head) arrives from York a quarter before 12 at noon, and returns from Newcastle quarter before 5 evening.
- The ROYAL MAIL, arrives at the Golden Lion (the King's Head and Black Bull alternate months) from London at half past 12, and from Edinburgh, at a quarter before 8 in the evening.
- The WELLINGTON, to London from Newcastle, arrives at half past 3 aft. and ret. to Newcastle at 2 morn.
- George Outhwaite, at the King's Arms, proceeds to Darlington and the North on Mon. and ret. on Thu. and proceeds to York, and ret. on Saturday.
- John Snowball, to Thirsk on Mon. to Bedale on Tu. to Stockton on Thu. to Richmond on Sat. & to Stokesley occasionally, and returns the same evenings.
- Pickersgill's at the Old Golden Lion, arrive from Darlington, Durham, Edinburgh, Sunderland, &c. on Mon. and Thu. and proceeds to York, London, &c. and ret. on Wed, and Sat.
- Samuel Briggs, at the Oak Tree, arr. from Sowerby on Mon. and Thu. and proceeds to Darlington, and ret, on Wed and Sat.
- Widow Welsh and Sons, at the Wheat Sheaf, arr. from Leeds Mon. Wed. and Sat. and proceeds to Newcastle, and ret. on Mon. Thus and Fri. to Leeds.
- William Pearson, of Brompton, to Bedale and Masham every Tu. & Fri. and to Leeds, &c. every Tu.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BROMPTON in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Gentry &c.: - Bowes William Harker gentleman
- Gibson Rev. Edward
- Harrison Mrs. Ann
- Stainthorp Thomas
- Lowther John
- Stainforth William
- Thompson Thomas
- Fawcett G. & T
- Johnson Thomas
- Cowell William
- Smith John
- Spence John
- Stokell Mark
- Appleton Matthew
- Appleton William
- Aungill John
- Cornforth Jonth.
- Herdman Edward
- Hodgson Joseph
- Kidson Robert
- Marwood William
- Miller Thomas
- Mustard George
- Newsome Thomas
- Plews John
- Reynard John
- Robinson Henry
- Robson John
- Sanderson Jackson
- Sanderson James
- Smith James
- Smith John
- Snowden William
- Stainthorp, George
- Stanger Robert
- Stockdale Ralph
- Swinburn William
- Trewhitt Bartw.
- Wilson Robert
- Wright Thomas
- Ayton George
- Byers Jane
- Day Ellen
- Fawcett Henry
- Leng Smith
- Robinson Ann
- Thompson Jane
- Wilford John
- Byerley Henry
- Coates George
- Lunn John
- M'Lane William
- Metcalf Thomas
- Joblin William
- Parnaby Christphr.
- Pattison John
- Rainshaw Thomas
- Richardson Isaac
- Tireman John
- Wilford John
- Wilson George.
- Foster Robert
- Garget George
- Metcalf John
- Mitchinson William
- Suggitt George
- Foster Elizabeth
- Richardson Ann
- Mirfield Edward
- Swales George
- Wright George
- Atkinson Samuel, slay & gear maker
- Dickson George, excise officer
- Dodsworth James, victualler: Crown
- Elgie William, corn miller
- Garnett Benjamin, brick maker
- Jackson Sanderson, victualler: Ship
- Langdale Roger, tallow chandler
- Lowther John, victualler, Three horse Shoes
- Meesome Mark, hair dresser
- Pattison George, earthenware dealer
- Pearson William, victualler, Durham Ox
- Scarlett John, gardener & seedsman
- Wilson George, victualler, Weaver's Arms
- Robert Pearson to Stockton, Mon. Wed. and Fri. to Masham, Wed. to Bedale Tu. and Fri. to Northallerton, Tu. Wed. Thu. and Saturday
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for ROMANBY in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Gentry &c.: - Monkhouse John, gentleman
- Russell John, gentleman
- Walker Robert, gentleman