


Masham Baptist Church History


Masham Baptist Church History up to 1912.



The Masham Church was originally a branch from the Church at Snape. For the same reason that it was deemed necessary to form a distinct interest in Bedale, a separate interest was formed in Masham, in 1815. The Church also enjoyed the benefit of Mr. Terry's labours, as he ministered every Lord's Day, in each of the three places, Masham, Bedale, and Snape. At Masham, the meetings were held in an upper room. Mr. Haigh, who had for some time laboured with Mr. Terry, succeeded to the pastorate at his death, but resigned in the year 1825. The pulpit was supplied by students until 1827, when Mr. John Jordan, from Horton College, was ordained to the pastorate. A chapel, with a dwelling house, was erected in 1828, and, for a time, the congregations were large and encouraging. Mr. J. Jordan was succeeded by Mr. Thomas Jordan, who was followed, in 1838, by Mr. Mackay.

In 1840, the pastoral office was held by Mr. Peacock, who was followed, in 1853, by Mr. T. E. Wycherly. In 1854, Mr. J. Burroughs accepted the office. This pastorate, also, was of short duration, for, three years later, Mr. Harrison succeeded him. Mr. Lefevre settled in 1860, but, in 1865, resigned "at six hours notice." Mr. Rowson was pastor from 1865 till 1870, and was followed by the Rev. R. J. Beecliff, who had the oversight of both Bedale and Masham. In 1880, the Rev. G. Charlesworth commenced a long and prosperous ministry, which came to a close in 1895. He was succeeded by the Rev. F. Allsop. In 1904, the Rev. W. H. Poynton, M.A., took occasional duty at Masham. In 1910, Rev. E. A. Cartwright enjoyed a happy ministry until the spring of 1911, when he removed to Leeds. In April of the same year, the Rev. Edward Moore accepted a unanimous invitation to the pastorates of both Masham and Bedale. The Church at Masham has remained much about the same through all these changes, a few faithful friends stedfastly witnessing for the truth under many difficulties.

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2014
from the "Present Churches" section of
The Baptists of Yorkshire
by Rev. J. Brown Morgan
and Rev. C.E. Shipley