Helmsley, Benefactions transcription
Helmsley parish:
Source=h:/!Genuki/WM2transcriptionsToHtml/input/NRYJackParryBenefactions.txtHelmsley, Benefactions transcription:
The further bequests in All Saints Church, Helmsley.
Mr. Smith Gave to the poor of Helmsley five Pound as Stock to be Order'd to ye use of ye said poor according to ye discretion of ye Minister and Overseers of ye Parish
Mr. Francis Wheelwright Gave to ye use of ye Poor of Helmsley five Pound as Stock and Fifty Pound more to be Lent Oute at Intrest for ever. ye Intrest to be distributed Every Sunday in ye Church to fowerteen Poor Prodestant Personsof ye same Towne to every one a Penny in Bread, which S'd fifty Pound Mr. John Garbut Who Married a Niece of ye Said Francis Wheelwright being one of ye Overseers of ye Poor of Helmsley in: 1676: Purchased three Pound a year Rent Charge for ever. Oute of Certain Lands in ye Township of Newby Wisk in ye County of york, Which is Now in ye Possesion of Mr. Henry Stephenson.to be Paid att Two times in ye year, viz. at Lady Day and Michaelmas, or within three dayes after each day in Helmsley Church Porch and for non Payment the Overseers for ye Time being are Permitted by ye S'd John Garbut and his heirs to Enter Upon ye Said Lands and Pay Them*** With all Charges; a Fine Levyed thereof Pursuant to ye Statute in that Case.
Mr. Charles Man, Late Minister of Gillin, being Born att Helmsley att his Death Left Forty Shillings to ye Poor of ye said Town Stock; Ralph Harison Late of this Town of Helmsley att his Death Left Fower Pound to ye Poor of ye said Town Stock; Scriptt; Anno: Dom. 1720:
Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson