


Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.




Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: BILSDALE.     Church dedication: ST. HILDA.

Rydall wapentake. -Population, vide Helmsley; Church-room, 300 *2; Net value, £91. -The town of Bilsdale contained two carucates of land, which the Prior of Kirkham held of Robert de Ros for one mark per annum, who held them of the King in capite, and answered for the sixth part of a knight's fee, for here twelve carucates made a knight's fee.

" This," says Archbishop Sharp, " is a parochial Chapel, formerly in the parish of Helmsley, and still liable to a portion of its Church assessment." It was given to Rivaulx Abbey by Walter Espec in 1145.

Patron, the Vicar of Helmsley. Valued in 1707, at £6; and in 1818, at £60. 15s. per annum *3.

Augmented in 1745, with £200; in 1776, with £200; in 1787, with £200; in 1792, with £200; and in 1819, with £800, from the Parliamentary Grant-all by lot.

30th October 1813, faculty was granted to rebuild part of the Chapel, and also re-pew the Chapel.

No glebe house.

The Register Books for marriages commence in 1558; the first book, which comes down to 1753, is imperfect, and partly illegible ; many leaves wanting. The entries for baptisms and burials commence in 1665.

Poor's Money. The sum of £52 the amount of five several benefactions, given at different times, is placed in the hands of the overseers, and the interest given to the poor at Easter. -Vide 7th Report, page 750.

Post town: Helmsley.

Torre's MS., page 375. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. iii. page 87. Eastmead's Rievallensis, page 435. Young's Whitby, page 748. (Inscriptions.) Burton's Monasticon, pages 359. 374.

*1 Or Bilsdale Kirkham.

*2 In 1818, the Church-room was returned at 400.

*3 Certain suits in the Exchequer, are now, or lately were, depending, relative to the right to the tithe of calves.

Other information:
POCKLEY. -(Parish of Helmsley.) -Church-room, 50. -There was a Chantry here, which was valued at the Dissolution at £3. 6s. 8d.

Burton's Monasticon, pages 362. 376.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
OCR and changes for Web page presentation
by Colin Hinson. © 2013.