Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/NRY/NRYChCollection.txtData from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
The place: GUISBOROUGH. Church dedication: SAINT NICHOLAS. Church type: Perpetual Curacy.
Area, 12,000 acres. Langbarugh liberty, E.D. -Population, 2,210 *2; Church-room, 1,200 *3; Net value, £72. This Church was given to the Convent founded in this parish by Robert de Brus, to which it was appropriated, but no Vicarage was ever ordained therein.The patronage is in the Archbishop of York, who is also impropriator, it having been given to the See of York by King Henry VIII., in exchange.
Mr. Graves gives a catalogue of the incumbent Curates ; also the pedigrees of the Chaloners, Tocketts, and Lees.
The Church is valued in Pope Nicholas's taxation at £12; Nova Tax, £6; and in 1818, the Curacy was returned at £100 per annum.
Augmented in 1813 with £300; and £300 from the Parliamentary grant, to meet benefactions of £200 from Robert Chaloner, Esq., and £200 from the Rev. T. Pym Williamson, the incumbent of this parish.
The glebe house was returned in 1818 as unfit for residence, being " a small cottage ;" and in 1834, the return was " no glebe house."
The Register Books commence in the year 1661.
16th May 1789, faculty granted to repew the Church.
The School and Hospital of Jesus. Founded by the Rev. Robert Pursglove Clerk, by deed, dated 11th August 1561, and to consist of two wardens, a schoolmaster, and twelve poor persons, six of each sex. Patron of the mastership and poor people, John Lee of Pinchingtborpe, as heir at law of the surviving trustee. The wardens are annually elected by the patron, schoolmaster, and old wardens. Endowment -429a. 3r. 8p. of land, three cottages and a garth, fee farm rents amounting to £32. 9s. 2½d. The annual income at the time of the Report was £329. 4s. 4½d. The schoolmaster to be a priest in orders, if one can be had, but if no priest can be had, then an unmarried layman sufficiently learned in grammar " to teach freely in the school all scholars coming to learn in the same." The poor people when admitted, not to be under 63 years of age, and to occupy themselves in prayer in the parish Church two hours in every day, viz., one hour before noon and another hour after noon. The school and hospital premises consist of a small house for the master, comprising a school-room within it, and a garden and stable adjoining, and six rooms for the almspeople with out-buildings attached. The yearly stipend of the master is £50. The allowances to each of the almspeople consist of a weekly payment of 5s., and a sheet and suit of clothes to each of the men, and a sheet, gown, and petticoat to each of the women. The alms.. people also receive the rents of a house in York, under Lumley's charity, mentioned below. In 1788, proceedings in Chancery were commenced by some of the inhabitants of the parish, relative to the election of wardens, which were not finally terminated in 1822. About eighty-four years ago, in the time of the Rev. Mr. Husband, the school was in considerable estimation as a grammar school, and well frequented both by boys from a distance, and free scholars from the town. At the time of the Report the master resided at Malton, about thirty miles distant from Guisbrough, but was preparing to return. He professed to teach gratuitously only such scholars as might come with the object of being instructed in Latin.Rev. Richard Lumley's charity, by will, dated 2nd April 1694. Rent of a house in Stonegate, York, held by Mr. Seth Agar, under lease, which will expire 1st November 1839, at the annual rent of £21, which is distributed half yearly among the poor people in the hospital, provided they daily attended the Church unless prevented by sickness, and received the sacrament once a month. Also the rent of an estate at Carleton Miniott, consisting of a farm-house and sixty or sixty-one acres of land, let at the time of the Report for £126 per annum, in trust for the Minister or Curate resident at Guisbrough, upon condition that such minister or Curate should daily twice in every week throughout the year, if not prevented by sickness, read prayers in the parish Church, and administer the sacrament upon the first Sunday in every month, and catechise the children every Sunday, preach every holiday, and also on the first Sunday after Trinity preach a sermon exhorting the people to charity.
The Providence School. Established in 1790, by means of a subscription promoted by Mr. George Venables, of the Tower, London, dividends on £3,200 three per cents. Fifty boys and forty girls are taught reading, writing, and arithmetic, and the girls needlework.
rent charge. £7 per annum, purchased with a sum of £116. 13s. 4d. the amount of several benefactions formerly given for the poor by different persons.
Other rents-charge. 9s., £4. 4s., and £2, per annum.
All the above are applied in aid of the Providence School.
Crow's Poor's Land. About two acres of land, rent applied in aid of the Providence school.
Poor's Money. Interest of £40, left by Robert Crow for the poor.
Matthew Sanderson's gift. rent charge of 9s. per annum for the poor.
Joseph Dunn's rent charge. 20s. per annum to the poor. -Vide Graves, page 426, and 8th Report, page 724.
A post town.
Torre's MS., page 111. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. iii. page 151. Mon. Angl., vol. vi. page 267. Burton's Monasticon, pages 277. 340. 344. Graves's Cleveland, page 415. Ant. Rep., vol. iii. page 304. Parliamentary Survey, vol. xvii. page 30.
*1 Or Guisburgh, otherwise Gisburne.*2 In 1834, the Population was returned at 2,500. Viz. Commondale, 78 ; Guisbrough, 1,988; Hutton Locrass, 52; Pinchingthorpe, 57 ; Tocketts, 35.
*3 In 1818, the return was only 300.
Other information:
PRIORY. -The Priory was founded for Austin Canons by Robert de Brus in the year 1129, and it was burnt with all its books, relics, and goods, in 1289. The name in the Monastic Notices is generally written Gisberg or Gisburne.Bawdwen's Domesday Book (Chigesburg, Giseborne); pages 18. 65. 69. 155. 235. Mon. Angl., vol. vi. page 265.
TOCKETTS. -(Parish of Guisbrough.) There was an ancient Chapel at Tocketts, dedicated to St. James, (Graves, page 430,) and also an Hospital for Lepers, dedicated to St. Leonard, (vide Tanner's Notitia).
Burton's Monasticon, page 353.
George Lawton in 1842..
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