


Cayton Bishop's Transcripts, Marriages 1812-1860


Transcription of Marriages from the film of the Bishop's Transcipts

Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/NRY/CaytonPRsEtc.txt NOTE: Records for the following years are missing: 1 April 1817 to 31 May 1818, and 1838-1859

DateSurnameGiven Name & Spouse Name, Occupation & Parish InfoB/LWitnesses
1812/02/12DARLEYGeorge, Batchelor & Elizabeth FEATHERSTONE, both otpB 
1812/02/12FEATHERSTONEElizabeth & George DARLEY, Batchelor, both otpB 
1812/04/18ROBINSONMagdalen, Spinster & Thomas TINDALL, Batchelor, both otpL 
1812/04/18TINDALLThomas, Batchelor & Magdalen ROBINSON, Spinster, both otpL 
1812/05/18FEATHERSTONEChristiana, Spinster & Joseph SWAIN, Widower, both otpB 
1812/05/18SWAINJoseph, Widower & Christiana FEATHERSTONE, Spinster, both otpB 
1812/11/24BANKSFrancis, Batchelor & Ann STOCKDALE, Spinster, both otpB 
1812/11/24ELLERBYAnn, Spinster & Leonard LENG, Batchelor, both otpB 
1812/11/24LENGGeorge, Batchelor & Elizabeth WRAY, Spinster, both otpB 
1812/11/24LENGLeonard, Batchelor & Ann ELLERBY, Spinster, both otpB 
1812/11/24STOCKDALEAnn, Spinster & Francis BANKS, Batchelor, both otpB 
1812/11/24WRAYElizabeth, Spinster & George LENG, Batchelor, both otpB 
1812/11/27HICKThomas of Sinnington, Farmer & Mary RALEY otp, SpinsterL 
1812/11/27RALEYMary otp, Spinster & Thomas HICK of Sinnington, FarmerL 
1813/05/08KNEESHEEEllis otp & Johnson WARD otpBwit: Francis WARD, John OTTERBURN
1813/05/08WARDJohnson otp & Ellis KNEESHEE otpBwit: Francis WARD, John OTTERBURN
1813/06/07HAYWilliam otp & Frances WHITFIELD otpBwit: Elizabeth WESTERMAN, John OTTERBURN
1813/06/07WHITFIELDFrances otp & William HAY otpBwit: Elizabeth WESTERMAN, John OTTERBURN
1813/06/22HARPERHenry of the Parish of Beeford, Clark, & Sussanna WHALEY, Spinster otpLwit: Frances WHALEY, Ann WHALEY, Mary Ann BOUTIFLOWER, Elizabeth WHALEY
1813/06/22WHALEYSussanna, Spinster otp & Henry HARPER of the Parish of Beeford, ClarkLwit: Frances WHALEY, Ann WHALEY, Mary Ann BOUTIFLOWER, Elizabeth WHALEY
1813/08/07ASHJohn otp & Elizabeth HOGG otpBwit: John OTTERBURN
1813/08/07HOGGElizabeth otp & John ASH otpBwit: John OTTERBURN
1813/11/09ASHTONEdward otp & Frances JEFFERSON otpBwit: Ralph THOMPSON, John OTTERBURN
1813/11/09JEFFERSONFrances otp & Edward ASHTON otpBwit: Ralph THOMPSON, John OTTERBURN
1814/03/10COULSONDinah itp & Benjamin DUTCHMAN otpBwit: Francis TENNANT, John OTTERBURN
1814/03/10DUTCHMANBenjamin otp & Dinah COULSON otpBwit: Francis TENNANT, John OTTERBURN
1814/04/28ATKINSONGeorge otp & Ester HOVINGTON otpLwit: Mary BROWN, John OTTERBURN
1814/04/28HOVINGTONEster otp & George ATKINSON otpLwit: Mary BROWN, John OTTERBURN
1814/08/22FLINTONWilliam otp & Priscilla THOMPSON otpBwit: William SMITH, John OTTERBURN
1814/08/22THOMPSONPriscilla otp & William FLINTON otpBwit: William SMITH, John OTTERBURN
1814/11/12JOHNSONMary otp & Robert SIMPSON of the Parish of BaintonLwit: Ann WILKINSON, J. Geo. JOHNSON
1814/11/12SIMPSONRobert of the Parish of Bainton & Mary JOHNSON otpLwit: Ann WILKINSON, J. Geo. JOHNSON
1815/01/16SOWERBYDaniel of the Parish of Langtoft & Ann STEPHENSON otpLwit: John BRADFORD, Thomas STEPHENSON
1815/01/16STEPHENSONAnn otp & Daniel SOWERBY of the Parish of LangtoftLwit: John BRADFORD, Thomas STEPHENSON
1815/10/16GIBSONMartha otp & William WILLIS otpBwit: George WATERWORTH, Mary CURTIS
1815/10/16WILLISWilliam otp & Martha GIBSON otpBwit: George WATERWORTH, Mary CURTIS
1815/12/18FORMANAnn otp & William SPENCLEY otpBwit: John BOWTER, Hannah HICK
1815/12/18SPENCLEYWilliam otp & Ann FORMAN otpBwit: John BOWTER, Hannah HICK
1816/06/03COULTASHenrietta otp & Matthew FLINT otpBwit: Christiana SWAINS, John OTTERBURN
1816/06/03FLINTMatthew otp & Henrietta COULTAS otpBwit: Christiana SWAINS, John OTTERBURN
1816/11/16GLAVESMargaret otp & George LEIGHTON otpLwit: Thos. BUNTON, Mary LEIGHTON
1816/11/16LEIGHTONGeorge otp & Margaret GLAVES otpLwit: Thos. BUNTON, Mary LEIGHTON
1816/12/07BROWNMary otp & John SMITH otpBwit: Mary HICK, Richard SMITH
1816/12/07SMITHJohn otp & Mary BROWN otpBwit: Mary HICK, Richard SMITH
1816/12/28ESTILLMartha otp & William STONEHOUSE otpBwit: Thos. STONEHOUSE, Thos. LEADLEY
1816/12/28STONEHOUSEWilliam otp & Martha ETILL otpBwit: Thos. STONEHOUSE, Thos. LEADLEY
1817/01/25DENTONMary otp & Ralph RICKABY of the Parish of MustonLwit: George BAYS, John OTTERBURN
1817/01/25RICKABYRalph of the Parish of Muston & Mary DENTON otpLwit: George BAYS, John OTTERBURN
1817/01/27HAYSWilliam otp and Jane SPENCER otpBwit: John OTERBURN, Ruth SELLARS
1817/01/27SPENCERJane otp & William HAYS otpBwit: John OTERBURN, Ruth SELLARS
1818/10/15DOWSLANDMary otp, spinster & George OVERTON otp, marinerLwit: Arthur COULSON, Elizabeth BATTY
1818/10/15OVERTONGeorge otp, mariner & Mary DOWSLAND otp, spinsterLwit: Arthur COULSON, Elizabeth BATTY
1819/02/11ELLIOTTWilliam of the Parish of Hunmanby & Dinah FRANKISH otpBwit: John ELLIOTT, Hannah HICK
1819/02/11FRANKISHDinah otp & William ELLIOTT of the Parish of HunmanbyBwit: John ELLIOTT, Hannah HICK
1819/03/13PATRICKGeorge of the Parish of Willerby & Jane RODGERS otpBwit: William FLINTON, John RALEY
1819/03/13RODGERSJane otp & George PATRICK of the Parish of WillerbyBwit: William FLINTON, John RALEY
1819/03/25LANCASTERJames otp & Eliza STEWARD otp, spinsterLwit: Benjamin FOWLER, William WHITFIELD
1819/03/25STEWARDEliza otp, spinster & James LANCASTER otpLwit: Benjamin FOWLER, William WHITFIELD
1819/09/18BROWNDavid otp, bachelor & Mary WILSON otp, spinsterBwit: John OTTERBURN, Moses BROWN
1819/09/18WILSONMary otp, spinster & David BROWN otp, bachelorBwit: John OTTERBURN, Moses BROWN
1819/09/25GIBSONJohn otp, bachelor & Elizabeth HAWKINS otp, spinsterBwit: David HARDY, John OTTERBURN
1819/09/25HAWKINSElizabeth otp, spinster & John GIBSON otp, bachelorBwit: David HARDY, John OTTERBURN
1819/11/23MILNERHannah otp, spinster & Thos. SHAW otp, bachelorBwit: George MILNER, Jane DENTON
1819/11/23SHAWThos. otp, bachelor & Hannah MILNER otp, spinsterBwit: George MILNER, Jane DENTON
1819/12/04COULSONThomas otp, bachelor & Hannah HICK otp, spinsterBwit: George COULSON, Jane COULSON
1819/12/04HICKHannah otp, spinster & Thomas COULSON otp, bachelorBwit: George COULSON, Jane COULSON
1819/12/09BEVERLEYMary otp, widow & Samuel FEATHERSTON otp, widowerBwit: Wm. FLINTON, John OTTERBURN
1819/12/09FEATHERSTONSamuel otp, widower & Mary BEVERLEY otp, widowBwit: Wm. FLINTON, John OTTERBURN

Cayton Bishop's Transcripts, Marriages 1820 to 1829
NOTE: Records for the following years are missing:
1 April 1817 to 31 May 1818, and 1838-1859
DateSurnameGiven Name & Spouse Name, Occupation & Parish InfoB/LWitnesses
1820/04/01HICKFrances otp, spinster & William MILBURN otp, bachelorLwit: Mary SMITH, John OTTERBURN
1820/04/01MILBURNWilliam otp, bachelor & Frances HICK otp, spinsterLwit: Mary SMITH, John OTTERBURN
1820/05/28EMMERSONWm. otp, farmer and bachelor & Hannah ROBINSON otp, spinsterLwit: Hannah FEASTER, George HARDY
1820/05/28ROBINSONHannah otp, spinster & Wm. EMMERSON otp, farmer and bachelorLwit: Hannah FEASTER, George HARDY
1820/12/23ADAMSONThomas otp & Rachel COATES of the Parish of Seamer, spinsterBwit: Job RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1820/12/23COATESRachel of the Parish of Seamer, spinster & Thomas ADAMSON otpBwit: Job RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1821/01/14KITCHINGWilliam otp, bachelor & Elizabeth LINSKILL otp, widowLwit: Hannah FEASTER, William PENNOCK
1821/01/14LINSKILLElizabeth otp, widow & William KITCHING otp, bachelorLwit: Hannah FEASTER, William PENNOCK
1821/04/06HUMERichard otp, bachelor & Hannah SCALING otp, spinsterLwit: John DAWSON, John OTTERBURN
1821/04/06SCALINGHannah otp, spinster & Richard HUME otp, bachelorLwit: John DAWSON, John OTTERBURN
1821/04/29HARRISONMary of the Parish of Seamer, spinster & John ROADS otp, bachelorBwit: William HARRISON, John OTTERBURN
1821/04/29ROADSJohn otp, bachelor & Mary HARRISON of the Parish of Seamer, spinsterBwit: William HARRISON, John OTTERBURN
1821/10/11FOSTERJames of the Parish of Willerby & Ann HODGSON otpBwit: John OTTERBURN, Wm. HADGSON
1821/10/11HODGSONAnn otp & James FOSTER of the Parish of WillerbyBwit: John OTTERBURN, Wm. HADGSON
1821/11/24BRUMBLERThomas otp, bachelor & Easther DOWSLAND otp, spinsterBwit: Job RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1821/11/24DOWSLANDEasther otp, spinster & Thomas BRUMBLER otp, bachelorBwit: Job RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1822/02/04MIDDLEWOODJohn of the Parish of Cherry Burton & Rachel RALEY otpBwit: Thomas SHAW, Robert WATSON, Ann RALEY
1822/02/04RALEYRachel otp & John MIDDLEWOOD of the Parish of Cherry BurtonBwit: Thomas SHAW, Robert WATSON, Ann RALEY
1822/05/18JEWISONEllen otp, spinster & George READHEAD otp, bachelorBwit: James LANCASTER, John OTTERBURN
1822/05/18READHEADGeorge otp, bachelor & Ellen JEWISON otp, spinsterBwit: James LANCASTER, John OTTERBURN
1822/07/01ROBINSONHannah otp, spinster & John THOMPSON otp, bachelorBwit: James LANCASTER, John OTTERBURN
1822/07/01THOMPSONJohn otp, bachelor & Hannah ROBINSON otp, spinsterBwit: James LANCASTER, John OTTERBURN
1823/05/17DAWSONAsheway otp, spinster & Levi JOWSEY otp, bachelorBwit: John STEPHENSON, James LAW
1823/05/17JOWSEYLevi otp, bachelor & Asheway DAWSON otp, spinsterBwit: John STEPHENSON, James LAW
1823/12/01FOXMary otp & Joseph SHAW of the Parish of Ruston PravaBwit: Thomas BROWN, Thomas BROWN, Francis FOX
1823/12/01SHAWJoseph of the Parish of Ruston Prava, bachelor & Mary FOX otpBwit: Thomas BROWN, Thomas BROWN, Francis FOX
1824/01/24ATKINSONGrace otp, spinster & Thomas WATSON otp, bachelor and farmerBwit: Wm. LEIGHTON, Mary LEIGHTON
1824/01/24WATSONThomas otp , bachelor and farmer & Grace ATKINSON otp, spinsterBwit: Wm. LEIGHTON, Mary LEIGHTON
1825/05/03ABRAMWilliam of Parish of Hunmanby & Judith PLEWS otp, spinsterBwit: Joseph FLETCHER, Ralph BURTON, Elizabeth TRATTELS
1825/05/03PLEWSJudith otp, spinster & William ABRAM of Parish of HunmanbyBwit: Joseph FLETCHER, Ralph BURTON, Elizabeth TRATTELS
1825/10/29BOWSAnn otp, spinster & James LANCASTER otp, farmerBwit: Jane KIRK, Willy HARDY
1825/10/29LANCASTERJames otp, farmer & Ann BOWS otp, spinsterBwit: Jane KIRK, Willy HARDY
1825/11/26ATKINSONSarah otp, spinster & William FIELDS otp, bachelorBwit: John POTTAS, John ATKINSON
1825/11/26BROWNAnn otp, spinster & William GAGE otp, bachelorBwit: Thos. BROWN, Jane KIRK, James GAGE
1825/11/26FIELDSWilliam otp, bachelor & Sarah ATKINSON otp, spinsterBwit: John POTTAS, John ATKINSON
1825/11/26GAGEWilliam otp, bachelor & Ann BROWN otp, spinsterBwit: Thos. BROWN, Jane KIRK, James GAGE
1826/08/15CANDLERChristopher of Parish of Seamer & Ann WILLIAMS otpBwit: John OTTERBURN, Witty HARDY
1826/08/15WILLIAMSAnn otp & Christopher CANDLER of Parish of SeamerBwit: John OTTERBURN, Witty HARDY
1826/11/14PLEWSWilliam otp & Martha SIMPSON of Parish of Flambro'Bwit: William ABRAM, Ann GARBUTT
1826/11/14SIMPSONMartha of Parish of Flambro' & William PLEWS otpBwit: William ABRAM, Ann GARBUTT
1826/12/25POTTASSJohn otp, bachelor & Elizabeth WETHEREL of Parish of MustonBwit: William COULSON, William ABRAM
1826/12/25WETHERELElizabeth of Parish of Muston & John POTTASS otp, bachelorBwit: William COULSON, William ABRAM
1827/01/06ELLIOTTChristiana otp, spinster & Thomas WILSON of Parish of Kirby Moorside, bachelorBwit: Richd. IDLE, John OTTERBURN
1827/01/06WILSONThomas of Parish of Kirby Moorside, bachelor & Christiana ELLIOTT otp, spinsterBwit: Richd. IDLE, John OTTERBURN
1827/05/19RALEYAnn otp, spinster & William WHITFIELD otp, bachelorBwit: John DUNN, Jane DENTON, John OTTERBURN
1827/05/19WHITFIELDWilliam otp, bachelor & Ann RALEY otp, spinsterBwit: John DUNN, Jane DENTON, John OTTERBURN
1827/07/23BROUGHAnn otp, spinster & Thompson OROO? otp, bachelorBwit: John WHITFIELD, Wilborn WHITFIELD, John OTTERBURN
1827/07/23OROO?Thompson otp, bachelor & Ann BROUGH otp, spinsterBwit: John WHITFIELD, Wilborn WHITFIELD, John OTTERBURN
1828/04/24JOHNSONThomas of Parish of Seamer, widower & Ruth SELLARS otp, widowBwit: John DAWSON, John OTTERBURN
1828/04/24SELLARSRuth otp, widow & Thomas JOHNSON of Parish of Seamer, widowerBwit: John DAWSON, John OTTERBURN
1828/05/22JACKSONMary otp, spinster & William ROBINSON of Potter Brumpton of Parish of Ganton, bachelorLwit: John JACKSON, John OTTERBURN
1828/05/22ROBINSONWilliam of Potter Brumpton of Parish of Ganton, bachelor & Mary JACKSON otp, spinsterLwit: John JACKSON, John OTTERBURN
1829/02/07HICKJane otp, spinster & James PEARSON of Parish of Brompton, bachelorBwit: Elizabeth HICK, John OTTERBURN
1829/02/07PEARSONJames of Parish of Brompton, bachelor & Jane HICK otp, spinsterBwit: Elizabeth HICK, John OTTERBURN
1829/02/14CARTERRachel of Osgodby otp, spinster & John CROSER of Parish of Snainton, bachelorLwit: Wm. PLEWES, Jemima GLAVES, Wm. NESFIELD
1829/02/14CROSERJohn of Parish of Snainton, bachelor & Rachel CARTER of Osgodby otp, spinsterLwit: Wm. PLEWES, Jemima GLAVES, Wm. NESFIELD
1829/05/12LEIGHTONWilliam farmer otp, bachelor & Ann ROBINSON otp, spinsterLwit: Thomas SHAW, Jane DENTON
1829/05/12ROBINSONAnn otp, spinster & William LEIGHTON farmer otp, bachelorLwit: Thomas SHAW, Jane DENTON
1829/06/13ANGELGeorge otp, bachelor & Elizabeth DARLEY otp, widowBwit: Job RALEY, Hannah EMMERSON, John OTTERBURN
1829/06/13DARLEYElizabeth otp, widow & George ANGEL otp, bachelorBwit: Job RALEY, Hannah EMMERSON, John OTTERBURN
1829/06/25BROWNWard of Parish of Hunmanby, bachelor & Ann GARBUTT otp, spinsterBwit: John BROWN, Mary ROBINSON
1829/06/25GARBUTTAnn otp, spinster & Ward BROWN of Parish of Hunmanby, bachelorBwit: John BROWN, Mary ROBINSON

Cayton Bishop's Transcripts, Marriages 1830 to 1860
NOTE: Records for the following years are missing:
1 April 1817 to 31 May 1818, and 1838-1859
DateSurnameGiven Name & Spouse Name, Occupation & Parish InfoB/LWitnesses
1830/03/15STUBBSThorp otp, bachelor & Hannah THOMPSON otp, spinsterBwit: John ATKINSON, Sarah THOMPSON, John OTTERBURN
1830/03/15THOMPSONHannah otp, spinster & Thorp STUBBS otp, bachelorBwit: John ATKINSON, Sarah THOMPSON, John OTTERBURN
1831/01/08FETHERSTONEMary otp, spinster & William HARRISON otp, bachelor wit: Jno. STONEHOUSE, Ann HELD, James THOMLINSON
1831/01/08HARRISONWilliam otp, bachelor & Mary FETHERSTONE otp, spinster wit: Jno. STONEHOUSE, Ann HELD, James THOMLINSON
1831/11/19COLLEYHenry of Parish of Sherburn, bachelor & Jemima GLAVES otp, spinsterLwit: Robt. CROSS, Robt. HALL, Thos. BURTON, Wm. LOWISH, Francis DOWSON, Chr. COATES
1831/11/19GLAVESJemima otp, spinster & Henry COLLEY of Parish of Sherburn, bachelorLwit: Robt. CROSS, Robt. HALL, Thos. BURTON, Wm. LOWISH, Francis DOWSON, Chr. COATES
1831/11/23HEPWORTHJohn otp, bachelor & Ann KELD otp, spinsterBwit: Wm. HARPER, Jna. OTTERBURN, Jane WITFIELD
1831/11/23KELDAnn otp, spinster & John HEPWORTH otp, bachelorBwit: Wm. HARPER, Jna. OTTERBURN, Jane WITFIELD
1832/08/04APPLEBYFrancis of Parish of Burton Fleming, bachelor & Eleanor CARTER otpBwit: Bell PERCY, Robt. HEBDEN, Thos. COULSON, Jane ANDERSON
1832/08/04CARTEREleanor otp & Francis APPLEBY of Parish of Burton Fleming, bachelorBwit: Bell PERCY, Robt. HEBDEN, Thos. COULSON, Jane ANDERSON
1832/10/20LIGHTFOOTElizabeth otp & Thomas MILNER otpBwit: Wm. STONEHOUSE, Jna. OTTERBURN
1832/10/20MILNERThomas otp & Elizabeth LIGHTFOOT otpBwit: Wm. STONEHOUSE, Jna. OTTERBURN
1832/11/19ANDERSONJane of Osgodby otp, spinster & John SHAW of Muston of Parish of Hunmanby, bachelorLwit: Wm. STONEHOUSE, Mary GRIME, Richd. EMMERSON, Ann OWSTON
1832/11/19SHAWJohn of Muston of Parish of Hunmanby, bachelor & Jane ANDERSON of Osgodby otp, spinsterLwit: Wm. STONEHOUSE, Mary GRIME, Richd. EMMERSON, Ann OWSTON
1833/04/18SKELTONMary Ann otp, spinster & Samuel WARTERS otp, bachelorBwit: Thomas COULSON, Robert JOHNSON
1833/04/18WARTERSSamuel otp, bachelor & Mary Ann SKELTON otp, spinsterBwit: Thomas COULSON, Robert JOHNSON
1833/06/10TEMPLEElizabeth otp, spinster & George WALLGATE otp, bachelorBwit: John RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1833/06/10WALLGATEGeorge otp, bachelor & Elizabeth TEMPLE otp, spinsterBwit: John RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1833/09/19CUMMINGSGeorge otp, widower & Mary TAYLOR otp, spinsterBwit: Robert JOHNSON, John OTTERBURN
1833/09/19TAYLORMary otp, spinster & George CUMMINGS otp, widowerBwit: Robert JOHNSON, John OTTERBURN
1834/04/06TEMPLEJohn otp, bachelor & Mary WILSON otp, spinsterBwit: Mary TENDALL, George TEMPEL
1834/04/06WILSONMary otp, spinster & John TEMPLE otp, bachelorBwit: Mary TENDALL, George TEMPEL
1834/06/16DENNISGeorge of City of York & Mary GRIME otpLwit: Robert ROBINSON, Catherine DENNIS, John EMMERSON, Ann GRIME
1834/06/16GRIMEMary otp & George DENNIS of City of YorkLwit: Robert ROBINSON, Catherine DENNIS, John EMMERSON, Ann GRIME
1834/12/25MARTINMary Ann otp, spinster & Thomas MELTON of Staxton of Parish of Willerby, bachelorLwit: Francis SMITH, John OTTERBURN
1834/12/25MELTONThomas of Staxton of Parish of Willerby, bachelor & Mary Ann MARTIN otp, spinsterLwit: Francis SMITH, John OTTERBURN
1835/02/10COATESMary otp & John HUGALL of Parish of HingsbyBwit: William CORKERILL, John OTTERBURN
1835/02/10HUGALLJohn of Parish of Hingsby & Mary COATES otpBwit: William CORKERILL, John OTTERBURN
1835/02/18COLLEYJemima otp & Butler HUDSON of Flixton in Parish of FolktonLwit: George LEIGHTON, Elizabeth HUDSON, Ann LEIGHTON
1835/02/18HUDSONButler of Flixton in Parish of Folkton & Jemima COLLEY otpLwit: George LEIGHTON, Elizabeth HUDSON, Ann LEIGHTON
1835/11/09COOPERMatthew otp & Ruth GRAY otpBwit: John RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1835/11/09GRAYRuth otp & Matthew COOPER otpBwit: John RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1835/11/22SMITHRichard otp & Mary WARD of Parish of SeamerBwit: Francis SMITH, Ann SMITH
1835/11/22WARDMary of Parish of Seamer & Richard SMITH otpBwit: Francis SMITH, Ann SMITH
1836/06/28DENTONJohn otp, bachelor & Jane WHITFIELD otp, spinsterBwit: John OTTERBURN, Richard ROBINSON
1836/06/28WHITFIELDJane otp, spinster & John DENTON otp, bachelorBwit: John OTTERBURN, Richard ROBINSON
1836/10/08ANNELBEMary otp & William JEWISON otp, bachelorBwit: Dawson DARLEY, Francis SMITH
1836/10/08JEWISONWilliam otp, bachelor & Mary ANNELBE otpBwit: Dawson DARLEY, Francis SMITH
1837/01/21BEECROFTMary otp & George SIMPKIN otpLwit: Mary SWALES, Job RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1837/01/21SIMPKINGeorge otp & Mary BEECROFT otpLwit: Mary SWALES, Job RALEY, John OTTERBURN
1837/02/23EMMERSONHannah otp, widow & John WARDELL of Parish of North Burton, bachelorLwit: John CRAVEN, Mary ROBINSON
1837/02/23WARDELLJohn of Parish of North Burton, bachelor & Hannah EMMERSON otp, widowLwit: John CRAVEN, Mary ROBINSON
1837/06/10ATKINSONMary otp, spinster & Robert HEADLEY otp, bachelorBwit: Francis SMITH, Catherine GREENWOOD, Hannah HEADLEY
1837/06/10HEADLEYRobert otp, bachelor & Mary ATKINSON, otp, spinsterBwit: Francis SMITH, Catherine GREENWOOD, Hannah HEADLEY
1837/06/28DENTONSophia otp, spinster & Stephen PATTISON of Parish of Otley, Minister of the Primitive MethodistsLwit: Isaac SMITH, Maria DENTON, Elizabeth DENTON
1837/06/28PATTISONStephen of Parish of Otley, Minister of the Primitive Methodists & Sophia DENTON otp, spinsterLwit: Isaac SMITH, Maria DENTON, Elizabeth DENTON