Bedale Directory of Trades and Professions for 1823
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BEDALE in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Post & Letters, - Post Mistress: FRANCES MAFHAM.
- Letters from London, York, Wetherby, Boroughbridge. and Thirsk arrive daily at 50 minutes past 4 in the morning, (delivery of Letters at 8 in the morning.)
- A Riding Post departs at 50 minutes past 5 in the morning, taking bags for Middleham, Spennithorne, Leyburn, Askrigg, and Hawes, all Penny-post towns, and returns at 4 in the afternoon, departs immediately with letters for Thirsk, York. London, &c.
- NB: A Penny-post to Masham at 6 in the morning.
- Barker William, gentleman
- Cookson Mrs. A.
- Marshall John, gentleman
- Monson Hon. & Rev. Thomas, M. A.
- Monson Rev. J. J. T. M.A.
- Pierce Henry, Esq. M. P.
- Williamson Mrs. Elizabeth
- Burton John, County Fire and Provident Life office
- Glaister H. R.
- Ianson W. R.
- Peacock T. D.
- Brown Timothy
- Clough Joseph
- Barnett Simon
- Braithwaite John
- Elwood John
- Hird Robert
- Hodgson William
- Johnson William
- Slater William
- Smith John
- Stapleton John
- Walton William
- Backhouse William
- Banks Joseph
- Hewson William
- Nicholson Henry
- Nicholson Henry
- Whitton Thomas, Firby Grange
- Gill William
- Peacock William
- Place Mary
- Webster Christr.
- Plaice Mary
- Slater John
- Prest Henry
- Wright Thomas
- Barker William
- Braithwaite Sarah
- Chapman George
- Hardy James
- Jameson Christr.
- Kendrew Henry
- Mason William
- Stonehouse James
- Walburn William
- Hird Davies
- Hird William
- Barker William
- Deighton Christr.
- Santon Vincent
- Deighton Christr.
- Robinson William
- Burton John
- Harker William
- Kirby William
- Kirtlan George
- Porter John
- Bridgewater John
- Fawcett John
- Hewson Josh. mfr.
- Shepherd Edward
- Sweeting William
- Wright Thomas, jun.
- Pratt Matt. Mfr
- Shepherd Edward
- Sweeting William
- Thorns Matt. mfr.
- Gill William
- Johnson James
- Peacock William
- Webster Christr
- Sheerwood William
- Shepherd Edward, (& haberdasher)
- Sweeting William, (& haberdasher)
- Carver Hannah
- Robinson Ann
- Smith Mary
- Bucktrout William
- Cooper Francis
- Barrass George
- Bucktrout Robert
- Chapman Joseph, (dealer in glass)
- Taylor Richard
- Todd James
- Court Henry
- Webster William
- Kay George
- Motley Thomas
- Nicholson Francis
- Bailey Ann
- Brownbridge Elizabeth
- Brownbridge Thomas
- Naitby David
- Bussey Eleanor
- Fawcett Jane
- Naitby Elizabeth
- Simpson Elizabeth
- Horner Abraham
- Johnson Robert
- Pearson Jas. (bricklayer & plasterer)
- Pearson Robert,( & architect)
- Campbell Archibald
- Spence William
- Theakstone William
- Atkinson Mark, (& draper)
- Carter John
- Ellick James
- Ellick William
- Gale Thomas
- Pearson John
- Smith George, (and draper)
- Sweeting William, (& draper)
- Dennison Frances
- Horn Ann
- Fryer William, and ironmonger
- Harrison John, & ironmonger
- Thompson Thomas, (dealer in hardware & jewellery)
- Dunn Thomas
- Pearson Henry
- Raper Thomas
- Clarkson Thomas
- Johnson James
- (&Pearson W. and J.
- Atkinson Henry
- Burton John
- Kirby William
- Smith William, Jun.
- Bailey William, wood turner
- Bedford Richard, victualler: Black Swan
- Blenkhorn Simmeon, victualler: Black Bull
- Clapham Robert, bread baker
- Cooper Jane, confectioner
- Dobby Christr. victualler: Golden Lion
- Dobby Thomas, sheriff's officer for the county
- Gale Robert, wool comber
- Hellier John, victualler: Mason's Arms
- Hopper George, victualler: Cross Keys
- Hunsley George, linen weaver
- Johnson Robert, basket maker
- Nicholson Henry, victualler: King's Head
- Pearson James, victualler: White Bear
- Plews Hy. common brewer & maltster
- Saddler Edward, victualler: Green Dragon
- Skurrah John, cooper
- Slater William, auctioneer
- Slater William, victualler: Old Anchor
- Smith William, victualler: Royal Oak
- Storrow George cattle dealer
- Swan Thomas, horse dealer
- Thompson Benjamin, victualler: Waggon & Horses
- Walker Margaret, victualler: Blue Boar
- A Coach arrives here from Redcar (by way of Northallerton) at half past 12 at noon, every Mon. Wed. and Sat, during the bathing season, and ret, each of the said days at two o'clock.
- Christopher Horner to Boroughbridge twice a week, days uncertain. To Leyburn generally once a week. To Richmond once in 2 or three weeks.
- William Hird to Thirsk every Monday, dep. at 3 morn, and ret. the same day. To Richmond on Sat, at 3 morn, and ret. the same day.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for AISKEW in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Gentry &c.: - Arden Mrs. Anna Maria, Leases
- Dinsdale William, Esq. coroner for the county
- Dryden George, gentleman
- Foss James, gentleman
- Fothergill Mrs. Hannah, gentlewoman
- Gilden Mrs. Ann, Leases
- Hebden William, gentleman
- Lodge Francis
- Webster & Son
- Corbett William
- Fisher John
- Chapman Simon
- Duck William
- Dunn John
- Ellerton George
- Elwood Thomas
- Fothergill Charles
- Kendall Edward
- Lonsdale John
- Simpson Richard
- Strangeways Edward
- Sturges Thomas
- Caven John (nursery, & seedsman
- Mickles Adam, (landscape)
- Pearson Richard
- Webster James
- Wood James
- Copeland George
- Johnson Mary
- Weatherhill John
- Bateman Michael
- Merryweather Rd.
- Arnett John, saddler
- Britch George, blacksmith
- Fryer Joseph, victualler: Waggon
- Fryer William, violin maker & gunsmith
- Harrison Thos, supervisor
- Humphreys George, victualler: Malt Shovel
- Langhorn Richard, dyer
- Prudah John, corn miller
- Steed John, victualler: Anchor, Leeming bar
- Walmsley James, bread baker
- Whitton George, butcher
- Wilson John, tailor and draper
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BURRILL in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Miscellany of trades - Blackburn John, farmer
- Dixon Thomas, shoemaker
- Gill James, schoolmaster
- Mason Charles, farmer
- Plews Ralph, blacksmith
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for COWLING in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Gentry &c.: - Croft Sir John, Bart. Cowling hall
- Dodsworth Mrs. F. Cowling hall
- Blackburn William
- Cannon Sarah
- Cannon William
- Tindale John
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for GREAT CRAKEHALL in Baines's Directory of 1823.
Gentry &c.: - Pulleine Colonel Henry Percy
- Robson Mrs. Ann, gentlewoman
- Robson James, Esq.
- Bateson Tobias
- Musgrave Mthw.
- Braithwaite Mary
- Carter Nicholas
- Caslin John
- Caslin William
- Dunn Thomas
- Fishburn John
- Hodgson Henry
- Hunton John
- Linskill Elizabeth
- Linskill Mark
- Lonsdale William
- Moses Joseph
- Plews William
- Simpson John
- Wray Margaret
- Johnson William
- Saddler Thomas
- Allen James, linen weaver
- Boddy George, schoolmaster
- Cannon Thomas, butcher
- Graham William, joiner & cabinet maker
- Hall William, blacksmith
- Johnson Thomas, victualler: Octavian
- Marshall Thomas, victualler: Revellers
- Remmer John, grocer and draper
- Saddler George, tallow chandler
- Stapylton Thomas, tailor