


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of South Cave


The Names of the Persons entitled to vote in the Election of Knights of the Shire for the East-Riding of the County of York, and the Town and County of the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, with a Description of their Qualifications.

  • The numbers given are those in the original book.
  • The Description of the Property is by name, or by the name of the Tenant, or by the Street in the Parish where situate.
For the background to the information below, along with some useful pointers, please see the Introduction to the book from which this information came

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
3960Atkinson, WilliamMarket Place, South CaveFreehold house and landSouth Cave
3961Atkinson, JohnBishop BurtonFreehold houseMarket Place; Barnard Cook, tenant
3962Binnington, RobertMarket Place, South CaveFreehold houseMarket Place; Valentine Tindale, tenant
3963Bridgman, GilesMarket Place, South CaveFreehold landSouth Cave
3964Cousens, WilliamMarket Place, South CaveOccupier of Farm above £50South Cave
3965Dyson, ThomasMarket Place, South CaveFreehold houseMarket Place
3966Dennis, JohnChurch Lane, South CaveFreehold land and copyholdSouth Cave
3967Fisher, ThomasChurch Lane, South CaveFreehold house and landChurch Lane
3968Fisher, WilliamNorth NewbaldFreehold landSouth Cave
3969Fenwick, JohnMarket Place, South CaveOccupier of premises above £50South Cave
3970Hudson, John, jun.Dairy Coates Grange, HullFreehold house and landWest End; John Holliday, tenant
3971Holden, RobertNuttal Temple, NottinghamshireFreehold house and landProvence Farm; Robt. Arton, tenant
3972Jebson, JosephSmeaton Street, SculcoatesFreehold landSouth Cave; Thos. Reynolds, tenant
3973Kemp, RobertMarket Place, South CaveCopyhold houseMarket Place
3974Levitt, JamesWest End, South CaveFreehold house and landWest End
3975Levitt, ThomasWest End, South CaveFreehold landWest End
3976Loncaster, WilliamWest End, South CaveOccupier of farm above £50South Cave
3977Lockwood, JohnMarket Place, South CaveOccupier of farm above £50South Cave
3978Levitt, JohnEllerkerFreehold landSouth Cave
3979Marshall, ThomasLow Mill, South CaveFreehold landBagletts
3980Marshall, RichardWest End, South CaveFreehold landBagletts and Wold
3981Marshall, RobertWest End, South CaveOccupier of farm above £50South Cave
3982Morley, DavidMarket Place, South CaveCopyhold house and landMarket Place
3983Robinson, JohnMarket Place, South CaveFreehold and copyhold landSouth Cave
3984Robinson, JohnNorth Muskam, Nottinghamsh.Freehold landSouth Cave; William Cousens and C. Rudd, tenants
3985Reynolds, JohnWest End, South CaveCopyhold house and landWest End
3986Robinson, ThomasMount Airy, South CaveOccupier of farm above £50Mount Airy
3987Robinson, MatthewWest End, South CaveOccupier of farm above £50West End
3988Ruston, FrancisWest End, South CaveCopyhold house and landWest End
3989Stourton, Charles Hon.Cave Castle, South CaveOccupier of Cave Castle, above £50Cave Castle
3990Scatchard, James SmithNo. 2, Oliver Terrace, Mile End Road, LondonFreehold house and landSouth Cave; John Lockwood, tenant
3991Thornton, RichardChurch Lane, South CaveFreehold house and landChurch Lane
3992Tindall, RobertWeedly, South CaveOccupier of farm above £50Weedley
3993Wride, ThomasChurch Lane, South CaveFreehold house and landChurch Lane
3994Waller, AldcroftMarket Place, South CaveFreehold house and landMarket Place

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
3774Baitson, JohnBromfleetFreehold house and landBromfleet
3775Holden, RobertNatsall, County of NottinghamFreehold landRobert Arton
3776Kirby, HughBromfleetOccupier of a farm at £50 a-yearBromfleet
3777Mainprize, WilliamBromfleetOccupier of a farm at £50 a-yearBromfleet
3778Purdon, JosephBromfleetFreehold house and landBromfleet
3779Purdon, WilliamBromfleetOccupier of a farmBromfleet
3780Scutts, WilliamBromfleetOccupier of a farm at £50 a-yearBromfleet
3781Scutts, MarmadukeBromfleetOccupier of a farm at £50 a-yearBromfleet

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
4042Bowser, HenryFaxfleet GrangeRent £50 a-yearGrange Farm
4043Grasby, RichardGilberdikeFreehold brickyardFaxfleet
4044Hutchinson, ThomasFaxfleetRent £50 a-yearFaxfleet
4045Scholfield, JohnFaxfleetRent £50 a-yearNorth Hall Farm

The above copyright data was taken from the book
The Electoral Rolls of the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1834
and was presented to Genuki by the author:
Colin Blanshard Withers M.Sc., M.B.A..