


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of Sigglesthorne


The Names of the Persons entitled to vote in the Election of Knights of the Shire for the East-Riding of the County of York, and the Town and County of the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, with a Description of their Qualifications.

  • The numbers given are those in the original book.
  • The Description of the Property is by name, or by the name of the Tenant, or by the Street in the Parish where situate.
For the background to the information below, along with some useful pointers, please see the Introduction to the book from which this information came

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
2375Bentinck, Wm. Harry Edw.SigglesthorneHouses and land, freeholdSigglesthorne
2376Dunn, PeterSigglesthorneOccupier of a farm, rent above £50 per annumSigglesthorne
2377Day, GeorgeSigglesthorneLand, freeholdSigglesthorne
2378Grainger, AlexanderSigglesthorneOccupier of a farm, rent above £50 per annumSigglesthorne
2379Harrison, WilliamSigglesthorneHouse and land, freeholdSigglesthorne
2380Harrison, GeorgeSigglesthorneSchoolmaster and parish clerk, salary arising from freehold houses and land, above 40 shillings per annumSigglesthorne
2381Kirk, JohnSigglesthorneHouses and land, freeholdSigglesthorne
2382Martin, WilliamSigglesthorneOccupier of a farm, rent above £50 per annumSigglesthorne
2383Taylor, WilliamSigglesthorneOccupier of a farm, rent above £50 per annumSigglesthorne
2384Westoby, JamesSigglesthorneOccupier of a farm, rent above £50 per annumSigglesthorne

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
2178Hudson, ChristopherCatfossOccupier of a farm of upwards of £50 a-yearsituated at Catfoss
2179Lyon, HenryCatfossOccupier of a farm of upwards of £50 a-yearsituated at Catfoss
2180Stabler, JamesCatfossOccupier of a farm of upwards of £50 a-yearsituated at Catfoss
2181Wheatley, GeorgeCatfossOccupier of a farm of upwards of £50 a-yearsituated at Catfoss

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
2268Beverley, WilliamNorwood, BeverleyFreehold house and 45 acres of landin the occupation of Edward Moore
2271Chapman, JohnThis parish, or townshipOccupier of a farm at more than £50 a-year Parish of Sigglesthorne
2272Gibson, JohnThis parish, or townshipOccupier of a farm at more than £50 a-yearParish of Sigglesthorne
2273Hutton, ThomasLairgate, BeverleyFreehold house and 130 acres of landin occupation of Mrs. Blenkin & Son
2276Lowthorp, GeorgeThis parish, or townshipOccupier of a farm at more than £50 a-yearParish of Sigglesthorne
2278Morris, ThomasThis parish, or townshipOccupier of a farm at more than £50 a-yearParish of Sigglesthorne
2280Stabler, WilliamThis parish, or townshipOccupier of a farm at more than £50 a-yearParish of Sigglesthorne

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
2386Constable, Charles, Rev.WassandFreehold house and landat Wassand

The above copyright data was taken from the book
The Electoral Rolls of the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1834
and was presented to Genuki by the author:
Colin Blanshard Withers M.Sc., M.B.A..