


Sewerby Parish information from Bulmers' 1892.


Geographical and Historical information from the year 1892.

Wapentake and Petty Sessional Division of Dickering - County Council Electoral Division of Flamborough - Poor Law Union and County Court District of Bridlington - Rural Deanery of Bridlington - Archdeaconry of the East Riding - Diocese of York.

The parish of Sewerby-cum-Marton and Grindale comprises the townships of Sewerby-cum-Marton and Grindale, was formed out of that of Bridlington about 40 years ago. It also includes the rectory of Ergam, which has been noticed on a former page. The township of Sewerby-cum-Marton contains 2,116 acres of land, and 628 inhabitants. The extent of land under assessment is 1,922½ acres, and the rateable value £6,092. The soil is wold and strong land, the subsoil chalk and clay,and the chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, and seeds. Colonel Yarburgh G. Lloyd-Grearne, J.P., who is lord of the manor, and Ralph Creyke, Esq., J.P., D.L., of Rawcliffe Hall, are the principal landowners.

The village of Sewerby is pleasantly situated on the coast of Bridlington Bay, one-and-a-half miles north-east of the town of Bridlington, and about one mile from Flamborough station, on the Hull and Scarborough branch of the North-Eastern railway. It is a place of considerable antiquity, and is mentioned in the Domesday Book, wherein it is said, "In Siwardbi, Care and Thorkill had two manors, of six carucates and a half. It is now waste." This orthography clearly indicates the origin of the name: it was the by or abode of Siward. This is a Danish personal name, and one who bore it was Governor of Northumbria, and has been immortalised in Shakespeare's Macbeth.

The church of St. John the Evangelist was erected in 1847, at the sole expense of the late Yarburgh Yarburgh, Esq., and was consecrated on the 27th of April in the following year. It is a beautiful building, of stone, in the Transition Norman style, comprising chancel, nave, north transept, south porch, and a small tower with spire. The designs were furnished by Messrs. Scott and Moffatt, of London, and the richness and elaboration of the work display the taste and liberality of the founder. A very fine Norman arch divides the nave from the chancel, and the three sides of the latter are arcaded in the same style. All the windows are filled with stained glass. In the transept are two marble tablets - one to Yarburgh Yarburgh, Esq., who died in 1856, and the other to John Greame, Esq., and Ann Elizabeth, his wife, parents of the founder. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £294, in the gift of Colonel Y. Lloyd-Greame, and held by the Rev. Robert Fisher, M.A., of Sidney College, Cambridge.

The Vicarage House, on the Bridlington road, was erected by the late Rev. Yarburgh G. Lloyd-Greame, in 1865.

The Wesleyans have a small chapel in the village, built in 1825; and the Primitive Methodists meet for worship in a private house.

The National School, with master's residence attached, is a neat Gothic structure, built in 1849 by the founder of the church, who also endowed it with £30 yearly. There is accommodation for 60 children, and an average attendance of 38.

A reading room was erected in 1880, by the late Rev. Y. G. Lloyd-Greame. It is neatly furnished, and is supported by subscription.

SEWERBY HOUSE is a commodious mansion delightfully situated in a well-wooded park, extending to the shore of the bay. The oldest part of the house was built about 200 years ago, and the two wings were added about 60 years ago by John Greame, Esq. This gentleman was succeeded by his son, Yarburgh Greame (afterwards Yarburgh Yarburgh), and on the death of the latter the property devolved on his nephew, the late Rev. Yarburgh G. Lloyd-Greame, son of the late George Lloyd, Esq., of Stockton Hall, York, by Alice Maria, daughter and eventual heiress of John Greame, Esq., whose name he assumed in addition to that of Lloyd. Mr. Lloyd-Greame married, in 1839, Editha Christiana, daughter of William Augustus Le Hunte, Esq., of Artramont, co. Wexford, and died recently, leaving, with other issue, an only son, the present lord of the manor and owner of the estate.

MARTON lies about half-a-mile north-west of Sewerby. This place formerly belonged to the Ardens, an ancient family of Saxon origin, from whom it passed by marriage to the Creykes, another family of ancient lineage. Gregory Creyke who was seated here in the reign of Charles I., suffered severely for his devoted attachment to that unfortunate king. Rawcliffe, near Selby, subsequently became the principal seat of the family. Marton Hall, the residence of Miss Creyke, is the property of Ralph Creyke, Esq., of Rawcliffe, as is also Marton Lodge and farm. Col. Lloyd-Greame owns a portion of Marton. The hamlet consists of a few scattered farmhouses. Flamborough station is in this township, and previous to 1884, was known as Marton station.

A little east of the hamlet is the ancient earthwork called Danes' Dyke.

GRINDALL or GRINDALE is a township and chapelry comprising an area of 2,415 acres, and 157 inhabitants. The rateable value is £2,045. Yarburgh George Lloyd-Greame, Esq., J.P., who is lord of the manor, and Sir Charles William Strickland, Bart., M.A., J.P., D.L., of Boynton Hall, are the principal landowners. The soil is wold chalk land, and the subsoil chalk; the chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, seeds, tares, and peas.

The origin of the name is a matter of doubt. In Domesday Book it is spelt Grendele and Gerendele. The latter spelling, in the opinion of Mr. Holderness, is "almost conclusive evidence that this township has been the deill (share, portion, allotment) of a Scandinavian named Geirvnd" Others trace the name to the Gothic fiend, Grendel, who according to Beowulf, "comes down from the misty moors."

The village stands on the Wolds, four miles north-west from Bridlington. The church of St. Nicholas is a neat edifice of stone, in the Gothic style, erected in 1874, at the expense of the late Rev. Y. G. Lloyd-Greame. The previous church was a low mean structure, rebuilt on the site of the ancient chapel in 1830. The present one, which stands nearly north and south, consists of chancel, nave, vestry, porch, and bell turret on the southern gable, containing two bells. The font is circular and ancient, and in the churchyard is part of a font, supposed to be a relic of the ancient church of Argam. In the vestry is preserved a holy water stoup. The chancel and nave are furnished with open stalls of pitchpine, to accommodate 150 persons.

The Wesleyans have a chapel in the village. It is a neat structure of brick, built about 20 years ago to supersede one erected in 1826. The School, with teacher's house attached, was built in 1858, by Mr. George Lloyd. There is accommodation for 44 children, and an average attendance of 21. The late Rev. Y. G. Lloyd-Greame gave yearly £20 towards its maintenance, and also two tons of coal. A court leet is held in the village.

Some fragments of tesselated pavement were found here in 1839, and in 1858 were discovered the foundations of a Roman building, which appears to have been of considerable magnitude.

[Description(s) from Bulmer's History and Directory of East Yorkshire (1892)]


  • Transcript of the entry for the Post Office, professions and trades in Bulmer's Directory of 1892.

Scan, OCR and html by Colin Hinson. Checking and correction by Peter Nelson.