


Settrington, Roll of Honour transcription


Settrington parish:


Settrington, Roll of Honour transcription:

The War Memorial Plaque in All Saints Church, Settrington.

Roll of Honour

for the parish of Settrington

AD + Pro Patria + 1916

J Allardice     V Walls
G Atkinson R Lamb N Bogg
H Barker L Lane T Ethell
W Barker A J Luke C Johnson
J Baron E Mayes G D Emling
R H Baron W Midgley F W Lowis
V Bedwell B Mills T Chapman
M Binge H Mills T Marfitt
G Boyes J Mills W Thompson
T Brayshaw W Morley H Harper
B Bush A Oldroyd R Moody +
M Bush C Oldroyd O Hugill
H Cattermole H Oldroyd J Chapman
H Clarkson H Osborne R Dobson
I Clarkson E Petch B F Johnson
H M Cowton E C Powell J L Livesey
T W Cowton J Powell J Funnel
W Danby P Pryke T Arnott
C Davenport W Royal F M C Johnson
A Ethell J Seekings W Marfitt
T Fisher D Smith R Acklam
A E Fryatt R W Smith E Dennis
C O Hall W Wilson G Croser +
R Holliday S K Johnson G Clarkson
W Hurst R S Kilvington J Arnott
A Impey R Young E Fisher
A O Johnson P Cowton C Wilson
C S Johnson + W Arnott H Nicholson
J Johnson P McLaurie S Oldroyd
J Lamb M Bush B Acaster
R Dennis   W Smith
Died in the service of their country + RIP

Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott.
from photography by Colin Hinson