


Settrington Registers - Miscellaneous.


Transcription of the Settrington Registers - Miscellaneous.


Miscellaneous entries in the Parish Registers.


The parish of Settrington lies in the East Riding of Yorkshire, in the Deanery of Buckrose, and the village is distant four miles from Malton.

The Settrington Registers commence, nominally, in the year 1560, but it is the marriages only that begin in that year ; the baptisms and burials date from October in the preceding year, 1559. They are in fair condition and contain but few difficulties; there is, however, a gap of ten years in the burials, between August 24th, 1678, and March 30th, 1688 ; and in the marriages of thirteen years, between January 28th, 1715, and February 16th, 1728, one leaf which should contain the marriages between these dates is missing.

Volume I. contains the baptisms and burials from October, 1559, to November, 1653, and the marriages from October, 1560, to October, 1652.

In Volume II. the marriages commence in December, 1653, and terminate in April, 1688. The births, which from March, 1660, are continued as baptisms, date from November, 1653, to June, 1687, and the burials from October, 1653 to August 1678. - It is here that the gap mentioned above exists.

Volume III. commences with the burials, which extend from 1688 to 1757. The baptisms and marriages, which in the earlier part of this volume are somewhat mixed up, commence in 1689, the former terminate in 1757, and the latter in 1754. - It is in this volume that there is one leaf missing which is alluded to above.

The marriages from May, 1754 to December, 1812, are continued in the usual printed paper volume, issued, by Act, for that purpose, and which, as it is unnumbered, is here numbered Volume IV.-1 for convenience. The baptisms and burials are continued in a parchment volume herein numbered Vol. IV. - -2 ; the former run from May, 1757, to December, 1812, and the latter from April, 1757, to July, 1812.

The Society has to thank the Rector, the Rev. Arthur Johnson, for allowing this Register to be transcribed and printed. F. C.

A Register Booke to Com'ence from the Nyne & twentyth of September one thousand six hundred Fifty three for the Parysh of Settrington & p'cincts thereof in Pursuance of a Late Act of Parliament Intituled an Act touchinge Marriages & a Register thereof as also touchinge Births & Buryalls And for the p'formance thereof. Henry Dodsworth of Settrington in the County of Yorke yeoman is by the Election of the Inhabitants of the said Parysh appoynted Register.
The 30th of November 1653

Upon Consederacon of a Certificate bearinge date the 28th day of November 1653 in these words folowinge. These are to Certifye unto those whome it may Concerne that wee the Inhabitants of the Parysh of Settrington have accordinge to an Act of Parliament made the fower & twentyth Day of August 1653 Elected & Chosen Henry Dodsworth of Settrington in the County of Yorke yeoman to execute the office of Register wthin the said Parysh of Settrington for Registringe of all Marines Births & Burialls accordinge to the said Act, In true testimony whereof wee under written have hereunto subscribed our names the eight & twentyth day of november 1653. Alexander Metcalf, Pastor, Jo. Peirson, Tho. Peirson, Lan. Cowlby, Tho. Bell, Willm. Temple, Christop. Abbatt, Andrew Key, Bar. Key, Rich. Blackwell, Ro. Joy, Hugh Peacocke, Willm. Palmer, Math. Dodsworth, Tho. Cowlby, Jo. Cowlby, Peter Key, Willm. Key, John Taite, James Swinburn, Jo. Blackwell, Jo. Johnson, Mar.
Frear, Matthew Abbatt jur.

I Christop. Percehay Esqr one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Yorke doe hereby Authorize & approue of Henry Dodsworth abouesaid to be Register as is desired And I doe hereby acknowledge that the said Henry Dodsworth was this day sworne before me well & truely to execut the place of Parysh Register wthin the Parysh of Settrington accordinge to the Intent of the Act of Parliament in that behalfe made.
Chr: Percehay.

Publicacon of the intended maryage Between Robart Haire the younger woollen weaver of the towne & Parish of Settrington on the one p'te And Jane Bulson spinster of the same towne & Parysh on the other p't was Publyshed three sev'all Lords Dayes in the Church of Settrington ymediately after the Close of the morninge Exercise that is to say upon the fowerth the Eleaventh & Eighteenth dayes of December instant And noe Exception was taken agaynst the said intended Maryage, Web said Maryage was solemnized before Christop. Peirchay Esqr one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Yorke at Ryton the two & twentyth day of December one thousand six hundred Fiftye three
In the p'sence of these wittnesses Mathew Willbanck
Thomas Watson Bartholomew Key
Christop. Marshall his m'ke
Chr: Percehay his m'ke

A Collection for a fyer att Headen August 9th 1658 beinge Fifteene Shillings Payed to an Alderman of Headen by Alexander Metcalfe, Rector
A Collection for the Rebuildinge of the Church of East Retford in Nottingham Shyer beinge five Shillings two pence & deliu'ed Alexander Metcalfe Rector of Settrington
A Collection made the third day of October 1658 for a fier that happened at Bridlington being five Shillings & six pence
A Collection made in the Church of Settrington November the 7th 1658 for the Rebuildinge of the Parysh Church of Oswestree in the County of Sallopp beinge seaven shillings & sent by our Constable to the Cheife Constable accordinge to the order.

April the 10th 1659 Wee whose names are here under written beinge the Churchwardens of Settrington have assigned unto Matthew Peirson gent. of the same towne A Closett in our Parysh Church to belonge and apperteine to that his Freehold messuage wherein Anne Webster late deceased Widdowe did liue. The said closett beinge Betweene the Chancell & Mr John Bankes his Closett Also by Consent of John Taite Thomas Bell Churchwardens. John Bankes.

I doe thinke it very Fittyng and convenient to be don, and noe place so convenient as yt place By me Robt. Berryman.

May 14th-71
Collected ye day & year above written by vertue of a brief for a Fire ye sum of 2s. 1d. ob.
June 4-71
Collected ye day & year above written in ye Church of Settrington by vertue of a brief for ye redemption of Christian captives ye sume of 2s. 2d. ob.
Jhn. Harrington Cur. ib.
Will. Welborn
Roger Whitwell

June 18th-71
Collected ye day & year above written in ye Church of Settrington by vertue of a brief foe a fire in ye town of Halton in ye County of Yo. ye sume of one shilling six pence halph peny
Jhn. Harrington Cur. ib.
Will Welborn
Roger Whitwell
Sep. 3d-71

Collected ye day & year above written by vertue of a brief for a fire at
Knazebrough in ye County of Yorke ye sume of two shillings
Jhn. Harrington
Roger Whitwell
Watkinson Pearson

1705 Memord. Mary Malton of ye Township and Parish of Old Malton was buried Jan 11 and a certificate was sent to ye Collectors of Old-Malton according to Act of Parliament
1704 Memord. That on Sunday the 28th day of August Anno Dom. 1704 Bartholomew Haire was nominated and appointed to execute the office of parish Clark within the Parish of Settrington by me
Peter Leigh Rector of Settrington
Memorandum that on ye 17th of Febru. 170* I Wm. Egerton Rec. of Settrington did nominate & appoint Wm. Warriner to execute ye office of ye Parish Clerk who was recommended to me by ye Parishioners when at ye same time ye sole power of nominating a Clerk was acknowledged by ye Parishioners to be in ye Rector
J. Peirson
C Wardens
John Bell
William Waraner

Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1910
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
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