


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of Settrington


The Names of the Persons entitled to vote in the Election of Knights of the Shire for the East-Riding of the County of York, and the Town and County of the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, with a Description of their Qualifications.

  • The numbers given are those in the original book.
  • The Description of the Property is by name, or by the name of the Tenant, or by the Street in the Parish where situate.
For the background to the information below, along with some useful pointers, please see the Introduction to the book from which this information came

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
857Atkinson, JohnSettringtonRenting house and lands above £50 a-yearlands belonging to the Rectory
858Atkinson, RobertSettringtonRenting house and lands above £50 per annumRectory lands
859Bennison, PeterWold House, in this parishRenting house and lands above £50 per annumWold House Farm
860Brittain, JosephBellmanear House, in this parishRenting house and lands above £50 per annumBellmanear Farm
861Fisher, RobertWood House, in this parishRenting house and lands above £50 per annumWood House Farm
862Foord, JeremiahSettringtonRenting house and lands above £50 per annumSettrington
863Harrison, FrancisMar House, in this parishRenting house and lands above £50 per annumMar House Farm
864Haw, ThomasSettringtonRenting house and lands above £50 per annumSettrington
865Heap, JohnSettringtonRenting house and lands above £50 per annumSettrington
866Kettlewood, MatthewSettringtonRenting house and lands above £50 per annumSettrington
867Mawman, JohnBrandling Field, in this parishFreehold landBrandling Field
868Owston, ThomasBridge Street, in the City of YorkFreehold landon the north side of and adjoining the road leading from Malton to Scarborough
869Potts, RalphWest Field HouseRenting house and lands above £50 a-yearWest Field Farm
870Potts, Jamesin this parishRenting house and lands above £50 per annum 
871Smith, JohnSettringtonRenting house and lands above £50 per annumSettrington
872Teesdale, ThomasWheelgate, MaltonRenting house and lands above £50 per annumWinn-flour Hall Farm
873Thompson, JohnWardale HouseRenting house and lands above £50 per annumWardale House Farm
874Thompson, RobertBellmanear House, in this parishRenting house and land above £50 a-yearBellmanear Farm
875Taylor, TobiasSettringtonRenting house and land above £50 a-yearSettrington
876Todd, Henry John, Rev., clerkRectory as Rector of SettringtonLands belonging to the RectoryMessrs. Atkinson, Potts, Bennison, and others, as tenants
877Willoughby, Henry, Esq.SettringtonRenting house and lands above £50 per annumSettrington House
878Watson, WilliamSettrington, South Field HouseRenting house and lands above £50 per annumSettrington, South Field Farm

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
846Avison, WilliamScagglethorpeOccupier of house and 30 acres of landScagglethorpe
847Brand, ThomasScagglethorpeOccupier of house and 220 acres of landScagglethorpe
848Bean, RobertScagglethorpeFreehold house and landScagglethorpe
849Coulson, JohnScagglethorpeFreehold house and landhimself, at Scagglethorpe
850Charlsworth, SamuelHarrogateFreehold house and landThomas Brand, tenant
851Cook, JosephScagglethorpeOccupier of house and l00 acres of landScagglethorpe
852Farrow, Thomas, RevScampstonGlebe landJos. Walker, Jas. Adamson, tenants
853Harper, RichardScagglethorpeOccupier of house and 90 acres of landScagglethorpe
854Rex, WilliamBirdsallFreehold house and landWilliam Monkman and others
855Lownsbro', WilliamScagglethorpeOccupier of house and 140 acres of landScaglethorpe
856Peirson, JohnScagglethorpeFreehold house and landhimself

The above copyright data was taken from the book
The Electoral Rolls of the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1834
and was presented to Genuki by the author:
Colin Blanshard Withers M.Sc., M.B.A..