


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of Riccall


The Names of the Persons entitled to vote in the Election of Knights of the Shire for the East-Riding of the County of York, and the Town and County of the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, with a Description of their Qualifications.

  • The numbers given are those in the original book.
  • The Description of the Property is by name, or by the name of the Tenant, or by the Street in the Parish where situate.
For the background to the information below, along with some useful pointers, please see the Introduction to the book from which this information came

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
4706Ayres, JobRiccallCopyhold landin the Common Fields of Riccall; himself
4707Agar, JohnGawthorpe Street, SelbyCopyhold housesRiccall; Elizabeth Wilson and Joseph Naylor
4708Blanshard, RobertRiccallFreehold house and landRiccall; himself
4709Brewster, WilliamRiccallFreehold house and gardenRiccall; William Wood
4710Boswell, WilliamRiccallFarm, rented upwards of £50 per ann.Riccall; himself
4711Bulmer, WilliamRiccallFarm, rented upwards of £50 per ann.Riccall; himself
4712Barton, WilliamRiccallFreehold house and landRiccall; himself
4713Cottam, Thomas SpencerRiccallCopyhold house and landRiccall; himself
4714Cooke, William Bryan, SirWheatleyFreehold landRiccall; George Moody
4715Camplejohn, WilliamRiccallFreehold landin the Common Fields of Riccall; himself
4716Cock, GeorgeEasingwoldFreehold landRiccall; Job Ayres
4717Clean, JohnRiccallFreehold house and landRiccall; himself
4718Creaser, ThomasRiccallFreehold house and landin the Common Fields of Riccall; himself and William Hudson
4719Davis, JamesRiccallFreehold house and garthRiccall; himself
4720Daniel, ThomasRiccallCopyhold house and landRiccall; himself
4721Fentiman, JohnRiccallCopyhold and freehold house and landRiccall; himself
4722Hare, JohnRiccallCopyhold and freehold house and landRiccall; himself
4723Houfe, HenryRiccallCopyhold house and landRiccall; himself and John Barton
4724Kendall, Frederick, the Rev.RiccallVicarage and glebeRiccall and Hemingbrough; himself and John Laverack
4725Knapton, WilliamBeeforthFreehold house and landRiccall; Anthony Camplejohn
4726Milner, William Mordaunt, SirNun AppletonFreehold landRiccall; George Moody
4727Moody, GeorgeRiccallFarm, rented at upwards of £50 a-yearRiccall; himself
4728Nicholson, JohnRiccallFreehold house and landRiccall; himself
4729Pratt, RichardRiccallFreehold landin the Common Fields of Riccall; himself
4730Romans, JohnRiccallFarm, rented upwards of £50 per ann.Riccall; himself
4731Ruff, RobertRiccallFarm, rented upwards of £50 per ann.Riccall; himself
4732Smith, William IbbesonRiccallFreehold house and fieldsRiccall; himself and Thomas Bradley
4733Stokes, JohnRiccallCopyhold and freehold house and landRiccall and Kelfield; himself and Richard Pattrick
4734Smith, WilliamRiccallCopyhold house and landRiccall; Thomas Bulmer and George Carlton
4735Swinbank, IsaacRiccallFreehold house and landRiccall; himself
4736Silversides, WilliamRiccallFarm rented upwards of £50 per ann.Riccall; himself
4737Silversides, GuyRiccallFarm rented upwards of £50 per ann.Riccall; himself
4738Silversides, William, jun.RiccallFreehold house and landRiccall; himself
4739Spink, JohnRiccallCopyhold wind corn-mill and landRiccall; himself
4740Silversides, RobertRiccallFarm, rented upwards of £50 per ann.Riccall; himself
4741Tomlinson, GeorgeRiccallFreehold houses and garthRiccall; Thomas Wardman, Joseph Leedle, himself, and Peter Cryer
4742Tomlinson, George, jun.RiccallCopyhold landRiccall; himself
4743Thompson, WilliamRiccallFreehold landRiccall; himself
4744Wharton, RobertRiccallFarm, rented upwards of £50 per ann.Wheel Hall, in this parish; himself
4745Wormley, ThomasRiccallFreehold fieldRiccall; himself
4746Wilson, JohnRiccallFarm, rented upwards of £50 per ann.Riccall; himself
4747Wilson, RobertRiccallFreehold house and garthRiccall; himself
4748Walker, JosephRiccallFreehold house and landRiccall; himself
4749Wardle, JohnRiccallCopyhold houses and landRiccall; himself, George Harriman, and Mary Simpson

The above copyright data was taken from the book
The Electoral Rolls of the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1834
and was presented to Genuki by the author:
Colin Blanshard Withers M.Sc., M.B.A..