


Reighton Parish Records, 1670-1711


Reighton Parish Records, 1670-1711


Parish Records for St. Peter's Church, Reighton 1670-1711.

Editor's note
At this time the year began on Lady Day, March 25th.

1670 - 71: Baptisms
May 1Margaret d/o William Leppington
May 12Ann d/o William Keyry
May 29Dorothy d/o John Thompson
September 21Elizabeth d/o John Smith
November 5Dorothy d/o Giles Ouston
December 26Stephen and Christiana twins of John Maltby
December 28Isabella d/o Robert Cross
March 8John s/o Elizabeth Cross, spurious
October 6Thomas Cooke and Dorothy Jordan
April 24Maria d/o Ann Leppington spurious
May 27Thomas s/o Richard Puckering
August 24Margaret d/o William Leppington
September 6Dorothy d/o John Thompson
September 11William s/o William King
December 28Stephen s/o John Maltby
January 20Ann Moore, spinster
January 27Mary d/o Roger Storey
Christopher Littell, Vicar. William Jefferson, Robert Simpson, churchwardens,

1671 - 72: Baptisms
April 16Margaret d/o Robert Puckering
June 25Robert s/o Richard Puckering
October 27Ann d/o Thomas Cooke
December 19Richard s/o William Jordan
January 27Mary d/o Roger Storey
February 15Thomas Smith and Isabella Whiting
March 19Jane w/o John Wardell
April 23Thomas Harrison
May 29Elizabeth d/o John Knaggs
June 11John s/o Thomas Watson
October 24Ralph s/o John Grindall
Christopher Littell, vicar. Thomas Watson, Thomas Cook, churchwardens.

1672 - 73: Baptisms
May 12Elizabeth d/o William Kearey
May 12Ann d/o John Maltby
September 22John s/o John Maltby
September 29Frances d/o William Leppington
January 19Jane d/o Thomas Cooke
February 2Thomas s/o Robert Simpson
February 2Ann d/o Thomas Smith
March 14John s/o John Wardell
January 14William Foster and Ann Vickerman
February 7William Cooke and Maria Clarke
July 29Margaret d/o Robert Puckering
March 17Christiana d/o John Maltby
Christopher Littell, vicar.

1673 - 74: Baptisms
March 31Ann d/o Giles Ouston
April 13Ann d/o William Wrench
November 2Thomas s/o John Grindall
November 21Maria d/o John Knaggs
November 30Ann d/o William Smith
August 26Giles Owston and Maria Staveley
October 28John Whiting and Ellina Fitty
March 26John s/o John Wardell
March 26Maria w/o William Cooke
April 27Margaret Maltby, widow
April 27John s/o John Maltby
April 28Dorothy d/o Robert Simson
May 2Maria Warton, widow, of Bartindale
May 5Dorothy d/o Giles Ouston
May 6Jane w/o Giles Ouston
May 24John s/o John Maltby
June 1John s/o John Atkinson noth
June 21Ann Jordan, spinster
August 14Ann d/o Giles Ouston
September 12Elizabeth d/o William Kerey
November 11Jane d/o Thomas Cooke
Christopher Littell, vicar. William Jordan, Francis Vickerman, churchwardens.

1674 - 75: Baptisms
April 16John s/o John Wardell
May 24Jane d/o John Maltby
May 31Jane d/o John Cooke
July 4Rosamund d/o Ambrose Childe
August 2Michael s/o John Maltby
August 16Jane d/o Roger Storey
December 25Elizabeth d/o William Kerey
December 27Mary d/o William Leppington
(No Marriages)
April 16Robert s/o Thomas Watson
May 22Mary Smith, spinster
June 28John s/o John Wardel
October 27Dorothy d/o Thomas Cooke
January 30Robert s/o Richard Puckering
January 12Ann w/o Marmaduke Smith
Christopher Littell, vicar. Wiliam Hesslewood, Joseph Jordan, churchwardens.

1675 - 76: Baptisms
July 20Ann d/o William Jennings
August 1Jane d/o John Wardell
August 22Elizabeth d/o John Whitting
August 22Mary d/o Thomas Cooke
November 2Susanna d/o William Jordan
January 2Robert s/o Roger Storey
(No Marriages)
May 4Mary d/o John Knaggs
May 8Susanna d/o Matthew Wood
June 10Mercy d/o Mark Wood
November 3-Susanna d/o William Jordan
March 7Emme Hesslewood widow
Christopher Littlell, vicar. Richard Jordan, George King, churchwardens.

1676 - 77: Baptisms
March 28Elizabeth d/o John Knaggs 
April 16Elizabeth d/o Robert Thompson 
May 28Ralph s/o Thomas Smith 
June 4Jamess/o John Maltby
November 19William s/o John Maltby 
February 6Richard s/o James Knaggs 
February 13William s/o William Jordan 
(No Marriages)
April 11Ann w/o Michael Collinson 
April 16Peter Heywood 
May 7Richard s/o William Jordan 
May 26William Jefferson 
March 12Dorothy w/o Thomas Cooke 
Christopher Littell, vicar. Thomas Vickerman, Thomas Cooke, churchwardens.

1677 - 78: Baptisms
June 24Francis s/o Matthew Wood
August 10Ann d/o Michael Collinson
August 12Elizabeth d/o Roger Storey
January 6Emmet d/o John Wardell
November 15Thomas Cooke and Dorothy Vickarman
April 26Dorothy Jordan, widow
April 28Thomas Kerey
August 28Ann d/o Michael Collinson
Christopher Littell, vicar. Ralph Smith, Roger Storey, churchwardens.

1678 - 79: Baptisms
June 30Mary d/o Thomas Smith
August 25William s/o Thomas Cooke
December 8Richard s/o Thomas Maltby
March 19Ralph s/o Robert Simson
(No Marriages)
August 23Marmaduke Smith
Christopher Littell, vicar. John Jordan, Matthew Vickerman, churchwardens.

1679 - 80: Baptisms
July 20Milka d/o Roger Storey
July 27Thomas s/o Robert Thompson
July 27Ann d/o William Jordan
August 10Helena d/o William Keyrey
August 13John s/o John Maltby
October 19John s/o Matthew Wood
November 30Peter s/o William Smith
March 7William s/o John Wardell
January 17Thomas Dobson and Ellin Smith
March 25Richard Osbaldestone and Mrs Frances Strickland
May 1Elles Vicarman, widow
July 27Thomas s/o Robert Thompson
November 14Ann Rowsby, spinster
January 29Margaret Smith
February 3James Smith
Christopher Littell, vicar. William Jordan, William Jefferson, churchwardens.

1680 - 81: Baptisms
May 9Stephen s/o John Maltby
December 1Thomas s/o Thomas Cooke
February 19William s/o Francis Jordan
February 19Matthew s/o Thomas Smith
May 24Francis Jordan and Dorothy Cooke
July 7Stephen s/o John Maltby
November 3Elizabeth d/o Roger Storey
November 16Robert Vicarman
December 10Michael Collinson
(No visible signatures)

1681 - 82: Baptisms
August 28Elizabeth d/o Thomas Dodson
December 11Matthew s/o Matthew Wood
May 1Henry Cooke and Isabel Baurgh
August 15William Smith and Hester Jackson
May 1Ann w/o William Kerey
February 26Hester w/o William Smith
(Many faded away)
Christopher Littell, vicar. William Hesslewood, Francis Jordan, churchwardens.

1682 - 83: Baptisms
November 28Elizabeth d/o Henry Cooke
December 26David s/o Thomas Cooke
December 26Robert s/o John Wardell
January 21Robert s/o Francis Jordan
February 4Robert s/o Thomas Dobson
March 4Thomas s/o Richard Jole
(No Marriages)
April 29John Harrison
September 12William Cooke
November 21Elizabeth d/o Thomas Dobson
March 9John Farra, viator (traveller)
William Kirby, vicar. Thomas Smith, David Jordan, churchwardens.

1683 - 84: Baptisms
April 2Isabella d/o David Jordan
NovemberWilliam s/o William Coulson
February 7Mary d/o Bartholomew Vickerman
March 12Richard s/o Richard Forster
April 10George Weatherill and Maria Gibson
May 29John Jordan and Maria Edmond
November 14Richard Wright and Maria Whiting
December 9Thomas Puckering and Anna Rank
(No burials visible)
Francis Coulson, curate. Robert Storey, Richard Jordan, churchwardens.

1684 - 85: Baptisms
May 18Elizabeth d/o George Weatherill
August 13Richard s/o Richard Wright
October 5Robert s/o Thomas Puckering
November 16Mary d/o Richard Idle
December 21Francis s/o Francis Jordan
December 23Mary d/o Robert Thompson
January 15William s/o Henry Cooke
January 21Ann d/o John Wardell
November 18William Vickarman and Ellena Ward
January 6William Cowton and Mary Noble
March 11William Warton and Janet Ahyr(t) Akyt (?) Agar (?)
July 13Mary w/o George Weatherill
November 15Elizabeth d/o George Weatherill
January 17James s/o John Maltby
(Not signed)

1685 - 86: Baptisms
May 7Dorothy d/o John Jordan
July 19Richard s/o David Jordan
July 24Richard s/o Matthew Wood
October 18Luke s/o Thomas Vickerman
February 10Henry s/o Bartholomew Vickerman
July 28William Jefferson and Isabel Smith
April 8Thomas Smith, paterfamilias
December 13Margaret w/o Thomas Watson of Bartindale
December 21Luke s/o Thomas Vickerman
January 28William Farthing
(Not signed)

1686 - 87: Baptisms
May 30William s/o William Jefferson
January 25Richard s/o Richard Wright
January 26Ann d/o Richard Wright
January 30Mary d/o William Jordan
February 13Thomas s/o Thomas Puckering
February 13Mary d/o Francis Jordan
March 6William s/o Henry Cooke
March 8Thomas s/o William Hezzlewood
November 27Matthew Cowton and Gillans Farthing
December 22William s/o Henry Cooke
February 12Elizabeth w/o Robert Clubley
February 13Ann d/o Richard Wright
George Gurwood, curate

1687 - 88: Baptisms
May 29William s/o Bartholomew Vickerman
June 5Thomas s/o Thomas Vickerman
July 19Richard s/o Richard Jole
September 25John s/o Matthew Cowtas
February 23Mary d/o George Gurwood
April 25George Gurwood and Susanna Storey (the curate himself, LB)
November 10Henry Vazel and Elizabeth Wetherill
July 4Mary w/o Richard Jole
July 30Mary Watson, spinster
October 30Richard Wright, paterfamilias
November 1John s/o Thomas Vickerman
December 28John Maltby, paterfamilias
February 24Mary d/o George Gurwood
March 18John s/o Matthew Cowtas
George Gurwood, curate. Ralph Smith, Richard Maltby, churchwardens,

1688 - 89: Baptisms
October 21Grace d/o Matthew Cowtass
August 12Robert s/o Henry Vazee
December 16Emme d/o William Hezzlewood
January 20Ann d/o Thomas Puckering
November 25Bartholomew s/o Batholomew Puckering
March 5John s/o George Gurwood
March 12George and Roger, twin sons of John Cooke
November 15Thomas Wrench and Jane Dobson
November 29William Cruddas and Elizabeth Lambert
January 8William Morris and Mary Jordan
March 27William Jefferson, paterfamilias
April 23William Jordan, paterfamilias
May 23Barbara w/o Robert Thomson
October 22William s/o William Jefferson
December 3 Henry Lamb, paterfamilias, nuper defuntis
November 30Susanna w/o David Jordan
March 19George and Roger ss/o Henry Cooke
George Gurwood, vicar. Richard Maltby, (unreadable), churchwardens.

1689 - 90: Baptisms
April 14Ann d/o Francis Jordan
May 26John s/o Robert Nitingale
June 16Elizabeth d/o William Foster
June 23Grace d/o Richard Idle
July 5Lamant s/o David Jordan
October 23William s/o William Cruddas
February 3Susanna d/o Gervase Hosington
July 10William Cruddas and Isabella Norsam
July 5Susanna w/o David Jordan
October 23Elizabeth w/o William Cruddas
George Gurwood, curate. Thomas Vickerman, Matthew Cowtass, churchwardens

1690 - 91: Baptisms
April 6Dorothy d/o Henry Cooke
April 27Thomasina d/o Thomas Puckering
May 11Mary d/o John Wardell
June 22Elizabeth d/o Bartholomew Vickerman
August 6Mary d/o Phineas Wrench
March 19Jane d/o George Gurwood
(No Marriages)
September 20Ann w/o William Smith
George Gurwood, curate. William King, John Knaggs, churchwardens.

1691 - 92: Baptisms
April 17Henry s/o Richard Idle
September 20John s/o Matthew Cowtass
September 20Dorothy d/o Francis Jordan
December 15Ann d/o Katherine Smith
(No Marriages)
May 5Henry s/o Richard Idle
July 20Dorothy d/o Henry Cooke
December 9William King
December 28William Vickerman, senex (old man)
March 9Robert Thomson, paterfamilias
George Gurwood, curate. William Hesslewood, Phineas Wrench, churchwardens.

1692 - 93: Baptisms
November 12Matthew s/o Henry Vazey
February 5Ann d/o Richard Idle
February 12Roger s/o Thomas Puckering
January 31Robert Puckering and Elizabeth Wingles
May 13John s/o Matthew Cowtas
July 28Grace w/o William Smith
January 10Ann w/o John Wardell
January 28Ann d/o Katherine Smith
February 9Dorothy d/o Francis Jordan
February 20John Dobson, senex
George Gurwood, curate. William Hezzlewood and Phineas Wrench, churchwardens.

1693 - 94: Baptisms
April 3Catherine d/o Bartholomew Vickerman
May 15Francis d/o George Gurwood
December 3John s/o Thomas Grindall
December 3Ann d/o Peter Palmer
January 14Dorothy d/o Francis Jordan
January 28William s/o Robert Nitingale
February 18Ann d/o Phineas Wrench
November 27Thomas Grindall and Mary Johnson
November 28Thomas Stevenson and Mary Storrey
November 28Thomas Brown and Ann Simpson
May 12Jane w/o Richard Jordan
May 24Frances d/o George Gurwood
September 3William Smith, senex
November 13Richard Jordan, senex
January 3Robert bastard s/o William Hezzlewood
February 18William Nitingale, infant
February 15Robert s/o Thomas Puckering
February 24Ann d/o Phineas Wrench
March 8Ann w/o Thomas Vickerman
George Gurwood, curate. William Jefferson, Thomas Vickerman, churchwardens.

1694 - 95: Baptisms
April 22Cecilia d/o George Gurwood
June 24Mary d/o John Howden
July 1William s/o Robert Puckering
September 16William s/o William Hesslewood
October 28Ann d/o Matthew Cowtass
November 24Thomas Speck and Christiana Simpson
November 28Thomas Ross and Susanna Wildon
May 15Thomas Vickerman and Elizabeth Thompson
May 22Samuel Read and Elizabeth Dring
April 14Jane w/o Robert Simpson
April 23Ralph s/o Robert Simpson
May 2Matthew s/o Henry Vazey
June 23Cecilia Puckering, senex
November 6John King, juvenis
George Gurwood, curate. William Jefferson, Thomas Vickerman, churchwardens.

1695 - 96: Baptisms
July 4Margaret d/o Francis King
July 14Ann d/o Phineas Wrench
October 20Mary d/o Thomas Vickerman
January 17Rebecca d/o Peter Palmer
January 20Ann d/o Robert Puckering
January 26William s/o Thomas Grindall
February 9Matthew s/o Henry Vazey
(No Marriages)
August 19Jane d/o John Wardell
August 31Francis Thompson, paterfamilias
January 14Frances w/o William Leppington
February 3Ellis w/o Bartholomew Spencer
George Gurwood, curate. Francis Jordan, John Maltby, churchwardens.

1696 - 97: Baptisms
April 19Jane d/o Francis Jordan
June 8Susanna d/o George Gurwood
September 14Robert Simpson and Ann Willaby
November 26Francis Storey and Ann Ogle
January 20Ann Vickerman of Speeton
February 8Elizabeth Smith, senex
February 24Robert Nitingale, paterfamilias
George Gurwood, Francis Jordan, John Maltby

1697 - 98: Baptisms
April 4Robert s/o Robert Simpson
May 2William s/o Thomas Vickerman
January 5Matthew s/o Matthew Cowtass
January 23Emma d/o Bartholomew Vickerman
February 25Richard s/o Marmaduke Smith
April 27Marmaduke Smith and Jane Dickson
March 8Robert King and Lucy Darley
July 4Elizabeth King, senex
October 21Isabel Roxby, senex
February 2Stephen Jefferson, paterfamilias
George Gurwood, curate. Matthew Wood, Richard Maltby, churchwrdens.

1698 - 99: Baptisms
May 29Thomas s/o Francis Jordan
October 16Samuel s/o Richard Lowerey
November 29Milcah d/o George Gurwood
January 29Jane d/o Thomas Vickerman of Speeton
March 12Jane d/o Peter Palmer
December 20Jane d/o Robert Puckering
June 30Thomas King and Jane Anderson
August 10William Jefferson and Ann Winteringham
May 11George s/o William Foster
May 22Thomas s/o Thomas Vickerman
July 23Ann d/o Gavven Hosington
August 25Gawen Hosington, paterfamilias
August 25William s/o Gawen Hosington
September 3Ralph Smith, patrigious (?) Gawen Hosington
George Gurwood, curate. Gawen Hosington, Roger Storrey, churchwardens.

1699 - 1700: Baptisms
May 15William s/o Robert King
October 28Elizabeth d/o Phineas Wrench
December 3Ann d/o Thomas Vickerman
February 10William s/o Henry Vazey
April 11William Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson
November 30Richard Waugh and Mary Mannuel
January 14Richard Coulson and Ellen Bushay, both of Hunmanby
January 11William s/o Bartholomew Vickerman
December 27Frances d/o Thomas Watson
George Gurwood, curate. William Hesslewood, Marmaduke Smith, churchwardens.

1700 - 01: Baptisms
June 9Elizabeth d/o Marmaduke Smith
September 9Samuel s/o Francis Jordan
April 7Thomas Watson and Isabel Hosington
August 8Richard Maltby and Dinah Hewit
August 7John Hewitson, paterfamilias
George Gurwood, curate. William Jordan, Matthew Williamson, churchwardens.

1701 - 02: Baptisms
March 26Elizabeth d/o George Gurwood
April 13Margaret d/o Richard Idle
May 31Cecilia d/o Robert Puckering
June 2Robert s/o Robert Puckering
June 8John s/o Thomas Vickerman, late of Speeton
June 22Jane d/o Bartholomew Vickerman
November 10Ann d/o Robert King
December 10Mary d/o Richard Waugh
January 22Stephen s/o William Jefferson
(No Marriages)
April 6William Smith, senex
April 22Margaret d/o Richard Idle
April 24John Maltby, senex
June 29Cecilia d/o Robert Puckering
October 11Emma d/o John Wardell
November 26Robert s/o Robert Puckering
December 16Mary d/o Francis Jordan
George Gurwood, curate. Richard Waugh, Matthew Cowtass, churchwardens.

1702 - 03: Baptisms
August 4Jane d/o Marmaduke Smith
August 16Mary d/o William Heslewood
September 13Elizabeth d/o Robert Puckering
November 7John s/o Francis King
October 20Infant Hillard born
January 31Frances d/o John Thoms
February 15Francis s/o Thomas Vickerman
January 19Robert Hutchinson and Ann Jordan
July 2Joseph Jordan, senex
November 3Infant Hillard
George Gurwood, curate. John Thompson, Thomas King, churchwardens.

1703 - 04: Baptisms
May 30Richard s/o Francis Jordan
August 8Ruth d/o Richard Idle
September 16Margaret d/o George Gurwood, born September 11
December 26William s/o Phineas Wrench
February 13Simeon s/o Thomas Vickerman
November 23Matthew Smith and Margaret Watson
May 18Jane d/o Bartholomew Vickerman
September 26Ellin Nitingale of Filey
January 11Isabel Farthing, senex
March 15Jane w/o Richard Puckering
George Gurwood, curate. William Jefferson, Thomas Vickerman, churchwardens.

1704 - 05: Baptisms
January 21Stephen s/o Matthew Cowtass
January 29Robert s/o Thomas Vickerman
February 11Thomas s/o Robert King
March 5Catherine d/o Robert Puckering
January 23William Jordan and Mary Smith
January 16Robert Storrey and Elizabeth Smith
November 28William s/o Francis Thompson
March 6Robert s/o Thomas Vickerman
December 13Robert Vickerman of Grindall
January 13William s/o Robert Puckering
March 1Margaret w/o Matthew Smith
George Gurwood, curate. Francis Jordan, Richard Maltby, churchwardens.

1705 - 06: Baptisms
July 6Thomas s/o William Jordan
October 8Jane d/o Robert Storrey
October 21William s/o Richard Idle
February 8Priscilla d/o George Gurwood
March 5Mary d/o Thomas Wright
November 20George Rybell and Milkah Storrey
June 6Robert Puckering
September 1Thomas s/o William Jordan
November 18Matthew Wood
November 19William s/o Phineas Wrench
January 17William Kirby
George Gurwood, curate. Matthew Smith, Matthew Wood, churchwardens.

1706 - 07
July 18Ann d/o William Jordan
June 25Robert Hurd and Catherine Smith
October 31Thomas King and Frances Loppington
May 16Christiana d/o Robert Hurd
June 15Stephen s/o Matthew Cowton
August 10Ann d/o William Jordan
August 15Catherine d/o Widow Puckering
August 30Jane w/o Thomas King
December 25Matthew s/o Henry Vazey
January 1Ann Thompson
George Gurwood, curate. William Hesslewood, William Jordan, churchwardens.
October 2nd 1706
Memorandum: I paid to Mr Dealtry, vicar of Hunmanby, the sum of fourteen pence
for skin pennies due to him for corps buried at Reighton at 1d per corps.

1707 - 08: Baptisms
July 13Francis s/o William Jordan
August 30William s/o Thomas King
October 1Ellin d/o Thomas Vickerman
December 20Ann d/o Thomas Wright
February 1Francis s/o Robert King
March 10Mary d/o George Gurwood
December 2Christopher Waltam and Ann Maltby
(No burials)
George Gurwood, curate. Henry Cook, Robert Storey, churchwardens.

1708 - 09
January 17William s/o Christopher Waltam
May 11John Waugh and Jane Maltby
June 1John Vickerman and Ann Barret
November 25Francis Wood and Mary Allerston
November 30Thomas Bailey and Jane Storrey
November 23John Coverley and Mary Peirson
August 19Ann d/o Francis Jordan
George Gurwood, curate. Christopher Walton, Thomas King, churchwardens.

1709 - 10: Baptisms
May 22Ann d/o John Vickerman
October 10Matthew s/o Francis Wood
December 15Mary d/o William Jordan
January 14Milcah d/o Thomas Bailey
February 7Ann d/o Marmaduke Smith
January 19Mr Allen Lamont and Elizabeth Norton
January 27Timothy Dealtry and Ann Simpson
May 5Ann Waugh
April 20Robert Simpson
July 8Thomas s/o Robert King
George Gurwood, curate. William Jefferson, William Jordan, churchwardens.

1710 - 11: Baptisms
May 1(unreadable) d/o Richard Waugh
May 14John s/o Francis Jordan
February 11Susanna d/o Richard Jordan
February 18Jane d/o John Vickerman
(No Marriages)
December 11Ann d/o Thomas Vickerman
December 28Francis s/o Robert King
February 1Mary Darley, senex
March 14Jane d/o John Vickerman
George Gurwood, curate. Matthew Cowton, Richard Waugh churchwardens.

Transcribed by
and presented here by permission of
Lisa Blosfelds ©2014