


Reighton Burials, 1850-1921


Reighton Burials, 1850-1921


Burials at St. Peter's Church, Reighton 1850-1921.

(Plus a selection of further burials which may be of interest to the family or village historian)

January 1A man unknown found on the beach, age perhaps 20
January 5Two male bodies found drowned on the beach sands aged about 20 years and 60 years.
March 8Poskit Colley, 54
June 18Charles Welburn, 21
August 21Thomas Welburn, 64
September 29Ann Austen, infant
December 5Mark Wood, 63, of Nafferton

July 1Robert Noble, infant
November 15Jane Scrivener, 63
November 19A sailor, name unknown, found in Speeton Beck

January 28Sarah Ann Stubbs, 7
April 1A sailor, name unknown, found in Speeton Beck, age nearly 40.
June 24Elizabeth Robinson, 24
July 2Mary Jane Robinson, infant
July 15Mercy Myers, 23
October 18Mary Ezard, 69, of Speeton
November 15George Dobson, infant

May 24John Scrivener, 72
July 19Elizabeth Mayman, 68
December 31Roseanna Claxton, infant

January 1Body of a man unknown, found on the beach, aged.
January 4Two bodies, names unknown, found on the beach, perhaps 40 and 25.
April 14Mary Noble, 1
May 26Elizabeth Woodsworth, 79
October 5George Pudsey, 25, of Grindale
December 15William Pudsey, 47, of Buckton
December 21Welborn Hanler (Hawlor?), 17

January 13Thomas Coops, infant, of Speeton
January 25Martha Watson, 64
February 4John Claxton, 66, of Grindell
May 3Mary Colley, 53, of Winteringham
May 19Wilson Staveley, 17
May 20Samuel Staveley, 44
August 19John Phoenix (?), 21
September 18James Jemmeson, Hewett, 2
December 20Robinson Sellars, 24, of Buckton
December 22Frances Dunning, 24

January 23Hannah Wilson, 6
March 5Ann Holtby, 78
September 26Richard Edmond, 27
October 29Maria Austen, 30
December 25William Smith Austen, 6 months

March 18Harriet Clubley, 54, of Bridlington Quay
April 12Hannah Fox, 40
September 10Joseph Smith, 5 months
September 13John Henry Claxton, 5 weeks
December 9John Marshall, 13
December 22Charles Parker, 10 months

January 11Emma Strickland, 7 months, (Dated 1857, but in at this point in the register, so surely 1858)
August 31John Thomas Claxton, 24 weeks

January 17Mary Baker, 15 weeks, of Buckton
May 4Martha Baker, 7 months, of Buckton
(The above two entries having brackets at the end and marked 'twins')
May 28Henry Cranswick, 25, of Cayton
July 4Richard Baker, 1 year and 8 months, of Buckton
October 25Jane Brown, 25
November 6George Ezard, 80, of Filey
November 9Ann Wood, 64, of Hunmanby

January 9Staveley Piercy, 13 weeks
January 25Ann Wilson, 84, of Argham
July 10Jane Whiting, 4
October 25Andrew Clark, 53, of Carnaby
November 16John Richard Petch, 5 months

June 27Sarah Pickering, 6
June 30Robinson Pickering, 11
September 6George Phillips, 48
September 6Fanny Woodhead, 18 weeks
September 8Henry Garton, 5 weeks
September 9William Mount Blissinden McPherson, 8
October 6Mary Elizabeth Wilson, 13 months
October 13Thomison Raper, 1 year 9 months
October 27Robert Wilson, 6 weeks
November 26Emma Petch, 32, of Flamborough
December 10Thorp Stubbs, 54
December 10John Jackson, infant
December 22Ann Elizabeth Bilton, 3 years 8 months, of Speeton

February 14Edward Henry Bowser, 56
March 20Edward Hovington Smith, 14 days, of Speeton
April 2Robert Watson Wilson, 18 weeks
October 31Daniel Bilton Piercy, 5 months
December 28Edward Smith, 57, of Speeton

February 2John Robert Baker, 17 weeks, of Kelk
March 22Mary Pickering, 6
April 22Mary Noble, 76
October 4John William Bloomfield, 1 year 7 months
October 14Rachel Jennings, 65
October 17Henry Watson, 57
October 30Fanny Garton, 1 year 10 months

June 14Marion Bowser, 8
November 11John Pudsey, 86, of Grindell
December 23Ann Smith, 24, of Speeton
December 28Mary Jane Baker, 6 months, of Kelk

February 27Body of a man unknown, found on the beach in Speeton parish, aged about 30 years
March 24Mary Jane Bilton, 6
April 14Elizabeth Moody, infant, of Speeton
June 10Lucy Ann Sellers, 14
August 27Mary Ann Pudsey, 77, of Langtoft
October 8Richard Knaggs, 4 months
October 20Elizabeth Cranswick, 68

September 20Emily Bilton, 1 year 5 months
October 15George Woodhead, 32
December 2Samuel Staveley, 5 months

January 11Elizabeth Cranswick, 37, of Grindell
January 15Maria Cranswick, 5 months, of Grindell
April 22John Claxton, 7 days
November 27Joseph Hewett, 38, of Clifton near York
December 25Charlotte Emma Smales, 5 months

April 12Ann Myers, 80
June 11Thomas Cranswick, 85, of Bridlington
July 1Lucy Ann Staveley, 17 days
July 10Julia Sellars, 1 year 7 months
July 13Alice Atkinson, 7 weeks, of Speeton
July 29James Anderson, 15 weeks
December 14Hannah Scales, 34

January 31Betsy Ann Baker, 3, of Kelk
January 31Rosanna Welburn, 85
March 14Mary Claxton, 84, of Grindale
March 26Ann Claxton, 9 months, of Grindale
April 17Mary Ellen Proctor, 4
May 4Alice Jane Myers, 18 months
July 22William Edmond, 17 months
July 27Francis Thompson, 91, of Bridlington
August 1James Robson Ringrose, 7 weeks
August 1Thorp Stubbs, 2 years 4 months
October 24George Edward Atkinson, 3 years 7 months, of Speeton

June 17Elizabeth Pinder, 62, of Bridlington
July 29Andrew Fleck, 85, of Bridlington
August 23Richard Claxton, 15, of Boynton

February 27George Clifford, 75
May 1Robert Whites, 1 day
October 18David Raylor, 26

May 19Agnes Fanny Sellar, 17
June 2Mary Southerby, 1 day
June 22Mary Wilson, 46, of Beverley
July 22James Watson, 84
July 30Thomas White, 61
November 8Major Boyes, 28, of Bridlington

March 19Martha Appleby, 49
May 2James Burt, 8 weeks
May 23John Jefferson, 1 day
June 10George Welburn, 52, of Hunmanby
October 17Edward Jackson, 57
October 25George William Claxton, 7 weeks

May 12Frederick Cranswick, 10 months
May 27Emily White, 11 months
June 3Agnes Fanny Sellers, 2
June 7Mary Noble, 2 years 6 months

February 17Thomas Shenley (Spenley?) 19
April 15George William Moorhouse, 41, of Hull
April 28Elizabeth Dobson, 57
March 9 (sic, perhaps he meant May?)Arthur Speck Reed, 1 year 7 Months
August 30William Smith, (no age given), of Speeton, harvester

March 9John William Waites, 1
March 30Benjamin Sellar, 70

March 14Anthony White, 39
June 23Lucy Hoggarth, 56, of Hunmanby
June 24Elizabeth Holtby, 62
September 4Richard Austin, 78
November 30George Dobson, 59
December 3William Joseph Holtby, 29

January 26Thomas Sanderson, 46
April 21David Taylor, 78
April 24William Farthing, 93
April 24Charlotte Anderson, 2
June 11Elizabeth Cowton, 103
(The oldest Reightonian on record. She was baptised on September 22 1776 and never married.
She is buried between the church tower and the road.
Her headstone is worth seeing. LB)
July 8A man unknown found on the beach at Speeton.
September 14Elizabeth Smith, 63, of Bridlington

April 30Annie Eliza Piercy, 29, of Scarborough
June 14Edward Hogg, 19
August 21Elizabeth Stork, 32
October 9Annie Elizabeth Ellbeck, 5
September (?) 28Frederick William Dowkin(?), 1. (Nathaniel Strickland's handwriting becomes increasingly difficult to read with age.
This was the last burial he conducted. He died in early 1886 at the age of 84, the death being registered in Pancras. LB)
November 20Henrietta Summersgill, 4 months

August 31George Robert Mayes, 4 months, of Speeton
(No burials in 1881.)

March 13Joseph Anderson, 13 weeks
May 30Annie Marshall, 24
September 28Ellen Hoggarth, 3, of Hunmanby Moor
November 20Moses Thompson, 69, of Hilderthorpe, Bridlington

January 29Danby Jimmeson, 73, of Speeton
March 14A stranger unknown
July 27Jane Ellen Cockerill, 17 months, of Speeton
August 14Mary Jackson, 70
December 5Easter Jemmeson, 74

March 25Jane Sellars, 83, of Bridlington
May 18William Hoggard, 78
September 5Vivian Beal, 8 months
October 26Ralph Stubbs, 47
November 23Fanny Taylor, 85
November 26Mary Marshall, 7 months
December 3Ann (Nicholson) (sic) Jarratt, 67
December 31Charles William Sellars, 5

January 8William Bilton Piercy, 3
November 30Thomas Ward, 81, of Speeton

January 6Caroline Piercy, 7 months
June 18Charles Henry Reed, 14, of Speeton
August 17Ursula Crow, 63, of Huntow
October 20Caroline Langton, 6 weeks
December 20Mary Marshall, 63

January 15Elizabeth Bowser, 70
January 15Charles Young, 4 months, of Speeton
May 22Ann Wilson, 72
May 26James Pickering, 67, of Bridlington
May 26Mary Elizabeth Ogle, 9 weeks, of Speeton
November 20Edith Birch (March?), 5
November 27Thomas Wilson, 65

March 14Michael Schiffer, 33, found dead on the beach at Speeton
May 5Harry Crawford, 10 months
June 15Samuel Bilton, 24 hours
July 3Thompson Stubbs, 57

June 26Richard Wood, 74, of Hunmanby
June 17Julia Sellars, 74
August 26Hardy Hall, 6 months
November 5Mary Mattinson, 84

January 15Frank Appleby, 26
March 25Chessman Walker, 52, of Speeton
June 16Sarah Holtby, 64
(The second wife of Joseph Holtby, the village joiner. His first wife, Elizabeth, died in 1877. He married Sarah (formerly Walker) in 1879 when he was 61 and she was 53. LB)

April 6Sarah Jane Bowser, 52
May 10Mary Woodhead, 5 months

January 14Henry Corr, 21, found drowned on the beach. Residence: 90 Bradley(?) Street, Bethnal Green, Whitechapel, London.
February 18Mary Jane Stubbs, 41
April 8Matthew Cranswick, 60
June 5Alice Pudsey, 12
June 19Edith Annie Woodhead, 7 weeks
June 24Ellen Woodhead, 7 weeks
July 14Hannah Pudsey, 11 weeks
October 23Hannah Stubbs, 82
December 3William Hoggarth, 75, of Hunmanby Moor
December 18John Claxton, 77
December 20Louisa Crawford, 3 days
December 28May Rowley, 32
(Nee Strickland, she was the daughter of one vicar of Reighton and the wife of another. Robert Fisher, the rural dean, conducted the service.)

March 21Jane Stubbs, 57
August 9James Marshall, 73
September 3William Piercy, 86, of Scarborough. (Formerly landlord of the Dotterell inn. His son, William Bilton Piercy, later succeeded him to this post.)
November 29A man unknown, aged about 30 - 35 years, found on the beach at Speeton.
November 29A man unknown, aged about 20 - 25 years, found on the beach at Speeton.
December 26A child of John Artley, 48 hours, of Speeton

February 17Charlotte Clements, 38
February 22Alice Marshall, 8
February 28Sarah Sellars, 42
April 11Jane Mayman, 23
October 10William Walton Trowell, 8 months
October 28George Hoggarth, 3, of Hunmanby
December 5Harold Leak, 4 months
December 13Samuel Bilton, 69
December 23Kate Crawford, 7 months

January 10John Appleby, 75, of Filey
January 26A man unknown, age unknown, found in the sea near Speeton.
April 12Reuben Bilton, 1
December 28Emma Austin, 89, of Bridlington

March 27John Whiting, 80
July 8Sydney Hoggarth, 2, of Hunmanby
October 25Jane Crawford, 68

January 20Lucy Simpkin, 8 months
March 21James Noble, 28, of Rudston
May 2Richard Mayman, 79
July 11Joseph Holtby, 79
September 16Harry Pudsey, 5 days
September 16George Pudsey, 5 days
October 15Mary Ann Atkinson, 58, of Speeton
November 17Watson Jemmeson Nelson, 6 months, of Speeton
December 12George Crowe, 73, of Huntow Farm, Bridlington
December 27Earnest Stubbs, 3 weeks

January 20Louisa Cranswick, 36, of Bridlington Quay
February 20John Thomas Adamson, 15 months
March 20Jane Elizabeth Ellbeck, 14, of Speeton
April 15Mary Hogg, 67
April 16John Speck, 79, of Speeton
August 8Charles William Shelton (Skelton?), 4 hours
August 9Matthew Crawford, 68

March 29Thomas Sellers, 87, fees returned
May 11Mary Matilda Cook, 7months
July 2Agnes Ellbeck, 21, of Speeton (assumed this name in lieu of Jonas)
July 25- Crawford, ½ an hour
September 11- Stubbs, 2 ½ months
September 23John Park Smith, about 56, the body picked up at Reighton Sands
December 15Ann Burton, 70, of Rudston

January 21Mary Mayman, of Bridlington, 78 (73, 76?)
February 6Ernest Nelson, of Speeton, 9 months
April 4Robert Henry Jackson, of Speeton, 7
May 26Arthur Botterill Skelton, 8 months
September 25William Botterill, 66
(No burials recorded for 1901)

January 3Stephen Anderson, 16 months
June 19Harry Skelton, of Hunmanby, 27
August 6Walter Clubley, 3 months
November 14Thomas Appleby, 73

January 7Walter George Temple, 2
January 31Annie Jefferson, 76

January 5Robert Chadwick, 12 hours
April 20Henry Whiting, 10 months
August 21John Arthur Moore, of Scarborough, 7 days
September 14George Pudsey, 53
December 2Alice Piercy, 53

February 27Ann Piercy, of Scarborough, 88
March 19Ernest William Artley, of Speeton Grange, 5 weeks
June 21Gwendoline Anderson, 18 months
December 5Catherine Pudsey, 11 months
December 27Alfred Sellers, 3 days
December 27Wilfrid Sellers, 12 hours

April 7Mary Gullen, 83
December 7Ivy Anderson, 12 months

January 12Thomas Hogg, 76
January 19Jane Whiting, of the Union Workhouse, 87

October 3George Temple, of Bridlington, 2 months
November 24George Gullen, 70

April 6Francis McKenna, of no fixed abode, about 40 years

November 11Elizabeth Chapman, of North Dale, Grindale, 53
November 25Sarah Trowell, 47

February 3Sidney Pudsey, 11 months
April 20Alice May Pudsey, 7
October 22Fanny Crawford, 46

April 2John Anderson, 73 (Sexton for many years)
August 15Harry Horseman Piercy, 27 (Dotterel Inn)
November 13A man, name unknown, found on the beach at Speeton, about 40

March 24Smith Atkinson, of Speeton, 77

March 30Martha Jane Lazenby, 52
September 14Harry Pudsey, 22
December 3Ann Finney, 13 (Dotterel Inn)
(No burials recorded for 1915)

May 26Katherine Elizabeth Wynn, 68 (The vicar's wife. The funeral was conducted by Charles Booty, vicar of Rudston. LB)
October 18Samuel Yates, of Speeton, 76

April 13John Chapman, 40
May 15Anne Crowe, 61, Reighton Manor
June 26Henry Noble, of Grindale, 52
November 14Kathleen Robson, 2
December 6A man, name unknown, found on the beach at Reighton, age unknown
December 26Charles Goldthorpe Sugden, of Scalby, 47
December 29A man, name unknown, found on the beach at Reighton, age unknown

January 16A man, name unknown, found on the beach at Speeton, age unknown
January 16A man, name unknown, found on the beach at Speeton, age unknown
February 16Hannah Reed, of Speeton, 70
March 22John Clubley, 62
August 6A man unknown, found on Speeton beach, age unknown
September 9A man unknown, found on Speeton beach, age unknown
November 5- Temple of Speeton, 27 hours (An unbaptised child)
November 23Herbert Thornton, of Speeton, 24

July 26Eva Mary Wallis, 4 ½

January 19Ann Eliza Cranswick, of 7 Oxford Street, Bridlington, 78
February 18Kathleen Barmby Jackson, of Speeton, 10 weeks
October 21George Pudsey, 30

January 14George Reed, of Speeton, 86
January 23John Henry Davison, 4 months
January 25Ann Waites, 78
April 6Elizabeth Marshall, 73
September 26William Waites, of Lowthorpe, 77
October 18James Kelly, of Speeton, 56
October 19Mary Elizabeth Anderson, 74
December 6A man, name unknown, found on Speeton beach, age unknown

Selected further burials
(Mainly long-lived members of old Reighton families whose baptisms, marriages and children's baptisms are recorded earlier, and other records which may be of interest for various reasons.)
February 3 1923Pashby Scrivener, 80
January 12 1924Robert Crowe, of St Helen's Lane, 71 (Churchwarden for many years)
April 26 1924William Jesse Maplesden, 62
October 25 1924Brenda Rotherham Hayward, of the schoolhouse, Speeton, 1¼ months. 'This was the first burial in the new ground. W Noel Hill, vicar'
May 18 1926Henry Milson, 86
February 19 1926William Leadley Marshall, 78
March 11 1928William Moon, of Speeton, 78
July 10 1928Elizabeth Moon, of Speeton, 76
September 22 1931Part of a body of a male person claimed and buried as Geoffry Brooke, of Morley, 19, drowned in the bay August 2, body found September 20.
March 2 1933Hannah Elizabeth Evison, 77
June 3 1934Jane Pudsey, 77 (Coffin towels used again)
August 6 1934Fanny Evison, 77
February 5 1935George Atkinson Evison, 73
September 11 1937Thomas Robson Ringrose, 80
December 24 1937Herbert Moon, of Speeton, 'The village blacksmith'
January 25 1939Eliza sellers, 74
June 8 1940Annie Elizabeth Robson Ringrose, 75
February 25 1939Walter Marshall, 58
13 April 1943Henrietta Clubley, 82
March 14 1947Mary Marshall, 85
June 22 1949Thomas Sellers, of Speeton, 91
March 30 1950Emma Mary Maplesden, of Filey, 84
February 19 1951John Thomas Tennison, 79
January 30 1952Alice Marshall, 69
March 22 1952Saran Ann Tennison, 73
April 19 1954Archie Crawford, 82
January 30 1956Sarah Jane Crawford, 80
February 6 1960Henry Chew Marshall, 84
November 2 1962Ann Moon, of Speeton, 70
May 3 1966Maurice Mainprize, of Meadow Cottage, Reighton, 87
August 18 1966Fanny Mainprize, of 2 Holtby Terrace, Reighton, 82
March 10 1973Hannah Mainprize, of 2 Holtby Terrace, Reighton, 89
February 1 1975George Mainprize, of Bridlington, 90
December 24 1976John Tennison, of Springfield, Watsons Lane, Reighton, 74
August 6 1985Ada Mary Clubley, 89
February 17 1992Annie Elizabeth Tennison, 93 (I knew her, and her husband, John Tennison. LB.)


And so I come to an end, having copied the registers from the days of quill pens to those of the steel dip pen, from the dip pen to the fountain pen and from the fountain pen to the ballpoint, from parchment to paper and from paper to the era of the internet. The registers transcribed start at the time of the Civil War and end in the Thatcher years. They start before the European discovery of Australia and end after the lunar landings. They cover the years from an age of patches and periwigs to one of power dressing.

But just what are Parish Registers? A list of names, dates and occasional personal details, a profession, a cause of death, sometimes not even that, the bare bones of past lives, a chain of interlocking lives linking the past to the present, from time out of mind to personal acquaintance. I feel that it is in a way appropriate that the last entry copied from the full records should be that of an anonymous sailor buried in an unmarked grave. For what can the records tell us of a person beyond the fact that they existed: perhaps when they were born, married, had children, were buried. What do the records tell us beyond the simple facts of lives that were lived as fully, if perhaps more simply, than those of you or I? And what of those people who lived in Reighton between the building of the original church and the start of the parish records? Or those who lived in the village before Christianity even came to England? They too are part of the chain, just as we are who live in a time which will, in its turn, come to be regarded as primitive, when paper is regarded as antiquated and parish records will be no more than an image on a screen.

Yet it is equally appropriate to finish with the record of a lady who I actually knew and whose daughter still lives in the village, a very dear and long standing friend of mine, for she would have known those of the past as they would have known those who came before them, and so on back to the beginning in an unbroken chain.
LB 2009

Transcribed by
and presented here by permission of
Lisa Blosfelds ©2014