


Reighton Marriages, 1850-1911


Reighton Burials, 1803-1849


Burials at St. Peter's Church, Reighton 1803-1849.
(D - Died. B - Buried)

D 10 June, B 12 JuneThomas Wardell, 87, eldest s/o Francis Wardell and Mary his wife, d/o Thomas Vickerman.

D 6 March, B 8 MarchChristopher Sawden, 57, farmer, eldest s/o John Sawden of Grindale, farmer, and Mary his wife, d/o - Lamplugh of Kilham.
D 7 March, B 8 MarchMary Wardell, 82, widow of Thomas Wardell, d/o Richard Hopper of Burton Fleming and Mary his wife.
D 15 April, B 17 AprilThomas Hart, 5 months, eldest s/o Frances Hart, labourer, and Susannah his wife, eldest d/o Thomas Speck. Died of convulsions.
D 20 April, B 22 AprilMary Richardson, 32, 2nd d/o John Richardson of Grindale, shepherd, and Ann his wife, d/o John Burn of Muston. Died of epileptic fits.
D 22 October, B 23 OctoberRobert Bilton, 3, eldest s/o Stephen Bilton of Kilham, labourer, and Mary his wife, d/o - Wilkinson of Newbold. Smallpox.

D 19 April. B 21 AprilMargaret Tindall, 76, widow of Richard Tindall, carpenter, d/o William Sneeton, of Hunmanby, and Mary his wife.
Sent to Court April 30
D 11 May. B 12 MayMary Wrightson, 9 weeks, d/o Charles Wrightson, of Bridlington, labourer, and Elizabeth his wife, d/o William and Elizabeth Pudsey.
D 8 June. B 9 JuneMilcah Watson, 1, 1st illegitimate d/o Martha Watson, eldest d/o Robert Watson and Hannah his wife. Fever.
D 6 July. B 8 JulyJane Bennet, 2, infant d/o a travelling pauper from Stafford. Smallpox.
D 22 July. B 24 JulyRobert Dukes, 64, shepherd. Inflammation.
D 15 September. B 17 September.Francis Jordan, 41, 2nd s/o John Jordan, farmer, and his wife Jane, d/o William Hamcote of Filey.

Sent to Court 6 May 1806
D 18 August. B 20 AugustGeorge Gibson, 7, only c/o George Gibson of Boynton, labourer, s/o John Gibson of Carnaby, farmer.

D 9 March. B 11 MarchAnn Jordan, 87, widow of Francis Jordan, late of Argham, farmer
Sent to Court 8 June 1807

D - . B 3 April .Ann Wrightson, d/o Charles and Elizabeth Wrightson of Bridlington. (No age given).
Sent to Court 17 June 1808
D 17 December. B 21 December.Elizabeth Bilton, 30, eldest d/o John Bilton, labourer, and Frances his wife. Died of being lost in the snow.

D - . B 5 March .Hannah Wrightson, 2, d/o Charles Wrightson of Bridlington, labourer, and Elizabeth his wife, d/o William Pudsea.
D - . B 30 March.Ann Atkinson, 4 months, illegitimate d/o Ann Atkinson.
D - . B 19 June.Dinah Spence, 70, w/o Richard Spence of Langtoft, blacksmith.
D 21 October. B 25 October.Richard Cowton, 70, yeoman, 3rd s/o Matthew Cowton, yeoman. Died of dropsy.

D - . B 20 February .Jane Alman, 30, spinster, 1st d and 3rd c/o Thomas Alman, labourer, and Ann, d/o - .
D - . B 5 June.Richard Alman, 32, labourer, 2nd s/o Thomas Alman, labourer.
Sent to Court 30 June 1810
D - . B 9 DecemberMargaret Wrightson, 1, d/o Charles Wrightson of Bridlington, labourer.

D 11 October. B 11 October.Mercy Appleby, (no age given),w/o John eldest s/o Jno Appleby of Burton Fleming, farmer, and d/o John Jordan. Consumption.

D - . B 2 MarchRobert Richardson, 70, of Grindal. 
D - . B 2 MarchDorsdale Duggleby, 1 month, 4th c/o Thomas Duggleby, schoolmaster. 
D 8 April. B 8 April.Alice Leeson, 27, w/o Matthew Leeson of Grindal, farmer. Consumption. 
Sent to Court -
D - . B 21 MayElizabeth Bilton (no age given) 2ndillegitimate d/o Frances Bilton, spinster.
D 7 November. B 10 November.Edna Clifford, 63, widow of George Clifford, labourer. 
D - . B 24 November.Thomas Alman, 67, labourer. 
A new register begins at this point using the usual 19th century format. All of Reighton unless otherwise stated. LB

April 7Jeremiah Noble, infant
October 3Emma Hoggard, 19, of Bridlington

January 26John Duffin, 74
January 26A stranger, name and age unknown, found near Reighton Cliff
June 14Matthew Leason, 35, of Grindall
June 16John Kirby, 90, of Hunmanby
July 10Mary Jefferson, 36
December 26Mary Myers, 4

January 25Dorothy Clark, 88, of Sewerby
February 7Dinah Barclay, 13, of Grindall

December 8Thomas, infant s/o Charles Wrightson, of Bridlington
December 16Jeremiah Tindall, 46
December 18Jane Putsey, 3, of Bridlington

March 19Margaret Tindall, 58
September 30Robert Watson, 79
November 16Hannah, infant d/o Thomas Smith
(No burials 1818)

March 23Elizabeth Robinson, infant d/o Elizabeth Bartley
June 23James, infant s/o William and Ann Tindale
November 11Dawson, infant s/o Thomas and Ann Wilson

February 10Matthew Wood, 3, s/o John and Ann Wood
March 4Elizabeth, infant d/o George and Mary Ezard
April 12Jane Brambles, 28, d/o John and Mary Brambles of Flamborough
May 25Ann Barris, 5, d/o John and Ann Barris, travelling pauper
July 8Hannah Brambles, 22, d/o John and Mary Brambles
October 1John Belshaw, 24

February 22Jane Milson, 18, w/o John Milson
May 11James Appleby, 46
June 5Grace Cowton, 77, of Bridlington
June 24John Seller, s/o John and Ann Sellar (crossed out)
August 3Sarah, infant d/o Thomas and Ann Wilson
November 29Thomas Bartley, 66

January 13Ann Richardson, 77, of Grindale
September 20Martha Pudsey, infant, of Grindale

June 5Andrew Clark, 83
September 28Hannah Watson, 69
September 28Jane Jennings, infant

February 10Ralph Hutchinson, 80
May 23Robert Glenton, infant
July 11Thomas Noble, 1
July 29James Noble, 5
October 24The body of a man found on the sea shore near Reighton, age unknown

April 4Mary Ann Fisher, 6
April 5Ann Bartley, 46, of Grindale
May 23John Appleby, 35 weeks, of Burton Fleming
June 2Emma Wood, 75
December 26- Ezard, infant

March 17Mary Lyon, 77
June 12John Bilton, 84

April 13Alice Bartley, 70
May 20John Brambles, 70
October 27Paul Jennings, infant, of Hunmanby

February 24George Wood, infant
March 4Christiana Cowton, 87, of Scarborough
May 22Mary Hutchinson, 73, of Grindal

June 28Mary Jennings, infant, of Hunmanby
July 15William Bartley, 21, of Grindal
July 25Charlotte Wilson, 16
August 17Elizabeth Dorsdale, 67

February 7John Massinger, infant
December 1James Young, 75
December 13Jane Duffin, 74

March 7Harrison Wilson, 19
April 17Mary Brambles, 75
May 29George Jemmison, 28, of Speeton
July 25Amy Clark, 60
August 6Ann Oman, 88
December 6James Watson, 17
December 9Mary Baron, 80
December 12John Clifford, 29

February 15John Noble, 10
May 10James Woodsworth, 61
December 24Isaac Jennings, infant

June 9Francis Wood, 49
June 21Christiana Fordon, 5
April 25 (sic)William Myers, 20
October 6A stranger, name and age unknown, found on the beach near Speeton Cliffs.
November 10Mary Myers, 18

February 27Francis Wood, infant
March 6Mark Wood, 3
July 6Alice Thompson, 49

January 18Elizabeth Putsey, 87, of Grindale
March 29Ann Fleck, 86, of Bridlington

January 29John, infant s/o William and Elizabeth Putsey of Bempton
June 21Francis Clark, 31
September 12Charles Walkington, 1

August 20George Tindall, 20, s/o William and Ann Tindall
September 24The body of a man found on the sea shore near Reighton, name and age unknown.

August 26Sarah Appleby, 3
September 3Walter Clark, 4, of Burlington (old name for Bridlington. LB)
September 7Mary Wood, 3, of Beeford
October 21Thomas Taylor, 3 months
December 13Thomas Oman, 63

January 27William Jemmison, infant
March 24James Tindall, 18
May 26Richard Brown, 22, of Grindale
November 14Francis Wood, 18 weeks, of Beeford

January 12William Thompson, 3 weeks

April 4Richard Oman, 30
June 7Welburn Oman, 7 month
June 20John Wood, 61, of Beeford
September 27Robert Noble, 69
October 1John Jordan, 79, of Speeton
November 15Mary Ann Cowton, 1 month

June 14Ann Tindall, 45
June 26William Scrivener, 21 weeks

January 16Elizabeth Bilton, 25, of Burlington
January 29John Jennings, 21
October 22Sarah Myers, 25
November 25Eliza Claxton, infant, of Grindell
December 31Emma Myers, infant

February 9John Jamieson, 71
March 7Ann Jamieson, 72
April 2Elizabeth Pudsey, infant
August 14Dawson Wilson, 25, of Ergham

January 31Charlotte Jane Holtby, 3
March 3Hutchinson Pudsey, 29, of Grindell
April 29William Claxton, infant
October 30Martha Wilson, 47, of Cayton
December 30Rachel Stephenson, 28

June 19Hannah Whiting, 1
September 10George Claxton, infant
September 15Elizabeth Mayman, 29
October 9Hannah Waites, 8
December 1A person unknown found on the beach, age perhaps nearly 40 years.
December 5William Wilson, 22, of Reighton on the Railway

January 11Ann Willerby, 1
February 15Joseph Jemmison, infant, of Speeton
February 19William Stavely, 5
August 9Ann Clifford, 85
September 28John Myers, 70
November 15William Holtby, 8
December 20Margaret Clubley, 84, of Bridlington

March 20Samuel and Mary Stubbs, infants (twins)
June 3William Weatherill, 2
September 12Mary Barker, 1
October 3Thomas Wilson, 68, of Argham
December 17George Webster, infant

July 24Jacob Walker, 83
August 18Agnes Claxton, infant
October 15Margaret Clubley, 46, of Bridlington
October 21Andrew Clark, 75
December 18Elizabeth Staveley, 64

Transcribed by
and presented here by permission of
Lisa Blosfelds ©2014