


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of


1834 Electoral Roll for the parish of Preston


The Names of the Persons entitled to vote in the Election of Knights of the Shire for the East-Riding of the County of York, and the Town and County of the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, with a Description of their Qualifications.

  • The numbers given are those in the original book.
  • The Description of the Property is by name, or by the name of the Tenant, or by the Street in the Parish where situate.
For the background to the information below, along with some useful pointers, please see the Introduction to the book from which this information came

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
1854Brooks, JamesPark Lane, LeedsFreehold landsNorth Field
1855Brown, BenjaminPreston85 acres of land, as occupierNorth Field
1856Burnham, Smith WilfredPreston199 acres of land, as occupierSouth Field and Hay Marsh
1857Brocklebank, GeorgePreston158 acres of land, as occupierNorth Field
1858Burnham, WilliamPrestonFreehold and copyhold landsSouth Field
1859Burnham, IsaacPrestonFreehold and copyhold landsSouth Field
1860Burnham, JohnPrestonCopyhold landsSouth Field
1861Burnham, Grice WilliamPrestonCopyhold landsSouth Field
1862Biglin, HenryPrestonCopyhold lands, house and millSouth Field
1863Cook, JosephPrestonFreehold lands and inn, as occupierTown and South Field
1864Cayley, LeonardHedonCopyhold lands and housesWm. Pearson and others, tenants
1865Carrick, IsaacPrestonCopyhold housesRobert Kemp and others, tenants
1866Dixon, GeorgePreston281 acres of land, as occupierSouth Field
1867Fewster, DavidPrestonCopyhold lands and houseTown and South Field
1868Ferguson, WilliamPrestonFreehold landsSouth Field
1869Ferguson, JohnPrestonCopyhold lands and houseBack Lane
1870Leak, ThomasPreston308 acres of land, as occupierPollard Farm
1871Pallister, JohnPrestonTrustee of the Primitive Methodist ChapelBack Lane
1872Iveson, FrancisBeverleyFreehold and copyhold landsThomas Taylor, tenant
1873Ireland, FrancisPrestonFreehold housesTown Street
1874Johnson, JohnPrestonFreehold and copyhold housesWest End
1875Jaram, JohnHedonFreehold landsSepulchres
1876King, RobertPrestonCopyhold landsSouth and North Fields
1877Lock, MarkPrestonFreehold and copyhold landsWilliam Ness, tenant
1878Milner, JamesPrestonCopyhold housesTown Street
1879Robinson, MartinPrestonFreehold and copyhold landsSouth and North Fields
1880Reed, ThomasPreston35 acres of land, as occupierSouth Field
1881Scott, WilliamPrestonFreehold and copyhold landsBack Lane
1882Smith, WilliamCottinghamCopyhold. houses and landsRobert Brown and others, tenants
1883Smith, WilliamPreston150 acres of land, as occupierSouth Field
1884Scarbrough, JohnWinteringhamFreehold and copyhold landsSouth and North Fields
1885Simpson, JosephPrestonFreehold housesTown Street
1886Shillito, WilliamPreston611 acres of land, as occupierNorth Field
1887Thompson, Hamilton G. Esq.LockingtonFreehold landsWilliam Shillito, tenant
1888Trowill, HenryPreston73 acres of land, as occupierNorth Field
1889Twilton, MatthewPrestonCopyhold house and landsSouth Field
1890Thompson, Hardy DavyPrestonCopyhold housesBack Lane
1891Walker, JohnPrestonFreehold and copyhold landsNorth Field

and Surname
Place of AbodeNature of QualificationDescription of property
1829Wood, JamesBurton Pidsea50 acres of land, as occupierHumbleton Moor
1830Wright, RobertHumbleton50 acres of land, as occupierHumbleton
1831Fussey, ThomasLelley DykeOccupier at rent of £50Lelley Dyke
1832Fisher, SamuelLelleyOccupier at rent of £50Lelley
1833Galland, Thomas, RevChapel House, HalifaxFreehold landLelley Dyke
1834Harrison, FrancisLelleyOccupier at rent of £50Lelley
1835Jackson, ThomasLelleyFreehold house and landLelley

The above copyright data was taken from the book
The Electoral Rolls of the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1834
and was presented to Genuki by the author:
Colin Blanshard Withers M.Sc., M.B.A..