Kilham Churchyard and Church etc.
Kilham Churchyard and Church etc..
These photographs were taken by Lisa Blosfelds and Doreen Laycock in June 2014. The photographs of the memorials both inside and outside the church have been collected separately in alphabetic order although there is some overlap and duplication between the two sets. Also included are a few photographs of the village which may be of interest.
The memorial inscriptions were recorded by the East Yorkshire Family History Society a few years ago. Since then some of the memorials have disappeared, for instance under grass, while others have come to light which were at that time hidden or otherwise went unnoticed. Others have weathered so as to become unreadable or are only identifiable from their position in relation to others which are still legible. However, this selection concentrates on the church and churchyard themselves rather than on memorials.
A particular feature of Kilham church are the beautiful kneelers and cushions made by the ladies of the village, many of which were made in memory of certain people or to commemorate particular events. Some of these may be glimpsed in these photographs, but colour booklets showing them in detail may be bought from the church.
Generally the church is kept locked but the key is available on request from the butcher across the road (who, incidentally, sells very nice pork pies and bacon).
My thanks are due to the Rev Glyn Owen for his kindness and help, and to Doreen's husband Colin for being our chauffeur and waiting for us so patiently.
The link given below takes you to the first page of several, each containing up to 25 photos, the links to the further pages are given at the bottom of the index page.
The number for the photograph is given in the caption below the photograph.
There are three sizes of photos: the thumbnail images which link to a page containing a larger image (640 by 480 pixels), and then a full size image which is linked from the previously mentioned larger image. The full size image can of course be saved for your own personal use.
The photographs:
- The Graves in the Churchyard.
- Gravestones in the cemetery
- The Cemetery and its surroundings.
- A few views around Kilham village.
- The Church and its surroundings:
Happy hunting!
Doreen Laycock and Lisa Blosfelds