


Keyingham Cemetery gravestones etc.


Keyingham Cemetery gravestones etc..



The last photos of the Keyingham Cemetery gravestones etc. were taken in 2019 and consequently no graves after this date appear here.

The index consists of a table of surnames (below), each being linked to the first image of that surname. To get to the rest of the same surname images, simply use the scroll facilities on each succeeding page.

The number for the photograph is given in the caption below the photograph.

No attempt was made to remove grass from overgrown graves (no tools) but tried to remove the moss etc. from the graves which consist of a cross.

If you can identify the names on the "Unknown" graves, please drop Colin a line by email (use the "Report Problems" link at the bottom of the relevant page).

There are three sizes of photos: the thumbnail images which link to a page containing a larger image (640 by 480 pixels), and then a full size image which is linked from the previously mentioned larger image. The full size image can of course be saved for your own personal use.

You will appreciate that there is ample scope for errors in this, so if you find any, please drop Colin a line - there is a link to the error form at the bottom of each page.

Happy hunting!

Colin Hinson.

!General  Adams  Adamson  Albon  Antcliff  Ashton 
Atkinson  Baker  Balmford  Barber  Barker  Barmby 
Barnett  Bartram  Beadle  Beal  Beet  Billaney 
Birnie  Blenkinsop  Bonner  Boothby  Bosman  Boyd 
Braithwaite  Branton  Bray  Bromwich  Brooke  Brown 
Bryan  Bullamore  Burnett  Burrell  Butler  Calvert 
Capes  Carr  Castle  Caswell  Cawkwell  Chambers 
Chandler  Chantry  Charlton  Clappison  Clark  Clarke 
Clegg  Clubley  Collinson  Compton  Conman  Connell 
Constance  Cook  Coulman  Coupland  Cousins  Crawforth 
Credland  Crombie  Croxford  Cummings  Curtis  Dalby 
Dale  Dales  Dawson  Dean  Dee  Denston 
De_Lang  Dickinson  Dobson  Domburg  Douglas  Downes 
Downs  Drury  Dunn  Easingwood  Eddy  Emerson 
Engelhardt  Essex  Etherington  Everitt  Evers  Eyre 
Fairbank  Featherstone  Fletcher  Flintoft  Ford  Fox 
Gale  Garbutt  Gardham  Gardner  Garmston  Garthwaite 
Giddings  Goldsmith  Gouldthorpe  Goundrill  Graham  Grantham 
Gray  Greaves  Grebbell  Greedon  Griffin  Guy 
Harness  Harrison  Hart  Hayle  Hillaby  Hodge 
Hodgson  Holland  Holmes  Hook  Hooson  Hopper 
Howard  Howes  Hudson  Hunt  Hunter  Huntley 
Illingworth  Jackson  Jefferson  Johnson  Johnston  Jubilee 
Keech  Keelty  Kennington  Kirkham  Kitchen  Knaggs 
Knight  Knighton  Land  Langdale  Lanham  Lawson 
Lawton  Lee  Leitch  Lound  Lowther  Main 
Mainprize  Marshall  Mason  Maude  McEwan  McLeod 
Meadley  Medforth  Metcalfe  Middleton  Miller-Mitchell  Mills 
Moffat  Mook  Moor  Moore  Munro  Murdoch 
Nash  Neal  Nicholson  Norman  Norris  North 
Norton  Ockleton  Oliver  Overvoorde  Palframan  Parr 
Parsons  Pashby  Pawson  Pearcy  Pexton  Pickard 
Plumtree  Pockley  Pond  Preston  Ralph  Ream 
Renshaw  Ridge  Rippon  Robbins  Robinson  Rommell 
Rooker  Rourke  Roydhouse  Russell  Rust  Scott 
Screeton  Selby  Seymour  Sharp  Shepherd  Short 
Siddle  Sigston  Sigsworth  Simpson  Slatter  Smith 
Snelling  Southcoat  Stancer  Staniforth  Stather  Steele 
Stephenson  Stretten  Suddaby  Sutton  Swales  Sykes 
Tarbotton  Taylor  Thomas  Thomlinson  Thompson  Toker 
Tomge  Tonge  Trollope  Unknown  Unknown*  Vickers 
Vickerton  Walker  Wallis  Walton  Warsap  Watling 
Webster  Westmorland  Whatling  Whitelam  Whiteley  Wicks 
Wilkie  Williams  Willie  Willis  Wilson  Winter 
Wood  Would  Wright             
* Please note that the "Unknown*" section contains those with unreadable full surnames.