Huggate Registers - Miscellaneous.
Transcription of the Huggate Registers - Miscellaneous.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/HuggateParishRegs.txt Miscellaneous entries in the Parish Registers.
Volume I contains baptisms, 1539 to 1627, and Marriages and Burials, 1539 to 1626. The manner of making the entries in this volume has been to divide the page into two columns, and to keep each class of entry, whether baptism, Burial, or Marriage, in its own column through- out. The transcription and printing have followed the Register page by page, thus avoiding the possibility of any omission, which might otherwise have occurred if each class of entry had been taken separately.
Volume II begins in 1708 and ends in 1787 for the Baptisms and Burials, and in 1751 for the Marriages. There is thus a break of some eighty-two years between the two volumes, probably an entire Register being lost. That this loss is not of recent date is proved by the Return made to Parliament in 1831, where, on page 379, it is stated that " No Register, 1625 to 1708, can be found."
Volume III is of paper, and measures 15 ins. long by 9½ ins. wide, and consists of thirty-five used pages, the remainder being blank, and contains Banns and Marriages only, from 1755 to 1812, in the usual printed form. Volume IV measures 17 ins. long by 12½ ins. wide, and contains only seven pages that are used for entries, four at the beginning, baptisms, 1789 to 1798, and three at the end, Burials, 1788 to 1798. On one page is a history of the parish with a list of early Rectors, which is incorporated in this Preface. The remainder of the pages are blank.
Volume V measures 15 in. long by 9½ ins. wide, and consists of paper leaves bound in parchment. baptisms from 1798 to 1812, occupy thirty pages at one end, and Burials, from 1799 to 1812, occupy eighteen pages at the other end. The remainder of the book is blank. On page 7 of Vol. IV of the Registers is the following short history of the parish of Huggate, and a list of Rectors to 1465. Others of more recent date have been added to bring it down to the present time. Vol. IV, page 7. Huggate or Hugget Church (St Mary) in the Archdeaconry of the East Riding and Deanry of Harthill and Hull.
In the Town of Hugate the Lord Mauley held 17 Carucates, whereof 16 Carucates made a Knight's fee, and of these the Prior of Ellerton held one Caruc: and a half of German Hay. And the Prior of Wartre 6 oxgangs of the said German. Also the Prior of St Andrews York 5 oxgangs of the said German. And the Prior of Watton 2 oxgangs of him. And St John of Beverley two oxgangs. And the residue were held by the said German Hay. Likewise the Barons of Graystock held in Hugate 10 Carucates which the Prior of Watton and his Tenants held in Frank Almoign.
The Church and Tythe of Hugate were given by Ralph Payne] to the Abbey of St Mary's, York, and at the dissolution the patronage came to the Crown.
This Rectory is valued in the Kings Books, First fruits 15.0.0, Tenths 1.10.0, Procurations 0.7.6, Subsidies 1.6.0.
List of Rectors, abstracted from Torres MSS., in the care of the Dean and Chapter of York :-
July 1232 | M. Laur. de Lincolne. |
Id. Febr. 1247 | Ric. de Ponte burgo. |
15 Kal. Febr. 1304 | M. Rob. de Pykerings. |
3 Oct. 1318 | M. Joh. de Brantyngham, pbr. |
3 Non. Jan. 1320 | M. Will. de Stanes. |
Id. Junii 1330 | Dnus. Will. de Feriby, pbr. |
19 Kal. Jan. 1338 | Dnus. Tho. de Ripplinghani. |
- - - | N. Job. de Burton. |
17 Kal. Aug. 1342 | Dnus. Joh. de Hugate vet Atte Fryers, Cap. |
- - 1348 | Dnus. Rog. de Mutton. |
9 Sep. 1349 | - M Adam de Twisilton. |
- - M. | John de Heriz, pbr. |
8 July 1362 | - Joh. de Burton, pbr. |
- - | M. Robt. Marrays, pbr. |
7 Sept. 1375 | - Dims. Tho. de Etton, pbr. |
24 Aug. 1396 | - M. Rob. de Appilton. |
28 May 1401 | - Dnus. Tho. Parker. |
26 Junii 1411 | - Dnus. Will. atte Crosse, pbr. |
12 Mar. 1421 | - M. Alan Kirketon, pbr. |
27 Oct. 1433 | - M. Job. Langton, pbr. |
13 Apr. 1434 | - M. Robt. Wyott. |
16 Apr. 1443 | - M. Steph. Wylton. |
10. Nov. 1440 | - Dnus. Tho. Wilton. |
27 Sept. 1464 | - Dnus. Robt. Wode manston (sic). |
25 Junii 1465 | - Dnus. Tho. Eyre, Cap. |
21 May 1468 | - M. Tho. Mosse, pbr. |
25 Feb. 1484 | - Dnus. Will. Hustewayte. |
23 Dec. 1485 | - Dnus. Hugo Eure, L.B. |
26 Mar. 1523 | - M. Edw. Kellet. |
20 Oct. 1569 | - Dnus. Marro. Atkynson. |
22 Oct. 1572 | - Geo. Kaye, M.A. |
1 Apr. 1598 | - Robt. Fawcett, M.A. |
20 Dec. 1602 | - Xtpher Nelson, M.A. |
3 Mar. 1620 | - Tho. Carre, M.A. |
25 Jul. 1662 | - Will. Mason, M.A. |
The following are from Archbishop Sharp's MSS., in the Palace Library, Bishopsthorpe, York :-
1662. | Will: Mason, Patron, the King. |
1691. | Joh: Airey, Patron, the King and Queen. |
1692. | Rob: Luck, Patron, the same. |
1708. | Rob: Luck, his son, Patron, the Queen. |
1752. | Jonn Holme, Patron, the King. |
1760. | John Whaley, Patron, the same. |
1798. | Robt Elliot, Patron, the same. |
A few particulars respecting the Rectors and Curates, obtained from the Registers
- George Kay, clarke, buried Feb. 7, 1597-98.
- Robert Luck, jun., Rector, inducted 29 July 1708. buried 19 March 1752.
- John Holmes, B.D., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, inducted by R. T. Dale, Vicar of Agnes Burton, on 6 April 1752. Presented by the Lord Chancellor (see p. 67).
- John Whaley, M.A., inducted 29 April 1765, by Robert Hudson, clerk. Presented by the Lord Chancellor. Buried 6 June 1798, aged 76.
- Robert Elliott, inducted 21 July 1798.
- [Gap.]
- 1885. William Rowe Jolley, M.A., St. Peter's College, Cambridge, Deputy Clerk of the Closet to Her Majesty the Queen, inducted 1885 ; present Rector.
- Robert Hudson appears as Curate in 1757.
- Thomas Cowper appears as Curate in 1760 till his death. buried 21 Nov. 1788
- p. 88. John Wilkinson appears as Curate in 1803 till 1812.
- According to the Yorkshire Archaeological journal, volume ii, in a paper by Mr. Raines, Huggate Church was anciently dedicated to All Saints ; its modern ascription is to St. Mary.
- The thanks of the Society are due to the present Rector, the Rev. W. R. Jolley, M.A., for his kind permission to transcribe the Registers, and to Dr. Collins, who examined the list of Rectors.
1626 Memorandum that this Register was Bought for the Parish of Huggate In the year 1708, And cost Eight Shillings. Robert Luck Rector Mar. Simpson and John Cole Church Wardens. July the 29 Anno Dom 1708. Memorandum that the day and Year above written Robt Luck jun Clerk was inducted into the Rectory of Huggate. April 6th 1752, John Holme B.D. Fellow of St John's Col. in Cambridge was inducted into the Rectory of Huggate by the Revd T. Dade M.A. Vicar of Agnes Burton. Present F. Boynton esq R. Lutton esq S. Hassel LL.B. R. Cross Yeoman.
1715 Be it remembered that the New Pew on the North Side of the Alley was built by Lidy Newlove Widow and is for ever to belong to her said farm Who by her son John Newlove is given unto George Newlove and his heirs and Assigns for ever Be it remembered likewise that ye first pew in the North Ile was built at ye proper cost and charge of George Cross and William Kirby.
1742 be it Remembered that ye New Pew on the North Side the Alley was built at the proper cost and charge of Thomas Cross Yeoman and is for ever to belong to his said farm.
1797 On the fly-leaf there is the following :-The Revd Robt. Elliot inducted to the Rectory of Huggate (vacant by the Death of the Reved John Whaley) July 21st 1798. Mr Whaley died May 31st
1798. The baptisms in this Volume extend across two pages, which are ruled into three columns on each page. First column is headed, Infant's Christian Name and Seniority; second, Infant's Surname; third, Father's Name, Profession, Descent, and Abode; fourth, Mother's Name and Descent ; fifth, born ; sixth, baptized.
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1901
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
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