


Howden Registers - Miscellaneous.


Transcription of the Howden Registers - Miscellaneous.


Miscellaneous entries in the Parish Registers.



This Volume contains the Burials in the earliest of the Howden Register Books-from 1543 to 1659-and the Marriages only in the Second Book-from 1659 to 1702. Book No. 2, bound in vellum, is 21½ in. by 84 in., and contains 150 pages of parchment, with the Registers in double columns.

There are some paper leaves in addition.

No deaths are recorded from May, 1558, to September, 1559.

It may be noted as evidence of a "pestilential disease" in 1579 that there were 53 burials registered in the month of June of that year.

An interesting entry appears on page 124 of the death of " Elizabeth a wich " at Knedlington, 20th August, 1602.

The thanks of the Society are due to the Rev. G. L. M. REES for permission to copy the Second Book. G. E. W,

Anno Regni Regime Elizabeth Quadragecimo Anno Dni 1598.

This book was bought at York by Marmaduke Machell, Church Warden, then for Cotnes : and was then pvyded & appointed to be A regester book for thole pishe of Howden being bound in ptchment and coste £10 2S.

Mar. Machell.
Robtus. Cole hujus Parochiae Vic sepultus fuit 1555/6 Febry. 5.
Thomas Pickard, curate 1663. Successor S.A.
Edwus. Doughty, Curate & Lectr. 1665. successor T.P.
Stephanus Arlush, Lect. &
Hen. Thomson, Curat. Successors E.D. 1670.
Thomas Reynolds Vic. successor S.A. 1681.
Richd Coulton Vic. successor T.R. 1707.
John Threlkeld Vic. successor R.C. 1726.
Collected 21st April, 1661, upon his Majesty's Letters Patents for Thomas Ury of Horn Castle, Gen. ye Summe of 14s. 7d.
Collected in June, 1661, upon his Majesty's Letters Patents granted to the Towne of Pontefract for the rebuilding of the Parish Church there the summe of 16s 2d.
Collected in June, 1661, upon his Maj.. lettrs. Patents granted to the Towne of Scarbrough for rebuilding of ye parish Church there the summe of 13s. 3d.
Collected July 14, 1661, ye summe of 12s. 4d. upon his Majs. Lettrs. Patents granted to James Melvell of Clanoth in ye County of Downe, Esq.
Collected Augt. 18, 1661, ye summe of 9s. 11d. upon his Mals Letters Pats. granted for ye repair of ye Church of Dalby-Chalcombe in ye County of Leycester.
Collected 8 Sept. upon his Majestye's lettrs. Patents for ye Repair of ye Collegiate Church of Rippon the summe of 14s. 2d.
Collected 15th Septr. upon his Majestye's lettrs. Patents for ye reliefe of John Copperthwait in ye parish of Kendal ye summe of £1 13s 0d.
Collected 10th Novr. upon his Majestye's letter patten for the releife of Richard Dutton of Chester the sum of 8s. 3d.
Collected 1st Decr. upon his Majestye's letters patten for the releife of the protestant Churches in the great Dukedome of Lithuania granted unto one John De Kraino Kranskii deputy of ye Sd. nationall Synod ye sum of 95. 8d.
Collected 9 Feby. upon his Majestye's letters patten for the releife of Christopher Greene of Biton in ye county of Darby the sum of 8s. 9d.
Collected 16th Feby. upon his Majestye's letters patten for mentaineing the fishing trade the sum of 7s. 11d.
Collected 23 Feby. upon his Majestye's letters patten for the releife of Henry Harrison, marriner the some of 7s.
Collected 11th May, 1662, by his Majestye's letters patten for the Blessing of Dublin the some of 11s. 5d.
Collected 8 June, 1662, by his Mats. letters pattens for the inhabitants of Metheringam ye some of 13s. 5d.

Richards. of Cornelius Em'son of Booth borne ye 29th of November 1677. John Dun's Sermon to be preached yearly ye first Tuesday after May ye 26 : which if it happen on a Tuesday, then ye Tuesday after is to be observed.
Memorand : yt John Rowley of Howden had a Collection in ye parish Church of Howden afores. ye 16th day of March, 1700. Itm. John Brocklebank of Balkholme had a collection in ye sd. parish Church ye 6th day of Jany. 1701.

James son of Charles England, Skelton.

Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1905
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
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