


Howden Registers - Burials for Barmby and Laxton 1763-1779.


Transcription of the Howden Registers - Burials for Barmby and Laxton 1763-1779.

Please note I cannot guarantee that my software has always extracted the date in the date column correctly.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.

DateName(s) and relationship
29/08/176329 Augt. Thomas Harrison.
20/10/176320 Octr. Elizabeth Cass.
03/11/17633 Nov. Elizabeth Harrison.
10/11/176310 Nov Hannah Leaper.
15/12/176315 Decr. Robert Steel.
01/01/17041 Jany Hannah Pearson.
02/01/17042 Elizabeth (?), dau. to William Middlewood.
24/01/170424 Jan Richard Ball.
27/02/170427 Feby Mary Ellison.
29/02/170429 Feb Ann Andrew.
25/06/170425 June. Thomas Ellison.
12/07/170412 July. John Dean.
21/07/170421 Jul Paul Pickhaver.
13/08/170413 Aug. Sarah Steel.
21/10/170421 Octr. John, son to Edward Cobb.
15/01/176515 Jany Richard Andrew.
21/02/176521 Feby Sarah Blanshard.
04/04/17654 April. William Empson.
27/09/176527 Septr. Richard, son to William Fox.
30/11/176530 Novr. Elizabeth, wife to Jonathan Ball.
05/12/17655 Decr. Frances, dau : to Jonathan Ball.
05/01/17665 Jany William Young.
21/01/176621 Jan Elizabeth Ellison.
11/07/176611 July. Nathaniel Brown.
28/07/176628 Jul Mary, dau : to William Volance.
06/09/17666 Septr. Elizabeth Noble, widow.
21/09/176621 Sep Robert Bauden.
09/12/17669 Decr. Henry, son to William Riley.
14/01/176714 Jany Mary, Pinder, widow.
21/01/176721 Jan Robert, son to John Steel.
28/02/176728 Feby Joseph Brown.
19/03/176719 March. Jonas Tyson.
26/03/176726 Mar Alice Scales, widow.
24/04/176724 April. Joseph Leaper.
27/04/176727 Apr John Benson.
23/06/176723 June. Mary Thompson.
15/08/176715 Augt. Joseph Drake.
22/08/176722 Aug Robert Underwood.
01/09/17671 Septr. Thomas Brown.
24/10/176724 Octr. Mary Stainforth.
18/11/176718 Novr Richard Hall.
13/02/176813 Feby Robert Branton.
14/02/176814 Feb John Wilson.
17/03/176817 March. Hannah, dau : to John Dennis.
31/03/176831 Mar Joseph Clemmet.
28/04/176828 April. Grace Townend, widow.
15/05/176815 May. Sarah, dau : to John Steel.
16/05/176816 May Elizabeth, dau. to Thomas Crust.
30/05/176830 May Elizabeth Cass.
10/06/176810 June. Richard Waterhouse.
06/07/17686 July. Ann, dau : to John Steel.
12/08/176812 August. John, son to John Noble.
26/08/176826 Aug The Revd. Wm. Burges, Vicar of Wressle & Curate of Barmby.
19/12/176819 Decr. Hannah, dau : to John Noble.
13/01/176913 Jany. Ann Dennis.
23/01/176923 Jan Thomas Pennington.
29/01/176929 Jan John Bird.
02/02/17692 Febry. Mary, dau : to Joseph Thompson.
02/04/17692 April. William Branton.
14/04/176914 Apr Robert, son to Robert Johnson.
06/07/17696 July. Mary, wife to William Relph.
11/09/176911 Septr. Thomas Cass.
07/05/17707 May. Ann, wife of Robt. Johnson.
17/05/177017 May Elizabeth English.
20/05/177020 May Elizabeth, dau : of Matthew Tuby.
06/07/17706 July. Mary & Eliz., Daur. to Robert Wilson.
10/07/177010 Jul Sarah, dau : to Robert Leaper.
17/10/177017 Octr. Sarah, dau : to Joseph Andrew.
29/03/177129 March. Elizabeth, dau : to Robert Leedham.
04/08/17714 Augt. Mary Leavens.
09/08/17719 Aug Elizabeth Nutbrown.
31/08/177131 Aug Ann Breeton.
03/10/17713 Octr. Joseph, son to Joseph Andrew.
04/10/17714 Oct John Harrison.
08/10/17718 Oct Robert, son to Mary Watson.
10/10/177110 Oct Ann, dau : to Joseph Andrew.
30/10/177130 Oct John Underwood.
06/11/17716 Novr. Jane, (Ian : to Henry Vitty.
26/02/177226 Feb:. John Williamson.
24/03/177224 March. Hannah Pocklington.
14/04/177214 April. Hannah, wife to William Emmerson.
03/05/17723 May. William Leavens.
16/06/177216 June. Mary Robinson.
09/11/17729 Novr. Michael, son of Thomas Pickard.
24/02/177324 Feb:. Faith, wife of Thomas Vollans.
08/03/17738 March. John Clemit.
17/03/177317 Mar Robert Williamson.
13/05/177313 May. Bettey, dau : to John Noble.
09/06/17739 June. Elizabeth Cass.
03/08/17733 Augt. Ann Todd.
08/08/17738 Aug William, son of William Volans.
23/10/177323 Octr. George Cook.
26/10/177326 Oct John, son to John Berry, Parish of Stillingfleet.
27/10/177327 Oct. Robert Powles.
12/11/177312 Novr. Ann Brown.
14/01/177414 Jany. Ellen, Cook.
25/03/177425 March. Mary Brown.
11/04/177411 April. Elizabeth Underwood.
26/06/177426 June. William Underwood.
04/07/17744 July. Ann, dau : to Mary Dennis.
03/08/17743 Augt. Sarah Underwood.
08/08/17748 Aug Frances, dau : to James Watson.
09/10/17749 Octr. John, son to William Volans.
21/10/177421 Oct Matthew, son to Matthew Tuby.
31/12/177431 Decr. Elizabeth, dau : to John Bauden.
02/01/17752 Jany Hannah Harrison.
27/02/177527 Feb. Ann, dau : to John Noble.
04/03/17754 March. William Volans.
28/04/177528 April. Joseph, son to Joseph Cotterill.
10/06/177510 June. Ann, wife to Joseph Cotterill.
18/06/177518 Jun Sarah Nicholson, widow.
20/06/177520 Jun Hannah, dau : to John Pocklington, Junr.
29/08/177529 Augt Ann, dau. to John Watson.
11/01/177611 Jan. William Ryley.
13/01/177613 Jan Mary Atkinson.
21/01/177621 Jan Robert & Jahn, sons to Robert Tod.
08/03/17768 March. Ann, clan : to John Steel.
09/03/17769 Mar Hannah, dau : to Wm. Vollans.
14/03/177614 Mar Ann, dau. to Thomas Harper.
06/05/17766 May. Abraham Chatburn.
22/06/177622 June. Mabell Volens.
26/09/177626 Sept. George Cass.
18/10/177618 Octr. John, son of Thomas Thompson.
06/11/17766 Novr. Mary, dau : of John Bell.
15/12/177615 Decr. Mary Fox.
11/01/177711 Jany. George Cass.
25/04/177725 April. Matthew Young.
10/05/177710 May. John Andrew.
18/05/177718 May William, son to Robert Letham.
24/06/177724 June. Richarad Cass.
24/07/177724 July. Ann Turton.
29/07/177729 Jul Nancy, dau : to Robert Bordon.
23/09/177723 Septr. Elizabeth Pocklington.
06/11/17776 Novr. John Cavil.
25/01/177825 Jany Hannah, dau : to John Pocklington.
04/02/17784 Feb. Mary Bradley.
09/02/17789 Feb Jane Cass.
05/06/17785 June. Elizabeth, dau : to Wm. Hall.
18/08/177818 Augt Elizabeth Stotherd.
31/08/177831 Aug Elizabeth Pocklington.
19/11/177819 Novr. John Williamson.
07/01/17797 Jany Mary Young.
28/03/177928 March. Faith Branton.
16/01/176316 Jany Hannah, dau : to Robert Gardam, of Saltmarsh.
19/01/176319 Jan William, son to William Taylor, of Laxton.
12/02/176312 Feby. John, son to John Pinder, of Laxton.
07/07/17637 July. Mary, wife to Richard Pinder, of Laxton.
20/01/176420 Jany Thomas, Gill, Esqre. of Laxton.
06/02/17646 Feby John, Whitelay, of Laxton.
17/02/176417 Feb Thede, son to Mr. Young, of Yokefleet.
26/02/176426 Feb John Hopson, of Laxton.
05/04/17645 April. Sarah Iveson, of Saltmarsh.
03/09/17643 Sept. Benjamin, son to Benjamin Hill, of Yokefleet.
13/09/176413 Sep Elizabeth Teaty, of Yokefleet.
12/05/176512 May. Sarah, wife to John Pinder, of Laxton.
16/06/176516 June. Robert Gardam, of Saltmarsh.
01/07/17651 July. Margaret Jobson, of Saltmarsh.
30/07/176530 Jul Thomas Hutchinson, of Laxton.
27/05/176627 May. Elizabeth Wood, of Laxton.
22/06/176622 June. Ann, dau : to Jacob Maslin, of Saltmarsh.
01/07/17661 July. Ann, wife to Mr. Abraham Haigh, of Saltmarsh.
03/07/17663 Jul Abiah, dau. to William Taylor, of Laxton.
05/02/17675 Feb. Richard Johnson, of Newland (Eastrington parish).
10/02/176710 Feb John Stather, of Saltmarsh.
06/03/17676 March. Phoebe, dau : to James Gillyot, of Saltmarsh.
04/05/17674 May. Ann Steel, of Laxton.
30/05/176730 May John Featon, of Laxton.
12/07/176712 July. Sarah, dau : to John Pinder, of Laxton.
15/07/176715 Jul Thomas, son to William Thompson, of Laxton.
01/08/17671 Augt. Simon Gilderdale, of Laxton.
12/11/176712 Novr. Theophilus, son to Francis Young, of Yokefleet.
09/01/17699 Jan. Thomas, son to Thomas Rhodes, of Saltmarsh.
15/01/176915 Jan James, son to John Haram, of Laxton.
18/02/176918 Feby Christopher Thompson, of Laxton.
21/03/176921 March. Ann Rogers, of Cotness.
24/04/176924 April. Sarah, wife of Thomas Rhodes, of Saltmarsh.
01/06/17691 June. Ann Cranks, of Saltmarsh.
15/07/176915 July. Jemima, dau. of Willm. Thompson, of Laxton.
29/04/177029 April. Mary, wife to John Thompson, Saltmarsh.
11/02/177111 Feby Dorothy, wife to Christopher Smith, Saltmarsh.
24/02/177124 Feb Margret, dau : to Richard Pindar, Laxton.
12/03/177112 March. Joannah, dau : to Willm. Thompson, Laxton.
25/08/177125 Augt. Benjamin, son to Benj : Wager, Saltmarsh.
27/03/177227 March. John, Smith, Laxton.
16/04/177216 Aprill. George Smith, Laxton.
10/02/177310 Feby John Whiteley, Laxton.
22/03/177322 March. Margaret, wife of Robert Overend, Laxton.
08/06/17738 June. Rosanna, dau. of Benjamin Wager, Saltmarsh.
15/06/177315 Jun Catherine Whiteley, Laxton.
21/08/177321 Augt. John, son of Rich& Pindar, Laxton.
02/09/17732 Septr. Alice, wife of Rich Fenwick, Laxton.
22/11/177322 Novr. William, son of Francis Holiday, Saltmarsh.
29/12/177329 Decr. Bridget, wife of Benjamin Hill, Melham.
13/03/177413 March George Atkinson, Waterside House
19/02/177519 Feby Thomas Pitts, of Laxton.
03/??/17753 Ann Holmes, Saltmarsh.
23/??/177523 Ann Labran, wife to William, of Laxton.
22/??/177522 William Haigh, Saltmarsh.
01/02/17761 Feby Ann Pinder, Laxton, Widow.
24/04/177624 April. John Pinder, of Laxton.
04/07/17764 July. Mary, wife of Francis Young, Yokefleet.
01/08/17761 Augt. Caroline Matilda, dau. of Francis Young, Yokefleet.
04/11/17764 Novr Edward, son of Wm Labron, Laxton.
28/03/177628 March. Francis, son of John North, Laxton.
15/05/177715 May. Ellin, wife of Thomas Jewitt, Saltmarsh.
16/07/177716 July. John Jackson, Junr. of Laxton.
16/07/177716 Jul Ann, wife of John Walkington. Scalby
10/08/177710 Augt. Ellin Briar, Laxton.
22/12/177722 Decr. William Oxley, Saltmarsh.
15/04/177815 April. William, son to William Thompson, Laxton.
05/09/17785 Septr. Elizabeth, dau : to Benjamin Hill, Metham.
07/03/17797 March. John, son to John Cowper, Laxton.
12/03/177912 Mar Christopher Smith, Saltmarsh.
28/03/177928 Mar Francis Young, Yokefleet.
02/04/17792 April. William, son to William Wilkinson, Laxton.

Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1913
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
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