Howden Registers - Burials 1724-17752.
Transcription of the Howden Registers - Burials 1724-1775.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/HowdenParishRegs2.txt Please note I cannot guarantee that my software has always extracted the date in the date column correctly.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)
Date | Name(s) and relationship |
1724 | |
??/03/1724 | Mar. - Martha, D. Robt. man, of Howden. |
??/04/1724 | Apr. - Jon. S. Wm. Graves, of Knedlington. |
??/04/1724 | Apr - Robt. Langton, of Howden. |
??/04/1724 | Apr - Eliz., D. Jon. Hogg, of Newland. |
20/04/1724 | Apr 20. Wm. S. Robt. Waud, of Laxton. |
20/04/1724 | Apr 20. Hen., S. Hen. Chambers, of Howden. |
20/04/1724 | Apr 20. Mary, W. Tho. Hardie, of Saltmarsh. |
04/05/1724 | May 4. Tim Goudel, of Howden. |
07/05/1724 | May 7. Robt. & Jon. sons to Robt. Jackson, of Howden. |
08/05/1724 | May 8. Mary Watson, of Swinefleet. |
15/05/1724 | May 15. Eliz. Slator, of Barnby. |
17/05/1724 | May 17. Mr. .... Semar, of Belby. |
24/05/1724 | May 24. Wm. Beilby, of Saltmarsh. |
26/05/1724 | May 26. Mary Dowson, of Howden. |
26/05/1724 | May 26. Hen : Minnikin, of Yokefleet. |
26/05/1724 | May 26. Eliz., D. Sam Sharp, of Yokefleet. |
27/05/1724 | May 27. Robt. Bradley, of Belby. |
29/05/1724 | May 29. James Kemp, of Belby. |
07/06/1724 | June 7. Eliz., D. Rich : Coates, of Belby. |
09/06/1724 | Jun 9. Sarah, D. Jon. Andrew, of Barnby. |
01/07/1724 | July 1. Jane, D. Jon. Wattkin, of Yokefleet. |
19/07/1724 | Jul 19. James Graburne, of Skelton. |
20/07/1724 | Jul 20. Wm. S. Wm. Snar, of Knedlington. |
02/08/1724 | Aug. 2. Wm S. Wm. Mattrom, of Skelton. |
06/08/1724 | Aug. 6. Wm. S. Mr. Morfeit, of Lund. |
10/08/1724 | Aug 10. Sarah, D. Charles Dove, of Saltmarsh. |
10/08/1724 | Aug 10. Mary, D. Rich. Stadder, of Howden. |
05/09/1724 | Sept. 5. Bar., D. Tho : Hardie, of Saltmarsh. |
15/09/1724 | Sep 15. Eliz., W. Fran. Hildrake, of Balkholme. |
15/09/1724 | Sep 15. Wm. S. Mr. Shipton, of Howden. |
24/09/1724 | Sep 24. Sarah, D. Jon. Barker, of Barnby. |
25/09/1724 | Sept. 25. Jon. S. Simon Jewitt, of Saltmarsh. |
25/09/1724 | Sep 25. Eliz. Kemp, of Belby. |
05/10/1724 | Oct. 5. Jon. Dowson, of Balkholme. |
05/10/1724 | Oct 5. Jon. S. Jon. Briggs, of Howden. |
08/10/1724 | Oct 8. Eliz., D. Zach. Burton, of Newland. |
10/10/1724 | Oct 10. Tho : Keedar, of Saltmarsh. |
11/10/1724 | Oct 11. Wm., S. Ed. Vause, of Howden. |
12/10/1724 | Oct 12. Tho., S. Jon. Dowson, of Balkholme. |
21/10/1724 | Oct 21. Mr. Sam Smith, of Hull. |
25/10/1724 | Oct 25. Robt, S. Jon. Dowson, of Balkholme. |
25/10/1724 | Oct 25. Jon. Wilson, of Balkholme. |
26/10/1724 | Oct 26. Geo. Atkinson, of Asleby. |
28/10/1724 | Oct 28. Mary, W. Tho : Fenton, of Barnby. |
30/10/1724 | Oct 30. Cath., W. Jon. Brown, of Barnby. |
30/10/1724 | Oct 30. Jon. S. Jon. Huthom : Asleby. |
05/11/1724 | Nov. 5. Jane Filding, of Skelton. |
06/11/1724 | Nov 6. Jon. Heslewood, of Thorpe. |
07/11/1724 | Nov 7. Tho : Smith, of Asleby. |
17/11/1724 | Nov 17. Dorith : Artle, of Knedlington. |
18/11/1724 | Nov 18. Anne, W. Peter Bointon, of Metham. |
22/11/1724 | Nov 22. Rebec : W. Jon. Watterhouse, of Asleby. |
25/11/1724 | Nov 25. Ralph, S. Mr. Ralph Northen, Howden. |
26/11/1724 | Nov 26. Robt Mitchel, of Saltmarsh. |
29/11/1724 | Nov 29. Mr. Wm. Battle, of Howden. |
02/12/1724 | Dec. 2. Robt. Hurst, of Skelton. |
06/12/1724 | Dec 6. Josh. Stainforth, Belby. |
06/12/1724 | Dec 6. Anne, W. Rich. Ramsey, Asleby. |
08/12/1724 | Dec 8. Sarah, D. Jon. Watkinson, Cottnes. |
11/12/1724 | Dec 11. Eliz. Knowles, of Asleby. |
11/12/1724 | Dec 11. Anne, W. Tho : Nuttbrown, of Howden. |
13/12/1724 | Dec 13. Anne Vollons, of Howden. |
14/12/1724 | Dec 14. Len : S. Len : Arnold, Belby. |
15/12/1724 | Dec 15. Geo. Bows, of Skelton. |
16/12/1724 | Dec 16. Anne, W. Robt. Parrot, of Yokefleet. |
16/12/1724 | Dec 16. Anne, D. Jon. Jarrat, of Howden. |
27/12/1724 | Dec 27. Hell : W. Jon. Emson, of Balkholme. |
27/12/1724 | Dec 27. Jon. S. Jon. Harrison, of Howden. |
10/01/1724 | Jan. 10. Andrew Palmer, of Laxton. |
10/01/1724 | Jan 10. Eliz., D. Jon. Tomson, of Balkholme. |
10/01/1724 | Jan 10. Jos : S. Jon. Andrew, Barnby. |
12/01/1724 | Jan 12. Wm. S. Jos. Andrew, Barnby. |
13/01/1724 | Jan 13. Sar : W. Jon. Woodswoorth, Knedlington. |
13/01/1724 | Jan 13. Anne, D. Tho : Nuttbrown, Howden. |
30/01/1724 | Jan 30. Tho : S. Tho : Young, Asleby. |
03/02/1724 | Feb. 3. Jon. S. Mr. Jos. Tingate, of Barnby. |
03/02/1724 | Feb 3. Bar : D. Tho : Young, of Asleby. |
03/02/1724 | Feb 3. Tho : S. Jon. Harrison, of Howden. |
13/02/1724 | Feb 13. Anne, D. Tho : Thornbrough, Laxton. |
13/02/1724 | Feb 13. Eliz., W. Jon. Claydon, of Howden. |
15/02/1724 | Feb. 15. Mary, W. Tho : Young, Asleby. |
16/02/1724 | Feb 16. Tho : Widhouse, of Howden. |
19/02/1724 | Feb 19. Anne White, of Howden. |
23/02/1724 | Feb 23. Jon. S. Jon. Bishop, of Laxton. |
01/03/1724 | Mar. 1. Eliz., W. to Marke Nuttbrown, Howden. |
01/03/1724 | Mar 1. Dinis Audes, of Knedlington. |
04/03/1724 | Mar 4. Rebec : D. Tho : Aislby, Howdn. |
06/03/1724 | Mar 6. Tho: Richardson, Saltmarsh. |
07/03/1724 | Mar 7. Eliz., D. Wm. Hood, Kilpin. |
13/03/1724 | Mar 13. John Blemire, Skelton. |
14/03/1724 | Mar 14. Sarah, wife to John Tasker, Belby. |
14/03/1724 | Mar 14. William, son to John Peart, Laxton. |
14/03/1724 | Mar 14. Hanah, dau : of Robt. Baudon, Skelton. |
15/03/1724 | Mar 15. John Wood, Balcom. |
15/03/1724 | Mar 15. Barbrah, wife to John Ramsah, Barmby. |
17/03/1724 | Mar 17. Sarah and Ane, Daus. to Tho. Leper, Barmby. |
19/03/1724 | Mar 19. William Matteroum, Skelton. |
24/03/1724 | Mar 24. Charles, S. to Lenard Thorp, Howden. |
1725 | |
28/03/1725 | Mar 28. .... Belbey, Saltmarsh. |
01/04/1725 | Apr. 1. Tho: Thomas, of Laxton. |
01/04/1725 | Apr 1. Frances Hutson, of Howden. |
01/04/1725 | Apr 1. Cat : wife to Tho. Pinder, Howden. |
10/04/1725 | Apr 10. Eward Stifunson, of Skelton. |
15/04/1725 | Apr 15. Sarah Cooke, of Howden. |
24/04/1725 | Apr 24. Eli : D. Tho. Dalley, of Laxton. |
24/04/1725 | Apr 24. Jon. S. Jon. Pallmer, of Howden. |
24/04/1725 | Apr 24. Will., S. to Beng : Douson, of Howden. |
08/05/1725 | May 8. Cat : Biging, of Howden. |
15/05/1725 | May 15. Ann horst, of balkholme. |
15/05/1725 | May 15. Jane Mourret, of Howden. |
18/05/1725 | May 18. Mar., D. to Jon. Pagett, of Skelton. |
22/05/1725 | May 22. Jon. Broun, of barmbey. |
28/05/1725 | May 28. Mary, D. to Jos. harrison, of barmby. |
28/05/1725 | May 28. Simion, S. to Thomas Ayer, of howden. |
28/05/1725 | May 28. Will Frere, of Laxton. |
03/06/1725 | June 3. Ann, W. to Jon. Good, of Saltmarsh. |
03/06/1725 | Jun 3. Mart. D. to Gorg Kiching, of howden. |
09/06/1725 | Jun 9. Jane, D. to Will. Broun, of Barmbey. |
11/06/1725 | Jun 11. Mary, D. to John hardey, of Knedlinton. |
15/06/1725 | Jun 15. Tomison, D. to Jon. Audus, of Knedlinton. |
15/06/1725 | Jun 15. Mary Good, of Saltmarsh. |
29/06/1725 | Jun 29. John Hart, of howden. |
30/06/1725 | Jun 30. John Garman, of Aselbey. |
03/07/1725 | July 3. Alse, W. to Robert Camel, of Howden. |
04/07/1725 | Jul 4. Leven Ward, a strenger. |
11/07/1725 | Jul 11. Elizbeth Donn, of thorp. |
27/07/1725 | Jul 27. Jon. Cambey, a stranger. |
22/08/1725 | Aug. 22. Gorge Clark, of Howden. |
24/08/1725 | Aug. 24. Rafe, S. to Richard harrison, of Howden. |
01/09/1725 | Sept. 1. Patiens, W. to Will Richison, of Howden. |
08/09/1725 | Sep 8. Will. Curkhus, of Howden. |
20/09/1725 | Sep 20. Jon Parkins, of Saltmarsh. |
24/09/1725 | Sep 24. Jon, S. to Thomas Tomson, of Barmbey. |
25/09/1725 | Sep 25. Mary, D. to Will Brear, of Lakston. |
28/09/1725 | Sep 28. Mr. Tho : Smith, of Aselbey. |
02/10/1725 | Oct. 2. Elizebeth, W. to Gorge Spence, of Howden. |
05/10/1725 | Oct 5. Anne, W. to John Bronkes, of Howden. |
17/10/1725 | Oct 17. Steven Gilderson, of Yockflet. |
24/10/1725 | Oct 24. Rob., S. to Rich. Harrison, of Howden. |
05/11/1725 | Nov. 5. Thomas Fidlen, of Howden. |
20/11/1725 | Nov 20. Mrs. Hammon, of Howden. |
30/11/1725 | Nov 30. Jon. Ramsah, of Howden. |
01/12/1725 | Dec. 1. Sinddeney Blanshard, of barmbey. |
05/12/1725 | Dec 5. Tho., S. to Jon. Watterhouse, of Aselby. |
07/12/1725 | Dec 7. Elizebeth, W. to Jon. Moar, of Howden. |
15/12/1725 | Dec 15. Anne, W. to Joseph Belbey, of Saltmarsh. |
25/12/1725 | Dec 25. Tho : Barker, of howden. |
01/01/1725 | Jan. 1. Margret, D. to Jon. Coggrave, of howden. |
04/01/1725 | Jan 4. Eliz., W. to Gorge Shot, of bolkum. |
07/01/1725 | Jan 7. Ann Wood, of boalkholm. |
10/01/1725 | Jan 10. Sarah, D. to Jon. Dunn, of Thorp. |
11/01/1725 | Jan 11. Richard, S. to Richard Cuniworth, of howden. |
07/02/1725 | Feb. 7. Jon. S. to Jon. Jusen, of Knedlinton. |
08/02/1725 | Feb 8. Corney Collin, of barmby. |
11/02/1725 | Feb 11. Mat. Coverdell, of Asebey. |
01/03/1725 | Mar. 1. Mrs. Mary Waton, of Howden. |
03/03/1725 | Mar 3. Richard, S. to Jon. Moair, of Howden. |
03/03/1725 | Mar 3. Robert, S. to Robert Juson, of Howden. |
03/03/1725 | Mar 3. Mary, wife to Jon. Forth, of barmbey. |
13/03/1725 | Mar 13. An Willkison, of Howden. |
21/03/1725 | Mar 21. Ann, D. of Robert Maskel, of Howden. |
24/03/1725 | Mar 24. Robert Thorp, of Sparinton. |
1726 | |
27/03/1726 | Mar 27. Jon. Bullmer, of Howden. |
11/04/1726 | Apr. 11. Jon, S. to Jon Judgson, of Laxton. |
22/04/1726 | Apr 22. Emanewell dean, of Howden. |
23/06/1726 | June 23. Mr. Richard Colton, of howden. |
07/07/1726 | July 7. Edey, W. to Jon Willkisson, of howden. |
14/08/1726 | Aug. 14. Thomas Hick, of Howden. |
27/08/1726 | Aug 27. Mary, d. to Jon Stones, of belbey. |
02/09/1726 | Sept. 2. Lenard Arnell, of Thorpe lidget. |
04/09/1726 | Sep 4. Jane, W. to Cristorfer Seall, of howden. |
07/09/1726 | Sep 7. Jon, S. to Joseph Wharey, of howden. |
10/09/1726 | Sep 10. Mary, D. to Jon Smith, of Saltmarsh. |
28/09/1726 | Sep 28. Joseph Whary, of howden. |
10/10/1726 | Oct. 10. Thomas Sticknah, of balkholm. |
11/10/1726 | Oct 11. Elisebeth, D. to Will Burton, of howden. |
20/10/1726 | Oct. 20. Jon hord, of thorplidget. |
21/10/1726 | Oct 21. Mary, D. to Peter Wilson, of Aselbey. |
21/11/1726 | Nov. 21. Jane, D. to Thomas Lidster, of howden. |
22/11/1726 | Nov 22. Robert hoall, of belbey. |
23/11/1726 | Nov 23. Jon. Tasker, of Belbey. |
04/12/1726 | Dec. 4. Mary, D. to Will benison, of belbey. |
11/12/1726 | Dec 11. Jon, S. to Jon Tindel, of Aselbey. |
20/12/1726 | Dec 20. Ann howdell, of Knedlinton. |
08/01/1726 | Jan. 8. Mrs. Mary Smith, of Aselby. |
09/01/1726 | Jan 9. Sarah, D. to Will Nickelson, of howden. |
20/01/1726 | Jan 20. Ann fenell, of barmbey. |
23/01/1726 | Jan 23. Mary Stefenson, of Skelton. |
04/02/1726 | Feb. 4. Rob., S. to Mr. Gorge Atherup, of howden. |
05/02/1726 | Feb 5. Will. Nickelson, of howden. |
11/02/1726 | Feb 11. Mr. Thomas Dickens, of howden. |
19/02/1726 | Feb 19. Mary, wife to Richard Palmer, of Aselbey. |
19/02/1726 | Feb 19. Hanah, D. to Will. Wainman, of howden. |
24/02/1726 | Feb 24. Jon, S. to henery hoakesworth, of Aselby. |
07/03/1726 | Mar. 7. Jon Ranforth, of Saltmarch. |
08/03/1726 | Mar 8. Ann Audus, of howden. |
08/03/1726 | Mar 8. Mary, D. to Charles Cowlem, of howden. |
11/03/1726 | Mar 11. Elisebeth, W. to Jon Roades, of Skelton. |
21/03/1726 | Mar 21. Jon Collison, of howden. |
1727 | |
27/03/1727 | Mar 27. Ann Stefenson, of howden. |
16/04/1727 | Apr. 16. Elizebeth, D. to Mr. Will. Mileton, of howden. |
05/05/1727 | May 5. John Wilkinson, of Newland. |
09/05/1727 | May 9. Doiley Preston, of Howden. |
24/05/1727 | May 24. Thomas, S. to Richd Day, of Barmby. |
08/06/1727 | June 8. Eleanor, D. to Robt. Breasly, of Howden. |
13/06/1727 | Jun 13. Wm. S. to Joan Midleton, Howden. |
16/06/1727 | Jun 16. Tho : Eland, of Barnal Hall. |
30/06/1727 | Jun 30. Eliz., wife to Robt. Bilbrough, of Howden. |
04/07/1727 | July 4. Peter Awcock, of Barmby Marsh. |
10/07/1727 | Jul 10. John Rodes, of Skelton. |
16/07/1727 | Jul 16. Margaret Thompson, of Saltmarsh. |
21/07/1727 | Jul 21. Mathew Penrose, of Howden. |
25/07/1727 | Jul 25. Jane, D. to David Langton, of Howden. |
28/07/1727 | Jul 28. John Hineson, of Barmby Marsh. |
13/08/1727 | Aug. 13. Margaret, wife to John Jewson, Knedlington. |
13/08/1727 | Aug 13. Jane, wife to Ed. Kirsey, Knedlington Prot : Pres : |
18/08/1727 | Aug 18. Eliz : wife to Tho. Cade, of Howden. |
19/08/1727 | Aug 19. Hannah, D. to Tho. Harrinson, Barmby. |
19/08/1727 | Aug 19. Tho : S. to Tim : Corner, of Knedlington. |
25/08/1727 | Aug 25. Mrs. Turnell, of Howden. |
30/08/1727 | Aug 30. Anne, wife to Geo : Carr, Yoakfleet. |
30/08/1727 | Aug 30. Eliz., wife to Charles Cowlam, Howden. |
31/08/1727 | Aug 31. Mrs. Scot, of Yoakfleet. |
03/09/1727 | Sept. 3. Tho., S. to Michael Peart, of Howden. |
04/09/1727 | Sep 4. William, S. to John Audus, Knedlington. |
04/09/1727 | Sep 4. Geo : S. John Martindale, Barmby. |
08/09/1727 | Sep 8. Benjamin, Son to Geo : Carr, Yoakfleet. |
08/09/1727 | Sep 8. Anne, D. to Jno. Gindale, of Cotness. |
19/09/1727 | Sep 19. Mary, D. to Anne Corner, of Asselby. |
20/09/1727 | Sep 20. Anne, D. to Tho: Hardy, of Skelton. |
20/09/1727 | Sep 20. Katherine, D. to John Green, of Asleby. |
22/09/1727 | Sep 22. Wm S. to Wm. Burton, Howden. |
28/09/1727 | Sep 28. Rebecca, wife to Jos : Harrison, Barmby. |
01/10/1727 | Oct. 1. Eliz., D. to Tho: Ramsey, Asleby. |
01/10/1727 | Oct 1. Mary, W. to Wm. Bennison, Belby. |
03/10/1727 | Oct 3. John Bellgrave, of Everingam. |
03/10/1727 | Oct 3. Mary, D. to Mat : Bell, Howden. |
04/10/1727 | Oct 4. Mary, D. to John Smith, Saltmarsh. |
05/10/1727 | Oct 5. Sarah, D. to John Underwood, Barmby Marsh. |
05/10/1727 | Oct 5. Ricd. S. to John Green, Asleby. |
07/10/1727 | Oct 7. Anne Huthom, of Skelton. |
09/10/1727 | Oct 9. Ric S. to Robt Green, Asleby. |
14/10/1727 | Oct 14. Hannah Booth, Skelton. |
19/10/1727 | Oct 19. Wm. S. to John Briggs, of Howden. |
19/10/1727 | Oct 19. John, S. to John Stian, Howden. |
20/10/1727 | Oct 20. Hannah, W. to John Audus, Knedlington. |
23/10/1727 | Oct 23. Anne Hoord, Thorp-Ligget. |
28/10/1727 | Oct 28. Margaret, D. to Wm. Thompson, Saltmarsh. |
29/10/1727 | Oct 29. Mary, W. to Ed : Stainforth, Howden. |
29/10/1727 | Oct 29. Wm. Bursey, of Asleby. |
29/10/1727 | Oct 29. Wm. S. to Wm. Wright, Howden. |
01/11/1727 | Nov. 1. Sindone Unthank, Barmby Marsh. |
03/11/1727 | Nov 3. Hannah Young, Saltmarsh. |
05/11/1727 | Nov 5. Eliz : Cotton, of Hemingbrough. |
10/11/1727 | Nov 10. Eliz., wife of Tho: Husband, of Barmby Marsh. |
12/11/1727 | Nov 12. Edmond, son to Edmund Walker, Howden. |
15/11/1727 | Nov 15. John Styan, of Howden. |
16/11/1727 | Nov 16. Eliz. Thompson, Howden. |
19/11/1727 | Nov 19. William Stainton, Knedlington. |
22/11/1727 | Nov 22. Rich& Lyon, of Howden. |
22/11/1727 | Nov 22. John Mawer, of Howden. |
01/12/1727 | Dec. 1. Mary Watson, D. to Widdow Rainforth, Saltmarsh. |
03/12/1727 | Dec 3. Mrs. Coulton, Howden. |
07/12/1727 | Dec 7. Eliz., wife to Tho. Stephenson, Saltmarsh. |
07/12/1727 | Dec 7. John Andrew, of Barmby Marsh. |
12/12/1727 | Dec 12. Geo : son to Geo : Hall, Asleby. |
18/12/1727 | Dec 18. Wm. Graves, of Knedlington. |
19/12/1727 | Dec 19. Jos : S. to Tho : Harrison, Barmby. |
21/12/1727 | Dec 21. Tho : S. to James Foreshore, Skelton. |
24/12/1727 | Dec 24. Mrs. Anne Scott, Howden. |
28/12/1727 | Dec. 28. Anne Hudson, Howden. |
27/12/1727 | Dec 27. A stillborn child of Jno. Hurds, of Balkholme. |
02/01/1727 | Jan. 2. Anne Chapman, Skelton. |
02/01/1727 | Jan 2. Christ : Smith, Laxton, buried at Bubwith. |
03/01/1727 | Jan 3. Anne Cowlam, of Barmby Marsh. |
03/01/1727 | Jan 3. John Jewson, of Knedlington. |
03/01/1727 | Jan 3. Mary Hick, of Howden. |
08/01/1727 | Jan 8. James Raper, of Howden.: |
09/01/1727 | Jan 9. Wm. Sugden, of Laxton. |
10/01/1727 | Jan 10. Jos. Audus, Junr. Howden. |
11/01/1727 | Jan 11. John, S. to Richd. Stather, Howden. |
14/01/1727 | Jan 14. John, S. to John Mitchell, of Belby. |
15/01/1727 | Jan 15. Tho: S. to Tho: Stather, of Thorp. |
17/01/1727 | Jan 17. Eliz. Bulmer, of Howden. |
18/01/1727 | Jan 18. Frances Webster, of Cliff, Hemingbrough. |
18/01/1727 | Jan 18. Mark, S. to Daniel Spink, of Asleby. |
19/01/1727 | Jan 19. Sarah, wife to John Maram, of Kilpin. |
19/01/1727 | Jan 19. Tho: S. to Tho : Hall, Howden. |
21/01/1727 | Jan 21. Tho : Newmarsh, of Saltmarsh. |
25/01/1727 | Jan 25. Sarah, W. to Wm. Wilson, Assleby.: |
25/01/1727 | Jan 25. Jane Thompson, of Assleby. |
28/01/1727 | Jan 28. Charles, S. to Tho: Pickhaver. |
29/01/1727 | Jan 29. Mary, D. to John Long, of Thorpliget. |
31/01/1727 | Jan 31. Geo : S. to Robt. Man, Howden. |
01/02/1727 | Feb. 1. John Wilkinson, of Howden. |
02/02/1727 | Feb 2. John Watson, of Barmby Marsh. |
04/02/1727 | Feb 4. John Dunn, of Thorp. |
04/02/1727 | Feb 4. Mrs. Anne Millington, Howden. |
05/02/1727 | Feb 5. Sarah, D. to John Mayson, Balkholme. |
06/02/1727 | Feb 6. Ricd. Patrick, of Saltmarsh. |
06/02/1727 | Feb 6. Ed : Armitage, of Howden. |
08/02/1727 | Feb 8. Anne Grimage, of Skelton. |
08/02/1727 | Feb 8. Jos: Audus Senr. of Howden. |
12/02/1727 | Feb 12. Hannah, W. to Robt. Leadell, Assleby |
14/02/1727 | Feb 14. Mary, D. to Geo. Kitchin, Skelton. |
14/02/1727 | Feb 14. Christopher Bacon, Howden. |
15/02/1727 | Feb 15. Mary Ettv. of Barmby Marsh. |
16/02/1727 | Feb 16. William Widdows, Barmbv Marsh. |
17/02/1727 | Feb 17. Anne, W. to Tho : Story, Belby. |
18/02/1727 | Feb 18. Mary Cotes, of Belby. |
19/02/1727 | Feb 19. Mr. Tho : Rudd, Saltmarsh. |
28/02/1727 | Feb 28. Anne, D. to Francis Wheldrick, Balkholme. |
28/02/1727 | Feb 28. Frances, W. to Robt. Haram, Saltmarsh. |
04/03/1727 | Mar. 4. Anne Watson, D. to Esther Nutbrown, Howden. |
05/03/1727 | Mar 5. Robt. S. to Robt. Perkin, Balkholme. |
07/03/1727 | Mar 7. Samll. Goodwell, Assleby. |
08/03/1727 | Mar 8. Mary, W. to Wm. Gleedal, Saltmarsh. |
09/03/1727 | Mar 9. Peter Wilson, Assleby, buried at Bubwith, |
11/03/1727 | Mar 11. Robt. Leadall, Asleby, |
13/03/1727 | Mar 13. Anne Freeman, Howden, buried at Eastrington. |
16/03/1727 | Mar 16. Eliz., D. to John Pearson, Assleby. |
18/03/1727 | Mar 18. John Green, Assleby. |
18/03/1727 | Mar 18. Robt. S. to John Palmer, Howden. |
20/03/1727 | Mar 20. John Peart, Laxton. |
22/03/1727 | Mar 22. Mary Hart, of Howden. |
22/03/1727 | Mar 22. Grace, W. to Gab : Hobson, of Assleby. |
22/03/1727 | Mar 22. Robt, S. to John Addams, Howden. |
24/03/1727 | Mar 24. Geo. Brocklebank, Howden. |
24/03/1727 | Mar 24. Esther, D. to Anne Sheepherd, Balkholme. |
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25/03/1728 | Mar 25. Tho. Smart, Laxton. |
25/03/1728 | Mar 25. Mary Bromett, Knedlington. |
25/03/1728 | Mar 25. Jos. Bickerton, Howden. |
01/04/1728 | Apr. 1. Catherine, D. to Sam Coulson, Assleby. |
03/04/1728 | Apr 3. William Brown, of Barmbv Marsh. |
04/04/1728 | Apr 4. Wm. S. to Widdow Rainforth, Saltmarsh. |
07/04/1728 | Apr 7. Grace, D. to Daniel Lowther, Howden. |
08/04/1728 | Apr 8. Mary, D. to John Brown, Barmby Marsh. |
09/04/1728 | Apr 9. Mary, W. to Robt. Ferrvman, Howden. |
11/04/1728 | Apr 11. Wm. S. to Thomas Aisdale, Howden. |
11/04/1728 | Apr 11. Eliz : W. to Henry Sheepherd, Howden. |
11/04/1728 | Apr 11. Joshua, S. to Ricd. Andrew. Howden. |
14/04/1728 | Apr 14. John, S. to John Rowley, Howden. |
17/04/1728 | Apr 17. Tho. Pickhaver, Howden. |
18/04/1728 | Apr 18. Mat. Chapman, Howden. |
18/04/1728 | Apr 18. Anne Haward, Howdendike. |
21/04/1728 | Apr 21. Eleanor, W. to John Wadsworth, Knedlington. |
25/04/1728 | Apr 25. John, S. to John Dunn, of Thorp. |
25/04/1728 | Apr 25. Mrs. Wears, of Howden. |
26/04/1728 | Apr 26. Hannah, D. to Wm. Man, Howden. |
28/04/1728 | Apr 28. Robt. Haward Senr. of Howden. |
28/04/1728 | Apr 28. Andrew, son to Tho. Palmer, Laxton. |
30/04/1728 | Apr 30. Tho. Dalley, of Laxton. |
01/05/1728 | May 1. Anne Harrison, of Belbv. |
03/05/1728 | May 3. John, S. to Gen: Blanshard, Howden. |
04/05/1728 | May 4. Daniel Spink, of Asleby. |
04/05/1728 | May 4. William Pearson, of Howden. |
12/05/1728 | May 12. Eliz., W. to Tho : Burton, Howden. |
22/05/1728 | May 22. John Barker, Barmby Marsh. |
24/05/1728 | May 24. Anne Glew, of Yoakfleet. |
24/05/1728 | May 24. Geo., S. to Ricd. Watterson, Newland. |
29/05/1728 | May 29. Sarah Musgrave, of Hull. |
18/06/1728 | June 18. Hannah, D. to John Brooks, Assleby. |
20/06/1728 | Jun 20. Jos: Rose, Barmby. |
27/06/1728 | Jun 27. Michael Bacon, Howden. |
27/06/1728 | Jun 27. Eliz : Wilkinson, Howden. |
28/06/1728 | Jun 28. Eliz. Andrew, Barmby. |
02/07/1728 | July 2. Frances, W. to Tho : Haltonby, Howden. |
02/08/1728 | Aug. 2, Daniel, son to Daniel Spink, Asslebv. |
02/08/1728 | Aug. 2. Mary, W. to Robt. Man, Howden. |
09/08/1728 | Aug 9. Mary, D. to Wm. Snail, Knedlington. |
13/08/1728 | Aug 13. Jane, D. to Tho. Nicholson, Barmby Marsh. |
18/08/1728 | Aug 18. Robt., S. to Robt. Brown, Barmby. |
29/08/1728 | Aug 29. Sarah, D. to Wm. Milburn, York. |
11/09/1728 | Sept. 11. John Pennington, of Spaldington. |
14/09/1728 | Sep 14. Wm. S. to Tho. Robinson, Saltmarsh. |
19/09/1728 | Sep 19. Ed : Bealby, Saltmarsh. |
26/09/1728 | Sep 26. Eliz., W. to Ed. Bealby, of Saltmarsh. |
27/09/1728 | Sep 27. Wm. Neezbeck, of Yoakfleet. |
02/10/1728 | Oct. 2. Eliz. Bird, of Barmby. |
06/10/1728 | Oct 6. John Brooks, of Howden. |
12/10/1728 | Oct 12. John, S. to Tho. Ramsey, Asleby. |
24/10/1728 | Oct 24. John Stephenson, Belby. |
27/10/1728 | Oct 27. Mat: Hill, Barmby. |
31/10/1728 | Oct 31. Mary Hogg, of Howden. |
09/11/1728 | Nov. 9. Hannah, D. to John Borel, Laxton. |
10/11/1728 | Nov 10. Margt Buttle, Barmby. |
12/11/1728 | Nov 12. Eliz., D. to Robt. Bradley, Barmby. |
15/11/1728 | Nov 15. Anne, W. to John Bennison, Kilkin. |
22/11/1728 | Nov 22. Eliz., D. to Geo : Athorp, Howden. |
23/11/1728 | Nov 23. Eleanor Smith, Yoakfleet. |
24/11/1728 | Nov 24. Anne Buttle, of Asleby. |
25/11/1728 | Nov 25. Tho : Nicholson, of Barmby. |
03/12/1728 | Dec. 3. Anthony Coats, Barmby. |
04/12/1728 | Dec 4. Sarah Nicholson, Barmby. |
04/12/1728 | Dec 4. Sarah, D. to Geo : Hall, Asleby. |
09/12/1728 | Dec 9. Anne, W. to James Tinegate, Spaldington. |
09/12/1728 | Dec 9. William Martingill, Barmby. |
12/12/1728 | Dec 12. Robt. Stainforth, Howden. |
12/12/1728 | Dec 12. Eliz. Sarret, Asleby. |
13/12/1728 | Dec 13. Mary Rainforth, Howden. |
14/12/1728 | Dec 14. Anne Watson, Barmby. |
17/12/1728 | Dec 17. Anne, W. to John Jackson, Barmby. |
18/12/1728 | Dec 18. Thomasin, Audus, Howden. |
21/12/1728 | Dec 21. Tho : Ramsey, Assleby. |
21/12/1728 | Dec 21. Rebecca, D. to Jno. Andrew, Barmby. |
30/12/1728 | Dec 30. Wm. Laverick, Balkholme. |
30/12/1728 | Dec 30. Mary, W. to Robt. Leper, Barmby. |
04/01/1728 | Jan. 4. Anne, W. to John Rainforth, Yoakfleet. |
04/01/1728 | Jan 4. Alexander Scot, of Priston-pans, Scotland. |
05/01/1728 | Jan 5. Martha, D. to Robt. Palmer, Asleby. |
07/01/1728 | Jan 7. Mary Man, Howden. |
20/01/1728 | Jan 20. Mary, W. to Nicholas Lowther, Asleby. |
25/01/1728 | Jan 25. William Hesletine, Skelton. |
29/01/1728 | Jan 29. John, S. to John Brooks, Asleby. |
31/01/1728 | Jan 31. Mary Mallison, of Brockles in ye Parish of Drax. |
31/01/1728 | Jan 31. Sam : Brooks, Howdendike. |
02/02/1728 | Feb. 2 John Smith, Saltmarsh. |
02/02/1728 | Feb 2. John, S. to John Atkinson, Asleby. |
02/02/1728 | Feb 2. Thomas Dickinson, Barmby. |
07/02/1728 | Feb 7. Avis Leper, Kilpin. |
11/02/1728 | Feb 11. Eliz., D. to John Newam, Balklolme. |
12/02/1728 | Feb 12. Robt. Barmby, of Kilpin. |
19/02/1728 | Feb 19. Christopher Harrison, Kilpin. |
20/02/1728 | Feb 20. Anne Wilkinson, of Newland. |
20/02/1728 | Feb 20. Jno. Son to Duke Gibson, Howden. |
21/02/1728 | Feb 21. Martha, D. to Widdow Raper, Howden. |
24/02/1728 | Feb 24. Susan Taylor, Kilpin. |
25/02/1728 | Feb 25. Tho: S. to Wm. Winter, Asleby. |
27/02/1728 | Feb 27. Anne, W. to Robt. Parret, Yoakfleet. |
27/02/1728 | Feb 27. Mary, D. to Doiley Preston, Howden. |
07/03/1728 | Mar. 7. Anne, D. to Jane Smith, Saltmarsh. |
08/03/1728 | Mar 8. Robt. Stainforth, of Willetoft. |
09/03/1728 | Mar 9. Sarah, D. to Wm. Cowlam, Yoakfleet. |
09/03/1728 | Mar 9. Eliz. Rudd, Saltmarsh. |
11/03/1728 | Mar 11. Tho., S. to Tho. Hall, Howden. |
11/03/1728 | Mar 11. Margaret, W. to Hen : Wait, Howden. |
14/03/1728 | Mar 14. Mary York, of Yoakfleet. |
14/03/1728 | Mar 14. Mrs. Anne Spoffort, Howden. |
16/03/1728 | Mar 16. Anne Thorill, Holme. |
20/03/1728 | Mar 20. Robt. S. to Robt Clark, of Skelton. |
20/03/1728 | Mar 20. Eliz. Foreshoar, of Skelton. |
21/03/1728 | Mar 21. Anne Adams, Howden. |
21/03/1728 | Mar 21. Robt. S. to Mr. John Dunn, Howden. |
21/03/1728 | Mar 21. Stephen, S. to Stephen Caister, Howden. |
23/03/1728 | Mar 23. Mary, D. to Robt. Maskill, Howden. |
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25/03/1729 | Mar 25. Geo. Hall, Asleby. |
25/03/1729 | Mar 25. Eliz., D. to Mr. Robt. Spofforth, Howden. |
26/03/1729 | Mar 26. Robt. S. to Will. Hood, Kilpin. |
26/03/1729 | Mar 26. Mary, D. to Robt. Johnson, Asleby. |
27/03/1729 | Mar 27. Charles Fearn, Howden. |
05/04/1729 | Apr. 5. Anne, W. to Tho : Armstrong, Thorp. |
06/04/1729 | Apr 6. Robt. Haward, Howden. |
07/04/1729 | Apr 7. Hannah Pindar, Laxton. |
08/04/1729 | Apr 8. Mary, D. to James Hoop, Asleby. |
10/04/1729 | Apr 10. Ricd Hesletine, Skelton. |
15/04/1729 | Apr 15. Mary, D. to M. Smith, Asleby. |
17/04/1729 | Apr 17. Tho. Hall, Howden. |
17/04/1729 | Apr 17. Tho., S. to Tho. Graver, Howden. |
21/04/1729 | Apr 21. Tho., S. to Tho. Atkinson, Skelton. |
25/04/1729 | Apr 25. Wm. Emson, Balkholme. |
27/04/1729 | Apr 27. Andrew & Eliz : S. & D. to Tho. Palmer, Laxton. |
27/04/1729 | Apr 27. Tho., S. to Tho : Andrew, Barmby. |
27/04/1729 | Apr 27. Anne, D. to Wm. Pears, Howden. |
28/04/1729 | Apr 28. Mary, W. to Robt. Chapman, Howden. |
29/04/1729 | Apr 29. Eliz : Overon, Barmby. |
29/04/1729 | Apr 29. Anne, W. to Geo. Kitchin, Gould |
01/05/1729 | May 1. Francis Wheldrick, Balkholme. |
01/05/1729 | May 1. Tho: Brabbs, Assleby. |
02/05/1729 | May 2. Eliz., D. Robt Orton, Howden. |
03/05/1729 | May 3. Eliz., D. to Robt. Clayburn, Saltmarsh. |
06/05/1729 | May 6. Mary, W. to John Newam, Balkholme. |
07/05/1729 | May 7. Wm. S. to Wm. Hood, Howden. |
09/05/1729 | May 9. Mary, D. to Wm Hays, Howden. |
09/05/1729 | May 9. Sarah, D. to Wm. Man, Howden. |
12/05/1729 | May 12. Martha Patrick, Laxton. |
13/05/1729 | May 13. Mary Routledge, Howden. |
18/05/1729 | May 18. Mary, D. to Michael Lolly, Booth. |
19/05/1729 | May 19. Mary, D. to Henry Hawksworth, Asleby. |
20/05/1729 | May 20. Joan Rheam, Barmby. |
22/05/1729 | May 22. Michael Lolly, Booth. |
25/05/1729 | May 25. Jno. Bovill, Laxton. |
27/05/1729 | May 27. Anne, D. to Mr. Robt. Spofforth, Howden. |
01/06/1729 | June 1. Richd. S. to Elias Garton, Howden. |
04/06/1729 | Jun 4. John Clough, of Barmby. |
04/06/1729 | Jun 4. John Jarrot, of Howden. |
08/06/1729 | Jun 8. George Roots, Howden. |
09/06/1729 | Jun 9. Margaret, W. to Tho: Story, Belby. |
11/06/1729 | Jun 11. Sarah, W. to John Stringer, Malton. |
14/06/1729 | Jun 14. John Watson, Asleby. |
19/06/1729 | Jun 19. Tho: S. to Widdow Hurst, Saltmarsh. |
20/06/1729 | Jun 20. John Thompson, Howden. |
20/06/1729 | Jun 20. Thomas Newam, Kilpin. |
28/06/1729 | Jun 28. Eliz., D. to Ed : Vauce, Howden. |
29/06/1729 | Jun 29. Francis, S. to Charles Bacon, Howden. |
02/07/1729 | July 2. Anne, D. to Mark Nutbrown, Howden. |
06/07/1729 | Jul 6. Tho: S. to Tho : Nutbrown, Howden. |
06/07/1729 | Jul 6. Mrs. Sarah Audus, Howden. |
13/07/1729 | Jul 13. Mary Harrison, of Ellerton. |
14/07/1729 | Jul 14. Eliz., D. to Wm. Hays, Howden. |
15/07/1729 | Jul 15. Geo. Cass,. Barmby-marsh. |
17/07/1729 | Jul 17. Anne, D. to Tho. Armstrong, Thorp. |
23/07/1729 | Jul 23. Christopher, S. to Christ : Seal, Howden. |
24/07/1729 | Jul 24. Jno. Story, Yoakfleet. |
27/07/1729 | Jul 27. Jno. Rainforth, Yoakfleet. |
31/07/1729 | Jul 31. Eliz : D. to Charles Cowlam, Howden. |
02/08/1729 | Aug. 2. Hannah, D. to John Ayree, Skelton. |
03/08/1729 | Aug 3. Fances, D. to John Jackson, Barmbymarsh. |
03/08/1729 | Aug 3. Mary, D. to William Harrison, Howden. |
05/08/1729 | Aug 5. Sarah, D. to Wm. Hardy, Howden. |
14/08/1729 | Aug 14. Eliz., D. to James Spence, Howden. |
15/08/1729 | Aug 15. Eliz., D. to Tho: Atkinson, Skelton. |
27/08/1729 | Aug 27. Johannah, D. to Robt. Hessey, Laxton. |
28/08/1729 | Aug 28. Sarah, D. to Tho. Palmer, Howden. |
02/09/1729 | Sept. 2. Wm. & Emanuel, sons to Tho: Nutbrown, Howden |
03/09/1729 | Sep 3. Martha, D. to Jno. Gudgion, Laxton. |
06/09/1729 | Sep 6. Anne, W. to Thomas Lee, Kilpin, |
07/09/1729 | Sept. 7. Acroyd, S. to Doiley Preston, Howden. |
08/09/1729 | Sep 8. Wm. S. to Nat : Day, Howden. |
10/09/1729 | Sep 10. Mary, D. to Jno. Jackson, Laxton. |
11/09/1729 | Sep 11. Eliz., W. to Tho: Stephenson, Howden. |
14/09/1729 | Sep 14. Mary & Frances D. to Abraham Dowson, Howden. |
16/09/1729 | Sep 16. Richard, S. to Robt. Hessey, Laxton. |
17/09/1729 | Sep 17. Martha, D. to Robt. Man, Howden. |
17/09/1729 | Sep 17. Eliz., D. to John Wilkinson, Howden. |
18/09/1729 | Sep 18. Sarah, D. to John Cross, of Yoakfleet. |
19/09/1729 | Sep 19. Anne, D. to Robt. Parrott, Yoakfleet. |
22/09/1729 | Sep 22. Eliz., D. to Anne Thomas, of Laxton. |
28/09/1729 | Sep 28. Eliz., D. to George Clay, Howden. |
30/09/1729 | Sep 30. Jos : Franks, Howden. |
03/10/1729 | Oct. 3. Frances, D. to Mr. Matthew Hall, of York. |
05/10/1729 | Oct 5. Sarah, D. to Charles Bacon, Howden. |
06/10/1729 | Oct 6. Mary, D. to Anne Thomas, Laxton. |
07/10/1729 | Oct 7. Sarah, D. to Widdow, Story, Yoakfleet. |
08/10/1729 | Oct 8. Mary, D. to Christ : Thompson, Laxton. |
09/10/1729 | Oct 9. Jno. S. to John Tindall, Cotness. |
09/10/1729 | Oct 9. Christ : S. to Christ : Thompson, Laxton. |
10/10/1729 | Oct 10. Robt., S. to Mat : Bell, Howden. |
12/10/1729 | Oct 12. Jane Jewson, Asleby. |
18/10/1729 | Oct 18. Jane, W. to Robert Waud, of Balkholme. |
22/10/1729 | Oct 22. Anne, W. to John Birtwhisle, Assleby. |
27/10/1729 | Oct 27. Mary, W. to John Dolby, Skelton. |
30/10/1729 | Oct 30. Samll. S. to Samll. Brooks, Howden. |
30/10/1729 | Oct 30. Wm. S. to Tho : Nutbrown, Howden. |
01/11/1729 | Nov. 1. Sarah, W. to Tho. Drewry, Kilpin. |
10/11/1729 | Nov 10. Tho. Husband, Barmby. |
10/11/1729 | Nov 10. Jno. Tasker, Belby. |
15/11/1729 | Nov 15. Anthony, S. to Timo: Corner, Knedlington. |
17/11/1729 | Nov 17. Ricd. Burton, Asleby. |
18/11/1729 | Nov 18. John Birtwhisle, of Asleby. |
20/11/1729 | Nov 20. Robt., S. to Jos : Thompson, Kilpin. |
25/11/1729 | Nov 25. Dorcas Nodle, a travellers child. |
25/11/1729 | Nov 25. Jane, W. to Mark Birtwhisle, Booth. |
28/11/1729 | Nov 28. Eliz. Smith, Asleby. |
01/12/1729 | Dec. 1. Anne Stubbins, Brind. |
03/12/1729 | Dec 3. William Stainforth, Howden. |
05/12/1729 | Dec 5. Elias Garton, Howden. |
07/12/1729 | Dec 7. Anne Dickinson, Barmby. |
08/12/1729 | Dec 8. a travellers child. |
10/12/1729 | Dec 10. Wm. Dowson, Kilpin. |
13/12/1729 | Dec 13. Anne, W. to Robert Cass, Barmby-Marsh. |
13/12/1729 | Dec 13. Hannah, W. to Robert Bawdon, Skelton. |
22/12/1729 | Dec 22. Matthew, S. to Mat : Easingwood, Knedlington. |
30/12/1729 | Dec 30. Anne, D. to Isaac Peart, of Laxton. |
30/12/1729 | Dec 30. William, S. to William Winter, of Assleby. |
31/12/1729 | Dec 31. Eliz. Bealby, Saltmarsh. |
04/01/1729 | Jan. 4. Jervis, S. to Jervis Copley, Yoakfleet. |
08/01/1729 | Jan 8. Judith Rawling, Barmby Marsh. |
11/01/1729 | Jan 11. Jonathan Thorp, of Knedlington. |
14/01/1729 | Jan 14. Anne, W. to Tho : Palmer, Laxton. |
21/01/1729 | Jan 21. Robt. Hessey, Laxton. |
22/01/1729 | Jan 22. Hannah, D. to Jno. Collison, Howden. |
31/01/1729 | Jan 31. William, S. to Wm. Harrison, Howden. |
04/02/1729 | Feb. 4. Richard Weddle, Howden. |
10/02/1729 | Feb 10. Margt. D. to Geo : Athorp, Howden. |
15/02/1729 | Feb 15. Henry Field, Howden. |
15/02/1729 | Feb 15. Mary Harrison, Howden. |
01/03/1729 | Mar. 1. Francis Nurser, Booth. |
05/03/1729 | Mar 5. Thomas Dent, of field Houses. |
07/03/1729 | Mar 7. Jno. Story, Yoakfleet. |
11/03/1729 | Mar 11. Mary, W. to Wm. Burton, Howden. |
23/03/1729 | Mar 23. Tho: S. to John Bond, of Ellerton. |
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25/03/1730 | Mar 25. Andrew, S. to Wm. Cook, Howden. |
07/04/1730 | Apr. 7. Eliz., D. to John Stainton, Howden. |
19/04/1730 | Apr 19. Robt. Waud, of Sutton super Derwent. |
22/04/1730 | Apr 22. Mary, D. to Mark Birtwhistle, Booth. |
23/04/1730 | Apr 23. Mary, W. to Wm. Stephenson, Kilpin. |
28/04/1730 | Apr 28. Wm. Garton, Howden. |
29/04/1730 | Apr 29. Robt. Palmer, Assleby. |
03/05/1730 | May 3. John, S. to Widdow Dowson, of Kilpin. |
07/05/1730 | May 7. Tho: Lidster, Howden. |
09/05/1730 | May 9. Robert, son to Robt. Palmer, Asleby. |
03/06/1730 | June 3. Jane, child to Anne Watson, Skelton. |
05/06/1730 | Jun 5. Grace Harrison, Howden. |
06/06/1730 | Jun 6. David, S. to Ed. Hardy, Barmby. |
20/06/1730 | Jun 20. Frances, W. to James Gilliot, Kilpin. |
21/06/1730 | Jun 21. Lewis, S. to Tho: Jewet, Saltmarsh. |
29/06/1730 | Jun 29. Elizabeth, D. to Robt. Chapman, Howden. |
02/07/1730 | July 2. Mary, W. to Sam. Sharp, Yoakfleet. |
11/07/1730 | Jul 11. Tho: S. to Tho: Anderson, Howden. |
16/08/1730 | Aug. 16. Mary, D. to Marmaduke Gibson, Howden. |
20/08/1730 | Aug 20. John Drinkle, Howden. |
20/08/1730 | Aug 20. Philip Fearn, Howden. |
10/09/1730 | Sept. 10. Mark, S. to John Andrew, Barmby. |
11/09/1730 | Sep 11. Mary, W. to Charles Dove, Saltmarsh. |
12/09/1730 | Sep 12. John Empson, Balkholme. |
12/09/1730 | Sep 12. Michael Peart, Howden. |
04/10/1730 | Oct. 4. Eliz: wife to John Bell, Howden. |
05/10/1730 | Oct 5. Sarah, D. to William Bradley, Howden. |
05/10/1730 | Oct 5. Mary, wife to James Hoop, Asleby. |
23/10/1730 | Oct 23. Robt. S. to John Scholfield, Sandhall. |
07/11/1730 | Nov. 7. The. Newton, late of Stockton, near York. |
11/11/1730 | Nov 11. Elizabeth Haward, of Howden. |
24/11/1730 | Nov 24. John Mitchel, of Belby. |
29/11/1730 | Nov 29. Jane, W. to W Geo. Milner, Howden, |
01/12/1730 | Dec. 1. Eleaner, W. to Thomas Batty, Assleby. |
01/12/1730 | Dec 1. John, S. to Tho. Jewett, Saltmarsh. |
13/12/1730 | Dec 13. Josias Stainforth, of Howden. |
20/12/1730 | Dec 20. Isabel, W. to Richd. Garton, Saltmarsh. |
22/12/1730 | Dec 22. John, S. to Robert Jackson, Howden. |
25/12/1730 | Dec 25. Thomas Dailey, of Laxton. |
26/12/1730 | Dec 26. Tho : Tindall, S. in Law to Jno. Peach, Assleby. |
30/12/1730 | Dec 30. Mary, D. to Widdow Jillison, Yoakfleet. |
01/01/1730 | Jan. 1. Anne, D. to Jno. Colthard, of Assleby. |
14/01/1730 | Jan 14. Elizabeth Taylor, of Saltmarsh. |
16/01/1730 | Jan 16. Thomas Bullen, of Howden. |
19/01/1730 | Jan 19. Wm. S. to William Beelby, of Howden. |
23/01/1730 | Jan 23. Eliz. Harrison, Assleby. |
31/01/1730 | Jan 31. Cathrine Root, Saltmarsh. |
31/01/1730 | Jan 31. Jno. S. to Geo. Cook, Barmby. |
06/02/1730 | Feb. 6. Anne, W. & Anne, D. to Jno. Storey, Barmby Marsh. |
09/02/1730 | Feb 9. Thomas Courser, of Balkholme. |
22/02/1730 | Feb 22. Sibil, W. to William Wilkinson, Howden. |
23/02/1730 | Feb 23. Mary Underwood, of Barmby Marsh. |
28/02/1730 | Feb 28. William Thompson, of Saltmarsh. |
04/03/1730 | Mar. 4. Richard Hill, of Skelton. |
17/03/1730 | Mar 17. Mrs. Anne Thompson, of Howden. |
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30/03/1731 | Mar 30. Luke Fisher, of Howden. |
01/04/1731 | Apr. 1. Matthew Ramsey, of Barmby marsh. |
05/04/1731 | Apr 5. George, S. to Geo : Clay, Howden. |
07/04/1731 | Apr 7. Marmaduke, S. to Widow Franks, Howden. |
09/04/1731 | Apr 9. Jane, D. to Jno. Underwood, Barmbymarsh. |
15/04/1731 | Apr 15. James, S. to James Hoop, of Assleby. |
16/04/1731 | Apr 16. William Preston, of Howden. |
17/04/1731 | Apr 17. George, S. to James Hoop, of Assleby. |
17/04/1731 | Apr 17. Hannah, D. to Gabriel Hobson, of Assleby. |
22/04/1731 | Apr 22. Ruth, W. to Richd Newton, of Howden. |
22/04/1731 | Apr 22. William Wilkinson, of Howden. |
25/04/1731 | Apr 25. Jane Lidster, of Howden. |
25/04/1731 | Apr 25. William Gledall, of Balkholme. |
28/04/1731 | Apr 28. Mary, W. to Matthew Hudson, of Howden. |
30/04/1731 | Apr 30. Anne, W. to Wm. Jackson, of Staddlethorp. |
01/05/1731 | May 1. Eliz., D. to Tho: Husband, deceas'd, Barmby. |
06/05/1731 | May 6. John, S. to Mr. John Hudson, of Howden. |
10/05/1731 | May 10. Anne, D. to Richard Day, of Barmby. |
12/05/1731 | May 12. Thomas, S. to Richard Ramsey, of Assleby. |
13/05/1731 | May 13. Anne, W. to John Briggs, of Howden. |
17/05/1731 | May 17. John, S. to Francis Kirkhouse, of Kilpin. |
17/05/1731 | May 17. Elizabeth English, of Howden. |
17/05/1731 | May 17. Rebeccah, W. to Henry Chambers, of Howden. |
18/05/1731 | May 18. John Good, of Assleby. |
19/05/1731 | May 19. Elizabeth Awcock, of Howden. |
25/05/1731 | May 25. Sarah Audus, of Howden. |
30/05/1731 | May 30. Dorcas, D, to M`. James Mallison, of Howden. |
30/05/1731 | May 30. Anne, W. to Joseph Hutchinson, of Assleby. |
03/06/1731 | June 3. Margery Fryar, of Skelton. |
08/06/1731 | Jun 8. John, S. to Mark Bonzeby, a travellour. |
10/06/1731 | Jun 10. Anne, W. to John Jackson, of Laxton. |
11/06/1731 | Jun 11. Anne Branton, of Barmby Marsh. |
12/06/1731 | Jun 12. John, S. to Robert Man, of Howden. |
13/06/1731 | Jun 13. John, S. to John. Mason, of Balkholme. |
16/06/1731 | Jun 16. Anne, W. to Robert Levens, of Skelton. |
16/06/1731 | Jun 16. William Brooks, of Howdendike. |
28/06/1731 | Jun 28. Alice, W. to Jeremiah Bishop, of Laxton. |
10/07/1731 | July 10. Mary, D. to Tho: Brabbs, late of Assleby. |
12/07/1731 | Jul 12. George Hardcastle, of Howden. |
18/07/1731 | Jul 18. William, S. to William Laverick, late of Balkholme. |
23/07/1731 | Jul 23. Eliz., D. to William Bramham, of Assleby. |
26/07/1731 | Jul 26. William Scott, of Howden. |
29/07/1731 | Jul 29. Henry Waite, of Howden. |
04/08/1731 | Aug. 4. Susan, Leighton, of Skelton. |
09/09/1731 | Sept. 9. Rebeccah, D. to Paul Pickhaver, Barmby Marsh. |
18/09/1731 | Sep 18. Thomas, S. to Joseph Wilson, of Barmby Marsh. |
22/09/1731 | Sep 22. Sarah, D. to John Nutbrown, of Howden. |
24/09/1731 | Sep 24. Thomas Tasker, of Booth. |
03/10/1731 | Oct. 3. Diary Preston, Widdow, of Howden. |
22/10/1731 | Oct 22. Joseph, S. to Joseph Townend, Barmby-Marsh. |
27/10/1731 | Oct 27. Robert, S. to Robert Baldwin, of Barmby-Marsh. |
06/12/1731 | Dec. 6. John Bossal, of Yokefleet. |
19/12/1731 | Dec 19. Hannah, wife to Thos. Barnet, of Knedlington. |
24/12/1731 | Dec 24. John, S. to Thomas Barnet, of Knedlington. |
28/12/1731 | Dec 28. John, S. to William Thompson, of Saltmarsh. |
01/01/1731 | Jan. 1. Sarah Freeman, of Howden. |
18/01/1731 | Jan 18. Frances, D. to John Chapman, of Skelton. |
28/01/1731 | Jan 28. Charles, S. to Charles Bacon, of Howden. |
29/01/1731 | Jan 29. Mary Dring, of Howden. |
30/01/1731 | Jan 30. Richard Garton, of Saltmarsh. |
14/02/1731 | Feb. 14. Margaret Hurst, of Howden. |
17/02/1731 | Feb 17. Mary, D. to Christopher Glew, of Howden. |
18/02/1731 | Feb 18. Elizabeth Torton, of Belby. |
18/02/1731 | Feb 18. Ebenezer, S. to Ebenezer Coulson, of Knedlington. |
25/02/1731 | Feb 25. James Thompson, of Howden. |
05/03/1731 | Mar. 5. Elizabeth Chapman, of Howden. |
06/03/1731 | Mar 6. William Bennison, of Belby. |
19/03/1731 | Mar 19. Christopher Gokeman, of Howden. |
1732 | |
30/03/1732 | Mar 30. Elizabeth, D. to John Waterhouse, of Assleby. |
09/04/1732 | Apr. 9. John Lee, of Balkholme. |
13/04/1732 | Apr 13. John, S. to Thomas Armstrong, Thorp. |
16/04/1732 | Apr 16. Martha, D. to William Keather, of Howden. |
30/04/1732 | Apr 30. Arthur Drewry, of Howden. |
22/05/1732 | May 22. Jno. S. to Geo : Milner, Howden. |
02/06/1732 | June 2. Mary, W. to Willm. Biggin, of Howden. |
06/06/1732 | June 6. Samuel, S. to Elizabeth Simpson, buri'd at Knedlington. |
20/06/1732 | Jun 20. William Lidster, of Knedlington. |
21/06/1732 | Jun 21. Hannah, D. to Robert Peacock, of Barmby Marsh. |
22/06/1732 | Jun 22. Thomas, S. to Robert Mann, of Howden. |
01/07/1732 | July 1.-Anne, D. to Nathaniel Day, of Howden. |
04/07/1732 | Jul 4. John, S to Anne Moor, of Kilpin. |
07/07/1732 | Jul 7. Anne, W. to Richard Harrison, of Howden. |
13/07/1732 | Jul 13. Edward Nixon Senr. of Howden. |
14/07/1732 | Jul 14. Anne Franks, of Laxton, Widow. |
15/07/1732 | Jul 15. Thomas Cade, of Howden. |
18/07/1732 | Jul 18. Mary, D. to Jacob Maslen, of Howden. |
20/07/1732 | Jul 20. John, S. to John Cook, of Howden. |
26/07/1732 | Jul 26. Anne, natural dau. of Anne Franks, Laxton. |
01/08/1732 | Aug. 1. Simon, natural S. to Anne Franks, of Laxton. |
08/08/1732 | Aug 8. Marmaduke, S. to Marmaduke Gibson, of Howden. |
04/09/1732 | Sept. 4. Susan Andrew, of Howden. |
10/09/1732 | Sep 10. John Harrison, of Kilpin. |
18/09/1732 | Sep 18. Mary, W. to Edward Westaby, of Kilpin. |
30/09/1732 | Sep 30. Anne Tasker, of Knedlington. |
09/10/1732 | Oct. 9. Elizabeth, D. to Elizabeth Dickons, at Howden. |
26/10/1732 | Oct 26. Anne, W. to James Hoop, of Assleby. |
07/11/1732 | Nov. 7. John, S. to David Langton, of Howden. |
01/12/1732 | Dec. 1. John, S. to Richard Farrar, of Laxton. |
10/12/1732 | Dec 10. William, S. to Hamond Seymour, of Kilpin. |
19/12/1732 | Dec 19. Mr. Matthew Belt, or Howden. |
26/12/1732 | Dec 26. Eleanor Fisher, of Howden. |
28/12/1732 | Dec 28. Anne, D. to Matthew Stephenson, of Howden. |
02/01/1732 | Jan. 2. Susannah, D. to Sarah Underwood, Barmby. |
02/01/1732 | Jan 2. Jane Preston, of Knedlington. |
09/01/1732 | Jan 9. Mrs. Henrietta Maria. Saltmarsh, of Saltmarsh. |
18/01/1732 | Jan 18. William, S. to Matthew Bell, of Barmby. |
23/01/1732 | Jan 23. Elizabeth, D. to William Dent, of Yoakfleet. |
28/01/1732 | Jan 28. William Pearson, of Balkholme. |
19/02/1732 | Feb. 19. Thomas, S. to Nathaniel Day, of Howden. |
19/02/1732 | Feb 19. Elizabeth, D. to John Mason, of Balkholme. |
20/02/1732 | Feb 20. Richard Butler, of Barmby Marsh. |
22/02/1732 | Feb 22. Peter, S. to Peter Kemp, of East Linton. |
24/02/1732 | Feb 24. Catherine Houghton, of Howden. |
25/02/1732 | Feb 25. Nicholas, S. to Thomas Lawton, of Belby. |
01/03/1732 | Mar. 1. John Scales, of Saltmarsh. |
03/03/1732 | Mar 3. John Dowson, of East Linton. |
04/03/1732 | Mar 4. Jordan Lawton, of Thorp Lidget. |
04/03/1732 | Mar 4. Mary Bows, of Assleby. |
05/03/1732 | Mar 5. Robert Poppleton, of Holme, dy'd at Skelton. |
12/03/1732 | Mar 12. Sarah, D. to Mr. Gabriel Whitaker, of Howden. |
12/03/1732 | Mar 12. John Thompson, of Saltmarsh. |
15/03/1732 | Mar 15. Benjamin, S. to William Studley, of Yoakfleet. |
28/03/1732 | Mar 28. Sarah Kemp, of East Linton. |
31/03/1732 | Mar 31. Moses, S. to William Armitage, Saltmarsh. |
1733 | |
12/04/1733 | Apr. 12. Richard Day, of Barmby Marsh. |
16/04/1733 | Apr 16. Thomas, S. to Thomas Sugden, of Laxton. |
17/04/1733 | Apr 17. Anne Handson, of Howden. |
20/04/1733 | Apr 20. William Rusholme, of Howden. |
09/05/1733 | May 9. John Henderson, of Howden. |
19/05/1733 | May 19. Mr. William Millington, of Howden. |
21/05/1733 | May 21. Henry, S. to William Bradley, of Howden. |
27/05/1733 | May 27. Samuel, S. to Peter Kemp, of East Linton. |
27/05/1733 | May 27. Bealby, S. to Anne Allen, of Saltmarsh. |
29/05/1733 | May 29. Thomas Stephenson, of Howden. |
31/05/1733 | May 31. Mrs. Anne Weighton, of Howden, widow. |
03/06/1733 | June 3. Mary, W. to Richard Farrar, of Saltmarsh. |
07/06/1733 | Jun 7. Thomas Underwood, of Barmby marsh. |
16/06/1733 | Jun 16. Thomas Scissons the eldest, of Assleby. |
19/06/1733 | Jun 19. Eliz : W. to Robert Baldwin, of Barmby marsh. |
23/06/1733 | Jun 23. William Day, an Apprentice in Barmby, marsh. |
18/07/1733 | July 18. Anne, D. to Robert Hurd, of Balkholme. |
05/08/1733 | Aug. 5. Mary, D. to Robert Clark, of Skelton. |
10/08/1733 | Aug 10. John, S. to John Hemmingway, of Howden. |
13/08/1733 | Aug 13. John Steel, of Barmby marsh. |
13/08/1733 | Aug 13. Althea, w. to Thomas Good, of Saltmarsh. |
29/08/1733 | Aug 29. Thomas, S. to Charles Cowlam, of Howden. |
02/09/1733 | Sept. 2. Christopher Hopper, of Howdendike. |
04/09/1733 | Sep 4. Edward Hardy, of Barmby Marsh. |
13/09/1733 | Sep 13. James Spence, of Howden. |
30/09/1733 | Sep 30. (blank), Mardison, of Yoakfleet. |
01/10/1733 | Oct. 1. Anne Sugden, of Laxton. |
01/10/1733 | Oct 1. John Wilkinson ye younger, of Howden. |
07/10/1733 | Oct 7. Richard, S. to Athorpe Garton, of Saltmarsh. |
12/10/1733 | Oct 12. Anne Peart, of Laxton, widow. |
22/10/1733 | Oct 22. Anne Cook, of Yoakfleet. |
11/11/1733 | Nov. 11. George, S. to John Collinson, of Howden. |
25/11/1733 | Nov 25. Joseph, S. to Joseph Jewett, of Skelton. |
16/12/1733 | Dec. 16. Eleanor, D. to John Vollance, of Barmby marsh. |
19/12/1733 | Dec 19. Thomas Anderson, of Howden. |
20/12/1733 | Dec 20. Anne, D. to Thomas Batty, of Assleby. |
24/12/1733 | Dec 24. Rebecca, W. to James Foreshore, of Skelton. |
26/12/1733 | Dec 26. Elizabeth Raper, of Howden, Spinster. |
02/01/1733 | Jan. 2. Elizabeth Hessah, of Laxton. |
03/01/1733 | Jan 3. Anne, D. to Thomas Sugden, of Laxton. |
03/01/1733 | Jan 3. Jane, D. to Doiley Preston, of Howden. |
04/01/1733 | Jan 4. Anne Lidster, of Knedlington, Widow. |
06/01/1733 | Jan 6. Sarah, D. to James Savage, of Howden. |
09/01/1733 | Jan 9. Sarah, W. to John Mason, of Balkholme. |
15/01/1733 | Jan 15. Sarah, D. to John Stones, of Belby. |
22/01/1733 | Jan 22. Anne, W. to John Bennison, of Kilpin. |
22/01/1733 | Jan 22. Grace Coates, of Barmby Marsh, widow. |
25/01/1733 | Jan 25. Robert Bollan, of Assleby. |
26/01/1733 | Jan 26. Anne Moor, of Kilpin. |
30/01/1733 | Jan. 30. William Scissons, of Assleby. |
31/01/1733 | Jan. 31. Mary, W. to Peter English, of Skelton. |
05/02/1733 | Feb. 5. Thomas, S. to John Tindall, of Yoakfleet. |
10/02/1733 | Feb. 10. Anne Nelson, of Howden, widow. |
01/03/1733 | Mar. 1. Charity, D. to Robert Dowson, of Howden. |
1734 | |
13/04/1734 | Thomas, S. to John Collinson, of Howden. Apr. 13. |
13/04/1734 | Anne Lademan, of Howden. Apr. 13. |
14/04/1734 | Ann Bell, of Howden. Apr. 14. |
16/04/1734 | Thomas Harrison, of Barmby Marsh. Apr. 16. |
25/04/1734 | Mary, D. to Richard Hall, of Barmby Marsh. Apr. 25. |
28/04/1734 | Robert Leeton, of Skelton. Apr. 28. |
29/04/1734 | William Keader, of Howden the elder. Apr. 29. |
30/05/1734 | Thomas Fisher, of Howden. May 30. |
04/06/1734 | Anne, D. to Richard Stather, of Howden. June 4. |
03/06/1734 | Jane, W. to Peter Holmes, of Saltmarsh. June 73. |
18/06/1734 | Anne, W. to Francis Wheldrake, of Balkholme. June 18., |
22/06/1734 | Sarah, D. to John Andrew, of Barmby-marsh. June 22. |
02/07/1734 | Mary Oxley, of Howden. July 72. |
05/08/1734 | Mrs. Martha Raper, of Howden, Widow. Aug. 5. |
25/08/1734 | Robert, S. to Robert Richardson, of Howden. Aug. 25. |
29/08/1734 | Anne, W. to John Leng, of Thorp Lidgett. Aug. 29. |
02/09/1734 | Hannah, D. to John Collinson, of Howden. Sept. 2. |
09/09/1734 | Mary, D. to John Stone, of Belby. Sept. 9. |
07/09/1734 | William, S. to William Cowlam, of Yoakfleet. Sept. 77. |
23/09/1734 | John Jackson, of Laxton. Sept. 23. |
29/09/1734 | Mary, D. to William York, of Howden. Sept. 29. |
04/10/1734 | Anne Newsome, of Stainforth. Oct. 4. |
16/10/1734 | Mary Harrison, of Howden the elder. Oct. 16. |
22/10/1734 | Elizabeth Coulson, of Howden. Oct. 22. |
31/10/1734 | William Gibson, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 31. |
04/11/1734 | Robert Bilbrough, of Howden. Nov. 4. |
05/11/1734 | Elizabeth, W : to John Coggrave, of Howden. Nov. 5. |
06/11/1734 | Anne, W. to George Coam, of Knedlington. Nov. 6. |
07/11/1734 | Peter, S. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden. Nov. 7. |
05/11/1734 | Mark Nutbrown, of Howden. Nov. 75. |
16/11/1734 | John Colthard, of Assleby. Nov. 16. |
17/11/1734 | Robert Harrison, of Howden. Nov. 17. |
30/11/1734 | Anne, D. to Sarah Underwood, of Barmby Marsh. Nov. 30. |
03/12/1734 | Matthew, S. to Matthew Kitching, of Howden. xber. 3. |
17/12/1734 | John, S. to George Coam, of Knedlington. xber. 17. |
17/12/1734 | Edward, S. to Richard Pindar, of Laxton. xber. 17 |
25/12/1734 | Mary, D. to Henry Smith, of Howden. xber. 25. |
29/12/1734 | Robert Cass, of Barmby Marsh. xber. 29. |
07/12/1734 | Anne, D. to Mr. Thomas Graver, of Howden. xber. 37. |
04/01/1734 | Samuel Gooddill, of Assleby. Jan. 4. |
27/01/1734 | Thomas, S. to Mary Hartley, of Howden. Jan. 27. |
22/01/1734 | Thomas, S. to Samll. Sharp Junr., of Yoakfleet. Jan. 22. |
23/01/1734 | John Watson, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 23. |
30/01/1734 | William, S. to William Awcock, of Howden. Jan. 30. |
09/02/1734 | Doyley Preston, of Howden. Feb. 9. |
15/02/1734 | Thomas, S. to Elizabeth Mardison, of Yoakfleet. Feb. 15. |
20/02/1734 | John Hyde, of Howden, Senr. Feb. 20. |
24/02/1734 | Mary Faucitt, of Kilpin. Feb. 24. |
27/02/1734 | William Studley, of Yoakfleet. Feb. 27. |
02/03/1734 | Margaret, D. to Mr. Thomas Grayer, of Howden. Mar. 2. |
10/03/1734 | William Bramham, of Assleby. Mar. 10. |
23/03/1734 | Joseph, S. to John Leaper, of Barmby Marsh. Mar. 23. |
1735 | |
25/03/1735 | Alice Brocklebank, of Howden. Mar. 25. |
31/03/1735 | Sarah, D. to George Clay, of Howden. Mar. 31. |
09/04/1735 | Thomas, S. to George Clay, of Howden. Apr. 9. |
09/04/1735 | Anne, W. to Thomas Burton, of Howden. Apr. 9. |
11/04/1735 | Elizabeth, D. to Joseph Tasker, of Belby. Apr. 11. |
11/04/1735 | John, S. to Thomas Harrison, of Barmby Marsh. Apr. 11. |
21/04/1735 | Thomas Andrew, of Barmby Marsh. Apr. 21. |
08/05/1735 | Thomas Barker, of Saltmarsh. May 8. |
10/05/1735 | Hannah, D. to Mary Lavericke, of Knedlington. May 10. |
13/05/1735 | Peter, S. to Peter Holmes, cf Saltmarsh. May 13. |
22/05/1735 | Henry Chambers, of Howden. May 22. |
27/05/1735 | Mary York, of Howden the elder. May 27. |
27/05/1735 | Thomas, S. to Jacob Maslen, of Howden. May 27. |
02/06/1735 | Mary, D. to Thomas Robinson, of Saltmarsh. June 2. |
03/06/1735 | Elizabeth, D. to John Nutbrown, of Howden. June 3. |
16/06/1735 | Mark, S. to John Nutbrown, of Howden. June 16. |
18/06/1735 | Peter English, of Skelton. June 18. |
19/06/1735 | Robert, S. to Alice Harrison, of Howden, widow. June 19. |
29/06/1735 | Jane, D. to Thomas Croyser, of Saltmarsh. June 29. |
01/07/1735 | Rebecca, D. to Widow Barker, of Saltmarsh. July 1. |
11/07/1735 | Mary, D. to Thomas Jewett, of Laxton. July 11. |
16/07/1735 | Jonathan, S. to Jonathan Markam, of Laxton. July 16. |
02/07/1735 | Thomas, natural s. to Elizabeth Hutchcroft, of Saltmarsh. July 2r |
23/07/1735 | Isaac, S. to Thomas Burton, of Howden. July 23. |
25/07/1735 | Anne, D. to William Armitage, of Saltmarsh. July 25. |
26/07/1735 | Richard, S. to Henry Smith, of Howden. July 26. |
30/07/1735 | Robert, S. to Robert Baldon, of Barmby Marsh. July 30. |
31/07/1735 | Moses, S. to William Armitage, of Saltmarsh. July 31. |
03/08/1735 | Anne White, of Howden. Aug. 3. |
12/08/1735 | Eliz., W. to George Cass, of Barmby Marsh. Aug. 12. |
01/09/1735 | Thomas, S. to Thomas Downham, of Howden. Sept. 1. |
03/09/1735 | Anne, D. to Thomas Burton, of Howden. Sept. 3. |
05/09/1735 | Thomas, S. to Matthew Bell, of Barmby Marsh. Sept. 5. |
12/09/1735 | Eleanor, D. to Anne Barker, of Barmby Marsh. Sept. 12. |
15/09/1735 | Sarah, D. to John Steel, of Barmby Marsh. Sept. 15. |
16/09/1735 | Mary, D. to John Stainton, of Howden. Sept. 16. |
23/09/1735 | Joseph Townend, of Barmby Marsh. Sept. 23. |
29/09/1735 | Robert, S. to William Harrison, of Howden. Sept. 29. |
02/10/1735 | Tames. S. to William Bradley. of Howden. Waterman. Oct. 2. |
06/10/1735 | Sarah, D. to William Bradley, of Howden, Waterman. Oct. 6. |
08/10/1735 | Mary, D. to John Whiteley, of Laxton. Oct. 8. |
22/10/1735 | John Audus, of Knedlington Senior. Oct. 22. |
23/10/1735 | Elizabeth, D. to Leonard Branton, of Barmby. Oct. 23. |
02/11/1735 | Elizabeth, D. to Anne Nicholson, of Barmby. Nov. 2. |
06/11/1735 | Thomas Story, of Barmby Marsh. Nov. 6. |
06/11/1735 | Elizabeth Gibson, of Howden. Nov. 6. |
11/11/1735 | William Lane, of Howden. Nov. 11. |
15/11/1735 | Mr. John Bullen, of Howden the elder. Nov. 15. |
15/11/1735 | Rebecca Baldwin, of Kilpin. Nov. 15. |
17/11/1735 | Margaret Fisher, of Howden. Nov. 17. |
20/11/1735 | Robert, S. to William Bell, of Barmby Marsh. Nov. 20. |
24/11/1735 | Robert Harding, of Howden. Nov. 24. |
29/11/1735 | Robt. S. to Robt. Leaper, of Barmby the younger. Nov. 29. |
02/12/1735 | James, S. to Elizabeth Courser, of Balkholme. Dec. 2. |
04/12/1735 | Meliora, D. to Milcah Oamley, of Howden. Dec. 4. |
07/12/1735 | Alice, W. to Richard Wilson, of Assleby. Dec. 7. |
10/12/1735 | Thos. S. to Thomas Andrew, late of Barmby Marsh. Dec. 10. |
??/??/1735 | Mary, D. to Thos. Stainforth, of Barmby Marsh. |
03/01/1735 | Richard Blansherd, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 3. |
06/01/1735 | Mary Hallewel, of Laxton. Jan. 6. |
11/01/1735 | John, S. to Joseph Townend, of Barmby Marsh. Jan. 11. |
17/01/1735 | Grace, D. to John Gudgion, of Laxton. Jan. 17. |
17/01/1735 | Sarah, W. to John Roinge, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 17. |
23/01/1735 | Mary, D. to Anne Garton. of Howden. Jan. 23. |
24/01/1735 | Anne, D. to John Ellerthorpe, of Assleby. Jan. 24. |
26/01/1735 | Alice Terry, of Assleby. Jan. 26. |
27/01/1735 | John, S. to John Gudgion, of Laxton. Jan. 27 |
14/02/1735 | Joseph, S. to Thomas Lawton, of Belby. Feby 14 |
23/02/1735 | Thomas Drewry, of Skelton. Feby 23. |
23/02/1735 | John Townley, of Yoakfleet. Febry 23. |
02/03/1735 | Mary, D. to Thomas Stainforth, of Barmby. Mar. 2. |
05/03/1735 | Mary, W. to Thomas Elmer, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 5. |
05/03/1735 | Richard Stephens, of Howden. Mar. 5. |
11/03/1735 | Mary, D. to Samuel Coggrave, of Hull. Mar. 11. |
14/03/1735 | Alice Screeton, of Howden. Mar. 14. |
22/03/1735 | Isabel, W. to Hammond Seymour. of Kilpin. Mar. 22. |
23/03/1735 | Eleanor, W. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden. Mar. 23. |
1736 | |
26/03/1736 | Robert, S. to Daniel Lowther, of Howden. Mar. 26. |
26/03/1736 | Mary, D. to John Rhodes. of Howden. Mar. 26. |
29/03/1736 | Mary, W. to Mr. Leonard Barthorp, of Howden. Mar. 29. |
01/04/1736 | John Ryley, of Howden. Apr. 1. |
03/04/1736 | Andrew, S. to Thomas Palmer, of Laxton. Apr. 3. |
10/04/1736 | Elizabeth, D. to William Bradley, of Howden, Waterman. Apr. 10. |
13/04/1736 | John, S. to Matthew Kitching, of Howden. Apr. 13. |
18/04/1736 | Michael, S. to William Bulmer. of Howden. Apr. 18. |
27/04/1736 | Mary Lien, niece to Mary Eland, of Barnhill Hall. Apr. 27. |
29/04/1736 | Ralph, S, to Mr. Robert Spofforth, of Howden. Apr. 29. |
06/05/1736 | Edward, S. to Charles Cowlam, of Howden. May 6. |
07/05/1736 | Matthew, S. to William Bulmer, of Howden. May 7. |
11/05/1736 | John Gudgeon, of Laxton. May 11. |
11/05/1736 | Anne, D. to Thomas Downham, of Howden. May 11. |
12/05/1736 | Mary Neezbeck, of Balkholme, a servant. May 12. |
14/05/1736 | Anne, D. to Joseph Wilson, of Barmby Marsh. May 14. |
14/05/1736 | Jane, D. to Francis Bell, of Belby. May 14. |
15/05/1736 | John Peart, of Laxton. May 15. |
16/05/1736 | Mary, D. to Robert Sugden, of Howden. May 16. |
17/05/1736 | Elizabeth, D. to Thomas Iveson, of Howden. May 17. |
19/05/1736 | Esther, W. to John Bulmer, of Howden. May 19. |
26/05/1736 | William, S. to John Bulmer, of Howden. May 26. |
31/05/1736 | Sarah, W. to John Leaper, of Barmby Marsh. May 31. |
31/05/1736 | Elizabeth, D. to Joseph Jewitt, of Skelton. May 31. |
03/06/1736 | John, S. to William Ruslin, of Balkholme. June 3. |
07/06/1736 | Robert Nelson, of Howden. June 7. |
09/06/1736 | Catherine, D. to Anne Rainforth, of Howden. June 9. |
12/06/1736 | Mary, D. to Christopher Glew, of Howden. June 12. |
13/06/1736 | Robert White, of Howden, Labourer. June 13. |
13/06/1736 | Sarah, D. to William Hardy, of Howden. June 13. |
16/06/1736 | Mary, W. to Tho Watson, late of Skelton. June 16. |
18/06/1736 | Dorothy, W. to Thos. Brown, of Barmby Marsh. June 18. |
20/06/1736 | Elizabeth, W. to George Belt, of Howden. June 20. |
23/06/1736 | Robert Green, of Assleby. June 23. |
27/06/1736 | William Cowlam, of Yoakfleet. June 27. |
28/06/1736 | Thomas, S. to Robert Johnson, of Assleby. June 28. |
04/07/1736 | Joseph Hutchinson, of Assleby. July 4. |
04/07/1736 | Edward, S. to Simon Addison, of Saltmarsh. July 4. |
08/07/1736 | David, S. to John Dolby, of Skelton. July 8. |
18/07/1736 | Elizabeth Cade, of Howden, spinster. July 18. |
20/07/1736 | Anne, wife to Thomas Stather, of Thorp. July 20. |
21/07/1736 | James Gilliot, of Kilpin, Waterman. July 21. |
25/07/1736 | Mary, W. to Robert Heathy, of Howden. July 25. |
25/07/1736 | Jane, D. to Robert Heathy, of Howden. July 25. |
01/08/1736 | Robert Richardson, of Howden. Aug. 1. |
20/08/1736 | John Camp, of Howden. Aug. 20. |
24/08/1736 | Thomas, S. to James Foreshore, of Skelton. Aug. 24. |
28/08/1736 | Robert, S. to John Tindal, of Yoakfleet. Aug. 28. |
18/09/1736 | Isaac Peart, of Laxton. Sept. 18. |
21/09/1736 | Dorothy, D. to Alice Morley, of Howden. Sept. 21. |
23/09/1736 | Michael Todd, of Barmby Marsh, Butcher. Sept 23. |
26/09/1736 | John, S. to Thomas Nuam, of Yoakfleet. Sept 26. |
03/10/1736 | Susanna, W. to Thomas Stonely, of Assleby. Oct. 3. |
05/10/1736 | Thomas Hick, of Howden, Taylor. Oct. 5. |
07/10/1736 | Peter, S. to Joseph Thompson, of Newland. Oct. 7. |
12/10/1736 | Robert, S. to Zacheus Hembrough, of Belby. Oct. 12. |
16/10/1736 | Gervas Copley, of Yoakfleet the elder. Oct. 16. |
17/10/1736 | Stephen, S. to Stephen Bulmer, of Howden. Oct. 17. |
30/10/1736 | Sarah, D. to James Savage, of Howden. Oct. 30. |
01/11/1736 | Mrs. Elizabeth Raper, of Howden. Nov. 1, |
08/11/1736 | Isaac, S. to Widow Peart, of Laxton. Nov. 8. |
12/11/1736 | Reuben, S. to Widow Bovil, of Laxton. Nov. 12. |
18/11/1736 | Joseph, S. Thomas Gowdale, of Barmby Marsh. Nov. 18. |
18/11/1736 | Edmund Burlingson, of Howden. Nov. 18. |
21/11/1736 | Frances, D. to John Rowley, of Howden. Nov. 21. |
06/12/1736 | lane, W. to Charles Taylor, of Skelton. Dec. 6. |
07/12/1736 | Anne Stubbins, of Brind. Dec. 7. |
08/12/1736 | Alice, D. to Michael Norwood, of Saltmarsh. Dec. 8. |
10/12/1736 | Elizabeth, D. to Margery Gillison, of Yoakfleet, widow. Dec. 10. |
13/12/1736 | John Hill, of Barmby Marsh. Dec. 13. |
17/12/1736 | Catherine, D to John Smith, of Laxton. Dec. 17. |
22/12/1736 | lane Preston, of Howden, Widow. Dec. 22. |
25/12/1736 | Sarah, D. to Thomas Buttle, of Yoakfleet. Dec. 25. |
03/01/1736 | Joseph, S. to Thomas Thompson, of Balkholme. Jan. 3. |
06/01/1736 | John Reinge, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 6. |
15/01/1736 | Thomas, S. to Gabriel Hobson, of Assleby. Jan. 15. |
16/01/1736 | Henry Hawksworth, of Assleby, Labourer. Jan. 16. |
19/01/1736 | Lancelot Dowson, of Howden. Jan. 19. |
19/01/1736 | William, S. to Richard Conyworth, of Howden. Jan. 19. |
19/01/1736 | Martha Bishop, of Laxton, widow. Jan. 19. |
22/01/1736 | Samuel Sharp, of Yoakfleet the elder. Jan. 22. |
24/01/1736 | Frances, D. to Jane Cowlam, of Yoakfleet, widow. Jan. 24. |
30/01/1736 | Johanna, W. to Thomas Thompson. of Balkholme. Jan. 30. |
31/01/1736 | Anne, D. to Martha Townsley. of Yokefleet, widow. Jan. 31. |
02/02/1736 | Dorothy Sissons. of Asslehv, widow. Feb. 2. |
06/02/1736 | Thomas Thompson, of Howden. Feb. 6. |
12/02/1736 | Mary, D. to Richard Pinder, of Laxton. Feb. 12. |
18/02/1736 | William. S. to William Dowson, of Barmby Marsh. Feb. 18. |
21/02/1736 | Elizabeth Halliwell, of Laxton. widow. Feb. 21. |
21/02/1736 | Anne, D. to William Scott, of Willitoft. Feb. 21. |
23/02/1736 | Johnson, S. to John Duckles, of Saltmarsh. Feb. 23. |
28/02/1736 | Thomas Kevil. of Yoakfleet. Feb. 28. |
02/03/1736 | Thomas, S. to Thomas Field. of Howden. Mar. 2. |
02/03/1736 | Anne, D. to Thomas Batty. of Assleby. Mar. 2. |
08/03/1736 | William, S. to Widow Kevil, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 8. |
09/03/1736 | William, S. to William Leaner, of Kilpin. Mar. 9. |
10/03/1736 | William, S. to W George Milner. of Howden. Mar. 10. |
13/03/1736 | Jane, D. to Jane Cowlam, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 13. |
17/03/1736 | John Pearson, of Assleby. Mar. 17. |
18/03/1736 | John Wadman, of Saltmarsh. Mar. 18. |
24/03/1736 | Elizabeth, W. to Mr. George Milner, of Howden. Mar. 24. |
1737 | |
27/03/1737 | Mordecai Fox, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 27. |
02/04/1737 | Elizabeth Wright. of Skelton. Apr. 2. |
03/04/1737 | John Bowes, of Howden, an Apprentice Boy. Apr. 3. |
05/04/1737 | Anne, W. to John Batty, of Newland. Apr. 5. |
05/04/1737 | Elizabeth, D. to Samuel Sharp, of Yoakfleet. Apr. 5. |
05/04/1737 | Mary, D. to George Cook, of Barmby Marsh. Apr. 5. |
09/04/1737 | Joseph Jewitt, of Skelton, Husbandman. Apr. 9. |
07/04/1737 | Matthew, S. to John Hildrake, of Balkholme. Apr. i7. |
19/04/1737 | Thomas Clark, of Howden. Apr. 19. |
28/04/1737 | Alexander, S. to (blank). Apr. 28. |
29/04/1737 | Richard Newton, of Howden. Apr. 29. |
03/05/1737 | Lydia, D. to Richard Hall, of Barmby Marsh. May 3. |
07/05/1737 | Anne, W. to Robert Scales, of Yoakfleet. May 7. |
07/05/1737 | (blank), D. to Charles Dove, of Saltmarsh. May 7. |
08/05/1737 | Robert Chapman, of Howden. May 8. |
17/05/1737 | Anne, W. to Samuel Dawson, of Yoakfleet. May 17. |
08/05/1737 | Robert Mitchil, of Howden, Journyman Weaver. May i8. |
19/05/1737 | John Bramham, of Assleby, late Wm.'s son. May 19. |
20/05/1737 | Anne, D. to Wm. Dent, of Yoakfleet, ye younger. May 20. |
21/05/1737 | Thomas, S. to Robert Dowson, of Howden. May 21. |
22/05/1737 | William, S. to William Stevenson, of Kilpin. May 22. |
26/05/1737 | Jane, D. to Leonard Brampton, of Barmby. May 26. |
08/06/1737 | Alice, W. to William Brampton, of Barmby. June 8. |
11/06/1737 | Alice, W. to Thomas Cooke, of Assleby. June 11. |
22/06/1737 | Robert Brown, of Barmby Marsh. June 22. |
06/07/1737 | Thomas Lambert, of Newland. July 6. |
14/07/1737 | Sarah Cressey, of Howden, a maid Servant. July 14. |
23/07/1737 | Thomas. S. to George Tudale, of Yoakfleet. July 23. |
26/07/1737 | Mary, W. to John Rhodes. of Howden. July 26. |
26/07/1737 | Elizabeth, W. to Thomas Alcock, of Assleby. July 26. |
03/08/1737 | Tohn Burton. of Howden. Aug. 3. |
05/08/1737 | William, S. to William Leaper. of Kilpin. Aug. 5. |
07/08/1737 | Thomas, S. to Thomas Leighton. of Skelton. Aug. 7. |
11/08/1737 | Anne, W. to Tohn Harrison. of Howden. Aug. 11. |
18/08/1737 | Elfin : W. to Mr. Thomas Jewitt, of West Linton. Aug. 18. |
18/08/1737 | Richard, S. to Miles Pinder, of Skelton. Aug. 18. |
19/08/1737 | Dorothy Drinkall, of Howden, Widow. Aug. 19. |
21/08/1737 | Tosenh Stainforth. of Howden, Glover. Aug. 21. |
22/08/1737 | Elizabeth. W. to Beniamine Dowson. of Howden. Aug. 22. |
27/08/1737 | Tohn Addams, of Howden. Aug. 27. |
30/08/1737 | Isabel Nelson, of Howden. Aug. 30. |
12/09/1737 | Christonher Goakman. of Howden. Sept. 12. |
14/09/1737 | Mary, D. to Tohn Rowley, of Howden. Sept. 14. |
24/09/1737 | Robert. S. to Tohn Bradley. of Barmbv Marsh. Sept. 24. |
26/09/1737 | Robert Spender. of Barmby Marsh. Sept. 26. |
07/10/1737 | Frances. D. to William Spight. of Rawcliffe. Oct. 7. |
07/10/1737 | Mary Walker. of Howden. spinster. Oct. 7. |
18/10/1737 | Tohn, S. to Thomas Tewitt, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 18. |
25/10/1737 | Elizabeth. D. to William Bulmer. of Howden. Oct. 25. |
26/10/1737 | Jane Leech. of Temple Hurst. spinster. Oct. 26. |
26/10/1737 | Thomas, S. to John Smith, of Howden. Oct. 26. |
30/10/1737 | Tohn Mentford, of Howden. Oct. 30. |
08/11/1737 | Isabel, W. to Stenhen Bulmer. of Howden. Nov. 8. |
08/11/1737 | Sarah Tasker, of Howden. Nov. 8. |
09/11/1737 | Anne Wright. of Skelton, a poor woman. Nov. 9. |
10/11/1737 | Mary, D. to Robert Boothby, of Skelton. Nov. 10, |
15/11/1737 | John Addison, of Laxton. Nov. 15. |
16/11/1737 | Eliz., W. to Robert Boothby, of Skelton. Nov. 16. |
20/11/1737 | Rhoda Pocklington, of Howden, spinster. Nov. 20. |
24/11/1737 | Anne, W. to Thomas Batman, of Belby. Nov. 24. |
28/11/1737 | John Atkinson, of Howden, Senr. Carpenter. Nov. 28. |
03/12/1737 | Alice, D. to James Savage, of Howden. Dec. 3. |
07/12/1737 | Nicholas Lowther, of Assleby. Dec. 7. |
08/12/1737 | Peter Theaker, of Skelton, a Servant. Dec. 8. |
22/12/1737 | Thomas, S. to John Smith, of Laxton. Dec. 22. |
14/12/1737 | Francis, S. to Nicholas Youngson, of Howden. Dec. 14. |
17/12/1737 | Frances, D. to Jane Cowlam, of Yoakfleet. Dec. 17. |
20/12/1737 | Mary, D. to Mrs. Sarah Cowper, of Howden. Dec. 20. |
25/12/1737 | Peter Rusholme, of Howden, Grocer. Dec. 25. |
03/01/1737 | William Lowther, of Howden, Keelman. Jan. 3. |
06/01/1737 | Martha Townley, of Yoakfleet, a poor widow. Jan. 6. |
15/01/1737 | Marmaduke Gibson, of Howden, Labourer. Jan. 15. |
18/01/1737 | Mary Carr, of Howden, Widow. Jan. 18. |
22/01/1737 | Anne, D. Mary Richardson, of Howden, Widow. Jan. 22. |
22/01/1737 | William, S. to George Spence, of Howden. Jan. 22. |
24/01/1737 | Mrs. Anne Seymour, of Howden, Widow. Jan. 24. |
29/01/1737 | Elizabeth, W. to Peter Holmes, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 29. |
31/01/1737 | John Atkinson, of Yoakfleet, Taylor. Jan. 31. |
31/01/1737 | Mary. D. to Matthew Stevenson, of Howden. Jan. 31. |
01/02/1737 | Elizabeth Sissons, of Assleby, Widow. Feb. 1. |
05/02/1737 | Mary, D. to Charles Fletcher, of Assleby. Feb. 5. |
08/02/1737 | Robert, S. to Mr. George Athorpe. of Howden. Feb. 8. |
14/02/1737 | Sarah. D. to John Noble, of Barmby Marsh. Feb. 14. |
20/02/1737 | John Bealby, of Saltmarsh. Feb. 20. |
20/02/1737 | Sarah, W. to George Blanshard. Feb. 20. |
28/02/1737 | Jane. W. to Robert Lynn. of Howden. Feb. 28. |
01/03/1737 | Mr. Thomas Jewitt, of West Linton. Mar. 1. |
03/03/1737 | William. S. to Tohn Lyon, of Duncoats. Mar. 3. |
05/03/1737 | Thomas, S. to Jonathan Underwood, of Barmby. Mar. 5. |
06/03/1737 | Elizabeth, D. to Robert Jackson. of Howden. Mar. 6. |
13/03/1737 | W Mary Smith, of Assleby. Widow. Mar. 13. |
18/03/1737 | lane Hartley, of Howden, a Maid Servant. Mar. 18. |
24/03/1737 | Mary, D. to Thomas Robinson, of Saltmarsh. Mar. 24. |
1738 | |
01/04/1738 | Benjamine, S. to Benjamine Taylor, of Howden. Apr. 1. |
16/04/1738 | Benjamine Dowson, of Howden. Apr. 16. |
21/04/1738 | Margaret Pearson, of Howden, Widow. Apr. 21. |
05/05/1738 | Mrs. Isabel Northen. of Howden, Widow. May 5. |
02/06/1738 | Jane, D. to Richard Fearn, of Howden. June 2. |
20/08/1738 | Jane. D. to Marmaduke Bell, of Howden. Aug. 20. |
21/08/1738 | George Bealby, of Saltmarsh. Labourer. Aug. 21. |
27/08/1738 | Edward, S. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden. Aug. 27. |
29/08/1738 | Frances, D. to Robert Bailey. of Yoakfleet. Aug. 29. |
30/08/1738 | Anne, D. to John Dennison, of Kilpin. Aug. 30. |
31/08/1738 | Robert Copley, of Laxton, a Servant. Aug. 31. |
09/09/1738 | Jane, W. to Robert Clark, of Skelton. Sept. 9. |
10/09/1738 | Anne, D. to Robert Dawson, of Saltmarsh. Sept. 10. |
20/09/1738 | Sarah, D. to Thomas Jefferson, of Howden. Sept. 20. |
03/10/1738 | Charles, S. to Charles Dove, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 3. |
07/10/1738 | Eliazbeth, W. to John Smith, of Laxton. Oct. 7. |
07/10/1738 | Peter, S. to Peter Holmes, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 7. |
16/10/1738 | Mary Day, of Barmby Marsh, Widow. Oct. 16. |
24/10/1738 | Matthew Hudson, of Howden. Oct. 24. |
24/10/1738 | Elizabeth Keader, of Howden, Widow. Oct. 24. |
24/10/1738 | Mary, D. to Mary (blank). Oct. 24. |
29/10/1738 | Thomas Sissons, of Assleby. Oct. 29. |
02/11/1738 | Elizabeth, W. to Robert Bailey, of Yoakfleet. Nov. 2. |
10/11/1738 | lane, D. to William Headon, of Balkholme. Nov. 10. |
13/11/1738 | Thomas Burton, of Howden, Labourer. Nov. 13. |
24/11/1738 | John, S. to Robert Peacock, of Barmby Marsh. Nov. 24. |
29/11/1738 | John Waterhouse, of Assleby the elder. Nov. 29. |
06/12/1738 | Mary Wadman, Carrhouse, Widow. Dec. 6. |
14/12/1738 | John, S. to Joseph Thompson, of Balkholme. Dec. 14. |
20/12/1738 | William. S. to Margaret Preston, of Howden. Dec. 20. |
20/12/1738 | Sabina Jane, D. to Mr. John Empson. of Howden. Dec. 20. |
25/12/1738 | Hannah, D. to Booz Thompson, of Howden. Dec. 25. |
25/12/1738 | Tohn Bennison. of Kilpin. Dec. 25. |
25/12/1738 | David, S. to John Ellythorp, of Asslebv. Dec. 25. |
27/12/1738 | Mary, wife to John Bradley, of Barmby Marsh. Dec. 27. |
05/01/1738 | John, S. to John Drinkall, of Howden. Jan. 5. |
07/01/1738 | Mary, D. to Joseph Thompson. of Balkholme. Jan. 7. |
07/01/1738 | Eliza, D. to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden. Jan. 7. |
10/01/1738 | Mary Awdus. of Knedlington, widow. Jan. 10. |
11/01/1738 | Anne, D. to George Stubbing, of Brind. Jan. 11. |
15/01/1738 | William Dowson. of Barmby Marsh. Jan. 15. |
17/01/1738 | Martha, D. to William Bradley, of Howden, Waterman. Jan. 17. |
19/01/1738 | Matthew. S. to Matthew Dove, of Howden. Jan. 19. |
02/02/1738 | Robert Perkin. of Balkholme, a weaver. Feb. 2. |
02/02/1738 | Jane, D. to Widow Bennisin, of Kilpin. Feb. 2. |
05/02/1738 | Anne, D. to William Dent, of Yoakfleet Junior. Feb. 5. |
09/02/1738 | Mary, W. to Thomas Palmer. of Laxton. Feb. 9. |
27/02/1738 | Mr. Robert Benson, of Howden. Feb. 27. |
07/03/1738 | Mary Hardcastle, of Howden, a poor Woman. Mar. 7. |
10/03/1738 | John Bilhrough. of Brind. in ye Parish of Wressle. Mar. 10. |
13/03/1738 | Anne. D. to Charles Cowlam. of Howden. Mar. 13. |
06/03/1738 | Tohn. S. to Thomas Brown, of Kilnin. Mar. t6. |
24/03/1738 | Rdward. S. to Alice Bealby, of Saltmarsh. Mar. 24. |
1730 | |
30/03/1730 | Samuel Sharp, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 30. |
02/04/1730 | Mary, D. to Robert Thorp, of Belby. Apr. 2. |
09/04/1730 | William, S. to William Burton. of Howden. Apr. 9, |
18/04/1730 | Anne. D. to William Pears. of Howden. Apr. 18, |
22/04/1730 | Mr. William Lowther, of Howden; Apr. 22. |
26/04/1730 | Michael Frear, of Skelton. Apr. 26. |
27/04/1730 | Charles Dove, of Saltmarsh. Apr. 27. |
04/05/1730 | Robert Clark, of Skelton, Labourer. May 4. |
10/05/1730 | Mary, Jarrett, of Howden, a poor widow. May 10. |
23/05/1730 | Anne, D. to Edward Stainforth, of Howden. May 23. |
26/05/1730 | Mary, W. to Philip Mannet, of Laxton. May 26. |
30/05/1730 | Martha, D. to Matthew Stevenson, of Howden. May 30. |
06/06/1730 | Robert, S. to James York, of Howden. June 6. |
20/06/1730 | Savil Bradley, of Howden, Barber Surgeon. June 20. |
26/06/1730 | Thomas Smith, of Howden. June 26. |
29/06/1730 | Robert, S. to Widow Kevil, Yoakfleet. June 29. |
01/07/1730 | Anne, D. to Robert Halliwell, of Laxton. July 1. |
06/07/1730 | Mary, D. to Widow Butterfield, of Metham. July 6. |
06/07/1730 | Mary, D. to Robert Halliwell, of Laxton. July 6. |
07/07/1730 | Eleanor, D. to Robert Wood, of Assleby. July 7. |
08/07/1730 | Richard, S. to Richard Calver, of Yoakfleet. July 8. |
10/07/1730 | Jane, D. to Robert Wood, of Assleby. July 10. |
15/07/1730 | Thomas, S. to Richard Sharp, of Yoakfleet. July 15. |
22/07/1730 | Robert, S. to Robert Bell, of Howden. July 22. |
23/07/1730 | Sarah, D. to William Cook, of Howden. July 23. |
25/07/1730 | George, S. to Michael Lamb, of Knedlington. July 25. |
30/07/1730 | Margaret, W. to Thomas Robinson, of Saltmarsh. July 30. |
31/07/1730 | Elizabeth, D. to Stephen Meadley of Cotness. July 31. |
07/08/1730 | Anne Bailey, of Howden, a Maid Servant. Aug. 7. |
13/08/1730 | William Branton, of Barmby Marsh, a weaver. Aug. 13. |
16/08/1730 | John Smith, of Howden, Weaver. Aug. 16. |
05/09/1730 | Richard, S. to Richard Stather, of Howden. Sept. 5. |
06/09/1730 | Joseph, S. to John Brooks, of Assleby. Sept. 6. |
07/09/1730 | John Stephenson, of Assleby, Carpenter. Sept. 7. |
11/09/1730 | William Addams, of Howden, Tayor. Sept. 11. |
23/09/1730 | Robert, S. to Daniel Lowther, of Howden. Sept. 23. |
28/09/1730 | Elizabeth, W. to Charles Bacon, of Howden. Sept. 28. |
02/10/1730 | Elizabeth Weatheralt, of Barmby Marsh, Widow. Oct. 2. |
03/10/1730 | Sarah, D. to Matthew Leng, of Belby. Oct. 3. |
03/10/1730 | Sarah, D. to Charles Cowlam, of Howden. Oct. 3. |
05/10/1730 | William, S. to George Johnson, of Howden. Oct. 5. |
05/10/1730 | Elizabeth, D. to William Hewson, of Howden. Oct. 5. |
07/10/1730 | Catherine, D. to John Jackson, of Barmby Marsh. Oct. 7. |
14/10/1730 | Joshua Barker, of Saltmarsh, a servant. Oct. 14. |
17/10/1730 | Elizabeth Vollans, of Assleby, a servant. Oct. 17. |
20/10/1730 | Peter, S. to Zaccheus Burton, of Newland. Oct. 20. |
24/10/1730 | Elizabeth, D. to John Hogg, of Howden. Oct. 24. |
28/10/1730 | Jane, D. to Richard Fearn, of Howden. Oct. 28. |
29/10/1730 | Frances, D. to John Jackson, of Barmby Marsh. Oct. 29. |
29/10/1730 | Margaret Green (was nurs'd at Howden). Oct. 29. |
30/10/1730 | Zaccheus, S. to Zaccheus Burton, of Newland. Oct. 30. |
05/11/1730 | Anne Adams, of Howden, a poor Widow. Nov. 5. |
11/11/1730 | Mary Gibson, of Saltmarsh, a poor Widow. Nov. 11. |
12/11/1730 | Richard Ramsay, of Assleby, Weaver. Nov. 12. |
13/11/1730 | Matthew, S. to Matthew Leng, of Belby. Nov. 13. |
18/11/1730 | Michael, S. to Robert Thorp, of Belby. Nov. 18. |
29/11/1730 | Mrs. Anne Watson, of Saltmarsh, widow. Nov. 29. |
04/12/1730 | Anne Mason, of howden, singlewoman. Dec. 4. |
07/12/1730 | Eliz., D. to Rebecca Baldwin, late of Kilpin. Dec. 7. |
09/12/1730 | William, S. to Richard Hall, of Barmby. Dec. 9. |
01/01/1730 | Mary & Jane, D. to Thomas Croyser, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 1. |
06/01/1730 | Eliz. Pallister, of Howden, a poor widow. Jan. 6. |
14/01/1730 | Thomas Nutbrown, of Howden, Taylor. Jan. 14. |
23/01/1730 | Elizabeth, D. to Jno. Bennison, late of Kilpin. Jan. 23. |
25/01/1730 | Eleanor, W. to George Parker, of Balkholme. Jan. 25. |
03/02/1730 | George, S. to George Clay, of Howden. Feb. 3., |
06/02/1730 | William, S. to William Dixon, late of Howden. Feb. 6. |
08/02/1730 | John Awdus, of Knedlington, Yeoman. Feb. 8. |
10/02/1730 | William Saunders, of Kilpin. Feb. 10. |
11/02/1730 | Elizabeth, D. to Mr. George Welburne, of Howden. Feb. 11. |
19/02/1730 | Sarah, W. to Simon Ayre, of Howden. Feb. 19. |
25/02/1730 | John Coulson, of Knedlington, Wheelwright. Feb. 25. |
25/02/1730 | Thomas Dawson, of Knedlington, Husbandman. Feb. 25. |
27/02/1730 | Richard, S. to Thomas Atkinson, of Skelton. Feb. 27. |
28/02/1730 | Robert, S. to John Andrew, of Barmby Marsh. Feb. 28. |
04/03/1730 | Michael, S. to Michael Lamb, of Knedlington. Mar. 4. |
05/03/1730 | Anne Mitchil, of Saltmarsh, a poor widow. Mar. 5. |
14/03/1730 | Esther, W. to John Stones, of Belby. Mar. 14. |
20/03/1730 | Anne, D. to George Tudale, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 20. |
23/03/1730 | Charles, S. to Matthew Dove, of Howden. Mar. 23. |
1740 | |
25/03/1740 | Rebecca Pickhaver, of Howden, Widow. Mar. 25. |
09/04/1740 | John, S. to Thos. Holmes, of Laxton. Apr. 9. |
09/04/1740 | Mary, child of Xtiana Bullock, of Seassey. Apr. 9. |
12/04/1740 | Mary Hardy, of Howden, a poor Widow. Apr. 12. |
15/04/1740 | Anne Coney worth, of Howdendike, a servant. Apr. 15. |
18/04/1740 | Martha, D. to Matthew Kitchin, of Howden. Apr. 18. |
21/04/1740 | George, S. to Thomas Nuam, of Balkholme. Apr. 21. |
28/04/1740 | Audry, D. to Peter Holmes, of Saltmarsh. Apr. 28. |
06/05/1740 | Anne, D. to James Day, of Howden. May 6. |
10/05/1740 | William Biggin, of Howden. May 10. |
13/05/1740 | john Brown, of Howden, Joyner. May 13. |
14/05/1740 | Alne, D. to John Ellis, or Barmby marsh. May 14. |
25/05/1740 | Thos. Fenton, of Barmby Marsh, Waterman. May 25. |
28/05/1740 | John, S. to Matthew Nutty, of Howden. May 28. |
11/06/1740 | Mary, W. to Wm. Alcock, of Howden. June 11. |
14/06/1740 | Elizabeth Adams, of Howden, a poor widow. June 14. |
15/06/1740 | John, S. to Richard Calver, of Yokefleet. June 15. |
15/06/1740 | Mary Wilkinson, of Howden, widow. June 15. |
15/06/1740 | Jonathan, S. to Thomas Robinson, of Saltmarsh. June 15. |
17/06/1740 | William, S. to Richard Pinder, of Laxton. June 17. |
19/06/1740 | John Maslen, of Howden, a Minor. June 19. |
20/06/1740 | Mary, wife to Jos. Harrison, of Barmby, Weaver. June 20. |
23/06/1740 | William, S. to Benjamine Taylor, of Howden. June 23. |
01/07/1740 | John, S. to John Weighton, of Howden. July 1. |
02/07/1740 | Edward, S. to Richard finder, of Laxton. July 2. |
04/07/1740 | William Todd, of Howden, a poor man. July 4. |
07/07/1740 | John Procter, of Howdendike. July 7. |
07/07/1740 | John Ramsay, of Barmby Marsh, Shoemaker. July 7. |
07/07/1740 | William Wilson, of Assleby, a poor man. July 7. |
15/07/1740 | Mrs. Anne Weighton, of Howden, Spinster. July 15. |
15/07/1740 | The. Jewitt, of Saltmarsh, Butcher. July 15. |
15/07/1740 | William, S. to Richd. Calver, of Yoakfleet. July 15. |
21/07/1740 | Sarah, D. to Widow Drewry, of Barmby. July 21. |
31/07/1740 | Jane Chapple, D. to Widow Fenton, of Barmby. July 31. |
02/08/1740 | John Andrew, of Barmby Marsh, weaver. Aug. 2. |
10/08/1740 | Elias Garton, of Howden, Sadler. Aug. 10. |
24/08/1740 | Eleanor Walker, of Belby, a poor woman. Aug. 24. |
25/08/1740 | George Clay, of Howden. Aug. 25. |
08/09/1740 | Mary, D. to William Bradley, of Howden. Sept. 8. |
28/09/1740 | Mary, D. to Henry Scott, of Hull. Sept. 28. |
28/09/1740 | William Robinson, of Barmby, Schoolmaster. Sept. 28. |
01/10/1740 | Matthew, S. Matthew Stephenson, of Howden. Oct. 1. |
05/10/1740 | Jane, W. of David Mitchil, of Loftsome. Oct. 5. |
10/10/1740 | Wm. Dent, of Howden, Sadler (honestus, pius). Oct. 10. |
11/10/1740 | Anne Tiplady, of Howden, a poor Widow. Oct. 11. |
11/10/1740 | Robert Bell, of Howden, Husbandman. Oct. 11. |
24/10/1740 | William, S. to William Keader, of Howden. Oct. 24. |
22/10/1740 | George, S. to Abraham Dowson, of Howden. Oct. 22. |
28/10/1740 | Charles, S. to Widow Dove, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 28. |
31/10/1740 | Ruth Fearn, of Howden, a poor Widow. Oct. 31. |
01/11/1740 | George Johnsin, of Howden, Labourer. Nov. 1. |
07/11/1740 | Richard Copley, of Knedlington, an hired Servt. Nov. 7. |
09/11/1740 | Elizabeth, D. to Thomas Alcock, of Howden. Nov. 9. |
11/11/1740 | Margaret, W. to Marmaduke Bell, of Howden. Nov. 11. |
11/11/1740 | Joanna, D. to William Bealby, of Howden. Nov. 11. |
12/11/1740 | Richard English, of Howden, Waggoner. Nov. 12. |
13/11/1740 | Elizabeth, W. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden, Junr. Nov. 13. |
15/11/1740 | John, S. to John Hildrake, of Balkholme. Nov. 15. |
15/11/1740 | Mary, D. to Thomas Downham, of Howden. Nov. 15. |
18/11/1740 | John, S. to Widow Wright, of Howden. Nov. 18. |
24/11/1740 | George Smith, of Belby. Nov. 24. |
26/11/1740 | John, S. to John Collinson, of Howden. Nov. 26. |
26/11/1740 | Anne Lyon, of Howden, a poor widow. Nov. 26. |
??/11/1740 | Frances, D. to Widow Peart, of Knedlington. Nov. -. |
27/11/1740 | John, S. to Robert Dowson, of Howden. Nov. 27. |
30/11/1740 | William Wright, of Howden, Gardener. Nov. 30. |
02/12/1740 | Alice, W. to William Catterton, of Balkholm. Dec. 2. |
02/12/1740 | Anne, D. to William Coates, of Howden. Dec. 2. |
07/12/1740 | Mary Hineson, of Howden, Widow. Dec. 7. |
10/12/1740 | James, S. to Widow Spence, of Howden. Dec. 10. |
14/12/1740 | Sarah, D. to Francis Kirkhouse, of Howden. Dec. 14. |
14/12/1740 | Joseph Bealby, of Saltmarsh, Labourer. Dec. 14. |
14/12/1740 | Robert Webster, of Howden, Labourer. Dec. 14. |
14/12/1740 | John Lolly, S. to Widow Tasker, of Booth. Dec. 14. |
17/12/1740 | Mrs. Mary Pennel, of Howden, Widow. Dec. 17. |
19/12/1740 | Anne, W. to John Brookes, of Assleby. Dec. 19. |
21/12/1740 | John Lancaster, of Barnelhall, a Servant. Dec. 21. |
30/12/1740 | Richard Wilson, of Assleby. Dec. 30. |
30/12/1740 | Mary, D. to Widow Procter, of Howdendike. Dec. 30. |
05/01/1740 | Joseph, S. to John Pearson, late of Assleby. Jan. 5. |
06/01/1740 | Charles Bacon, of Howden, Journeyman Tanner. Jan. 6. |
09/01/1740 | Mary, D. to Mr. James Horrocks, of Howden. Jan. 9. |
10/01/1740 | Elizabeth, W. to John Palmer, of Balkholme. Jan. 10. |
16/01/1740 | Robert Halliwel, of Laxton, Blacksmith. Jan. 16. |
19/01/1740 | Martha, W. to Robert Hurd, of Balkholme. Jan. 19. |
21/01/1740 | Elizabeth, W. to Robt. Underwood, of Barmby. Jan. 21. |
21/01/1740 | Leonard Thorp, of Howden. Jan. 21. |
??/01/1740 | Elizabeth, W. to Thomas Armstrong, of Thorpe. Jan. |
??/01/1740 | S. to Jonathan Markham, of Skelton. Jan. |
??/01/1740 | William Wood, of Skelton, Husbandman. Jan. |
30/01/1740 | Anne, D. to Robt Parrot, of Yoakfleet. Jan. 30. |
02/02/1740 | William, S. to William Alcock, of Howden. Feb. 2. |
11/02/1740 | Mary, W. to Robert Blanshard, of Thorp. Feb. 11. |
13/02/1740 | Robert Solly, of Howden, Labourer. Feb. 13. |
13/02/1740 | John, S. to Richard Stather, of Howden. Feb. 13. |
16/02/1740 | William, S. to Esther Seaton, of Howden. Feb. 16. |
17/02/1740 | John, S. to John Waterhouse, of Assleby. Feb. 17. |
26/02/1740 | Alice, W. to Mr. Ralph Nixon, of Howden. Feb. 26. |
26/02/1740 | Elizabeth, D. to Mr. Robt. Potter, of Stillingfleet, Clerk. Feb. 26. (Her grandchild.) |
06/03/1740 | John, S. to Rebecca Underwood, of Howden. Mar. 6. |
17/03/1740 | John, S. to John Tindall, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 17. |
18/03/1740 | Mary Harrison, of Barmby, a poor Woman. Mar. 18. |
18/03/1740 | Elizabeth Stuteley, of Yoakfleet, Widow. Mar. 18. |
19/03/1740 | Thomas Widhouse, of Assleby, Husbandman. Mar. 19. |
1741 | |
25/03/1741 | John & Joseph, S. to Simon Chappel, of Barmby. Mar. 25. |
28/03/1741 | John Tutle, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 28. |
04/04/1741 | Eleanor, D. to late Widow Walker, of Howden. Apr. 4. |
07/04/1741 | Anne, D. to Mr. George Swallow, of Howden. Apr. 7. |
08/04/1741 | John, S. to William Harrison, of Howden. Apr. 8. |
11/04/1741 | Anthony, S. to Francis Bell, of Belby. Apr. 11. |
??/04/1741 | Hannah, D. to Robert Mann, of Howden. Apr. -. |
??/04/1741 | Sarah, D. to Richard Stather, of Howden. Apr. -. |
??/04/1741 | Thomas Mounser, of Assleby, Brick Maker. Apr. -. |
02/05/1741 | John Patterick, of Saltmarsh, Taylor. May 2. |
02/05/1741 | Edward Johnson, of Yoakfleet, Shoemaker. May 2. |
04/05/1741 | Jonathan Underwood, of Barmby, Weaver. May 4. |
07/05/1741 | Lydia, D. to Charles Fletcher, of Assleby. May 7. |
09/05/1741 | Robert Copley, of Yoakfleet, a Minor. May 9. |
03/06/1741 | John Noble, of Barmby, Weaver. June 3. |
06/06/1741 | John, S. to John Jackson, of Barmby. June 6. |
08/06/1741 | Edward Hesletine, of Hook. June 8. |
16/06/1741 | Robert Lyon, of Howden, Butcher. June 16. |
19/06/1741 | Sarah Bishop, of Laxton, Spinster. June 19. |
20/06/1741 | Thomas Stoneley, of Assleby, Taylor. June 20. |
22/06/1741 | John Brookes, of Assleby, Husbandman. June 22. |
25/06/1741 | Anne, D. to Widow Bealby, late of Saltmarsh. June 25. |
27/06/1741 | Doyley, S. to Matthew Kitchin, of Howden. June 27. |
02/06/1741 | Sarah, W. to Francis Kirkhouse, of Kilpin. June 2S. |
07/07/1741 | George, S. to Widow Clay, of Howden. July 7. |
24/07/1741 | Sarah, D. to Anne Garton, of Howden. July 24. |
08/08/1741 | John Johnson, of Barmby, Shoemaker. Aug. 8. |
13/08/1741 | Robert Lawrence, of Barmby, Bricklayer. Aug. 13. |
21/08/1741 | Samuel, S. John Harland, of Howden. Aug. 21. |
24/08/1741 | Joseph, S. to Nathaniel Brown, of Barmby. Aug. 24. |
28/08/1741 | Eliz., D. to Nathaniel Brown, of Barmby. Aug. 28. |
31/08/1741 | Anne, D. of Robert Dawson, of Saltmarsh. Aug. 31. |
04/09/1741 | George, S. of Thomas Newham, of Balkholme. Sept. 4. |
04/09/1741 | Elizabeth, D. of Thomas Good, of Saltmarsh. Sept. 4. |
05/09/1741 | Jane, D. of Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden. Sept. 5. |
08/09/1741 | Sarah, W. to Thomas Smith, of Howden. Sept. 8. |
13/09/1741 | Michael, S. to Michael Lamb, of Knedlington. Sept. 13. |
20/09/1741 | Elizabeth, D. to William Hewson, of Howden. Sept. 20. |
04/10/1741 | Anne Bows, of Laxton, a poor Widow. Oct. 4. |
07/10/1741 | Anne, D. of Widow Ramsay, of Assleby. Oct. 7. |
10/10/1741 | Hannah, D. of Widow Lawrence, of Barmby. Oct. 10. |
14/10/1741 | Elizabeth, D. of Robert Mann, of Howden. Oct. 14. |
18/10/1741 | William, S. of William Jackson, of Assleby. Oct. 18. |
04/11/1741 | Anne Fearn, of Howden, a poor Widow. Nov. 4. |
29/11/1741 | Thomas Armstrong, of Thorp, Husbandman. Nov. 29. |
03/12/1741 | Thomas Harrison, of Skelton, Labourer. Dec. 3. |
07/12/1741 | William Lowther, of Assleby, Husbandman. Dec. 7. |
09/12/1741 | James, S. to late Widow Fearn, of Howden. Dec. 9. |
11/12/1741 | Anne, W. to Edward Finder, of Laxton. Dec. 11. |
??/12/1741 | Anne, D. of Anne Pennington, of Barmby. Dec. -. |
16/12/1741 | Joseph Pearson, of Asselby, Weaver. Dec. 16. |
16/12/1741 | Sarah, W. to John Wood, of Balkholme. Dec. 16. |
17/12/1741 | Richard Storey, of Barmby, a Servant. Dec. 17. |
20/12/1741 | Clara Turner, of Howden, Widow. Dec. 20. |
20/12/1741 | William, S. of John Steel, of Barmby. Dec. 20. |
24/12/1741 | Sarah, W. to Thomas Pennington, of Barmby. Dec. 24. |
25/12/1741 | Mary, W. to William Brookes, of Howden. Dec. 25. |
27/12/1741 | Thomas Storey, of Belby, Husbandman. Dec. 27. |
31/12/1741 | Elizabeth Robinson, of Barmby, Widow. Dec. 31. |
01/01/1741 | Gervas, S. of Philip Scolfield, of Skelton. Jan. 1. |
01/01/1741 | Mary Storey, of Belby, Widow. Jan. 1. |
02/01/1741 | Thomas, S. of Thomas Leighton, of Skelton. Jan. 2. |
05/01/1741 | Mary Cass, of Barmby, Widow. Jan. 5. |
08/01/1741 | Jonathan, S. of Joseph Brookes, of Howden. Jan. 8. |
08/01/1741 | Anne, W. to John Leaper, of Barmby. Jan. 8. |
08/01/1741 | William, S. of George Cass, of Barmby. Jan. 8. |
19/01/1741 | Robt. S. of Widow Webster, of Howden. Jan. 19. |
20/01/1741 | Mary, W. to John Robinson, of Barmby. Jan. 20. |
24/01/1741 | William, S. of Eliz : Bursay, of Howden. Jan. 24. |
02/02/1741 | John & James, S. to John Fearn, of Howden. Feb. 2. |
07/02/1741 | Thomas Pennington, of Barmby, Husbandman. Feb. 7. |
07/02/1741 | (blank), W. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden. Feb. 7. |
13/02/1741 | Mary, D. of Widow Bealby, of Saltmarsh. Feb. 13. |
13/02/1741 | Mary Perkin, of Balkholme, a poor Widow. Feb. 13. |
14/02/1741 | John Knowles, of Kilpin, Husbandman. Feb. 14. |
17/02/1741 | Samuel, S. of Thomas Downey, of Howden. Feb. 17. |
18/02/1741 | Godfrey Hyde, of Howden, Blacksmith. Feb. 18. |
01/03/1741 | John Powel, of Howden, Labourer. Mar. 1. |
03/03/1741 | Henry, S. of Margaret Huby, Retford. Mar. 3. |
11/03/1741 | Sarah, W. to Thomas Pearson, of Assleby. Mar. 11. |
12/03/1741 | Elizabeth Awdus, of Knedlington. Mar. 12. |
18/03/1741 | Leah Pearson, of Assleby, Widow. Mar. 18. |
20/03/1741 | James Cunningham, a Travellour. Mar. 20. |
24/03/1741 | Dorothy Gibson, of Howdendike, Widow. Mar. 24. |
1742 | |
25/03/1742 | John Atkinson, of Bowden, Joyner. Mar. 25. |
03/04/1742 | Isabel, W. to John Wilson, of Howden. Apr. 3. |
13/04/1742 | Robert Todd, of Barmby Marsh, Butcher. Apr. 13. |
13/04/1742 | Eliz., D. of Nicholas English, of Howden. Apr. 13. |
20/04/1742 | William, S. of William Bell, of Barmby. Apr. 20. |
26/04/1742 | Mrs. Rachel Athorpe, of Thorpe, Spinster. Apr. 26. |
30/04/1742 | Edward, S. of Edward Burton, of Newland. Apr. 30. |
03/05/1742 | Jane, D. of Thomas Field, of Howden Jnr. May 3. |
17/05/1742 | Mary Powel, of Howden, Widow. May 17. |
17/05/1742 | Elizabeth Lister, of Assleby, a poor Widow. May 17. |
20/05/1742 | Elizabeth, W. to Thomas Nutbrown, of Howden. May 20. |
21/05/1742 | John, S. of John Collinson, of Howden. May 21. |
24/05/1742 | Jane, W. to Matthew Dove, of Howden. May 24. |
28/05/1742 | John Lowther, of Assleby, Yeoman. May 28. |
29/05/1742 | John, S. of William Ellingworth, of Howden. May 29. |
30/05/1742 | Mary, W. to James Savage, of Howden. May 30. |
03/06/1742 | James Wood, of Laxton, Miller. June 3. |
04/06/1742 | William Robinson, of Assleby, Glover. June 4. |
05/06/1742 | Milcah Oameley, of Howden, a servant. June 5. |
10/06/1742 | Anne, W. to Gamaliel Thompson, of Howden. June 10. |
12/06/1742 | William Richardson, of Howden. June 12. |
12/06/1742 | Francis, S. of Widow Butterfield, of Metham. June 12. |
16/06/1742 | Annamaria, D. of Francis Chester, of Howden, June 16. |
22/06/1742 | Mary, W. to John Fletcher, of Howden. June 22. |
26/06/1742 | Joseph, S. of William Bradley, of Howden. June 26. |
26/06/1742 | Richard, S. of Miles Pinder, of Kilpin. June 26., |
28/06/1742 | Margaret, W. to John Snow, of Knedlington. June 28, |
08/07/1742 | John Collinson, of Howden, Husbandman. July 8. |
19/07/1742 | Hannah, D. of Ann Bacon, of Howden. July 19. |
20/07/1742 | Jane, D. of David Langton, of Howden. July 20. |
25/07/1742 | Thomas, S. of Thomas Dunn, of Howden. July 25. |
09/08/1742 | Jane, D. of John Wheldrake, of Balkholme. Aug. 9. |
09/08/1742 | Mary, D. of Widow Benson, of howden. Aug. 9. |
10/08/1742 | James, S. of James _Foreshore, of Skelton. Aug. 10. |
21/08/1742 | john, S. of Rebecca Underwood, of Howden. Aug. 21. |
22/08/1742 | Dinah, D. of John Andrew, late of Barmby. Aug. 22. |
24/08/1742 | Anne, D. of Robert Faram, of Knedlington. Aug. 24. |
25/08/1742 | George (blank), of Thorp, a servant. Aug. 25. |
??/08/1742 | Mary, D. of Widow Watson, of Howden. Aug. -. |
11/09/1742 | Jane, D. of Robert Majer, of Saltmarsh. Sept. 11. |
16/09/1742 | Thos. S. of Thomas Dent, of Yoakfleet. Sept. 16. |
17/09/1742 | John Harrison, of Howden, Labourer. Sept. 17. |
17/09/1742 | Hannah, D. of Widow Clay, of Howden. Sept. 17. |
17/09/1742 | Robert, S. of Robert Parrot, of Yoakfleet. Sept. 17. |
19/09/1742 | Sarah, W. to Wm. English, of Barmby. Sept. 19. |
26/09/1742 | Thomas, S. of Thomas Waterhouse, of Barmoy. Sept. 26. |
28/09/1742 | John, S. of Thomas Jewitt, of Saltmarsh. Sept. 28 |
29/09/1742 | Elizabeth, D. of Widow Clay, of Howden. Sept. 29. |
30/09/1742 | James, S. of Richard Bainton, of Howden. Sept. 30. |
08/10/1742 | Elizabeth, W. to Richard Bainton, of Howden. Oct. 8. |
12/10/1742 | Alice, D. of Thomas Jewitt, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 12. |
19/10/1742 | Martha, D. of John Wadsworth, of Knedlington. Oct. 19. |
28/10/1742 | John Scholfield, of Sandhall, Husbandman. Oct. 28. |
29/10/1742 | Robert Hurd, of Balkholme, Labourer. Oct. 29. |
31/10/1742 | Magdalene, D. to Thomas Robinson, of Howden. Oct. 31. |
06/11/1742 | Elizabeth Coates, of Howden, a poor Widow. Nov. 6. |
07/11/1742 | Joseph Harrison, of Barmby, Weaver. Nov. 7. |
08/11/1742 | William English, of Barmby, a poor Man. Nov. 8. |
10/11/1742 | Hannah, D. of Richard Fearn, of Howden. Nov. 10. |
22/11/1742 | Elizabeth, W. to Leonard Brampton, liarmby. Nov. 22. |
28/11/1742 | Wm. Westoby, of Howdendike, Waterman. Nov. 28. |
19/12/1742 | Jane, W. to William Snarr, of Knedlington. Dec. 19. |
22/12/1742 | John, S. of John Birtwhistle, of Booth. Dec. 22. |
02/01/1742 | Mary, W. of Robert Mann, of Howden. Jan. 2. |
05/01/1742 | Elizabeth, D. of Miles Overend, of Balkholme. Jan. 5. |
07/01/1742 | Thomas, S. of Mr. John Mann, of Howden. Jan. 7. |
08/01/1742 | Elizabeth, W. to Wm. Pallister, of Howden. Jan. 8. |
09/01/1742 | Mary, D. of Martin Bilbrough, Howdendike. Jan. 9. |
10/01/1742 | Mary, W. to John Cass, of Barmby Marsh. Jan. 10. |
11/01/1742 | Jane, D. of Robert Taylor, of Skelton. Jan. 11. |
06/02/1742 | Wm. S. of Gillian Bursey, of Belby. Feb. 6. |
09/02/1742 | Mary, W. to John Boothby, of Howden. Feb. 9. |
19/02/1742 | Anne Stainforth, of Howden, widow. Feb. 19. |
06/03/1742 | John, S. to Thomas Stephenson, of Howden. Mar. 6. |
08/03/1742 | William Anderson, of Howden, a servant. Mar. 8. |
10/03/1742 | Thomas Pearson, of Spaldington. Mar. 10. |
14/03/1742 | Ann, W. to Simon Gilderdale, of Laxton. Mar. 14. |
23/03/1742 | Hannah, D. of John Boothby, of Howden. Mar. 23. |
1743 | |
04/04/1743 | Edmund, S. of John Jackson, of Laxton. Apr. 4. |
06/04/1743 | Joseph, S. of Widow Ashton, of Howden. Apr. 6. |
12/04/1743 | Mary, d. of Thos. Armstrong, late of Thorp. Apr. 12. |
23/04/1743 | Samuel, S. of Jonathan Markam, of Howden. Apr. 23. |
24/04/1743 | Rufus, S. of Robt. Featherston ye youngr. of Howden. Apr. 24. |
25/04/1743 | Isabel, W. to Robert Featherston, of Howden. Apr. 25. |
01/05/1743 | Mary, D. of Thomas Stephenson, of Howden. May 1. |
03/05/1743 | Hannah, W. to John Fearn, of Howden. May 3. |
05/05/1743 | John Newmarch, of Howden, a poor man. May 5. |
19/05/1743 | Susanna Dowson, of Howden, a poor widow. May 19. |
19/05/1743 | Robt. S. of Robert Hurd, late of Balkholme. May 19. |
26/05/1743 | Mary, W. to John Stainton, of Howden. May 26. |
09/06/1743 | Robert Leaper, of Barmby Marsh, Yeoman. June 9. |
19/06/1743 | William, Morton, of Howdendike, a servant. June 19. |
20/06/1743 | Elizabeth, D. of Thomas Field, of Howden. June 20. |
21/06/1743 | Ann, W. to James Bilbrough, of Belby. June 21. |
26/06/1743 | Margaret Burton, of Howden, a poor Widow. June 26. |
26/06/1743 | Elizabeth, D. of William Coates, of Howden. June 26. |
30/06/1743 | Jane, D. of Widow Harrison, of Skelton. June 30. |
02/07/1743 | Mary Bealby, of Saltmarsh, a poor widow. July 2. |
31/07/1743 | Mary, D. to John Pocklington, of Barmby. July 31. |
02/08/1743 | George Parker, of Howden, Barber Surgeon. Aug. 2. |
27/08/1743 | Nathaniel Mapplebeck, of Howden, Barber. Aug. 27. |
28/08/1743 | Margaret Hyde, of Howden, widow. Aug. 28. |
30/08/1743 | Ann Underwood, of Howden, a poor widow. Aug. 30. |
19/09/1743 | Hannah, D. of John Hogg, of Howden. Sept. 19. |
05/10/1743 | Ann, W. to Matthew Dove, of Howden. Oct. 5. |
08/10/1743 | Mary, D. of David Pearson, of Assleby. Oct. 8. |
13/10/1743 | Wm. S. of Thos. Thompson, of Thorp Lidget. Oct. 13. |
19/10/1743 | Jos : Walker, of Howden, out of ye poor House. Oct. 19. |
22/10/1743 | Priscilla, W. to Wm. Blanshard, Clementhorp. Oct. 22. |
26/10/1743 | Zaccheus, S. of Edwd Burton, of Newland. Oct. 26. |
30/10/1743 | Jane, W. to Edmund Baxter, of Laxton. Oct. 30. |
12/11/1743 | Abraham, S. of Richd. Maskel, of Howden. Nov. 12. |
18/11/1743 | Ann Freeman, of Howden, Widow. Nov. 18. |
22/11/1743 | George, S. of Thomas Dunn, of Howden. Nov. 22. |
24/11/1743 | Alice, W. to Thos. Smith, of Howden. Nov. 24. |
30/11/1743 | Robert, S. of Matthew Dove, Howden. Nov. 30. |
04/12/1743 | Ann, D. of Joseph Brookes, of Howden. Dec. 4. |
06/12/1743 | Wm. Gyles, of Kilpin, a poor Man. Dec. 6. |
07/12/1743 | Martha, D. of David Langton, Howden. Dec. 7. |
08/12/1743 | Frances, W. to Thomas Lowther, Assleby. Dec. 8. |
10/12/1743 | Hannah, D. of William Hewson, of Howden. Dec. 10. |
19/12/1743 | Richard, S. of John Harland, of Howden. Dec. 19. |
19/12/1743 | Frances, D. of Thomas Snell, of Howden. Dec. 19. |
20/12/1743 | John, S. of Robert Dowson, of Howden. Dec. 20. |
??/12/1743 | Henry, S. of Thos. Robinson, of Howden. Dec. -. |
??/12/1743 | George, S. of George Coam, of Knedlington. Dec. |
??/01/1743 | Samll. S. of John Harland, of Howden. Jan. -. |
??/01/1743 | Thos. S. of George Coam, of Knedlington. Jan. -. |
??/01/1743 | Ann, D. of John Rouley, of Howden. Jan. -. |
??/01/1743 | Thomas, S. of John Cass, of Barmby. Jan. -. |
??/01/1743 | Ann, D. of late Ann Freman, of Howden. Jan. -. |
??/01/1743 | Mary, W. to Thomas Ellis, of Yoakfleet. Jan. -. |
??/01/1743 | Miles, S. of Miles Pinder, of Kilpin. Jan. -. |
??/01/1743 | Thos. S. of John Wighton, of Howden. Jan. -. |
??/01/1743 | Eliz., D. of John Coggraye, late of Howden. Jan. -. |
??/01/1743 | Tames, S. of George Spence, of Howden. Jan. -. |
??/02/1743 | Hannah Williamson, Barmby, Spinster. Feb. -. |
??/02/1743 | Robt. S. of Robt. Baldwin, of Barmby. Feb. -. |
??/02/1743 | Ann, D. of Robert Baldwin, of Barmby. Feb. -. |
??/02/1743 | Eliz., D. of James Bilbrough, of Belby. Feb. -. |
??/02/1743 | Maria, D. of Rebec : Brookes, Saltmarsh. Feb. -. |
21/02/1743 | Thos. Smith, of Yoakfleet, Husbandman. Feb. 21. |
22/02/1743 | Deborah, D. of John Scholfield, Sandhall. Feb. 22. |
25/02/1743 | The. Harrison, Barmby marsh, poor . . Feb. 25. |
26/02/1743 | Eliz., D. of Richard Johnson, Balkholme. Feb. 26. |
03/03/1743 | George Gregson, of Knedlington. Mar. 3. |
07/03/1743 | Arthur Chapple, of Barmby Marsh. Mar. 7. |
11/03/1743 | James, S. of Henry Bainton, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 11. |
15/03/1743 | Thos. Croyser, of Saltmarsh, Yeoman. Mar. 15. |
18/03/1743 | Robert, S. of William English, of Barmby. Mar. 18. |
19/03/1743 | John, S. of Francis Airy, of Skelton. Mar. 19. |
22/03/1743 | Ann, W. to William Cowlam, of Laxton. Mar. 22. |
1744 | |
28/03/1744 | Mary, D. of Thomas Newham, Saltmarsh. Mar. 28. |
28/03/1744 | Wm. S. of Francis Airy, of Skelton. Mar. 28. |
29/03/1744 | Robert, S. of Edward Bishop, of Laxton. Mar. 29. |
10/04/1744 | John Cass, of Barmby, a poor Man. Apr. 10. |
16/04/1744 | Mary Lambert, of Howden, Widow. Apr. 16. |
17/04/1744 | Thomas Wilson, of Barmby, Batchelor. Apr. 17. |
23/04/1744 | Elizabeth, D. of W Chris : Bayles, of Laxton. Apr. 23. |
29/04/1744 | William, S. of Robert Lister, of Howden. Apr. 29. |
06/05/1744 | Ann, W. to Robert Barber, of Howden. May 6. |
18/05/1744 | John, S. of John Smith, of Laxton. May 18. |
18/05/1744 | Wm. S. of William Thompson, of Loftsom. May 18. |
22/05/1744 | Mary Skelton, of Howden, a poor Widow. May 22. |
23/05/1744 | John, S. of Robt. Peacock, of Barmby. May 23. |
31/05/1744 | Joseph, S. of Nathaniel Smith, of Assleby. May 31. |
01/06/1744 | John, S. of John Wright, of Assleby. June 1. |
06/06/1744 | Philip, S. of Joseph Belshaw, of Howden. June 6. |
10/06/1744 | Eleanor Leadam. of Barmby, Widow. June 10. |
11/06/1744 | Mary, W. to William Bradley, of Howden. June 11. |
12/06/1744 | John Mason, of Balkholme, Labourer. June 12. |
24/06/1744 | Mary, D. of Thomas Good, of Saltmarsh. June 24. |
27/07/1744 | Esther, D. of William Coates, of Howden. July 27. |
01/07/1744 | Joseph, S. of Thomas Brown, Barmby. July 1. |
03/07/1744 | (blank), S. of Thomas Steel, Barmby. July 3. |
07/07/1744 | Elizabeth, D. of John Johnson, of Laxton. July 7. |
27/07/1744 | Leonard Charter, of York. July 27. |
30/09/1744 | Mary, W. to John Wilkinson, of Howden. Sept. 30. |
07/10/1744 | Thomas, S. of Thos. Stephenson, Howden. Oct. 7. |
14/10/1744 | Ann, W. to Thos. Sissons, of Assleby. Oct. 14. |
??/10/1744 | Catherine Adams, of Skelton, Widow. Oct. -. |
??/10/1744 | Eliz., W. to Matthew Bell, of Barmby. Oct. -. |
??/10/1744 | Willm Snarr, of Knedlington. Oct. -. |
??/11/1744 | Christopher Bayles, of Laxton, Gent. Nov. -. |
??/11/1744 | Mary, D. of Mr. Jno. Nichols, of Howden. Nov. -. |
??/11/1744 | Susanna, W. to Wm. Bradley, Assleby. Nov. -. |
??/11/1744 | Deborah Freeman, of Howden, Spinster. Nov. -. |
??/11/1744 | Grace Croashaw, of Howden, Widow. Nov. -. |
??/11/1744 | Ann, W. to John Hanker, of Kilpin. Nov. -. |
??/12/1744 | W Jno. Dunn, of Howden the elder. Dec. -. |
??/12/1744 | Edwd. S. of Eliz. Boothby, Howden. Dec. -. |
??/01/1744 | Jane Brown. of Barmby. a poor Widow. Jan. -. |
??/01/1744 | Jno. S. of George Geldard, of Y-. Jan. -. |
??/01/1744 | William Servant, of Howdendike. Jan. -. |
??/01/1744 | Jane Chappel, of Barmby, a poor Widow. Jan. -. |
??/02/1744 | Thos. Palmer, of Laxton. Feb. -. |
??/02/1744 | Edwd. S. of Edward Bishop. of Laxton. Feb. -. |
??/02/1744 | Mary Spencer, of Howden, Widow. Feb. -. |
??/??/1744 | John, S. of William Empson, Howden. |
??/03/1744 | Hannah, D. of Eliz. Lazenby, Kilpin. Mar. -. |
??/03/1744 | Susanna. W. to Thos. Downham, Howden. Mar. -. |
??/03/1744 | Alice, W. to Tohn Chapman, of Skelton. Mar. -. |
??/03/1744 | Mary Westobie. of Howdendike, Widow. Mar. -. |
??/03/1744 | Mr George Welburn, of Howden. Mar. -. |
1745 | |
??/04/1745 | Thos. Woollans, of Skelton. Labourer. Apr. -. |
??/04/1745 | Mrs. Sarah, W. to Thos. Awdus, of Saltmarsh. Apr. -. |
??/04/1745 | Jno. Harland, of Howdendike, Labourer. Apr. -. |
??/04/1745 | Ann, D. of Mr. Gabl. Whitaker, of Howden. Apr. -. |
??/04/1745 | Elizabeth, D. of John Hyde, of Howden. Apr. -. |
??/05/1745 | Elizabeth, D. of Stephen Bulmer, Howden. May -. |
??/05/1745 | Lydia, D. of Richd. Hall, of Barmby. May -. |
??/05/1745 | William Ray. of T,axton, a Servant. May -. |
??/05/1745 | Ann, D. of Wm. Bealby, Howdendike. May -. |
??/05/1745 | Ann, D. of Thomas Nutbrown, Howden. May -. |
??/05/1745 | Mary, D. of Widow Taylor, Howden. May -. |
??/05/1745 | Sarah Jackson, of Barmby, widow. May -. |
??/05/1745 | Jos : S. of Ann Mann, Howden. May -. |
??/05/1745 | Peter Thorp. of Howden. Batchelor. May -. |
08/06/1745 | (blank) Ellerker, of Barmby, spinster. June 8. |
09/06/1745 | (blank) Garton, of Howden, Spinster. June 9, |
13/06/1745 | Benjamine Addison, of Howden, Batchr. June 13. |
25/06/1745 | Rebecca, D. of Edward Tiplady, Howden. June 25. |
07/07/1745 | Dorothy Henderson, of Howden, a poor Wid. July 7. |
26/07/1745 | Elizabeth, W. to Charles Taylor, Skelton. July 26. |
04/08/1745 | Ann, D. of Robert Dean, of Barmby. Aug. 4. |
05/08/1745 | Simon, S. of Charles Taylor, of Sketon. Aug. 5. |
07/08/1745 | Peter Tune, of Laxton, Batchelor. Aug. 7. |
25/08/1745 | Eliz. Dennison, of Belby, a poor widow. Aug. 25. |
29/08/1745 | Richard, S. to George Spence, Howden. Aug. 29. |
01/09/1745 | ..... Chapman, of Howden, Widow. Sept. 1. |
06/09/1745 | ..... Howlsworth, of Howden, Apprentice. Sept. 6. |
25/09/1745 | William Catterton, of Balkholme. Sept. 25. |
25/09/1745 | Jane, D. to Joseph Serjeantson, Yokefleet. Sept. 25. |
05/10/1745 | Mary, D. of Robert Taylor, of Skelton. Oct. 5. |
13/10/1745 | Esther Stubbings, of Brend, spinster. Oct. 13. |
20/10/1745 | Thos. Eland, of Barnillhall, Batchelor. Oct. 20. |
22/10/1745 | Matthew, S. of Jno. Clayburn, of Howden. Oct. 22. |
23/10/1745 | ..... Atkinson, of Laxton, Widow. Oct. 23. |
24/10/1745 | ..... Baldwin ye elder, of Barmhv. Oct. 24. |
08/11/1745 | ..... , S. of Thomas Fearn, of Howden. Nov. 8. |
02/11/1745 | ..... Burton. of Howden, spinster. Nov. 2.1. |
01/12/1745 | Dorothy Walker. of Howden, a poor widow. Dec. 1. |
05/12/1745 | Jos : Fengate, Minister. of Barmhv marsh. Dec. 5. |
21/12/1745 | Ellen, W. to Mr. Thos Escricke, of Howden. Dec. 21. |
23/12/1745 | William Dent, of Yoakfleet, Junr. Dec. 23. |
01/01/1745 | Ash, S. of Martin Bilbrough, Howden. Jan. 1. |
04/01/1745 | Tho. Bell. of Howden. Jan. 4. |
08/01/1745 | ....., S. of Wm. Dent. late of Yoakfleet. Jan. 8. |
16/01/1745 | ....., W. of Wm. Pears, of Howen. Jan. 16. |
18/01/1745 | ....., W. to Thos. Stainforth, of Barmhv marsh. Jan. 18. |
23/01/1745 | Rebecca, D. to Tames Foreshore. of Skelton. Jan. 23. |
06/02/1745 | Joseph, S. of Thomas Steel, of Barmby. Feb. 6. |
09/02/1745 | .... Dring, of Howden, a poor woman. Feb. 9. |
17/02/1745 | William. S. of John Wighton, of Howden. Feb. 17. |
25/02/1745 | Elizabeth, W. to Peter Kemp, of (blank). Feb. 25. |
28/02/1745 | Dinah, D. of Richard Sharp, of Yoakfleet. Feb. 28. |
04/03/1745 | Elizabeth, D. to Robert Leaper, of Barmby. Mar. 4. |
19/03/1745 | Rich& Bradley, of Skelton. poor. Mar. 19. |
21/03/1745 | ....., S. of John Raisin. of Yoakfleet. Mar. 21. |
1746 | |
29/03/1746 | Samuel, S. of Matthew Dove, of Howden. Mar. 29. |
05/04/1746 | Thomas Awdus, of Saltmarsh. Apr. 5. |
05/04/1746 | Elizabeth, W. to Philip Mouatt, of Laxton. Apr. 5. |
09/04/1746 | Elizabeth Barker, of Assleby, a poor widow. Apr. 9. |
16/04/1746 | John, S. of George Stubbins, at Brend. Apr. 16. |
17/04/1746 | Hannah, D. of Thomas Dunn, of Howden. Apr. 17. |
27/04/1746 | Mrs. Sarah Sutton, of Howden, widow. Apr. 27. |
27/04/1746 | Jeremiah Bishop, of Laxton, poor. Apr. 27. |
07/05/1746 | Joseph, S. of Joseph Devitt, of Saltmarsh, May 7. |
13/05/1746 | Wm. S. of Wm. (blank). May 13. |
17/05/1746 | Sarah, D. of Nicholas English, of Howden. May 17. |
18/05/1746 | Hannah, W. to William English, of Barmby. May 18. |
09/06/1746 | Robert Peacock, of Barmby. June 9. |
29/06/1746 | The Revd. Mr. John Threlkeld, Vicr. of Howden. June 29. |
??/06/1746 | Robert, son to Stephen Selly. June -. |
??/06/1746 | Miss Abigail Jefferson, of Howden. June -. |
??/07/1746 | Robert Dawson, of Saltmarsh. July -. |
??/07/1746 | Easter, wife of Robt. Portington, Howden. July -. |
??/07/1746 | Eliz., W. to W Robert Potter, Vicar of Stillingfleet. July -. |
??/07/1746 | Wm. S. to Wm. Rusholme, of Howden. July -. |
??/08/1746 | James, S. to Dan : Lowder, of Howden. Aug. -. |
??/08/1746 | Eliz., D. to Thos. Stephenson, of Howden. Aug. -. |
??/08/1746 | Mary, dau : to Niche. Bradley, of Yoakfleet. Aug. -. |
1746 | |
23/08/1746 | Mary, dau. of Edward Bishop, of Laxton. Aug. 23. |
30/08/1746 | Mary Cross, of Yoakfleet, spinster. Aug. 30. |
10/09/1746 | Alice Bailey, of Barmby, spinster. Sept. 10. |
11/09/1746 | John Newham, of Kilpin, Labourer. Sept. 11. |
11/09/1746 | Sarah, dau : of Benjamin Tayler, of Howden. Sept. 11. |
17/09/1746 | Robert, son of Joseph Harrinson, of Barmby. Sept. 17. |
07/10/1746 | Thos. Robinson, of Howden, Innholder. Oct. 7. |
07/10/1746 | John, son of Edward Casslin, of Knedlington. Oct. 7. |
09/10/1746 | Mary Holmes, spinster, of Howden. Oct. 9. |
12/10/1746 | Thos. son of John Palmer, of Balkholme. Oct. 12. |
13/10/1746 | Emanuel Overan, of Balkhlme. Oct. 13. |
13/10/1746 | George Spense, of Howden. Oct. 13. |
18/10/1746 | Mary Key, servant, in Howden. Oct. 18. |
25/10/1746 | Mary York, of Howden. Oct. 25. |
01/11/1746 | Matthew Bell, of East Linton. Nov. 1. |
01/11/1746 | Robt. Breasley, of Howden, Cooper. Nov. 1. |
02/11/1746 | Sarah, dau : of John Pinder, of Laxton. Nov. 2. |
03/11/1746 | John Burtwhistle, of Booth Ferry, Husbandman. Nov. 3. |
04/11/1746 | John, son of John Jaques, of Yoakfleet. Nov. 4. |
11/11/1746 | Mrs. Mary Markham, of Howden. Nov. 11. |
12/11/1746 | Robt. son of Richard Johnson, of Balkholme. Nov. 12. |
13/11/1746 | Ellis, wife of John Waterhouse, of Asselby. Nov. 13. |
14/11/1746 | Elisabeth, dau : of Mary Woolhams. Nov. 14. |
19/11/1746 | Elisabeth, wife of John Walton, of Saltmarsh. Nov. 19. |
28/11/1746 | Ann Spense, widdow, of Barmby. Nov. 28. |
29/11/1746 | Jonathan, son of Jonathan Markham, of Howden. Nov. 29. |
03/12/1746 | Mary, dau : of Miles Finder, of Bellasides. Dec. 3. |
05/12/1746 | Alice, wife of John Cox, of Barmby. Dec. 5. |
13/12/1746 | William, son of Richard Colverd, of Yoakfleet. Dec. 13. |
02/01/1746 | Isaac Dowsn, of Asselby. Jan. 2. |
03/01/1746 | John Platt, of Barmby. Jan. 3. |
09/01/1746 | Edward Bishop, of Laxton. Jan. 9. |
13/01/1746 | Samuel Stainforth, of Howden. Jan. 13. |
13/01/1746 | Thos. son of John Roads, of Howden. Jan. 13. |
14/01/1746 | Ann Bramham, of Asselby, widow. Jan. 14. |
18/01/1746 | Mary Thorp, of Howden, spinster. Jan. 18. |
20/01/1746 | Ann Worrel, of Barmby. Jan. 20. |
28/01/1746 | John Bradley, of Barmby. Jan. 28. |
31/01/1746 | Easter Nutbrown, of Howden, widow. Jan. 31. |
01/02/1746 | Sarah, dau : of Ann Levens, of Howden. Feb. 1. |
04/02/1746 | Thos. Goodison, of Howden. Feb. 4. |
04/02/1746 | David, son of David Pearson, of Asselby. Feb. 4. |
11/02/1746 | Peter Kemp, of East Linton. Feb. 11. |
13/02/1746 | Carr Inglish, Dancing Master. Feb. 13. |
19/02/1746 | John, son of Thos. Stephenson, of Howden. Feb. 19. |
15/02/1746 | Mary Gleedale, of Howden, Widow. Feb. 15. |
16/02/1746 | John Nelson, of Howden. Feb. 16. |
17/02/1746 | Mary Burton, of Howden, Widow. Feb. 17. |
04/03/1746 | Mary, dau : of T. Weddel, of Howden. Mar. 4. |
07/03/1746 | Joh. Robinson, of Howden, Labourer. Mar. 7. |
13/03/1746 | Sarah, wife of John Watkinson, of Cotness. Mar. 13. |
18/03/1746 | Alice, wife of Wm. Banks, of Barmby. Mar. 18. |
1747 | |
25/03/1747 | Jane, wife of George Calin, of Knedlington. Mar. 25. |
27/03/1747 | Mary, dau : of William Snarr, of Skelton. Mar. 27. |
28/03/1747 | John Megget, of Skelton, Labourer. Mar. 28. |
29/03/1747 | Mary, dau : of John Scofield, of Sandhall. Mar. 29. |
29/03/1747 | Thos. son of Edwd. Vause, of Howden. Mar. 29. |
30/03/1747 | Elisabeth Boothby, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 30. |
31/03/1747 | Elisabeth, dau : of Mr. Robt. Spoforth, of Howden. Mar. 31. |
01/04/1747 | Rebekah, dau : of Sarah Vickerton, of Howden. Apr. 1. |
22/04/1747 | Ellin, wife of Robt. Clayburn, of Howden, Jnr. Apr. 22. |
29/04/1747 | Mary Munford, of Howden, Widow. Apr. 29. |
30/04/1747 | Thos. Corbet, of Saltmarsh, Labr. Apr. 30. |
30/04/1747 | Ann, wife of John Giles, of Balkholme. Apr. 30. |
03/05/1747 | Robert, son to Ann Garton, of Howden. May 3. |
03/05/1747 | John Pinder, of Barmby. May 3. |
03/05/1747 | Barbara Corbet, of Saltmarsh. May 3. |
03/05/1747 | Robt. son of ye said Barbara Corbett. May 3. |
06/05/1747 | Wm. Underwood, of Howden, Shoemaker. May 6. |
06/05/1747 | Palister, of Howden. May 6. |
09/05/1747 | Richard Tood, of Barmby. May 9. |
10/05/1747 | John Clark, of Saltmarsh. May 10. |
11/05/1747 | Catherine, wife of Saml. Coulson, of Asselby. May 11. |
22/05/1747 | Matthew, son of Fanny Headon. May 22. |
22/05/1747 | Elis : dau. of Jane Sides, of Saltmarsh. May 22. |
22/05/1747 | Mary, dau : of John Lyon, of Balkholme. May 22. |
23/05/1747 | Gabriel Hobson, of Asselby, Labr. May 23. |
23/05/1747 | Wm. Keader, of Howden, Innkeeper. May 23. |
27/05/1747 | Mary, dau : of Amaziah Eccles, of Skelton. May 27. |
18/06/1747 | Margt., dau : of John Roads, of Howden. June 18. |
18/06/1747 | Ann, dau : of Thos. Burntoft, of Asselby. June 18. |
19/06/1747 | Benjn. son of Thos. Corbett, Saltmarsh. June 19. |
30/06/1747 | Joseph, son of John Winnle, of Asselby. June 30. |
22/07/1747 | John Royston, of Saltmarshe. July 22. |
10/08/1747 | Ann, wife of Matthew Easingwood, of Knedlington. Aug. 10. |
15/08/1747 | Ann, dau : of Natl. Day, of Howden, Junior. Aug. 15. |
19/08/1747 | Thos. son of Mary Cook, of Asselby. Aug. 19. |
02/09/1747 | William York, of Howden, Innkeeper. Sept. 2. |
06/09/1747 | Robert Pinder, Mariner. Sept. 6. |
14/09/1747 | Margt. dau. of Mrs. Tangate, late of Barmby. Sept. 14. |
07/10/1747 | Ann, dau : of Arthur Monsel, of Asselby. Oct. 7. |
09/10/1747 | William, son of Richard Ward, of Howden. Oct. 9. |
09/10/1747 | Isabel, dau : of Robt. Fetherston, of Howden. Oct. 9. |
14/10/1747 | Jane, wife of Paul Pickhaver, of Barmby. Oct. 14. |
21/10/1747 | Faith, dau : of John Morton, of Yoakfleet. Oct. 21. |
29/10/1747 | Mrs. Margt. Croyser, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 29. |
07/11/1747 | John, son of Thos. Broklebank, of Howden. Nov. 7. |
08/11/1747 | James, son of James Cammel, Howden. Nov. 8. |
23/11/1747 | Elisabeth, dau : of Wm. Bramman, of Assleby. Nov. 23. |
23/11/1747 | Andrew, son of John Palmer, of Balkholme. Nov. 23. |
20/12/1747 | Robt. Featherstone, of Howden, Labr. Dec. 20. |
20/12/1747 | Mary, dau : of John Briggs, of Skelton. Dec. 20. |
21/12/1747 | Thos. son of Thos. Broklebank, of Howden. Dec. 21. |
26/12/1747 | Mary Butter, of Asselby, Servt. Dec. 26. |
29/12/1747 | Richd. Haward, of Howden, Barber. Dec. 29. |
01/01/1747 | Ann, wife of John Nutbrown, of Asselby. Jan. 1. |
04/01/1747 | Richd. Farror, of Laxton, Labourer. Jan. 4. |
06/01/1747 | Alice Armstrong, of Belby. Jan. 6. |
06/01/1747 | Wm. Oats, Pedler. Jan. 6. |
12/01/1747 | Robt. son of Robt. Thornbury, Belby. Jan. 12. |
15/01/1747 | John Snow, of Skelton, Farmer. Jan. 15. |
16/01/1747 | Mary, wife of Robt. Crowshow, of Howden. Jan. 16. |
25/01/1747 | Mrs. Elisabeth Jefferson, of Howden. Jan. 25. |
26/01/1747 | Elisabeth, dau : of Thos. Keader, of Kilpin. Jan. 26. |
30/01/1747 | John Leaper, of Barmby, Husbandman. Jan. 30. |
30/01/1747 | John Kade, of Howden, Joiner. Jan. 30. |
07/02/1747 | Robt. Green, of Asselby, Bricklayer. Feb. 7. |
11/02/1747 | Catherine Newham, of Kilpin. Feb. 11. |
22/02/1747 | Mary Marshell, of Asselby, Spinster. Feb. 22. |
06/03/1747 | Mary, dau : of Wm. Parkins, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 6. |
08/03/1747 | Joseph Boast, of Barmby. Mar. 8. |
12/03/1747 | John Waterhouse, of Asselby. Mar. 12. |
15/03/1747 | Alice Warden, of Howden, Pauper. Mar. 15. |
1748 | |
31/03/1748 | Mary Newmarch, of Howden, Pauper. Mar. 31, 1748. |
25/04/1748 | Richard Harrison, of Asselby. Apr. 25. |
03/05/1748 | Ann, wife of Jervas Copley, of Yoakfleet. May 3. |
10/05/1748 | Stephen Bailey, of Howden Dyke. May 10. |
22/05/1748 | Richardson, son of Wm. Rusholme. May 22. |
25/05/1748 | George, son of Thos. Pickerd, of Barmby. May 25. |
29/05/1748 | Thos. Ayer, of Howden, Innholder. May 29. |
31/05/1748 | Francis, son of Francis Ayrey, of Skelton. May 31. |
16/06/1748 | Richd. son of Mary Robinson, widow, Howden. June 16. |
19/06/1748 | Sarah, dau. of Sarah Hallam, Stranger. June 19. |
25/06/1748 | Solomn. Barret, of Asselby, pauper. June 25. |
??/07/1748 | Matthew Stephenson of Howden, Belman. July -. |
18/08/1748 | A sailor, drown at Howden Dyke. Aug. 18. |
22/08/1748 | Matthew Lamb, of Knedlington. Aug. 22. |
18/09/1748 | Frances Saunders, of Kilpin, widow. Sept. 18. |
18/09/1748 | Elisabeth, Dau. of Thos. Singleton. Sept. 18. |
27/09/1748 | George, son of Thos. Tayler, of Skelton. Sept. 27. |
02/10/1748 | Thos. son of Thos. Steel, of Barmby. Oct. 2. |
05/10/1748 | John, son of John Jackson, of Kilpin. Oct. 5. |
14/10/1748 | Richard Stather, of Barmby, Bricklayer. Oct. 14. |
05/11/1748 | Joannah Heward, of Howden, pauper. Nov. 5. |
18/11/1748 | Hannah, dau : of John Man, of Howden. Nov. 18. |
25/11/1748 | Easter, dau : of John Fletcher, of Howden. Nov. 25. |
26/11/1748 | Ann, dau : of Amor Eccles, of Skelton. Nov. 26. |
05/12/1748 | Ann, dau : of John Fletcher, of Howden. Dec. 5. |
07/12/1748 | Robt, son of Robt. Fielder, of Howden. Dec. 7. |
08/12/1748 | Sarah, dau : of Richd. Bainton, of Howden. Dec. 8. |
11/12/1748 | Margt Preston, of Howden, spinster. Dec. 11. |
17/12/1748 | Sarah, dau : of Edwd. Caslin, of Knedlington. Dec. 17. |
18/12/1748 | Ann, wife of William Snarr, of Skelton. Dec. 18. |
12/12/1748 | Frances, dau : of Joseph Woofe, Curate. Dec. 12. |
25/12/1748 | John Atkinson, of Asselby, Labr. Dec. 25. |
25/12/1748 | Mary Dawson, of Asselby, Widow. Dec. 25. |
04/01/1748 | James, son of Isabel Robinson, of Howden. Jan. 4. |
09/01/1748 | Joanna Middleton, of Howden. Jan. 9. |
11/01/1748 | Elisabeth, dau : of Stephen Bulmer, Howden. Jan. 11. |
15/01/1748 | Grace, wife of John Smith, of Laxton. Jan. 15. |
17/01/1748 | Joseph Thompson, of Kilpin. Jan. 17. |
01/02/1748 | Ann Stoner, of Howden, paupr. Feb. 1. |
06/02/1748 | Thos. son of John Usquate, of Howden. Feb. 6. |
08/02/1748 | George Gibson, servant to Mr. Sutton, of Howden. Feb. 8. |
22/02/1748 | Joseph Tasker, of Belby. Feb. 22. |
14/03/1748 | Sarah, dau : of Wm. Hewitson, of Howden. Mar. 14. |
21/03/1748 | John Richardson, of Asselby, Husbandman. Mar. 21. |
23/03/1748 | John, son of John Claburne, of Howden. Mar. 23. |
1749 | |
01/04/1749 | Thos. son of John Roads, of Howden, Apr. 1. |
05/04/1749 | Thos. Elmer, of Yoakfleet, pauper. Apr. 5. |
06/04/1749 | John Roads, of Howden, Pinder. Apr. 6. |
07/04/1749 | Isaac Richardson, of Howden. Apr. 7. |
04/05/1749 | Ann, wife of William Stephenson, of Kilpin. May 4. |
05/05/1749 | Ellin, dau. of John Kelsey, of West Lniton. May 5. |
09/05/1749 | Thos. son to The. Grey, of Kilpin. May 9. |
09/05/1749 | Mary, dau : of Richard Ward, of Howden Dyke. May 9. |
17/05/1749 | Mary Roads, of Howden, widow. May 17. |
21/05/1749 | Ann, dau : of Richard English. May 21. |
23/05/1749 | Ann, wife of Wm. Dent, of Yoakfleet, lunatick. May 23. |
29/05/1749 | John Tindal, of Yoakfleet, Labr. May 29. |
18/06/1749 | Wm. Banks, of Barmby. June 18. |
20/06/1749 | Ann Burtwhistle, of Howden. June 20. |
25/06/1749 | Lawrence Grundy, of Knedlington. June 25. |
29/06/1749 | Jane Ballan, of Howden, widow. June 29. |
17/07/1749 | Elisabeth, wife of George Farret, of Howden. July 17. |
25/07/1749 | Saml. Snow, of Skelton, pauper. July 25. |
09/08/1749 | Ann, D. of Matthew, Dove, of Howden. Aug. 9. |
17/08/1749 | Ann, wife of Nathanl. Day, of Howden. Aug. 17. |
02/09/1749 | Elisabeth Elmer, of Yoakfleet, widow, pauper. Sept. 2. |
17/09/1749 | James Duncomb, Scotchman. Sept. 17. |
22/09/1749 | John, son to Wm. Tate, of Saltmarsh. Sept. 22. |
01/10/1749 | Elisabeth, D. of John Bawden, of Balkholme. Oct. 1. |
04/10/1749 | Robt. Wigganham, of Barmby, servant. Oct. 4. |
07/10/1749 | Richd. Sharp, of Yoakfleet, Labr. Oct. 7. |
13/10/1749 | Dorathy, wife of Hammond Seymour, of Kilpin. Oct. 13. |
27/10/1749 | Jane Johnson, of Yoakfleet, widow. Oct. 27. |
01/11/1749 | John, son of John Duckles, of Saltmarsh. Nov. 1. |
07/11/1749 | Elis: D. to Elisabeth Underwood, of Barmby. Nov. 7. |
21/11/1749 | Elis: Drinkall, of Howden, widow. Nov. 21. |
30/11/1749 | Robert Peacock, of Barmby. Nov. 30. |
14/11/1749 | Mrs. Ann Haram, of Saltmarsh, buried at Laxton. Nov. 14. |
04/12/1749 | John Coggrave, of Booth, Butcher. Dec. 4. |
04/12/1749 | Elisabeth, dau : of Mr. John, Dancer. Dec. 4. |
10/12/1749 | George, son of John Briggs, of Howden. Dec. 10. |
29/12/1749 | Thos. Ricall, of Beverley. Dec. 29. |
29/12/1749 | Thos. Hoult, of Balkholme, poor. Dec. 29. |
29/12/1749 | Catherine Gilliard, of Howden, poor. Dec. 29. |
02/01/1749 | Ann Ward, Servt in Howden. Jan. 2. |
02/01/1749 | Ann Hoult, of Balkholme, widow. Jan. 2. |
02/01/1749 | Simon, son to Simon Ayre, of Howden. Jan. 2. |
04/01/1749 | Ells: dau : of Arthur Moonsey, of Asselby. Jan. 4. |
05/01/1749 | Richard, son of Rebec : Underwood. Jan. 5. |
13/01/1749 | Stephen, son of Thos. Stainforth, of Barmby. Jan. 13. |
14/01/1749 | Sarah, dau : of Joseph Clemmett, of Barmby. Jan. 14. |
17/01/1749 | Ellin, wife to Thomas Good, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 17. |
26/01/1749 | Thos.son to Thos. Steel, of Barmby. Jan. 26. |
29/01/1749 | Wm. son to Thos. Bacchus, of Laxton. Jan. 29. |
08/02/1749 | Thos. son to Nichol Bradley, of Yoakfleet. Feb. 8. |
09/02/1749 | Susannah, D. to Robt. Dowson, of Howden. Feb. 9. |
10/02/1749 | Ann Stephens, of Howden. Feb. 10. |
18/02/1749 | Joseph, son to David Pearson, of Asselby. Feb. 18. |
21/02/1749 | Mary, D. to Richard Laycock, of Howden. Feb. 21. |
25/02/1749 | John Roads, of Howden, servant. Feb. 25. |
26/02/1749 | Dorothy Blanchard, of Howden widow. Feb. 26. |
01/03/1749 | Eliz : wife to Thom. Almley, of Lax-ton. Mar. 1. |
02/03/1749 | Thos. son to Wm. Mann, of Howden. Mar. 2. |
04/03/1749 | John, son to Wm. Nelson, of Howden. Mar. 4. |
05/03/1749 | Eliz., wife to Arthur Mounsey, of Asselby. Mar. 5 |
08/03/1749 | Elis., D. to Edward Vause, of Howden. Mar. 8. |
11/03/1749 | Ann, D. to John Atkinson, of Asselby. Mar. 11. |
11/03/1749 | Thomas, son to John Rowley, of Howden. Mar. 11. |
11/03/1749 | Robert Waud, Bailiff, of Howden. Mar. 11. |
13/03/1749 | Priscilla, wife to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Mar. 13. |
16/03/1749 | Thos., son to Robt. Clayburn, Junr. of Howden. Mar. 16. |
16/03/1749 | Ralph, son to Robt. Spofford, of Howden. Mar. 16. |
18/03/1749 | Emanl. son to Robt. Gray, of Kilpin. Mar. 18. |
1750 | |
29/03/1750 | James, son to Matthew Dove, of Howden. Mar. 29 (1750). |
02/04/1750 | Ann, D. to Saunder Beckett, of Howden. Apr. 2. |
04/04/1750 | Saml. Coluson, of Asselby, poor. Apr. 4. |
04/04/1750 | Lydia, D. of Joseph Beamont, of Howden. Apr. 4. |
04/04/1750 | Robt., son of Saunder Beckett, of Howden. Apr. 4. |
07/04/1750 | Joseph, son to Saml. Dunn, of Howden. Apr. 7. |
11/04/1750 | Sarah, D. to Michael Lamb, of Howden. Apr. 11. |
14/04/1750 | John, son to Thos. Ellis, of Skelton. Apr. 14. |
14/04/1750 | George, son to Thos. Slack, of Knedlington. Apr. 14. |
14/04/1750 | Margaret, wife to Mr. Thomas Graver, of Howden. Apr. 14. |
17/04/1750 | Ann, D. of Thos. Brocklebank, of Howden. Apr. 17. |
17/05/1750 | Charles, son to Robert Foreshore, of Howden. May 17. |
20/05/1750 | Thos. Palmer, of Balkholme. May 20. |
22/05/1750 | Jane Palmer, of Asselby. May 22. |
24/05/1750 | Martin, son of Martin Bilbrough, of Howden. May 24. |
01/07/1750 | William, son of William Cook, of Howden. July 1. |
01/07/1750 | John Newham, of Skelton. July 1. |
05/07/1750 | William, son of William Martindale, of Barmby. July 5. |
17/07/1750 | George Stubbin, o Brin. July 17. |
20/07/1750 | Thos. son to Thos. Batty, of Asselby. July 20. |
24/07/1750 | Dorathy, wife of Nicholas Bradley, of Yokefleet. July 24. |
27/07/1750 | John Athorpe, of Howden. July 27. |
28/07/1750 | Ann, wife of Thos. Batty, of Asselby. July 28. |
29/07/1750 | Ann Coulson, of Nedlington, widow. July 29. |
04/08/1750 | Ann, wife of David Belt, of Howden. Aug. 4. |
14/08/1750 | Thos. Bielby, of Whitgift, Bachr. Aug. 14. |
15/08/1750 | Elisabeth, dau : of Margaret Leighton, of Skelton. Aug. 15. |
30/08/1750 | Catherine Sissons, of Asselby. Aug. 30. |
01/09/1750 | Miles Harrinson, of Howden. Sept. 1 c. |
19/09/1750 | James, son to Richard Fisher, of Beverley. Sept. 19. |
22/09/1750 | George Belt, of Howden. Sept. 22. |
24/09/1750 | Ann, wife to Richard Waterhous, of Barmby. Sept. 24. |
01/10/1750 | Emanuel, son to John Lyon, of Balkholme. Oct. 1. |
02/10/1750 | Mary, wife to William Tayler, of Barmbv. Oct. 2. |
03/10/1750 | Elisabeth, wife to Richd. Fisher, of Beverley. Oct. 3. |
03/10/1750 | William Tate, of Saltmarsh, Jocky. Oct. 3. |
06/10/1750 | Mary, dau : to Thos. Roberts, of Laxton. Oct. 6. |
07/10/1750 | Elis : dau. of William Tayler, of Barmby. Oct. 7. |
09/10/1750 | William Dent, of Yokefleet. Oct. 9. |
09/10/1750 | George, son to William Nelson, of Howden. Oct. 9. |
13/10/1750 | Dorathy Preston, widow, of Howden. Oct. 13. |
13/10/1750 | Mary, wife of Moses Drake, of Howdendike. Oct. 13. |
13/10/1750 | John, son to John Dennis, of Barmby. Oct. 13. |
14/10/1750 | William Brooks, of Howden, Yeoman. Oct. 14. |
16/10/1750 | Robert Clayburn, of Howden. Oct. 16. |
21/10/1750 | John, son to William Stevenson, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 21. |
23/10/1750 | John, son to Moses Drake, of Howdendike. Oct. 23. |
25/10/1750 | Mary Coutherd, of Eastrington. Oct. 25. |
29/10/1750 | Ann, dau : of John Boothby. Oct. 29. |
06/11/1750 | William Burn, of Balkholme. Nov. 6. |
09/11/1750 | James, son George Corner, of Saltmarsh. Nov. 9. |
10/11/1750 | Jonathan, son to John Cade, of Asselby. Nov. 10. |
19/11/1750 | William, son to Miles Overan, of Balkholme. Nov. 19. |
21/11/1750 | Abram, son of Mr. Thos : Parkinson, of Howden. Nov. 21. |
21/11/1750 | John Coax, of Barmby Marsh. Nov. 21. |
24/11/1750 | Mary Thompson, of Howden, Pauper. Nov. 24. |
31/12/1750 | Sarah, d. of John Kelsey, of East Linton. Dec. 31. |
02/01/1750 | Cicilia Styon, of Skelton, pauper. Jan. 2. |
03/01/1750 | John Franks, of Belbie, servant. Jan. 3. |
10/01/1750 | Mary, wife of John Good, of Howdendyke. Jan. 10. |
11/01/1750 | Mary, wife to Ephraim Harper, Laxton. Jan. 11. |
13/01/1750 | Thos., son to Henry Bainton, of Laxton. Jan. 13. |
16/01/1750 | Elis : Lambert, of Newland. Jan. 16. |
20/01/1750 | Mr. William Martin, of Howden. Jan. 20. |
21/01/1750 | Mary Gillens, of Howden, spinster. Jan. 21. |
26/01/1750 | Mary, d. of James Campbell, of Howden. Jan. 26. |
05/02/1750 | William Copeland, of Howden, labr. Feb. 5. |
05/02/1750 | Jane Copeland, of Howden. Feb. 5. |
14/02/1750 | Elisabeth York, of Howden, widow. Feb. 14. |
18/02/1750 | Catherine, d. of Thos : Sissons, of Asselby. Feb. 18. |
25/02/1750 | ,Robt. son to Richd. Laycock, of Howden. Feb. 25. |
03/03/1750 | William, son to Stephen Selby, of Howden. Mar. 3. |
05/03/1750 | George, son to Widow Copeland, of Howden. Mar. 5. |
08/03/1750 | Sarah, d. to Widow Copeland, of Howden. Mar. 8. |
09/03/1750 | William, son to John Thompson, Howden. Mar. 9. |
10/03/1750 | Thos : son to Thos : Brocklebank, of Howden. Mar. 10. |
16/03/1750 | Mary, wife of John Boyce, of Yokefleet. Mar. 16. |
20/03/1750 | John, son of John Boyce, of ditto. Mar. 20. |
20/03/1750 | Easter, d. to Edward Nixon, of Howden. Mar. 20. |
21/03/1750 | Elisabeth, d. to John Baldon, of Balkholme. Mar. 21. |
21/03/1750 | Ellin Woodhouse, of Knedlington. Mar. 21. |
21/03/1750 | William, son to Wm. Rusholme, of Howden. Mar. 21. |
1751 | |
09/04/1751 | Thos : son to Richard Watson, of Barmby. Apr. 9. |
14/04/1751 | Elisabeth, wife of Robert Bishop, of Laxton. Apr. 14. |
18/04/1751 | John Howburne, of Skelton, servant. Apr. 18. |
24/04/1751 | Martha Williamson, of Barmby, pauper. Apr. 24. |
25/04/1751 | John, son to Thos : Lowther, of Asselby. Apr. 25. |
25/04/1751 | Mary, d. to William Pierce, of Asselby. Apr. 25. |
02/05/1751 | Mary, d. to James Crawshow, of Howden. May 2. |
07/05/1751 | Lydia, d. to Joseph Beamont, of Howden. May 7. |
13/05/1751 | Sarah, wife to John Tate, of Howden. May 13. |
13/05/1751 | Elisabeth, d. to John Wighton, of Howden. May 13. |
23/05/1751 | Mrs. Elisabeth Millington, of Howden. May 23. |
04/06/1751 | Elisabeth Weddel, widow, of Howden. June 4. |
05/06/1751 | Ann, d. to John Walls, junior, of Howden. June 5. |
12/06/1751 | John, son to John Laitham, of Howden. June 12. |
26/06/1751 | Dorathy, d. to John Hyde, of Howden. June 26. |
26/06/1751 | Hannah, d. William Empson, of Howden. June 26. |
06/07/1751 | George, son to William Bielby, of Howdendike. July 6. |
08/07/1751 | Mary, d. to Zach : Hembrough, of Howden. July 8. |
11/07/1751 | Elisabeth, d. to ye Revrd. James Godmond, Vicar. July 11. |
12/07/1751 | Richard, son to Richard Watson, of Barmby. July 12. |
12/07/1751 | Mary, d. to David Belt, of Howden. July 12. |
15/07/1751 | William, son to Richard Ward, of H :dyke. July 15. |
18/07/1751 | Thos : son of Robert Man, of Howden. July 18. |
18/07/1751 | John, son to Matthew Bell, of Howden. July 18. |
23/07/1751 | Mary, wife to Thos : Batty, of Newland. July 23. |
31/07/1751 | Jane, wife to Joseph Mayfield, of Newland. July 31. |
15/08/1751 | Susannah, wife to Boaz Thompson, of Howden. Aug. 15. |
20/08/1751 | Godfrey, son to John Hyde, of Howden. Aug. 20. |
01/08/1751 | Elisabeth Fletcher, of Howden, widow. 1. paupers. Aug. 20. |
25/08/1751 | Isabella Green, of Asselby, widow, J Aug. 25. |
27/08/1751 | Susannah, d. to Robert Dowson, of Howden. Aug. 27. |
02/09/1751 | Hannah, dau : to Willm. Parker, of Howden. Sept. 2. |
06/09/1751 | William Thorp, of Howden. Sept. 6. |
06/09/1751 | Mr. John Nicoll, of Howden, attorney at law. Sept. 6. |
09/09/1751 | Ann Garton, Howden, widow. Sept. 9. |
10/09/1751 | Mary, wife of Mr. Willm. Rusholme, merchnt. Sept. 10. |
18/09/1751 | Elisabeth Wilson, of Howden, pauper. Sept. 18. |
20/09/1751 | Nathaniel Day, junr. of Howden. Sept. 20. |
25/09/1751 | Thomas Johnson, of Howden. Sept. 25. |
26/09/1751 | Mary, d. of Robert Dowson, of Howden. Sept. 26. |
01/10/1751 | Ann, wife to Thos. Field, of Howden. Oct. 1. |
08/10/1751 | Mary, d. to John Pearson, of Asselby. Oct. 8. |
12/10/1751 | Frances, d. to Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden. Oct. 12. |
15/10/1751 | William Bulmer, of Howden, innkeeper. Oct. 15. |
16/10/1751 | Elisabeth Coupland, of Howden, widow. Oct. 16. |
16/10/1751 | Ann Snarr, of Howden, servant. Oct. 16. |
21/10/1751 | Susannah, wife to George Kitchen, of Howden. Oct. 21. |
03/11/1751 | Peter Holmes, of Saltmarsh, pauper. Nov. 3. |
04/11/1751 | Mary, wife to William Headon, of Balkholme. Nov. 4. |
10/11/1751 | Robert, son to Thos. Leighton, of Skelton. Nov. 10. |
12/11/1751 | Sarah Andrew, of Barmby, widow, pauper. Nov. 12. |
13/11/1751 | Ann, wife to John Preston, of Howden. Nov. 13. |
14/11/1751 | Ann, d. to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Nov. 14. |
19/11/1751 | Elisabeth, wife to William Richardson, of Howden. Nov. 19. |
01/12/1751 | Ann, d. of Mathew Maslen, of Howden. Dec. 1. |
07/12/1751 | John Hall, Barmby, servant. Dec. 7. |
07/12/1751 | Thos : son to Thos: Goodall, of Knedlington. Dec. 7. |
08/12/1751 | Rebecka, wife of John Duckles, of Saltmarsh. Dec. 8. |
14/12/1751 | Jonadab Belt, of Belby. Dec. 14. |
16/12/1751 | Mark, son of John Featon, of Laxton. Dec. 16. |
20/12/1751 | Elisabeth, wife to Thos : Awcock, of Howden. Dec. 20. |
25/12/1751 | Richard, son to Richard Ellison, of Booth. Dec. 25. |
26/12/1751 | John Rainforth, of Howden. Dec. 26. |
31/12/1751 | Mr Athorpe, of Howden. Dec. 31. |
1752 | |
11/01/1752 | Elliner, wife to Thos. White, of Barmby. Jan. 11. |
12/01/1752 | John Ashton, of Howden. Jan. 12. |
19/01/1752 | Thos : son of Thos : Stephenson, of Howden. Jan. 19. |
04/02/1752 | Hannah, dau : to Thos : White, of Barmby. Feb. 4. |
04/02/1752 | William, son to John Halliday, of Howden. Feb. 4. |
06/02/1752 | Sarah Lark, of Kilpin. Feb. 6. |
09/02/1752 | Mary, wife to William Parker. Feb. 9. |
12/02/1752 | Hannah, d. to Willm Cass, of Barmby. Feb. 12. |
13/02/1752 | Nathanl. Bell, of Howden. Feb. 13. |
23/02/1752 | Elliner, d. to Joseph Jones, of Howden. Feb. 23. |
26/02/1752 | Robt. Mann, Sexton. Feb. 26. |
02/03/1752 | Jane, d. to Abram Dowson, of Howden. Mar. 2. |
09/03/1752 | Willm. Palmer, of Yokefleet. Mar. 9. |
09/03/1752 | Thos : son to Thos : Batty, of Asselby. Mar. 9. |
10/03/1752 | Susannah, dau : Thomas Steaner, ditto. Mar. 10. |
13/03/1752 | Thos : Ledham, of Belby. Mar. 13. |
14/03/1752 | William, Son to Mary Stanley, of Asselby. Mar. 14. |
18/03/1752 | Willm. Son of Emanl. Jefferson, Esqr. Mar. 18. |
19/03/1752 | Thos : Sugdon, of Laxton. Mar. 19. |
20/03/1752 | William, son to Wm. English, of Barmby. Mar. 20. |
21/03/1752 | Mary, wife to George Moore, of Saltmarsh. Mar. 21. |
12/04/1752 | M. George Athorpe, of Howden. Apr. 12. |
16/03/1752 | Press: dau : of Widow Ashton. Mar. 16. |
22/04/1752 | Elisabeth, d. to Jonathan Spink. Apr. 22. |
01/05/1752 | Jane Wise, of Howden. May 1. |
16/05/1752 | Catherine, wife of Thos : Bentley, of Saltmarsh. May 16. |
21/05/1752 | Mary Story, of Yokefleet. May 21. |
25/05/1752 | Ann, wife to John Bawden, of Howden. May 25. |
27/05/1752 | Hannah, wife to John Torton, Barmbey. May 27. |
31/05/1752 | Abram, son to John Boothby, of Howden. May 31. |
12/06/1752 | Rose, wife of John Lyon, of Balkholme. June 12. |
12/06/1752 | Mary Belt, of Howden, spinster. June 12. |
16/06/1752 | William Copeland, of Howden pauper. June 16. |
20/06/1752 | Ann, wife of Mr. Robert Spofforth, Howden. June 20. |
30/06/1752 | Rachel Bulmer, of Howden. June 30. |
30/06/1752 | Ellin Kendal, of Heminbrough. June 30. |
23/07/1752 | Richard, son to Francis Airy, of Balkholme. July 23. |
31/07/1752 | Thos : Stephenson, of Howden. July 31. |
11/08/1752 | Sarah, dau : of John Torton, of Yokefleet. Aug. 11. |
15/10/1752 | Thos : son to Robt : Fielder, of Howden. Oct. 15. |
26/10/1752 | Mary, wife to Saml. Cottom, of Howden. Oct. 26. |
27/10/1752 | John Preston, of Howden. Oct. 27. |
28/10/1752 | William Harrinson, of Howden. Oct. 28. |
10/11/1752 | John Coulson, of Knedlington. Nov. 10. |
19/11/1752 | William Saunders, of Howden. Nov. 19. |
19/11/1752 | Mary, D. to William Stephenson, of Saltmarsh. Nov. 19. |
25/11/1752 | John Torton, of Yokefleet. Nov. 25. |
08/12/1752 | Jane, D. to Thomas Smith, of Yoakfleet. Dec. 8. |
10/12/1752 | Willm Coats, of Barmby. Dec. 10. |
11/12/1752 | Ellin, dau : of Mr. Emanl. Jefferson, of Howden. Dec. 11. |
21/12/1752 | George Kitchen, of Howden. Dec. 21. |
24/12/1752 | Ann, dau: to Elis. Clay, of Howden. Dec. 24. |
1753 | |
02/01/1753 | Elisabeth, wife of James Lindsdale, of Howden. Jan. 2. |
04/01/1753 | Richard Colvert, of Yokefleet. Jan. 4. |
10/01/1753 | Ann, dau : of Robert Jackson, of Howden. Jan. 10. |
11/01/1753 | Matthew, son to Thos. Stephenson, of Howden. Jan. 11. |
16/01/1753 | Ann Widdows Alice Coulam, Widow of Asselby. Jan. 16. |
17/01/1753 | John Stones, of Thorp Ledget. Jan. 17. |
20/01/1753 | John Bauden, of Balkholme. Jan. 20. |
29/01/1753 | Matthew, son of Matthew Jubb, of Yokefleet. Jan. 29. |
08/02/1753 | Mark Burtwhistle, of Rawcliff. Feb. 8. |
14/02/1753 | John, son to Richard Ward, of Howden Dyke. Feb. 14. |
15/02/1753 | Nicholas, son to Nicholas Carr, of Yokefleet. Feb. 15. |
16/02/1753 | Nathaniel Day, of Howden. Feb. 16. |
21/02/1753 | Christopher, son to Ephraim Harper, of Laxton. Feb. 21. |
25/02/1753 | Mary, D. of William Lister, of Howden. Feb. 25. |
26/02/1753 | Mary, D. of Richard Butler, of Barmby. Feb. 26. |
03/03/1753 | William, son to Matthew Dowe, Howden. Mar. 3. |
04/03/1753 | Rebecca Thompson, of Howden. Mar. 4. |
11/03/1753 | William, son to Ephraim Harper, of Laxton. Mar. 11. |
15/03/1753 | Mary, D. of John Pearch, of Asselby. Mar. 15. |
11/03/1753 | Elizabeth Smith, of Yokefleet. Mar. 11. |
16/03/1753 | Matthew Bell, of Barmby. Mar. 16. |
29/03/1753 | Mary, D. to Thos. Pickard, of Barmby. Mar. 29. |
03/04/1753 | William Cass, of Barmby, Husbandman. Apr. 3. |
07/04/1753 | Ann Rainforth, of Yoakfleet. Apr. 7. |
12/04/1753 | Jane, D. to John Baldwin, of Balkholm. Apr. 12. |
14/04/1753 | Catherine, wife to John Kirkman, of Hull. Apr. 14. |
25/04/1753 | Thom Leper, of Barmby, Husbandman. Apr. 25. |
02/05/1753 | Elisabeth Newmarch, of Howden. May 2. |
02/05/1753 | Tho Turnel, of Howden, Gentleman. May 2. |
08/05/1753 | Ann, wife to William Tasker. May 8. |
09/05/1753 | Elisabeth, wife to Joseph Beaumont, of Howden. May 9. |
16/05/1753 | Catherine, wife to John Jackson, of Barmby. May 16. |
17/05/1753 | Jane, d. to Thos. Harrinson, of Barmby. May 17. |
24/05/1753 | Sarah, wife to Nicholas Bradley, of Yokefleet. May 24. |
25/05/1753 | Margaret, wife to Henry Brocklebank, of Thorp legit. May 25. |
26/05/1753 | William, son to William Stephenson, of Saltmarsh. May 26. |
08/06/1753 | Nicholas Audas, of Booth, Keelman. June 8. |
10/06/1753 | Ann Gray, of Metham Hall, servant. June 10. |
11/06/1753 | John Rowley, of Howden, Labr. June 11. |
18/06/1753 | Mary Addison, of Belby. June 18. |
20/06/1753 | Sarah, D. to Sarah Sharp, of Yoakfleet. June 20. |
22/06/1753 | Gamaliel Thompson, of Howden, Labr. June 22. |
04/07/1753 | Ann Cotton, of Howden, widow. July 4. |
12/07/1753 | Elisabeth, D. to Sarah Porter, a Presbyterian, Howden. July 12. |
14/07/1753 | Thos. Smith, of Yoakfleet. July 14. |
17/07/1753 | Mary, D. to James Foreshore, of Skelton. July 17. |
20/07/1753 | Catherine Garton, of Laxton, Spinster. July 20. |
26/07/1753 | Elisabeth, wife to John Smith, of Yoakfleet. July 26. |
01/08/1753 | Christopher Seal, of Howden. Aug. 1. |
15/08/1753 | John, son to William Stephenson, of Saltmarsh. Aug. 15. |
25/08/1753 | Mary, wife to Jonathan Brown, of Howden. Aug. 25. |
15/09/1753 | James Foreshore, of Skelton, Husbandman. Sept. 15. |
21/09/1753 | Alice Thompson, of Kilpin, widow. Sept. 21. |
22/09/1753 | Mary Blackburn, of Barmby. Sept. 22. |
02/10/1753 | Robert Eskrick, of Howden, Gentleman. Oct. 2. |
15/10/1753 | Rebecca Andrew, of Barmby, Widow. Oct. 15. |
16/10/1753 | Clarissa, wife to John Coam, of Balkholme. Oct. 16. |
18/10/1753 | John Coggrave, of Howden. Oct. 18. |
02/11/1753 | John Beilby, of Willitoft. Nov. 2. |
06/11/1753 | Sarah Smith's dau : of Howden Dike. Nov. 6. |
09/11/1753 | Robert Maskel, of Howden, Shoemaker. Nov. 9. |
26/11/1753 | George Blanshard, of Howden. Nov. 26. |
05/12/1753 | Robert, son to Nicholas Bradley, of Yoakfleet. Dec. 5. |
05/12/1753 | James, son to Wm. Nicholson, of Howden Dike. Dec. 5. |
07/12/1753 | Ann, D. to John Pears, of Howden. Dec. 7. |
18/12/1753 | Mark, son of John Fenton, of Laxton. Dec. 18. |
1754 | |
03/01/1754 | Thos. son to John Kelsey, of East Linton. Jan. 3. |
07/01/1754 | Thos. son to John Bullas, of Howden. Jan. 7. |
18/01/1754 | Wm. Layborn, of Laxton. Jan. 18. |
26/01/1754 | Philip Bell, a Mendicant. Jan. 26. |
15/02/1754 | Benjamin Young, of York. Feb. 15. |
17/02/1754 | Jane Sydes, of Saltmarsh, Widow. Feb. 17. |
18/02/1754 | Rose Coggrave, of Howden. Feb. 18. |
24/02/1754 | Ann, wife to Robert Bouthby, of Howden. Feb. 24. |
03/03/1754 | John, son to Mr. Matthew Maslen, of Howden. Mar. 3. |
05/03/1754 | Robert, son to John Flecher, of Howden. Mar. 5. |
11/03/1754 | Mary, wife to The Bradley, of Howden. Mar. 11. |
16/03/1754 | Hannah, D. to Richard Ellison, of Booth. Mar. 16. |
01/04/1754 | Mary Burton, of Howden, widow. Apr. 1. |
03/04/1754 | Wm. Sharp, of Barmby. Apr. 3. |
30/04/1754 | Susannah Brown, of Barmby. Apr. 30. |
06/05/1754 | John Wadsworth, of Knedlington. May 6. |
13/05/1754 | Mary Dixon, of Howden. May 13. |
29/05/1754 | Will : son to Wm. Man, of Howden. May 29. |
02/06/1754 | Ryall Welbourn, widow. June 2. |
10/06/1754 | John Walls, of Howden. June 10. |
15/06/1754 | Richard Hall, of Barmby. June 15. |
23/06/1754 | Alice Sharp, of Barmby. June 23. |
28/06/1754 | Jane Lee, of Saltmarsh. June 28. |
20/07/1754 | Thos. son to Thos. Higgin, of Belby. July 20. |
26/07/1754 | George Tayler, of Knedlington. July 26. |
11/08/1754 | Thomas, son to Wm. Relph, of Barmby. Aug. 11. |
12/08/1754 | Wm. son to Stephen Selly. Aug. 12. |
21/08/1754 | Stephen, son to Stephen Selly, of Howden. Aug. 21. |
27/08/1754 | Mr. Robert Mawson, of Cotness. Aug. 27. |
02/09/1754 | Ann Hodgson, of Knedlington. Sept. 2. |
02/09/1754 | Nicholas, son of Nicholas English, of Howden. Sept. 2. |
03/09/1754 | Jane, wife to John Sadler, of Howden. Sept. 3. |
07/09/1754 | Ann, D. to Thos. Slack, of Knedlington. Sept. 7. |
08/09/1754 | Alice, wife to John Hudson, Howden. Sept. 8. |
10/09/1754 | Mary, wife of George Moor, of Saltmarsh. Sept. 10. |
01/09/1754 | Grace, D. to Thos. Slack, of Knedlington. Sept. 1o. |
14/09/1754 | Hannah, D. to Sam : Cottam, of Howden. Sept. 14. |
17/09/1754 | John Smeaton, of Scarborough. Sept. 17. |
19/09/1754 | Esther, wife of John Peers, of Howden. Sept. 19. |
25/09/1754 | James, son to Peter Tune, of Howden. Sept. 25. |
27/09/1754 | John Cade, of Asselby, Husbandman. Sept. 27. |
11/10/1754 | Jane, D. to Wm. Cobb, of Asselby. Oct. 11. |
18/10/1754 | Wm. son to Thos. Batty, of Asselby. Oct. 18. |
22/10/1754 | Emanuel Nutbrown, of Howden. Oct. 22. |
26/10/1754 | Robert, son to George Corner, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 26. |
28/10/1754 | Wm., son to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Oct. 28. |
29/10/1754 | Margaret Laybourn, of Laxton. Oct. 29. |
15/11/1754 | Ann, wife to John Pullen. Nov. 15. |
18/11/1754 | Samuel Dunn, Tanner. Nov. 18. |
19/11/1754 | Thos. Turner, Asselby or Barmby. Nov. 19. |
21/11/1754 | Sarah, D. to John Good, of Howden Dyke. Nov. 21. |
29/11/1754 | Wm. Jackson, of Laxton. Nov. 29. |
05/12/1754 | Thos. son to Wm. Nicholson, of Howden dyke. Dec. 5. |
11/12/1754 | Elisabeth, wife to M. Abram Haigh, of Asselby. Dec. 11. |
11/12/1754 | Sarah Marsh, of Howden. Dec. 11. |
23/12/1754 | Wm Godmond, of Howden. Dec. 23. |
1755 | |
06/01/1755 | Eliz., D. to Thos. Brownbridge, of Newland. Jan. 6. |
07/01/1755 | Saml. son to Richard Thomlison. Jan. 7. |
13/01/1755 | Sarah, wife to John Green, of Howden. Jan. 13. |
13/01/1755 | Eliz : D. of John Cudwith, of Yoakfleet. Jan. 13. |
14/01/1755 | Ann, wife of Jonas Tyson, of Barmby. Jan. 14. |
17/01/1755 | Ann, D. of Sarah Sharp, of Yoakfleet. Jan. 17. |
20/01/1755 | Richd. son to Richard Tomlison, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 20. |
26/01/1755 | John, son to John Brown, of Howden. Jan. 26. |
27/01/1755 | Jane Tayler, of Skelton, widow. Jan. 27. |
31/01/1755 | Mary, wife of John Pearch, of Asselby. Jan. 31. |
12/02/1755 | Eliz., wife of John Burton, Barmby. Feb. 12. |
13/02/1755 | George Tutin, of Yoakfleet. Feb. 13. |
13/02/1755 | John Barber, of Howden. Feb. 13. |
14/02/1755 | Ann, wife to Abram Bland, Howden. Feb. 14. |
15/02/1755 | Joseph Brooks, a poor Boy. Feb. 15. |
17/02/1755 | Thos. son to Thos. Batty, of Asselby. Feb. 17. |
17/03/1755 | Wm. Peers, of Howden. Mar. 17. |
23/03/1755 | Mary Todd, of Howden. Mar. 23. |
24/03/1755 | Mary, D. to Thomas Torton, of Barmby. Mar. 24. |
28/03/1755 | Wm. son to Richard Ward, of Howden Dyke. Mar. 28. |
21/04/1755 | Jane Wilson, of Asselby, widow. Apr. 21. |
28/04/1755 | John Portwith, of Yoakfleet, Labourer. Apr. 28. |
28/04/1755 | Richard Blackburne, of Asselby. Apr. 28. |
06/05/1755 | Richard Hindesley, of Howden, grocer. May 6. |
07/05/1755 | Hannah, dau to Thos. Pennington, of Barmby. May 7. |
11/05/1755 | Robert, son to Alice Ager, of Balkholm. May 11. |
11/05/1755 | Elis : Blackburne, of Asselby, widow. May 11. |
13/05/1755 | Joseph Cass, of Barmby. May 13. |
16/05/1755 | Margt Smart, of Kilpin. May 16. |
20/05/1755 | Rosamond, D. to Richard Hembrough, of Howden. May 20. |
24/05/1755 | Elliner Stainforth, of Howden, widow. May 24. |
25/05/1755 | Elisabeth, D. to Richard Hembrough, of Howden. May 25. |
29/05/1755 | Fairburne Bland, of Howden, Soldier. May 29. |
03/06/1755 | Richard, son to Richard English, of Howden. June 3. |
04/06/1755 | Elisabeth Benson, of Howden, widow. June 4. |
06/06/1755 | Richard Bellow, of Kilpin. June 6. |
12/06/1755 | Henry, son to Richard Hindesley, of Howden. June 12. |
15/06/1755 | Joseph, son to Joseph Moor, of Yoakfleet. June 15. |
24/06/1755 | Ann, D. to John Brown, of Barmby. June 24. |
24/06/1755 | Ann, D. to Richard Levitt, of Skelton. June 24. |
14/07/1755 | Matthew, son to Matthew Smith, of Howden. July 14. |
14/07/1755 | James, son to John Cade, of Asselby. July 14. |
21/07/1755 | Rebecka, wife to John Brown, of Barmby. July 21. |
28/07/1755 | Elisabeth, wife to Mr. Edward Nixon, of Howden. July 28. |
01/08/1755 | George Farret, of Howden. Aug. 1. |
05/09/1755 | Ann, wife to MT Robert Sutton, of Howden. Sept. 5. |
08/09/1755 | Ann, D. to Benjamin Underwood, of Barmby. Sept. 8. |
25/09/1755 | Mary, D. to Robert Fielder, of Howden. Sept. 25. |
15/10/1755 | Samuel Newmarch, of Howden. Oct. 15. |
22/10/1755 | Jonathan, son to George Corner, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 22. |
27/10/1755 | Ann, dau : to William Laverick, Howden. Oct. 27. |
31/10/1755 | John Ward, of Howden, Sailor. Oct. 31. |
02/11/1755 | Ann, wife to John Coan, of Yokefleet. Nov. 2. |
02/11/1755 | Alice, wife to Charles Fletcher, of Asselby. Nov. 2. |
03/11/1755 | Jane, D. to John Johnson, of Asselby. Nov. 3. |
08/11/1755 | Rufford, son to Robert Fetherby, of Howden. Nov. 8. |
12/11/1755 | Mary, D. to Jonathan Spink, of Howden. Nov. 12. |
23/11/1755 | Mary, D. to John Bullace, of Howden. Nov. 23. |
30/11/1755 | Mary Brown, of Howden, Widow. Nov. 30. |
21/12/1755 | William Stephenson, of Kilpin. Dec. 21. |
28/12/1755 | Thomas Pickard, of Barmby. Dec. 28. |
29/12/1755 | Frances Hall, of Belby, widow. Dec. 29. |
1756 | |
07/01/1756 | John, son to John Fish, of Balkholme. Jan. 7. |
08/01/1756 | John Chapman, of Skelton. Jan. 8. |
08/01/1756 | Mary, D. to William Rusholme, of Howden. Jan. 8. |
09/01/1756 | Henry Smith, of Thorp, Servant. Jan. 9. |
09/01/1756 | Thos. Leek, of Howden, Servant. Jan. 9. |
05/02/1756 | Charles, son to George Lion, of Balkholme. Feb. 5. |
06/02/1756 | Richd., son to Richd. Watson, of Barmby. Feb. 6. |
21/02/1756 | Margt. English, of Howden, widow. Feb. 21. |
24/02/1756 | William, son to Wm. Keader, of Kilpin. Feb. 24. |
21/03/1756 | Martha, D. to Joseph Cass, of Barmby. Mar. 21. |
27/03/1756 | Robert Faram, of Howden, Labourer. Mar. 27. |
28/03/1756 | Wm. Rowland, of Howden, Husbandman. Mar. 28. |
10/04/1756 | Hannah Richardson, of Howden, widow. Apr. 10. |
11/04/1756 | Mary, wife to Francis Wheldrake, of Balkholme. Apr. 11. |
16/04/1756 | Sarah Robinson, of Howden. Apr. 16. |
18/04/1756 | Hannah Stones, of Thorp legitt. Apr. 18. |
26/04/1756 | Charles, son to Charles Taylor, Skelton. Apr. 26. |
09/05/1756 | Mary, wife to Thos. Powels, Barmby. May 9. |
16/05/1756 | George Carr, of Yoakfleet. May 16. |
26/05/1756 | Zachariah Burton, of Kilpin. May 26. |
28/05/1756 | Joseph Sargison, of Yokefleet. May 28. |
13/06/1756 | George, son to John Wilson, of Howden. June 13. |
17/06/1756 | Thos. Dixon, of Laxton, Husbandman. June 17. |
21/06/1756 | William Rowland, of Howden. June 21. |
25/06/1756 | Sutheron Millington, of Howden. June 25. |
01/07/1756 | Amelia, D. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden. July 1. |
12/07/1756 | Martha, D. to James Peers, of Belby. July 12. |
15/07/1756 | Elisabeth, wife to Joseph Wilson, Barmby. July 15. |
15/08/1756 | John, son to James Savage, of Howden. Aug. 15. |
04/09/1756 | Richard Moat, of Yokefleet. Sept. 4. |
05/09/1756 | Jane Mitchel, of Belby, spinster. Sept. 5. |
05/09/1756 | Thos. Kell, of Knedlington. Sept. 5. |
10/09/1756 | Ann, D. to John Brown, of Balkholm. Sept. 10. |
07/11/1756 | Thos. Stephenson, of Saltmarsh. Nov. 7. |
08/11/1756 | Elis : Biggin, of Howden, widow. Nov. 8. |
17/11/1756 | Joseph, son to Joseph Wilson, of Barmby. Nov. 17. |
22/11/1756 | Wm. son to Widow Stephenson, Salt : Nov. 22. |
24/11/1756 | Thos. son to Thos. White, of Barmby. Nov. 24. |
03/12/1756 | Thomas Bacchus, of Laxton. Dec. 3. |
07/12/1756 | Richard, son to Rich. Stadder, of Carrhouse. Dec. 7. |
13/12/1756 | Thos. Field, of Howden, Tayler. Dec. 13. |
15/12/1756 | Mary, wife to Thos. Drury, of Thorp. Dec. 15. |
26/12/1756 | Joseph, son to Thos. Turton, of Barmby. Dec. 26. |
26/12/1756 | Robert, son to James Savage, of Howden. Dec. 26. |
1757 | |
09/01/1757 | Amelia, Dau : to Benjamin Perrot, of Skelton. Jan. 9. |
10/01/1757 | Ellin, wife to William Newlove, of Asselby. Jan. 10. |
06/02/1757 | Mary Hodgson, of Howden. Feb. 6. |
17/02/1757 | John, son to Thos. Waterhouse, of Barmby. Feb. 17. |
15/02/1757 | Martin, son to David Long, of Yoakfleet. Feb. 15. |
17/02/1757 | William, son to Thos. Wood, of Skelton. Feb. 17. |
11/03/1757 | Elisabeth, wife to John Pearch, of Asselby. Mar. 11. |
13/03/1757 | John, son to John Pearch, of Asselby. Mar. 13. |
17/03/1757 | Mary, wife to Charles Taylor, of Skelton. Mar. 17. |
18/03/1757 | Joseph, son to John Pearson, of Asselby. Mar. 18. |
02/04/1757 | William, son to Richard Levitt, of Skelton. Apr. 2. |
09/04/1757 | Mr. Thos. Eskrick, of Howden. Apr. 9. |
12/05/1757 | Margaret, D. to Mrs. ...... Wordsworth, of Howden. May 12. |
17/05/1757 | Leonard Thorp, of Howden. May 17. |
20/05/1757 | Amor Eccles, of Skelton, Labourer. May 20. |
27/05/1757 | Matthew Belt, of Howden, Husbandman. May 27. |
11/06/1757 | Ann, D. to John Bullas, of Howden. June 11. |
16/06/1757 | Benjamin Dowson, of Kilpin. June 16. |
17/06/1757 | Jane, D. to Joseph Jewitt, of How-den. June 17. |
24/06/1757 | Catherine, wife to Martin Stonely, of Asselby. June 24. |
25/06/1757 | Ann, D. to William Rawson, of Howden Dyke. June 25. |
02/07/1757 | John Coats, of Sparrington outsides. July 2. |
03/07/1757 | William Bell, of Barmby, Miller. July 3. |
04/07/1757 | Abram, son to John Winle, of Asselby. July 4. |
09/07/1757 | Ann, dau : to Thos. Harrison, of Barmby. July 9. |
27/07/1757 | John Singleton, of Asselby. July 27. |
10/08/1757 | Richard Ward, of Howden Dyke. Aug. 10. |
13/08/1757 | Mary Brown, of Barmby. Aug. 13. |
03/09/1757 | Sarah, wife to Leonard Branton, of Barmby. Sept. 3. |
13/09/1757 | Mary, D. to Sarah Bentley, of Yokefleet. Sept. 13. |
16/09/1757 | Judith, wife to Matthew Mennel, of Howden. Sept. 16. |
15/10/1757 | M. Robert Sutton, of Howden. Oct. 15. |
15/10/1757 | Ruth, wife to Edward Vause, of Howden Junr. Oct. 15. |
25/11/1757 | Peter Waterhouse, of Howden, Servt. Nov. 25. |
1758 | |
01/01/1758 | Elizabeth Tayler, of Howden. Jan. 1. |
01/01/1758 | Robert Jackson, of Howden, Shoemaker. Jan. 1. |
03/01/1758 | John, son to Thos. Burton, of Howden. Jan. 3. |
04/01/1758 | Thomas, son to Edward Vause, of Howden. Jan. 4. |
05/01/1758 | Mary, dau : to Thos. Perrot, of Yokefleet. Jan. 5. |
05/01/1758 | William Winter, of Asselby, Husbandman. Jan. 5. |
17/01/1758 | George Empson, of Balkholme. Jan. 17. |
12/02/1758 | Elizabeth, wife to Thos. Volance, of Barmby. Feb. 12. |
28/02/1758 | Sarah Bland, of Howden. Feb. 28. |
10/03/1758 | Mary Lyon, of Howden, widow, paupr. Mar. 10. |
12/03/1758 | William, son to John Briggs, of Skelton. Mar. 12. |
17/03/1758 | Elizabeth, Dau : to John Green, of Howden. Mar. 17. |
18/03/1758 | John, son to John Martindale, of Barmby. Mar. 18. |
01/04/1758 | John Brown, of Barmby. Apr. 1. |
02/04/1758 | Hannah & Mary, Daus. to German Gilliot, of Howden. Apr. 2. |
08/04/1758 | Samul. Adams, of Howden Dyke. Apr. 8. |
15/04/1758 | John Vollence, of Howden. Apr. 15. |
22/04/1758 | Ann, dau : to Richard Olmley, of Balkholm. Apr. 22. |
25/04/1758 | Mary Perrot, of Howden, widow. Apr. 25. |
07/05/1758 | Elizabeth Bell, of Barmby. May 7. |
19/05/1758 | William Newlove, of Asselby. May 19. |
29/05/1758 | William, son to George Craven, of Yokfleet. May 29. |
02/06/1758 | Dorathy Simpson, of Knedlington. June 2. |
05/06/1758 | Frances, wife to Richard Day, of Barmby. June 5. |
25/06/1758 | Thomas Stainforth, of Barmby. June 25. |
30/06/1758 | Francis Kirkhouse, of Howden. June 30. |
30/07/1758 | William Headon, of Kilpin. July 30. |
05/08/1758 | Jane, dau : to William Andrew, of Barmby. Aug. 5. |
06/08/1758 | Mary Jewitt, of Saltmarsh, wife to Simon Jewitt. Aug. 6. |
07/08/1758 | Sarah, dau : to William Roddil, of Howden. Aug. 7. |
09/08/1758 | Mary, wife to John Jackson, of Kilpin. Aug. 9. |
14/08/1758 | John Silverwood, of Drax. Aug. 14. |
15/08/1758 | Mary, wife to Edward Vause, of Howden. Aug. 15. |
02/09/1758 | Mary Eland, of Barnil Hall, widow. Sept. 2. |
12/09/1758 | Mary, dau : to Miles Pinder, of Howden. Sept. 12. |
17/09/1758 | Mark, son to Richard Olmley, of Balkholm. Sept. 17. |
17/09/1758 | Mary, D. to William Lazenby, of Howden. Sept. 17. |
11/10/1758 | Ann, D. to Mary Laidman, of Howden. Oct. 11. |
23/10/1758 | Elizabeth, wife to David Pearson, of Asselby. Oct. 23. |
24/10/1758 | Ellin Lamb, of Knedlington. Oct. 24. |
24/10/1758 | William, son to William Leaper, of Kilpin. Oct. 24. |
27/10/1758 | Rebekah, D. to Paul Pickhaver, of Barmby. Oct. 27. |
04/11/1758 | Ann, wife to Robert Johnson, of Asselby. Nov. 4. |
26/11/1758 | Elizabeth Walker, of Howden. Nov. 26. |
01/12/1758 | William, son to John Torton, of Barmby. Dec. 1. |
06/12/1758 | John Torton, of Barmby. Dec. 6. |
10/12/1758 | Edward Westoby, of Saltmarsh. Dec. 10. |
10/12/1758 | William Snarr, of Skelton. Dec. 10. |
11/12/1758 | Dorathy, wife to John Jackson, of Howden. Dec. 11. |
11/12/1758 | Elizabeth, wife to John Hogg, of Howden. Dec. 11. |
16/12/1758 | William Starin, of Hull. Dec. 16. |
19/12/1758 | Elizabeth, wife to Edward Day, of Howden. Dec. 19. |
24/12/1758 | William, son to Richard Green, of Newland. Dec. 24. |
1759 | |
04/01/1759 | Elizabeth Lowther, of Howden. Jan. 4. |
05/01/1759 | William, son to William Nicholson, of Howden Dyke. Jan. 5. |
10/01/1759 | Thomas, son to William Singleton, of Asselby. Jan. 10. |
16/01/1759 | Elizabeth Pickhaver, of Howden. Jan. 16. |
31/01/1759 | Mrs. Ann Norse, of Staddlethorpe. Jan 31. |
07/02/1759 | Mary Nutbrown, of Howden. Feb. 7. |
11/02/1759 | Matthew, son to Thomas Alcock, of Howden. Feb. 11. |
21/02/1759 | Simon Ayre, of Howden. Feb. 21. |
07/03/1759 | Mary, wife to John. Jackson, of Howden, Desine. Mar. 7. |
27/03/1759 | Hannah, wife to Gervas Copley, of Bellasides. Mar. 27. |
28/03/1759 | William Maskal, of Howden. Mar. 28. |
02/04/1759 | Easther Nutbrown, of Howden. Apr. 2. |
07/04/1759 | Margaret. D. to Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden. Apr. 7. |
12/04/1759 | John Jackson, of Barmby. Apr. 12. |
16/04/1759 | Mary, D. to John Tyas, of Howden. Apr. 16. |
17/04/1759 | Ann, D. to George Torton, of Yokefleet. Apr. 17. |
18/04/1759 | George, son to Thomas Ayre, of Kilpin. Apr. 18. |
??/??/1759 | (blank), son to Mr. Young of Yokefleet. |
08/05/1759 | Alice, wife to Thomas Marshal, of Belby. May 8. |
10/05/1759 | Ann, wife to Simpson Colt, of Redness. May 10. |
11/05/1759 | Catherine, wife to John Leighton, of Skelton. May 11. |
08/06/1759 | Elizabeth, wife to Robert Parrot, of Yokefleet. June 8. |
20/06/1759 | Thomas Waterhouse, of Howden. June 20. |
24/06/1759 | Margaret, wife to Richard Almley, of Balkholme. June 24. |
04/07/1759 | Mary, D. to Thomas Bradley, of Howden. July 4. |
05/07/1759 | Jane, D. to William Doughty, of Howden. July 5. |
03/08/1759 | Hannah, wife to Thos. Wilcock, of Howden. Aug. 3. |
17/08/1759 | Mary, wife to George Hatfield, of Laxton. Aug. 17. |
30/08/1759 | Hannah, D. to George Hatfield, of Laxton. Aug. 30. |
31/08/1759 | Hannah, D. to James York, of Howden. Aug. 31. |
05/09/1759 | Hannah, Nicholson, of Howden, widow. Sept. 5. |
23/09/1759 | Hannah, D. to Thomas Wilcock, of Howden. Sept. 23. |
03/10/1759 | Thomas, son to Charles Tayler, of Skelton. Oct. 3. |
05/10/1759 | Thomas Brownbridge, of Balkholme. Oct. 5. |
07/10/1759 | James Lindsdale, of Howden, Cooper. Oct. 7. |
11/10/1759 | John Briggs, of Howden, Tayler. Oct. 11. |
24/10/1759 | William Gott, of Knedlington, Husbandman. Oct. 24. |
08/11/1759 | Robert Brown, of Barmby, Blacksmith. Nov. 8. |
11/12/1759 | Ellin Goodall, of Howden, widow. Dec. 11. |
27/12/1759 | Wm. son to John Thompson, of Howden. Dec. 27. |
1760 | |
13/01/1760 | Clare, D. to Richard Bainton, of Howden. Jan. 13. |
17/01/1760 | Wm. Hood, of Howden, Butcher. Jan. 17. |
20/01/1760 | Robert, son to Robert Wilson, of Barmby. Jan. 20. |
20/01/1760 | Anna Maria, Wife to Dr. Joshua Dunn, Howden. Jan. 20. |
24/01/1760 | Hannah, D. to James Bilbrough, of Belby. Jan. 24. |
24/02/1760 | John Smith, of Newland, Husbandman. Feb. 24. |
25/02/1760 | Sarah Tomlison, of Rainsbitt, Widow. Feb. 25. |
05/03/1760 | Wm. Glew, of Howden, Labourer. Mar. 5. |
08/04/1760 | Francis, son to Quintan Snarr, Balkholme. Apr. 8. |
29/04/1760 | Thomas, son to Thomas Cook, Asselby. Apr. 29. |
29/04/1760 | Hannah, D. to John Ayre, of Howden. Apr. 29. |
02/05/1760 | John Audas, of Booth. May 2. |
12/05/1760 | John, son to William Palmer, of Howden. May 12. |
14/05/1760 | Leonard, son to Richard Drew, of Howden. May 14. |
02/06/1760 | Margaret Brown, of Wressel. June 2. |
11/06/1760 | William Miller, of Beverley. June 11. |
23/06/1760 | Mary, wife to John Thompson, of Howden. June 23. |
11/07/1760 | John, son to John Roberts, of Laxton. July 11. |
14/07/1760 | John Kell, Traveller. July 14. |
18/07/1760 | Mary Dowson, of Howden. July 18. |
03/08/1760 | Elizabeth Ashton, of Howden, widow. Aug. 3. |
07/08/1760 | Robert, son to Robert Leaper, of Barmby. Aug. 7, |
11/09/1760 | Margaret, Dau : to John Singleton, of Asselby. 7ber. 11. |
18/09/1760 | Ann, wife to Jacob Richardson, of Howden. 7ber. 18. |
28/09/1760 | Mary Copley, of Skelton, widow. 7ber. 28. |
30/09/1760 | Mary Overend, of Balkholme, widow. 7ber., 30. |
19/10/1760 | Robert, son to Richard Johnson, of Belby. 8ber. 19. |
27/10/1760 | Mary Robinson, of Howden, widow. 8ber. 27. |
04/11/1760 | Mary, wife to Thos. Coam, of Kilpin. 9ber. 4. |
05/11/1760 | Sarah, D. to Abraham Holmes, of Yokefleet. 9ber. 5. |
10/12/1760 | Mary, D. to George Blanshard, of Yokefleet. 10ber. 9. |
10/12/1760 | George Baxter, a Traveller. 10ber. 21. |
10/12/1760 | Jane, wife to Henry Bell, of Spaldington. 10ber. 26. |
10/12/1760 | Deborah Waterhouse, of Howden, widow. 10ber. 26. |
10/12/1760 | Joseph, son to William Cobb, of Asselby. 10ber. 29 |
1761 | |
05/01/1761 | Martha Batman, of Howden, widow. Jan. 5. |
27/01/1761 | Mary, wife to Robert Snarr, of Skelton. Jan. 27. |
30/01/1761 | Jewitt, son to John Laverick, of Balkholme. Jan. 30. |
15/02/1761 | Thomas, son to Robert Snarr, of Skelton. Feb. 15. |
17/02/1761 | Susanna, wife to Henry Shepherd, of Howden. Feb. 17. |
22/02/1761 | Mary, wife to Joseph Harrison, of Barmby Junr. Feb. 22. |
25/02/1761 | Sarah, dau : to Richard Hall, of Barmby. Feb. 25. |
03/03/1761 | Grace, wife to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Mar. 3. |
07/03/1761 | John Fernley, of Howden. Mar. 7. |
07/03/1761 | Dorothy Dunn, of Howden, widow. Mar. 7. |
17/03/1761 | Mary, D. to John Roberts, of Laxton. Mar. 17. |
01/04/1761 | Ellin Hunter, of Howden. Apr. 1. |
09/04/1761 | Margaret Wand, of Howden, widow. Apr. 9. |
21/04/1761 | Thomas, son to Edward Jewitt, of Balkholme. Apr. 21. |
24/05/1761 | Ann, wife to John Ellothorp, of Asselby. May 24. |
26/05/1761 | Joseph, son to John Batty, of Newland. May 26. |
30/05/1761 | Elizabeth Edwards, of Howden, widow. May 30. |
31/05/1761 | Gabriel Whitaker, of Howden. May 31. |
31/05/1761 | Samuel Tate, of Howden. May 31. |
01/07/1761 | Jane, wife to Henry Bell the younger, of Spaldington. July 1. |
06/07/1761 | Elizabeth, dau : to John Claybourne, Howden. July 6. |
26/07/1761 | James York, of Howden, Farrier and Blacksmith. July 26. |
01/08/1761 | Mary, wife to Robert Taylor, Skelton. Aug. 1. |
10/08/1761 | Susannah, dau : to Robert Dunn, Howden. Aug. 10. |
26/08/1761 | Athorpe, son to Robert Dunn, Howden. Aug. 26. |
27/08/1761 | Jane, dau : to Robert Perrot, Yokefleet. Aug. 27. |
17/09/1761 | Elisabeth, Dau. to William Ellinworth, Howden. Sept. 17. |
18/09/1761 | Edward, son to Dorothy Dent, Yokefleet. Sept. 18. |
19/09/1761 | Mary, wife to Robert Dean, of Barmbv. Sept. 19. |
23/09/1761 | Margaret Tate, of Howden, widow. Sept. 23. |
09/10/1761 | Franses, Dau : to Mr. John Danser, Howden. Oct. 9. |
27/10/1761 | Mary, wife to Martin Bilbrough, Howdendike. Oct. 27. |
28/10/1761 | John, son to William Winter, Asselby. Oct. 28. |
28/10/1761 | Edward Swan, of Laxton, Labourer. Oct. 28. |
05/11/1761 | Thomas Batty, of Asselby. Nov. 5. |
09/11/1761 | Sarah, dau : to Samuel Green, Barmby. Nov. 9. |
26/11/1761 | Robert Nixon, a stranger. Nov. 26. |
26/11/1761 | Rebekah, wife to Edward Tiplady, Howden. Nov. 26. |
30/11/1761 | Betty, D. to Jonathan Spink, Howden Dyke. Nov. 30. |
25/12/1761 | Amor, son to Amor Duckles, Yokefleet. Dec. 25. |
30/12/1761 | Alice, wife to James Empson, Balkholme. Dec. 30. |
1762 | |
11/01/1762 | Thomas, son to Thomas Brown, of Yokefleet. Jan. 11. |
13/01/1762 | Susannah, D. to Joshua Dunn, of Howden. Jan. 13. |
16/01/1762 | Sarah, dau : to William Kirtison, Howden. Jan. 16. |
17/01/1762 | Jane, wife to Edward Burton, of Newland. Jan. 17. |
24/01/1762 | John Robinson, of Barmby. Jan. 24. |
28/01/1762 | A stranger, drowned. Jan. 28. |
17/02/1762 | William, son to John Green, of Newland. Feb. 17. |
27/02/1762 | John, son to John Whiteley, of Laxton. Feb. 27. |
27/02/1762 | Mrs. Elisabeth Threlkeld, of Howden, widow. Feb. 27. |
02/03/1762 | Jacob Maslen, of Saltmarshe, Miller. Mar. 2. |
05/03/1762 | Mary, Dau : to Sarah Richardson, of Howden. Mar. 5. |
10/03/1762 | Martha, Dau : to John Thompson, Howden. Mar. 10. |
15/03/1762 | Elisabeth, Dau : to William Cliff, Howden. Mar. 15. |
25/03/1762 | Richard Waterhouse, of Barmby. Mar. 25. |
28/03/1762 | Grace Watson, of Balkholme. Mar. 28. |
31/03/1762 | John Drinkall, of Howden, Butcher. Mar. 31. |
03/04/1762 | John, son to Thomas Gray, of Howden. Apr. 3. |
09/04/1762 | MN. Margaret Turnill, of Howden. Apr. 9. |
09/04/1762 | Thomas, son to Thomas Gray, Howden. Apr. 9. |
18/04/1762 | Robert, son to Robert Leaper, of Barmby. Apr. 18. |
18/04/1762 | Miles, son to Miles Pinder, of Howden. Apr. 18. |
23/04/1762 | Ellin Arnil, of Thorp Legit, widow. Apr. 23. |
23/04/1762 | Barbara, wife to John Robinson, Howden. Apr. 23. |
01/05/1762 | Sarah, wife to Edward Throssle, of Yokefleet. May 1, |
05/05/1762 | Richard Fearn, of Howden. May 5. |
27/05/1762 | Jane, wife to John Hardy, of Kilpin. May 27. |
28/05/1762 | Alice, dau : to Thomas Frear, of Howden. May 28. |
11/06/1762 | Elizabeth Taylor, of Barmby. June 11. |
21/06/1762 | William English, of Barmby. June 21. |
14/07/1762 | Mary, wife to John Pickard, Barmby. July 14. |
15/07/1762 | Mary, wife to John Ramsey, of Booth. July 15. |
18/07/1762 | William, son to William Winter, Knedlington. July 18. |
22/07/1762 | Mary, dau : to George Pickhaver, Howden. July 22. |
22/07/1762 | Mary, dau : to Richard Conneyworth, Howden. July 22. |
04/08/1762 | Sarah, dau : to George Pickhaver, Howden. Aug. 4. |
06/08/1762 | Ann Wadsworth, of Knedlington. Aug. 6. |
09/08/1762 | Alice, wife of Richard Laycock, Howden. Aug. 9. |
17/08/1762 | Mary, D. to William Nicholson, of Booth. Aug. 17. |
30/08/1762 | Mary Harrison, of Barmby. Aug. 30. |
31/08/1762 | Benjamin, son of John Fell, Skelton. Aug. 31. |
02/09/1762 | Ann, wife to Thomas Perrot, Yokefleet. Sept. 2. |
07/09/1762 | Jonathan Moor, of Howden. Sept. 7. |
28/09/1762 | Ann, Dau : to John Stadder, of Saltmarsh. Sept. 28. |
05/10/1762 | William, son to Thomas Thompson, Kilpin. Oct. 5. |
06/10/1762 | Ann, D. to John Thompson, Knedlington. Oct. 6. |
21/10/1762 | Elisabeth, wife of James Tune, Howden. Oct. 21. |
22/10/1762 | Dorathy Foreshore, of Skelton. Oct. 22. |
23/10/1762 | John, son to John Kelsey, of Newland. Oct. 23. |
25/10/1762 | Hannah, dau : to Richard Stork, of Howden. Oct. 25. |
16/10/1762 | Edward Pinder, of Laxton. Oct. 16. |
02/11/1762 | John, son to Robert Johnson, of Kilpin. Nov. 2. |
03/11/1762 | Mary Cass, of Barmby. Nov. 3. |
07/11/1762 | Mary English, of Skelton. Nov. 7. |
15/11/1762 | William, son to John Thompson, of Howden. Nov. 15. |
23/11/1762 | Alice, dau : to Benjamin Hill, of Yokefleet. Nov. 23. |
12/12/1762 | John Watkinson, of Cotness. Dec. 12. |
05/12/1762 | Ann, D. to Mary Easengwold, of Knedlington. Dec. 5. |
20/12/1762 | Ann Belshaw, of Howden, widow. Dec. 20. |
23/12/1762 | Hannah, D. to Robert Foreshore, Howden. Dec. 23. |
1763 | |
07/01/1763 | Francis Wheldrake, of Balkholme. Jan. 7. |
08/01/1763 | Thomas Harrinson, of Barmby. Jan. 8. |
08/01/1763 | William Blythe, of Asselby. Jan. 8. |
15/01/1763 | Hannah, wife to John Dalby, of Skelton. Jan. 15. |
20/01/1763 | Mary Gott, of Knedlington, widow. Jan. 20. |
20/01/1763 | Thomas Ellis, of Barmby. Jan. 20. |
10/02/1763 | John, son to John Brittain, of Barmby. Feb. 10. |
27/02/1763 | Mary, wife to John Underwood, of Barmby. Feb. 27. |
27/02/1763 | Dorothy, wife to Christopher Glew, of Howden. Feb. 27 |
22/03/1763 | Edward Breweter, of Belby. Mar. 22. |
28/03/1763 | Sarah Brown, spinster, of Barnby. Mar. 28. |
30/03/1763 | James Empson, of Faxfleet. Mar. 30. |
06/04/1763 | Charles Cowlam. Senr, of Howden. Apr. 6. |
10/04/1763 | Ann Nurser, of Barnby. Apr. 10. |
11/04/1763 | John, son of Charles Fletcher, of Asselby. Apr. 11. |
18/04/1763 | Jane Cass, of Barnby, widow. Apr. 18. |
23/04/1763 | James Boynton, of Howden. Apr. 23. |
01/05/1763 | George, son to Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden. May 1. |
03/05/1763 | Edward, son to William Doughty, of Howden. May 3. |
09/05/1763 | Elizabeth, wife to William Alcock, of Howden. May 9. |
23/05/1763 | William, son to Rebecca Tate, of Howden. May 23. |
09/06/1763 | John, son to Mary White, of Kilpin. June 9. |
10/06/1763 | Miles Pinder, of Howden poor House. June 10. |
14/06/1763 | Mrs. Foljamb, wife to the Rev Mr. Foljamb, dissenting Minister of Howden. June 14. |
01/07/1763 | Edward Vause, Junior, of Howden. July 1. |
07/07/1763 | John, son to Robert Kirk, of Thorpe. July 7. |
09/07/1763 | Hannah, dau : to John Roberts, of Laxton. July 9. |
18/07/1763 | Joseph, son to Mary White, of Kilpin. July 18. |
14/08/1763 | Mary, dau : to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden. Aug. 14. |
17/08/1763 | Ann, wife to Zachariah Burton, of Eastrington. Aug. 17. |
25/08/1763 | Mary, dau : to Thomas Lowther, of Asselby. Aug. 25. |
29/08/1763 | Ann Beane, widow, of Knedlington, poor. Aug. 29. |
01/09/1763 | Thomas Cooke, of Asselbv, Senr. Sept. 1. |
11/09/1763 | Sarah, dau : to William Winter, of Asselby. Sept. 11. |
19/09/1763 | Michael Lockwood, of the Parish of Whitgift. Sept. 19. |
16/10/1763 | Ann, dau : to William Armytage, of Asselby. Oct. 16. |
21/10/1763 | Anna, dau : to Robert Johnson, of Barnby. Oct. 21. |
25/10/1763 | Eleanor, dau : to William Armytage, of Asselby. Oct. 25. |
30/10/1763 | John Hoggs, of Howden, poor. Oct. 30. |
07/11/1763 | Elizabeth Bocock, of Howden, widow. Nov. 7. |
16/11/1763 | Michael Pate, of Howden. Nov. 16. |
18/11/1763 | Mary Harrison, of Howden. Nov. 18. |
27/11/1763 | Martha Broader, of Balkholme, poor. Nov. 27. |
07/12/1763 | Rebecca, wife to William Alcock, of Howden. Dec. 7. |
07/12/1763 | David, son to Jonathan Ellathorp, of Asselby. Dec. 7. |
09/12/1763 | Ann Seal, widow, of Howden poor House. Dec. 9. |
16/12/1763 | Mary, dau : to Joseph Harrison, of Barnby. Dec. 16. |
17/12/1763 | Richard Leng, of Cavil. Dec. 17. |
18/12/1763 | Ann, clan : to Jonathan Ellathorp, of Asselby. Dec. 18. |
28/12/1763 | Thomas Leaper, of Kingston upon Hull, Mariner. Dec. 28. |
28/12/1763 | Stainton, son to Mrs. Benton, Grocer in Howden. Dec. 28. |
31/12/1763 | Ann, Dau : to Robert Rowley, of Howden. Dec. 31. |
1764 | |
08/01/1764 | Thomas Hardy, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 8. |
08/01/1764 | Samuel, son to Robert Sugden, of Howden. Jan. 8. |
17/01/1764 | William, son to John Leek, of Balkholme. Jan. 17. |
19/01/1764 | Mary, wife to Robert Sugden, of Howden. Jan. 19. |
22/01/1764 | William, son to William Piercy, of Asselby. Jan. 22. |
24/01/1764 | Robert Sool, of Skelton. Jan. 24. |
27/01/1764 | Mary, dau : to the late Richard Leng, of Cavil. Jan. 27. |
08/02/1764 | Mrs. Elizabeth Athorpe, of Howden, spinster. Feb. 8. |
19/02/1764 | Eleanor, wife to Emmanuel Jefferson, Esq. of Howden. Feb. 19. |
21/02/1764 | Robert Tindall, of Yokefleet, poor. Feb. 21. |
22/02/1764 | Robert, son to Gervas Copley, of Bellasides. Feb. 22. |
04/03/1764 | Sarah, wife, and Mary, dau : to John Kelsey, of Newland, both in one Coffin. Mar. 4. |
05/03/1764 | Priscilla Lowther, of Howden, Widow. Mar. 5. |
18/03/1764 | Ann, dau : to Mr. John Whitaker, of Howden. Mar. 18. |
29/03/1764 | Charles Fletcher, of Belby. Mar. 29. |
01/04/1764 | Rosamond & Sarah, Dau. to Joseph Copgrave, Howden. Apr. 1. |
04/04/1764 | Sarah, wife to Robert Wilberfoss, of Menthorp. Apr. 4. |
06/04/1764 | Ann, wife to John Blanshard, of Howden. Apr. 6. |
06/04/1764 | Stephen Selly, of Howden, Blacksmith. Apr. 6. |
08/04/1764 | Martha, dau : to Robert Foreshore, of Howden. Apr. 8. |
13/04/1764 | Hannah, dau : to Edward Baliah, of Booth. Apr. 13. |
14/04/1764 | Mary, wife to Lewis Jewitt, of Yokefleet. Apr. 14. |
15/04/1764 | Elizabeth, dau : to Robert Good, of Asselby. Apr. 15. |
15/04/1764 | Ann Holt, of Newland, an Orphan, 15 years of age. Apr. 19. |
23/04/1764 | George, son to John Ellis, of Yokefleet. Apr. 23. |
30/04/1764 | Jane, dau : to Thomas Morrit, of Howden. Apr. 30. |
04/05/1764 | Thomas, son to John Good, of Howdendvke. May 4. |
05/05/1764 | William, son to John Holliday, of Howden. May 5. |
06/05/1764 | John Weighton, of Howden. May 6. |
08/05/1764 | Mary, dau : to Joseph Copgrave, of Howden. May 8. |
16/05/1764 | George, son to Richard Russell, of Howden. May 16. |
22/05/1764 | Sarah, dau : to Thomas Dunn, Howden. May 22. |
23/05/1764 | Ann, dau: to Joseph Copgrave, of Howden. May 23. |
28/05/1764 | John, son to Aaron Armytage, of Howden Dyke. May 28. |
29/05/1764 | Thomas, son to Lewis Jewitt, of Yokefleet. May 29. |
29/05/1764 | Catharine, wife to Edward Stainforth, of Howden. May 29. |
30/05/1764 | Mary, dau : to John Headlam, of Howden. May 30. |
31/05/1764 | William, son to Matthew Iveson, of Howden. May 31. |
01/06/1764 | Mary, Dau : to Mabell Aulmley, Howden. June 1. |
04/06/1764 | Mary, wife to William Cook, Parish Clerk, of Howden. June 4 |
05/06/1764 | William, son to Joseph Elcock, of Howden. June 5. |
07/06/1764 | John, son to Samuel Rodwell, of Howden Dyke. June 7. |
09/06/1764 | Thomas, son to Samuel Rodwell, of Howden Dyke. June 9. |
10/06/1764 | John, son to Robert Waud, of Howden. June 10. |
11/06/1764 | Elizabeth, dau: to Samuel Rodwell, of Howden Dyke. June 11. |
14/06/1764 | Benjamin, son to Robert Waud, of Howden. June 14. |
16/06/1764 | John, son to John Alcock, of Howden. June 16. |
20/06/1764 | Isabel, wife to William Lawtie, of Linton. June 20. |
01/07/1764 | Elizabeth, Wife to Richard Tomlinson, of Laxton. July 1. |
03/07/1764 | Mary, dau : to Charles Abba, of Howden. July 3. |
05/07/1764 | Thomas, son to Abraham Rowntree, of Howden. July 5. |
12/07/1764 | Elizabeth, dau : to James Hardy, of Kilpin. July 12. |
18/07/1764 | Lydia, dau : to Ann Boynton, of Howden, widow. July 18. |
18/07/1764 | Sarah Rhodes, of Howden, a poor widow. July 18. |
27/07/1764 | John, son to Ann Story, of Howden. July 27. |
29/07/1764 | Hannah, dau : to Thomas Frear, of Howden. July 29. |
31/07/1764 | John, son to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin. July 31. |
02/09/1764 | Margaret, dau : to Thomas Bradley, of Howden. Sept. 2. |
02/09/1764 | John, son to Thomas Butler, Blacksmith, of Howden. Sept. 2. |
07/09/1764 | Ann, dau : to Corney Gillyot, of Yokefleet. Sept. 7. |
24/09/1764 | Joseph Harrison, Senr. of Barnby. Sept. 24. |
28/09/1764 | Elizabeth Holt, of Skelton, a poor servant. Sept. 28. |
01/10/1764 | Jane, wife to Peter Millington, of Howden. Oct. 1. |
03/10/1764 | John Hogg, of Howden, poor. Oct. 3. |
08/10/1764 | Mary, dau : to William Glew, of Howden. Oct. 8. |
13/10/1764 | Elizabeth, dau : to John Leek, of Balkholme. Oct. 13. |
14/10/1764 | Sarah, dau : to Tho Stainley, of Asselby. Oct. 14. |
21/10/1764 | John, son to John Tyass, of Howden. Oct. 21. |
21/10/1764 | Hannah Gibson, of Bourne, poor. Oct. 21. |
22/10/1764 | Charles, son to John Bell, of Cotness. Oct. 22. |
28/10/1764 | Mary, wife to Mr. Philip Schofield, of Skelton. Oct. 28. |
28/10/1764 | Ann Rainforth, of Howden, a poor widow. Oct. 28. |
30/10/1764 | Mary Lee, of Skelton, a poor orphan. Oct. 30. |
04/11/1764 | Moses, son to Sarah Cass, of Yokefleet. Nov. 4. |
05/11/1764 | Mary Bell, widow, a vagrant belonging to the Parish of Cottingham, near Kingston upon Hull. Nov. 5. |
09/11/1764 | Hannah, dau : to Gervas Copley, of Bellasides. Nov. 9. |
14/11/1764 | Thomas Alcock, of Howden. Nov. 14. |
04/12/1764 | John, son to Thomas Brown, of Knedlington. Dec. 4. |
10/12/1764 | John Underwood, of Barnby. Dec. 10. |
11/12/1764 | Ann Ought, of Skelton, widow. Dec. 11. |
12/12/1764 | Mr. Ralph Nixon, of Howden. Dec. 12. |
14/12/1764 | Sarah, dau. to Sarah Brownbridge, of Balkholme. Dec. 14. |
25/12/1764 | Amelia, dau. to Wm. Doughty, of Howden. Dec. 25. |
31/12/1764 | Thomas Leighton, of Skelton. Dec. 31. |
1765 | |
01/01/1765 | George, son to Samuel Cotton, of Howden. Jan. 1. |
04/01/1765 | Ann, dau. to William Armytage, of Asselby. Jan. 4. |
06/01/1765 | Mr. John Athorpe, of Howden. Jan. 6. |
09/01/1765 | Mary, wife to Thomas Drewry, of Thorpe Ledget. Jan. 9. |
12/01/1765 | Robert, son to Robert Foreshore, of Howden. Jan. 12. |
21/01/1765 | Ann Bacon, of Howden, widow (poor). Jan. 21. |
10/02/1765 | Mary Loadman, of Howden, spinster. Feb. 10. |
17/02/1765 | Deborah Little, a poor servant. Feb. 17. |
18/02/1765 | Hannah, dau. to Richard Green, of Newland. Feb. 18. |
19/02/1765 | Absalom, son to Robert Parrot, of Yokefleet. Feb. 19. |
24/02/1765 | Elizabeth, dau : to Richard Johnson, of Belby. Feb. 24. |
07/03/1765 | Mary, dau : to Sarah Sharp, widow of Yokefleet. Mar. 7. |
19/03/1765 | Thomas Smart, of Howden, Innkeeper. Mar. 19. |
20/03/1765 | John Adams, of Howden Poor House, Mar. 20. |
22/03/1765 | Zachariah Burton, of Newland. Mar. 22. |
24/03/1765 | Jane Field, of Howden, widow. Mar. 24. |
29/03/1765 | Mary, dau : to Wm. Ewbank, of Asselby. Mar. 29. |
03/05/1765 | Robert, son to Mr. John Bell, of Howden, Grocer. May 3. |
16/05/1765 | Ann Stephenson, of Saltmarsh. May 16. |
31/05/1765 | George Harrison, of Howden, Shopkeeper. May 31. |
09/06/1765 | Seth Hodgson, of Howden, Labourer. June 9. |
20/06/1765 | Maria, wife to Richard Bainton, of Howden. June 20. |
13/07/1765 | Mary Lolly, of Booth, widow. July 13. |
16/07/1765 | Elizabeth Hood, of Howden, widow. July 16. |
28/07/1765 | Elizabeth, wife to Joseph Wilson, of Howden. July 28. |
06/08/1765 | Mary, wife to William Laverick, of Howden. Aug. 6. |
11/08/1765 | Catharine Leighton, of Skelton, widow. Aug. 11. |
14/08/1765 | Thomas Bentoft, of Asselby, Miller. Aug. 14. |
10/09/1765 | William, son to Widow Glew, of Howden. Sept. 10. |
01/09/1765 | Jane Briggs, of Howden, a poor widow. Sept. I 1. |
24/10/1765 | Elizabeth, dau : to Joseph Jones, of Howden. Oct. 24. |
27/10/1765 | Mary Brown, of Howden, spinster. Oct. 27. |
30/10/1765 | Sarah, dau : to Thos. Kilvington, of the Half Way House. Oct. 30. |
04/11/1765 | Ann, wife to John Palmer, of Howden poor House. Nov. 4. |
10/11/1765 | John Palmer, of Howden poor House. Nov. 10. |
17/11/1765 | Mary, wife to Samuel Hall, of Water Side House. Nov. 17. |
18/11/1765 | Ann Williamson, of Barnby, spinster. Nov. 18. |
19/11/1765 | John Bell, of Howden, Grocer. Nov. 19. |
30/11/1765 | Ann, dau : to George Craven, of Laxton. Nov. 30. |
30/11/1765 | Joseph Waterhouse, of Howden. Nov. 30. |
06/12/1765 | Jane Ward, a servant. Dec. 6. |
1766 | |
05/01/1766 | Alice Keadar, of Howden, widow. Jan. 5. |
20/01/1766 | Elizabeth, dau : to the Revd. Wm. Leech, Curate of Howden. Jan. 20. |
27/01/1766 | Peggy, dau : to Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden, Apothecary. Jan. 27. |
10/02/1766 | George, son to Robert Good, of Asselby. Feb. 10. |
22/02/1766 | John, son to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Feb 22. |
26/02/1766 | Margaret, wife to Samuel Rodwell, of Howden-dyke. Feb. 26. |
27/02/1766 | Mildred, dau : to the Revd. Wm. Leech, Curate of Howden. Feb. 27. |
01/03/1766 | John, son to John Bartle, of Skelton. Mar. 1. |
03/03/1766 | William Bradley, of Knedlington, Labourer. Mar. 3. |
05/03/1766 | William Lazonby, of Howden, Labourer. Mar. 5. |
05/03/1766 | Sarah, dau : to Thos. Stephenson, of Howden. Mar. 5. |
16/03/1766 | Mary Bradley, of Knedlington, widow. Mar. 16. |
20/03/1766 | Mary, dau : to George Scawm, of Knedlington. Mar. 20. |
22/03/1766 | John Hardy, of Kilpin. Mar. 22. |
23/03/1766 | Frances, wife to William Coates, of Howden. Mar. 23. |
29/03/1766 | Elizabeth, wife to John Bradley, of Newsham. Mar. 29. |
31/03/1766 | Rebecca, dau : to George Mason, of Howden. Mar. 31. |
01/04/1766 | James Bilbrough, of Belby. Apr. 1. |
05/04/1766 | James, son to James Peers, of Belby. Apr. 5. |
09/04/1766 | Sarah Faram, of Howden, widow. Apr. 9. |
15/04/1766 | Jane Best, of Howden, widow. Apr. 15. |
17/04/1766 | Hannah, dau : to John Dunn, of Howden. Apr. 17. |
08/04/1766 | John Stainton, of Howden. Apr. i8. |
21/04/1766 | Henry Sergeson, of Yokefleet. Apr. 21. |
22/04/1766 | Jane Bellow, of Howden, Widow. Apr. 22. |
25/04/1766 | John Buttle, of Balkholme. Apr. 25. |
09/05/1766 | John Dolby, of Asselby. May 9. |
09/05/1766 | Henry Brocklebank, of Thorp-Ledget. May 9. |
15/05/1766 | John Sharp, of Yokefleet. May 15. |
23/05/1766 | Nicholas, son to Nicholas Bradley, of Yokefleet. May 23. |
28/05/1766 | Elizabeth, dau : to William Newham, of Balkholme. May 28. |
04/06/1766 | John, son to William Bielby, of Howden-dyke. June 4. |
06/06/1766 | Sarah Coggrave, of Howden, Widow. June 6. |
20/06/1766 | Alexander Beckett, of Howden, poor. June 20. |
30/06/1766 | William Lister, of Howden, Butcher. June 30. |
01/07/1766 | William Bielby, of Howden. July 1. |
07/07/1766 | Robert, son to the Revd. Robt. Potter, Vicar of Stillingfleet. July 7. |
18/07/1766 | Joshua Weighton, of Howden, a Minor. July 18. |
03/08/1766 | James, son to James Hardy, of Kilpin. Aug. 3. |
06/08/1766 | Richard Coneyworth, Senr. of Howden. Aug. 6. |
14/08/1766 | Charles & George (Twins), sons to Robert Good, of Asselby. Aug. 14. |
14/08/1766 | Ann Watson, of Knedlington, Widow. Aug. 14. |
15/08/1766 | Elizabeth, dau : to Elizabeth Sharp, a vagrant. Aug. 15. |
20/08/1766 | Mary Little, spinster. Aug. 20. |
10/09/1766 | Matthew, son to Ann Buttle, of Balkholme, widow. Sept. 10. |
15/09/1766 | Robert Drinkall, of Howden. Sept. 15. |
17/09/1766 | Sarah, wife to Joseph Coggrave, of Howden. Sept. 17. |
25/09/1766 | Jewitt, son to John Laverick, of Balkholme. Sept. 25. |
12/10/1766 | Mary, wife to Robert Dowson, of Howden. Oct. 12 |
13/10/1766 | John, son to Thomas Utley, of Yokefleet. Oct. 13. |
14/10/1766 | Ann Stainforth, a poor servant. Oct. 14. |
15/10/1766 | Ann, dau : to Thomas Utley, of Yokefleet. Oct. 15. |
18/10/1766 | William, son to John Leaper, of Kilpin. Oct. 18. |
21/10/1766 | George Nelson, of Savil. Oct. 21. |
26/10/1766 | John Leek, of Balkholme. Oct. 26. |
30/10/1766 | Joseph Moore, of Howden, late of Laxton, poor. Oct. 30. |
10/11/1766 | Mary Pearson, of Asselby, spinster. Nov. 10. |
16/11/1766 | Ann, dau. to William Hunt, of Brind-Lees. Nov. 16. |
12/12/1766 | John Ellathorpe, of Asselby, poor. Dec. 12. |
23/12/1766 | Mary, dau : to William Peck, of Asselby. Dec. 23. |
1767 | |
02/01/1767 | Robert, son to Mr. Abraham Rowntree, of Howden. Jan. 2. |
06/01/1767 | Thomas, son to Richard Drew, of Howden. Jan. 6. |
07/01/1767 | Richard, son to Thomas Hilldrake, of Balkholme. Jan. 7. |
09/01/1767 | William, son to Richard Green, of Newland. Jan. 9. |
15/01/1767 | Daniel Broader, of Balkholme, a poor Orphan. Jan. 15. |
17/01/1767 | Joseph, son to Michael Taylor, of Howden. Jan. 17. |
18/01/1767 | Thomas Lowther, of Asselby. Jan. 18. |
27/01/1767 | Henrietta Maria, D. to Mr. Arthur Saltmarsh. of Saltmarsh. Jan. 27. |
03/02/1767 | Thomas, son to John Dunn, of Howden, Carpenter. Feb. 3. |
05/02/1767 | James, son to Peter Inglish, of Kilpin. Feb. 5. |
08/02/1767 | Margaret, dau : to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Feb. 8. |
08/02/1767 | John, son to Ann Bell, of Howden, widow. Feb. 8. |
09/02/1767 | Mary, dau : to Hammond Seymour, Jr. Feb. 9. |
09/02/1767 | Sarah, Wife to Richard Thompson, of Skelton. Feb. 9. |
10/02/1767 | Samuel, son to Jane Waud, of Howden. Feb. 10. |
12/02/1767 | John, son to Sarah Moore, of Howden, widow. Feb. 12. |
18/02/1767 | Ann, dau : to John Tyas, of Howden. Feb. 18. |
21/02/1767 | Ann, dau : to John Bartle, of Skelton. Feb. 21. |
04/03/1767 | Isabella, dau : to Hammond Seymour, Jr. Mar. 4. |
04/03/1767 | Catharine Clayburne, of Howden, widow, poor. Mar. 4. |
06/03/1767 | Jane, dau : to George Bentley, of Skelton. Mar. 6. |
07/03/1767 | Ann, dau : to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin. Mar. 7. |
07/03/1767 | Hannah, dau : to William Singleton, of Asselby. Mar. 7. |
08/03/1767 | Joseph, son to Joseph Thompson, of Kilpin. Mar. 8. |
09/03/1767 | John, son to John Harrison, of Howden, Labourer. Mar. 9. |
21/03/1767 | Thomas, son to Mr. Thomas Turnell, of Howden. Mar. 21. |
24/03/1767 | George, son to John Taylor, of Asselby. Mar. 24. |
25/03/1767 | John Parrot, of Yokefleet, a servant. Mar. 25. |
06/04/1767 | Esther, wife to William Leaper, of Kilpin. Apr. 6. |
12/04/1767 | Joseph, son to Lewis Jewitt, of Yokefleet. Apr. 12. |
13/04/1767 | George Hatfield, of Kilpin. Apr. 13. |
17/04/1767 | William Armytage, of Saltmarsh. Apr. 17. |
20/04/1767 | Mary Selly, of Howden, widow. Apr. 20. |
20/04/1767 | Elizabeth Lazonby, of Howden, spinster. Apr. 20. |
23/04/1767 | William, son to William Doughty, of Howden. Apr. 23. |
24/04/1767 | John Giles, of Skelton, poor. Apr. 24. |
24/04/1767 | John, son to Joseph Wilson, of Howden. Apr. 24. |
01/05/1767 | Mn. Elizabeth Mawson, of Laxton, widow. May 1. |
03/05/1767 | William Cooke, of Howden, Parish Clerk. May 3. |
04/05/1767 | Mary Jackson, of Howden, widow. May 4. |
08/05/1767 | Mary Harrison, of Howden Poor House, Widow. May 8. |
15/05/1767 | James Savage, of Howden, Batchelor. May 15. |
16/05/1767 | Thomas, son to Thomas Hudson, of Skelton. May 16. |
19/05/1767 | Thomas, son to Thomas Brown, of Newland. May 19. |
26/05/1767 | George, son to George Craven, of Laxton. May 26. |
28/05/1767 | Hannah, wife to Mr. Athorpe Garton, of Saltmarsh. May 28. |
30/05/1767 | Elizabeth, dau : to John Nutbrown, of Howden. May 30 |
31/05/1767 | John, son to Jane Green, of Skelton. May 31. |
02/06/1767 | Ann, Dau : to John Grey, of Howden. June 2. |
09/06/1767 | Robert Hunt, of Brind Lees. June 9. |
14/06/1767 | Jane, dau : to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden. June 14. |
16/06/1767 | Caroline, dau : to Matthew Imeson, of Howden. June 16. |
17/06/1767 | Richard, son to Richard Jenkinson, of Howden. June 17. |
21/06/1767 | Mary Lazonby, of Howden, widow, poor. June 21. |
23/07/1767 | Mr. Thomas Graver, of Howden, Surgeon & Apothecary. July 23. |
03/08/1767 | Marmaduke, son to Marmaduke Waterhouse, of Asselby. Aug. 3. |
16/08/1767 | Ann, wife to John Hall, of Belby. Aug. 16. |
26/08/1767 | John Garside, of Howden, Innkeeper. Aug. 26. |
03/09/1767 | James, son to William Doughty, of Howden. Sept. 3. |
05/09/1767 | Sarah Wright, of Howden, widow. Sept. 5. |
06/09/1767 | Frances Robinson, of Howden, widow. Sept. 6. |
11/09/1767 | Matthew Easingwood, of Knedlington. Sept. 11. |
18/09/1767 | John, son to John Jackson, of Howden. Sept. 18. |
14/10/1767 | Joan, wife to John Tate, of Howden. Oct. 14. |
30/10/1767 | Mary, wife to Charles Leach, of Gilberdike. Oct. 30. |
10/11/1767 | Robert, son to Thomas Butler, of Howden. Nov. 10. |
11/12/1767 | Joseph, son to John Tasker, of Belby. Dec. 11. |
13/12/1767 | Jane Nelson, of Cavil, Spinster, a poor servant. Dec. 13. |
15/12/1767 | Edward Stainforth, of Howden. Dec. 15. |
17/12/1767 | Elizabeth, dau : to Robert Good, of Asselby. Dec. 17. |
27/12/1767 | Mrs. Hannah Whitaker, of Howden, widow. Dec. 27. |
1768 | |
13/01/1768 | Robert Ridsdale, of Knedlington. Jan. 13. |
19/01/1768 | Mary, wife to Robert Thorpe, of Howden. Jan. 19. |
20/01/1768 | Mary Bradley, of Howden, widow, poor. Jan 20. |
22/01/1768 | Isabel Winter, of Knedlington, poor. Jan. 22. |
26/01/1768 | Richard Jackson, of Howden. Jan. 26. |
05/02/1768 | Hammond, son to Mary Pinder, of Howden Poor House, Widow. Feb. 5. |
21/02/1768 | Thomas Ross, of Howden Poor House. Feb. 21. |
23/02/1768 | Thomas Easingwood, of Knedlington, poor. Feb. 23. |
27/02/1768 | Robert Thorpe, of Belby. Feb. 27. |
29/02/1768 | Ann Langton, of Howden Poor House, Spinster. Feb. 29. |
05/03/1768 | Jane Field, of Howden, spinster. Mar. 5. |
13/03/1768 | Mary, dau : to William Coates, of Howden, Cooper. Mar. 13. |
30/03/1768 | Ann, wife to Robert Fielder, of Howden. Mar. 30. |
31/03/1768 | Thomas, son to the late Robert Ridsdale, of Knedlington. Mar. 31. |
03/04/1768 | Hannah Collinson, of Howden, Widow. Apr. 3. |
13/04/1768 | Francis Bell, of Belby, poor. Apr. 13. |
20/04/1768 | Thomas, son to the late Hannah Collinson, of Howden. Apr. 20. |
21/04/1768 | John Peach, of Asselby, Jr. Apr. 21. |
23/04/1768 | Elizabeth, wife to Joshua Hammond, of Howden. Apr. 23. |
27/04/1768 | Henry Shepherd, of Howden poor House. Apr. 27. |
29/04/1768 | Elizabeth Watson, of Knedlington, spinster. Apr. 29. |
02/05/1768 | Esther, dau : to John Leaper, of Kilpin. May 2. |
07/05/1768 | Thomas, son to John Good, of Howden Dyke. May 7. |
08/05/1768 | John Weighton, of Howden, Gardiner. May 8. |
16/05/1768 | Ann Armytage, of Saltmarsh, widow. May 16. |
31/05/1768 | Mary, wife to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin. May 31. |
31/05/1768 | Martin, son to Miles Overran, of Balkholme. May 31. |
07/06/1768 | Rebecca Hunt, of Brind Lees, Widow. June 7. |
14/06/1768 | Elizabeth, Wife to Matthew Smith, of Howden. June 14. |
14/06/1768 | Mary, Dau : to Matthew Smith, of Howden. June 14. |
20/06/1768 | William Mann, of Howden. June 20. |
27/06/1768 | Sarah Cowlam, of Howden, Widow. June 27. |
17/07/1768 | Edward Cibber, a poor orphan. July 17. |
18/07/1768 | William, son to William Dove, of Saltmarsh. July 18. |
22/07/1768 | Mary, wife to John Tyas, of Howden. July 22. |
28/07/1768 | George, son to George Blanshard, of Thorpe. July 28. |
02/08/1768 | Catharine, dau : to Edward Eyre, of Howden. Aug. 2. |
06/08/1768 | Joseph, son to Joseph Fletcher. of Howden. Aug. 6. |
08/08/1768 | Mary, Dau : to John Scholfield, of Sand Hall. Aug. 8. |
10/08/1768 | Lucy, dau : to Ann Pickhaver, of Howden, widow. Aug. 10. |
13/08/1768 | Thomas Harlin, of Howden. Aug. 13. |
13/08/1768 | Paul, son to Ann Pickhaver, of Howden, Widow. Aug. 13. |
02/09/1768 | Martin Bilbrough. Sept. 2. |
11/09/1768 | Richard Thompson, of Howden, servant. Sept. 11. |
15/09/1768 | Elizabeth, dau : to Richard Ellison, of Howden-dyke. Sept. 15., |
19/09/1768 | John, son to Edward Day, of Howden. Sept. 19. |
19/09/1768 | John, son to John Tyas, of Howden. Sept. 19. |
28/09/1768 | Mr. Robert Sutton, of Howden, Tanner. Sept. 28. |
11/09/1768 | Betty, dau : to James Thwaites, of Howden, Sadler. Oc.t 11. |
15/10/1768 | Ann, dau : to James Thwaites, of Howden, Sadler. Oct. 15. |
18/10/1768 | Mary, dau : to George Bentley, of Skelton. Oct. 18. |
23/10/1768 | George, son to John Fletcher, of Howden, Butcher. Oct. 23. |
06/11/1768 | Mary Pinder, of Howden poor House, widow. Nov. 6. |
08/11/1768 | Mary, dau : to John Briggs, of Howden. Nov. 8. |
09/11/1768 | Elizabeth, wife to Nathaniel Smith, of Asselby. Nov. 9. |
18/11/1768 | John, son to Philip Greenup, of Howden. Nov. 18. |
24/11/1768 | John, son to the late Mary Coates, of Howden. Nov. 24. |
09/12/1768 | Mary, dau : to Thomas Brown, of Newland. Dec. 9. |
19/12/1768 | Mary, wife to Christopher Glew, of Howden. Dec. 19. |
25/12/1768 | John Leighton, Jnr. of Skelton. Dec. 25. |
1769 | |
16/01/1769 | Richard, son to William Piercy, of Asselby. Jan. 16. |
19/01/1769 | Dorothy, dau : to John Alcock, of Howden. Jan. 19. |
20/01/1769 | Thomas Atkinson, Sr. of Skelton. Jan. 20. |
29/01/1769 | Ann, wife to Robert Good, of Asselby. Jan. 29. |
08/02/1769 | Nathaniel Smith, of Asselby. Feb. 8. |
08/02/1769 | George Leek, of Howden. Feb. 8. |
08/02/1769 | John Chapman, a Servant Feb. 8. |
09/02/1769 | Sarah, dau. to William Gott, of Knedlington. Feb. 9. |
28/02/1769 | Richard Halliwell, of Howden, Labourer. Feb. 28. |
01/03/1769 | Stephen Thompson, of Howden. Mar. 1. |
12/03/1769 | Elizabeth, wife to Robert Rowley, of Howden. Mar. 12. |
14/03/1769 | Margaret, wife to Samuel Thompson, of Howden. Mar. 14. |
21/03/1769 | William Shepley. Mar. 21. |
01/04/1769 | Ann Watkin, of Yokefleet, spinster. Apr. 1. |
04/04/1769 | Ann, dau : to Robert Rowley, of Howden. Apr. 4. |
06/04/1769 | Mary, wife to George Bentley, of Skelton. Apr. 6. |
06/04/1769 | Nathaniel Wilberforce, a child from Asselby. Apr. 6. |
08/04/1769 | Sarah, dau : to Edmund Waterhouse, of Knedlington. Apr. 8. |
11/04/1769 | James, son to John Fell, of Skelton. Apr. 11. |
16/04/1769 | William Smith, a soldier. Apr. 16. |
22/04/1769 | Mary Woodsworth, of Howden, widow. Apr. 22. |
25/04/1769 | Thomas & Elizabeth, son & dau : to Cornelius Gillyot, of Yokefleet, both drowned. Apr. 25. |
29/04/1769 | Thomas, son to Robert Sugdon, of Howden. Apr. 29. |
29/04/1769 | Robert, son to James Savage, of Howden, Senr. Apr. 29. |
02/05/1769 | Lucy, dau : to Richard Jenkinson, of Howden. May 2. |
05/05/1769 | Thomas, son to Thomas Frear, of Howden. May 5. |
06/05/1769 | Elizabeth, dau : to Thomas Hilldrake, of Balkholme. May 6. |
07/05/1769 | James, son to Thomas Brockbank, of Howden, Taylor. May 7. |
09/05/1769 | Matthew Dove, of Howden, poor. May 9. |
17/05/1769 | Matthew Leng, of Belby. May 17. |
25/05/1769 | Sarah, dau : to Richard Dove, of Howden. May 25. |
30/05/1769 | Francis Kirkhouse, of Howden. May 30. |
03/06/1769 | Margaret, dau : to William Burrell, of Kellington. June 3. |
12/06/1769 | John Smyth, of Asselby. June 12. |
14/06/1769 | Elizabeth, wife to Richard Stork, of Howden. June 14. |
05/07/1769 | Arabella, wife to David Langton, of Howden. July 5. |
16/07/1769 | Mary, wife to Thomas Wood, of Skelton. July 16. |
06/08/1769 | Thomas Brown, of Knedlington. Aug. 6. |
10/08/1769 | Jane, wife to Thomas Fletcher, of Howden. Aug. 10. |
28/08/1769 | John Best, of Howden, Mariner. Aug. 28. |
04/09/1769 | Sarah, wife to William Flockton, of Howden. Sept. 4. |
08/09/1769 | Sarah, wife to Geo : Allinson, of Howden. Sept. 8. |
11/09/1769 | James, son to Richd. Stork, of Howden. Sept. 11. |
15/09/1769 | Ann, dau : to Wm. Sissins, Howden. Sept. 15. |
02/10/1769 | Thos. Thompson, Kilpin. Oct. 2. |
06/10/1769 | Elisabeth, wife to Wm. Elinworth, Howden, Junr. Oct. 6. |
10/10/1769 | John, son to Jno. Fielder, of Thorp Lidget. Oct. 10. |
01/11/1769 | Mary Pattrick, of Howden. Nov. 1. |
04/11/1769 | Mary, wife to John Thompson, Knedlington. Nov. 4. |
05/11/1769 | John Good, Howden Dike. Nov. 5. |
21/11/1769 | John, son of John Tootle, Saltmarsh. Nov. 21. |
26/11/1769 | Mary, dau. of Benjamin Jackson. Nov. 26. |
02/12/1769 | Jane Nelson, widow, from Cavil. Dec. 2. |
02/12/1769 | Mary, dau : of John Tate. Dec. 2. |
05/12/1769 | Sarah, dau : of Geo : Kitchin. Dec. 5. |
12/12/1769 | Robert, son of Robert Blanchard, Cavil Hall. Dec. 12. |
13/12/1769 | William Bamforth, Howden Dyke. Dec. 13. |
29/12/1769 | Mary Stephenson. Dec. 29. |
29/12/1769 | Emmanuel Jefferson, Esq., Justice of ye Peace. Dec. 29. |
1770 | |
01/01/1770 | Robert Parrot, from Yoakfleet. Jan. 1. |
13/01/1770 | Ann Blythe, from Assleby, Jan. 13 (aged 80.) |
08/01/1770 | John Nutbrown, from Assleby, aged 78. Jan. 14. |
16/01/1770 | Elizabeth, Daus of Robt Cowper. Jan. 16. |
18/01/1770 | (blank), Jan. 18. |
29/01/1770 | Elizabeth Brown, from Knedlington. Jan. 29. |
30/01/1770 | James Day. Jan. 30. |
30/01/1770 | Richard, son of Richard Johnson, Belby. Jan. 30. |
04/02/1770 | Margaret Stainton. Feb. 4. |
08/02/1770 | Ann, dau : of Edward Nixon. Feb. 8. |
??/??/1770 | (blank), dau : of John Jackson, Kilpin. |
11/02/1770 | John Schofield, from Sand Hall. Feb. 11. |
24/02/1770 | Mary Thornton, from Balkholme. Feb. 24. |
04/03/1770 | John, son of Ann Ion, of Howden. Mar. 4. |
11/03/1770 | Elizabeth, wife of David Pearson, Asselby. Mar. 11. |
13/03/1770 | John, son of John Ashton, Knedlington. Mar. 13. |
14/03/1770 | Thomas, son of Richard Stork, Howden. Mar. 14. |
16/03/1770 | Richard Levitt, from Skelton. Mar. 16. |
23/03/1770 | John, son of Matthew Smith, Howden. Mar. 23. |
31/03/1770 | Rilay, son of George Craven, Laxton. Mar. 31. |
02/04/1770 | Sarah, dau. of John Ashton, Knedlington. Apr. 2. |
05/04/1770 | Richard Thompson, from Skelton. Apr. 5. |
06/04/1770 | Elizabeth, dau : of Thomas Peach, Asselby Apr. 6. |
15/04/1770 | John Fletcher, R. C. Apr. 15. |
20/04/1770 | Ann, dau : of Deborah Sool, Skelton. Apr. 20. |
20/04/1770 | Thomas Laverock, from Sandholme. Apr. 20. |
28/04/1770 | Mary, dau : of George Allison. Apr. 28. |
04/05/1770 | Ann, dau : of John Croyser, Balkholme. May 4. |
08/05/1770 | Robert Dunn, Gent. May 8. |
22/05/1770 | Thomas Bentley, Innkeeper. May 22. |
22/05/1770 | John, son of Robert Foreshore. May 22. |
24/05/1770 | John Wray, from Balkholme. May 24. |
13/06/1770 | Thomas, son of Edmund Waterhouse, Knedlington. June 13. |
16/06/1770 | Elizabeth, wife of William Ellinworth. June 16. |
28/06/1770 | John Wilkinson, Bricklayer, Howden. June 28. |
16/07/1770 | Dinah Breaseley, July 16. (aged 80.) |
16/07/1770 | William Jubb, from the Poor House. July 16. |
17/07/1770 | John, son of William Ellinworth. July 17. |
01/07/1770 | Ann Tennyson, widow, aged 81. July 20. |
26/07/1770 | Thomas Nutbrown, Howden. July 26. |
12/08/1770 | John, son to Edward Hare. Drowned. Aug. 12. |
19/08/1770 | John, son to John Nutbrown. Aug. 19. |
24/08/1770 | Thomas Wright, of Asselby. Aug. 24. |
26/09/1770 | Elizabeth, dau : to Thomas Windale, Howden. Sept. 26. |
01/10/1770 | Ann, dau : to George Allison, of Howden. Oct. 1. |
04/10/1770 | Alice, dau : to Leonard Potter, of York. Oct. 4. |
08/10/1770 | Ann Bell, widow, of Howden. Oct. 8. |
08/10/1770 | Thomas, son to Thos. Batman, Knedlington. Oct. 8. |
12/10/1770 | Mrs. Sarah Cooper, widow, of Howden. Oct. 12. |
09/10/1770 | Alice, wife to Thomas Anderson, aged 79. Oct. 14. |
15/10/1770 | John Hyde, Innholder at the half Moon, Howden. Oct. 15. |
24/10/1770 | Mary Hildrake, Widow, of Balkholme. Oct. 24. |
25/10/1770 | Jane Fitch, of Howden. Oct. 25. |
05/11/1770 | Nicholas English, of Howden. Nov. 5. |
08/11/1770 | Ellin Cade, of Howden. Nov. 8. |
19/11/1770 | James Tune, of Howden. Nov. 19. |
23/11/1770 | Catharine Ramsey, from Asselby. Nov. 23. |
03/11/1770 | Thomas Bullass, aged 83, of Howden. Nov. 30. |
13/12/1770 | Michael Lamb, Innkeeper in Howden. Dec. 13. |
27/12/1770 | Sarah Moore, of Howden, Widow. Dec. 27. |
31/12/1770 | Ann Thompson, of Howden, Widow. Dec. 31. |
1771 | |
04/01/1771 | Mr. William Turnell, of Howden, drowned. Jan. 4. |
18/01/1771 | Margaret, wife of Robert Rainforth, Howden. Jan. 18. |
19/01/1771 | Richard Crawshay, of Howden. Jan. 19. |
23/01/1771 | Boaz Thompson, of Howden. Jan. 23. |
01/02/1771 | Sarah, clan : to Sarah Good, of Howden Dyke. Feb. 1. |
01/02/1771 | James Peers, of Belby. Feb. 1. |
08/02/1771 | Thomas Anderson, aged 88. Feb. 10. |
20/02/1771 | Thomas, son to Thomas Fletcher, Howden. Feb. 20. |
01/03/1771 | Mr. Robert Mawson, of Cotness. Mar. 1. |
03/03/1771 | Quintin Snarr, of l3alkholme. Mar. 4. |
05/03/1771 | Mary, dau : to Deborah Sool, of Skelton, widow. Mar. 5. |
05/03/1771 | Ann Savage, of Asselby. Mar. 5. |
07/03/1771 | Elizabeth Leek, Widow, of Howden. Mar. 7. |
21/03/1771 | Richard Hindesley, Howden. Mar. 21. |
25/03/1771 | Susanna, wife to Robert Heather, Howden. Mar. 25. |
21/04/1771 | Thomas, son to David Langton, Howden. Apr. 21. |
29/04/1771 | Patience, dau : to George Belt, Howden. Apr. 29. |
13/05/1771 | Elizabeth, dau : to (blank) Bolton. May 13. |
22/05/1771 | Ann, dau : to William Waud, Yoakfleet. May 22. |
23/05/1771 | Ann, dau : to Jane Waud, Howden. May 23. |
09/06/1771 | Hannah Mann, Widow, Howden. June 9. |
10/06/1771 | Margaret, wife to Martin Slingsby, Howden. June 10. |
29/06/1771 | Dorothy, dau : to Aaron Armitage. June 29. |
12/07/1771 | William Logan, Howden. July 12. |
16/07/1771 | Mary, dau : to William Dove, Saltmarsh. July 16. |
21/07/1771 | John Underwood, Barber, Howden. July 21. |
26/07/1771 | William, son to Wm. Collin. July 26. |
29/07/1771 | Jonathan Markham, Howden. July 29. |
08/08/1771 | John, son to James Woodsworth, Howden. Aug. 8. |
22/08/1771 | Walter, son to Walter Sharpe, Howden. Aug. 22. |
08/09/1771 | William Peck, Howden. Sept. 8. |
19/09/1771 | Richard Meggott, Skelton. Sept. 19. |
25/09/1771 | William, son to John Whitaker, Howden. Sept. 25. |
06/10/1771 | Robert Blanchard, Senr. Howden. Oct. 6. |
30/10/1771 | John Pearson, of Asselby. Oct. 30. |
05/11/1771 | Sutlif, wife to Richard Bainton, Howden. Nov. 5. |
10/11/1771 | Elizabeth Wynne, of Howden. Nov. 10. |
11/12/1771 | Elizabeth, dau : to William Powell, Howden. Dec. 11. |
12/12/1771 | Isabel Spence, Howden. Dec. 12. |
20/12/1771 | Elizabeth Pindar, Howden. Dec. 20. |
22/12/1771 | Ann, wife to Robert Featherstone, Howden. Dec. 22. |
27/12/1771 | Arthur Jewitt, HoWden. Dec. 27. |
1772 | |
14/01/1772 | Jane Jackson, from Armine. Jan. 14. |
06/02/1772 | Sarah Porthouse, widow, Yoakfleet. Feb. 6. |
21/02/1772 | John, son to John Harrison, Howden. Feb. 21. |
27/02/1772 | Elizabeth Ashton, Howden. Feb. 27. |
01/03/1772 | John Brown, Taylor, of Howden. Mar. 1. |
23/03/1772 | Jane, wife to William Hardy, Howden. Mar. 23. |
29/03/1772 | Mary, wife to Joseph Brooks, Howden. Mar. 29. |
20/04/1772 | Ann, wife to Edward Day, Joiner, Howden. Apr. 20. |
21/04/1772 | Jane, wife to James Campbell, Howden. Apr. 21. |
22/04/1772 | William, son to William Nicholson, Howden. Apr. 22. |
30/04/1772 | Elizabeth Kirby, Howden. Apr. 30. |
02/05/1772 | Sarah, dau : to Mary Lambert, Howden. May 2. |
10/05/1772 | John Dunn, Junr. Howden. May 10. |
11/05/1772 | Thos. son to Richard Tomlinson, Laxton. May 11. |
19/05/1772 | Mary, dau : to John Leake, Balkholme. drowned. May 19. |
03/05/1772 | Thomas, son to Charles Empson, Saltmarsh. May 3i. |
01/06/1772 | Thomas Goodall, Howden. June 1. |
04/06/1772 | Joseph Lee, Itinerant Potman. June 4. |
10/08/1772 | Ralph, son to John Hudson, Howden. Aug. 10. |
16/08/1772 | Robert White, Howden. Aug. 16. |
26/08/1772 | Alice Bray, Howden. Aug. 26. |
27/08/1772 | Richard, son to William Dove, Saltmarsh. Aug. 27. |
28/08/1772 | Ann, dau : to Samuel Appleyard, of Castleford. Aug. 28. |
05/09/1772 | Elizabeth, dau : to William Alcock, Howden. Sept. 5. |
28/09/1772 | Henry, son to Henry Cooper, Howden. Sept. 28. |
04/10/1772 | Mary, wife to Matthew Kitchen, Howden. Oct. 4. |
09/10/1772 | Hammond Seymour, Howden. Oct. 9. |
09/10/1772 | Ann, wife to John Whittle, Itinerant. Oct. 9. |
30/10/1772 | Mary, wife to Richard Ombler, Balkholme. Oct. 30. |
30/10/1772 | Ann, dau : to Elizabeth Shepherd, Howden. Oct. 30. |
04/11/1772 | Frances, dau. to Francis Smith, Saltmarsh. Nov. 4. |
18/11/1772 | Elinor Leech, Howden Dyke. Nov. 18. |
21/11/1772 | William, son to William Bray, Howden. Nov. 21. |
25/11/1772 | Christopher Glew, Howden. Nov. 25. |
27/11/1772 | William Elinworth, Senr. Howden. Nov. 27. |
11/12/1772 | John, son to John Pearson, Asselby. Dec. 11. |
12/12/1772 | Sarah Taylor, Asselby. Dec., 12. |
31/12/1772 | Ann, dau. to Mr. John Danser, Howden. Dec. 31. |
1773 | |
04/01/1773 | Joseph, son to Joseph Elcock, Howden. Jan. 4. |
07/01/1773 | Robert, son to Robert Ridgedale, Knedlington. Jan. 7. |
08/01/1773 | Ann, dau : to John Walls, Howden Dyke. Jan. 8. |
12/01/1773 | George, son to Thomas Slack, Knedlington. Jan. 12. |
13/01/1773 | William, son to The. Windle, Saltmarsh. Jan. 13. |
17/01/1773 | Martha Egremont, Howden. Jan. 17. |
17/01/1773 | Elizabeth, dau : to Tho Bradley, Howden. Jan 17. |
19/01/1773 | Francis, son to William Bell, Saltmarsh. Jan. 19. |
27/01/1773 | Paul, son to Robert Cowper, Howden. Jan. 27. |
02/02/1773 | William, son to Willm. Ellinworth, Howden. Feb. 2. |
09/02/1773 | William Burton, Howden. Feb. 9. |
09/02/1773 | Ann, wife to John Harrison, Howden. Feb. 9. |
19/02/1773 | Edward, son to Edward Day, Howden. Feb. 19. |
21/02/1773 | John, son to Robert Mann, Howden. Feb. 21. |
05/03/1773 | Elizabeth Glew, Howden, Pauper. Mar. 5. |
07/03/1773 | Thomas, son to Thomas Kelsey, Newland Gate. Mar. 7. |
11/03/1773 | Frances, Dau : to Richd. Jenkinson, Howden. Mar. 11. |
12/03/1773 | Mary, dau : to Richard Green, Newland. Mar. 12. |
22/03/1773 | Sarah, wife to Henry Cooper, Howden. Mar. 22. |
02/04/1773 | Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden. Apr. 2. |
12/04/1773 | John Watson, Howden. Apr. 12. |
21/04/1773 | Ann, Wife to John Laverack, Balkholme. Apr. 21. |
21/04/1773 | James, son to Valentine Harrison, Howden. Apr. 21. |
24/04/1773 | William, son to Matthew Iveson, Howden. Apr. 24. |
25/04/1773 | Thomas Kilvington, Half-way-House. Apr. 25. |
28/04/1773 | Eliz. dau : to Richard Bainton Howden Apr 28 |
28/04/1773 | Eliz., dau : to William Voace, Bowden. Apr. 28. |
06/05/1773 | John, son to John Wilkinson, Howden. May 6. |
15/05/1773 | Benjamin Parrot, son to Mary Morrit, Howden. May 15. |
22/05/1773 | Mary, dau : to John Ruslin, Howden. May 22. |
06/06/1773 | Ann, wife to John Housquaite, Howden. June 6. |
06/06/1773 | Mary, dau : to Robt. Alcock, Howden. June 6. |
07/06/1773 | Ann, dau : to Mary Lambert, Howden. June 7. |
15/06/1773 | John Hinderson, Howden. June 15. |
16/06/1773 | Thomas Brockbank, Howden. June 16. |
22/06/1773 | Richard, son to Thomas Morrit, Junr. Howden. June 22. |
13/08/1773 | Ann Lockwood, Howden. Aug. 13. |
27/08/1773 | John, son to Peter Lyon. Aug. 27. |
30/09/1773 | William Lockwood, Howden. Sept. 30. |
10/10/1773 | John Hall, Belby. Oct. 10. |
25/10/1773 | Ann, wife to William Bell, Saltmarsh. Oct. 25. |
26/10/1773 | Sarah, wife to Thos. Waterhouse, Asselby. Oct. 26. |
03/11/1773 | Elizabeth Calvert, Howden. Nov. 3. |
07/11/1773 | Ann, dau. to William Lawton, Linton. Nov. 7. |
01/11/1773 | William Grey, Kilpine. Nov. 1. |
29/11/1773 | Sarah, dau : to William Empson, Howden. Nov. 29. |
25/12/1773 | Susannah, wife to Henry Bainton, Howden. Dec. 25. |
27/12/1773 | Mary, dau : to William Wand, Yoakfleet. Dec. 27. |
1774 | |
14/01/1774 | Mary, wife to John Croyser, Balkholme. Jan. 14. |
16/02/1774 | Mary, dau : to William Kedar. Feb. 16. |
21/02/1774 | Robert, son of Robert Perrot, Yoakfleet. Feb. 21. |
05/03/1774 | Thomas Halliwell, Howden. Mar. 5. |
06/03/1774 | John, son of John Scholfield, Sand Hall. Mar. 6. |
11/03/1774 | Hannah Long, widdow, of Belby. Mar. 11. |
11/03/1774 | Mary, dau : of Wm. Buttle, Thorp. Mar. 11. |
12/03/1774 | Jane, dau : of Robert Couper, Howden. Mar. 12. |
22/03/1774 | John, son to Joseph Fletcher, Howden. Mar. 22. |
25/03/1774 | Parnal, son to Wm. Toft. Mar. 25. |
30/03/1774 | Elizabeth, D. to John Whitaker, Howden. Mar. 30. |
06/04/1774 | Mary, wife of William Toft, Howden. Apr. 6. |
11/04/1774 | William Jackson, Howden. Apr. 11. |
23/04/1774 | Joseph, son to John Tasker, Belby. Apr. 23. |
30/04/1774 | Ann, D. to John Holiday, Howden. Apr. 30. |
15/06/1774 | Mary Fletcher, widdow. June 15. |
03/07/1774 | Patience, D. to Wm. Richardson, Howden. July 3. |
18/07/1774 | Jane, wife to William Doughty, Howden. July 18. |
24/07/1774 | Richd. Green, Newland. July 24. |
07/08/1774 | Elisabeth, D. to John Moyser, Asselby. Aug. 7. |
30/08/1774 | Martha, Dau : of Ann Mann, Howden Dike. Aug. 30. |
08/09/1774 | Mary, Dau : to William Perrot, Yoakfleet. Sept. 8. |
19/09/1774 | Dolly, dau : of Joseph Elcock, Howden. Sept. 19. |
20/09/1774 | Mary Sissons, Asselby. Sept. 20. |
11/10/1774 | Arthur Levitt, Skelton. Oct. 11. |
08/11/1774 | Ann, Dau.: to Hamon Seymour, Howden. Nov. 8. |
29/11/1774 | Elisabeth Turton, Yoakfleet. Nov. 29. |
04/12/1774 | Mary, dau : to Amelia Benton. Dec. 4. |
15/12/1774 | John, son to James Campbell, Howden. Dec. 15. |
16/12/1774 | Sarah Bickerton, Howden. Dec. 16. |
18/12/1774 | Thomas Scalm, Laxton. Dec. 18. |
23/12/1774 | James Savage, Senior, Howden. Dec. 23. |
1775 | |
07/01/1775 | Anne, dau : to John Dennis, Howden. Jan. 7. |
12/01/1775 | Fanney, wife of Charles Abba, Howden. Jan. 12. |
10/02/1775 | Elleanor, D. to John Halliday, Howden. 10th February. |
22/02/1775 | Elisabeth, dau : to Jonathan Ellerthorp, Asselby. 22nd February. |
28/02/1775 | William, son to William Doughty, Howden. 28th February. |
11/03/1775 | John, son to Lewis Jewett, Yoakfleet. Mar. 11. |
13/03/1775 | Mary Cade, Asselby. Mar. 13. |
21/03/1775 | Mrs. Susanah Dunn, WIddow, Howden. Mar. 21. |
01/04/1775 | Martha Dodgeson, Howden Poor House. Apr. 1. |
02/04/1775 | Mary Birtwhistle, Widdow, of Booth. Apr. 2. |
06/04/1775 | Eliz., D. to John Dennis, Howden. Apr. 6. |
21/04/1775 | Ann Watson, Howden. Apr. 21. |
Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1913
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1913
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020