


Howden Registers - Burials 1575-1599.


Transcription of the Howden Registers - Burials 1575-1599.

Please note I cannot guarantee that my software has always extracted the date in the date column correctly.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.

DateName(s) and relationship
Aprill 1575.
13/04/1575Margaret wif to Arthur Richerdson xiijo.
17/04/1575Eliz. d. to Willm Sterkie of Knedlington xvijo.
21/04/1575Ellenor d. to Edmond Kirkbie of Howden xxjo.
22/04/1575John s. to hugh Smart of Kilpin xxijo.
25/04/1575An d. to Willm. WetheralI of Bermbie xxvo.
28/04/1575Willm s. to Wm. Sterke of Knedlington xxviijo.
Maye 1575.
01/05/1575Xpofer Slater of Asselbie vx.
08/05/1575Joane Ebitson sist. to Sr. Peter, vicar viijo.
13/05/1575Eliz. Apthrop of Kilpin, vid. xiijo.
15/05/1575Margaret wife to John Plasterer of Skelton xvo.
16/05/1575Edith d. to Thomas dun of Cotnes xvjo.
30/05/1575Thomas Erott of Laxton ultimo
02/06/1575Robart Parke of Bermbie ijo.
03/06/1575John Aske s. to Thoms. dun of Cotnes iijo.
07/06/1575Willm. dun of Howden vijo.
09/06/1575John hayton died at Saltmarsh ixo.
11/06/1575Robart s. to Robt. Wilson of linton xjo.
14/06/1575George Awmond a servt. of Asselbie xiiijo.
19/06/1575Robt. s. to Peter Loncast of ringston hirst xixo.
Julie 1575.
01/07/1575Ellenor d. to Peter Anderson of booth vx.
02/07/1575Agnes d. to John Barker of Asselbie ijo.
08/07/1575Richard s. to John Thorp junr. of belbie viijo.
08/07/1575Agnes Wetherall viijo.
10/07/1575Eliz. Armytt of Laxton xo.
13/07/1575Margarett d. to Anthony Atkinson of Howden xiijo.
15/07/1575George newton of Chester in Comite. dunelm xvo.
August 1575.
01/08/1575Joane d. to John Fenwick vx.
03/08/1575John Bellwood of Skelton iijo.
03/08/1575Margaret d. of John Fenwick died at Skelton iijo.
06/08/1575Will s. to Wm. Johnson junr. of Howden vjo.
07/08/1575Grace d. to Roger Turner of Howden vijo.
09/08/1575Marie d. to Michaell Crosbie of Balkholme ixo.
09/08/1575Edith d. to Robt. dowson of Cotnes ixo.
13/08/1575Margaret wif to Win. Bawmbrough of Laxton xiijo.
17/08/1575Phillip wif to Robt. Arksey of Laxton xvijo.
17/08/1575Em. d. to Robart dent of Thorp xvijo.
27/08/1575Frances s. to John Plasterer of Balkholme xxvijo.
28/08/1575Jennt. wif to the said John Plasterer xxviijo.
September 1575.
06/09/1575Margaret d. to Cuthbt. hall late of Asselby vjo.
07/09/1575John Richardson of Laxton vijo.
18/09/1575dorothie d. to Miles Jackson late of Howden xviijo.
20/09/1575Thoms. Smith of Kilpin xxo.
21/09/1575Isabell d. to John Cade of Howden xxjo.
22/09/1575Isabell d. to Michaell Johnson of kned. xxijo.
October 1575.
03/10/1575Margaret d. to Jervis Cotnes of Asselbie iijo.
05/10/1575Robart Apthrop of Kilpin vo
06/10/1575John Perke of Howden vjo.
11/10/1575Isabell d. to Ralf dent of Thorp xjo.
11/10/1575Jennett a poore woman died at Laxton xjo.
12/10/1575Xpofer Nelson of Knedlington xijo.
15/10/1575Robart s. to Willm. Porter of Howden xvo.
15/10/1575Eliz. d. to Xpofer Fingley of Bermbie xvo.
18/10/1575Sithe wif to Mr. Wm. Vavasor of duncots xviijo.
18/10/1575John s. to Willm. hartforth of Howden xviijo.
18/10/1575Willm s. to John Apthrop senr. of Kilpin xviijo.
25/10/1575Alice wif to Robt. Apthrop of Kilpin xxvo.
28/10/1575Julian d. to Robt. Pearson of Howden Cordw. xxviijo.
30/10/1575Grace d. to John [blank] Elder of Knedlington ultimo
November 1575.
05/11/1575Isabell wif to nicolas Poills of Knedlington vo.
05/11/1575Joane d. to William Browne of Laxton vo.
10/11/1575Old Thoms. Awmond of Skelton xo.
10/11/1575Agnes d. to John dent died at belbie xo.
14/11/1575Frances d. to Thoms. marshall of Howden xiiijo.
28/11/1575George Gofill of Asselbie xxviijo.
December 1575.
02/12/1575Ranold Richardson als. Taylier of Howden ijo.
04/12/1575Willm s. to Agnes Trew iiijo.
05/12/1575Joane d. to Thoms. Lawtie of Saltmarsh vo.
14/12/1575Joane d. to Cuthbt. Ray of Cotnes xiiijo.
15/12/1575An d. to Robart goldsbrough of Thorp xvo.
16/12/1575Margaret d. to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington middle age xvjo.
21/12/1575Margaret Webster of Bermbie, vid. xxjo.
22/12/1575Joane d. to Willm. durham of Howden xxijo.
25/12/1575Willm. Richardson of Skelton xxvo.
Januarie 1575.
10/01/1575Eliz. d. to Robart haddlesey of Skelton xo.
11/01/1575Willm. s. to Ranold Browne of Howden xjo.
12/01/1575Alice Stevenson of skelton, spinst. xijo.
14/01/1575Margaret wif to George Robson of Howden xiiijo.
19/01/1575Alison dallison of Bermbie, vid. xix..
25/01/1575Thomas Richardson als. Taylier of Kilpin xxvo.
26/01/1575John s. to Xpofer nicolson of Laxton xxvjo.
27/01/1575Frances d. to Thoms. Richardson of Howden xxvijo.
Februarie 1575.
18/02/1575Umfride Ellis died at Thorp xviij..
19/02/1575Eliz. d. to Robt. Studderd of Howden xix..
23/02/1575Jennet d. to miles Collin late of Asselbie xxiijo.
25/02/1575Em : wif to Thomas Parkin of Howden xxvo.
27/02/1575Catherine Barton a servt. of Asselbie xxvijo.
March 1575.
04/03/1575Alice d. to Thoms. Storme junr. of belbie iiijo.
05/03/1575John s. to Xpofer hereson of Howden vo.
05/03/1575Ellin d. to Thoms. Parkin of Howden vo.
10/03/1575Agnes wif to Rich. Storie of Asselbie xo.
11/03/1575Joane d. to Willm. hereson of Bermbie xjo.
19/03/1575John s. to Thomas Barley of Asselbie xviiijo.
19/03/1575Mathew s. to Xpofer hall of Thorpe xixo.
22/03/1575Willm dun of Skelton xxijo.
March 1576.
28/03/1576Eliz. wif to nicholas Binds of Howden xxviij.
28/03/1576Dionis d. to Robt. Branton of Asselbie xxviij.
29/03/1576Margaret d. to Edward Lawton of Howden xxixo.
Aprill 1576.
06/04/1576John s. to Thoms. Clerke of Howden vjo
15/04/1576Willm Meryman of Skelton xvo.
23/04/1576John s. to George Jackson of Thorp xxiijo.
26/04/1576Joane d. to John Wilson of Laxton xxvjo.
29/04/1576Richard s. to Frances Ward of Howden xxixo.
Maye 1576.
02/05/1576Willm. Hartforth of Howden ijo.
07/05/1576Old Thoms. Collin of Howden vijo.
07/05/1576John s. to Wm. Coits of Bermbie vijo.
12/05/1576Margaret d. to hugh Bradmr. of Kilpin xijo.
13/05/1576Thoms. Palmer of Howden xiijo.
15/05/1576Michaell Johnson of kned. xvo.
20/05/1576Susance d. to John gowthrop of Howden xxo.
22/05/1576Jarvis Cotnes of Asselbie xxijo.
24/05/1576Thoms. Melros of Bermbie xxiiijo.
June 1576.
03/06/1576Marie wif to Robt. Atkinson of Newland iijo.
09/06/1576Joane d. to Rich. Foster of Howden ix.
10/06/1576James Awderson died at Howden xo.
11/06/1576John s. to Wm. halliday of Bermbie xjo.
12/06/1576Robart dowson of Cotnes xijo.
15/06/1576Willm s. to John Ricroft of Bermbie xvo.
19/06/1576Isabell d. to Wm. M'geson of Bermbie xixo.
21/06/1576Margaret wif to Robt. dowson late of Cotnes xxj..
21/06/1576George s. to Wm. Margeson of Bermbie xxjo.
29/06/1576Frances d. to the said Wm. Margeson xxixo.
31/06/1576dorothie d. to Nicholas [blank] of Howden ultimo
Julie 1576.
02/07/1576Eliz. d. to John Hesselwood of kned. ijo.
08/07/1576Robart kirsey of Bermbie viij.
10/07/1576Robart Hance of Howden xo.
15/07/1576Robart s. to hugh Awmond of Skelton xvo.
21/07/1576Thoms. s. to Rich. Coltard of howk. xxjo.
23/07/1576John s. to Steven Collin of Bermbie xxiijo.
31/07/1576Richard s. to John Thorp junr. of belbie ultimo
August 1576.
02/08/1576Agnes Grenewiche of Saltmarsh, spinst. ijo.
03/08/1576Margaret wif to Wm. Newbie of Skelton iijo.
13/08/1576An d. to Robt. Mayson of Asselbie xiijo.
15/08/1576Nicolas s. to Wm. Johnson of Balkholme xvo.
15/08/1576Willm s. to Thomas Johnson of boothe xvo.
16/08/1576Agnes d. to Thoms. Ogle of Thorp xvjo.
13/08/1576Frances Jackson of Howden Cordwaynr. xiijo.
28/08/1576Margaret wif to John Spencer of Bermbie xxviijo.
September 1576.
01/09/1576Catherine Stamper a servt. of Kilpin vx.
09/09/1576Robart s. to Alice halley ixo.
11/09/1576Isabell wif to John Johnson of Howden milnr. xjo.
12/09/1576Joane d. to Thoms. stork junr. of Skelton xijo.
31/09/1576Thoms. s. to Wm. dowson late of Laxton ultimo
October 1576.
04/10/1576Johane d. to Wm. nutbrowne of Asselbie iiijo.
06/10/1576John hereson of Kilpin vjo.
08/10/1576Catherine wif to Thoms. storie junr. of Skelton viijo.
08/10/1576Frances d. to Wm. nolland of Metham feildhouses viijo.
10/10/1576Thoms. s. to Wm. nutbrowne of Asselbie xo.
11/10/1576Alice wif to Wm. nutbrowne of Asselbie xjo.
12/10/1576Catherine d. to Thomas Bowes of Howden xijo.
15/10/1576Ellinor d. to Wm. nolland of Metham feildhouses xvo.
November 1576.
04/11/1576Eliz. d. to James Waire of Kilpin iiijo
06/11/1576Eliz. Benison, vid. died at Laxton vjo.
07/11/1576Catherine d. to Thoms. Crosier of Saltmarsh vijo.
09/11/1576Jane wif to Robt. Smyth of Howden ixo.
10/11/1576Mathew s. to John Wraikes of kned. xo.
December 1576.
07/12/1576George mires of Bermbie vijo.
25/12/1576Margaret Rainforth of Howden vid. xxvo.
30/12/1576John Hamson of Howden xxxo.
Januarie 1576.
16/01/1576Thoms. Benyson son in law to Rich. dewer xvjo.
28/01/1576Isabell Webster of Bermbie, vid. xxviijo.
29/01/1576Agnes d. to Rich. Sutton of Asselbie ultimo
Februarie 1576.
05/02/1576Thoms davie senr. of Howden vo.
08/02/1576Robart s. to Ralf dent of Thorpe viijo.
11/02/1576Eliz. Bound, vid. died at Knedlington xjo.
21/02/1576Richard Patteson died at Howden dike xxjo.
23/02/1576Robart Robinson, a poor man xxiijo.
March 1576.
07/03/1576Old Thoms. sparow of Knedlington vijo.
07/03/1576Eliz. Blansherd died at Howden vijo.
13/03/1576Agnes Sparrow of Knedlington vid. xiijo.
13/03/1576Jennt. Sparrow d. to the said Thomas & Agns. xiijo.
17/03/1576Julian Estoft of Howden spinst. xvijo.
18/03/1576Thoms. s: to Robt. haddlesey of Skelton xviijo.
18/03/1576Julian d. to Rich. Sutton of Asselbie xviijo.
19/03/1576Margaret d. to John Wmson of Skelton xixo.
23/03/1576Agnes d. to Jervis Cotnes of Asselbie xxiijo.
24/03/1576Rich : s. to Robart Clarke of Asselbie xxiiijo
Aprill 1577.
02/04/1577Robart Bellwoode of Skelton ijo.
13/04/1577Richard Robinson of Bermbie xiijo.
16/04/1577John s. to John Browne, a pedler xvjo.
21/04/1577Isabell d. to Thoms. savaige of Asselbie xxjo.
21/04/1577Cuthbart Scate xxjo.
22/04/1577An d. to Rich : hereson of Bermbie xxijo.
Maye 1577.
05/05/1577John s. to Thoms. dun junr. of Cotnes vo.
07/05/1577Xpofer Consett of Howden vijo.
07/05/1577Willm Ogle of Howden vijo.
10/05/1577Ranold s. to Ranold Bairley of Kilpin xo.
17/05/1577Margaret wif to Rich. Owbre of Skelton xvijo.
28/05/1577Thoms. s. to Peter dowson of Howden xxviijo.
29/05/1577Richard Coitts of Bermbie xxixo.
June 1577.
01/06/1577Edmund Willmson of Howden vx.
02/06/1577Edward s. to Miles Webster late of Bermbie ijo.
07/06/1577Richard s. to John davie of Howden vijo.
13/06/1577Willm. Woddall of Asselbie xiijo.
13/06/1577John s. to George Consett of Howden xiijo.
19/06/1577Awdrian d. to hugh bradmer of Kilpin xixo.
23/06/1577Rich. s. to Rich. Bradley of Howden xxiijo.
24/06/1577Margaret d. to Willm. Sutton of Bermbie xxiiij.
28/06/1577Xpofer s. to John Bawne of Balkholme xxviijo.
Julie 1577.
03/07/1577Peter hartforth, Cler. vicar of Howden iijo.
08/07/1577Robart Ardington of Howden viijo.
09/07/1577Thomas Armitt als. Sander of Skelton ixo.
12/07/1577Alice nelstrop died at Howden dike xijo.
17/07/1577Catherine wif to nichol Simson of Thorp xvijo.
23/07/1577Thoms. s. to Robt. Wawker of Bermbie xxiijo.
26/07/1577Jennet Crags of Howden vid. xxvjo.
August 1577.
01/08/1577dorothie d. to dorothie goforth of Saltmarsh vx.
09/08/1577Eliz. wif to Robt. haxbie of Yockflet booth ixo.
13/08/1577Thomas Johnson of Howden xiijo
19/08/1577Thoms. s. to Thomas Preston junr. of Howden xixo.
20/08/1577Thoms. s. to Thoms. Jackson of Howden xxo.
22/08/1577Edward s. to John Petch of Howden xxijo.
25/08/1577Frances s. to Edward Tomson of Kilpin xxvo.
25/08/1577John s. to John Pickering of Howden xxvo.
30/08/1577An d. to George Fowbery of sandhall xxxo.
September 1577.
01/09/1577Catherine sist. to Lawrence Johnson of Laxton vx.
15/09/1577Thoms. s. of Lawrence Johnson of Laxton xvo.
22/09/1577John s. to John Awdus junr. of Knedlington xxijo.
22/09/1577Alice Crabtre, a servt. of fockerthorp xxijo.
26/09/1577Ellenor Craven, servt. of Howden xxvjo.
12/10/1577Thoms. s. to Rich. Owbre of Skelton xijo.
12/10/1577Margerie Petch of boothe, vid. xijo.
14/10/1577Alice wif to Marmaduke Hesselwood of Asselby 14o.
19/10/1577Ellen d. to Robart Willmson of Howden xixo.
22/10/1577Julian Thorp of Laxton, vid. xxijo.
24/10/1577Margaret d. to Margaret hindm : of Skelton xxiiijo.
25/10/1577Willm. Ramsey of Asselbie xxvo.
November 1577.
04/11/1577Nicholas s. to Rich : Sexton of ringstone hirst iiijo.
16/11/1577Margaret d. to Jennet noble of Asselbie xvjo.
16/11/1577Margaret d. to John duffeild of Skelton xvjo.
22/11/1577John s. to Willm. hereson of Bermbie xxijo.
24/11/1577Agnes wif to John Thorp junr. of belbie xxiiijo.
27/11/1577Agnes d. to [blank] junr. of Kilpin xxvijo.
28/11/1577Willm metros of Bermbie xxviijo.
28/11/1577Willm s. to Wm. Browne of Laxton xxviijo.
December 1577.
07/12/1577Margaret wif to Ralfe Smith of Kilpin vijo.
10/12/1577Margaret d. to Willm. Johnson of Saltmarsh xo.
12/12/1577Eliz. Foster of Howden vid. xijo.
14/12/1577Agnes wif to Robt. Richardson of Laxton xiiijo.
20/12/1577Alison Jackson of Howden vid. xxo.
29/12/1577Frances d. to John Morton of Asselbie xxixo.
Januarie 1577.
03/01/1577John Slater of Skelton iijo.
03/01/1577Agnes d. to James Rud of Knedlington iijo.
04/01/1577Steven s. to Wm. Sherp of Bermbie iiijo.
07/01/1577John s. to Thomas Fidling of Howden vijo.
18/01/1577John s. to miles hereson of Bermbie xviijo.
28/01/1577Willm s. to Anthony Robinson of Howden xxviijo.
Februarie 1577.
04/02/1577Thoms. to Eliz. Brodforth iiijo.
08/02/1577Joane d. to Rich. Tanfeild of Skelton viijo.
10/02/1577Frances d. to John Nelson of Kilpin xo.
13/02/1577John s. to nicholas wild of Howden xiijo.
14/02/1577Eliz. d. to nicholas wilde of Howden xiiijo.
15/02/1577Richard s. to Rich. Tanfeild of Skelton xvo.
18/02/1577Old John Smart of Skelton xviijo.
20/02/1577Alice wife to Robt. Bradforth of Asselbie xxo
23/02/1577Eliz. wif to Wm. dallison of Bermbie xxiijo.
March 1577.
03/03/1577Eliz. d. to Rich. maskall of Howden iijo.
06/03/1577Robart s. to Robt. hundisley of Knedlington vjo.
11/03/1577Joane d. to Robart Sawer of Howden xjo.
12/03/1577Julian Reedsdale, a serf. of Laxton xijo.
13/03/1577Joane d. to Thomas Pearson of Howden butchr. xiijo.
14/03/1577Thomas Parke of Kilpin xiiijo.
14/03/1577Richard s. to Wm. Beilbie of Laxton xiiijo.
16/03/1577Joane d. to Leonard Woode of Balkh. xvjo.
24/03/1577Willm Bawme of Balkholme xxiiijo.
March 1578.
25/03/1578Isabell dawson d. to Antony Jackson xxvo.
29/03/1578Agnes Robinson of Bermbie xxixo.
29/03/1578Jennet wif to George Robinson of Howden xxixo.
Aprill 1578.
04/04/1578[blank] of Robt. Plasterer of Howden iiijo.
06/04/1578Agnes d. to John Watson of Howden vjo.
19/04/1578Sibbell Robinson of Howden vid. xixo.
23/04/1578Jennett hawdenbie of Asselbie xxiijo.
27/04/1578John s. to george Casse of Bermbie xxvijo.
31/04/1578Robart s. to Robt. Watkinson of Laxton ultimo
Maye 1578.
02/05/1578Rich. s. to George Blansherd of Saltmarsh ijo.
05/05/1578George Elesley of Howden vo.
08/05/1578Robart s. to Robt. haddlesey of Skelton viijo.
11/05/1578Robart Applebie of Kilpin xjo.
15/05/1578An d. to Wm. Sterke of Knedlington xvo.
16/05/1578Robart Smyth of Howden sadler xvjo.
26/05/1578Margaret Bowes of Howden vid. xxvjo.
28/05/1578Ellen d. to John Frankland of Howden xxviijo.
June 1578.
01/06/1578Willm. s. to Willm. Howden of Asselbie vx.
02/06/1578John s. to Wm. garthforth of Laxton ijo.
07/06/1578Margaret wif to hugh Smart of Kilpin vijo.
07/06/1578Robart s. to Ambros Owsom of Howden vijo.
08/06/1578Meriall d. to Willm. Jackson of Thorp viijo.
08/06/1578Margaret Bowe of Howden singlewomn. viijo.
11/06/1578John Ward of Howden xjo.
13/06/1578Thoms. King junr. of Knedlington xiijo.
17/06/1578John s. to Robt. Clarke of Howden xvijo.
25/06/1578Margaret d. to Wm. Cave of Bermbie xxvo.
Julie 1578.
12/07/1578dorothie wif to John Pearson of Saltmarsh xijo.
13/07/1578Joane d. to Robt. Casson of Knedlington xiijo.
19/07/1578George s. to Xpofer nicolson of Laxton xixo.
23/07/1578Eliz. wif to Rich. Stevenson of Skelton xxiijo.
23/07/1578Alice d. to Robt. Brighm. late of Howden xxiijo.
29/07/1578Davie Belt als. Cooke of Howden xxixo.
25/07/1578Robart s. to Thomas Clark of Howden xxvo.
August 1578.
08/08/1578Jennt. d. to Ranold Simson of Skelton viijo.
11/08/1578An d. to Thomas Tomson of Bermbie xjo.
24/08/1578Thomas Freman of Skelton xxiiijo.
25/08/1578John s. to Willm. Sutton of Bermbie xxvo.
26/08/1578Catherine wif to Wm. Carie of Skelton xxvjo.
26/08/1578An d. to Rich : Thorpe of belbie xxvjo.
September 1578.
07/09/1578Thoms. s. to John Thorp late of belbie vijo.
09/09/1578Avice wif to Rich : Wilbert of Thorp ixo.
11/09/1578Alice d. to John gathorne of Howden xjo.
11/09/1578Thoms. dinis died at Howden xjo.
12/09/1578Frances d. to Thomas Awdus of Asselbie xijo.
26/09/1578Rich. s. to Thomas Tallentire of Laxton xxvjo.
28/09/1578Agnes wif & Frances d. to Robt. Slater of Skelton xxviijo.
October 1578.
01/10/1578John s. to miles hayton of Balkholme vx.
04/10/1578John s. to Thoms. king late of Knedlington iiijo.
08/10/1578Isabell d. to Xpofer mounsie of Howden viijo.
13/10/1578An wif to Thoms. dun junr. of Cotnes xiijo.
21/10/1578John s. to John Slee, a poore man xxjo.
27/10/1578Willm s. to John Rainforth of Laxton xxvijo.
28/10/1578Willm s. to George Blansherd of Saltmarsh xxviijo.
November 1578.
04/11/1578John s. to John Collin of Balkholme iiijo.
10/11/1578Willm Freman of Howden belman xo.
10/11/1578Joane d. to Robt. Smyth junr. of Howden xo.
12/11/1578Joane d. to Robt. Robinson of Bermbie xijo.
15/11/1578John s. to John Parkin of Howden xvo.
16/11/1578John & Joane Ch: to Mr. John Saltmarsh of Saltmarsh xvjo.
17/11/1578Willm s. to Wm. hartforth late of Howden xvijo.
24/11/1578Isabell wif to Mr. John Saltmarsh of Saltmarsh xxiiijo.
December 1578.
02/12/1578Thoms. s. to hugh Awmond of Skelton ijo.
02/12/1578Daniell Haddlesey died at Knedlington ijo.
06/12/1578Frances d. to John Trott of Laxton vjo.
11/12/1578Frances s. to Jarvis Smith of Kilpin xjo.
15/12/1578Marie d. to george Robinson of Bermbie xvo.
17/12/1578Frances s. to John wraiks of Knedlington xvijo.
21/12/1578Joane d. to Wm. Johnson of Saltmarsh xxjo.
27/12/1578John s. to Willm. Paidge of Kilpin xxvijo.
31/12/1578Frances d. to Wm. Paidge of Kilpin ultimo
Januarie 1578.
01/01/1578John Thornton of Asselbie vx.
01/01/1578Joane d. to Mr. Viles of Howden vx.
05/01/1578Jennet wif to Robt. Baikbie of Balkholme vo.
06/01/1578Eliz. wif to Martin Viles of Howden vjo.
09/01/1578Jennet wif to Robt. Nelson of Knedlington ixo.
16/01/1578Agnes d. to Thoms. Stanous of Saltmarsh xvjo.
17/01/1578An wif to John Emerson of Howden xvijo.
20/01/1578Alice d. to Edmund Turner of Howden xxo.
23/01/1578Thoms. s. to Robt. Richardson died at Skelton xxiijo.
25/01/1578John s. to Wm. Coots junr. of Bermbie xxvo.
27/01/1578Jennet d. to Thoms. Stanous of Saltmarsh xxvijo.
29/01/1578Isabell Allan of Asselbie, vid. xxixo.
Februarie 1578.
03/02/1578Thoms Coltard of Howden dike iijo.
04/02/1578dorothie Thornton of Howden vid. iiijo.
05/02/1578Catherine d. to Rich. Okes late of Howden vo.
07/02/1578John s. to Thomas Ellis of Saltmarsh vijo.
08/02/1578John s. to Rich. dallyson of Bermbie viijo.
10/02/1578Rich. s. to Rich. Tomeson of Howden xo.
10/02/1578John s. to Edward Tomson of Kilpin xo.
15/02/1578Ellen d. to Willm. Bowe of Howden xvo.
15/02/1578Margerie Johnson of Howden vid. xvo.
15/02/1578Catherine d. to Wm. Park late of Saltmarsh xvo.
17/02/1578Thoms. durham died at Bermbie xvijo.
19/02/1578Robart Casson of Knedlington xixo.
22/02/1578Robart Sterke a servt. of Kilpin xxijo.
23/02/1578Rich. s. to John Bayne of Howden xxiijo.
24/02/1578George s. to John kirsey of Bermbie xxiiijo.
25/02/1578Frances d. to marmaduke hesselwood of Asselbie 25
31/02/1578Eliz. wif to John noble servant of Kilpin ultimo
31/02/1578Willm s. to John mawdsley of Asselbie ultimo
March 1578.
02/03/1578Robart s. to Mr Wm. harden died at Saltmarsh ijo.
03/03/1578Agnes wif to Edward Richardson of belbie iijo.
06/03/1578Agnes Palmer of Howden vid. vjo.
08/03/1578Catheren wif to Rich. Rainforth of Howden 8o.
12/03/1578Willm s. to Anthony Collin of Bermbie xijo.
14/03/1578Agnes wif to nicoTas Beck of Howden xiiijo.
15/03/1578Margaret wif to Antony Jackson of Howden xvo.
17/03/1578Thomas Turner, a servt. of Skelton xvijo.
17/03/1578Awdrian wif to John Smart of Skelton xvijo.
18/03/1578John s. to george Casse of Bermbie xviijo.
21/03/1578James Bevrley, a servt. of Skelton xxjo.
March 1579.
26/03/1579Susance Bowe of Howden spinst. xxvjo.
26/03/1579Robart s. to Willm. Binks of Skelton xxvjo.
27/03/1579Paule Polls, a servt. of Skelton xxvijo.
28/03/1579Ellen d. to Robt. Laington of Kilpin xxviijo.
29/03/1579Willm Burton, a servt. of Skelton xxixo
Aprill 1579.
01/04/1579Thoms. Greene, a servt. of Kilpin vx.
01/04/1579Lawrence s. to Wm. Beilbie of Laxton vx.
03/04/1579Ranold s. to Robart Banke of Howden iijo.
04/04/1579Jennet haddlesey of Skelton vid. iiijo.
07/04/1579John s. to John Foster of Howden dike vijo.
09/04/1579Thoms. s. to Ambrose Owsom of Howden ixo.
09/04/1579Eliz. d. to Thoms. Chate of Howden ixo.
11/04/1579Eliz. wif to Edward Tomson of Kilpin xjo.
15/04/1579Anthony Jackson of Howden xvo.
16/04/1579Xpofer s. to Thomas Cotnes of Asselbie xvjo.
17/04/1579Willm Proudfellow of Skelton xvijo.
21/04/1579Richard Thorp of belbie xxjo.
22/04/1579Thoms. Chatt of Howden xxijo.
22/04/1579Agnes wif to John Moore of Saltmarsh xxijo.
23/04/1579Willm Stevenson of Skelton xxiijo.
23/04/1579Catherine wif to Rich. Owbery of Skelton xxiijo.
24/04/1579Agnes wif to John Sutton died at Howden xxiiijo.
28/04/1579Mawde wif to John Frankland of Howden xxviijo.
28/04/1579Joane d. to Thomas Lawtie of Saltmarsh xxviijo.
28/04/1579Alice d. to Thomas Cutt of Howden xxviijo.
Maye 1579.
01/05/1579Ux. Sterke of Howden vx.
01/05/1579Isabell d. to Thoms. sparrow of Asselbie vx.
02/05/1579Isabell wif to Simond umfraii of Howden ijo.
03/05/1579Eliz. d. to Robart Willmson of Skelton iijo.
04/05/1579John Underwoode of Asselbie iiijo.
05/05/1579Marke s. to Xpofer Jobson of Howden vo.
06/05/1579Isabell Collin of Howden vid. vjo.
07/05/1579Margaret Applebie of Kilpin, vid. vijo.
10/05/1579Agnes d. to Robt. Smyth of Howden xo.
11/05/1579Richard dower of Howden xjo.
11/05/1579Ellen d. to Willm. Johnson junr. of Howden xjo.
11/05/1579Fayth d. to Willm. durham of Howden xjo.
12/05/1579John Noble Senr of Kilpin xijo.
13/05/1579John Johnson of Howden xiijo.
13/05/1579marke s. to John Mitton of Howden xiijo.
13/05/1579Rich. s. to Wm. hutcheson of Howden xiijo.
14/05/1579Thoms. s. to Ralf dent of Thorp xiiijo.
15/05/1579John Collin died at Skelton xvo.
17/05/1579Ellen wif to John Bayne of Howden xvijo.
18/05/1579Isabell wif to Mr. Wm. hardin of Saltmarsh xviijo.
18/05/1579Willm s. to John Palmer of the Waterside house xviijo.
19/05/1579Henrie s. to Mr. John gate of Linton, Esqr. xixo.
19/05/1579John davie, saltpeter maker xixo.
20/05/1579Rich. s. to John Mayson of Howden xxo.
20/05/1579Alison Plasterer of Howden vid. xxo.
20/05/1579Catherine d. to John Langton of Howden xxo.
21/05/1579Peter Cotnes a servt. of Howden xxjo.
21/05/1579Jennet Rainforth of Howden spinst. xxjo.
21/05/1579Jennet d. to John Nelson of Kilpin xxjo.
23/05/1579Eliz. d. to Robart Richardson of Laxton xxiijo.
23/05/1579Agnes wif & Frances s. to Wm. Lawson of kned. xxiijo.
23/05/1579Eliz. wif to Willm. hutcheson of Howden xxiijo.
24/05/1579John s. to James dalbie, Cler. of Howden xxiiijo.
28/05/1579Thoms. sanderson of Howden xxviijo.
29/05/1579Margaret wif & John s. to Robt. Plasterer of Howden xxixo.
29/05/1579Willm. s. to Robt. hance of Howden xxixo.
29/05/1579Isabell d. to Robt. Sutton of Howden xxixo.
29/05/1579Agnes wif to Wm. Leaven of Skelton xxixo.
29/05/1579Alice Bradmer of Knedlington xxixo.
30/05/1579Thoms. s. to Rich. Jackson of Howden ultimo
June 1579.
01/06/1579Richard Jackson of Howden vx.
01/06/1579Ambrose Owsom of Howden vx.
01/06/1579Alice Bainebrig als. Chapman of Howden vx.
01/06/1579dorothie d. to Willm. hutcheson of Howden vx.
03/06/1579Xpofer s. to Willm. Bowe of Howden iijo.
04/06/1579Antony s. to Wm. hutcheson of Howden iiijo.
05/06/1579Robert Laington a servt. of Kilpin vo.
05/06/1579Isabell wif to John Woulfet of Howden vo.
05/06/1579Margaret Owsom of Howden vid. vo.
05/06/1579Xpofer Carie of Howden vo.
05/06/1579Joane Watson a servt. of Howden vo.
05/06/1579Catherine Benyson of Howden vo.
07/06/1579Catherine dewer of Howden vid. vij.
08/06/1579Old Wm. Leaven of Skelton viijo.
08/06/1579Ellen d. to Charles dawson of Howden viijo.
09/06/1579Joane d. to Isabell durham of Howden ixo.
10/06/1579Willm. s. to Willm. Goote of Laxton xo.
10/06/1579Mary d. to Frances Jackson late of Howden xo.
11/06/1579Thoms. s. to Willm. dawson of Howden xjo.
13/06/1579Rich. mounkchus a servt. of Howden xiijo.
13/06/1579Eliz. Wright of Howden vid. xiijo.
14/06/1579Walter s. to Thoms. Coltard of Howden xiiijo.
14/06/1579Willm Tomson of Howden batcheler xiiijo.
14/06/1579Nicolas s. to Thomas Coltard of Howden xiiijo.
15/06/1579Rich : Balyea a servt. of Howden xvo.
16/06/1579Margaret d. to Wm. Johnson of Balkholme xvjo.
16/06/1579Old Proudfoles wif of Howden xvjo.
16/06/1579Willm. s. to John Rogerson of Howden xvjo.
17/06/1579Robart s. to John Awdus junr. of Knedlington xvijo.
18/06/1579Bartholomew s. to Alice Peacock xviijo.
18/06/1579Ellen Taylier a servt. of Howden xviijo.
19/06/1579Rich. s. to John Apthrop senr. of Kilpin xixo.
19/06/1579Isabell Johnson als. glover of Howden xixo.
20/06/1579Eliz. Jackson a servt. of Howden xxo.
20/06/1579Jennet Sander of Howden vid. xxo.
21/06/1579Bartholomew Bradshaw of Howden xxjo.
21/06/1579Old Johnson's wif of Howden vid. xxjo.
21/06/1579Catherine Patchett of Howden xxjo.
22/06/1579Old Bell's wif of thorp, vid. xxijo.
22/06/1579Alison d. to Willm. Johnson of Balkholme xxijo.
22/06/1579Eliz. d. to John Baine of Howden xxijo.
24/06/1579Alison d. to John Apthrop senr. of Kilpin xxiiijo.
24/06/1579Robart Bradforth of Asselbie xxiiijo.
24/06/1579Agnes d. to Rich. Storie died at Howden xxiiijo.
25/06/1579Margerie Webster of Bermbie, spinst. xxvo.
25/06/1579George s. to Robt. Paintlad of Kilpin xxvo.
25/06/1579Phillip d. to Cuthbt. Stamp of Saltmarsh xxvo.
26/06/1579Agnes wif to Thoms. Wiesdale of Howden xxvjo.
28/06/1579Margaret Carie of Howden spinst. xxviijo.
28/06/1579Thoms. Coltard of Howden xxviijo
29/06/1579Eliz. wif to Willm. dallison of Bermbie xxixo.
29/06/1579dorothie d. to George dowson of Laxton xxixo.
30/06/1579Frances s. to Robt. Bradforth of Asselbie xxxo.
Julie 1579.
01/07/1579Margaret Bradforth of Asselbie, vid. vx.
01/07/1579Ranold s. to Rich. Freman of Howden vx.
01/07/1579Robart s. to george dowson of Laxton vx.
01/07/1579Eliz. d. to Mr. Wm. herden died at Saltmarsh vx.
02/07/1579Cuthbart s. to John Smyth of Skelton ijo
03/07/1579John Awdus junr. of Knedlington iijo.
06/07/1579Richard Thornton a servt. of Howden vjo.
07/07/1579dorothie wif to Robt. Ogle of Laxton vijo.
08/07/1579Henrie s. to John Rogerson of Howden viijo.
13/07/1579Agnes & Julian d. to John Smyth junr. of Asselbie xiijo.
14/07/1579Margaret wif to Robt. Watkingson of Laxton xiiijo.
15/07/1579Eliz. d. to Robt. Watkinson of Laxton xvo.
16/07/1579Jennet Woodmansey a servt. of Bermbie xvjo.
17/07/1579John Lonsdale a servt. of Howden xvijo.
18/07/1579Agnes d. to myles Collon of Asselbie xviijo.
19/07/1579Xpofer Jobson of Howden xixo.
19/07/1579Eliz. d. to nicolas Richardson of Asselbie xixo.
20/07/1579Robart Hundisley of Knedlington xxo.
20/07/1579Eliz. Shire of Asselbie, vid. xxo.
20/07/1579dorothie d. to the said Eliz. xxo.
20/07/1579Margaret d. to miles Collin late of Asselbie xxo.
24/07/1579John Smyth, junr. of Asselbie xxiiijo.
25/07/1579Alice d. to Miles Wright of Thorp xxvo.
26/07/1579Rich. s. to Robt. Palmer of belbie xxvjo.
29/07/1579Jennet d. to Edward Shire of Asselbie xxixo.
29/07/1579Jennett d. to Rich Sisson of Howden xxixo.
31/07/1579Margaret Webster a servt. of Asselbie ultimo
August 1579.
04/08/1579dorothie d. to Miles garton of Asselbie iiijo.
05/08/1579John s. to Thomas Richardson of Asselbie vo.
05/08/1579Alice d. to John Semer of Asselbie vo.
06/08/1579Eliz. wif to Nichol Richardson of Asselbie vjo.
08/08/1579Anthony Raynfirth of Laxton viij.
09/08/1579Alison Binds of Asselbie, vid. ixo.
09/08/1579Thoms. s. to Rich. Segstone of ringstone hirst ixo.
10/08/1579Robart Awdus of Knedlington of Carthous xo.
10/08/1579Eliz. Sisson of Asselbie, Spinst. xo.
11/08/1579Willm. s. to John Smyth junr. of Asselbie xjo.
18/08/1579Thoms. s. to Miles garton of Asselbie xviijo.
19/08/1579Julian Sisson of Asselbie, spinst. xix.
20/08/1579Henrie Booth a servt. of Howden xxo.
20/08/1579Xpofer s. to Xpofer harrison of Howden xxo.
21/08/1579Eliz. [blank] a servt. of bernhill xxjo.
September 1579.
04/09/1579Agnes disforth of Knedlingt. spinst. iiijo.
06/09/1579Thoms. s. to John Wells late of Cotnes vjo.
06/09/1579Alice wif to Robt. Sutton of Howden vjo.
07/09/1579Miles garton of Asselbie vijo.
11/09/1579Jane d. to John Robt. als. milnr. of Saltmarsh xjo.
13/09/1579Jennet d. to Wm. M'geson of Bermbie xiijo.
14/09/1579Peter Loncaster of ringstone hirst xiiijo.
17/09/1579Jennet wif. to Nicholas Paverd of Howden xvijo.
20/09/1579John Atkinson a servt. of Skelton xxo.
23/09/1579John dawson of Kilpin xxiijo.
27/09/1579Jennet d. to Wm. Binks of Skelton xxvijo.
October 1579.
01/10/1579Alice Burins of Howden vid. vx.
01/10/1579Ellen wif to Wm. Sisson of Howden vx.
07/10/1579Jennet d. to Robt. Stevenson of Asselbie vijo.
07/10/1579Alice d. to Eliz. Burins of Howden vijo.
20/10/1579Isabell Osbairne of thorp, spinst. xxo.
22/10/1579Alison wif to John baron als. Orwell of kned. 22o.
29/10/1579John s. to Robart Sutton of Knedlington xxixo.
30/10/1579Rich. s. to Rich. Freman of Laxton xxxo.
30/10/1579An s. to Thoms. Abbott of Howden ultimo
November 1579.
04/11/1579Margaret wif to Thoms. Pattrick of Saltmarsh iiijo.
11/11/1579Old Thoms. smith of Skelton xjo.
12/11/1579Margaret d. to Wm. Sterke of Knedlington xijo.
14/11/1579Dorothie d. to Thoms. Patricke Senr. of Saltmarsh xiiijo
December 1579.
13/12/1579Jennet Sutton of Howden spinst. xiijo.
26/12/1579Robart Willmson of Howden xxvjo.
Januarie 1579.
05/01/1579Thomas Wilson of Laxton vo.
08/01/1579Frances d. to Wm. Paidge of Kilpin viijo.
09/01/1579Edward s. to George Robinson of Bermbie ixo.
13/01/1579John s. to Steven Smyth of Saltmarsh xiijo.
14/01/1579Joane d. to Thomas P'tricke senr. of Saltmarsh 14o.
27/01/1579Mathew s. to Wm. Sherpe of Bermbie xxvijo.
Februarye 1579.
01/02/1579John duffeild of Skelton vx.
02/02/1579Eliz. Smith of Howden vid. ijo.
04/02/1579Isabell wif to lawrence Johnson of Laxton iiijo.
07/02/1579Richard Laverack of Skelton vijo.
08/02/1579Ranold s. to Wm. Richardson Senr. of Skelt. viijo.
08/02/1579Frances s. to John Nelson viijo.
10/02/1579John s. to John Trott of Laxton xo.
11/02/1579Isabell Willmson of Howden & Ellen Willmson her daughter xjo.
12/02/1579An d. to Willm. Coots Junr. of Bermbie xijo.
12/02/1579Charles s. to Robt. Willmson late of Howden xijo.
15/02/1579Jennett Crosier of Saltmarsh, vid. xvo.
21/02/1579Eliz. d. to Edward Browne of Howden xxjo.
24/02/1579Richard Wilbert of Thorpe xxiiijo.
25/02/1579Susance d. to Thoms. Nicolson of Balkholme xxvo.
31/02/1579Rich. Smith als. Steven of Bermbie ultimo
March 1579.
15/03/1579Hugh s. to Thoms. Clark of Howden xvo
16/03/1579Margaret d. to Miles Hayton of Balkholme xvjo.
27/03/1579John s. to Willm. Stainton of Howden xxvijo.
Aprill 1580.
01/04/1580Alison wife to Oliver Baylyea of boothe vx.
05/04/1580Willm. Jackson of Howden butcher vo.
06/04/1580Willm. Newbie of Skelton vjo.
07/04/1580Marie d. to Rich. Stone of Skelt. vijo.
08/04/1580Xpofer s. to Laurence Johnson of Laxton viijo.
12/04/1580Jennet d. to Anthonie Rainforth of Laxton xijo.
18/04/1580Agnes d. to John Stevenson Junr. of Skelt. xviijo.
20/04/1580Isabell d. to Isabell Flawood xxo.
Maye 1580.
05/05/1580Margaret Webster of Bermbie, Spinst. vo.
06/05/1580Catherine d. to hugh hundisley of boothe vjo.
10/05/1580Joan d. to Rich. Segston of ringston hirst xo.
16/05/1580Margaret Stor of Saltmarsh, vid. xvjo.
14/05/1580Willm. Stor of Saltmarshe xivo.
17/05/1580Eliz. & Jannet d. to Wm. Carbutt of Howden xvijo.
19/05/1580Ellen Stor of Saltmarsh & John her son xixo.
19/05/1580John s. to Alice Bishop xixo.
21/05/1580Willm. s. to Wm. dawson of Howden xxjo.
26/05/1580Old John Holdsworth died at Howden xxvjo.
27/05/1580Alice wif to Wm. Johnson of Howden Junr. xxvijo.
27/05/1580Frances d. to Wm. Hereson Junor of Bermbie xxvijo.
29/05/1580Jennet wif to the said Wm. hereson xxixo.
29/05/1580Robert s. to Marmaduke hesselwood of Asselbie xxixo.
June 1580.
06/06/1580Agnes d. to Rich. Steven als. Smith late of Bermbie vjo.
09/06/1580Eliz : wif to John Rainforth of Bermbie ixo.
13/06/1580Rich. s. to John Rainforth of Bermbie xiijo.
14/06/1580An Bower died at Kilpin xiiijo.
14/06/1580John s. to Rich. Jackson of newland xiiijo.
28/06/1580dorothie d. to Nicolas Slater of Skelt. xxviijo.
Julie 1580.
07/07/1580Jannet d. to Robt. Richardson als. Tayler of lax. vijo.
11/07/1580Ralfe s. to Rich. Jackson of Newland xjo.
13/07/1580Frances d. to John Robinson of Asselbie xiijo.
17/07/1580Jannet wif to George Casse of Bermbie xvijo.
26/07/1580An d. to Wm. Howdon of Asselbie xxvjo.
August 1580.
16/08/1580Richard Sutton of Howden xvjo.
20/08/1580Eliz. Lawtie of Saltmarsh, spinst. xxo.
24/08/1580John allerson als. currier died at Howden xxiiijo.
29/08/1580Ellen d. to John hereson of Balkholme xxixo.
September 1580.
20/09/1580Agnes wif & Marye d. to Thomas Parkin of Howden xx.
21/09/1580Edward s. to Nicolas Simson of Thorpe xxjo.
23/09/1580Thoms. s. to Rich. Wilbart of Thorpe xxiijo.
24/09/1580Margaret d. to Rich. Freman of Laxton xxiiijo.
24/09/1580John Kadon died at Howden xxiiijo.
24/09/1580Alice Sawer of Howden vid. xxiiijo.
31/09/1580Isabell wif to Rich. Owbre of Skelt. ultimo
October 1580.
10/10/1580Isabell d. to John Tomlin of yockflet xo.
11/10/1580Alexander s. to John Smyth of Bermbie xjo.
14/10/1580Margaret wif to Rich. Freman of Cotnes xiiijo.
14/10/1580Margaret d. to Cuthbt. Ray of Cotnes xiiijo.
23/10/1580Julian d. to Robt. Ogle of Laxton xxiijo.
30/10/1580Thoms. s. to John dun of Laxton xxxo.
30/10/1580Mary d. to Cuthbt. Ray of Cotnes xxxo.
30/10/1580Margaret Gilbert a servt. of Thorpe ultimo
November 1580.
01/11/1580Mawde Sutton, wid. died at Howden vx.
08/11/1580Nicholas Parky of Kilpin viijo.
09/11/1580Catherine Bockenfeild of kneld. spinst. ixo.
09/11/1580Frances d. to John Franckland of Howden ixo.
16/11/1580Robart s. to John Barley of Thorpe xvjo.
17/11/1580Jennet d. to Thomas Richardson of Asselbie xvijo.
18/11/1580Robart Watkinson of Balkholme xviijo.
18/11/1580Jennet Taton of Bermbie, vid. xviijo.
26/11/1580Thomas Edward Freman of Skelton xxvjo.
28/11/1580Agnes Wilson of Skelton, wid. xxviijo.
December 1580.
02/12/1580Leonard Yong died at Howden ijo.
07/12/1580Agnes Ramsey of Howden vijo.
07/12/1580Jennet Knoills of Howden vid. vijo.
09/12/1580Hugh Stevenson of Asselbie ixo.
09/12/1580Joan d. to Rich. hereson of Bermbie ixo.
21/12/1580John Smyth of Asselbie xxjo.
24/12/1580Rich : son to Antony Rainforth of lax. xxiiijo.
25/12/1580Isabell wif to Wm. Sisson of Howden xxvo.
25/12/1580Frances d. to Margaret Hodgshon xxvo.
January 1580.
23/01/1580Thomas Newton of Thorpe xxiijo.
27/01/1580Eliz. d. to Rich. Pearson of Howden xxvijo.
27/01/1580Jennett Carye of Howden vid. xxvijo.
Februarye 1580.
11/02/1580Margaret Boothe als. Patton d. to John Frankland xjo.
20/02/1580John s. to Thomas Richardson of Howden xxo.
21/02/1580Thoms. abbott of Howden xxjo.
21/02/1580Henry s. to Ux. Casson of Knedlington xxjo.
March 1580.
03/03/1580Jennet wif to Symon Stevenson of Skelt. iijo.
08/03/1580John s. to John Pickering of Howden viijo.
16/03/1580Rich. s. to Ellen Chapleine of Kilpin xvjo.
20/03/1580Thoms. dun Senr. of Cotnes xxo.
22/03/1580Eliz. wif to John Hereson of Howden xxijo.
23/03/1580[blank] d. to Rich. Tanfeild of Skelton xxiijo.
29/03/1580Frances d. to Willm. Sterkie of Knedlington xxixo.
Aprill 1581.
01/04/1581Frances d. to Rich. Jackson of newland vx.
04/04/1581Old Willm. Bedall of Asselbie iiijo.
20/04/1581Robart s. to Willm. Beilbie of Laxton xxo.
20/04/1581dorothie d. to Wm. Porter of Howden xxo.
20/04/1581Willm. Spencer of Bermbie xxo.
21/04/1581John davie of Howden xxjo.
26/04/1581Alison wif to Wm. Bielbie of Laxton xxvjo.
27/04/1581Sr. Thoms. Place, cur. at Howden xxvijo.
Maye 1581.
08/05/1581Ellen wif to John Abbott of Howden viijo.
17/05/1581Thoms. Browne of York xvijo.
19/05/1581Jennet d. to Nicolas Slater of Skelt. xixo.
30/05/1581Thoms. s. to Hugh hundisley of boothe ultimo
June 1581.
02/06/1581Thoms. s. to Thomas Baylyea of hithe ijo.
02/06/1581Jennet wife to John Pickering of Howden ijo.
10/06/1581Thoms. king of Knedlington xo.
10/06/1581Willm. Doding of Kilpin xo.
13/06/1581Willm. Linley of Howden xiijo.
18/06/1581Eliz. d. to Edward Tomson of Kilpin xviijo.
22/06/1581Robart s. to Thoms. Wawker of Howden xxijo.
26/06/1581Catherine Pinder of Laxton xxvjo.
Julie 1581.
05/07/1581Peter s. to Willm. dallison of Bermbie vo.
05/07/1581Catherine d. to Frances Mayson of Howden vo.
19/07/1581Agnes Robinson of Asselbie, vid. xixo.
26/07/1581Agnes d. to Ralf Bell of Thorpe xxvjo.
26/07/1581Frances d. to Wm. Stainton of Howden xxvjo.
August 1581.
03/08/1581Margaret Bradmer of Knedlington spinst. iijo.
08/08/1581Xpofer s. to Willm. Carbutt of Howden viijo.
08/08/1581Agnes d. to James Semer of Asselbie viijo.
24/08/1581John s. to Willm. Palmer of belbie xxiiijo.
30/08/1581Margaret wif to Rich. Clarke died at Laxton xxxo.
September 1581.
13/09/1581Frances d. to Thoms. Richardson of Asselbie xiijo.
14/09/1581Marie wif to Robt. danyell of Howden xiiijo.
16/09/1581Robart s. to Thoms. Willmson of Saltmarsh xvjo.
19/09/1581Ellinor wif to Robt. Pearson of Howden xixo.
October 1581.
01/10/1581Thomas Cutt of Howden vx.
04/10/1581Edward s. to Edward Parke of Skelton iiijo.
04/10/1581Eliz. d. to mathew Skelton of Howden iiijo.
06/10/1581Jane d. to george Bell of Howden vjo.
14/10/1581Eliz. wif to John Cave of Bermbie xiiijo.
14/10/1581Frances d. to marmaduke hesselwood of Knedlington xiiijo.
17/10/1581Margaret wif to John Rainforth of Bermbie & her child being a daughter xvijo.
19/10/1581John s. to John Trott of Laxton xixo.
24/10/1581Nicolas s. to Wm. Johnson of Howden xxiiijo.
30/10/1581Jennet wif to John haddlesey of Saltmarsh ultimo
November 1581.
08/11/1581John s. to John hall of Howden viijo.
13/11/1581Isabell wif to Thoms. Battell of Sandhall xiijo.
15/11/1581Joane d. to Robt. Abbott of Howden xvo.
18/11/1581Robart Pearson of Howden butcher xviij.
20/11/1581An d. to Barthol. gilderson of belbie xxo.
29/11/1581Thoms. Corker, a servnt. of Howden xxixo.
December 1581.
09/12/1581John s. to Mr. John Gaite of linton ixo.
13/12/1581Agnes wif to John Whaites of Saltmarsh xiij.
15/12/1581Sithe d. to Edmund Pocklinton of Laxton xvo.
21/12/1581Margaret d. to Edmund Barker late of belbie xxjo.
24/12/1581Agnes Slater of Skelton, vid. xxiiijo.
Januarye 1581.
03/01/1581Willm. s. to Thoms. storme Senn of belbie iijo
04/01/1581Isabell Trattle died at Howden iiijo.
07/01/1581Ellen d. to Robt. Newton of belbie vijo.
13/01/1581Eliz. Atkinson, vid. of Howden xiijo.
26/01/1581Nicholas Bins of Howden xxvjo.
27/01/1581Eliz. wif to Mathe Skelton of Howden xxvijo.
February 1581.
07/02/1581Thoms. s. to Thoms. dun of cotnes vij.
14/02/1581dorothie d. to John Parkin of Howden xiiijo.
16/02/1581Isabell wif to John Spencer junr. of Bermbie xvjo.
16/02/1581Margery Fletcher of Laxton vid. xvjo.
18/02/1581Christofer s. to Lionell Jobson of Howden xviijo.
21/02/1581James Mathew, a strange surgeon xxjo.
25/02/1581Rich. s. to Wm. Westabie late of Asselbie xxvo.
26/02/1581Thoms. s. to Charles dowson of Howden xxvjo.
March 1581.
06/03/1581Jannet Smith vjo.
08/03/1581Thomas Gilbart als. Blake viijo.
22/03/1581Thoms. s. to Thoms. Arlush of Howden xxijo.
22/03/1581An wif to Robt. Mayson of Asselbie xxijo.
26/03/1581Margaret wif to Robt. Arlush of Skelton xxvjo.
28/03/1581Catherine wif to Robt. hugh of North Cave xxviijo.
30/03/1581Jennet d. to John Wooddall of Bermbie ultimo
Aprill 1582.
02/04/1582Agnes wif to Ralfe dent of Thorp ijo.
07/04/1582Margaret Morton of Asselbie, vid. vijo.
07/04/1582Eliz. d. to John Belay of Yockflete vijo.
11/04/1582Alexander s. to Thoms. Smith of Bermbie xjo.
11/04/1582Jennet d. to Roger Turner of Howden xjo.
12/04/1582An wif to Symond Umfray of Howden xijo.
16/04/1582Ellen wife & Frances d. to John glover of Asselbie xvjo.
16/04/1582John s. to John Smart of Skelt. xvjo.
18/04/1582Grace d. to Wm. Stevenson of Howden xviijo.
26/04/1582Willm. s. to Thoms. sutton of Howden xxvjo.
Maye 1582.
13/05/1582dorothie d. to Rich. Jackson of newland xiijo.
30/05/1582Margaret wife to Wm. Garforth of Laxton ultimo
June 1582.
04/06/1582Richard Haddlesey of Skelton iiijo.
04/06/1582Eliz. d. to Rich. Johnson of Thorpe iiijo.
09/06/1582Frances d. to Rich. Branton of Knedlington ixo.
12/06/1582Frances d. to Peter dowson of Howden xijo.
23/06/1582Alice sister to Rich. Tanfeild of Skelton xxiijo.
23/06/1582Agnes d. to Thoms. Storme of belbie xxiijo.
25/06/1582John Palmer of Howden xxvo.
Julye 1582.
14/07/1582Xpian Stevenson of Asselbie, spinst. xiiijo.
26/07/1582Eliz. d. to Edward dikson of barnell xxvjo.
29/07/1582Edward s. to John heward xxixo.
31/07/1582Paull Bockenfeild of Asselbie ultimo
August 1582.
01/08/1582Willm. s. to Wm. Fingley of Bermbie vx.
04/08/1582Mathew s. to John Barley of Thorpe iiijo.
05/08/1582Agnes d. to Thoms. Moore of Saltmarsh vo.
07/08/1582Eliz. wif to Wm. Girlington of Kilpin vijo.
08/08/1582Alice Talland of Laxton spinst. viijo.
19/08/1582Agnes d. to Anthony Atkinson of Howden xixo.
22/08/1582Catherine wif to Wm. Blacklock of Balkholme xxijo.
28/08/1582Jane d. to Christofer Fingley of Bermbie xxviijo.
September 1582.
03/09/1582Agnes wif to Robt. Flaward of Asselbie iijo.
05/09/1582Edward s. to Robt. Masson of Asselbie vo.
16/09/1582Grace d. to Frances Masson of Howden xvjo.
19/09/1582Allison d. to Robt. Witton of Howden xixo.
19/09/1582George Atkinson of Howden xixo.
22/09/1582Wm. s. to Nicolas Stevenson of Skelt. xxijo.
24/09/1582Margaret d. to Rich. Smyth of Bermbie xxiiijo.
25/09/1582Margaret Blacklock of Howden spinst. xxvo.
28/09/1582John Hudson of Saltmarsh xxviijo.
October 1582.
04/10/1582John s. to Thoms. Cutt of Howden iiij.
05/10/1582Rich. s. to John Cobgrave of Bermbie vo.
07/10/1582Frances d. to Robt. Witton of Howden vijo.
13/10/1582Willm. s. to Robt. maysson of Asselbie xiijo.
22/10/1582Margaret Tatome of Bermbie, spinst. xxijo.
24/10/1582Jennet hudson of Saltmarsh, vid. xxiiij.
November 1582.
03/11/1582Agnes Partrick als. Stamp of Saltmarsh, vid. iijo.
03/11/1582Eleanor d. to Thoms. Pearson of Howden iijo.
06/11/1582Ellinor dawson of Howden spinst. vjo.
07/11/1582Thoms. Halsworth of Howden vij.
09/11/1582John s. to Thoms. Storme Junor of bilbie ixo.
13/11/1582Catherine d. to Thoms. spencer of Howden xiijo
15/11/1582[blank] Smyth of Howden spinst. xvo.
18/11/1582Prudence d. to Rich. Foster of Howden xviijo.
13/11/1582An d. to Wm. Blacklock of Balkholme xiijo.
23/11/1582Jaine d. to Rich. Carie of Howden xxiijo.
December 1582.
08/12/1582Edward s. to Robt. Collinson of Howden viijo.
20/12/1582Jane d. to Robt. hargrave als. Poole of Skelton xxo.
24/12/1582An wif to Cuthbt. Raye of Cotnes xxiiijo.
24/12/1582Margaret david of Howden vid. xxiiijo.
24/12/1582John s. to Willm. Cocker of Bermbie xxiiijo.
25/12/1582George s. to Robt. Arksay of Kilpin xxvo.
28/12/1582dorothie d. to Wm. Symon of Bermbie xxviijo.
31/12/1582An d. to John Gaite of Howden Esqr. ultimo
Januarie 1582.
02/01/1582Thoms. s. to Willm. Coots of Bermbie ijo.
04/01/1582John s. to Christofer Wells of Cotnes iiijo.
12/01/1582Thoms. s. to Christofer Berker of Laxton xijo.
14/01/1582Robart s. to Thoms. Yong of Skelton xivo.
15/01/1582Ellinor Parke of Skelt. Spinst. xvo.
17/01/1582Henrie s. to Willm. Margeson of Bermbie xvijo.
17/01/1582Eliz. wif to Edmund Turner of Howden xvijo.
18/01/1582Roger s. to Christofer hall of Asselbie xviijo.
24/01/1582John s. to John Pearson of Saltmarsh xxiiijo.
20/01/1582Grace d. to Christofer hall of Asselbie xxo.
24/01/1582Willm. dowson of Laxton xxiiijo.
22/01/1582Ranold s. to Mathew Skelton of Howden xxijo
27/01/1582Richard Tomison of hemyngbrough xxvijo.
Februarie 1582.
05/02/1582Agnes wife to hugh Smart of Kilpin vo.
06/02/1582Ellinor Birkbray of Laxton vid. vjo.
09/02/1582John s. to Adam Knowles of Howden ixo.
09/02/1582Cuthbart s. to Rich. Freman of Cotnes ixo.
11/02/1582Mary d. to Thomas dun of Cotnes xjo.
12/02/1582Isabell wif to Wm. dikson of Balkholme xijo.
13/02/1582John dent of Kilpin xiijo.
24/02/1582dorothie d. to Edward Dickson of barnell xxiiij.
22/02/1582Agnes Richardson of Asselbie xxijo.
March 1582.
05/03/1582Willm. Carle of Skelton vo.
08/03/1582Willm. Wetherall of Bermbie viijo.
16/03/1582John Wooddall of Bermbie xvjo.
17/03/1582Margaret Ramsdale of Asselbie xvijo
17/03/1582John s. to John Smart of Skelton xvijo.
20/03/1582Alice d. to Christofer Mounsie of Howden xxo.
March 1583.
25/03/1583Agnes d. to John Smith of Balkholme xxvo.
25/03/1583Catherine d. to Nicolas Proudfellow of Skelton 25o.
25/03/1583John Emerson of Howden xxvo.
27/03/1583Isabell d. to John Parkin of Howden xxvijo.
28/03/1583Isabell d. to Agnes Forth of Howden xxviijo.
28/03/1583Charles dawson of Howden xxviijo.
28/03/1583Margaret wife to Wm. Semer of booth xxviij.
29/03/1583Alison Shier of Knedlington spinst. xxixo.
Aprill 1583.
01/04/1583Edward s. to Wm. Johnson of Saltmarsh vx.
07/04/1583Robart s. to Francis davie of Howden vijo.
07/04/1583Edie d. to hugh Bradmer of Kilpin vijo.
10/04/1583Richard Writh of Balkholme xo.
12/04/1583Jennet d. to Peter Foston of Saltmarsh xijo.
12/04/1583Agnes hall of Asselbie, vid. xijo.
13/04/1583Robart Awdus of Howden xiijo.
15/04/1583Thoms. Clerke of howdon xvo.
23/04/1583John Gowthrop of Howden Sadler xxiijo.
Maye 1583.
02/05/1583Eliz. wife to Alexander Watson of Saltmarsh ijo.
12/05/1583Thoms. Wilson of Kilpin xijo.
19/05/1583Gregorie Parke of Kilpin xixo.
28/05/1583Alison wif to Mathew Ley of Bermbie xxviijo.
30/05/1583John s. to George dowson of Laxton xxxo.
June 1583.
08/06/1583Steven Turner of Kilpin viijo.
11/06/1583An d. to Robt. Smyth of Howden xjo.
14/06/1583Grace d. to Orignall Todd of Howden xiiijo.
19/06/1583Alison wif to Walter Rawdon of Knedlington xixo.
20/06/1583Wm. Petwardtine als. Howden of Skelt. xxo.
24/06/1583John s. to Mawde Robts, als. Milner of Saltmarsh 24o.
24/06/1583John s. to Edward Parke of Skelt. xxiiijo.
31/06/1583Robt. s. to Wm. dallison of Bermbie ultimo die.
Julie 1583.
26/07/1583John s. to Willm. Thornton Junr. xxvjo.
10/07/1583James Cromock of Howden xo.
13/07/1583Ux. Wooddall of Asselbie vid. xiijo.
14/07/1583Jennet Smith of Howden vid. xiiijo.
23/07/1583Julian wif to John Smith of Bermbie xxiijo.
August 1583.
09/08/1583Robart Kie [?] of blacktoft ixo.
12/08/1583Isabell wif to Wm. Halliday of Bermbie xijo.
30/08/1583Jennett d. to An Nelson of Bermbie ultimo
September 1583.
08/09/1583Frances d. to John Pickering of Howden viijo.
18/09/1583Catherine wif to Old Towson of Howden xviijo.
20/09/1583Jennet Belwood of Skelton spinst. xxo.
22/09/1583Thoms. s. to George Fingley of Bermbie xxijo.
October 1583.
06/10/1583Alison Turner of Kilpin, vid. vjo.
12/10/1583Robart Studderd of Howden xijo.
20/10/1583Agnes wif to Wm. Smart of Bermbie xxo.
20/10/1583Eliz. Hall of Asselbie, spinst. xxo.
22/10/1583Eliz. d. to James Sewer xxijo.
November 1583.
04/11/1583Frances d. to Robt. Slater of Skelt. iiijo
09/11/1583John s. to hugh Smart of Skelton ixo.
26/11/1583John Hartforth of Howden xxvjo.
December 1583.
01/12/1583Frances d. to Robt. Pearson of Howden vx.
02/12/1583Eliz. Evers of Kilpin, spinst. ijo.
03/12/1583Jane d. to [blank] of Skelton iijo.
04/12/1583Francis s. to Wm. Smyth of Howden iiij.
10/12/1583Eliz. d. to John Ledgerd of Knedlington xo.
17/12/1583Anthony Atkingson of Howden xvijo.
25/12/1583[blank] wife to John Rabie of Laxton xxvo.
26/12/1583Willm. s. to Rich. dallison of Bermbie xxvjo.
28/12/1583Eliz. d. to Ralf Rome [?] of Howden xxviijo.
Januarie 1583.
05/01/1583Willm. Cootes Junr. of barmbie vo.
05/01/1583Francis s. to hugh Bradmer of Kilpin vo.
07/01/1583Em. wife to Bryan Pickering of Laxton vijo.
07/01/1583Roger s. to Thomas Barlay of Asselbie vijo.
08/01/1583Robart Collin of Skelton viijo.
09/01/1583Willm. Pearson of Boothe ixo.
11/01/1583Robart s. to Robt. Flaward of Asselbie xjo.
12/01/1583Jane d. to Ralf dent of Thorpe xijo.
13/01/1583Catherine d. to Cuthbert Raye of Cotnes xiijo.
15/01/1583Margaret Pocklington of Howden, Spinst. xvo.
16/01/1583Jane d. to [blank] of Barnell xvjo.
18/01/1583Isabell wife to Ranold Simson of Skelt. xviijo.
26/01/1583Alison wif to Wm. Stevenson of Howden xxvjo.
26/01/1583George s. to Rich. Pearson of Howden xxvjo.
28/01/1583Gabriell Arlush of Howden xxviijo.
29/01/1583Frances & Frances borne at Asselbie xxixo.
30/01/1583Benet wif to Thomas Wiesdale of Howden xxxo.
30/01/1583alice wif to Thoms. Ellowthrop of Asselbie xxxo.
Februarie 1583.
01/02/1583Willm. s. to James Ware of Howden dike vx.
03/02/1583Margaret d. to George Taylier of Bermbie iijo.
07/02/1583Jone d. to Eliz. Whippiner of Laxton vijo.
07/02/1583Robart s. to Eliz. Halliday of Skelt. vijo.
09/02/1583Frances d. to Rich. Leaven of Howden ixo.
09/02/1583Catherine d. to Agnes Smith of Knedlington ixo.
15/02/1583Eliz. wif to Robt. Backbie of Balkholme xvo.
15/02/1583dionis d. to James Ware of Howden dike xvo.
15/02/1583Thoms. Pearson of Howden xvo.
24/02/1583Henrie Noble of Asselbie xxiiijo.
24/02/1583Thoms. sutton of Howden butcher xxiiijo.
25/02/1583Robert s. to John Frankland of Howden xxvo.
25/02/1583John s. to Thomas Richeson of Howden xxvo.
27/02/1583Peter Fostan of Saltmarshe xxvijo.
March 1583.
02/03/1583Marie Metcalf of Bermbie, spinst. ijo.
14/03/1583Thoms. hutcheson als. Ponter of Howden xiiijo.
18/03/1583Edith d. to Thoms. Readshaw of Laxton xviijo.
24/03/1583Richard hutcheson of Knedlington fidler xxiiijo.
28/03/1583Margaret d. to John Foster of Howden dike xxviij.
30/03/1583Thoms. Alland of Asselbie ultimo die.
Aprill 1584.
01/04/1584Catherine Underwood of Asselbie, vid. vx.
02/04/1584An wif to John Leadgeard of kned. ijo.
07/04/1584Isabell d. to Marmaduke hesselwood of Knedlington vijo.
14/04/1584Frances d. Allan dun of Skelton xiiij.
21/04/1584The wif of Wm. Johnson als. Wright of Howden xxjo.
26/04/1584Thoms. s. to Robt. Bedall of Asselbie xxvjo.
Maye 1584.
06/05/1584Rich. s. to Robt. Pinder of Laxton vjo.
08/05/1584John s. to Rich. Sutton of Asselbie viijo.
09/05/1584James Michell of Howden ixo.
19/05/1584Agnes d. to Christofer hall of Knedlington xixo.
20/05/1584Catherine d. to George Arksey of Laxton xx.
25/05/1584Frances d. to Thomas Waring of Kilpin xxvo
26/05/1584Cicilie wif to Wm. Barker of Asselbie xxvjo.
15/05/1584Margaret gray of belbye xvo.
29/05/1584Isabell wif to Thoms. Marshall of Howden xxixo.
June 1584.
05/06/1584Peter s. to George Chapman of Howden vo.
10/06/1584Cicilie hall of Skelton, spinst. xo.
10/06/1584Jennet wif to Thoms. Richeson of Asselbie xo.
12/06/1584John Hutton of Asselbie xijo.
14/06/1584John s. Willm. Howdall of Bermbie xiiijo.
14/06/1584Thoms. s. to Isabell Watson of Balkholme xiiijo.
21/06/1584Jennet d. to Rich. Jackson of Skelton xxjo.
22/06/1584Robart Beilbie of Saltmarsh xxijo.
23/06/1584John s. to Rich. Jackson of newland xxiijo.
25/06/1584Cuthbart s. to John Smyth of Skelt. xxvo.
26/06/1584Margaret Birtlingshawe of Asselbie xxvjo.
Julie 1584.
01/07/1584Robert Stevenson of Asselbie vx.
07/07/1584Willm. s. to Robt. Collin of Saltmarsh vijo.
13/07/1584Alice wif to Henry Nutbrowne of Knedlington xiijo
14/07/1584John Wildone of Laxton xiiijo.
14/07/1584Henrie s. to Ralf Atkinson of Howden xiiijo.
16/07/1584Agnes Bradley of Saltmarsh, vid. xvjo.
19/07/1584Isabell wif to John Awdus of Knedlington xixo.
21/07/1584Margaret Colterd of Howden vid. xxjo.
26/07/1584Alice Metcalf of Howden spinst. xxvjo.
29/07/1584Thomas Wiesdale of Howden xxixo.
August 1584.
01/08/1584Grace d. to Edward Smyth of Knedlington vx.
12/08/1584Alice wif to Thomas Pickering of Howden xijo.
14/08/1584Christofer Brigham of Howden labor. xiiij.
15/08/1584Thomas Wright, Cur. of Bermbie xvo.
16/08/1584Thoms. s. to Christofer Tomlin of Laxton xvjo.
20/08/1584Robart Sutton of Knedlington xxo.
23/08/1584Margerie wif to John Sterke of Knedlington xxiijo.
23/08/1584John s. to John Smart of Skelton xxiijo.
24/08/1584Agnes Tennant of Balkholme vid. xxiiijo.
27/08/1584A woman a stranger xxvijo.
28/08/1584Elinor wif to Mathew Skelton of Howden xxviijo.
28/08/1584Christofer Flint of Howden xxviijo.
September 1584.
02/09/1584Richard Bradley of Howden carpent. ijo.
02/09/1584Agnes Mawdsley of Asselbie, vid. ijo.
02/09/1584Margaret d. to George dowson of Laxton ijo.
03/09/1584Ellenor d. to Rich. Stevenson of Skelton iijo.
04/09/1584Agnes d. to Rich. Browne of Cotnes iiijo.
09/09/1584Eliz. wif to Thoms. Jackson of Kilpin ix.
14/09/1584Rich. s. to Wm. Stainton of Howden xiiij.
24/09/1584George Cave of Bermbie xxiiij.
26/09/1584Jennet Carlill of Howden vid. xxvjo.
31/09/1584Alison wif to Thomas Alerton of Knedlington ultimo
October 1584.
02/10/1584Robt. s. to Ralf Apthorp of Saltmarsh ijo.
04/10/1584Agnes d. to Rich. Laverock of Skelton iiijo.
05/10/1584Willm Hartforth of Howden vo
11/10/1584Anthonie noddall of Asselbie xjo.
11/10/1584Willm Girlington of Kilpin xjo.
13/10/1584[blank] of Thoms. Pattrick of Saltmarsh xiijo.
14/10/1584Thoms. savaige of Asselbie xiiijo.
17/10/1584John Franckland of Howden xvijo.
17/10/1584Willm s. to Robart Carie of Skelton xvijo.
20/10/1584Peter Thornton of Thorpe xxo.
22/10/1584Henrie s. to Edward dickson of barnell xxijo.
24/10/1584Agnes wif to Andrew Sterkie of Knedlington xxiiijo.
24/10/1584Robart Smyth of belbie xxiiijo.
28/10/1584A maid a stranger died at barnell xxviijo.
November 1584.
02/11/1584Symond s. to Thoms. Jackson of Howden ijo.
12/11/1584Thoms. Pinder of Kilpin xijo.
12/11/1584Alice Pattrick als. Stamp of Kilpin xijo.
16/11/1584Edward s. to Jerman Skelton of Howden xvjo.
17/11/1584Richard Freman of Cotnes xvijo.
20/11/1584Frances & Frances d. to Eliz. Farnibie xxo.
17/11/1584Edward s. to John hall of Howden xvijo.
22/11/1584Frances d. to John Tomlinson of Howden xxijo.
28/11/1584Frances d. to hugh Smart of Skelton xxviijo.
December 1584.
03/12/1584Thoms. s. to Wm. Osbairne of Skelton iijo.
04/12/1584Robart s. to Miles Smith of Asselbie iiijo.
04/12/1584An d. to Robart Hall of Asselbie iiijo.
08/12/1584John s. to John Ockes of Knedlington viijo.
09/12/1584Frances d. to John Petwardine of Howden ixo.
12/12/1584Eliz. wif to Edward Gathorne of Bermbie xijo.
19/12/1584Rich. s. to Rich. Smart of Saltmarsh xixo.
20/12/1584Ralfe s. to John glover of Bermbie xxo.
21/12/1584Alison Webster of skelton, spinst. xxjo.
31/12/1584Margaret d. to John nelson of Kilpin ultimo
Januarie 1584.
20/01/1584Robart s. to Willm. Smith of Howden xxo.
21/01/1584Thoms. Herrison of Bermbie ferie xxjo.
22/01/1584John Coots junr. of Bermbie xxijo.
22/01/1584Eliz. wif to henry nelson of Howden xxijo.
25/01/1584Catherine wif to Wm. Watson of Balkholme xxvo.
26/01/1584John & Agnes Ch : to Wm. Beilbie of Laxton xxvjo.
27/01/1584Margaret Jurdane of Kilpin, spinst. xxvijo.
29/01/1584Willm Parke of Kilpin xxixo.
30/01/1584Eliz : wif to John Abbott of Kilpin xxxo.
Februarie 1584.
03/02/1584Jennet wif to Thoms. noble of Knedlington iijo.
03/02/1584Luce d. to John Oats Esqr. iijo.
05/02/1584John s. to Robt. Robinson of Asselbie vo.
06/02/1584John s. to Rich. Belwood of Skelton vjo.
07/02/1584Thoms. s. to Thoms. Yong of Skelton vijo.
07/02/1584Ellenor wif to Antonie newes of booth vijo.
08/02/1584Grace d. to Ralfe Ripwth. of Howden viijo.
10/02/1584Alice wif to Willm. Beilbie of Laxton xo.
10/02/1584Margaret wif to Edward Browne of Howden xo.
11/02/1584Jennet d. to Edward Browne of Howden xjo.
14/02/1584dorothie d. to John Wooddall of Howden xiiijo.
16/02/1584Willm Hodgson of Howden xvjo.
20/02/1584Willm s. to Thoms. Fidling of Howden xxo.
26/02/1584Isabell d. to Xpofer Okes of Howden xxvjo.
27/02/1584daniell s. to John Awdus of Knedlington xxvijo.
27/02/1584Frances d. to James Semer of Balkholme xxvijo.
31/02/1584Ux. Slater of Skelton ultimo die.
March 1584.
01/03/1584Margaret d. to John Coots junr. of Bermbie vx.
03/03/1584Jennet Jefferson of Howden vid. iijo.
04/03/1584Grace wif to Costons founcktons of Asselbie iiijo.
05/03/1584Alice d. to Wm. dawson of Howden vo.
06/03/1584Thomas Waille of Saltmarsh vjo.
08/03/1584Margaret Farnibie of Howden viijo.
12/03/1584Eliz. d. to John Beilbie of Saltmarsh xijo.
13/03/1584Cuthbart Rotherforth of Howden xiijo.
13/03/1584Isabell d. to Wm. Sisson of Howden xiijo.
16/03/1584John Place of Thorpe xvjo.
16/03/1584Barbara wif to John Tomlinson of Howden xvjo.
21/03/1584Thomas Preston junr. of Howden xxjo.
22/03/1584Robart son to Wm. Branton of Knedlington xxijo.
22/03/1584Willm s. to hugh hunsley of booth xxijo.
23/03/1584Agnes d. to george Casse of Bermbie xxiijo.
24/03/1584Margaret wif to george Chapman of Howden xxiiijo.
30/03/1584George s. to Thomas haddlesey of Laxton xxxo.
Aprill 1585.
01/04/1585Catherine wooddall of Asselbie, spinst. vx.
02/04/1585George s. to Robt. dawson of Howden ijo.
08/04/1585Rebecca d. to Mr. Shepheard of Bermbie viijo
09/04/1585Isabell d. to Cuthbt. Stamp of Cotnes ixo.
09/04/1585Margaret d. to Edward Parke of Skelton ixo.
10/04/1585Agnes wif to Robt. middlewood of Howden xo.
10/04/1585Wm. s. to margaret Farnibie of Howden xo.
11/04/1585The wif of John Cherie of Bermbie xjo.
12/04/1585Frances d. to Wm. Tomson of Howden xijo.
13/04/1585Margaret d. to John Gibson of Howden xiijo.
15/04/1585Willm Sanderson of Bermbie xvo,
18/04/1585Georg s. to Cuthbt. musgrave of Howden xviijo.
19/04/1585John s. to Roger Turner of Howden xixo.
19/04/1585Margaret d. to Robt. Smyth of Howden xixo.
20/04/1585Jennet d. to Steven Collin of Bermbie xxo.
21/04/1585Willm. Sharpe of Bermbie xxjo.
22/04/1585Thoms. sedgsworth of belbie xxijo.
25/04/1585Jennet Jackson of Howden, vid. xxvo.
25/04/1585Agnes d. to Willm. hodgson of Howden xxvo.
26/04/1585John s. to John Parkin of Howden xxvjo.
27/04/1585Alexander s. to miles herrison of Bermbie xxvijo.
27/04/1585Alexander s. to Wm. Sutton of Bermbie xxvijo.
27/04/1585Willm. s. to Wm. Porter of Howden xxvijo.
31/04/1585Catherine d. to Wm. dallison of Bermbie ultimo die.
31/04/1585Wm s. to Margery Webster of Knedlington ultimo
Maye 1585.
01/05/1585Willm. s. to Wm. Jackson of Thorpe vx.
03/05/1585Ralfe Smith of Kilpin iijo
04/05/1585John s. to WI11m. Graye of Howden iiijo.
05/05/1585Thomas Wooddall of Bermbie vo
09/05/1585Eliz. hutcheson of Howden vid. ixo.
20/05/1585Agnes d. to Steven Collin of Bermbie xxo.
23/05/1585Margaret d. to Thoms. harland of Saltmarsh xxiijo.
23/05/1585Marie d. to Originall Tod of Howden xxiijo.
26/05/1585Thoms. Gibson als. Sheperd of Howden xxvjo.
30/05/1585Edmund Fowler of Asselbie xxxo.
30/05/1585Henrie s. to Rich. Sutton of Asselbie xxxo.
June 1585.
07/06/1585Thoms. Tomson of Skelton vijo.
11/06/1585Willm. Browne of Laxton xjo.
16/06/1585Henrie s. to Henry Wooddall xvjo.
08/06/1585Margaret d. to John Smith of Skelton viijo.
Julie 1585.
04/07/1585George s. to Willm. Smith of Bermbie iiijo
09/07/1585An Thornell of Howden ixo.
13/07/1585Eliz. d. to John Foster of Howden dike xiijo.
21/07/1585Willm s. to Thoms. Browne of howd, xxjo.
26/07/1585John s. to Rich. Jackson of Newland xxvjo.
26/07/1585John s. to John Emerson of Howden xxvjo.
27/07/1585John Whithe of Asselbie xxvijo.
August 1585.
11/08/1585Em. d. to John Smart of Skelt. xjo.
15/08/1585Eliz. d. to Willm. Goote of Laxton xvo.
16/08/1585Henry s. to old Walker of Howden xvjo.
September 1585.
10/09/1585Edward s. to Rich. Smart of Saltmarsh xo.
15/09/1585Jennet d. to Thomas Moore of Skelt. xvo.
18/09/1585Willm. Sutton of Howden xviijo.
26/09/1585John Underwoode of Asselbie xxvjo.
29/09/1585Catherine wif to Robt. Conyngworth xxixo.
31/09/1585John s. to John dickson of Skelt. ultimo
October 1585.
07/10/1585Margaret d. to Willm. Shoter of Howden vijo.
07/10/1585An old man died at Robart howsons vijo.
08/10/1585dorothie b. to edward hesseltine viijo.
13/10/1585Ux. Fingley of Bermbie xiijo.
14/10/1585Frances & John s. to Antonie Bilbrough of Bermbie xiiijo.
16/10/1585Old arthere of Laxton xvjo.
19/10/1585John s. to Robt. Richeson als. Taylier of Balkholme xixo.
21/10/1585Willm Machell of Cotnes, gent. xxjo.
22/10/1585Thoms. & Wm. s. to Jervis Smith of Kilpin xxijo.
23/10/1585Willm. Wilson of Kilpin xxiijo.
24/10/1585Agnes wif to John Smyth of belbie xxiiijo.
24/10/1585Steven s. to John Anderson of Bermbie xxiiijo
27/10/1585Jennet d. to Alice Cotnes of Saltmarsh xxvijo.
27/10/1585Alice wif to John Gathorne of Howden xxvijo.
30/10/1585John Smith als. Walker of Howden ultimo
November 1585.
09/11/1585Willm. Steven of Asselbie ixo.
09/11/1585Richard Palmer of Howden belman ixo.
13/11/1585Eliz. Beckett als. Smith of Kilpin xiijo.
13/11/1585Catherine d. to Robt. Bedall of Asselbie xiijo.
21/11/1585Willm s. to Nicolas Richeson of Asselbie xxjo.
24/11/1585Edward s. to John Pearson of Howden xxiiijo.
27/11/1585Richard s. to Roger Turner of Howden xxvijo.
27/11/1585Charitie wif to John Petwartine of Howden xxvijo.
31/11/1585Willm dawson of Howden ultimo
December 1585.
06/12/1585Catherine d. to Walter Erott of Laxton vjo.
08/12/1585Ursula wif to Steven Collin of Asselbie viijo.
09/12/1585John s. to John Rabie of Laxton ixo
12/12/1585Catherine d. to Jennet Morton of Asselbie xijo.
13/12/1585Thomas Farnibie of Howden xiijo.
14/12/1585Frances d. to Rich. Stevenson of Skelt. xiiijo.
16/12/1585Frances d. to Ranold Barlay of duncots xvjo.
18/12/1585Isabell wif to Robt. Slater of Skelt. xviijo
21/12/1585Agnes Freman of Skelton, vid. xxjo.
21/12/1585Agnes wif to Wm. herrison of Balkholme xxjo.
21/12/1585Willm s. to Wm. Garforth of Laxton xxjo.
28/12/1585Jane wif to Thoms. Yong of Skelt. xxviijo.
Januarie 1585.
03/01/1585Alice wif to John Foster of Howden dike iijo.
04/01/1585Jennet d. to Willm. Good of Asselbie iiijo.
07/01/1585John s. to henry Arcles of Bermbie vijo.
08/01/1585Willm s. to Nicolas Thorpe of Kilpin viijo.
08/01/1585Margaret wif to Thomas Johnson of Howden dike viijo.
10/01/1585John s. to Ralf Ripwth of Howden xo.
13/01/1585Agnes d. to Thomas Pattrick senr. of Saltmarsh xiijo.
13/01/1585Jone d. to John glover of Bermbie xiijo.
15/01/1585Eliz. d. to Robt. Taylier of Balkholme xvo.
20/01/1585Alice Sisson of Laxton spinst. xxo.
22/01/1585Willm s. to Susance Bowes xxijo.
22/01/1585Willm s. to James Rud of Knedlington xxijo.
25/01/1585Marmaduke hesselwoode of Knedlington xxvo.
25/01/1585John Semer of Asselbie xxvo.
25/01/1585An d. to Rich. Barker of Howden xxvo.
30/01/1585John s. to James Ray of barnell xxxo.
Februarye 1585.
02/02/1585John Jewett of Saltmarsh ijo.
02/02/1585Jane d. to Edward Freman of Skelt. ijo.
06/02/1585Agnes d. to Willm. Palmer of belbie vjo.
06/02/1585Edith d. to Robt. Slater of Skelton vjo.
08/02/1585Catherine d. to Antonie Newes of boothe viijo.
08/02/1585John Tomlinson of Howden viijo.
08/02/1585John s. to Thomas Jackson of Kilpin viijo.
09/02/1585John s. to Marmaduke Poppleton of Howden ixo.
14/02/1585Thoms. s. to John Smyth of Bermbie xiiijo.
20/02/1585Thoms. s. to John knight of Kilpin xxo.
23/02/1585Jarvice s. to henrie Wooddall of Asselbie xxiijo.
24/02/1585Willm. Binks junr. of Skelton xxiiijo.
19/02/1585A poore boy of Cavill died in Howden xixo.
24/02/1585Agnes d. to John Plasterer of Skelton xxiiijo.
31/02/1585John s. to Willmson of feild house ultimo
March 1585.
04/03/1585Robart Smyth of Howden iiijo.
04/03/1585Margaret d. to Nicolas Thorp of Kilpin iiijo.
04/03/1585Margaret d. to Wm. Johnson Sent'. of Howden iiijo.
07/03/1585Margaret d. to Peter Ellison of Cliff vijo.
05/03/1585Susanna d. to John hall of Howden vo.
09/03/1585Agnes Parkinson of barmbie ixo.
15/03/1585Thoms. s. to Rich. Storie of Skelton xvo.
20/03/1585Richard Smith als. Walker of Howden xxo.
21/03/1585Richard s. to Rich. Johnson of Thorpe xxjo.
24/03/1585Willm & Robart s. to Wm. Lawtie of Asselbie xxiiijo.
Aprill 1586.
01/04/1586Ux. Lye of Saltmarsh vx.
02/04/1586Edward s. to Agnes Shillito of Skelt. ijo.
06/04/1586Mathew s. to Thoms. Browne of Howden vjo.
07/04/1586Agnes d. to Thomas Palmer of Howden vijo.
08/04/1586Willm Waringe of Kilpin viijo.
09/04/1586John s. to John dawson of birmbie ixo.
10/04/1586Margaret Baynton of Bermbie xo.
10/04/1586George s. to Steven Fingley of Asselby xo.
12/04/1586Willm Freman of Bermbie xijo.
13/04/1586Robart s. to Nicolas Thorp of belbie xiijo.
14/04/1586Thoms. Harland of Saltmarsh xiiijo.
14/04/1586John s. to John Thorp of Howden xiiijo.
14/04/1586Old Rome of Howden xiiijo.
18/04/1586Thoms. Shille, a stranger xviijo.
20/04/1586Eliz. d. to Thomas Walker of Howden xxo.
24/04/1586Old Segswth wif late of belbie xxiiijo.
25/04/1586Thoms. Smith of barmbie xxvo.
29/04/1586Agnes wif to John Beilbie of Saltmarsh xxixo.
Maye 1586.
10/05/1586Robart s. to Thomas grabarne of Saltmarsh xo.
15/05/1586Willm. Winterburne of belbie xvo.
15/05/1586John s. to Margaret Sisson of Howden xvo.
18/05/1586Antony s. to Robt. Palmer of belbie xviijo.
19/05/1586Anthony Bilbrough & his wif of Bermbie xixo.
19/05/1586Barbara d. to Edward Steven of Balkholme xixo.
19/05/1586Old Agnes of Laxton xixo.
19/05/1586Thoms. s. to Rich. Westabie of Asselbie xixo.
24/05/1586Willm dixson of Balkholme xxiiijo.
June 1586.
02/06/1586Eliz. wif to Edward Steven of Balkholme ijo.
07/06/1586Ranold Barlay of duncotts vijo.
07/06/1586An wif to Thoms. Storme Senr. of belbie vijo.
20/06/1586John Watson of Howden xxo.
20/06/1586Cuthbt. s. to Peter Anderson of Boothe xxo.
20/06/1586Agnes d. to Christofer Nelson of Balkholme xxo.
21/06/1586Jane Burton of Balkholme xxjo.
22/06/1586Jelian Smith of belbie xxijo.
23/06/1586Eliz. bawne of Thorpe xxiijo.
24/06/1586Eliz. wif to Ranold Barlay of Balkholme xxiiijo.
24/06/1586Thoms. s. to Rich. Wright of Balkholme xxiiijo.
26/06/1586Margaret d. to Ranold Barlay of duncots xxvjo.
26/06/1586Isabell d. to John Barlay of Thorpe xxvjo.
28/06/1586Thoms. s. to Wm. Johnson of Saltmarsh xxviijo
Julie 1586.
01/07/1586Ux. Johnson of duncots vx.
04/07/1586Willm. Johnson of Saltmarsh iiijo.
04/07/1586Ellin d. to John Smyth of Balkholme iiijo.
09/07/1586Ralf s. to John Barlay of Thorp ixo.
09/07/1586Mawde d. to John Barlay of Thorpe ixo.
10/07/1586James Semer of Balkholme xo.
10/07/1586Agnes Trewe of Howden vid. xo.
11/07/1586John s. to John Barlay of Thorp xjo.
11/07/1586John Barlay & his wif of Thorp xjo.
11/07/1586Jone d. to Bryan Browne of Laxton xjo.
13/07/1586Robart s. to Thomas Ellerton of Knedlington xiijo.
14/07/1586Willm. s. to James Barray of Thorpe xiiijo.
14/07/1586Agnes Sarratt of Thorpe xiiijo.
18/07/1586John s. to John Pearson of Saltmarsh xviijo.
18/07/1586Christofer [blank] a servt. of Thorpe xviijo.
19/07/1586Bartholomew Hilderson of Thorpe xixo.
19/07/1586John Smyth of Balkholme xixo.
19/07/1586Wm s. to Rich. Wright of Balkholme xixo.
20/07/1586Willm. s. to Thoms. Rabie of Balkholme xxo.
21/07/1586Robart Ogle of Laxton xxjo.
26/07/1586Frances d. to Wm. herrison of Balkholme xxvjo.
29/07/1586Willm. s. to Wm. Thornton of Asselbie xxixo.
August 1586.
05/08/1586Isabell d. to Thomas Alland of Asselbie vo.
06/08/1586Margarie wif to James Barray of Thorp vjo.
08/08/1586Francis s. to Rich. Sasker of Balkholme viijo.
09/08/1586Eliz. d. to John harison of Balkholme ixo.
10/08/1586Eliz. d. to Rich. Wright of Balkholme xo.
12/08/1586Ragwell Herrison of Balkholme xijo.
13/08/1586Jennet [blank] a sert. at Balkholme xiijo.
17/08/1586Willm Herrison of Balkholme xvijo.
21/08/1586John s. to Antonie Sterkie of Knedlington xxjo.
21/08/1586Frances d. to Antony Collin of Bermbie xxjo.
29/08/1586Brigit d. to Christofer Tomlin of Laxton xxixo.
September 1586.
10/09/1586Willm. Goote of Laxton xo.
12/09/1586John s. to Paule Barker of Asselbie xijo.
13/09/1586Grace Belt of Howden, vid. xiijo
20/09/1586Margaret wif to Edward hessletine of Knedlington xxo.
27/09/1586Em. d. to Christofer Okes of Howden xxvijo.
27/09/1586Frances d. to Thoms. Clarke of Skelton xxvijo.
31/09/1586Eliz. wif to Nicolas Slater of Skelton ultimo
October 1586.
03/10/1586Julian wif to John Trott of Laxton iijo.
05/10/1586John s. to John herrison of ringstonehurst vo.
09/10/1586Eliz. wif to Jervis hunslaye of Knedlington ixo.
15/10/1586Joane wif to Arthure Parkin of Knedlington xvo.
26/10/1586Frances wif to henry Courser of Balkholme xxvjo.
24/10/1586Edward Dieves of Skelton xxiiijo.
26/10/1586John s. to henry Courser of Balkholme xxvjo.
27/10/1586Christofer s. to Cuthbt. Sharp of Cotnes xxvijo.
28/10/1586Thoms. s. to Jerman Skelton of Howden xxviijo.
November 1586.
09/11/1586Steven Colling of Bermbie ixo.
10/11/1586John s. to Paul Barker of Asselbie xo.
15/11/1586Richard s. to Rich. Ridmire of Kilpin xvo.
16/11/1586Richard s. to Rich. Browne of Cotnes xvjo.
20/11/1586Willm Webster of Thorpe xxo.
24/11/1586Old Stevenson's wife of Asselbie xxiiijo.
December 1586.
02/12/1586Agnes d. to Ambrose Bell of Asselbie ijo.
08/12/1586Willm s. to Rich. Awdus of Asselbie viijo.
18/12/1586An old woman, a stranger xviijo.
18/12/1586Robart s. to John Dun of Saltmarsh xviijo.
20/12/1586John Clarke a sert. of Skelton xxo.
25/12/1586Robart Blansherd of Kilpin xxvo.
28/12/1586Old Nelson's wif of Knedlington xxviij
31/12/1586Willm. Gibson of Saltmarsh ultimo
Januarie 1586.
01/01/1586Thoms. Davie of Howden vx.
12/01/1586Thoms. Courser of Laxton xijo.
12/01/1586An old poore woman died at Balkholme xijo.
14/01/1586Alice dawson of Kilpin, wid. xiiijo.
15/01/1586Frances & Jane Ch' to Thoms. Browne of Howden xvo.
17/01/1586Edmond s. to Jennet Tomlin of Skelton xvijo.
17/01/1586Isabell Atkinson of belbie xvijo.
23/01/1586Agnes wif to John halliwell of Saltmarsh xxiijo.
27/01/1586John Herrison of Balkholme xxvijo.
28/01/1586Richard Birkbeck of feild house xxviijo.
Februarye 1586.
09/02/1586Willm. s. to Christofer kennylay of Howden ixo.
10/02/1586Willm s. to John halliwell of Saltmarsh xo.
12/02/1586Ellinor d. to John Gate Esq. xijo.
19/02/1586Eliz. wif to John Storme of Howden xixo.
22/02/1586dorothie wif to John Wooddall of Howden xxijo.
25/02/1586Jennet Knowles of Howden xxvo.
March 1586.
01/03/1586Catherine Underwoode of barmbie vx.
03/03/1586Alice wif to Willa Pearson of Kilpin iijo.
04/03/1586Agnes Richeson of Howden vid. iiijo.
08/03/1586John s. to John Spencer Junr. of Bermbie viijo.
12/03/1586Thoms. s. to Robart Palmer of belbie xijo.
16/03/1586John s. to Antonie nutbrowne of Thorp xvjo.
17/03/1586Willm. s. to John Barker of Asselbie xvijo.
26/03/1586A poor woman died at Saltmarsh xxvjo.
26/03/1586An d. to Tomyson Elison of Laxton xxvjo.
30/03/1586Catherine Atkin of Laxton xxx.
Aprill 1587.
03/04/1587Alice d. to Edward Pearson of Howden iijo.
03/04/1587Robart s. to Steven Willmson of Skelton iijo.
10/04/1587[blank] Stamper died at Thorpe xo.
12/04/1587Willm s. to John Fletcher of Howden xijo.
15/04/1587Richard Smith of Bermbie xvo.
17/04/1587Steven Willmson of Skelton xvijo.
26/04/1587Eliz. wif to Rich. Atkinson of belbie xxvjo.
27/04/1587Ralf Bell of Thorpe xxvijo.
28/04/1587Steven s. to Thoms. Smyth of Asselbie xxviijo.
28/04/1587Alice Kiolowe of Cliffe xxviijo.
31/04/1587Jannet wif to Thoms. Awdus of Asselbie ultimo
Maye 1587.
06/05/1587Robert Golsbrowghe of belbie vjo.
13/05/1587Nicolas s. to Jarvis Smith of Kilpin xiijo.
13/05/1587Isabell wif to John Hugh of barmbie xiijo.
16/05/1587Robart s. to Wm. Petwardtine of Skelt. xvjo.
19/05/1587Roger Turner of Howden xixo.
20/05/1587Agnes wif to Guthbt. hundsley of belbie xxo.
21/05/1587Thoms. s. to Rich. gilliatt of Saltmarsh xxjo.
30/05/1587Marie d. to John Herrison of Howden ultimo
June 1587.
05/06/1587Ellen Stevenson of Asselbie vo
07/06/1587Robart s. to henri Arckle of Bermbie vijo.
09/06/1587John s. to Willm. howdall of Bermbie ixo.
10/06/1587Ralfe Hopper a sert of Howden xo
25/06/1587Mawde d. to John Tomison of Saltmarsh xxvo.
28/06/1587Christofer Nelson of Balkholme xxviijo.
29/06/1587Willm. Johnson of Balkholme xxixo.
Julie 1587.
04/07/1587Isabell d. to John Pearson of Saltmarsh iiijo.
04/07/1587Margaret d. to Ambrose Bell of Bermbie iiijo.
08/07/1587Jane d. to John Cave of Bermbie viijo.
10/07/1587Grace d. to hugh Awmon of Skelton xo.
20/07/1587Alice Stevenson of Bermbie, vid. xxo.
23/07/1587Thoms. s. to John Trott of Laxton xxiijo
26/07/1587Richard Awdus of Knedlington xxvjo.
30/07/1587Robart Longcaster of Howden xxxo.
August 1587.
01/08/1587Ellen halliwell wth fleets vx.
01/08/1587Roger s. to Roger Turner of Howden vx.
02/08/1587Thoms. s. to Thoms. Watson of Laxton ijo.
07/08/1587Thoms. Readshawe of Laxton vijo.
12/08/1587John Bellwood of Swinflet xijo.
15/08/1587Adam knowles of Howden xvo.
17/08/1587John Berridge of Howden xvijo.
24/08/1587Eliz. wif to John Sterkie of Knedlington xxiiijo.
27/08/1587Dionis Hall of Kilpin xxvijo.
27/08/1587Elizabeth Richeson of Balkholme xxvijo.
30/08/1587Ralf dent of Thorpe xxxo.
30/08/1587Agnes d. to Charles dawson ultimo
September 1587.
04/09/1587Old Pope's wif of Howden vid. iiij.
05/09/1587Marie d. to Nicolas Cotnes of Asselbie vo.
05/09/1587Robert Freman of Barnell vo.
09/09/1587An d. to Thoms. Dun of Cotnes ixo.
10/09/1587Robart s. to Thomas Thorp of Asselbie xo.
10/09/1587Frances d. to Robt. Arksay of Laxton xo.
10/09/1587John Spencer Senr of barmby xo.
11/09/1587Isabell d. to Wm. Thornton of Asselbie xjo.
11/09/1587Frances d. to Wm. Noble of Asselbie xjo.
12/09/1587Jannet d. to Thoms. Sparrow of Asselbie xijo.
14/09/1587Ellen wif to John Wilfett xiiijo.
14/09/1587Eliz. d. to Thomas Dun of Cotnes xiiijo.
16/09/1587Robart s. to Robart Masson of Asselbie xvjo.
17/09/1587Margaret d. to Thoms. savaige of Asselbie xvijo.
18/09/1587Robart s. to Robt. Wooddall of Kilpin xviijo.
19/09/1587Robart s. to Thoms. Jackson of Howden xixo.
19/09/1587Isabell d. to John Jackson of Laxton xixo.
20/09/1587Eliz. d. to Rich. Wetherall of Kilpin xxo.
21/09/1587Eliz. d. to John Parkin of Howden xxjo.
23/09/1587Margerie Bushbie of Kilpin xxiijo.
24/09/1587John s. to George Casse of Bermbie xxiiijo.
28/09/1587Willm s. to Rich. Soine of Howden xxviijo.
28/09/1587Margaret wif to Robt. Yong of Skelton xxviijo.
29/09/1587Margaret d. to Robart Masson of Asselby xxixo.
31/09/1587Em. d. to John Lowther of Thorpe ultimo die.
October 1587.
02/10/1587Margaret wif to Thoms. Westibie of Asselbie ijo.
02/10/1587Eliz. d. to Wm. Hutcheson of Howden ijo.
07/10/1587Agnes wif to James Cammell, a strangr. vijo..
10/10/1587A boye, a stranger, at Skelton xo.
15/10/1587Edward Richeson als. Tayler of belbie xvo.
16/10/1587Willm. Evans, an apprent. in Howden xvjo.
19/10/1587Jennet d. to Willm. Beilbie of Laxton xixo.
19/10/1587Catherin wif to John herrison of Howden xixo.
23/10/1587John s. to John Sharpe of Bermbie xxiijo.
24/10/1587Christofer Fingley of Bermbie xxiiijo.
26/10/1587George s. to Edward Smith of Thorpe xxvjo.
27/10/1587John s. to Bryan Browne of Laxton xxvijo.
29/10/1587John Sutton of Bermbie xxixo.
November 1587.
10/11/1587Edward s. to Nicolas Slater of Skelton xo.
10/11/1587John s. to Cuthbt. musgrave of Howden xo
11/11/1587Eliz. Dawson of Kilpin xjo.
15/11/1587Jane d. to John Pearson of Saltmarsh xvo.
19/11/1587Agnes d. to Nicolas Richeson of Asselbie xixo.
20/11/1587Ellinor Spincer of bermby, vid. xxo.
21/11/1587Agnes wif to Edmond Bayliea of Balkholme xxjo.
22/11/1587Ux. Painter of Howden xxijo.
24/11/1587Margarit Gibson of Saltmarsh vid. xxiiijo.
24/11/1587James s. to Nicolas Thorpe of belbie xxiiijo.
25/11/1587John s. to Thomas Clerke of Howden xxvo.
26/11/1587Frances Thorp a sert. of Bermbie xxvjo.
27/11/1587dorothie d. to Win. Wetherall of Bermbie xxvijo.
31/11/1587Thoms. s. to Thoms. Childe of Bermbie ultimo
31/11/1587Margaret d. to Wm. Flemyng of Asselbie ultimo
December 1587.
02/12/1587Margaret d. to Thomas Ranold of Howden ijo.
03/12/1587John Heward of Howden iijo.
03/12/1587Isabell Wright of Balkholme vid. iijo.
04/12/1587Robart s. to Edward Widdows of bermby iiijo.
04/12/1587Willm. s. to Robt. Cunyngworth of dike iiijo.
09/12/1587Frances d. to Edward Tomson of Balkholme ixo.
10/12/1587Jannett wif to Thoms. Kilpin, a strangr xo.
15/12/1587Hugh Normavell of Howden xvo.
17/12/1587Jannet Pinder of Saltmarsh xvijo.
18/12/1587Margaret d. to Thoms. Childe of Bermbie xviijo.
20/12/1587Thoms. s. to Willm. Palmer of belbie xxo.
22/12/1587Agnes Awkland of Asselbie, vid. xxijo.
29/12/1587Isabell d. to Cuthbt. Raye of Cotnes xxixo.
30/12/1587John s. to John Robinson of Howden xxxo.
Januarie 1587.
01/01/1587Gregorie Ricroft of Bermbie vx.
05/01/1587Agnes wif to Nicolas Richeson of Asselbie vo.
06/01/1587Nicolas Stevenson of Skelton vjo.
08/01/1587Agnes Steven of Asselbie viijo.
09/01/1587Richard Wilson of Wighton ixo.
10/01/1587Catherine d. to George Casse of Bermbie xo.
13/01/1587John s. to Thoms. Cheriam of Bermbie xiijo.
13/01/1587Frances s. to Thoms. Johnson of belbie xiijo.
14/01/1587Ux. Willmson of Howden vid. xiiijo.
15/01/1587Isabell d. to Rich. Smith of Bermbie xvo.
16/01/1587Robart s. to John Smart of Skelton xvjo.
18/01/1587Robart s. to Wm. Richeson of Skelton xviijo.
20/01/1587Isabell Collin of Kilpin spinst. xxo.
21/01/1587Henrie s. to John Robinson of Asselbie xxjo.
27/01/1587Jennet wife to Robt. Murton of Asselbie xxvijo.
28/01/1587John Wilfett of Howden xxviijo.
30/01/1587Isabell d. to Nicolas Richeson xxxo.
29/01/1587Alice d. to Nicolas Richeson ultimo
Februarye 1587.
02/02/1587A stranger slaine in the lordship of Laxton ijo.
02/02/1587Thoms. Arksay of Howden ijo.
04/02/1587A poore boye died at Saltmarsh iiijo.
04/02/1587Isabell d. to Wm. hartforth iiijo.
05/02/1587Eliz. Webster of Bermbie vo.
06/02/1587George s. to John Robinson of Asselbie vjo.
10/02/1587Willm. s. to Willm. Sutton of Bermbie xo.
15/02/1587Edward Tomson of Balkholme xvo.
15/02/1587John s. to Robart Slater of Kilpin xvo.
16/02/1587Ux. Watson of Howden xvjo.
16/02/1587Robart s. to Wm. hartforth of Howden xvjo.
16/02/1587Joane wif to John Crowsie of blacktoft xvjo.
16/02/1587Alice d. to Rich. Smith of Bermbie xvjo.
18/02/1587Ellen wif to John Stevenson of Skelt. xviijo.
21/02/1587John s. to John knight of Kilpin xxjo.
26/02/1587Alice d. to John Cowper of Howden xxvjo.
27/02/1587Eliz. wif to John Lambart of Saltmarsh xxvijo.
March 1587.
01/03/1587Eliz. wif to Rich. Smart of Saltmarsh vx.
04/03/1587Thomas Jewett of Laxton iiijo.
05/03/1587Agnes wif to Wm. Richeson of Skelton vo.
06/03/1587Isabell wif to Thomas Crosier Senr. of Saltmarsh vjo.
07/03/1587Robart Axbie of boothe vijo.
08/03/1587Julian Sands of Kilpin, vid. viijo.
10/03/1587Margerie wif to Laurence garnet of Howden xo.
11/03/1587James s. to Robt. Morton of Asselbie xjo.
11/03/1587James s. to Robt. Cocker of Bermbie xjo.
13/03/1587Jennett Jewet of Saltmarsh, vid. xiijo.
15/03/1587Thoms. s. to Eliz. halliday of Bermbie xvo.
16/03/1587Willm. Pearson of Kilpin xvjo..
16/03/1587John s. to Robt. Bradmorr of Knedlington xvjo.
18/03/1587Isabell Sisson of Balkholme xviijo.
20/03/1587Willm. Nelson of Howden xxo.
24/03/1587Alison Spicer of Selbie, vid. xxiiijo.
March 1588.
25/03/1588Eliz. howdall of Skelton xxvo.
26/03/1588Susanna wif to Wm. Johnson of Howden xxvjo.
27/03/1588Margarie wif to John Okes of Thorp xxvijo.
28/03/1588Agnes Freman of Saltmarsh, vid. xxviijo.
30/03/1588Thoms. Ward of newland xxxo.
30/03/1588Edmond kirkbie of Howden ultimo
Aprill 1588.
04/04/1588Cuthbt. Sparke of Howden Pish. Clarke iiijo.
04/04/1588Jennett Newes of boothe iiijo.
07/04/1588Jennet Fingley of barmbie, vid. vijo.
07/04/1588Richard Segstone of ringstone hurst vijo.
09/04/1588John Rainforth of Howden ixo.
11/04/1588Isabell wif to Thoms. Ricroft of Bermbie xjo.
16/04/1588Willm. s. to Rich. Browne of Cotnes xvjo.
17/04/1588Agnes Freman of Howden xvijo.
19/04/1588Willm. s. to Wm. Johnson of Howden xixo.
21/04/1588Rich. s. to george Cave of Bermbie xxjo.
27/04/1588Mawde Parkin of Howden vid. xxvijo.
28/04/1588Joan d. to Rich. Sonman of Howden xxviijo.
31/04/1588Eliz. wif to Oliver Baglay of booth ultimo
Maye 1588.
02/05/1588Alice wife to Rich. Sonman of Howden ijo.
08/05/1588Robart s. to John Pearson of Howden viijo.
09/05/1588Willm. Banks of Howden inven : ixo.
11/05/1588Eliz. wif to Robt. Archer of Howden xjo.
12/05/1588Agnes Sisson of Howden xijo.
13/05/1588Willm s. to Rich. Rainforth of Howden xiijo..
15/05/1588Thoms. s. to Robt. haddlesay of Skelton xvo.
19/05/1588Willm grisbie of Laxton xixo.
22/05/1588John Cheriom of Bermbie xxijo.
27/05/1588Margaret d. to Necarius knowles xxvijo.
29/05/1588Henrie s. to Jerman Skelton of Howden xxixo.
30/05/1588Eliz. wife to Robt. Cocker of Bermbie xxxo.
June 1588.
01/06/1588Richard s. to Thoms. Coots of Howden vx.
03/06/1588John Pearson of Saltmarshe iijo.
04/06/1588Edward Waight, a serf. of Howden iiijo.
08/06/1588George s. to Thomas Jackson of Howden viijo.
09/06/1588Jane d. to Willm. Smith of Howden ixo.
11/06/1588John Wilfett of Asselbie xjo.
11/06/1588Margaret d. to Wm. Sutton of Bermbie xjo.
19/06/1588Alison, a stranger, of Catton xixo.
20/06/1588Richard Freman of Laxton xxo.
29/06/1588Thoms. s. to Robt. Abbott of Howden xxixo.
Julie 1588.
02/07/1588Margaret d. to Wm. durisme of Howden ijo.
03/07/1588Willm. s. to Phillip harden of Bermbie iijo.
04/07/1588Eliz. d. to Robt. Witton of Howden iiijo.
09/07/1588Agnes wif to John glover of barnbie ixo.
11/07/1588Steven Wooddall of Bermbie xjo.
12/07/1588Dionis hall of Asselbie, vid. xijo.
12/07/1588Margaret d. to Thoms. Alland of Asselbie xijo.
10/07/1588Margaret wif to John Fisher of Thorpe xo.
19/07/1588Richard atkinson of belbie xixo.
20/07/1588Agnes Fingley of Bermbie, vid. xxo.
21/07/1588Isabell melrose of Bermbie, vid. xxjo.
28/07/1588Margaret wif to John herrison als. Milnr. of Bermbie xxviijo.
28/07/1588Steven s. to Wm. Smith of Bermbie xxviijo.
31/07/1588Margaret Colling of Howden Junr. xxxjo.
August 1588.
03/08/1588John s. to Wm. herrison of Bermbie ferie iijo.
05/08/1588Agnes wif to John Underwood of Bermbie vo.
07/08/1588Frances s. to Frances Masson of Howden vijo.
08/08/1588John s. to Marmaduke Banks of sandhall viijo.
08/08/1588Agnes d. to Thomas Barlay of belbie viijo.
11/08/1588George s. to Nicolas Sisson of Howden xjo.
14/08/1588Catherin d. to Em. Cliff of Asselbie xiiijo.
17/08/1588John s. to Wm. Stevenson of Howden xvijo.
20/08/1588Susance d. to Robt. Palmer of belbie xxo
20/08/1588James s. to John Glover of Bermbie xxo.
23/08/1588Laurence s. to Antony nutbrown of Thorpe xxiijo.
27/08/1588Agnes d. to Mathew Fingley of Bermbie xxvijo.
30/08/1588Eliz. d. to Edmond Pocklinton of Balkh. ultimo
September 1588.
03/09/1588An d. to John Rainforth of Bermbie iijo.
05/09/1588Thoms. Jackson of Howden vo.
05/09/1588Robart Sawer of Howden vo.
07/09/1588Willm Newton of Laxton (inven :) vijo.
10/09/1588Catherine d. to Wm. Fingley of Bermbie xo.
12/09/1588Eliz. Spofforth of Asselbie xijo.
17/09/1588Agnes wif henrie Petwardtine of kned. xvijo.
21/09/1588Willm. dun of Skelton xxjo.
23/09/1588Richard s. to George Chapman of Howden xxiijo.
24/09/1588Agnes d. to Wm. Coots of Bermbie xxiiijo.
26/09/1588John s. to Thoms. haddlesey of Skelton xxvjo.
27/09/1588Richard s. to Thomas Robinson of Asselbie xxvijo.
29/09/1588Eliz. Howdall of Skelton xxixo.
29/09/1588Michaell s. to John herrison of Willitoft xxixo.
October 1588.
01/10/1588Eliz. d. to John dawson of Bermbie vx.
06/10/1588Margaret d. to Henrie Noble of Asselbie vjo.
07/10/1588George Arksay of Laxton vijo.
07/10/1588John Gibson of Howden vijo.
07/10/1588Eliz. d. to Wm. Coots of Bermbie vijo.
08/10/1588Mathew s. to Edward Parke of Skelton viijo.
16/10/1588Margaret d. to Thoms. Savaige of Asselbie xvjo.
17/10/1588Marie d. to Robt. Axbie of Boothe xvijo.
20/10/1588Agnes d. to George Casse of Bermbie xxo.
24/10/1588Eliz. wif to Robart Yong of Skelton xxiiijo.
25/10/1588Catherine wif to Thoms. Sparrow of Asselbie 25o.
27/10/1588Marie d. to Robt. Tayler of Bermbie xxvijo.
24/10/1588Marmaduke s. to John Gibson of Howden xxiiijo.
November 1588.
04/11/1588alice spark of Howden iiijo.
05/11/1588John s. to John Gibson of Howden vo.
05/11/1588Frances s. to John Robinson of Asselbie vo.
06/11/1588Eliz. d. to Edward Freman of Skelton vjo.
09/11/1588Agnes d. to Ralf Ripwth of Howden ixo.
06/11/1588Marie d. to Thoms. sparrow vjo.
11/11/1588Frances s. to Thomas Atkinson of Howden xjo.
14/11/1588Robart s. to John Parkin of Howden xiiijo.
17/11/1588Alice wif to Nicolas Powles of Bermbie xvijo.
17/11/1588John s. to henrie Arkcle of Bermbie xvijo.
21/11/1588Robart s. to henrie Arkcle of Bermbie xxjo.
23/11/1588Edward s. to Wm. Nayler of Skelton xxiijo.
26/11/1588Marie d. to Wm. Clabrough of Asselbie xxvjo.
28/11/1588Isabell Gibson of Howden, vid. xxviijo.
December 1588.
07/12/1588John s. to Wm. Stonas of Howden vijo.
08/12/1588Jennet d. to Ranold Simson of Skelt. viijo.
10/12/1588Roos Powel, a servt. xo.
11/12/1588Willm s. to John Smith of Skelt. xjo.
12/12/1588Frances s. to Frances Masson of Howden xijo.
12/12/1588Agnes d. to George Casse of Bermbie xijo.
13/12/1588Willm s. to Robt. Petwardtine of Asselbie xiijo.
15/12/1588Agnes d. to Robt. Petwardtine of Asselbie xvo.
17/12/1588Agnes Shepheard of Thorpe xvijo.
18/12/1588Robart Petwardtine of Asselbie xviijo
21/12/1588Willm s. to henry nelson of Howden xxjo.
24/12/1588Margaret d. to henry Huppelbe of Howden xxiiijo.
25/12/1588John s. to Willm. Branton of Knedlington xxvo.
Januarie 1588.
03/01/1588John dickson of Skelton iijo.
08/01/1588Leonard Wade of Balkholme viijo.
08/01/1588Isabell d. to Rich. Yowdall of Howden viijo.
09/01/1588Margaret wif to Hugh halland of Howden ixo.
11/01/1588Alice d. to James Herrone of Howden xjo.
14/01/1588Robert Tomson of Howden xiiijo.
14/01/1588Eliz. d. to Robt. Slater of Skelt. xiiijo.
17/01/1588John & Frances Ch. to Jerman Skelton of Howden xvijo.
26/01/1588Alice wif to Robt. Petwardtine of Asselbie xxvjo.
26/01/1588Agnes wif to marke Robinson of Howden xxvjo.
30/01/1588Robart Middleton of Howden xxxo.
29/01/1588John Lanckton of Kilpin ultimo
29/01/1588A poore child from Bermbie ultimo
Febuarye 1588.
01/02/1588Willm. s. to Wm. Stevenson of Skelt. vx.
02/02/1588Edith wif to Thoms. shan of Howden dike ijo.
05/02/1588Timothie s. to John Parkin of Kilpin vo.
06/02/1588Robart Masing of Asselbie vjo.
23/02/1588Willm s. to Robt. hall of Asselbie xxiijo.
March 1588.
07/03/1588Eliz. wif to Rich. Gathorne of Howden vijo.
08/03/1588Willm Wilson of Howden dike viijo.
08/03/1588Thoms. morris of Howden viijo.
08/03/1588Agnes d. to Edward Browne of Howden viijo.
12/03/1588Agnes d. to Robt. Masson of Asselbie xijo.
19/03/1588Eliz. wif to Thoms. Palmer of Howden xixo.
21/03/1588John Lanckton Senr. of Kilpin xxjo.
Aprill 1589.
02/04/1589John s. to Willm. Brough of Knedlington ijo.
03/04/1589Eliz. d. to Ux. Coiling of Howden iijo.
05/04/1589Phillip s. to Robt. Coiling of Saltmarsh vo.
08/04/1589Robart nutbrown of belbie viijo.
11/04/1589Robart s. to Edward Smith of Thorpe xjo.
12/04/1589Thoms. kirkbie of Howden xijo.
15/04/1589Anthony Coiling of Bermbie xvo.
16/04/1589Eliz. d. to Rich. Rainforth of Howden xvjo.
17/04/1589Elliner Nelson of Howden vid. xvijo.
17/04/1589Hugh Willmson of Saltmarsh xvijo.
17/04/1589George s. to Edmond kirkbie of Howden xvijo.
19/04/1589Robt. s. to Willm. Palmer of belbie xixo.
24/04/1589Ranold Browne of Howden xxiiijo.
25/04/1589Thoms. s. to Edward Thorp of belbie xxvo.
28/04/1589Margaret d. to Wm. girlinton of Kilpin xxviijo.
May 1589.
03/05/1589Robart Freman of Saltmarsh iijo
08/05/1589Agnes Readshawe of Laxton viijo.
09/05/1589Jelion d. to John Higdon of Laxton ixo.
09/05/1589John s. to Nicolas Pearson of Howden ixo.
17/05/1589Uslet Johnson, a sert. of Howden xvijo.
19/05/1589Rich. s. to Margaret Johnson of Howden xixo.
30/05/1589Frances d. to John Webster of Howden xxxo.
June 1589.
04/06/1589Francis s. to Thoms. Gilpin of Kilpin iiijo.
04/06/1589John & Frances Ch. to Willm. Atkinson of Bermbie iiijo.
05/06/1589Jennet wif to Rich. Lie of Saltmarsh vo.
07/06/1589Henrie Wilson of Saltmarsh vijo.
12/06/1589Eliz. wif to John Lambart of Saltmarsh xijo.
13/06/1589Jane d. to Agnes Parkin of Howden xiijo.
19/06/1589Jane wif to Rich. Tomison of Howden xixo.
23/06/1589Eliz. Cowper of Howden xxiijo.
24/06/1589Grace d. to John Lancton Junr. of Kilpin xxiiijo.
27/06/1589Jone d. to Nicolas Simson of Thorpe xxvijo.
27/06/1589Jane d. to Phillip Watson of Balkholme xxvijo.
28/06/1589Willm. s. to Rich. Watson of Laxton xxviij
Julie 1589.
01/07/1589Agnes d. to Rich. Stevenson of Skelton vx.
03/07/1589Alice halliwell of Saltmarsh iijo.
04/07/1589John Milner of Saltmarsh iiijo.
10/07/1589Eliz. d. to Thomas Rainforth of Laxton xo.
15/07/1589Agnes Halland, a sert. of Howden xvo.
15/07/1589Isabell Slingsbie, a serf. of Saltmarsh xvo
17/07/1589Robart s. to John Cade of Howden xvijo.
19/07/1589Isabell Ranold of Bermbie, vid. xixo.
21/07/1589Jane kirssie, a serf. of Howden xxjo.
August 1589.
06/08/1589Margaret wif to Thoms. Waring of Kilpin vjo.
11/08/1589An d. to henry Collinson of Howden xjo.
15/08/1589Rich. Flawood als. Yowdall of Kilpin xvo.
16/08/1589Thoms. s. to Robt. Westabie of Asselbie xvjo.
26/08/1589Ux. Tomling of Howden xxvjo.
27/08/1589John Trott of Laxton xxvijo.
September 1589.
03/09/1589John s. to Thomas Webster of Balkholme iijo.
04/09/1589Thoms. s. to Thoms. stevenson of Bermbie iiijo.
06/09/1589John s. to Alland dun of Skelton vjo.
09/09/1589Eliz. Bovill of Howden ixo.
10/09/1589An d. to Ralf Fletcher of Laxton xo.
09/09/1589Margaret wif to John Browne of barnbie ixo.
13/09/1589Robart Pearson of Swinflet xiijo.
13/09/1589John s. to Christofer Coiling of Bermbie xiijo
15/09/1589Catherine wif to John Starkie of Knedlington xvo.
20/09/1589Agnes d. to one Catherie, a stranger xxo.
20/09/1589Robart Arksay of Kilpin xxo.
22/09/1589John s. to Ralf More, a stranger xxijo.
22/09/1589Thoms. s. to John Craks of newsom xxijo.
28/09/1589John Coots of Bermbie xxviijo.
27/09/1589Henry Nelson of Howden xxvijo.
30/09/1589Willm s. to Thoms. Methm. of barnell xxxo.
30/09/1589Thoms. s. to Thomas Cherion of Bermbie xxxo.
October 1589.
05/10/1589Jennet d. to Jennet Woodworth of Knedlington vo.
07/10/1589John s. to Edward Bayliea of Balkholme vijo.
07/10/1589Nicolas s. to Steven denmarr of Howden vijo.
10/10/1589Barthol. s. to Rich. Browne of Cotnes xo.
14/10/1589Alice d. to Wm. Howdall of Bermbie xiiijo.
18/10/1589John s. to Wm. Cave of Bermbie xviijo.
23/10/1589Frances s. to Rich. Sonman of Howden xxiijo.
23/10/1589Ellen Bawne of Laxton xxiij.
November 1589.
03/11/1589Eliz. Winter of Skelton, Spins. iijo.
03/11/1589John s. to Eliz. Pickering of Laxton iijo.
11/11/1589John s. to Wm. Noble of Asselbie xjo.
15/11/1589John s. to hugh Stevenson of Bermbie xvo.
16/11/1589Ux. Nelson of Thorpe, vid. xvjo.
23/11/1589John s. to John Sharp of Bermbie xxiijo.
28/11/1589Margaret Sharp of Howden vid. xxviijo.
29/11/1589Jennet Ropper of barnell xxixo.
December 1589.
01/12/1589Thoms. s. to Robt. Freman late of barnell vx.
02/12/1589Agnes d. to miles haytton of belbie ijo.
05/12/1589John s. to Thoms. Ranold of Howden vo.
06/12/1589Willm Petwardtine als. Howden of booth vjo.
14/12/1589Nicolas s. to James Barrow of Howden xiiijo.
19/12/1589Jennet wif to Rich. Tanfeild of Skelton xixo.
22/12/1589Jennet d. to Thoms. Spincer of Howden xxijo.
26/12/1589John s. to Rich. Freman of Howden xxvjo.
26/12/1589Margaret d. to Robt. Cracall of Knedlington xxvjo.
26/12/1589An d. to Willm. Good of Asselbie xxvjo.
27/12/1589An d. to Peter Foston of Saltmarsh xxvijo.
28/12/1589Marie d. to Edward hinchbald of Howden xxviijo.
29/12/1589John s. to Robt. Palmer of Metham xxixo.
Januarie 1589.
10/01/1589Thoms. s. to marmaduke kettlewell of Howden xo.
13/01/1589Robart s. to Rich. Underwood of Asselbie xiijo.
20/01/1589Jennet Underwood of Asselbie, vid. xxo.
20/01/1589Catherine d. to Jennet Benison of Asselbie xxo.
20/01/1589Catherine d. to Robt. Witton of Howden xxo.
19/01/1589Jane d. to James Wray of Howden xixo.
29/01/1589dorothie d. to Robt. Taylier of Bermbie xxixo.
Februarie 1589.
12/02/1589Thoms. Awdus of Asselbie xijo.
18/02/1589Henrie Nutbrowne of Knedlington xviijo.
21/02/1589Margaret harland of Balkholme xxjo.
22/02/1589Willm s. to george hereson of lunde xxijo.
25/02/1589Jone d. to Thomas Richeson of Howden xxvo.
25/02/1589John s. to John norrison of Skelton xxvo.
27/02/1589Robart Slater of Wressell xxvijo.
31/02/1589Ellen Bell, an old woman of York ultimo
March 1589.
04/03/1589Eliz. Pickering of Saltmarsh iiijo.
11/03/1589Thoms. Pattrick als. Stamp of Saltmarsh xjo.
11/03/1589Catherine wif to Edward Lawton of Howden xjo.
14/03/1589Catherine Harthe of Kilpin xiiijo.
17/03/1589Jennett & Isabell Ch : to Steven Woddall of Kilpin xvijo.
18/03/1589Alice wif to John Norrison of Skelton xviijo.
21/03/1589Frances d. to george Awckland of Knedlington xxj
25/03/1589John Richeson of Saltmarsh xxvo.
March 1590.
02/03/1590John Newton of Thorp ijo.
02/03/1590Catherine d. to Giles Awckland of Bermbie ijo.
03/03/1590Frances d. to marke Turner of Kilpin iijo
04/03/1590Frances d. to Wm. Heward of Howden iiijo.
07/03/1590Secilie wife to Mr. Robt. Saltmarsh of Saltmarsh Esq, vijo.
08/03/1590Frances wife to Wm. heward of Howden viijo.
05/03/1590Grace d. to Rich. Fussbrome of Howden vo.
10/03/1590Henrie Xpoferson xo.
13/03/1590Willm Plumer of Howden xiijo.
24/03/1590Isabell wif to Robt. Pinder of Kilpin xxiiijo.
Maye 1590.
02/05/1590Jennet wif to Steven howdernes of Howden ijo.
08/05/1590Eliz. d. to Henrie nelson of Howden viijo.
10/05/1590Margaret haddlesey of skelton, vid. xo.
13/05/1590Barbara wif to Robt. batman als. Owson of Howden xiijo.
22/05/1590Jane wif to Rich. Gilliat of Saltmarsh xxijo.
28/05/1590Richard Rainforth of Laxton xxviijo.
June 1590.
17/06/1590John s. to John Fisher of Thorpe xvijo.
26/06/1590Willm s. to Thoms. Skelton of Bermbie xxvjo.
Julie 1590.
02/07/1590Sicilie wif to Thoms. Crosier of Saltmarsh ijo.
07/07/1590Agnes Newbie of skelton, vid. vijo.
08/07/1590Thomas Crosier als. Taylier senr. of Saltmarsh viijo.
08/07/1590Uxor Willm. of feildhouse, vid. viijo.
22/07/1590dorothie d. to george Awckland of Bermbie xxijo.
23/07/1590Richard Bradley a sert of Skelton xxiijo.
24/07/1590An old poore woman, a stranger xxiiijo.
28/07/1590Robart s. to Robt. Yong of Skelton xxviijo.
28/07/1590Catherine d. to Miles herreson of Bermbie xxviij.
29/07/1590Thoms. Ricroft of Bermbie xxixo.
30/07/1590Nicolas s. to Robt. Smyth of Howden xxxo.
August 1590.
11/08/1590Jane d. to Rich. Sonman of Howden xjo.
12/08/1590Alison dayvill of Skelton vid. xijo.
15/08/1590Robart Arlush of Skelton xvo.
15/08/1590Agnes Smyth of Skelton vid. xvo.
17/08/1590Thoms. Ranold of Howden ballif xvijo.
18/08/1590Alice d. to Robt. Beck of Howden xviijo.
25/08/1590Simon s. to Rich. Tomson of Howden xxvo.
27/08/1590Steven Bird of Knedlington xxvijo.
30/08/1590Symon Stevenson of Skelton xxxo.
September 1590.
01/09/1590Agnes Wheelewright of Howden vx.
04/09/1590Margaret d. to Edward Smith of duncots iiijo.
05/09/1590Lance, a norther boy of Laxton vo.
03/09/1590Phillip d. to Lawrence Johnson of Laxton iijo.
08/09/1590James s. to Wm. Bilbrough of Thorp viijo.
12/09/1590An d. to Leonard Wmson of Bermbie xijo.
14/09/1590Richard s. to An Bradshaw of Howden xiiijo.
18/09/1590Margaret d. to John Webster of Howden xviijo.
20/09/1590Jennet Coiling of skelton, vid. xxo.
23/09/1590Frances d. to Willm. Parker of Asselbie xxiijo.
24/09/1590dorothie d. to Anthonie glenten xxiiijo.
25/09/1590Richard Stevenson of Skelton xxvo.
28/09/1590Margaret wif to Wm. Stevenson of Howden xxviijo.
29/09/1590Frances d. to Rich. Starkie of Knedlington xxixo.
October 1590.
01/10/1590An. d. to Robt. Starkie of Knedlington vx.
01/10/1590Agnes d. to Rich. gilliat of Saltmarsh vx.
08/10/1590Jervis Smyth of Kilpin viijo.
13/10/1590Agnes wif to Robt. newbie of Skelton xiijo.
14/10/1590Isabell Collin of Bermbie, vid. xiiijo.
16/10/1590John Willmson sent'. of Skelton xvjo.
21/10/1590Agnes d. to Thoms. Waring of Kilpin xxjo.
21/10/1590Ellinor d. to Rich. Stevenson of Skelton xxjo.
21/10/1590Thoms. Nicolson als. Tomlin of belbie xxjo.
25/10/1590John Qwarrington of Howden xxvo.
30/10/1590Frances d. to Wm. Morton of Asselbie ultimo
30/10/1590Alice wif to Robt. Hunter of Howden dike ultimo
November 1590.
03/11/1590Old [blank] Burrell of Howden iijo.
06/11/1590Marie d. to Edward Freman of Skelton vjo.
10/11/1590Willm Jackson of Thorpe xo.
11/11/1590Jennet Parke of barmbie, vid. xjo.
11/11/1590Willm s. to Thoms. Blansherd of Balkholme xjo.
12/11/1590Agnes d. to Robt. hunter of Howden dike xijo.
15/11/1590Robart Collingson of Howden xvo.
15/11/1590[blank] s. to Rich. Johnson of Thorpe xvo.
16/11/1590Agnes dent of Skelton xvjo.
17/11/1590John Herrison of Balkholme xvijo.
18/11/1590Catherine Thackwray of Bermbie xviijo.
23/11/1590John Freman of Howden belman xxiijo.
25/11/1590Margaret wif to Robt. Collinson of Howden xxvo.
26/11/1590Agnes d. to James herrone of Howden xxvjo.
29/11/1590Eliz. wif to Lawrence Johnson of Laxton xxixo.
December 1590.
03/12/1590Willm. s. to John Nelson of Howden iijo.
06/12/1590Alison wif to John gathorne of Kilpin vjo.
08/12/1590Robart s. to Robt. Stainforth of Bermbie viijo.
12/12/1590Edward s. to Robt. Conyngworth of Asselbie xijo.
13/12/1590Agnes d. to Phillip Watson of Balkholme xiijo.
17/12/1590Jennet Jackson of Laxton vid. xvijo.
19/12/1590Isabell Pearson of Saltmarsh vid. xixo.
21/12/1590Willm Dawson of feildhouse xxjo.
21/12/1590Richard Sisson of Laxton xxjo.
21/12/1590Catherine d. to James herron of Howden xxjo.
24/12/1590Catherine wif to John dowson of Asselbie xxiiijo.
28/12/1590Henrie dawson of Kilpin xxviijo.
30/12/1590Agnes Sutton of Howden vid. xxxo.
31/12/1590John haddlesey of Skelton ultimo
Januarie 1590.
01/01/1590Henrie Courser of Balkholme vx.
03/01/1590John Lambert of Saltmarsh iijo.
04/01/1590Ux. Semer of Balkholme iiijo.
05/01/1590Eliz. wif to John Anderton of Asselbie vo.
05/01/1590Margaret wif to Wm. goldsbrough of Skelton vo.
06/01/1590Thoms. Raybie of Balkholme vjo.
06/01/1590Marmaduke Wardrope of Howden vjo.
07/01/1590John Pope of belbie vijo.
08/01/1590Alice Atkinson, a servt. of Laxton viijo.
10/01/1590Henrie Bridgwater of Knedlington xo.
11/01/1590Ux. Browne of Laxton xjo.
13/01/1590Agnes d. to Jennet Newton xiijo.
16/01/1590Jennett Wooddall of Bermbie, vid. xvjo.
19/01/1590Thomas Hawker of Linton xixo.
19/01/1590Agnes Lie, a servt. of belbie xixo.
20/01/1590Alison hogson of Laxton xxo.
20/01/1590Robt. s. to nicolas girlinton xxo.
23/01/1590Robart s. to henrie Sayer xxiijo.
27/01/1590An d. to Willm. Smyth of Bermbie xxvijo.
Februarie 1590.
01/02/1590Margerie Awdus, vid. of Asselbie vx.
02/02/1590Christine d. to Thoms. Westgarth ijo.
02/02/1590Thoms. s. to Xpofer Wells of Cotnes ijo.
02/02/1590Nicolas s. to Rich. Awdus of Skelton ijo.
04/02/1590Margaret hudson of Howden vid. iiijo.
05/02/1590Isabell Underwood of Bermbie vo.
06/02/1590Richard maskall of Howden vjo
07/02/1590Constans Fustans of Balkholme vijo.
08/02/1590Willm howdall of Bermbie viijo.
09/02/1590Willm. Roper of Laxton ixo.
10/02/1590Wilfraij Knowles of Howden xo.
10/02/1590Agnes wif to John Smart of Skelton xo.
11/02/1590Catherine wif to Rich. Smith of Bermbie xjo.
12/02/1590Alice wif to Thoms. Lawtie of Saltmarsh xijo.
12/02/1590Eliz. Smith of Knedlington vid. xijo.
13/02/1590John dun of Saltmarsh xiijo.
13/02/1590Ellinor wif to Wm. Spire of Kilpin xiijo.
13/02/1590An d. to Ellinor Newbie xiijo.
15/02/1590John s. to Rich. Belwood of Skelton xvo.
16/02/1590Agnes Axbie of booth xvjo.
16/02/1590Jane daye, a stranger xvjo.
17/02/1590John Pickering of Howden xvijo.
17/02/1590An wif to Thoms. Blansherd of Balkholme xvijo.
17/02/1590Old ux. Burrell xvijo.
19/02/1590George Casse of Bermbie xixo.
19/02/1590Thomas Watson of Laxton xixo.
19/02/1590Willm Appleyeard of Cotnes xixo.
20/02/1590An d. to Thoms. nicolson of Balkholme xxo.
21/02/1590Thoms. Idle of Skelton xxj
22/02/1590John hammelton of Howden xxijo.
23/02/1590John Smyth of Skelton xxiijo.
23/02/1590Thoms. s. to John dun of Saltmarsh xxiijo.
23/02/1590Thoms. s. to John Smart of Skelton xxiijo.
25/02/1590Willm. Johnson als. Wright of Howden xxvo.
26/02/1590Frances wif to Wm. Spark of Laxton xxvjo.
26/02/1590A poore boy died at Saltmarsh xxvjo.
27/02/1590Agnes d. to Edmond Barlay of Balkholme xxvijo.
27/02/1590Ellen wif to george Tayler of Bermbie xxvijo.
27/02/1590Ux. Shepheard of Howden xxvijo.
March 1590.
01/03/1590Jennet nicolson of Skelton vx.
01/03/1590Agnes d. to Rich. gilliat of Saltmarsh vx.
03/03/1590Nicolas hunsworth of Asselbie iijo.
03/03/1590Isabell Awdus of Knedlington vid. iijo.
04/03/1590Robart Grabarne of Saltmarsh iiijo.
04/03/1590Willm. Smyth of Howden iiijo.
05/03/1590Willm. s. to John higdon of Laxton vo.
05/03/1590Edward Jackson of Ringstone hurst vo.
06/03/1590An d. to Robart Thorpe of Howden vjo.
06/03/1590Ellen d. to Willm. maskall of Howden vjo.
08/03/1590Sicilie Badken of Skelton viijo.
12/03/1590Willm Stainton of Howden xijo.
12/03/1590Catheren d. to Xpofer Okes xijo.
14/03/1590Eliz. Chambers of Howden xiiijo.
15/03/1590Henrie Sonman of Howden xvo.
16/03/1590Eliz. d. to Thoms. Crosier of Saltmarsh xvjo.
16/03/1590Catherine d. to Rich. Underwood of Asselbie xvjo.
19/03/1590John Parke of Howden xixo.
19/03/1590John s. to John Pope of belbie xixo.
19/03/1590Ellen Thrisk of Howden dike xixo.
20/03/1590Margaret d. to John Yorrat of Thorp xxo.
21/03/1590John Cave of Bermbie xxjo.
21/03/1590Eliz. d. to John Thorp of Howden xxjo.
23/03/1590Thoms. s. to Willm. gibson of Bermbie xxiijo.
23/03/1590Phillip s. to Phillip Watson of Balkh. xxiijo.
March 1591.
26/03/1591Jervis kirkbie of Howden xxvjo.
27/03/1591Phillip Watson of Balkholme xxvijo.
28/03/1591An d. to Edward Jackson of rihgstone hirst xxviijo.
29/03/1591Jennet Lie of Saltmarsh xxixo.
30/03/1591Thoms. Barlie of Asselbie ultimo
30/03/1591Eliz. d. to John hall of Skelton ultimo
30/03/1591Agnes d. to John marshall of Howden ultimo
Aprill 1591.
01/04/1591Grace d. to Xpofer Okes of Howden vx.
01/04/1591Eliz. Avison of Skelton, vid. vx.
02/04/1591Alison Ray of Cotnes, vid. ijo.
04/04/1591Agnes kirkbie of Howden vid. iiijo.
04/04/1591Eliz. kirkbie of Howden vid. iiijo.
05/04/1591George Fingley of Bermbie vo.
05/04/1591Agnes Painter of Howden vo.
05/04/1591Austine Johnson of Skelton vo.
05/04/1591John s. to Robart Smyth of Howden vo.
07/04/1591Jennet wif to Rich. Lambley of booth vijo.
07/04/1591Ux. Evans of Howden vijo.
08/04/1591Thoms. Storie of Skelton viijo.
08/04/1591Thoms. Coots of Howden viijo..
09/04/1591Richard Fisher of Howden ixo.
12/04/1591Hugh Alland of Howden xijo.
14/04/1591Agnes Stevenson, vid. of Skelton xiiijo.
15/04/1591George Robinson of Howden xvo.
17/04/1591Frances d. to Edmond Kirkbie of Howden xvijo.
18/04/1591John Petwardtine als. howdon xviijo.
18/04/1591Christine wif to John Cade xviijo.
21/04/1591John Hall of Howden xxjo.
22/04/1591Isabell wif to henry Sonman of Howden xxijo.
26/04/1591Robart Birkenshawe of Howden xxvjo.
27/04/1591Thoms. Preston of Howden xxvijo.
27/04/1591Thoms. Collinson of Howden xxvijo.
28/04/1591Grace d. to Edward Lawton of Howden xxviijo.
31/04/1591Alice wif to John Nutt of Howden ultimo die.
24/04/1591Steven dinmer & his Child xxiiijo.
Maye 1591.
04/05/1591Robart Banks of Howden iiijo.
04/05/1591Robart howson of Howden iiijo.
06/05/1591A poore woman died at Bermbie vjo.
06/05/1591s. to Wm. Tomson of Saltmarsh vjo.
17/05/1591Isabell Lawson of Howden xvijo.
21/05/1591Jone d. to henrie Arkcle of Bermbie xxjo.
22/05/1591John Baron of Knedlington xxijo.
23/05/1591Marie wif to Xpofer Wells of Cotnes xxiijo.
24/05/1591Eliz. gilliot of Howden xxiiijo.
26/05/1591Agnes Storme of Howden xxvjo.
29/05/1591Alice wif to Symon Umfraij of Howden xxixo.
20/05/1591Marie wif to Robt. Garforth of Laxton xxo.
30/05/1591Alice Smart of Skelton xxxo.
June 1591.
05/06/1591John Jackson of Laxton vid. vo.
05/06/1591Eliz. Longcaster of Howden vo.
09/06/1591Lye Archerr of Howden ixo.
08/06/1591Marie d. to John Petwardtine of Howden viijo.
10/06/1591Margaret d. to Wm. howdall of Bermbie xo.
14/06/1591Henrie Pinder of Kilpin xiiijo.
18/06/1591An d. to Phillip Watson of Balkholme xviijo.
18/06/1591Alice d. to Wm. hutcheson of Howden xviijo.
21/06/1591Old Bowes winds mother xxjo
21/06/1591Marie maskall of Howden xxjo.
24/06/1591An d. to Susance Bowes of Howden xxiiijo.
27/06/1591Thoms. s. to miles hunsworth of Asselbie xxvijo.
27/06/1591Agnes longcaster of Knedlington xxvijo.
28/06/1591John s. to John Apthrope of Kilpin xxviijo.
29/06/1591Frances d. to Robt. garton of Knedlington xxixo.
Julie 1591.
04/07/1591Frances s. to Thomas varie iiijo.
09/07/1591Thoms. s. to John hutcheson of Laxton ixo.
10/07/1591dorothie d. to Thoms. herrison of Bermbie xo.
11/07/1591Thoms. s. to Agnes Parish of Bermbie xjo.
16/07/1591Philip wif to Thoms. Varye of Saltmarsh xvjo.
18/07/1591Mathew mawment, a sert of Bermbie xviijo.
19/07/1591Ursula d. to Robt. Thorp of Howden xixo.
24/07/1591Eliz. d. to Wm. Cots of Bermbie xxiiijo.
30/07/1591Jennet d. to John glover of Bermbie xxxo.
31/07/1591dorothie d. to Wm. Johnson of Balkholme ultimo
August 1591.
01/08/1591Jennet Jackson of Skelton vid. vx.
14/08/1591Ux. meriman of Skelton xiiijo
15/08/1591Ux. Watson of Balkholme xvo.
19/08/1591Agnes. d. to Thoms. Skelton of Bermbie xixo..
September 1591.
02/09/1591Thoms. Browne of Howden ijo.
10/09/1591Jennet wif to Thoms. Osburne of Knedlington xo.
12/09/1591Isabell d. to Thoms. smyth als. Andrew xijo.
18/09/1591Willm s. to Willm. Coots of Bermbie xviijo.
24/09/1591Margaret Colterd of linton xxiiijo.
25/09/1591Vincent Bovill of linton xxvo.
25/09/1591Antony Bovill his servt. xxvo.
October 1591.
06/10/1591Xpofer Stor of Saltmarsh vjo.
07/10/1591John Gentleman, a boye vijo.
09/10/1591Robart s. to hugh Stevenson of Bermbie ixo.
18/10/1591Uxor Flaward of Asselbie xviijo.
19/10/1591Grace d. to Rich : gathorne of Howden xixo.
21/10/1591An d. to John Lowther junr. of Howden xxjo.
21/10/1591dorothie d. to george Chapman of Howden xxjo.
26/10/1591John s. to Edward Lawton of Howden xxvjo.
26/10/1591Jennet wif to Thomas geare of Knedlington xxvjo.
26/10/1591Jennet d. to Rich. Thorp of belby xxvjo.
30/10/1591John s. to Thoms. Crosier of Saltmarsh xxxo.
November 1591.
06/11/1591John Marshall of Balkholme vjo.
17/11/1591George harland of Asselbie xvijo.
17/11/1591Jennet Russome of Kilpin xvijo.
24/11/1591Ellen Othwell of Kilpin, vid. xxiiijo.
26/11/1591Agnes Sutton of Howden vid. xxvjo.
27/11/1591Thomas Underwood of Bermbie xxvijo.
29/11/1591Richard Sisson of Howden xxixo.
December 1591.
05/12/1591Grace wif to Wm. Pocklinton of newland vo.
08/12/1591Willm s. to Robt. Carle of Skelton viijo.
14/12/1591Jennet wif to Rich. Waddingm. of Laxton, xiiijo.
14/12/1591Edward Smith of Kilpin xiiijo.
17/12/1591Xpofer nicolson als. Tomlin of Laxton, xvijo.
21/12/1591[blank] s. to Thoms. harland of Asselbie xxjo.
22/12/1591Robart Tomson of Laxton xxijo.
25/12/1591Jone wif to Thoms. Crosier of Howden xxvo.
28/12/1591Jennet Whieth of Thorpe xxviijo.
31/12/1591Jane Walker of Saltmarsh ultimo
31/12/1591Jennet d. to Rich. Thorp of belbie ultimo
Januarie 1591.
09/01/1591An Fingley of Bermbie, vid. ixo.
15/01/1591Jone d. to Willm. Nayler of Skelton xvo.
17/01/1591Alice Lownsdaile of Skelton xvijo.
19/01/1591Eliz. nicolson als. Tomlin of Skelton xixo.
19/01/1591Isabell d. to John Smart of Skelton xixo.
23/01/1591John Cracall of harlthrope xxiijo.
27/01/1591Avis golderdale of Thorpe xxvijo.
28/01/1591John s. to Rich. Taylier of Howden xxviijo.
February 1591.
02/02/1591Isabell Rainforth of Laxton vid. ijo.
05/02/1591Robart Bradmer of Knedlington vo
06/02/1591John Rainforth of Bermbie vjo.
07/02/1591Agnes d. to Rich. Storie of Skelton vijo.
12/02/1591Margaret wif to Wm. Smith of Howden xijo.
13/02/1591Henrie s. to Ralf Atkinson of Howden xiijo.
14/02/1591Thoms. Cotnes of Asselbie xiiijo.
15/02/1591Willm Backes of Howden xvo.
16/02/1591Robt. s. to Thoms. Crosier als. Taylier xvjo.
17/02/1591Marmaduke s. to Thomas Crosier of Howden xvijo.
20/02/1591Agnes grabarne of Saltmarsh, vid. xxo.
23/02/1591Ralf dickson of Kilpin xxiijo.
26/02/1591Antony Smyth of Saltmarsh xxvjo.
31/02/1591Thoms. stor of Saltmarsh ultimo
March 1591.
02/03/1591John s. to Willm. nayler of Skelton ijo.
05/03/1591Robt. s. to John Stevenson of Saltmarsh vo.
05/03/1591Henrie s. to Wm. Edwine of Howden vo.
06/03/1591John s. to Thoms. hunslay of Skelton vjo.
06/03/1591John s. to Jane Emson of Knedlington vjo.
07/03/1591Catherine d. to Robt. Stainforth of Bermbie vijo.
08/03/1591Thoms. s. to Robt. Rumlay of Saltmarsh Car viijo.
09/03/1591John gathorne of Howden ixo.
09/03/1591Alice wif to Edmond Pocklinton ixo.
09/03/1591Mary d. to John dickson of Skelton ixo.
16/03/1591Frances s. to Xpofer nelson of Kilpin xvjo.
20/03/1591Willm s. to henry noble of Asselbie xxo
20/03/1591A poore wench died at Howden xxo.
23/03/1591Margaret duffeild of Skelton vid. xxiijo.
24/03/1591Agnes Rud of Knedlington vid. xxiiijo.
24/03/1591Willm goldsbrough of Skelton xxiiijo
March 1592.
27/03/1592Ux. Underwood of Bermbie xxvijo.
28/03/1592Ux. Turner of Howden xxviijo.
29/03/1592Margaret wif to Thomas Richeson of Saltmarsh 29o.
29/03/1592Eliz. wif to Thoms. Thorp of Howden xxixo.
29/03/1592Ux. Segstone of Howden, vid. xxixo.
Aprill 1592.
02/04/1592Thoms. s. to Willm. Flawood of Asselbie ijo.
02/04/1592Frances Slevant of Howden ijo.
02/04/1592Willm. Robinson of Howden ijo.
02/04/1592Margaret wif to Thomas Plasterer of Kilpin ijo.
03/04/1592Thoms. Harland of Asselbie iijo.
03/04/1592Jennet wif to nicolas Wmson of Skelton iijo.
04/04/1592Thoms. s. to James Beale of Bermbie iiijo.
05/04/1592John Glover of Bermbie vo.
05/04/1592Xpofer Spire of Kilpin vo.
05/04/1592Margaret d. to Willm. Binks vo.
05/04/1592Thomas Foster of Howden vo.
07/04/1592Robart Crosier of Saltmarsh vijo.
08/04/1592James s. to Wm. Crosier of Saltmarsh viijo.
08/04/1592Thoms. s. to Thoms. Petch of Howden viijo.
08/04/1592Eliz. d. to Edmond Balaye of Laxton viijo.
09/04/1592Willm. halliday of Bermbie ixo.
09/04/1592John Robson of Howden ixo.
12/04/1592dorothie wif to John Underwood of Bermbie xijo.
12/04/1592Margaret Stor of Saltmarsh xijo.
13/04/1592Jennet d. to nicolas Wmson of Skelton xiijo.
15/04/1592John Stevenson of Skelton xvo.
18/04/1592Willm Browght of duncots xviijo.
19/04/1592Edith wif to Wm. Lawtie of Saltmarsh xixo.
21/04/1592John noble of Kilpin xxjo.
21/04/1592Willm. Pickering of Howden xxjo.
22/04/1592An d. to James Barrow of Howden xxijo.
28/04/1592Willm. Starkie of Knedlington xxviijo.
28/04/1592Xpofer s. to Thoms. Backbie of Balkholme xxviijo.
29/04/1592Henrie s. to marmaduke kettlewell of Howden xxixo.
29/04/1592Willm s. to Thomas Walker of Howden xxixo.
31/04/1592Willm. Palmer of belbie ultimo
Maye 1592.
02/05/1592John s. to Ranold Simson of Skelton ijo.
03/05/1592Eliz. wif to John Leadgeard of Kilpin iij.
04/05/1592Richard s. to Willm. Crosier of Saltmarsh iiijo.
06/05/1592Thoms. Ogle of Laxton vjo.
06/05/1592Symon s. to Xpofer Smart of Skelton vjo.
06/05/1592Agnes wif to Thoms. Marwood of Skelton vjo.
07/05/1592Marie wif to Robt. Wmson of Skelton vijo.
11/05/1592Thoms. Gaire of Knedlington xjo.
11/05/1592Jennet wif to Thomas Rainforth of Howden xjo.
12/05/1592Xpofer Smarte of Skelton xijo.
14/05/1592Jone d. to ux. Sander of Skelton xiiijo.
15/05/1592John s. to Robt. Morton of Asselbie xvo.
15/05/1592Agnes Shillitoe of Asselbie xvo.
15/05/1592Catherine Pocklington of Bermbie, vid. xvo.
18/05/1592Willm. Crosier of Saltmarsh xviijo.
21/05/1592Agnes Cade of Saltmarsh xxjo.
24/05/1592[blank] d. to Robt. Morton of Asselbie xxiiijo.
26/05/1592Edward deane of Howden xxvjo.
26/05/1592Agnes d. to Ralf Fletcher of Laxton xxvjo.
28/05/1592Ralf Apthrope of Saltmarsh xxviijo.
June 1592.
03/06/1592John Beilbie of Saltmarsh iijo.
03/06/1592Henrie s. to Thoms. starkie of Bermbie iijo.
05/06/1592Margaret wif to Rich. Slater of Howden vo.
06/06/1592Edward s. to Thoms. Waring of Kilpin vjo.
10/06/1592Emott wif to Thoms. smith of Howden xo.
11/06/1592Alice Owsome of Howden xjo.
13/06/1592Agnes wif to Thoms. grabarn of Saltmarsh 13o.
14/06/1592Edward Parke of Skelton xiiijo.
15/06/1592Jennett Browne of Laxton xvo.
16/06/1592Richard Awdus of Skelton xvjo.
21/06/1592Margaret Smyth of Kilpin xxjo.
24/06/1592Thoms. Tallentire of Laxton xxiiijo.
24/06/1592Isabell fawne of Howden xxiiijo.
26/06/1592Robart s. to Thoms. Lawtie of Saltmarsh xxvjo.
26/06/1592Jane wif to Symon davie of Howden xxvjo.
26/06/1592[blank] d. to Edward Thorp of belbie xxvjo.
26/06/1592Ux. Wildon of Balkholme xxvjo.
Julie 1592.
01/07/1592An wif to Robt. haddlesay of Skelton vx.
16/07/1592Eliz. Fenwick of Skelton a stranger xvjo.
20/07/1592Bryan Browne of Laxton xxo.
21/07/1592Margaret wif to John Tomson of Howden xxjo.
22/07/1592Richard Watkin of Laxton xxijo.
24/07/1592Robart s. to Edmond haxbie of Boothe xxiiijo.
24/07/1592Frances d. to Thoms. hawker of linton xxiiijo.
25/07/1592Agnes wif to John higdon of Laxton xxvo.
25/07/1592Ellinor wif to Thoms. dun of Cotnes xxvo.
28/07/1592Jennet Smith of Laxton xxviijo.
29/07/1592Richard Belwood of Skelton xxixo.
29/07/1592Isabell wif to Rich. harrison of Bermbie xxixo.
29/07/1592Jone d. to John Webster of Howden xxixo.
August 1592.
01/08/1592Isabell wife to John Jerratt of Thorpe vx.
03/08/1592John s. to John Watson of hull iijo.
03/08/1592Eldren Grisbie of Laxton vid. iijo.
06/08/1592John Awdus of Asselbie vjo.
07/08/1592Agnes Cave of barmbie, vid. vijo.
08/08/1592Agnes wif to John Cobgrave of Bermbie viijo.
11/08/1592Eliz. d. to Nicholas Willmson of Skelton xjo.
11/08/1592Hugh Awmond of Skelton xjo.
11/08/1592Agnes Johnson of Howden xjo.
13/08/1592John s. to John Underwood of Bermbie xiijo.
24/08/1592Hugh Awdus of Asselbie xxiiijo.
29/08/1592John s. to John kirssie of Bermbie xxixo.
29/08/1592Willm s. to Willm. heward of Howden xxixo.
24/08/1592John Robinson of Howden xxiiijo.
September 1592.
03/09/1592dorothie d. to henry Collinson of Howden iijo.
07/09/1592Nicolas kirssie of Bermbie vijo.
09/09/1592Willm. Hance of Howden ixo.
10/09/1592Christofer Massiturk of Howden xo.
12/09/1592Willm. s. to hugh Stevenson of Bermbie xijo.
15/09/1592Agnes wif to John Kirssie of Bermbie xvo.
16/09/1592John Cotnes of Knedlington xvjo.
17/09/1592Richard servt. to Mr. Gate of Howden xvijo.
20/09/1592John s. to George Steven of Balkholme xxo.
23/09/1592Catherine howdall of Bermbie, vid. xxiijo.
October 1592.
01/10/1592John Pearson of Howden vx.
01/10/1592Marie Rogerson of Howden, vid. vx.
04/10/1592Jennet wif to Willm. Binks of Skelton iiijo.
04/10/1592Thoms. Jackson of Laxton iiijo.
07/10/1592Margaret Ricroft of Bermbie, vid. vijo.
09/10/1592Ux. Vusworth of Asselbie, vid. ixo.
10/10/1592Willm s. to Frances mason of Howden xo.
11/10/1592Jone d. to John Pearson of Howden xjo.
11/10/1592Marie d. to John Beilbie of linton xjo.
13/10/1592Thoms. s. to Robt. Awdus of Knedlington xiijo.
15/10/1592Eliz. Pearson of Howden vid. xvo.
17/10/1592Marie d. to Frances Smyth of Asselbie xvijo.
30/10/1592John Nutt of Howden xxxo.
30/10/1592Jennet Arksay of Laxton vid. xxxo.
30/10/1592Ellinor wif to Rich. Gouldall xxxo.
30/10/1592Agnes Gibson of Howden xxxo.
November 1592.
02/11/1592Catherine wif to Thoms. Fingley of Bermbie ijo.
04/11/1592John s. to Nicolas Palmer of belbie iiijo.
05/11/1592Steven herrison als. Milner of Bermbie vo.
08/11/1592Eliz. d. to Edward Freman of Skelton viijo.
10/11/1592George Dawson of Laxton xo.
10/11/1592Alice Richeson of Laxton xo.
11/11/1592Hugh Smarte of Skelton xjo.
11/11/1592Agnes Bennyson of Skelton xjo.
12/11/1592Christofer Wells of Cotnes xijo.
12/11/1592Thomas Goote of Saltmarsh xijo.
12/11/1592John s. to Edward Freman xijo.
13/11/1592Jennet Coots of Bermbie xiijo.
13/11/1592Thoms. starkie of barmbie xiijo.
14/11/1592Mathew Fingley of Bermbie xiiijo.
14/11/1592Eliz. wif to John Cowper xiiijo.
15/11/1592Eliz. wif to Thoms. Pickering of Howden xvo.
15/11/1592Alice Thorpe of Knedlington xvo.
16/11/1592Willm. Cheriom of Bermbie xvjo.
18/11/1592Thomas Pickering of Howden xviijo.
18/11/1592Robt. s. to Thoms. Foster of Howden xviijo.
18/11/1592John s. to John Ward of Bermbie xviijo.
19/11/1592John s. to Hugh Smart of Skelton xixo.
22/11/1592Edward kirkbie of Howden xxijo.
22/11/1592Robt. s. to Edward deane of Howden xxijo.
24/11/1592Nicolas Fowles of Bermbie xxiiijo.
26/11/1592Agnes wif to Marke Barlay of Thorp xxvjo.
26/11/1592John Stevenson junr. of Skelton xxvjo.
December 1592.
02/12/1592Simon Umfraij of Howden ijo.
02/12/1592Alice wife to Walter kirssie of Bermbie ijo.
04/12/1592John Hesselwood of Knedlington iiijo.
05/12/1592Edward Freman of Skelton vo.
05/12/1592hugh s. to Robt. M'geson of boothe vo.
08/12/1592Jennet wif to Edward Freman of Skelt viijo.
09/12/1592Isabell wif to Edward Pearson of Howden ixo.
09/12/1592Nicolas Palmer of belbie ixo.
09/12/1592Willm knowles of Howden ixo.
10/12/1592Isabell Place of Knedlington xo.
14/12/1592Barthollomew holsworth of Howden xiiijo.
16/12/1592henrie hartle of Bermbie xvjo.
16/12/1592Willm. Smyth of Bermbie xvjo.
19/12/1592Willm. Barker of Asselbie xixo.
19/12/1592Alice d. to John Stevenson of Skelton xixo.
20/12/1592Isabell wif to Rich. Jackson of Newland xxo.
20/12/1592Eliz. wif to Valentine Robinson of Thorp xxo.
23/12/1592Alice Browne of Laxton xxiijo.
27/12/1592Mathew s. to Wm. hutcheson of Howden xxvijo.
29/12/1592Grace wif to Thoms. Smith of Howden xxixo.
28/12/1592Willm Cave of Bermbie of xxviijo.
30/12/1592Richard s. to Robt. Slater of Skelton xxxo.
30/12/1592Ralfe s. to Thomas Ranard of Howden xxxo.
Januarie 1592.
02/01/1592[blank] s. to Marke Burlay of Thorpe ijo.
04/01/1592Alison d. to Thoms. Starkie of Bermbie iiijo.
10/01/1592Frances d. to Edward Petwardtine of kned : xo.
11/01/1592Catherine d. to Robt. Morton of Asselbie xjo.
13/01/1592Thoms. s. to Thomas Marwood of Skelt. xiijo.
14/01/1592John s. to Wm. Nicolson of Kilpin xiiijo.
14/01/1592Robt. s. to John Munsie of Asselbie xiiijo.
16/01/1592Nicolas Richeson of Asselbie xvjo.
17/01/1592James s. to Thoms. Pickering of Howden xvijo.
18/01/1592Isabell Watson of Laxton vid. xviijo.
19/01/1592Thoms. Smyth of belbie xixo.
21/01/1592Robart Conyngworth of Asselbie xxjo.
23/01/1592Cuthbert Meriman of Skelton xxiijo.
29/01/1592Catheren d. to John Smyth of belbie ultimo
Februarie 1592.
01/02/1592Jane wif to Robt. Newbie of Skelton vx.
02/02/1592Agnes wif to Rich. Webster of Saltmarsh ijo.
03/02/1592Thoms. s. to Jervis Smith of Kilpin iijo.
07/02/1592henrie dicson of Howden vijo.
08/02/1592Nicolas Robinson of Howden viijo.
12/02/1592Steven Cowper of holme xijo.
13/02/1592Mr. Christofer Watson, vic. of adlingfleet died xiijo.
13/02/1592Richard Rainforth of Howden xiijo.
15/02/1592Nicolas s. to Robt. Cotnes of Asselbie xvo.
16/02/1592Philip hodgson of Kilpin xvjo.
16/02/1592Alice d. to John Marshall of Howden xvjo.
20/02/1592John s. to Nicolas Thorp of belbie xxo.
26/02/1592Cicilie Longcaster of Howden xxvjo.
27/02/1592John s. to Willm. Webster of Bermbie xxvijo.
31/02/1592Eliz. Winterburn of belbie, vid. ultimo
March 1592.
01/03/1592Jane d. to Wm. howdall of Bermbie vx.
11/03/1592Edward Lawton of Howden xjo.
14/03/1592Nicolas Willmson of Skelton xiiijo.
14/03/1592Willm. Robinson of Howden xiiijo.
16/03/1592John Painter of Howden xvjo.
18/03/1592Thomas Freman of duncoots xviijo.
18/03/1592Agnes wif to Willm. Smart of Skelton xviijo.
20/03/1592Ranold s. to Rich. Eratt of Howden xxo.
March 1593.
26/03/1593Jone d. to Robt. Slater of Skelton xxvjo.
27/03/1593Ux. dowson of Laxton vid, xxvijo.
April 1593.
02/04/1593John Fisher of Thorp ijo.
03/04/1593Alice wif to John Gathorn of Kilpin iijo.
05/04/1593dorothie wif to Nicolas Bell of Howden vo.
07/04/1593Magaret Brown of Howden, vid. vijo.
08/04/1593Robart Haddlesay of Skelton viijo.
11/04/1593Robart s. to Rich. Sutton of Asselbie xjo.
11/04/1593Agnes Bellow of Saltmarsh xjo.
11/04/1593Jennett d. to Thomas haddlesay of Skelton xjo.
11/04/1593Frances d. to Thomas M'wood of Skelton xjo.
17/04/1593Ux. Nicolson als. Tomlin of Laxton xvijo.
20/04/1593John s. to John Smyth of Bermbie xxo.
21/04/1593John Duffeild of Skelton xxjo.
21/04/1593Ralf Riplay of Howden xxjo.
21/04/1593dorothie d. to Wm. Evans of Howden xxj.
22/04/1593John s. to Robt. Stainforth of Bermbie xxijo.
23/04/1593John s. to Edward Pearson of Howden xxiijo.
24/04/1593Edward Willowes of Saltmarsh xxiiijo.
24/04/1593Jennet d. to John Parkin of Kilpin xxiiijo.
26/04/1593Giles hunsworth of Asselbie xxvjo.
May 1593.
04/05/1593John Brown a servt. of Howden iiijo.
23/05/1593John Knight of Kilpin xxiijo.
25/05/1593Phillip s. to Thomas Pattrick of Saltmarsh xxvo.
June 1593.
03/06/1593John s. to Willm. Blancherd of Kilpin iijo.
07/06/1593Robart s. to Robt. Saltmarsh of Saltmarsh Esqr. vijo.
12/06/1593John s. to John Ricroft of Bermbie xijo.
12/06/1593An wif to Thomas Westgarth of Howden xijo.
14/06/1593Phillip Grisbie of Laxton xiiijo.
17/06/1593Eliz. Birkenshawe of Bermbie xvijo.
24/06/1593Steven & Christofer s. to Marke Turner of Kilpin xxiiijo
26/06/1593Alexander s. to Thoms. Binks of Skelton xxvjo.
31/06/1593An d. to Edward Thorp of belbie ultimo
31/06/1593Jennet wif to John Robson of Thorpe ultimo
Julie 1593.
05/07/1593Jane d. to Robt. Smyth of Howden vo.
08/07/1593Steven Smyth of Balkholme viijo.
12/07/1593Thoms. s. to henrie Abbott of Howden xijo.
13/07/1593Margaret wif to Jesper Collin of Howden xiij
August 1593.
02/08/1593Nicholas Thorpe of belbie ijo.
05/08/1593Ux. Spire of Kilpin vo.
08/08/1593Marmaduke s. to John Robson of Cotnes viijo.
09/08/1593Jone d. to Isabell Collin of Howden ixo.
18/08/1593John Abbott of Howden xviijo.
20/08/1593Thoms. Johnson of Howden dike xxo.
24/08/1593Margaret Lancton of Kilpin, vid. xxiiijo.
24/08/1593John s. to Rich. Johnson of Thorp xxiiijo.
26/08/1593Phillip s. to Rich. Waddinghm. of Laxton xxvjo.
29/08/1593Robart s. to Wm. Beilbie of Skelton xxixo.
30/08/1593Christofer kennylay of Howden ultimo
September 1593.
01/09/1593Margaret Sisson of Howden vx.
01/09/1593Willm. s. to Ranold Consett of Howden vx.
12/09/1593Thomas Osburn of Knedlington xijo.
13/09/1593Marie d. to Robt. Thorpe of Knedlington xiijo.
14/09/1593Isabell Whittakers of Laxton xiiijo
22/09/1593Alice wif to Rich. Foster of Howden xxijo.
27/09/1593Isabell d. to Thoms. Browne of Howden xxvijo.
October 1593.
03/10/1593Grace d. to Thomas Waring of Kilpin iijo.
10/10/1593Jone d. to Thoms. Crosier of Saltmarsh xo.
12/10/1593Thoms. s. to Thoms. Mooke of Howden xijo.
21/10/1593Jone wf. to Rich. Pearson of Howden xxjo.
30/10/1593Thoms. Savaige of Asselbie ultimo
November 1593.
01/11/1593Isabell wif to Willm. Evans of Howden vx.
01/11/1593Jennet d. to Eliz. Whiete vx.
02/11/1593John s. to Rich. Slater of Howden ijo.
02/11/1593John s. to John Skin of Laxton ijo.
03/11/1593Isabell wif to John Skin of Laxton iijo.
03/11/1593John s. to Wm. Stevenson junr. of Howden iijo.
05/11/1593Thoms. s. to Wm. Carie of Howden vo.
09/11/1593Agnes wif to Robt. hall of Asselbie ixo.
10/11/1593Eliz. wif to Wm. Coots of Bermbie xo.
14/11/1593Nicolas Gathorne of Howden xiiijo.
15/11/1593Eliz. wif to John hall of Howden xvo.
17/11/1593John s. to John hastings of boothe xvijo.
20/11/1593Isabell d. to Nicolas Arlush of Skelton xxo.
22/11/1593Thoms. s. to Nicolas Arlush of Skelton xxijo.
22/11/1593Jone d. to Thomas Watkin of Skelton xxijo.
26/11/1593Alice wif to Rich. Pearson of Howden xxvjo.
24/11/1593Bartholomew Brodrick a stranger xxiiijo.
31/11/1593John s. to John howdall of Bermbie ultimo
December 1593.
03/12/1593Michaell Barker of Laxton iijo.
14/12/1593Grace Shepherd a stranger xiiijo.
14/12/1593Jennet d. to Nicolas Robinson of Howden xiiijo.
16/12/1593Margaret wif to Wm. Wilson of Howden xvjo.
17/12/1593Willm. Wilson of Howden xvijo.
17/12/1593Richard Pearson of Howden xvijo.
19/12/1593John s. to John Smart of Bermbie xixo.
21/12/1593Willm. s. to Robt. Freman of Bermbie xxjo.
28/12/1593Eliz. d. to Nicolas Petwartine of boothe xxviijo.
28/12/1593John s. to John Marshall of Howden xxviijo.
31/12/1593 Agnes d. to Thoms. Browne of Howden ultimo
Januarie 1593.
02/01/1593The wif of Rich. Shan of Howden dike ijo.
02/01/1593Margaret d. to Rich. Newton of Howden ijo.
03/01/1593henrie s. to Nicolas Pearson of Howden iijo.
06/01/1593John s. to Marmaduke Stevenson of Kilpin vjo.
08/01/1593Nicolas Simpson of Thorp viijo.
09/01/1593An d. to John Webster of Howden ixo.
16/01/1593Marie d. to Robt. Nelson of Thorpe xvjo.
16/01/1593Edward Burrell of Selby xvjo.
21/01/1593An d. to John Garnett of Howden xxjo.
21/01/1593Jennet d. to Wm. Stoner of Howden xxjo.
23/01/1593Barbara wif to Wm. Stoner of Howden xxiijo.
26/01/1593John s. to Jervis hunsley of Balkholme xxvjo.
26/01/1593Margaret d. to Rich. Watson of Saltmarsh xxvjo.
28/01/1593Ellen Stevan of Howden vid. xxviijo.
28/01/1593Alice d. to Eliz. Whiet of Asselbie xxviijo.
29/01/1593Magdalen d. to Wm. Bardgman xxixo.
Februarie 1593.
08/02/1593Richard Skelton of Cotnes viijo.
13/02/1593Christofer Okes of Howden xiijo.
13/02/1593Marie d. to George Casse of Bermbie xiijo.
13/02/1593John Sonman of Howden xiijo.
17/02/1593An d. to Thoms. Coots of Howden xvijo.
18/02/1593Willm. & Georges. to Thoms. Skelton of Bermbie 18o.
19/02/1593Steven Collin of Asselbie xixo.
20/02/1593Hugh Smart of Skelton xxo.
20/02/1593Thomas Marshall of Howden xxo.
March 1593.
05/03/1593Richard Tomlinson of Howden vo.
09/03/1593Catheren d. to Wm. Good of Asselbie ixo.
09/03/1593Willm s. to Willm. dallison of Bermbie ixo
10/03/1593John s. to Nicolas Storme of Laxton xo.
12/03/1593Christofer Trotter of Laxt. xijo.
14/03/1593Sethe d. to Valentine Robinson of Thorp xiiijo.
16/03/1593Isabell d. to Thoms. Plasterer of Kilpin xvjo.
17/03/1593Isabell d. to Wm. Smith of Howden xvijo.
20/03/1593Christofer Barker of Laxton xxo.
Aprill 1594.
02/04/1594Miles dent of Saltmarsh ijo.
02/04/1594Eliz. d. to Willm. Good of Asselbie ijo.
08/04/1594Thoms. s. to Willm. Good of Asselbie viijo.
09/04/1594George hubie of Howden ixo.
10/04/1594Willm Simson of Balkholme xo.
13/04/1594Eliz. wif to Willm. Carbutt of Howden xiijo.
14/04/1594Agnes wif to Nicolas Skin of Howden xiiijo.
15/04/1594John s. to John Foster of Howden xvo.
16/04/1594Margaret d. to Robt. Browne of Knedlington xvjo.
18/04/1594Laurence s. to Robt. Starkie of Balkholme xviijo.
22/04/1594Wm s. to Thomas Johnson of Howden dike xxijo.
22/04/1594John Rainforth of Laxton xxijo.
23/04/1594Isabell wif to Valentine Robinson of Thorpe 23o.
24/04/1594A poore woman died at Knedlington xxiiijo.
May 1594.
17/05/1594John s. to henrie Peacock of Howden xvijo.
19/05/1594Alice d. to hugh haxbie of Asselbie xixo.
20/05/1594Margaret dixson of Howden vid. xxo.
28/05/1594Agnes wif to Willm. Morton of Asselbie xxviijo.
30/05/1594John s. to John Underwood of Bermbie xxxo.
June 1594.
12/06/1594Eliz. d. to Willm. Fingley of Bermbie xijo.
13/06/1594George s. to henrie Thirklebie of Howden xiij
18/06/1594Em. d. to miles dent of Saltmarsh xviijo.
20/06/1594Eliz. d. to Willm. Kirssie of Bermbie xxo.
20/06/1594Eliz. wif to Simon Noble of Asselbie xxo.
22/06/1594Richard Skelton of Cotnes xxijo.
24/06/1594Willm. Wilburn of Kilpin xxiiijo.
25/06/1594Willm. s. to Andrew Fingley of Bermbie xxvo.
25/06/1594henrie Sparrow of Knedlington xxvo.
27/06/1594Isabell d. to Andrew Fingley of Bermbie xxvijo.
29/06/1594Willm s. to Willm. Parker of Asselbie xxixo.
Julie 1594.
02/07/1594Thoms. Parker of Howden ijo.
10/07/1594Jennet wif Simon Watson of Kilpin xo.
11/07/1594Agnes Smyth of belbie, vid. xjo.
13/07/1594Robart Backbie of Balkholme xiijo
15/07/1594Merriall wif to John birkenshawe of Howden xvo.
16/07/1594Margaret d. to Frances Masson of Howden xvjo.
31/07/1594John s. to George Marshall of Laxton ultimo
August 1594.
09/08/1594Richard s. to Christofer hartforth of Howden ixo.
28/08/1594Thoms. s. to John Nelson of Howden xxviijo.
September 1594.
04/09/1594William s. to John Spencer of Bermbie iiijo.
05/09/1594Margaret Parratt of Howden vo.
15/09/1594Willm. Binks of Skelton xvo.
15/09/1594Margaret d. to Thoms. Plasterer of Kilpin xvo.
23/09/1594Two children, strangers xxiijo.
October 1594.
09/10/1594Thoms. s. to Thomas Porter of Balkholme ixo.
November 1594.
02/11/1594Agnes wif to James Beale of Bermbie ijo.
11/11/1594Thomas Waring of Kilpin xjo.
13/11/1594Isabell wif to John Robinson of Asselbie xiijo.
19/11/1594Isabell wif Gregorie Rainforth of Bermbie xixo.
19/11/1594John Bawne of Balkholme xixo.
31/11/1594Agnes d. to John Peacock of Howden ultimo
December 1594.
07/12/1594Wm. & John s. to Wm. Davison of boothe vijo.
09/12/1594John s. to Wm. Noble of Asselbie ixo.
20/12/1594John Stonas of Howden xxo.
22/12/1594Margaret d. to Thoms. Fingley of Bermbie xxijo.
26/12/1594Jennet wif to Thomas Crosier Junr. xxvjo.
26/12/1594Eliz. wif to Wm. Branton of Knedlington xxvjo.
Januarie 1594.
02/01/1594Ux. Yonge of Skelton ijo.
04/01/1594Agnes d. to Willm. Cocke of Balkholme iiijo.
05/01/1594dorothie awdus of Asselbie, vid. vo.
05/01/1594henrie Skin of Asselbie vo.
07/01/1594Jane d. to Rich. Watkin of Skelt. vijo.
14/01/1594John s. to An dun of Laxton xiiijo.
19/01/1594Agnes d. to Rich. dallison of Bermbie xixo.
19/01/1594John s. to Wm. Stevenson Junr. of Howden xixo.
24/01/1594Robart Lancton of Howden dike xxiiijo.
February 1594.
05/02/1594Isabell d. to Robt. Browne of Knedlington vo..
11/02/1594Jennet wif to Edward Widdowes of Bermbie xjo.
16/02/1594Alice d. to John hall pish clark xvjo.
19/02/1594John Cotnes of Asselbie xixo.
March 1594.
09/03/1594Isabell Anlibie of Bermbie, vid. ixo.
11/03/1594Margaret Ogle a servt. of Skelton xjo.
11/03/1594Ellen d. to Nicolas Robinson of Howden xjo.
12/03/1594Robt. s. to Marmaduke Stevenson of Kilpin xijo.
18/03/1594Jennet d. to Ellen Awderson xviijo.
March 1595.
19/03/1595Mary d. to Marmaduke Kettlewell of Howden xixo.
25/03/1595Jane wif to Rich. Westabie of Asselbie xxvo.
27/03/1595Robt. s. to Wm. Lawtie of Saltmarsh xxvijo.
30/03/1595Richard s. to henry Sonman ultimo
Aprill 1595.
04/04/1595John s. to John houden of Bermbie iiijo.
04/04/1595John s. to Thomas Watken of Skelton iiijo.
05/04/1595Ux. Thornton of Kilpin vo.
07/04/1595Jelian wif to Robt. Wooddall of Howden vijo.
07/04/1595John s. to Agnes Willowes of Bermbie vijo.
12/04/1595John s. to Roger hardmund of Cotnes xijo.
15/04/1595Thoms. Bowes of Howden xvo.
16/04/1595Ralf Tipping of Sandhall xvjo.
17/04/1595Jennet wif to John Apthrope of Kilpin Senr. 17o.
21/04/1595Grace Johnson a servt. of Howden xxjo.
24/04/1595Richard s. to Rich. hope xxiiijo.
31/04/1595Jennet d. to Willm. Gray of Howden ultimo
May 1595.
02/05/1595John Apthorpe Senn of Kilpin ijo.
02/05/1595Giles hawker of linton ijo.
02/05/1595Christofer s. to Thoms. Thornton of Howden ijo.
02/05/1595Willm s. to Willm. Webster of Bermbie ijo.
05/05/1595Sithe wif to Robt. Archer of Howden vo.
05/05/1595Catheren d. to John Foster of Bermbie vo.
06/05/1595Robt. Awdus of Knedlington Junr. vjo.
08/05/1595Isabell d. to Thomas Jackson of newland viijo.
11/05/1595Eliz : wif to Cuthbt. Gilpin of Kilpin xjo.
11/05/1595Eliz. wif to Edward Smyth of Knedlington xjo.
18/05/1595Isabell d. to Thomas Waring of Kilpin xviijo.
19/05/1595Jennet Wilson of yockflete xixo.
20/05/1595Isabell wif to Thoms. Leadgerd of Knedlington xxo.
21/05/1595Robart s. to hugh Awdus of Asselbie xxjo.
23/05/1595Antony day of Laxton xxiijo.
25/05/1595Richard s. to Rich. Pearson of Howden xxvo.
17/05/1595Emmot wif to Christofer Okes of Howden xvijo.
June 1595.
01/06/1595Susance Bowes of Howden vx.
06/06/1595Thoms. Rainforth of Laxton vjo.
08/06/1595Robert s. to Leonard Lowther viijo.
18/06/1595Thoms. s. to Thomas Child of Bermbie xviijo.
21/06/1595Isabell d. to Barthol. garton of Kilpin xxjo.
26/06/1595Eliz. d. to Peter Reed of Skelton xxvjo.
22/06/1595Agnes d. to Willm Stamp of Bermbie xxijo.
31/06/1595John Anderton of Asselbie ultimo
Julie 1595.
16/07/1595Robert Richeson als. Tayler of Kilpin xvjo
31/07/1595Jennet Sander of Skelton ultimo
August 1595.
10/08/1595James Atkinson a stranger xo.
11/08/1595Agnes Robart als. Milner of Saltmarsh xjo.
20/08/1595Isabell d. to John Bond of Balkholme xxo.
30/08/1595An wif to John Robson of Cotnes ultimo
September 1595.
02/09/1595Agnes d. to Jane Parken ijo.
17/09/1595Willm s. to Willm. Carie of Howden xvijo.
20/09/1595Crouch a poore maid xxo.
26/09/1595Thoms. Savaige of Asselbie xxvjo.
26/09/1595Grace d. Thoms. Burdon of York xxvjo.
26/09/1595Richard Burdon of York xxvjo.
29/09/1595Thoms. s. to Wm. Thornton of Asselbie xxixo.
October 1595.
01/10/1595John Wells of Saltmarsh vx.
02/10/1595John s. to Agnes Fingley of Bermbie ijo.
08/10/1595Jane wife to Thoms. Crosier als. Taylier of Saltmarsh 8o.
12/10/1595Agnes Knight of Kilpin, vid. xijo.
17/10/1595Mary d. to Christofer dallie of yockflet xvijo.
21/10/1595John s. to Anthony Barmbie of Thorpe xxjo.
22/10/1595Thoms. s. to Margaret Tayler xxijo.
30/10/1595Richard s. to Thoms. Jackson of Newland xxxo.
November 1595.
04/11/1595John s. to Willm. Cobgrave of Bermbie iiijo.
07/11/1595John s. to henrie Peacock of Howden vijo.
11/11/1595Nicolas Rawdon of Bermbie xjo.
12/11/1595Agnes d. to John Dale of Bermbie xijo.
13/11/1595Robt. s. to John Jeni'gson of Balkholme xiijo.
15/11/1595Agnes wif to henrie Cave of Knedlington xvo.
16/11/1595Jennet d. to Robt. Bond of Balkholme xvjo.
16/11/1595An d. to Robt. denison of Balkholme xvjo.
18/11/1595Eliz. d. to Rich. Skelton of Cotnes xviijo.
19/11/1595Jane d. to Thoms. Ray of Cotnes xixo.
21/11/1595John Willmson of Skelton xxjo.
21/11/1595An d. to John Robinson of Asselbie xxjo.
22/11/1595An old woman died at bernill xxijo.
27/11/1595Dorothie d. to george Willmson of Balkholme xxvijo.
December 1595.
07/12/1595Margerie wif to John norrisson of Knedlington vijo.
18/12/1595Thoms. Robson of Howden xviijo.
30/12/1595Thoms. s. to Thomas Gunbie of Swinflet xxxo.
Januarie 1595.
08/01/1595Oliver Barlay of Boothe viijo.
17/01/1595Edward Smyth of Knedlington xvijo.
Februarye 1595.
06/02/1595Jone d. to John Awdus of belbie vjo.
19/02/1595Frances s. to Robt. Thorp of Knedlington, xixo.
22/02/1595Alice d. to Xpofer hartforth of Howden xxijo.
22/02/1595Betteris d. to Will., Marshall of Balkholme xxijo.
March 1595.
06/03/1595John Jackson of Eastrington vjo.
07/03/1595Catherine Hawthorne, vid. vijo.
13/03/1595Frances s. to Wm. Pocklington of Balkholme xiijo.
14/03/1595Agnes wif to Robt. Thorp of Knedlington xiiijo.
24/03/1595[blank] d. to Willm. Barker of Asselbie xxiiijo.
28/03/1595dorothie Cherie of barmbie, vid. xxviijo.
Aprill 1596.
10/04/1596Eliz. king of belbie xo.
15/04/1596Autherie d. to Robt. Pattrick of Saltmarsh xvo.
15/04/1596Ux. Burton of Howden xvo.
17/04/1596Agnes wif to Xpofer Colling xvijo.
14/04/1596Agnes d. to Thomas Fingley of Bermbie xiiijo.
17/04/1596Richard Sonman of Howden xvijo.
21/04/1596Jennet d. to Thoms. Tomson of Skelton xxjo.
21/04/1596John s. to Nicolas Cotnes of Asselbie xxjo.
23/04/1596John Birkenshawe of Thorpe xxiijo.
31/04/1596Ux. Storme of Howden ultimo
Maye 1596.
04/05/1596John Collinson a stranger iiijo.
12/05/1596dorothie wif to Edmond Bayley of Laxton xijo.
13/05/1596Robt. s. to Cuthbt. meriman, nup. of Skelt. xiijo.
13/05/1596Robt. s. to Robart Thorp of Howden xiijo.
14/05/1596Jennet d. to Rich Erott of Howden xiiijo.
15/05/1596John s. to John Rabie of Laxton xvo.
16/05/1596Mary d. to John Willmson of Skelton xvjo.
17/05/1596An d. to Robart Yonge of Skelton xvijo.
19/05/1596Willm. Fox of Bermbie xixo.
20/05/1596John masson of Howden xxo.
20/05/1596An d. to Thoms. Ellerton of belbie xxo.
June 1596.
04/06/1596John s. to Rich. Store of Saltmarsh iiijo.
05/06/1596Eliz. d. to Thoms. Robinson of Howden vo.
06/06/1596Thomas Thornton of Asselbie vjo.
06/06/1596Catherine d. to Wm. dudding of Kilpin vjo.
11/06/1596Catherine d. to Rich. Store of Saltmarsh xjo.
13/06/1596Parcivell george of Laxton xiijo.
17/06/1596Agnes wif to nicolas Arlush of Skelton xvijo.
17/06/1596Thoms. hunsley of Skelton xvijo.
17/06/1596[blank] to Peter Jackson of Laxton xvijo.
17/06/1596Jennet d. to Robt. dickson of Saltmarsh xvijo.
27/06/1596Willm Stonas bellman xxvijo.
29/06/1596Eliz. d. to Xpofer hartforth of Howden xxixo.
Julie 1596.
12/07/1596Robt. s. to Cu'nance Walls of Skelton xijo.
17/07/1596Susanna d. to John hall of Howden xvijo.
17/07/1596Richard docker als. gilliat of Saltmarsh xvijo.
18/07/1596Willm dallison of Bermbie xviijo.
22/07/1596Alice d. to Bryan Browne of Laxton xxijo.
23/07/1596An d. to John Lowther junr. of Howden xxiijo.
30/07/1596Willm Kirssie of Bermbie xxxo.
August 1596.
03/08/1596Frances d. to Margaret Petch of Knedlington iijo.
04/08/1596Margaret Petch of Knedlington iiijo.
30/08/1596Marie d. to Xpofer kelsie of Howden ultimo
September 1596.
02/09/1596Thoms. Patteson of Cotnes ijo.
17/09/1596Margaret Sponner of Laxton vid. xvijo.
18/09/1596Phillip d. to Thoms. Patteson of Cotnes xviijo.
13/09/1596Grace wif to Rich. middlewood of Howden xiijo.
13/09/1596Catherine wif to John Smith of Bermbie xiijo.
22/09/1596John his son xxijo.
25/09/1596Bettris d. to Frances Smith of Asselbie xxvo.
October 1596.
01/10/1596Willm. hutcheson of Howden vx.
03/10/1596Willm Richeson of Saltmarsh iijo.
10/10/1596Eliz. d. to Willm. Rainforth of Laxton xo.
22/10/1596Alice Fingley of Skelton, vid. xxijo.
28/10/1596John Flawood of Asselbie xxviijo.
30/10/1596Anthony Robinson of Howden xxxo.
20/10/1596Thoms. to John Thornton of Asselbie xxo.
30/10/1596Robt. s. to Thomas Barker of Kilpin ultimo
November 1596.
11/11/1596John s. to Willm. heward of Howden xjo.
12/11/1596Agnes Fingley of Bermbie vid. xijo.
13/11/1596Agnes dawson of Howden vid. xiijo.
18/11/1596John s. to John Busbie of Howden xviijo.
20/11/1596Margaret West of Asselbie xxo.
20/11/1596dorothie d. to nicolas Richeson of Asselbie xxo.
December 1596.
01/12/1596John s. to Willm. Parke of Kilpin vx.
02/12/1596Eliz. Parke of Howden vid. ijo.
02/12/1596Richard s. to Thoms. Pickering of Howden ijo.
09/12/1596John s. to John Cobgrave of Bermbie ixo.
11/12/1596A poor boy called Fenticobs xjo.
12/12/1596Richard s. to Thoms. storme senr. of belbie xijo.
15/12/1596Frances d. to John Stevenson of Saltmarsh xvo.
15/12/1596John s. to Thoms. Courser of Laxton xvo.
15/12/1596Ux. Idle of Skelton xvo.
15/12/1596A poore wench died at Howden xvo.
16/12/1596Thoms. Storme senr. of belbie xvjo.
16/12/1596Isabell d. to John Reabie of Laxton xvjo.
19/12/1596Marie d. to Willm. Thorp of Thorp xixo.
21/12/1596Richard s. to Peter dowson of Howden xxjo.
24/12/1596John Sutton of Asselbie xxiiijo.
26/12/1596Isabell d. to Rich. Jackson of Laxton xxvjo.
27/12/1596Leonard s. to Leonard Store of Asselbie xxvijo.
30/12/1596Willm. Bowse of Howden xxxo.
31/12/1596Robart Arksay of Laxton ultimo
Januarie 1596.
04/01/1596Alice d. to Thomas Grabarne of Saltmarsh iiijo.
08/01/1596Magdalen d. to James hardie of Howden viijo.
11/01/1596Jone d. to Thoms. stevenson of Howden xjo.
11/01/1596Jane wif to Peter Jackson of Laxton xjo.
11/01/1596Em d. to James Ray of Howden xjo.
13/01/1596Bryan Pickering of Laxton xiijo.
13/01/1596Thoms. s. to John Awdus of belbie xiijo.
18/01/1596Ux. Ogle of Laxton xviijo.
18/01/1596Margaret d. to James Ray of Howden xviijo.
18/01/1596Jennet d. to george Awdus of Asselbie xviijo.
19/01/1596John Parke of Saltmarsh xixo.
22/01/1596Margaret Noble of Asselbie, vid. xxijo.
22/01/1596John Newton of belbie xxijo.
24/01/1596Eliz. wif to [blank] morton of Asselbie xxiiijo.
24/01/1596Agnes wif to Rich. Barker of Howden xxiiijo.
24/01/1596Agnes d. to Willm. davison of Boothe xxiiijo.
26/01/1596Willm dowe of belbie xxvjo.
28/01/1596John Barker of Asselbie xxviij
Februarie 1596.
01/02/1596Frances d. to Willm. hodgson of Howden vx.
06/02/1596John Hall Pish Clerk vjo.
07/02/1596hugh Bradmer of Knedlington vijo.
08/02/1596dorothie d. to Thomas Robinson of linton viijo.
11/02/1596Thoms. Barker of Kilpin xjo.
12/02/1596Alice d. to Robt. Beilbie of Skelton xijo.
16/02/1596Thoms. s. to Robt. Arlush of Skelton xvjo.
17/02/1596Steven s. to Rich. Westibie of Asselbie xvijo.
19/02/1596Isabell wif to nicolas Proudfellow xixo.
22/02/1596Catheren wif to John Rabie of Laxton xxijo.
22/02/1596Robart s. to Willm. Lawtie of Saltmarsh xxijo.
99/02/1596Isabell d. to Peter Anderson of booth.
25/02/1596Alice d. to John Kirshie junr. of Bermbie xxvo.
26/02/1596Margaret Hewlay of Metham xxvjo.
27/02/1596John Franckland of Howden xxvijo.
March 1596.
01/03/1596Thoms. gibson, a servt of Sandhall vx.
01/03/1596Henrie hopkin of Howden vx.
01/03/1596Phillip s. to Thoms. Webster of Balkh. vx.
01/03/1596John s. to Eliz. Adamson vx.
03/03/1596Willm. hereson senr. of Bermbie iijo.
04/03/1596Eliz. d. to Steven Smyth of Kilpin iiijo.
04/03/1596Willm s. to Willm. Kirshie of Asselbie iiijo.
04/03/1596John s. to Symon Noble of Asselbie iiijo.
04/03/1596Agnes d. to Rich. Baynes of drax iiijo.
05/03/1596Eliz. d. to george Casse of Bermbie vo.
11/03/1596Thoms. s. to hugh Stevenson of bermby xjo.
12/03/1596George Rainforth of Saltmarsh xijo.
12/03/1596Em. Tomlinson of Kilpin xijo.
12/03/1596Alice wif to Wm. Pocklinton of Balkholme xijo.
13/03/1596Eliz. wif to george Sutton of Howden xiijo.
14/03/1596Jennet Rainforth of Laxton vid. xiiijo.
14/03/1596Isabell Rainforth of Saltmarsh, vid. xiiijo.
16/03/1596John s. to Thomas Tanfeild of Skelton xvjo.
16/03/1596Eliz. d. to John Masson of Howden xvjo.
17/03/1596Robart s. to george Consett xvijo.
19/03/1596Jennet Pattrick of Saltmarsh, vid. xixo.
20/03/1596Jennet wif to John Pattrick of Saltmarsh xxo.
21/03/1596Thoms. s. to John Rainforth of Laxton xxjo.
21/03/1596Isabell Awdus of Skelton, vid. xxjo.
21/03/1596Jone d. to Thoms. Watkin of Laxton xxjo.
22/03/1596Margaret d. to Robt. Stainforth of Bermbie xxijo.
22/03/1596John s. to John dawson of Bermbie xxijo.
22/03/1596Thoms. Nelson of Howden xxijo.
22/03/1596Agnes wif to Thoms. Watkin of Laxton xxijo.
22/03/1596Jennet Jackson of Thorpe xxijo.
24/03/1596Brigett Stainton xxiiijo.
24/03/1596Alice d. to Wm. Pocklinton of Balkholme xxiiijo.
March 1597.
25/03/1597Thoms. Shan of Howden dyke xxvo.
27/03/1597Richard s. to Thoms. Crosier of Saltmarsh xxvijo.
29/03/1597Robart Pattrick of Saltmarsh xxixo.
29/03/1597Agnes wif to Wm. drumell of Bermbie xxixo.
30/03/1597Thomas Marwood of Laxton xxxo.
30/03/1597Catherine d. to Willm. Carie xxxo.
April 1597.
04/04/1597Agnes Willmson of barnell iiijo.
04/04/1597mawde Sandler of Howden iiijo.
05/04/1597Richard Shanes of Skelton vo.
05/04/1597John middlewood of Howden vo.
06/04/1597margaret Cotnes of Asselbie, vid. vjo.
08/04/1597John Smith of Bermbie viijo.
10/04/1597Thoms. Crosier als. Tayler of Saltmarsh xo.
10/04/1597Catherine d. to Wm. Bradley of York xo.
10/04/1597Margaret d. to Wm. Barker of belbie xo.
10/04/1597[blank] d. to Wm. Jackson of Howden xo.
10/04/1597Catherine d. to John morton of Asselbie xo
11/04/1597Margaret Jackson of Howden xjo.
12/04/1597An Blacklock of Howden xijo.
12/04/1597Eliz. d. to Thomas Crosier of Saltmarsh xijo.
12/04/1597Robt. s. to John Sutton of Asselbie xijo.
14/04/1597Jennet Barker of belbie xiiijo.
19/04/1597Jane d. to Will., Parke of Howden xixo.
19/04/1597Alice d. to Robt. Thornton of Howden xixo.
20/04/1597John hodgson of Howden xxo.
20/04/1597Jennet Smyth of Bermbie, vid. xxo.
16/04/1597John Leaven of Howden xvjo.
23/04/1597Symon s. to Edward Norman of Howden xxiijo.
31/04/1597Elline Robinson of Bermbie ultimo
31/04/1597Catherine d. to Rich. Slater of Howden ultimo
Maye 1597.
02/05/1597Isabell d. to Wm. Parke of Howden ijo.
02/05/1597Mathew s. to Willm. Fingley of Bermbie ijo.
03/05/1597Jennet Coots of Bermbie iijo.
04/05/1597John s. to Robt. Jerratt of Thorp iiijo.
06/05/1597Jane d. to John Nelson of Howden vjo.
06/05/1597Jennet d. to Thomas Petch of Cotnes vjo.
12/05/1597John s. to James Beale of Bermbie xijo.
12/05/1597Thoms. Backbie of Balkholme xijo.
14/05/1597Margaret d. to Rich. Garton of Knedlington xiiijo.
14/05/1597Margaret wif to Thoms. Endike of Knedlington xiiijo.
16/05/1597Ellen d. to Wm. Richeson of Howden xvjo.
16/05/1597Henrie Sayre of Howden xvjo.
19/05/1597Agnes wif to John Watson of Howden xixo.
19/05/1597A poore Child xixo.
20/05/1597Thoms. s. to Robt. Wells of Skelton xxo.
23/05/1597Margaret d. to Robt. Thorp of Knedlington xxiijo.
25/05/1597Margaret d. to Lawrence Pattrick of Saltmarsh xxvo.
27/05/1597Awderie d. to Thoms. Skelton of Bermbie xxvijo.
28/05/1597Robart Raistrick of Howden xxviijo.
29/05/1597Alice wif to John Rogerson of Howden xxixo.
30/05/1597John s. to Willm. noble of Asselbie ultimo
June 1597.
01/06/1597Margaret White of Saltmarsh vx.
02/06/1597Jennet Conyngworth of Asselbie ijo.
03/06/1597John s. to Thomas Richeson of Howden iijo.
05/06/1597Ellen d. to Robt. Bewet of Laxton vo.
07/06/1597henrie s. to Edward Pearson of Howden vijo.
07/06/1597Barbara d. to nicolas Petwardtine of booth vijo.
09/06/1597John s. to nicolas Cotnes of Asselbie ixo.
13/06/1597Agnes wif to Sander Watson of Saltmarsh xiijo.
15/06/1597Margerie wif to george Thirkelbie of Howden xvo.
17/06/1597Alexander Watson of Saltmarsh xvijo.
17/06/1597Eliz. d. to John higdon of Laxton xvijo.
22/06/1597An d. to James Bradley of newland xxijo.
22/06/1597Jane durisme of Saltmarsh xxijo.
23/06/1597Eliz. wif to Wm. Noble of Asselbie xxiijo.
25/06/1597Margaret wif to John Thornton senr. of Asselbie 25o.
31/06/1597Willm Fox of Skelton ultimo
31/06/1597Sithe Robinson of Howden vid. ultimo
Julie 1597.
03/07/1597Agnes Fox of Bermbie vid. iijo.
04/07/1597George Thirkelbie of Howden iiijo.
04/07/1597Robt. s. to John Awdus of Knedlington iiijo.
05/07/1597Eliz. d. to Wm. poplewell of Howden dike vo.
06/07/1597Agnes Richeson of Skelton vid. vjo.
09/07/1597Jennet Smyth of booth ixo.
10/07/1597Catherine d. to Paull Barker of Asselbie xo
12/07/1597Thoms. Westibie of Asselbie xijo.
13/07/1597Agnes wif to Xpofer Bailes of Kilpin xiijo.
14/07/1597dorothie Sutton of Asselbie xiiijo.
19/07/1597Susance wif to John Woodsworth of kned. xixo.
22/07/1597Agnes wif to Thoms. Tomson of belbie xxijo.
23/07/1597Margaret Watson of thorp, vid. xxiijo.
25/07/1597Thoms. Askwth. of Howden xxvo.
26/07/1597Catherine d. to nicolas Thorp xxvjo.
28/07/1597Thoms. s. to Wm. malleveray of Howden xxviijo.
31/07/1597John s. to Thomas Rainforth of Saltmarsh xxxjo.
31/07/1597John s. to nicolas Thorp of belbie xxxjo.
August 1597.
01/08/1597Ux. Anderson of Howden vx.
02/08/1597John kirssie of Bermbie ij.
04/08/1597Catherine d. to henrie nelson of belbie iiijo.
07/08/1597Thoms. s. to Ellen duffeild of booth vijo.
09/08/1597Symon noble of Asselbie ixo.
15/08/1597John Megson of barnell xvo.
16/08/1597Thoms. s. to Thoms. blancherd of Bermbie xvjo.
17/08/1597Ux. Freman of boothe xvijo.
21/08/1597Isabell wif to Allan dun of Skelton xxjo.
21/08/1597Peter s. to John Norrison of Knedlington xxjo.
24/08/1597Thoms. haxbie of booth xxiiijo.
24/08/1597John s. to Willm. Andrew of booth xxiiijo.
27/08/1597Thoms. s. to marmaduke Conestable Esqr. xxvijo
30/08/1597Thomas Wainman of Whitgift xxxo.
30/08/1597Jane wif to Thoms. Smith of Howden xxxo.
September 1597.
01/09/1597Em. wif to Wm. Lawson of Knedlington vx.
04/09/1597Thoms. s. to Robt. haddlesey of Skelton iiijo.
07/09/1597Thoms. s. to Wm. Nelson of Howden vijo.
07/09/1597Thomas Brodhead a stranger vijo.
11/09/1597Agnes d. to Robt. Thornton of Balkholme xjo.
14/09/1597Roger Routhe als. Patton of Knedlington xiiijo.
17/09/1597John Tomlin als. nicolson xvijo.
22/09/1597Agnes d. to Robt. newbie of Skelton xxijo.
28/09/1597Nicolas Slater of Skelton xxviij
28/09/1597Thoms. s. to Robt. Newbie xxviijo.
October 1597.
07/10/1597Agnes d. to ux Robinson vijo.
09/10/1597Robart Wriggleforth of Asselbie viiijo.
14/10/1597Ellen wif to Antony newes of booth xiiijo.
15/10/1597John Emson of Saltmarsh xvo.
20/10/1597Willm. noble of Saltmarsh xxo.
20/10/1597Margaret wif to John Armitt of Skelton xxo.
22/10/1597[blank] wif to Rich. garton of Cotnes xxijo.
November 1597.
05/11/1597Frances d. to Thoms. Tindall of Thorp vo.
08/11/1597Agnes wif to Rich. Sutton of Asselbie viijo
19/11/1597Eliz. Gibson of Balkholme xixo.
19/11/1597George hunsley of Knedlington xixo.
19/11/1597Will., s. to Rich. Belwood of Skelton xixo
23/11/1597Jone d. to John Blansherd of Laxton xxiijo.
23/11/1597Catherine wif to Seath Watson of Howden xxiijo.
23/11/1597Willm. s. to Ranold Simson of Skelton xxiijo.
31/11/1597Willm. s. to henrie Corsser of Howden ultimo
29/11/1597Robt. Johnson and one Spink of Howden dyke drowned xxixo.
December 1597.
01/12/1597Frances s. to Frances Awdus of boothe vx.
04/12/1597Isabell d. to Robt. Bound of Knedlington iiijo.
04/12/1597Ux. Belwood of Howden iiijo.
06/12/1597John s. to Robt. Nelson of Thorpe vjo.
15/12/1597John s. to Robt. Arlush of Skelton xvo.
19/12/1597Sicilie wif to John hutcheson of Laxton xixo.
22/12/1597Frances s. to John Armitt of Skelton xxijo.
23/12/1597Margaret nicolson of Kilpin, vid. xxiijo.
26/12/1597Ux. Conyngworth of boothe xxvjo.
26/12/1597John s. to Rich. Tasker of Howden xxvjo.
26/12/1597John s. to Thomas Jackson of Belbie xxvjo.
Januarie 1597.
03/01/1597Alice Sayer of Howden vid. iijo.
07/01/1597Robt. dowson of Howden vijo.
10/01/1597Robt. s. to nicolas Pearson of Howden xo.
10/01/1597Thoms. s. to Edith burdsall xo.
10/01/1597Richard Talentire of Saltmarsh Car xo.
11/01/1597Isabell d. to Wm. Stanais of Howden xjo.
14/01/1597Agnes huggate of Laxton xiiijo.
14/01/1597Sibell Clarkson of Asselbie vid. xiiijo.
15/01/1597Ux. Wetherall of Bermbie xvo.
16/01/1597hugh hundisley of Howden xvjo.
16/01/1597Eliz. graistock of Knedlington xvjo.
17/01/1597Frances s. to John Brodbent of Knedlington xvijo.
18/01/1597Leonard s. to Robt. Browne of Howden xviijo.
18/01/1597Jennet d. to marke Turner of Kilpin xviijo.
19/01/1597Mawde wif to Rich. gibson of Balkholme xixo.
19/01/1597Jane d. to Bryan kirkbie of Knedlington xix
27/01/1597An wif to hugh hundesley of Howden xxvijo.
29/01/1597Marie d. to Bryan Kirkbie of Knedlington ultimo
Februarie 1597.
05/02/1597Richard Lye of Saltmarsh vo.
09/02/1597Thoms. Noble of Knedlington ixo.
09/02/1597Eliz. Parkison of Bermbie ixo.
12/02/1597Robart s. to Thoms. herrison of Bermbie xijo.
13/02/1597Robt. Ushier, gent. xiijo.
14/02/1597Edward Cressie of Saltmarsh, gent. xiiijo.
18/02/1597An d. to Robt. Saltmarsh Esqr. xviijo.
18/02/1597Catherine d. to Thoms. Jackson of belbie xviijo.
18/02/1597Edward Watterhouse of Howden xviijo.
20/02/1597Robart Awdus of Knedlington xxo.
20/02/1597Thoms. s. to Thoms. herrison of Bermbie xxo.
23/02/1597Thoms. s. to Thoms. Petch of Howden xxiijo.
23/02/1597Alice & Eliz. d. to John Stevenson of Saltmarsh xxiijo.
31/02/1597Agnes wif to John Leagerd of kilp. ultimo
March 1597.
03/03/1597John Tomson of Howden iij.
05/03/1597Eliz. Wilbye a stranger vo.
19/03/1597Agnes d. to Xpofer Nelson of belbie xixo.
20/03/1597John s. to Robt. Willmson of Skelton xxo.
22/03/1597Eliz. Simson xxijo.
24/03/1597Richard s. to Thomas Tanfeild of Skelton xxiiijo.
March 1598.
28/03/1598Isabell d. to Robt. Banks of Howden xxviijo.
Aprill 1598.
02/04/1598John s. to Robt. Wilfet of Asselbie ijo.
03/04/1598Thoms. Bairley of Kilpin iijo.
05/04/1598Agnes wif, Jone d. to hugh Stevenson vo.
09/04/1598John Cowper, a stranger ixo.
12/04/1598Agnes wif, Jone d. to marke Turner of Kilpin xijo.
14/04/1598Thoms. sarkkie a stranger xiiijo.
25/04/1598Jennet Rainforth of Laxton vid. xxvo.
25/04/1598Eliz. wif to Rich. Wetherall of Kilpin xxvo.
01/05/1598Thoms. Jackson of Kilpin vx.
01/05/1598Richard Lambley of Knedlington vx.
23/05/1598Robart Thorp of Knedlington xxiijo.
30/05/1598Agnes wif to John Lowther senr. xxxo.
June 1598.
03/06/1598Simon Watson of Kilpin iijo.
03/06/1598Eliz. d. to Frances Poppleton of Howden dike iijo.
08/06/1598Thomas Richeson of Knedlington viijo.
08/06/1598Frances d. to Rich. Webster of Bermbie viijo.
07/06/1598John herrison of Howden vijo.
15/06/1598Jennet wif to John Plasterer of Skelton xvo.
15/06/1598Thoms. s. to John Clerk of Howden xvo.
17/06/1598Robart Dalbie of Kilpin xvijo.
29/06/1598John s. to John Nutbrowne of Boothe xxixo.
Julie 1598.
02/07/1598Jane d. to Edward bickerdick of Skelton ijo.
16/07/1598Margaret d. to Xpofer herrison of Howden xvjo.
24/07/1598Edward Apthrop of Howden xxiiijo.
27/07/1598Margaret wif to John Pattrick junr. xxvijo.
30/07/1598Jane d. to John howdall of Bermbie xxx
31/07/1598Isabell d. to Thoms. hide of Skelton ultimo
August 1598.
02/08/1598Jone d. to Robt. Thornton of Howden ijo.
06/08/1598Gregorie Marcer of Howden vjo.
06/08/1598Henrie s. to James Morley of feildhous vjo.
11/08/1598John s. to Xpofer nelson of belbie xjo.
18/08/1598Jennet wif to Steven Smith of Bermbie xviijo.
20/08/1598Isabell d. to Edward Rymer xxo.
24/08/1598John s. to Jane henay xxiiijo.
September 1598.
10/09/1598Edward s. to John hutcheson of Laxton xo.
12/09/1598Richard s. to Thoms. Jackson of newland xijo.
15/09/1598Willm Nutbrowne of Asselbie xvo.
24/09/1598Alexander Watson, arti : mr. xxiiijo.
25/09/1598Robart s. to Thomas Mawde of Saltmarsh xxvo.
October 1598.
02/10/1598Bartholomew s. to Edward Abbott of Howden ijo.
12/10/1598Eliz. d. to Edward Chadwick of Howden xijo.
14/10/1598Peter s. to Cunance Walls of Skelton xiiijo.
17/10/1598John s. to Reginall Tod of Howden xvijo.
November 1598.
05/11/1598John s. to Wm. Nicolson of Howden groves vo.
14/11/1598Thoms. Wells of Skelton xiiijo.
18/11/1598Thoms. s. to henry Colling of Howden xviijo.
20/11/1598Eliz. wif to Willm. Lowson of Laxton xxo.
20/11/1598Thoms. s. Frances d. to John Rainforth of Laxton xxo.
26/11/1598Margaret wif to [blank] Wright, a stranger xxvjo.
December 1598.
05/12/1598Xpofer s. to Cuthbt. gilpin of Kilpin vo.
17/12/1598Willm. s. to Willm. Conic of Howden xvijo.
31/12/1598Catherine wif to Edward haxbie of booth ultimo
31/12/1598John s. to John Rogerson of Howden ultimo
Januarie 1598.
05/01/1598Marie dowe of Skelton vid. vo.
05/01/1598Jennet wif to John Rogerson of Howden vo.
07/01/1598Nicolas s. to Nicolas Oldfeild of Howden vijo.
08/01/1598Agnes wif to John Wassill of Saltmarsh viijo.
08/01/1598Sirill s. to Wm. Malleveray of Howden viijo.
09/01/1598Steven s. to Edward Abbott of Howden ixo.
11/01/1598John s. to Edward Abbott of Howden xjo.
19/01/1598Agnes Bawne of Balkholme, vid. xixo.
20/01/1598Robt. s. to Thoms. Taylier of Howden glaser xxo.
20/01/1598Jane d. to Thoms. Endike of Howden dike xxo.
01/02/1598Robt. s. to John Pattrick of Saltmarsh vx.
01/02/1598Willm Lancton of Howden vx.
20/02/1598Willm Carbutt of Howden xxo.
March 1598.
05/03/1598Barbara d. to Robt. Underwood of Bermbie vo.
09/03/1598Agnes Coots of Howden vid. ixo.
11/03/1598Jone d. to Rich. Leaven of Howden xjo.
12/03/1598Margaret Shearsmith of Skelton vid. xijo.
20/03/1598John s. to Wm. Wilburn of Kilpin xxo.
23/03/1598Richard Barker of Knedlington xxiijo.
24/03/1598Robart s. to Robt. Smith of Howden xxiiijo.
March 1599.
30/03/1599Richard Burrell of Howden ultimo
Aprill 1599.
06/04/1599Ellen wif to Robt. Thornton of Balkholme vjo.
10/04/1599Catheren wif to Thoms. blacklock of Howden xo.
13/04/1599John s. to Marke Turner of Kilpin xiijo.
14/04/1599Isabell Constable of skelton, vid. xiiijo.
16/04/1599Isabell d. to Ux. Johnson of Howden xvjo.
25/04/1599Alice Lawson of Kilpin xxvo.
29/04/1599Robt. s. to Robt. Willm. of Skelton xxixo.
31/04/1599Jennet Johnson of Howden dike, vid. ultimo
Maye 1599.
03/05/1599Jesper Colling of Howden iijo.
03/05/1599Thoms. s. to Tho. Jackson of Kilpin iijo.
05/05/1599John s. to nicolas Binds of Howden vo.
08/05/1599Robt. s. to Robt. Thornton of Balkholme viijo.
08/05/1599Eliz. wif to Antony Starkie of Knedlington viijo.
21/05/1599Willm. Johnson, a stranger xxjo.
22/05/1599Phillip s. to Antony goforth of Methm. xxijo.
29/05/1599Jane wif to Wm. beilbie of Skelton xxixo.
June 1599.
14/06/1599John s. to Robert Lowther of Asselbie xiiijo.
16/06/1599Jennet Thornton of Asselbie, vid. xvjo.
22/06/1599Thomas Lawtie of Saltmarsh xxijo.
28/06/1599Agnes wif to Robt. Colling of Saltmarsh xxviijo.
28/06/1599Catheren wif to Edward Johnson of Asselbie xxviijo.
31/06/1599Richard Sutton of Asselbie ultimo
Julie 1599.
06/07/1599Thomas Richeson of Bermbie vjo.
15/07/1599John s. to John blansherd of Laxton xvo.
16/07/1599Jone d. to Wm. dudding of Kilpin xvjo.
17/07/1599Alice d. to xpofer Gill of Saltmarsh xvijo.
21/07/1599Alice wif to Rich. Erott of Howden xxjo.
21/07/1599Alice d. to John Busbie of Howden xxjo.
27/07/1599Isabell d. to Thoms. Porter of Balkholme xxvijo.
28/07/1599John s. to Peter Lawre, a scot xxviijo.
29/07/1599Willm. s. to george Steven of Balkholme xxixo.
31/07/1599John Thornton of Asselbie ultimo
August 1599.
08/08/1599An arksay of Howden vid. viij
18/08/1599Robt. s. to John Awdus of belbie xviijo.
27/08/1599Edward s. to Robt. Johnson of Howden dike 27o.
29/08/1599Alice wif to nicolas Belt of Howden xxixo.
September 1599.
08/09/1599Jone d. to Robt. Thornton of Howden viijo.
09/09/1599Jennet goldsbrough of belbie, vid, ixo.
15/09/1599Margaret wif to Wm. Marshall of Howden xvo.
17/09/1599Isabell Robson of Howden vid. xvijo.
20/09/1599Anthonie newes of boothe xxo.
20/09/1599Frances d. to John Sanderson of Howden xxo.
20/09/1599Robt. s. to Robt. Slater of Skelton xxo.
20/09/1599Willm. s. to Robt. dowson of Balkholme xxo.
22/09/1599Isabell wif to Robt. Thornton of Howden xxijo.
October 1599.
08/10/1599Thoms. s. to Rich. hart of Howden viijo
12/10/1599Edward Ashton, a servt. of linton xijo.
14/10/1599Jane d. to James Collin of belbie xiiijo.
15/10/1599Frances d. to Frances Poppleton of Howden 15o.
19/10/1599Eliz. d. to John Phillips of Wressel xixo.
19/10/1599Isabell d. to John Norrisson of kned. xixo.
26/10/1599Frances d. to Wm. Carie of Howden xxvjo.
29/10/1599Willm. s. to Thomas Richeson of Howden xxixo.
31/10/1599Catherine Bayley of Asselbie xxxjo.
November 1599.
02/11/1599John s. to hugh Stevenson of Bermbie ijo.
03/11/1599Ellen Richeson of Saltmarsh iijo.
05/11/1599John garnitt of Howden vo.
05/11/1599James Jackson of ringstone hirst vo.
06/11/1599Jone d. to Ralfe Tayler of Howden vjo.
10/11/1599Thoms. s. to Bryan maskall of Cotnes xo.
15/11/1599Henrie henrie al& day of Laxton xvo.
17/11/1599Agnes wif to Thoms. Storme of belbie 17o
28/11/1599Thoms. s. to Thomas Jackson of belbie 28o
December 1599.
11/12/1599Frances d. to Thoms. Sutton of Asselbie xjo.
14/12/1599Jone d. to Thoms. heward of Howden xiiijo.
28/12/1599An wif to John Rainforth of Laxton xxviijo.
Januarie 1599.
10/01/1599John s. to John howdall of Bermbie xo.
22/01/1599Eliz. d. to Willm. nicolson of groves xxijo.
26/01/1599John s. to Robt. nicolson of Kilpin xxvjo.
26/01/1599Margaret Morley of Saltmarsh xxvjo.
29/01/1599Margaret wif to Wm. Storme of belbie xxixo.
Februarie 1599.
09/02/1599Alice d. to Thoms. Johnson of Skelton ixo.
09/02/1599Thoms. s. to Thomas Palmer of Howden ixo.
11/02/1599Alice d. to Ralf Lawson of Knedlington xjo.
13/02/1599Richard Westibie of Asselbie xiijo.
14/02/1599Barbara wif to John hopkirk of Howden xiiijo.
16/02/1599Robt. s. to Robt. Arlush of Skelton xvjo.
17/02/1599An wif to Lawrence Stamper xvijo.
19/02/1599Agnes wif to Thoms. Kilpin of Bermbie xixo.
23/02/1599Eliz. d. to henry Pickering of Howden xxiijo.
25/02/1599Willm. drumer of Bermbie xxvo.
27/02/1599Catherine d. to Peter Conyngworth of Asselbie 27o.
March 1599.
01/03/1599Mary dixson of Saltmarsh vx.
06/03/1599Alice Tayler of Bermbie, vid. vjo.
08/03/1599John s. to John Watkin of Laxton viijo.
11/03/1599Eliz : d. to John Beilbie of Balkholme xjo.
16/03/1599Eliz. d. to John Trimynghm. of linton xvjo.
17/03/1599George s. to John Trimynghm. of linton xvijo.
19/03/1599Robt. s. to daughter nortinbie of Saltmarsh xixo.
23/03/1599Catherine d. to Thoms. Richeson of Bermbie xxiijo.
24/03/1599Mathew s. to Thoms. Rogerson of Howden xxiiijo.

Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1905
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020