


Howden Registers - Baptisms 1725-17750.


Transcription of the Howden Registers - Baptisms 1725-1775.

Please note I cannot guarantee that my software has always extracted the date in the date column correctly.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
(in particular, see after 1775 for a lot of ommissions)
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)

DateGroom's and Bride's names
??/11/1725Nov. - Will., S. to Will. Nickelson, of Howden.
??/11/1725Nov - Mary, D. to Will. Jube, of Howden.
??/11/1725Nov - Sarah, D. to Jon. Watkinson, of Cotness.
??/11/1725Nov - Sarah, D. to Robert Orton, of Howden.
02/12/1725Dec. 2. Sarah, d. to Water bumber (Bulmer), of Aselbey.
02/12/1725Dec 2. Ann, d. to Robert Green, of Aselbey.
02/12/1725Dec 2. Sarah, d. to Jon. dun, of thorp.
04/01/1725Jan. 4. Sarah, d. to George Skot, of bolkam.
05/01/1725Jan 5. Richard, S. to Richard Cuniworth, of Howden.
07/01/1725Jan 7. Ann, D. to Robert Jackson, of Howden.
08/01/1725Jan 8. Tho., S. to Will. Bradley, of Howden.
08/01/1725Jan 8. Mary, D. to Will. Bradley, of Howden.
10/01/1725Jan 10. Jon., S. to Jon. Smith, of Saltmarsh.
10/01/1725Jan 10. Jane, D. to Will. Cowloum, of Yokfleet.
??/01/1725Jan - An, D. to Thomas Hardey, of Skelton.
??/01/1725Jan - An, D. to Jon Bulmer, of Howden.
08/02/1725Feb. 8. Martha, D. to Robert Man, of Howden.
08/02/1725Feb 8. .... D. to Thomas Peares, of Skelton.
??/02/1725Feb - Mary, D. to Jon. Barker, of Barmbey.
??/03/1725Mar. - Will., S. to Thomas Nutbrown.
??/03/1725Mar - Dorety, D. to Richard Stevenson, of Skelton.
??/03/1725Mar - Ann, D. to Thomas Young, of Asellbey.
??/04/1726Apr. - Robert, son to Robert Woad, of Laxton.
??/04/1726Apr - Sarah, d. to George Milner, of Howden.
??/05/1726May. - Jane, d. to Elias Garton, of Howden.
??/05/1726May - Joseway, S. to Richard Andrew, of barmby.
??/06/1726June. - Sarah, d. to Mr. William Melenton, of Howden.
??/06/1726Jun - Hanah, d. to Robert Boden, of Skelton.
??/07/1726July. - Elizebeth, d. to Will. Burton, of Howden.
??/07/1726Jul - Elizebeth, d. to Richard English, of Howden.
??/08/1726Aug. - Ackreed, s. to Dolah Preston, of howden.
??/08/1726Aug - Elizbeth, d. to Jon. bradlah, of barmbey.
??/08/1726Aug - Will., S. to Jon. Andrew, of barmbey.
??/08/1726Aug - Henery, S. to Will. Martindale, of barmbey.
??/08/1726Aug - Ann & Elener, d. to Robert Breslah, of Howden.
??/08/1726Aug - Ann, d. to Mathew Esenwod, of Knedlinton.
??/09/1726Sept. - Robert Crosby, of howden, was crisened in the 17 year of his age.
??/09/1726Sep - Jane, d. to Robert Feathey, of howden, was crisened in the 12 year of hir age.
05/09/1726Sep 5. Jon., S. to Jon. Stion, of howden.
07/09/1726Sep 7. Sam, S. to Peter Kemp, of Est Linton.
07/09/1726Sep 7. Peter, S. to Lenard thorp, of howden, in the 14 year of his age.
11/09/1726Sep 11. Mary, D. to James Spens, of Howden.
11/09/1726Sep 11. Jon., S. to Joseph Wharrey, of howden.
11/09/1726Sep 11. Mary, D. to Mathew Bell, of howden.
11/09/1726Sep 11. Jon., son to Jon. barnet, of kilpin.
15/09/1726Sep 15. Jon., s. to Jon. Waterhouse, of Aselbey, was cresened in the 35th year of his age.
15/09/1726Sep 15. Jon., S. to Jon. Bortwhisel, of bouh, in ye 4 year of his age.
22/09/1726Sep 22. Mary, D. to Will. Masterman, of howden.
22/09/1726Sep 22. Will., S. to Will. Winter, of Aselbey.
22/09/1726Sep 22. Ann, D. to John Green, of Aselbey.
22/09/1726Sep 22. Mary, d. to Edward Vose, of howden.
23/09/1726Sep 23. Esabel, d. to Nickellus English, of howden.
02/10/1726Oct. 2. Tho : S. to Mickell Pait, of howden.
10/10/1726Oct 10. Jon., S. to Tho. Smart, of Laxton.
14/10/1726Oct 14 .... d. to Peeter Russum, of howden.
18/10/1726Oct 18. Elsebeth, d. to Mir. Benson, of howden.
20/10/1726Oct 20. Mary, d. to Abram dowson, of howden
??/11/1726Nov. - Will., S. to Mir. Custer, of howden.
21/11/1726Nov 21. Jon., S. to Jon. Collison, of howden.
22/11/1726Nov 22. Will., S. to Will. Reet, of howden.
26/11/1726Nov 26 to Will. Armaytage, of Saltmarshe.
??/11/1726Nov - Mary, D to thomas Leper, of barmbey.
??/12/1726Dec. - .... d. to Jon. Crooks [? Brooks], of Aselbey.
??/12/1726Dec - .... d. to Will. Wainman, of howden.
??/12/1726Dec - Elizebeth, d. to Charles Cowlom, of howden.
11/01/1726Jan. 11. Mary, d. to Mr. Robert Moson, of Catness.
??/01/1726Jan - .... d. to Thomas Aucock, of Aselby.
14/01/1726Jan 14. Will., S. to Thomas Stader, of thorp.
01/02/1726Febr. 1. Robert, S. to Will. Snarr, of Skelton.
06/02/1726Feb 6 .... S. to Mr. Thomas Watson, of howden.
18/02/1726Feb 18. Will. & Robert, sons to Will. Rudd, of Kilpin.
19/02/1726Feb 19 .... S. to Jon. Goodgson, of Laxton.
20/02/1726Feb 20 .... S. to Edmond Walker, of Howden.
14/03/1726Mar. 14 .... S to Jon. briges, of howden.
15/03/1726Mar 15. Elizabeth, D. to Robert feriman, of Howden.
16/03/1726Mar 16 .... d. to Robert hesah, of Laxton.
27/03/1727Mar 27 .... to Robert Standeland, of howden.
31/03/1727Mar 31. Abraham, son to Thomas Eland, of barnell hol,
09/04/1727Apr. 9 .... Son to William Thompson, Saltmarsh.
11/04/1727Apr 11 .... D. Tho. Armstrong, Thorp.
16/04/1727Apr 16 .... D. to Robt. Perrot, of Yokefleet.
20/04/1727Apr 20. Ann, D. to James York, of Howden (christn'd Hannah, but thro mistake registerd Ann).
26/04/1727Apr 26. ..... to John Smith, Saltmarsh.
27/04/1727Apr 27. .... John Green, Asselby.
27/04/1727Apr 27. .... Hall, Asselby.
16/05/1727May 16. Mary, D. to Robt. Johnson, of Asselby.
16/05/1727May 16. John, S. to John Dunn, of Thorp.
29/05/1727May 29. Mary, D. to Robt. Maskell, of Howden.
06/06/1727June 6. Sarah, D. to John Harrison, of Howden.
08/06/1727Jun 8. Theodosia, D. to Mr. Wm Watson, of Howden.
08/06/1727Jun 8. Mary, D. to Mark Burtwhisle, of Booth.
26/06/1727Jun 26. John, S. to Wm. Dent, of Howden.
26/06/1727Jun 26. Eliz., D. to Hamond Seymor, of Kilpin.
03/07/1727July 3. Tho: S. to Timothy Corner, Knedlington.
03/07/1727Jul 3. Joseph, S. to Sam. Coggrave, of Howden.
04/07/1727Jul 4. William, S. to Nathanial Day, Howden.
09/07/1727Jul 9. Mary, D. to Richard Conyworth, Howden.
09/07/1727Jul 9. Mary, D. to Wm. Cook, Howden.
14/07/1727Jul 14. Wm. S. to John Rainforth, Saltmarsh.
16/07/1727Jul 16. Sarah, D. to John Mayson, of Balkholme.
18/07/1727Jul 18. Grace, D. to Daniel Lowther, of Howden Dike.
20/07/1727Jul 20. Sarah, D. to Benjamin Dowson, Howden.
30/07/1727Jul 30. Andrew, S. to Tho. Palmer, of Laxton.
31/07/1727Jul 31. Eliz., D. to John Wilkinson. of Howden.
??/08/1727Aug. - Benjamin, S. to Gen. Carr, Yoakfleet.
??/09/1727Sept. - Anne, D. to John Jewet. of Saltmarsh.
??/09/1727Sep - Diana, D. to Gen. Kitchen, Skelton.
??/09/1727Sep - Anne, D. to Fran. Wheldrake. Balkholme.
??/09/1727Sep - Thomas. S. to Wm. Laverick, Balkholme.
??/09/1727Sep - John. S. Richd. Stather, Howden.
??/09/1727Sep - Ellis, S. to Arthur Drurey, of Howden.
??/10/1727Oct. - Eliz., D. to Tho. Atkinson, Skelton.
??/10/1727Oct - Mary, D. to Jos. Bickerton, Howden.
??/11/1727Nov. - Anne. D. to Geo : Milner. Howden.
??/11/1727Nov - Geo., S. to Mat : Easenwood. Knedlington.
??/11/1727Nov - Eliz., D. to John Pearson, Asleby.
??/11/1727Nov - Esther. D. to Walter Bowmer, Asleby.
06/12/1727Dec. 6. Joshua. S. to Mr. Tames Mallison, Howden.
18/12/1727Dec 18. John, S. to Tohn Rowley, Howden.
03/01/1727Jan. 3. Thomas. S. to Tho. Hall, Howden.
14/01/1727Jan 14. Rebeccah, D. to James Foreshore, of Skelton.
16/01/1727Jan 16. Robt., S. to Mr. Wm Millington, Howden.
18/01/1727Jan 18. John, Son to John Maram, of Kilpin.
26/01/1727Jan 26. John Bovel, S. to John Bovel, Laxton.
27/02/1727Feb. 27. Richard, S. to Elias Garton, Howden.
05/03/1727Mar. 5. Eliz : D. to Tho. Cook, Assleby.
26/03/1728Mar 26. Sarah & Hannah, twin D.'s of Wm. Man, of Howden.
05/04/1728Apr. 5. Tho : S. to John Watterhouse, Assleby.
09/04/1728Apr 9. John, S. to Francis Nusser, of Booth.
16/04/1728Apr 16. Anne, D. to Wm. Pears, Howden.
22/04/1728Apr 22. Anne, D. to Mr. Robt. Spofforth, Howden.
20/05/1728May 20. Anne, D. to Wm. Bradley, Howden.
27/05/1728May 27. Anne, D. to Abraham Dowson, Howden.
02/06/1728June 2. Sam : S. to Geo. Nelson, Howden.
03/06/1728Jun 3. Hannah, D. to Chris : Bacon, Howden.
18/08/1728Aug. 18. Samll. S. to Samll. Brooks, Howden.
01/09/1728Sept. 1. Sarah, D. to Tho. Cross, Yoakfleet.
02/09/1728Sep 2. Stephen, S. to Steph : Caister, Howden.
08/09/1728Sep 8. . . . S. to Tho: Robinson, Saltmarsh.
26/09/1728Sep 26. Peter; S. to Peter Wilson, Assleby.
29/09/1728Sep 29. Thomas, S. to John Peach, Assleby.
29/09/1728Sep 29. ..... S. to Wm. Armitage, Saltmarsh.
01/10/1728Oct. 1. ..... D. to John Smith, Saltmarsh.
01/10/1728Oct 1. ..... S. to Michael Peart, Howden.
22/10/1728Oct 22. David, S. to David Langton, Howden.
22/10/1728Oct 22. Jane, D. to John Wilkinson, Howden.
27/10/1728Oct 27. Mary, D. to John Good, Assleby.
28/10/1728Oct 28. John, S. to John Briggs, Howden.
12/11/1728Nov. 12. Eliz., D. to Mr. Geo. Athorp, Howden.
19/11/1728Nov 19. Robert, son to John Collinson, Howden.
20/11/1728Nov 20. Tho., S. to Wm. Winter, Asleby.
24/11/1728Nov 24. Margt. & Martha, twin D.'s of Richd. Palmer, Asleby.
02/12/1728Dec. 2. Tho : S. to Tho : Aisdale, Howden.
09/12/1728Dec 9. Jane, D. to John Rhodes, Howden.
10/12/1728Dec 10. Eleanor, D. to Ricd. English, Howden.
31/12/1728Dec 31. John, S. to Marmaduke Gibson, Howden.
05/01/1728Jan. 5. Mary & Martha, twin Daus. to Hen. Hawkworth, Asleby.
27/01/1728Jan 27. Tho : S. to Tho. Hall, Howden.
11/02/1728Feb. 11. Sarah, D. to John Stones, Belby.
13/02/1728Feb 13. Tho., S. to Tho. Smith, Howden.
??/02/1728Feb - Hannah, D. to Mr. John Dunn, Howden.
[Half the page is missing.]
07/07/1729July 7. Sarah, D. to Wm. Hardy, Howden.
15/07/1729Jul 15. Mat, S. to Henry Smith, Howden.
27/07/1729Jul 27. Tho : S. to Tho. Hardy, Saltmarsh.
04/08/1729Aug. 4. Richard, S. to Ricci. Stather, Howden.
15/08/1729Aug 15. James, S. to Mr. James Mallison, a Presbyterian.
31/08/1729Aug 31. Frances, D. to John Chapman, Skelton.
08/09/1729Sept. 8. James, S. to Daniel Lowther, Howden,
15/09/1729Sep 15. Mary, D. to Wm. Bradley, Howden.
11/10/1729Oct. 11. John. S. to Tho. Bullen, Howden
13/10/1729Oct. 13. Mary, D. to Thomas Jefferson, Howdendike.
14/10/1729Oct 14. RObt., S. to John Athorp, Knedlington.
20/10/1729Oct 20. Jane, D. to Wm. Ellinworth, Howden.
27/10/1729Oct 27. Mary, D. to John Dolby, Skelton.
06/11/1729Nov. Wm. S. to y6 late John Story, Yoakfleet.
??/11/1729Nov - Wm. S. to Charles Cowlam, Howden.
??/11/1729Nov - Hannah, D. to ......
[The half page is missing as above.]
01/03/1729Mar. 1. Mary, D. to William Armitage, Saltmarsh.
16/03/1729Mar 16. Eliz., D. to Robert Maskell, Howden.
25/03/1730Mar 25. Thos. S. to Thos. Atkinson, Skelton.
31/03/1730Mar 31. Mary, D. to Matthew Kitching, Howden.
06/04/1730Apr. 6. Eleanor, D. to Robt. Breasley, Howden.
07/04/1730Apr 7. Joseph, S. to Jos : Thompson, Kilpin.
26/04/1730Apr 26. Anne, D. to Thomas Harland, Saltmarsh.
30/04/1730Apr 30. Anne, D. to Robt. Johnson, Assleby.
04/05/1730May 4. Eliz., D. to Wm. Wright, Howden.
05/05/1730May 5. Benjamin, S. to Widdow Dowson, Kilpin.
19/05/1730May 19. Peter, S. to Peter English, Skelton.
19/05/1730May 19. Edward, S. to Jos. Jewet, of Skelton.
19/05/1730May 19. Wm. S. to Wm. Winter, Asleby.
19/05/1730May 19. Rebecca, D. to Rick Andrew, Howden.
01/06/1730June 1. Jane, D. to Thomas Sugden, Laxton.
15/06/1730Jun 15. Martha, D. to David Langton, Howden.
12/07/1730July 12. Mary, D. to John Brooks, of Assleby.
13/07/1730Jul 13. Elizabeth, Dau : to Robt. Orton, Howden.
15/07/1730Jul 15. Charles, son to Len : Thorp, Howden.
01/08/1730Aug. 1. Mary, D. to Abraham Dowson, Howden.
??/08/1730Aug - Sarah, D. to John Nutbrown, Howden.
??/08/1730Aug - Jane, D. to Wm Hardy, Howden.
??/08/1730Aug - Sarah, D. to Mr. John Watson, Saltmarsh.
07/09/1730Sept. 7. Sarah, D. to James Day, Howden.
08/09/1730Sep 8. Anne, D. to John Colthard, Asleby.
15/10/1730Oct. 15. Francis, S. to Tho : Butterfield, Metham.
??/10/1730Oct - Mary, D. to John Jewet, Saltmarsh.
17/10/1730Oct 17. Christopher, S. to Christ : Thompson, Laxton.
27/10/1730Oct 27. Eliz : D. to Francis Wheldrick, Balkholme.
28/10/1730Oct 28. Hannah, D. to George Prance, Howden.
09/11/17309br. 1. John, S. to John Waterhouse, Assleby.
01/11/1730Nov 1. The: S. to Tho : Kevill, of Yoakfleet.
??/11/1730Nov - Geo : S. to James Savage, Howden.
??/11/1730Nov - Geo: S. to John Airy, of Skelton.
??/11/1730Nov - John, S. to Mr. John Hudson. Howden.
??/11/1730Nov - Mary, D. to John Cross, of Yoakfleet.
??/11/1730Nov - George, S. to George Clay, of Howden.
??/11/1730Nov - Jonathan, S. to John Collinson, of Howden.
??/11/1730Nov - Mary, D. to Mr. Geo. Milner, Howden.
01/12/1730Dec. 1. Thomas, S. to Thomas Batty, Assleby.
03/12/1730Dec 3. John, S. to Thomas Singleton, Assleby.
07/12/1730Dec 7. John, S. to Dan Stubbing, Belby.
10/12/1730Dec 10. Tho : S. to Jim Corner, Booth.
13/12/1730Dec 13. Jane, D. to Peter Holms, Saltmarsh.
22/12/1730Dec 22. Eliz., D. to Mr. Nathaniel Smith, Assleby.
28/12/1730Dec 28. Thomas, S. to Tho : Burton, Howden.
29/12/1730Dec 29. Richd. S. to Richd. Coneyworth, Howden.
01/01/1730Jan. 1. John, S. to Isaac Peart, Laxton.
05/01/1730Jan 5. Elizabeth, D. to Mr. Tho : Graves, Howden.
18/01/1730Jan 18. Thomas, S. to Tho. Nutbrown, Howden.
02/02/1730Feb. 2. Jane, D. to Doiley Preston, Howden.
09/02/1730Feb 9. John, S. Francis Bell, of Belby.
14/02/1730Feb 14. Peter, S. to Peter Awcock, of Assleby.
14/02/1730Feb 14. Bealby, S. to Anne Allen, Saltmarsh.
16/02/1730Feb 16. John, S. to William Leaper, of Kilpin.
16/02/1730Feb 16. William, S. to William Coates, of Howden.
21/02/1730Feb 21. Mary, D. to John Whiteley, of Laxton.
03/03/1730Mar. 3. Mary, D. to Christopher Glew, of Howden.
07/03/1730Mar 7. Richard, S. to Richard Ramsey, Assleby.
16/03/1730Mar 16. John, S. to Thomas Drewry, of Kilpin.
22/03/1730Mar 22. Melior, D. to John Stainton, of Howden.
26/03/1731Mar 26. Jane, D. to Thomas Croyser, of Saltmarsh.
01/04/1731Apr. 1. Robt., S. to Mr. John Dunn, Howden.
19/04/1731Apr 19. John, S. to John Hemingway, Howden.
19/04/1731Apr 19. Mary, D. to Thomas Tasker, Booth.
20/04/1731Apr 20. James, S. to James Spence, of Howden.
20/04/1731Apr 20. Anne, D. to John Birtwhistle, of Booth.
20/04/1731Apr 20. Mary, D. to John Rhodes, of Howden.
20/04/1731Apr 20. Margaret, D. to Richard English, of Howden.
22/04/1731Apr 22. John. S. to Robert Man, of Howden.
27/04/1731Apr 27. Mary, D. to Wm. Gyles, of Kilpin.
28/04/1731Apr 28. Robert, S. to Robert Haldenby, of Cotness.
04/05/1731May 4. Anne, D. to Nathaniel Day, of Howden.
04/05/1731May 4. Eliz., D. to Charles Cowlam, of Howden.
10/05/1731May 10. William, S. to William Harrison, of Howden.
11/05/1731May 11. William, S. to Robert Thorp, of Belby.
30/05/1731May 30. John, S. to John Pearson, of Assleby.
08/06/1731June 8. Mary, D. to James Foreshore, of Skelton.
15/06/1731Jun 15. James, S. to William Bradley, of Howden.
28/06/1731Jun 28. Richard, S. to William Pears, of Howden.
07/07/1731July. 7. George, S. to Gabriel Hobson, Assleby.
12/07/1731Jul 12. William, S. to Richard Harrison, Howden.
12/07/1731Jul 12. Thomas, S. to Thomas Armstrong, Thorp.
01/08/1731Aug. 1. Jane, D. to William Cowlam, Yokefleet.
08/08/1731Aug 8. Mary, D. to Robert Leighton, of Skelton,
08/08/1731Aug 8. Eleanor, D. to Thomas Jewet, of Saltmarsh.
16/08/1731Aug 16. Mary, D. to Francis Kirkhouse. of Howden,
22/08/1731Aug. 22. John, S. to William Thompson, Saltmarsh.
05/09/1731Sept. 5. Richard, S. to John Peach, of Assleby.
07/09/1731Sep 7. Mary, D. to Henry Smith, of Howden.
12/09/1731Sep 12. William, S. to Charles Taylor, of Skelton.
12/09/1731Sep 12. John, S. to John Beilby, of Saltmarsh.
20/09/1731Sep 20. Jane, D. to Rich& Stather, of Howden.
22/09/1731Sep 22. John, S. to John Woodsworth, of Knedlington.
23/09/1731Sep 23. Hammond, S. to Hammond Seymour, Kilpin.
05/10/1731Oct. 5. Sarah, D. to William Cook, of Howden.
10/10/1731Oct 10. Robert, S. to John Mardison, of Yokefleet.
10/10/1731Oct 10. Moses, S. to William Armitage, of Saltmarsh.
10/10/1731Oct 10. John, S. to John Clark, of Skelton.
18/10/1731Oct 18. William, S. to Thomas Jefferson, Howdendike.
19/10/1731Oct 19. Matthew, S. to Matthew Kitchin, Howden.
24/10/1731Oct 24. Joseph, S. to Benjamine Watson Assleby.
24/10/1731Oct 24. Alice, D. to Michael Norwood, of Saltmarsh.
25/10/1731Oct 25. Robert, S. to Robert Maskell, of Howden.
26/10/1731Oct 26. Matthew, S. to William Bulmer, of Howden.
31/10/1731Oct 31. Benjamine, S. to Wm. Studley, of Yokefleet.
07/11/1731Nov. 7. George, S. to Robt. Perkins, of Balkholme.
23/11/1731Nov 23. Martha, D. to William Beelby, of Howden.
05/12/1731Dec. 5. Mary, D. to John Colthart, of Asselby.
05/12/1731Dec 5. John, S. to John Tindall, of Yokefleet.
12/12/1731Dec 12. Mary, D. to Richard Pinder, of Laxton.
15/12/1731Dec 15. Eliz., D. to Joseph Stainforth, of Howden.
19/12/1731Dec 19. John, S. to Thomas Barnet, of Knedlington.
21/12/1731Dec 21. Mary, D. to Jacob Maslen, of Howden.
??/12/1731Dec - Anne, D. to Samll. Sharp, Junr. of Yokefleet.
29/12/1731Dec 29. Andrew, S. to James Campbell, of Howden.
??/01/1731Jan. - Margaret, D. to John Rouley, of Howden.
10/01/1731Jan 10. Elizabeth, D. to Ed : Lynn, a Travellour.
30/01/1731Jan 30. Mary, D. to William Snair, of Skelton.
03/02/1731Feb. 3. Thomas, S. to George Clay, of Howden.
06/02/1731Feb 6. William, S. to Charles Dowe, of Saltmarsh.
20/02/1731Feb 20. Benjamin, S. to John Watkinson, of Cotness.
21/02/1731Feb 21. William, S. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden.
24/02/1731Feb 24. Sarah, D. to Amaziah Empsen, Yokefleet.
27/02/1731Feb 27. Simon, S. to Peter Holmes, of Saltmarsh.
12/03/1731Mar. 12. Mary, D. to Peter English, of Skelton.
27/03/1732Mar 27. Mary, D. to Roger Thompson, a Travellour.
01/04/1732Apr. 1. Jane, D. to James Day, of Howden.
21/04/1732Apr 21. Lydia, D. to Charles Fletcher, of Assleby.
22/04/1732Apr 22. John, S. to Mr. John Hudson, of Howden.
??/04/1732Apr - Hannah, D. to William Wright, of Howden.
??/04/1732Apr - Anne, D. to Thomas Batty, of Assleby.
??/05/1732May - Anne, D. to Robert Blanshard, of Thorp.
??/05/1732May - Sarah, D. to Robert Jackson, of Howden.
??/05/1732May - Anne, D. to Thomas Robinson, of Saltmarsh.
??/05/1732May - William, S. to James Spence, of Howden.
??/05/1732May - Mary, d. to John Hogg, of Howden.
??/05/1732May - John, S. to Richard Calver, of Yokefleet.
??/05/1732May - Mary, D. to Samuel Brooks, of Howden.
??/06/1732June - Mary, D. to Joseph Thompson.
25/06/1732Jun 25 Hannah, D. to Wm. Keather, Junr. of Howden.
03/07/1732July 3. Thomas, S. to Thomas Sugden, of Laxton.
07/07/1732Jul 7 William, child to Martha Middleton, Howden.
10/07/1732Jul 10. Frances, D. to Mr. Geo: Athorpe, of Howden.
17/07/1732Jul 17. John, S. to Thomas Jewet, of Laxton.
03/08/1732Aug. 3. Sarah, D. to James York, of Howden.
20/08/1732Aug 20. Mary, D. to John Stone, of Belby.
20/08/1732Aug 20. William, S. to Thomas Kevil, of Yoakfleet.
23/08/1732Aug 23. Elizabeth, D. to James Savage, of Howden.
27/08/1732Aug 27. Peter, S. to Peter Kemp, of East Linton.
27/08/1732Aug 27. Thomas, S. to John Skelton, of Saltmarsh.
17/09/1732Sept. 17. Thomas, S. to Thomas Singleton, Assleby.
01/10/1732Oct. 1. Catherine, D. to Thomas Leighton, Skelton.
08/10/1732Oct 8. Matthew, S. to Matthew Easingwood, Knedlington.
08/10/1732Oct 8. Sarah, D. to Henry Chambers, of Howden.
10/10/1732Oct 10. Eleanor, D. to Robert Wood, of Assleby.
10/10/1732Oct 10. Robert, S. to Francis Bell, of Belby.
15/10/1732Oct 15. Elizabeth, D. to John Mason, of Balkholme.
17/10/1732Oct 17. Anne, D. to Matthew Stephenson, Howden.
18/10/1732Oct 18. Anne, D. to Henry Sheppard, of Howden.
24/10/1732Oct 24. Thomas, S. to Thomas Armstrong, of Thorp.
24/10/1732Oct 24. Robert, S. to John Stephenson, of Assleby.
09/11/17329br. 1. Emmanuel, S. to Thomas Nutbrown, Howden.
14/11/1732Nov 14. Mary, D. to Joseph Tasker, of Belby.
15/11/1732Nov 15. Robert, S. to William Bradley, of Howden.
16/11/1732Nov 16. Robert, S. to Robert Johnson, of Assleby.
20/11/1732Nov 20. Robert, S. to Robert Thorp, of Belby.
03/12/1732Dec. 3. Mary, D. to Robert Clark, of Skelton.
04/12/1732Dec 4. William, S. to Booz Thompson, of Howden.
11/12/1732Dec 11. Thomas, S. to Thomas Croyser, of Saltmarsh.
13/12/1732Dec 13. Elizabeth, D. to John Nutbrown, of Howden.
24/12/1732Dec 24. Robert, S. to Robert Parrot, of Yoakfleet.
27/12/1732Dec 27. Anne, D. to Miles Pinder, of Skelton.
01/01/1732Jan. 1. Mary, D. to Thomas Drewry, of Belby.
21/01/1732Jan 21. Elizabeth, D. to William Dent, of Yoakfleet.
11/02/1732Feb. 11. George, S. to John Cross, of Yoakfleet.
18/02/1732Feb 18. John, S. to John Whiteley, of Laxton.
18/02/1732Feb 18. Hannah, D. to Thomas Cobutt, of Cotness.
25/02/1732Feb 25. William, S. to John Airy, of Skelton.
05/03/1732Mar. 5. Frances, D. to Francis Kirkhouse, of Howden.
05/03/1732Mar 5. William, S. to Xtopher Glew, of Howden.
06/03/1732Mar 6. John, S. to John Drinkall, of Howden.
11/03/1732Mar 11. Catherine, D. to John Dalby, of Skelton.
11/03/1732Mar 11. Robert. S. to Robert Hurd. of Balkholme.
13/03/1732Mar. 13. Thomas, S. to Jacob Maslen, of Howden.
13/03/1732Mar 13. Thomas, S. to William Leaper, of Kilpin.
13/03/1732Mar 13. Thomas, S. to William Coates, of Howden.
14/03/1732Mar 14. Catherine, child to Anne Rainforth, Howden.
19/03/1732Mar 19. William, S. to Mr. Leonard Barthorpe, Howden.
19/03/1732Mar 19. S. to Thomas Fearn, of Howden.
01/04/1733Apr. 1. S. to Tho. Jewett, Saltmarsh.
04/04/1733Apr 4. S. to Mr. Thomas Graver, of Howden.
08/04/1733Apr 8. S. to Thomas Atkinson, of Skelton.
09/04/1733Apr 9. Mary, D. to William Pears, of Howden.
15/04/1733Apr 15. Thomas, S. to Xtopher Thompson, of Laxton.
16/04/1733Apr 16. John, S. to Hammond Seymour, of Kilpin.
30/04/1733Apr 30. Elizabeth, D. to William Bradley, Howden.
01/05/1733May 1. Jane, D. to Abraham Dowson, Howden.
07/05/1733May 7. Anne, D. to Robert Haldenby, of Cotness.
07/05/1733May 7. Charles, S. to Richard Fearn, of Howden.
20/05/1733May 20. Mary, D. to Thomas Thompson, Balkholme.
21/05/1733May 21. Thomas, S. to William Mann, of Howden.
22/05/1733May 22. Isaac, S. to Thomas Burton, of Howden.
28/05/1733May 28. Sarah, D. to Thomas Jefferson, of Howdendike.
28/05/1733May 28. Alice, D. to Thomas Awcock, of Howden.
29/05/1733May 29. John, S. to Matthew Kitching, of Howden.
04/06/1733June 4. Thomas, S. to Thomas Batty, of Newland.
18/06/1733Jun 18. Francis, S. to Charles Bacon, of Howden.
24/06/1733Jun 24. Mary, D. to Thomas Barker, of Saltmarsh.
25/06/1733Jun 25. Esther, D. to John Bulmer, of Howden.
27/06/1733Jun 27. Thomas, child to Eliz : Peart, Knedlington.
09/07/1733July 9. John, S. to Thomas Pallister, of Howden.
23/07/1733Jul 23. Thomas, S. to Charles Cowlam, of Howden.
29/07/1733Jul 29. John, S. to Jno. Jewett, of Saltmarsh.
30/07/1733Jul 30. George & Thomas, S. to John Collinson, of Howden.
30/07/1733Jul 30. Robert, S. to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden.
06/08/1733Aug. 6. Elizabeth, D. to Gam. Thompson, of Howden.
16/08/1733Aug 16. Mary, D. to Robert Mann, of Howden.
20/08/1733Aug 20. Elizabeth, D. to William Bulmer, of Howden.
22/09/1733Sept. 22. Anne, D. to John Cook, of Howden.
27/09/1733Sep 27. Thomas, S. to George Tudall, of Metham House.
??/10/1733Oct. - Anne, D. to Thomas Sugden, of Laxton.
??/10/1733Oct - Anne, D. to Thomas Downam, of Howden.
??/10/1733Oct - Anne, D. to John Stainton, of Howden.
??/10/1733Oct - Mary, D. to Robert Maskel, of Howden.
??/10/1733Oct - Phoebe, D. to John Hemmingway, of Howden.
??/10/1733Oct - William, S. to William Awcock, of Howden.
??/10/1733Oct - William, S. to Thomas Batty, of Assleby.
??/10/1733Oct - Robert, S. to Thomas Bishop, of Laxton.
16/10/1733Oct 16. Anne, D. to George Clay, of Howden.
04/11/1733Nov. 4. Anne & Hannah, twins of Arthur Jewett, of Saltmarsh.
11/11/1733Nov 11. Thomas, S. to Thomas Robinson, of Laxton.
18/11/1733Nov. 18. Thomas, S. to Samuel Sharp, of Yoakfleet.
??/12/1733Dec. - Anne, D. to Richard English, of Howden.
09/01/1733Jan. 9. Anne, D. to Charles Fletcher, of Assleby.
20/01/1733Jan 20. John, S. to John Pinder, of Laxton.
20/01/1733Jan 20. Anne, D. to John Bealby, of Saltmarsh.
22/01/1733Jan 22. Anne, D. to John Woodsworth, of Knedlington.
??/02/1733Feb. - John, S. to Thomas Stather, of Thorp.
??/02/1733Feb - Rebecca, D. to John Watterhouse, of Assleby.
??/02/1733Feb - William, S. to William Cowlam, of Yoakfleet.
??/02/1733Feb - John, S. to Widow Mardison, of Yoakfleet.
??/02/1733Feb - Martha, D. to William Keader, Junr., of Howden.
??/02/1733Feb - John, S. to Joseph Bealby, of Saltmarsh.
??/02/1733Feb - Charles, S. to Charles Taylor, of Skelton.
??/03/1733Mar. - Samuel, S. to Robert Bishop, of L.....
??/03/1733Mar - Anne, D. to John Gudgion, of L.....
??/03/1733Mar - Frances, D. to John Rouley, of H.....
??/03/1733Mar - Thomas, S. to Francis Wheldrake .....
18/03/1733Mar 18. Jane, D. to James Campbel, of Howden.
24/03/1733Mar 24. Anne, D. to William Dent, of Yoakfleet.
26/03/1734Mar. 26. Anthony & Robert, S. to Joseph Thompson, of Kilpin.
07/04/1734Apr. 7. Joseph, S. to John Pearson, of Assleby.
07/04/1734Apr 7. Richard, S. to Richard Calvert, of Yoakfleet.
15/04/1734Apr 15. Robert, S. to Robert Richardson, of Howden.
15/04/1734Apr 15. Mary, D. to Daniel Lowther, of Howden.
21/04/1734Apr 21. John, S. to Thomas Kevil, of Yoakfleet.
25/04/1734Apr 25. Nathaniel, S. to Nathaniel Smith, of Assleby.
25/04/1734Apr 25. Joseph, S. to John Brooks, of Assleby.
25/04/1734Apr 25. Anne, D. to William Bealby, of Assleby.
28/04/1734Apr 28. George, S. to Thomas Harland, of Saltmarsh.
05/05/1734May 5. Samuel, S. to Peter Kemp, of East Linton.
06/05/1734May 6. Elizabeth, D. to William Ellingworth, of Howden.
12/05/1734May 12. Eleanor, D. to Matthew Easingwood, of Knedlington.
13/05/1734May 13. Mary, D. to Robert Thorp, of Belby.
14/05/1734May 14. Jane, D. to Matthew Stephenson, of Howden.
21/05/1734May 21. Anne, D. to Robert Sugden, of Howden.
26/05/1734May 26. Elizabeth, D. to Robert Wadman, of Carhouse.
27/05/1734May 27. Elizabeth, D. to Thomas Aisdale, of Howden.
02/06/1734June 2. Elizabeth, D. to William Jackson, of Assleby.
03/06/1734Jun 3. Anne, D. to John Palmer, of Balkholme.
04/06/1734Jun 4. John, S. to John Dolby, of Skelton.
09/06/1734Jun 9. Thomas, S. to Richard Sharp, of Yoakfleet.
16/06/1734Jun 16. Peter, S. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden.
25/06/1734Jun 25. John, S. to John Stephenson, of Assleby.
02/07/1734July 2. Deborah, D. to Emmor Ettles, of Skelton.
07/07/1734Jul 7. Elizabeth, D. to Robert Dawson, of Saltmarsh.
07/07/1734Jul 7. Elizabeth, D. to Robert Baily, of Yoakfleet.
08/07/1734Jul 8. Anna, D. to James Day, of Howden.
10/07/1734Jul 10. John, S. to Mary Thompson, alias Hudson, of Howden.
15/07/1734July 15. Hannah, D. to Robert Jackson, of Howden.
21/07/1734Jul 21. Mary, D. to William York, of Howden.
29/07/1734Jul 29. Elizabeth, D. to William Hardy, of Howden.
04/08/1734Aug. 4. Thomas, S. to George Bealby, of Saltmarsh.
04/08/1734Aug 4. Elizabeth, D. to Marmaduke Gibson, of Howden.
11/08/1734Aug 11. Andrew, S. to Thomas Palmer, of Laxton.
11/08/1734Aug 11. Hannah, D. to John Stones, of Belby.
19/08/1734Aug 19. William, S. to Richard Fearn, of Howden.
27/08/1734Aug 27. Ralph, S. to Mr. Robert Spofforth, of Howden.
29/08/1734Aug 29. John, S. to John Leng, of Thorp Lidgett.
01/09/1734Sept. 1. Henry, S. to Henry Sheppard, of Howden.
02/09/1734Sep 2. John, S. to George Johnson, of Howden.
10/09/1734Sep 10. Mary, D. to John Winnil, of Kilpin.
15/09/1734Sep 15. Thomas, S. to Thomas Good, of Saltmarsh.
17/09/1734Sep 17. William, S. to George Cross, of Balkholme.
01/10/1734Oct. 1. Mary, D. to Francis Wheldrake, of Balkholme.
13/10/1734Oct 13. Anne, D. to John Snow, of Knedlington.
14/10/1734Oct 14. Joseph, S. to Benjamin Taylor, of Howden.
05/10/1734Oct 55. Margaret, D. to Mr. John Hudson, of Howden.
15/10/1734Oct 15. William, S. to William Stevenson, of Kilpin.
20/10/1734Oct 20. ..... S. to Richard Pinder, of Laxton.
21/10/1734Oct 21. ..... to Jacob Maslen, of Howden.
23/10/1734Oct 23. ..... to Francis Bell, of Belby.
29/10/1734Oct 29. ..... to Charles Cowlam, of Howden.
30/10/1734Oct 30. ....... Threlkeld, of Howden, Clerk.
05/11/1734Nov. 5. Robert (?) Blanshard, of Thorp.
06/11/1734Nov 6. John, S. to George Coam, of Knedlington.
17/11/1734Nov 17. William, S. to Thomas Singleton, of Assleby.
18/11/1734Nov 18. Sarah, D. to William Bradley, of Howden.
18/11/1734Nov 18. Robert, S. to William Harrison, of Howden.
24/11/1734Nov 24. Sarah, D. to Thomas Drury, of Belby.
01/12/1734Dec. 1. Catherine, D. to Robert Ramsey, of Assleby.
02/12/1734Dec 2. Walter, S. to Mr. Leonard Barthorpe, of Howden.
04/12/1734Dec 4. Jane, D. to Mr. Thomas Graver, of Howden.
11/12/1734Dec 11. Richard, S. to Henry Smith, of Howden.
17/12/1734Dec 17. Robert, S. to William Giles, of Kilpin.
01/01/1734Jan. 1. Charles, S. to Charles Dove, of Saltmarsh.
26/01/1734Jan 26. John, S. to John Jackson, of Laxton.
02/02/1734Feb. 2. Samuel, S. to Samuel South, of Kilpin.
17/02/1734Feb 17. Sarah, D. to Robert Mawson, of Cotness.
23/02/1734Feb 23. Thomas, S. to Thomas Pallister, of Howden.
02/03/1734Mar. 2. William, S. to Robert Perrott, of Yoakfleet.
02/03/1734Mar 2. Rebecca, D. to Thomas Barker, of Saltmarsh.
07/03/1734Mar 57. Mary, D. to Michael Lamb, of Knedlington.
23/03/1734Mar 23. William, S. to Matthew Pearson, of Howden.
25/03/1735Mar 25. John, S. to Robert Maskell, of Howden.
07/04/1735Apr. 7. Mark, S. to John Nutbrown, of Howden.
07/04/1735Apr 7. Isabel, D. to Stephen Bulmer, of Howden.
08/04/1735Apr. 8. Robert, S. to Alice Harrison, of Howden, Widow.
09/04/1735Apr 9. Anne, D. to Thomas Burton, of Howden.
13/04/1735Apr 13. Richard, S. to Matthew Leng, of Belby.
14/04/1735Apr 14. Anne, D. to Thomas Field, of Howden, Junr.
20/04/1735Apr 20. Anne, D. to George Tudall, of Yoakfleet.
22/04/1735Apr 22. Margaret, D. to Matthew Kitching, of Howden.
28/04/1735Apr 28. William, S. to William Leaper, of Kilpin.
05/05/1735May 5. Robert, S. to Daniel Lowther, of Howden.
07/05/1735May 7. John, S. to John Stubbins, of Brind.
11/05/1735May 11. William, S. to Christopher Thompson, of Laxton.
13/05/1735May 13. Jane, D. to William Wright, of Howden.
20/05/1735May 20. Amaziah, S. to Amaziah Empson, of Yoakfleet.
22/05/1735May 22. Henry, S. to Henry Chambers, of Howden.
26/05/1735May 26. John, S. to Thomas Croyser, of Saltmarsh.
01/06/1735June 1. Isaac, S. to Isaac Peart, of Laxton.
08/06/1735Jun 8. Sarah, D. to John Smith, of Laxton.
08/06/1735Jun 8. Anne, D. to Benjamine Watson, of Assleby.
10/06/1735Jun 10. Anne, D. to Robert Webster, of Howden.
16/06/1735Jun 16. Esther, D. to Thomas Nutbrown, of Howden.
22/06/1735Jun 22. Francis, S. to Francis Wheldrake, of Balkholme.
23/06/1735Jun 23. Robert, S. to Mr. Robert Benson, of Howden.
30/06/1735Jun 30. Sarah, D. to Francis Kirkhouse, of Howden.
02/07/1735July 2. James, S. to James Savage, of Howden.
02/07/1735Jul 2. Sarah, D. to Robert Haldenby, of Cotness.
13/07/1735Jul 13. Marmaduke, S. to Mr. John Procter, of Howdendike.
16/07/1735Jul 16. Elizabeth, D. to Joseph Jewett, of Skelton.
27/07/1735Jul 27. Anne, D. to John Bennison, of Kilpin.
11/08/1735Aug. 11. Mary, D. to Miles Pinder, of Skelton.
12/08/1735Aug 12. John, S. to William Ruslin, of Balkholme.
21/08/1735Aug 21. Joseph, S. to John Birtwhistle, of Booth.
??/08/1735Aug - Mary, D. to Robert Dowson, of Howden.
07/09/1735Sept. 7. Anne, D. to Thomas Batty, of Assleby.
29/09/1735Sep 29. George, S. to Mr. George Milner, of Howden.
29/09/1735Sep 29. John, S. to Edward Tiplady, of Howden.
12/10/1735Oct. 12. Hannah, D. to Thomas Kell, of Knedlington.
13/10/1735Oct 13. Mary, D. to Charles Keader, of Howden.
23/10/1735Oct 23. William, S. to Richard Stather, of Howden.
14/10/1735Oct 14. Amelia, D. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden.
23/10/1735Oct 23. Sarah, D. to John Coam, of Belby.
26/10/1735Oct 26. Mary, D. to William York, of Howden.
26/10/1735Oct 26. Sarah, D. to William Cowlam, of Yoakfleet.
05/11/1735Nov. 5. John, S. to Booz Thompson, of Howden.
15/11/1735Nov 15. Elizabeth, D. to Rebecca Baldwin, late of Kilpin.
16/11/1735Nov 16. Sarah, D. to Robert Wadman, of Carhouse.
30/11/1735Nov 30. William, S. to Thos. Smith, of Yoakfleet, the younger.
01/12/1735Dec. 1. Elizabeth, D. to Thomas Clark, of Howden.
02/12/1735Dec 2. Benjamine, S. to Benjamine Taylor, of Howden.
14/12/1735Dec 14. Mary, D. to Charles Fletcher, of Assleby.
06/12/1735Dec ,6. Robert, S. to Richard Fearne, of Howden.
28/12/1735Dec 28. Anne, D. to John Sharp, of Yoakfleet.
11/01/1735Jan. 11. Elizabeth, D. to Samuel Sharp, of Yoakfleet.
15/01/1735Jan 15. Sarah, D. to Nathaniel Smith, of Assleby.
18/01/1735Jan 18. Mary, D. to John Rowley, of Howden.
18/01/1735Jan 18. Simon, S. to John Jewitt, of Saltmarsh.
27/01/1735Jan 27. Grace, D. to Thomas Armstrong, of Thorp.
27/01/1735Jan 27. Rebecca, D. to John Palmer, of Balkholme.
01/02/1735Feb. 1. Jane, D. to Robert Dawson, of Saltmarsh.
02/02/1735Feb 2. John, S. to Andrew Clemmy, of Howden.
03/02/1735Feb 3. Charles, S. to John Waterhouse, of Assleby.
08/02/1735Feb 8. Anne, D. to Robert Hurd, of Balkholme.
08/02/1735Feb 8. Robert, S. to John Tindal, of Yoakfleet.
09/02/1735Feb 9. Abraham, S. to Abraham Dowson, of Howden.
10/02/1735Feb 10. Peter & Tho : S. to Joseph Thompson, of Newland.
10/02/1735Feb 10. Martha, D. to William Pears, of Howden.
11/02/1735Feb 11. Thos. & Richard, S. to Robert Johnson, of Assleby.
15/02/1735Feb 15. Thomas, S. to John Pearson, of Assleby.
22/02/1735Feb 22. Sarah, D. to James Savage, of Howden.
02/03/1735Mar. 2. Edward, S. to Charles Cowlam, of Howden.
14/03/1735Mar 14. Thomas, S. to Thomas Leigton, of Skelton.
14/03/1735Mar 14. Hannah, D. to John Pinder, of Laxton.
15/03/1735Mar 15. Anne, D. to John Richardson, of Howden.
28/03/1736Mar 28. Joseph, S. to Joseph Bealby, of Saltmarsh.
18/04/1736Apr. 18. John, S. to Henry Sheppard, of Howden.
19/04/1736Apr 19. Hannah, D. to George Clay, of Howden.
19/04/1736Apr 19. Elizabeth, D. to Thomas Alcock, of Howden.
20/04/1736Apr 20. Mary, D. to Robert Sugden, of Howden.
21/04/1736Apr 21. Martha, D. to William Bradley, of Howden, Waterman.
21/04/1736Apr 21. Joseph, S. to Thomas Batty, of Newland.
02/05/1736May 2. Robert, S. to Daniel Lowther, of Howden.
03/05/1736May 3. Thomas, S. to Thomas Batman, of Belby.
04/05/1736May 4. John, S. to William Sanders, of Kilpin.
09/05/1736May 9. Mary, D. to Charles Taylor, of Skelton.
13/05/1736May 13. Mary, D. to Nicholas English, of Howden.
17/05/1736May 17. George, S. to Mr. Geo. Athorpe, of Howden.
17/05/1736May 17. Frances, D. to William Alcock, of Howden.
19/05/1736May 19. William, S. to John Bulmer, of Howden.
28/05/1736May 28. John, S. to John Nutbrown, of Howden.
31/05/1736May 31. William, S. to David Langton, of Howden.
13/06/1736June 13. William, S. to Richard Calvert, of Yoakfleet.
13/06/1736Jun 13. Mary, D. to Michael Norwood, of Saltmarsh.
20/06/1736Jun 20. Elizabeth, D. to George Spence, of Howden.
09/07/1736July 9. Martha, D. to Mary Walker, of Howden.
25/07/1736Jul 25. Thomas, S. to James Foreshore, of Skelton.
01/08/1736Aug. 1. John, S. to Thomas Nuash, of Yoakfleet.
09/08/1736Aug 9. Anne, D. to John Drinkall, of Howden.
15/08/1736Aug 15. Mary, D. to Widow Smith, of Howden.
22/08/1736Aug 22. William, S. to William Jackson, of Assleby.
21/09/1736Sept. 21. Joseph, S. to Thomas Thompson, of Balkholme.
26/09/1736Sep 26. Catherine, D. to John Smith, of Laxton.
28/09/1736Sep 28. William, S. to William Keader, of Howden.
28/09/1736Sep 28. Mary, D. to John Brewins, of Kilpin.
03/10/1736Oct. 3. Elizabeth, D. to John Stephenson, of Assleby.
05/10/1736Oct 5. Mary, D. to John Kelser, of Belby.
11/10/1736Oct 11. William, S. to William Bealby, of Howden.
22/10/1736Oct 22. Hannah, D. to Eliz. Noble, of Howden.
22/10/1736Oct 22. Hannah, D. to Eliz. Goodludd, of Nottingham.
25/10/1736Oct 25. Mary, D. to James Day, of Howden.
26/10/1736Oct 26. John, S. to Thomas Dunn, of Howden.
03/11/1736Nov. 3. Anne, D. to Jonathan Markham, of Laxton.
07/11/1736Nov 7. Samuel, S. to John Harland, of Howden.
08/11/1736Nov 8. James, S. to Widow Gilliot, of Kilpin.
09/11/1736Nov 9. John, S. to Richard Laycock, of Howden.
16/11/1736Nov 16. Elias, S. to Samuel South, of Howden.
22/11/1736Nov 22. John, S. to Benjamin Dowson, of Howden.
24/11/1736Nov 24. Samuel, S. to John Snow, of Knedlington.
07/12/1736Dec. 7. Matthew, S. to Matthew Dove, of Howden.
12/12/1736Dec 12. Anne, D. to Thomas Good, of Saltmarsh.
27/12/1736Dec 27. Hannah, D. to Emmor Eccles, of Asselby.
27/12/1736Dec 27. Phoebe, D. to Stephen Meadley, of Cotness.
10/01/1736Jan. 10. Thomas, S. to Thomas Field, of Howden, Junr.
18/01/1736Jan 18. Thomas, S. to Peter Kemp, of East Linton.
16/01/1736Jan 16. Aaron, S. to William Armitage, of Saltmarsh.
23/01/1736Jan 23. Elizabeth, D. to Robert Halliwell, of Laxton.
23/01/1736Jan 23. Robert, S. to Thomas Kevil, of Yoakfleet.
25/01/1736Jan 25. Margaret, D. to John Stainton, of Howden.
01/02/1736Feb. 1. James, S. to James Campbel, of Howden.
06/02/1736Feb 6. Robert, S. to John Wright, of Assleby.
10/02/1736Feb 10. William, S. to Thomas Jewitt, of Laxton.
21/02/1736Feb 21. Mary, D. to Matthew Stephenson, of Howden.
22/02/1736Feb 22. Mary, D. to George Cross, of Balkholme.
24/02/1736Feb 24. John, S. to Thomas Palmer, of Laxton.
08/03/1736Mar. 8. Martha, D. to Matthew Kitching, of Howden.
09/03/1736Mar 9. John, S. to John Coulson, of Knedlington.
21/03/1736Mar 21. Thomas, S. to Thomas Brown, of Kilpin.
24/03/1736Mar 24. Robert, S. to William Wilberfoss, of Knedlington.
29/03/1737Mar 29. William, S. to William Winter, of Knedlington.
31/03/1737Mar 31. Chamberlayne, S. to Mr. James Horrocks, of Howden.
??/04/1737Apr. - Matthew, S. to John Hildrake, of Balkholme.
??/04/1737Apr - John, S. to John Fearn, of Howden.
17/04/1737Apr 17. Anne, D. to Jacob Maslen, of Howden.
18/04/1737Apr 18. Grace, D. to John Wadsworth, of Knedlington.
25/04/1737Apr 25. Joseph, S. to Thomas Iveson, of Howden.
15/05/1737May 15. Robert, S. to Robert Webster, of Howden.
16/05/1737May 16. John, S. to Robert Thorp, of Belby.
23/05/1737May 23. John, S. to Joseph Tasker, of Belby.
03/06/1737June 3. John, S. to Thomas Downham, of Howden.
12/06/1737Jun 12. Jonathan, S. to John Ellythorpe, of Assleby.
12/06/1737Jun 12. Anne, D. to George Stubbins, of Brind.
12/06/1737Jun 12. Matthew, S. to Matthew Leng, of Belby.
12/06/1737Jun 12. George, S. to John Mason, of Balkholme.
12/06/1737Jun 12. Anne, D. to John Ruslin, of Balkholme.
20/06/1737Jun 20. Isabel, D. to James Tune, of Howden.
21/06/1737Jun 21. Matthew, S. to Marmaduke Bell, of Howden.
26/06/1737Jun 26. John, S. to Thomas Holmes, of Laxton.
10/07/1737July 10. Jane, D. to Thomas Harrison, of Skelton.
10/07/1737Jul 10. John, S. to Simon Addison, of Saltmarsh.
11/07/1737Jul 11. John, S. to William Howson, of Howden.
11/07/1737Jul 11. William, S. to Francis Bell, of Belby.
26/07/1737Jul 26. William, S. to William Leaper, of Kilpin.
??/08/1737Aug. - Michael, S. to Michael Lamb, of Knedlington.
??/08/1737Aug - Michael, S. to Benjamin Taylor, of Howden.
05/09/1737Sept. 5. Elizabeth, D. to Richard Maskell, of Howden.
08/09/1737Sep 8. George, S. to John Collinson, of Howden.
15/09/1737Sep 15. Robert, S. to Robert Bell, of Howden.
19/09/1737Sep 19. John, S. to Richard Stather, of Howden.
23/09/1737Sep 23. Elizabeth, D. to Robert Jackson, of Howden.
27/09/1737Sep 27. Margaret, D. to Gervase Copley, of Yokefleet.
06/10/1737Oct. 6. Mary, D. to Thomas Weddle, of Howden.
10/10/1737Oct 10. James, S. to Joseph Belshaw, of Howden.
10/10/1737Oct 10. William, S. to John Jackson, of Laxton.
10/10/1737Oct 10. Edward, S. to John Bealby, of Saltmarshe.
18/10/1737Oct 18. George, S. to Robert Blanshard, of Thorp.
23/10/1737Oct 23. William, S. to George Coam, of Assleby.
24/10/1737Oct 24. Mary, D. to Robert Maskell, of Howden.
24/10/1737Oct 24. Jonathan, S. to Joseph Brooks, of Howden.
25/10/1737Oct 25. George, S. to Zacch : Hemingbrough, of Belby.
25/10/1737Oct 25. Sarah, D. to Thomas Fearn, of Howden.
25/10/1737Oct 25. Mark, S. to William Robinson, of Assleby.
30/10/1737Oct 30. The, S. to Eleanor Milner, of Saltmarsh.
01/11/1737Nov. 1. Thos. son to Thos. Stainforth, of Barmby.
01/11/1737Nov 1. Robert, S. to Robert Sugden, of Howden.
02/11/1737Nov 2. Mary, D. to Mr. Robert Benson, of Howden.
07/11/1737Nov 7. Elizabeth, D. to Thomas Armstrong, of Thorp.
10/11/1737Nov 10. Mary, D. to Benjamine Watson, of Assleby.
14/11/1737Nov 14. John, S. to Thomas Bradley, of Howden.
29/11/1737Nov 29. Jane, D. to Robert Wood, of Assleby.
30/11/1737Nov 30. Robert, S. to Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden.
01/12/1737Dec. 1. Jane, D. to Thomas Sissons, of Assleby.
04/12/1737Dec 4. Dorothy, D. to Robert Bishop, of Laxton.
26/12/1737Dec 26. Anne, D. to William Haigh, of Saltmarsh.
03/01/1737Jan. 3. Mary, D. to Charles Cowlam, of Howden.
10/01/1737Jan 10. Jonathan, S. to Richard Laycock, of Howden.
24/01/1737Jan 24. Elizabeth, D. to John Hogg, of Howden.
24/01/1737Jan 24. William, S. to William Bradley, of Howden.
29/01/1737Jan 29. William, S. to Robert Boothby, of Skelton.
31/01/1737Jan. 31. Sarah, D. to John Smith, of Newland.
06/02/1737Feb. 6. William, S. to Charles Bacon, of Howden.
06/02/1737Feb 6. Jane, D. to Richard Fearn, of Howden.
07/02/1737Feb 7. William, S. to John Lyon, of Duncoats.
08/02/1737Feb 8. John, S. to John Snow, of Knedlington.
11/02/1737Feb 11. Mary, D. to Thomas Smith, of Yoakfleet.
13/02/1737Feb 13. Joseph, S. to John Fletcher, of Howden.
14/02/1737Feb 14. Elizabeth, D. to John Nutbrown, of Howden.
20/02/1737Feb 20. Elizabeth, D. to George Clay, of Howden.
21/02/1737Feb 21. Robert, S. to Mr. Robert Sutton, of Howden.
26/02/1737Feb 26. Thomas, S. to Thomas Nuam, of Yoakfleet.
12/03/1737Mar. 12. Frances, D. to Robert Bailey, of Yoakfleet.
02/04/1738Apr. 2. Jonathan, S. to Thomas Robinson, of Saltmarsh.
03/04/1738Apr 3. William, S. to William Ellinworth, of Howden.
03/04/1738Apr 3. Eleanor, D. to Leonard Thorp, of Howden.
04/04/1738Apr 4. Rachel, D. to Francis Chester, of Howden.
09/04/1738Apr 9. John, S. to Richard Sharp, of Yoakfleet.
16/04/1738Apr 16. Elizabeth, D. to Stephen Meadley, of Cotness.
25/04/1738Apr 25. Anne, D. to W Robert Spofforth, of Howden.
08/05/1738May 8. Sarah, D. to William Pears, of Howden.
08/05/1738May 8. Elizabeth, D. to Robert Dowson, of Howden.
16/05/1738May 16. Robert, S. to Mr. John Hudson, of Howden.
04/06/1738June 4. Edward, S. to Robert Perrott, of Yoakfleet.
04/06/1738Jun 4. Elizabeth, D. to John Duckles, of Saltmarsh.
18/06/1738Jun 18. Sarah, D. to Hannah Bracebridge, of Howden.
18/06/1738Jun 18. Mary, D. to Christopher Thompson, of Laxton.
19/06/1738Jun 19. Mary, D. to Thos. Field, of Howden, Junr.
27/06/1738Jun 27. Mary, D. to Robert Johnson, of Assleby.
09/07/1738July 9. Rachel, D. to John Tindal, of Yoakfleet.
19/07/1738Jul 19. John, S. to Robert Mann, of Howden.
21/08/1738Aug. 21. Hannah, D. to John Fearn, of Howden.
25/09/1738Sept. 25. Nicholas, S. to Nicholas English, of Howden.
25/09/1738Sep 25. Mary, D. to William Hewson, of Howden.
28/09/1738Sep 28. Robert, S. to Robert Fetherstone, of Howden.
02/10/1738Oct. 2. Robert, son to Tho Brown, of Barmby.
01/10/1738Oct 1. Thomas, S. to George Tudall, of Yoakfleet.
10/10/1738Oct 10. Elizabeth, D. to John Smith, of Howden.
15/10/1738Oct 15. William, S. to William Hardy, of Howden.
15/10/1738Oct 15. John & Isaac, child to Eleanor Walker, of Belby.
16/10/1738Oct 16. Anne, D. to Robert Wadman, of Carrhouse.
22/10/1738Oct 22. Anne, D. to William Dent, of Yoakfleet.
26/10/1738Oct 26. Mary, D. to Thomas Kell, of Knedlington.
12/11/1738Nov. 12. Mary, D. to Thomas Batty, of .Assleby.
12/11/1738Nov 12. Mary, D. to Michael Norwood, of Saltmarsh.
12/11/1738Nov 12. Leah, D. to Anne Hart, of Howden.
24/11/1738Nov 24. Sarah, D. to William Leaper, of Kilpin.
05/12/1738Dec. 5. Jane, D. to John Hildrake, of Balkholme.
04/01/1738Jan. 4. Mary, D. to John Lyon, of Balkholme.
14/01/1738Jan 14. Elizabeth, D. to Samuel Sharp, of Yoakfleet.
22/01/1738Jan 22. Mary, D. to Robert Bell, of Howden.
23/01/1738Jan 23. Johanna, D. to William Bealby, of Howden.
24/01/1738Jan 24. Jane, D. to Widow Bennison, of Kilpin.
28/01/1738Jan 28. Elizabeth, D. to Thomas Good, of Saltmarsh.
11/02/1738Feb. 11. Thomas, S. to Thomas Eliner, of Yoakfleet.
12/02/1738Feb 12. John, S. to Nicholas Youngson, of Howden.
13/02/1738Feb 13. Anne, D. to Edward Stainforth, of Howden.
13/02/1738Feb 13. Frances, D. to Richd. Pepper, of Howden.
20/02/1738Feb 20. Dorothy, D. to Mr.John Procter, of Howdendike.
21/02/1738Feb 21. Jane, D. to John Johnson, of Assleby.
26/02/1738Feb 26. Mary, D. to Mr. John Stainton, of Howden.
06/03/1738Mar. 6. Charles, S. to Wm. Harrison, of Howden, aged 9 years.
06/03/1738Mar 6. John, S. to Wm. Harrison, of Howden.
06/03/1738Mar 6. Anne, D. to Charles Cowlam, of Howden.
06/03/1738Mar 6. Doiley, S. to Matthew Kitching, of Howden.
13/03/1738Mar 13. Hannah, D. to Thomas Dunn, of Howden.
18/03/1738Mar 18. Mary, D. to Thomas Harrison, of Skelton.
19/03/1738Mar 19. Thomas, S. to Thomas Alcock, of Howden.
25/03/1739Mar. 25. Jane, D. to Edward Smart, of Laxton.
27/03/1739Mar 27. Deborah, D. to William Wilberfoss, Knedlington.
30/03/1739Mar 30. Thomas, S. to John Collinson, of Howden.
01/04/1739Apr. 1. Elizabeth, D. to Henry Sheppard, of Howden.
03/04/1739Apr 3. William, S. to William Alcock, of Howden.
03/04/1739Apr 3. William, S. to James Savage, of Howden.
09/04/1739Apr 9. Margaret, D. to Joseph Brooks, of Howden.
26/04/1739Apr 26. Thomas, S. to John Wright, of Assleby.
29/04/1739Apr 29. Thomas, S. to John Harland, of Howden.
29/04/1739Apr 29. Thomas, S. to David Langton, of Howden.
29/04/1739Apr 29. Hannah, D. to Thomas Jewitt, of Saltmarsh.
30/04/1739Apr 30. Mary, D. to John Fletcher, of Howden.
13/05/1739May 13. Sarah, D. to Matthew Leng, of Belby.
14/05/1739May 14. Mary, D. to John Hauker, of Kilpin
21/05/1739May 21. Thomas, S. to John Jewitt, of Saltmarsh.
28/05/1739May 28. Jane, D. to William Ruslin, of Howden.
25/06/1739June 25. William, S. to William Coates, of Howden.
01/07/1739July 1 Mary, D. to Thomas Downham, of Howden.
01/07/1739Jul 1. John, S. to Charles Fletcher, of Assleby.
08/07/1739Jul 8. Robert, S. to Thomas Singleton, of Assleby.
26/07/1739Jul 26. Gervas, S. to Philip Scholfield, of Skelton.
20/08/1739Aug. 20. Jane, D. to Zaccheus Hemingbrouh, of Belby.
03/09/1739Sept. 3. Anne, D. to James Day, of Howden.
30/09/1739Sep 30. John, S. to Nathaniel Bell, of Howden.
23/09/1739Sep 23. Mary, D. to Jos : Bealby, of Saltmarsh.
23/09/1739Sep 23. Anne, D. of Robt. Dawson, of Saltmarsh.
30/09/1739Sep 30. Robert, S. to Robert Bailey, of Yoakfleet.
02/10/1739Oct. 2. Joseph, son to Thomas Stainforth, of Barmby.
09/10/1739Oct 9. John, S. to John Rowley, of Howden.
11/10/1739Oct. 11. Anne, D. to George Coam, of Knedlington.
21/10/1739Oct 21. Martha, D. to George Tudall, of Yoakfleet.
23/10/1739Oct 23. Amelia, D. to James Campbel, of Howden.
05/11/1739Nov. 5. George, S. to Abraham Dowson, of Howden.
05/11/1739Nov 5. Anne Elizabeth, D. to Joseph Belshaw, of Howden.
04/11/1739Nov 4. Christopher, S. to Christopher Smith, of Saltmarsh.
02/12/1739Dec. 2. Mary, D. to Arthur Jewitt, of Saltmarsh.
04/12/1739Dec 4. Charles, S. to Matthew Dove, of Howden.
04/12/1739Dec 4. Elizabeth, D. to David Belt, of Howden.
12/12/1739Dec 12. George, S. to George Clay, of Howden.
13/12/1739Dec 13. Sarah, D. to Mr. Robert Sutton, of Howden.
23/12/1739Dec 23. Mary, D. to Robert Bishop, of Laxton.
26/12/1739Dec 26. Hannah, D. to John Wadsworth, of Knedlington.
27/12/1739Dec 27. Charles, S. to Charles header, of Howden.
21/01/1739Jan. 21. William, S. to Benjamin Taylor, of Howden.
22/01/1739Jan 22. Mary, D. to Robert Foreshore, of Howden.
29/01/1739Jan 29. Robert, S. to Robert Taylor, of Skelton.
29/01/1739Jan 29. Anthony, S. to Francis Bell, of Belby.
03/02/1739Feb. 3. Audry, D. to Peter Holmes, of Saltmarsh.
10/02/1739Feb 10. Emmor, S. to Emmor Eccles, of Assleby.
11/02/1739Feb 11. David, S. to John Dolby, of Skelton.
12/02/1739Feb 12. John, S. to William Clarkson, of Knedlington.
13/02/1739Feb 13. Grace, D. to Robert Crowshay, of Howden.
19/02/1739Feb 19. Thomas, S. to John Rhodes, of Howden.
27/02/1739Feb 27. John, S. to John Hogg, of Howden.
26/03/1740Mar. 26. Elizabeth, D. to John Snow, of Knedlington.
30/03/1740Mar 30. John, S. to William Jackson, of Assleby.
08/04/1740Apr. 8. Richard, S. to Thomas Weddle, of Howden.
08/04/1740Apr 8. John, S. to Robert Webster, of Howden.
08/04/1740Apr 8. Mary, D. to Samuel South, of Howden.
10/04/1740Apr 10. John, S. to Robert Dowson, of Howden.
10/04/1740Apr 10. Martha, D. to Thomas Snell, of Howden.
11/04/1740Apr 11. Jane, D. to David Langton, of Howden.
11/04/1740Apr 11. John, S. to Rebecca Underwood, of Howden.
11/04/1740Apr 11. Anne, D. to Anne Stoner, of Howden.
13/04/1740Apr 13. Anne, D. to John Bulmer, late of Howden.
21/04/1740Apr 21. John, S. to Jonathan Markham, of Skelton.
27/04/1740Apr 27. Anne, D. to Richard Lee, of Kilpin.
01/05/1740May 1. John, S. to John Bulmer, of Howden.
11/05/1740May 11. Susanna, D. to William York, of Howden.
13/05/1740May 13. Sarah, D. to John Meggitt, of Skelton.
16/05/1740May 16. Eleanor, D. to Eleanor Widhouse, of Knedlington.
20/05/1740May 20. Elizabeth, D. to Thomas Bradley, of Howden.
25/05/1740May 25. Francis, S. to Francis Ary, of Laxton.
25/05/1740May 25. Elizabeth, D. to John Duckles, of Saltmarsh.
27/05/1740May 27. Charles, S. to John Lyon, of Balkholme.
01/06/1740June 1. Elizabeth, D. to Stephen Meadley, of Cotness.
09/06/1740Jun 9. Richard & Sarah, Twins to John Pinder, of Laxton.
10/06/1740June 10. Hannah, D. to Robert Mann, of Howden.
12/06/1740Jun 12. Eleanor, D. to Richard Laycock, of Howden.
23/06/1740Jun 23. James, S. to John Fearn, of Howden.
14/07/1740July 14. Thos. S. to Thomas Leighton, of Skelton.
20/07/1740Jul 20. Elizabeth, D. to John Gyles, of Kilpin.
27/07/1740Jul 27. Mary, D. to Richard Johnson, of Balkholme.
29/07/1740Jul 29. Robt. S. to Mr. Robt. Spofforth, of Howden.
31/08/1740Aug. 31. William, S. to Robert Maskel, of Howden.
09/09/1740Sept. 9. Charles, S. to Robert Long, of Howden.
14/09/1740Sep 14. Thos. S. to John Sharp, of Yorkfleet.
20/09/1740Sep 20. Thos. S. to Matthew Lamb, of Knedlington.
24/09/1740Sep 24. Annamaria, D. to Francis Chester, of Howden.
24/09/1740Sep 24. Michael, S. to Michael Lamb, of Knedlington.
24/09/1740Sep 24. Mary, D. to Stephen Bulmer, of Howden.
06/10/1740Oct. 6. Jane, D. to Thomas Field, of Howden, junr.
09/10/1740Oct 9. Robert, S. to Robert Bell, of Howden.
16/10/1740Oct 16. Matthew, S. to Matthew Kitchin, of Howden.
21/10/1740Oct 21. John, S. to John Wheldrake, of Balkholme.
23/10/1740Oct 23. Elizabeth, D. to John Drinkal, of Howden.
29/10/1740Oct 29. Elizabeth, D. to John Fletcher, of Howden.
09/11/1740Nov. 9. Joseph, S. to Arthur Mounsey, of Assleby.
09/11/1740Nov 9. Sarah, D. to Simon Ayr, of Howden.
11/11/1740Nov 11. Matthew, S. to Marmaduke Bell, of Howden.
12/11/1740Nov 12. Charles, S. to Charles Cowlam, of Howden.
23/11/1740Nov 23. Richard, S. to John Harland, of Howden.
30/11/1740Nov 30. John, S. to John Brown, of Howden.
03/12/1740Dec. 3. Mary, D. to Widow Procter, of Howdendike.
09/12/1740Dec 9. Anna, D. to Joseph Jones, of Howden.
26/12/1740Dec 26. Robert, S. to William Harrison, of Howden.
29/12/1740Dec 29. Miles, S. to Miles Pinder, of Kilpin.
30/12/1740Dec 30. Martin, S. to Miles Overend, of Balkholme.
01/01/1740Jan. 1. George, S. to Eliz. Clay, of Howden, Widow.
20/01/1740Jan 20. John, S. to Nathaniel Smith, of Assleby.
25/01/1740Jan 25. Michael, S. to Thomas Higgins, of Belby.
25/01/1740Jan 25. John, S. to Thomas Jewitt, of Saltmarsh.
27/01/1740Jan 27. Marmaduke, S. to John Waterhouse, of Assleby.
09/02/1740Feb. 9. Mary, D. to Robert Sugden, of Howden.
10/02/1740Feb 10. James, S. to James Day, of Howden.
10/02/1740Feb 10. Hannah, D. to Richard Fearn, of Howden.
15/02/1740Feb 15. Coates, S. to Thos. Smith, of Yoakfleet.
16/02/1740Feb 16. Robert, son to Thos. Stainforth, of Barmby.
17/03/1740Mar. 17. Rufus, S. to Robert Featherstone, of Howden.
19/04/1741Apr. 19. George, S. to David Belt, of Howden.
20/04/1741Apr 20. James, S. to John Hanker, of Kilpin.
03/05/1741May 3. John, S. to William Ellingworth, of Howden.
04/05/1741May 4. John, S. to William Bradley, of Howden.
06/05/1741May 6. Jane, D. to Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden.
19/05/1741May 19. Sarah, D. to Joseph Brookes, of Howden.
23/05/1741May 23. Joanna, D. to William Ruslin, of Howden.
24/05/1741May 24. Grace, D. to Thomas Kell, of Howden.
24/05/1741May 24. William, S. to Eliz : Johnson, of Saltmarsh.
07/06/1741June 7. John, S. to William Empson, of Howden.
24/06/1741Jun 24. Thomas, S. to Robert Ramsay, of Assleby.
28/06/1741Jun 28. Thomas, S. to Thomas Dunn, of Howden.
06/07/1741July 6. Elizabeth, D. to William Hewson, of Howden.
16/07/1741Jul 16. Eleanor, D. to Robert Wadman, of Carhouse.
09/08/1741Aug. 9. William, S. to William Palmer, of Yoakfleet.
24/08/1741Aug 24. John, S. to John Wighton, of Howden.
30/08/1741Aug 30. Elizabeth, D. to Charles Fletcher, of Assleby.
30/08/1741Aug 30. John, S. to Matthew Leng, of Belby.
30/08/1741Aug 30. Susanna, D. to William Hardy, of Howden.
06/09/1741Sept. 6. John, S. of Thomas Cawbut, of Saltmarsh.
08/09/1741Sep 8. Sarah, D. to Benjamine Taylor, of Howden.
09/09/1741Sep 9. Patience, D. to Wm. Richardson, of Howden.
17/09/1741Sep 17. Anne, D. to Thomas Batman, of Belby.
18/09/1741Sep 18. Samuel, S. of Thomas Downey, .of Howden.
21/09/1741Sep 21. Anne, D. of Robert Faram, of Knedlington.
23/09/1741Sep 23. Elizabeth, D. of Nicholas English, of Howden.
27/09/1741Sep 27. Jane, D. of Robert Crowshaw, of Howden.
28/09/1741Sep 28. Joseph, S. of William Bealby, of Howden.
08/10/1741Oct. 8. Elizabeth, D. of Robert Mann, of Howden.
09/10/1741Oct 9. Robert, S. of Robert Foreshore, of Howden.
12/10/1741Oct 12. Robert, S. of Robert Wood, of Assleby.
14/10/1741Oct 14. Mary, D. of Joseph Serjeantson, of Yoakfleet.
01/11/1741Nov. 1. James, S. to John Brown, of Yoakfleet.
16/11/1741Nov 16. Elizabeth, D. of William Coates, of Howden.
22/11/1741Nov 22. John, S. of John Robinson, of Howden.
22/11/1741Nov 22. Robt. & Anne, Twins of Thos. Thompson, of Thorp Lidget.
01/12/1741Dec. 1. John, S. of Mr. Robert Sutton, Howden.
13/12/1741Dec 13. Jane, D. to Robert Mager, of Saltmarsh.
29/12/1741Dec 29. Thomas, S. of Thomas Cooke, of Assleby.
31/01/1741Jan. 31. Thomas, S. of Thomas Dent, of Yoakfleet.
01/02/1741Feb. 1. John, S. of George Coam, of Knedlington.
02/02/1741Feb 2. John, S. of John Clayburn, of Howden.
09/02/1741Feb 9. Robert, S. of James Campbel, of Howden.
14/02/1741Feb 14. Elizabeth, D. to Francis Ary, of Laxton.
21/02/1741Feb 21. William, S. of Richard Calver, of Yoakfleet.
21/02/1741Feb 21. John, S. of Robert Perrot, of Yoakfleet.
24/02/1741Feb 24. William, S. of Thomas Alcock, of Howden.
09/03/1741Mar. 9. Anne, D. of John Cade, of Assleby.
14/03/1741Mar 14. James, S. of James Foreshore, of Skelton.
28/03/1742Mar. 28. Robert, S. of Zechariah Hemingbrough, of Howden
29/03/1742Mar 29. Robert, S. of Robert Long, of Howden.
30/03/1742Mar 30. Jane, D. of Robert Taylor, of Skelton.
11/04/1742Apr. 11. Anne, D. of John Rouley, of Howden.
18/04/1742Apr 18. John, S. of George Tutill, of Yoakfleet.
29/04/1742Apr 29. Thomas, S. of Robert Johnson, of Assleby.
30/04/1742Apr 30. Thomas, S. of John Walton, of Assleby.
03/05/1742May 3. John, S. of Robert Dowson, of Howden.
10/05/1742May 10. Mary, D. of Martin Bilbrough, Howdendike.
10/05/1742May 10. James, S. of Matthew Dove, of Howden.
11/05/1742May 11. Robert, S. of David Pearson, of Assleby.
01/06/1742June 1. John, S. of John Drinkall, of Howden.
06/06/1742Jun 6. Alice, D. of Thomas Jewitt, of Saltmarsh.
08/06/1742Jun 8. Esther, D. of John Rhodes, of Howden.
13/06/1742Jun 13. Susanna, D. of Maria Wadsworth, Knedlington.
20/06/1742Jun 20. Mary, D. to John Meggitt, of Skelton.
27/06/1742Jun 27. John, S. to Rebecca Underwood, Howden.
04/07/1742July 4. Elizabeth, D. of Stephen Bulmer, of Howden.
07/07/1742Jul 7. Francis, S. of Richard Hall, of Howden.
14/07/1742Jul 14. Frances, D. of John Fearn, of Howden.
20/07/1742Jul 20. John, S. of John Leighton, of Skelton.
21/07/1742Jul 21. George, S. of William Lolley, of Knedlington.
25/07/1742Jul 25. William, S. of Alice Bray, of Skelton.
31/08/1742Aug. 31. Mary & Magdalen, Twins of Thomas Robinson, Howden.
12/09/1742Sept. 12. John, S. of John Morton, of Yoakfleet.
19/09/1742Sep 19. Sarah, D. of Richard Sharp, of Yoakfleet.
22/09/1742Sep 22. Thomas, S. of Francis Chester, of Howden.
23/09/1742Sep 23. Martha, D. of John Wadsworth, Knedlington.
23/09/1742Sep 23. Elzabeth, D. of Francis Bell, of Belby.
24/09/1742Sep 24. Hannah, D. of William Bealby, of Howden.
30/09/1742Sep 30. John, S. of John Wright, of Assleby.
10/10/1742Oct. 10. George, S. of John Smith, of Laxton.
19/10/1742Oct 19. Elizabeth, D. of Thomas Field, of Howden.
20/10/1742Oct 20. Elizabeth, D. of Matthew Kitchin, of Howden.
24/10/1742Oct 24. John, S. of John Giles, of Balkholme.
16/11/1742Nov. 16. Seth, S. of Seth Hodgson, of Assleby.
25/12/1742Dec. 25. Mary, D. of Nicholas Bradley, of Yoakfleet.
01/01/1742Jan. 1. John, S. of William Burton, of Howden.
02/01/1742Jan 2. Sarah, D. of Robert Mann, of Howden.
02/01/1742Jan 2. Mary, D. of Richard Mote, of Saltmarsh.
12/01/1742Jan 12. William, S. of Thomas Thompson, of Thorp Lidget.
16/01/1742Jan 16. John, S. of Thomas Brown, of Kilpin.
26/01/1742Jan 26. Lydia, D. of William Jackson, of Assleby.
13/02/1742Feb. 13. Robert, S. of Robert Clayburn, of Howden.
13/02/1742Feb 13. Mary, D. of John Thompson, of Howdendike.
15/02/1742Feb 15. Frances, D. of Joseph Jones, of Howden.
20/02/1742Feb 20. James, S. of Henry Bainton, of Yoakfleet.
04/03/1742Mar. 4. Elizabeth, D. of Mr. Edward Nixon, of Howden.
07/03/1742Mar 7. Robert, S. of William Richmond, of Howden.
09/03/1742Mar 9. John, S. of Richard Fearn, of Howden.
16/03/1742Mar 16. Matthew, S. of Matthew Lamb, of Knedlington.
20/03/1742Mar 20. John, S. of William Coupland, of Howden.
29/03/1743Mar 29. Thomas, S. of Thos. Downham, of Howden.
04/04/1743Apr. 4. Mary, D. of Thomas Newham, of Balkholme.
04/04/1743Apr 4. Thomas, S. of John Brown, of Howden.
10/04/1743Apr 10. John, S. of Michael Norwood, of Saltmash.
10/04/1743Apr 10. Barbara, D. of Mary Pallister, of Howden.
10/04/1743Apr 10. Hannah, D. of John Hogg, of Howden.
12/04/1743Apr 12. Hannah, D. of Edwd. Stainforth, of Howden.
24/04/1743Apr 24. Mary, D. of Thomas Stephenson, of Howden.
26/04/1743Apr 26. Thomas, S. of Mr. Robert Sutton, of Howden.
09/05/1743May 9. Thomas, S. of Thomas Higgins, of Belby.
09/05/1743May 9. Alexander, S. of Alexander Becket, of Howden.
10/05/1743May 10. Esther, D. of Robert Foreshore, of Howden.
22/05/1743May 22. Wm S. of John Jewitt, of Saltmarsh.
22/05/1743May 22. Margt. D. of John Jaques, of Yoakfleet.
24/05/1743May 24. Barbara, D. of Charles Taylor, of Skelton.
29/05/1743May 29. George, S. of George Coam, of Knedlington.
30/05/1743May 30. Eliz., D. of Thomas Fearn, of Howden.
30/05/1743May 30. Mary, D. of Benjamine Taylor, of Howden.
05/06/1743June 5. Mary, D. of Jeremiah Deardin, of Belby.
12/06/1743Jun 12. Thomas, S. of William Pears, of Howden.
13/06/1743Jun 13. Eliz., D. of James Bilbrough, of Belby.
26/06/1743Jun 26. George, S. of Thomas Dun, of Howden.
05/07/1743July 5. William, S. of Richard Ward, of Howden.
01/08/1743Aug. 1. Elizabeth, D. to Michael Lamb, of Howden.
01/08/1743Aug 1. Thomas, S. of John Wighton, of Howden.
07/08/1743Aug 7. Ann, D. of Joseph Brooks, of Howden.
14/08/1743Aug 14. Ann, D. of Thomas Dent, of Yoakfleet.
15/08/1743Aug 15. Philip, S. of Philip Scholfield, of Skelton.
28/08/1743Aug 28. John, S. of John Tindel, of Yoakfleet.
04/09/1743Sept. 4. Abraham, S. of Rich& Maskel, of Howden.
12/09/1743Sep 12. Elizabeth, D. of John Bulmer, of Howden.
18/09/1743Sep 18. John, S. of John Meggit, of Skelton.
23/09/1743Sep 23. Eliz., D. of William Alcock, of Howden.
23/09/1743Sep 23. Hannah, D. of Wm. Hewson, of Howden.
26/09/1743Sep 26. Mary, D. of John Stone, of Thorp Lidget.
27/09/1743Sep 27. Mary, D. of Samuel Steel, of Belby.
02/10/1743Oct. 2. Mary, D. of David Pearson, of Assleby.
05/10/1743Oct 5. Robert, S. of Matthew Dove, of Howden.
09/10/1743Oct 9. Ann, D. of Robert Dowson, of Howden.
17/10/1743Oct 17. Ann, D. of Thos. Stoneley, of Assleby.
06/11/1743Nov. 6. Mary, D. of William Empson, of Howden.
15/11/1743Nov 15. Ann, D. of John Fletcher, of Howden.
16/11/1743Nov 16. Rebecca, D. of Stephen Selley, of Howden.
22/11/1743Nov 22. Eliz : D. of Arthur Mounsey, of Assleby.
24/11/1743Nov 24. Alice, D. of Thos. Smith, of Howden.
27/11/1743Nov 27. John, S. of James Day, of Howden.
29/11/1743Nov 29. John, S. of John Lyon, of Howden.
13/12/1743Dec. 13. Catherine, D. of Matthew Kitchin, Howden.
25/12/1743Dec 25. Mary, D. of Thos. Jewitt, of Saltmarsh.
27/12/1743Dec 27. Mary, D. of John Ashton, of Howden.
27/12/1743Dec. 27. Hannah, D. of Robert Long, of Howden.
12/01/1743Jan. 12. Robt. S. of Ann Mann, of Howden.
15/01/1743Jan 15. Robt.. S. of George Corner, of Saltmarsh.
18/01/1743Jan 18. Margaret, D. of Robt. Sugden, of Howden.
29/01/1743Jan 29. Jno. & Wm. Twins to Francis Airy, of Skelton.
29/01/1743Jan 29. Robt. S. of Edward Bishop, of Laxton.
29/01/1743Jan 29. Maria, D. of Rebec : Brooks, Saltmarsh.
05/02/1743Feb. 5. Mary, D. of John Thompson, of Howden.
07/02/1743Feb 7. Joseph, S. of Charles Fletcher, of Asselby.
13/02/1743Feb 13. John, S. of James Savage, of Howden.
19/02/1743Feb 19. Willm. S. of James Foreshore, of Skelton.
22/02/1743Feb 22. Wm. S. of John Walton, of Assleby.
11/03/1743Mar. 11. Richard, son of Thos. Cawbut, of Saltmarsh.
18/03/1743Mar 18. Mary, D. of Sarah Wood, of Saltmarsh.
02/04/1744Apr. 2. Louisa, D. of Richard Hembrough, of Howden.
02/04/1744Apr 2. Elizabeth, D. of Thomas Smith, Yoakfleet.
02/04/1744Apr 2. Eliz : D. of William Stephenson, Saltmarsh.
16/04/1744Apr 16. Ann, D. of Thos. Nutbrown, of Howden.
26/04/1744Apr 26. Joseph, S. of Nathel. Smith, of Assleby.
29/04/1744Apr 29. Ann, D. of Stephen Bulmer, of Howden.
30/04/1744Apr 30. Mark, S. of John Nutbrown, of Howden.
11/05/1744May 11. Philip, S. of Robert Barber, of Howden.
13/05/1744May 13. Mary, D. of Stephen Meadley, of Cotness.
15/05/1744May 15. Elizabeth, D. of Francs. Chester, of Howden.
27/05/1744May 27. Elizabeth, D. of Robt. Parrot, Yoakfleet.
27/05/1744May 27. Robert, S. of Xtopher Thompson, Laxton.
29/05/1744May 29. Mary, D. of Edward Voase, of Howden.
29/05/1744May 29. Esther, D. of William Coates, of Howden.
03/06/1744June 3. Sarah, D. of Richard Sharp, Yoakfleet.
05/06/1744Jun 5. Ralph, S. of Mr. Robert Spofforth, Howden.
10/06/1744Jun 10. Robert, S. of Joseph Jones, of Howden.
11/06/1744Jun 11. Jno. S. of the Revd. Mr. Woofe, of Howden.
24/06/1744Jun 24. Mary, D. of Jno. Duckles, of Saltmarsh.
03/07/1744July 3. William, S. of Thomas Field, Howden.
08/07/1744Jul 8. John, S. of Thomas Batman, of Belby.
08/07/1744Jul 8. Ann, D. of Zachariah Hembrough, of Howden.
09/07/1744Jul 9. John, S. of Samuel Dunn, of Howden.
15/07/1744Jul 15. Thomas, S. of John Rouley, of Howden.
22/07/1744Jul 22. Jane, D. of Emmor Eclles, of Skelton.
29/07/1744Jul 29. Ann, D. of Quintin Snarr, of Balkholme.
05/08/1744Aug. 5. Eleanor, D. of William Lee, Saltmarsh.
09/08/1744Aug 9. William, S. of William Richardson, Howden.
17/08/1744Aug 17. Joanna, Ash, D. of Martin Bilbrough, Howdendike.
26/08/1744Aug 26. Wm. & Sarah, Twins of Wm. Copeland, of Howden.
29/08/1744Aug 29. Elizabeth, D. of Thos. Robinson, Howden.
16/09/1744Sept. 16. Elizabeth, D. of Thos. Woollans, Skelton.
16/09/1744Sep 16. Sutliffe, D. of John Jackson, Laxton.
22/09/1744Sep 22. Michael, son of Jno. Clayburne, of Howden.
09/10/1744Oct. 9. Herbert, S. of Edwd. Caslin, Knedlington.
14/10/1744Oct 14. Jane, D. to Thos. Burntoft, of Assleby.
22/10/1744Oct 22. Mary, D. of James Campbel, of Howden.
22/10/1744Oct 22. Robt.. S. of Thomas Alcock, of Howden.
06/11/1744Nov. 6. Thomas, S. of Thomas Dunn, Howden.
09/11/1744Nov 9. Sarah, D. of Wm. Bradley, of Assleby.
12/11/1744Nov 12. Eliz., D. of Mr. Thos. Parkinson, Howden.
18/11/1744Nov 18. Ann, D. of Wm. Palmer, of Yoakfleet.
25/11/1744Nov 25. Hannah, D. of Eliz. Lazonby, of Kilpin.
25/11/1744Nov 25. Alice, D. of Robert Bishop, of Laxton.
26/11/1744Nov 26. Hannah, D. of Samuel Cotton, of Howden.
27/11/1744Nov 27. Wm. S. of Miles Overend, Balkholme.
29/11/1744Nov 29. Ann, D. of John Hanker, of Kilpin.
04/12/1744Dec. 4. Thos. S. of Robt. Thornbrough, Belby.
04/12/1744Dec 4. Eliz., D. of Thos. Morrit, of Kilpin.
10/12/1744Dec 10. Tho S. of Mr. Ed : Nixon, of Howden.
01/01/1744Jan. 1. Eliz., D. of Robt. Featherston, Howden.
03/01/1744Jan 3. Ann, D. of Joseph Cass, of Assleby.
08/01/1744Jan 8. Jane, D. of Frans. Kirkhouse, Howden.
09/01/1744Jan 9. Hannah, D. of Jonathan Markam, Howden.
15/01/1744Jan 15. Eliz., D. of John Hyde, of Howden.
24/01/1744Jan 24. Ruth, D. of John Good, of Assleby.
27/01/1744Jan 27. John, S. of Joseph Brookes, of Howden.
03/02/1744Feb. 3. Richard, S. of Thomas Batty, Assleby.
03/02/1744Feb 3. Faith, D. of John Morton, of Yoakfleet.
04/02/1744Feb 4. Samuel, S. of Leonard Thorp, of Howden.
07/02/1744Feb 7. John, S. of Jno. Scholfield, of Sand Hall.
17/02/1744Feb 17. Jonathan, S. of Nic : Bradley, Yoakfleet.
06/03/1744Mar. 6. Eliz : D. of Solomon Brewitt, of Assleby.
16/03/1744Mar 16. Richd., S. of Richd. Ward, of Howden.
16/03/1744Mar 16. Ann, D. of Thomas Wood, of Skelton.
20/03/1744Mar 20. Ann, D. of Matthew Dove, of Howden.
25/03/1745Mar. 25. Xtopher, S. of Matthew Long, of Belby.
25/04/1745Apr. 25. Jno. S. of John Cade, of Assleby.
25/04/1745Apr 25. Ann, D. of Arthur Mounsey, of Assleby.
26/04/1745Apr 26. Ann, D. of John Johnson, of Assleby.
28/04/1745Apr 28. William, S. of Wm. Hewson, of Howden.
30/04/1745Apr 30. Mary, D. of Stephen Selly, of Howden.
30/04/1745Apr 30. Mary, D. of Thomas Keader, of Assleby.
07/05/1745May 7. William, S. of Robert Foreshore, of Howden.
14/05/1745May 14. Ann, D. of Edward Burton, of Newland.
19/05/1745May 19. Robert, S. of Robert Drinkall, of Howden.
19/05/1745May 19. William, S. of Thomas Brown, of Kilpin.
28/05/1745May 28. Robert, S. of Thomas Leighton, of Skelton.
02/06/1745June 2. Elizabeth, D. of Simon Gilderdale, of Laxtcn.
04/06/1745Jun 4. Joseph, S. of Francis Airy, of Skelton.
04/06/1745Jun 4. Susanna, D. of John Leighton, of Skelton.
05/06/1745Jun 5. Mary, D. of John Popplewel, Saltmarsh.
09/06/1745June 9. George, S. of George Tutall, Yoakfleet.
23/06/1745Jun 23. Sarah, D. of Henry Bainton, of Laxton.
02/07/1745July 2. Mary, D. of Robert Taylor, of Skelton.
07/07/1745Jul 7. Thomas, S. of George Dixon, of Howden.
07/07/1745Jul 7. Eleanor, D. of George Dixon, of Howden.
09/07/1745Jul 9. William, S. of Thomas Lolley, of Knedlington.
16/07/1745Jul 16. Esther, D. of John Fletcher, of Howden.
26/07/1745Jul 26. Simon, S. of Charles Taylor, of Skelton.
28/07/1745Jul 28. Elizabeth, D. of Nicholas English, Howden.
18/08/1745Aug. 18. Richard, S. of John Robinson, Howden.
29/08/1745Aug 29. Thos.. S. of Thos. Brockbank, of Howden.
01/09/1745Sept. 1. William, S. of John Brown, Howden.
08/09/1745Sep 8. William, S. of Ephraim Harper, of Laxton.
15/09/1745Sep 15. Robert, S. of Alexander Becket, of Howden.
22/09/1745Sep 22. Sarah, D. to John Jackson, of Kilpin
22/09/1745Sep 22. Ann, D. of David Belt, of Howden.
22/09/1745Sep 22. Margtt D. of John Hall, of Belby
08/10/1745Oct. 8. John, S. of John Smith, of Laxton.
13/10/1745Oct 13. Mary, D. of Wm. Meggitt, of Assleby.
17/10/1745Oct 17. Dorimene, D. of Ellin Goodal, Howden.
22/10/1745Oct 22. Sarah, D. of Michael Lamb, Howden.
27/10/1745Oct 27. Ann, D. of Robert Ramsey, of Assleby.
28/10/1745Oct 28. Jno. Ash Bilbrouh, S. of Martin Bilbrough, Howden.
30/10/1745Oct 30. Samuel, S. of Samuel Dunn, of Howden.
10/11/1745Nov. 10. Richard, S. of John Meggit, of Skelton.
13/11/1745Nov 13. Sarah, D. of Robert Faram, of Knedlington.
17/11/1745Nov 17. Timothy, S. of Robert Portington, of Howden.
21/11/1745Nov 21. William, S. of Edward Voase, of Howden.
21/11/1745Nov 21. Sarah, D. of Matthew Kitchin, of Howden.
24/11/1745Nov 24. Susanna, D. of Robert Dowson, of Howden.
12/12/1745Dec. 12. William, S. of William Relph, of Barmby marsh.
31/12/1745Dec 31. Joanna, D. of Joseph Jones, of Howden.
31/12/1745Dec 31. Marmaduke, S. of Ann Constable, of (blank).
01/01/1745Jan. 1. Martha, D. of David Iveson, of Howden.
01/01/1745Jan 1. John, S. of John Featon, of Laxton.
02/01/1745Jan 2. Mary, D. of Richd. Hall, of Barmby.
05/01/1745Jan 5. Ann, D. of Geo : Corner, of Saltmarsh.
05/01/1745Jan 5. Eliz., D. of Stephen Bulmer, of Howden.
22/01/1745Jan 22. Susanna, D. of Mr. Joshua Dunn, of Howden.
28/01/1745Jan 28. Richd. & Mary, S. & D. to Richard Laycock, of Howden.
28/01/1745Jan 28. Hannah, D. of Richd. Hembrough, of Howden.
30/01/1745Jan 30. Thos. S. of Thos. Robinson, of Howden.
02/02/1745Feb. 2. Mary, D. of John Perkin, of Kilpin.
19/02/1745Feb 19. William, Son of Jno. Stone, of ThorpLidget.
23/02/1745Feb 23. Eliz., D. of John Singleton, of Assleby.
23/02/1745Feb 23. Jane, D. of Edward Bishop, of Laxton.
24/02/1745Feb 24. Dinah, D. of Richard Sharp, of Yoakfleet.
02/03/1745Mar. 2. Richard, S. of Richard Maskel, of Howden.
02/03/1745Mar 2. Robt. S. of Ellen Widhouse, of Knedlington.
09/03/1745Mar. 9. John, S. of William Empson, of Howden.
09/03/1745Mar 9. Anthony, S. of Richd. Calvert, of Yoakfleet.
12/03/1745Mar 12. Margaret, D. of John Hyde, of Howden.
23/03/1745Mar 23. Margaret, D. of Thomas Dent, of Yoakfleet.
23/03/1745Mar 23. Robert, S. of John Tindal, of Yoakfleet.
31/03/1746Mar 31. Joseph, S. of Joseph Bickerton, of Howden.
06/04/1746Apr. 6. Thomas, S. of John Giles, of Balkholme.
15/04/1746Apr 15. Hannah, D. of Thomas Weddle, of Howden.
20/04/1746Apr 20. William, S. of John Tate, of Howden.
22/04/1746Apr 22. Thos. S. of William Stephenson, of Saltmarsh.
24/04/1746Apr 24. Mary, D. of Nathanael Smith, of Assleby.
24/04/1746Apr 24. Ann, D. of John Walton, of Assleby.
25/04/1746Apr 25. William, S. of William Jackson, of Assleby.
13/05/1746May 13. Alice, D. of Thomas Jewitt, of Saltmarsh.
20/05/1746May 20. Eliz., D. of Samuel South, of Howden.
08/06/1746June 8. Ann, D. of John Atkinson, of Assleby.
11/06/1746Jun 11. Joseph, S. of Wm Kirkingson, of Knedlington.
18/06/1746Jun 18. Lydea, D. of Richard Olemar, of Balkholme.
23/06/1746Jun 23. Thos. S. of ye Revd. Joseph Woof, of Howden.
23/06/1746Jun 23. George, son of Samuel Cotton, of Howden.
24/06/1746Jun 24. Thomas, son to Samuel Whitaker, of Laxton.
13/07/1746July 13. Sarah, dau : of Jno. Ashton, Howden.
18/07/1746Jul 18. Wm. son of Wm. and Mary Rusholme.
23/07/1746Jul 23. John, S. of Robert Fielder, of Thorp.
27/07/1746Jul 27. Sarah, dau : of Thos. Stoneley, of Asselby.
03/08/1746Aug. 3. Sarah, D. of Thos. Dodgson, of Howden.
03/08/1746Aug 3. Sarah, D. of Zach : Hembrough, of Howden.
05/08/1746Aug 5. Ann, D. of Mr. Robert Sutton, of Howden.
18/08/1746Aug 18. John, S. of John Wilson, of Howden.
??/08/1746Aug - Robert, son of Wm. Hewson, of Howden.
15/03/1745James, the son of ye Revd. Mr. Godmond, Vicr. of Howden,
was baptized at Waldby, 15 March, 1745.
16/06/1747Wm. his son, was baptis'd at Howden 16th June, 1747.
15/02/1748Joseph, his son, was bapd. at Howden 15 Feby 1748.
30/06/1751Elisabeth, his Daughter, was Baptis'd at Howden 30th June, 1751.
31/08/1746Robert, son of William Hewson, of Howden. Aug. 31.
14/09/1746Frances, dau : of James Day, of Howden. Sept. 14.
23/09/1746James, son of James Crowshow, of Howden Dyke. Sept. 23.
23/09/1746James, son of John Roads, of Howden. Sept. 23.
23/09/1746Mary, dau. of William Coats, of Howden. Sept. 23.
03/10/1746Hannah, dau. of Robert Foreshore, of Howden. Oct. 3.
17/10/1746Ann, dau : of John Baldwin, of Balkholme. Oct. 17.
26/10/1746Mary, dau : of Joseph Cass, of Asselby. Oct. 26.
29/10/1746Tho: son of Thomas Butler, of Howden. Oct. 29.
02/11/1746Mary, dau : of Matthew Lamb, of Knedlington. Nov. 2.
11/11/1746Jonathan, son of Jonathan Markham, of Howden. Nov. 11.
14/11/1746David, son of David Pearson. of Asselby. Nov. 14.
14/11/1746John, son of John Good, of Howden Dyke. Nov. 14.
17/11/1746Thos. son of Thom. Field. of Howden. Nov. 17.
28/11/1746Maria, dau. of Richard Fearn, of Howden. Nov. 28.
30/11/1746Margaret, dau : of Samuel & Dorathy Dunn, of Howden. Nov. 30.
21/12/1746Andrew, son of John Palmer, of Balkholme. Dec. 21.
21/12/1746Mary, dau : of Thos. Parkinson, of Howden. Dec. 21.
04/01/1746Robert, son of John Leatham, of Laxton. Jan. 4.
05/01/1746Elisabeth, dau : of John Horst, of Skelton. Jan. 5.
06/01/1746George, son of Robert Tayler, of Skelton. Jan. 6.
14/01/1746Elisabeth, dau. of John Clayburn, of Howden. Jan. 14.
16/01/1746William, son of Quintan Snarr, of Balkholme. Jan. 16.
03/02/1746John, son of Thos. Stephenson, of Howden. Feb. 3.
03/03/1746Elis : Dan : of Thos. Sissons, of Asselby. Mar. 3.
07/03/1746Thos. son of Edward Vause, junior, of Howden. Mar. 7.
14/03/1746Elisabeth, dau. of William Foster, of Howden. Mar. 14.
15/03/1746Robert, son of Robert Bishop, of Laxton. Mar. 15.
15/03/1746Mary, dau. of William Palmer, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 15.
01/03/1746Mary, dau. of Isaac Cluff, Trooper in Wade's Horse. Mar. 1
16/03/1746Thos. son of Thos. Nutbrown, of Howden. Mar. 16.
16/03/1746Mary, dau. of Richard Ward, of Howden. Mar. 16.
27/03/1747Elisabeth, dau. of Thos. Wood, of Skelton. Mar. 27.
15/04/1747Ann, dau. of John & Ann Hyde, of Howden. Apr. 15.
19/04/1747Matthew, son of Wm. Layburne, of Laxton. Apr. 19.
21/04/1747John, son of James Cammel, of Howden. Apr. 21.
28/04/1747Thomas, son of John Leighton, of Skelton. Apr. 28.
28/04/1747John, son of John Morret, of Kilpin. Apr. 28.
28/04/1747Rachel, dau. of John Bulmer, of Howden, Apr. 28.
03/05/1747Benjmen, son of Thos. Corbet, of Saltmarsh. May 3.
10/05/1747Hannah, dau. of Ann Stoner, of Howden. May 10.
11/05/1747Mary, dau : of William Richardson, of Howden. May 11.
17/05/1747Mary, dau. of John Jackson, of Laxton. May 17.
17/05/1747Elis : dau. of Jane Sides, of Saltmarsh. May 17.
17/05/1747William, son of William Lee, of Saltmarsh. May 17.
25/05/1747Matthew, son of Thos. Slack, of Knedlington. May 25.
26/05/1747George, son of Thos. Lolly, of Kilpin. May 26.
11/06/1747William, son of Francis Kirkhouse, of Howden. June 11.
14/06/1747Thomas, son of Samuel Glassby, of Yoakfleet. June 14.
16/06/1747William, son of James Godmond, Vicar of Howden. June 16.
16/06/1747William, son of Amasias Eccles, of Skelton. June 16.
22/06/1747Ellin, dau : of John Kelsey, of East Linton. June 22.
22/06/1747Elisabeth, dau : of Robt. Mann, of Howden. June 22.
28/06/1747Joseph, son of Samuel Cotton, of Howden. June 28.
28/06/1747Mary, dau. of Wm. & Mary Rusholme, of Howden. June 28.
05/07/1747Sarah, dau : of Richard Mote, of Saltmarsh. July 5.
13/07/1747Ann, dau : of John Walls, of Howden. July 13.
14/07/1747James, son of Peter Tune, of Laxton. July 14.
26/07/1747Thomas, son of John Kade, of Asselby. July 26.
30/07/1747Robert, son of Robert Thornberry, of Belby. July 30.
04/08/1747Mary, dau : of Joseph Brooks, of Howden. Aug. 4.
16/08/1747Nicholas, son of Nichs. Bradley, of Yoakfleet. Aug. 16.
23/08/1747Hannah, dau : of Matthew Kitchen, of Howden. Aug. 23.
03/09/1747Mark, son of John Featon, of Laxton. Sept. 3.
06/09/1747John, son of Thos. Jewett, of Saltmarsh. Sept. 6.
21/09/1747Joseph, son of Joseph Joans, of Howden. Sept. 21.
22/09/1747Elisabeth, dau : of Wm. Empson, of Howden. Sept. 22.
22/09/1747John, son of Thos. Martison, of Howden. Sept. 22.
22/09/1747Margt dau : of Herbet Dawson, of Howden. Sept. 22.
23/09/1747Ann, dau : of Jane Underwood, Widdow. Sept. 23.
11/10/1747John, son of Sander Beckett, of Howden. Oct. 11.
??/10/1747Susannah, dau : of Len : Thorp, of Howden. Oct.
18/10/1747Robert, son of Robert Parrot, of Yoakfleet. Oct. 18.
01/11/1747John, son of Thos. Walton, of Asselby. Nov. 1.
01/11/1747James, son of Matthew Dove, of Howden. Nov. 1.
02/11/1747John, son of John Fletcher, Howden. Nov. 2.
04/11/1747Richard, son of Henry Bainton, Laxton, Nov. 4.
08/11/1747John, son of John Wright, of Asselby. Nov. 8.
12/11/1747William, son of Wm. Keader, of Kilpin. Nov. 12.
27/11/1747Ann, dau : of James Crowshow, of Howden Dyke. Nov. 27.
01/12/1747Lydea, dau : of Joseph Beamont, of Howden. Dec. 1.
20/12/1747Eliz : dau: of John Brown, of Howden. Dec. 20.
29/12/1747Thos. son of Thos. Jackson, of Howden. Dec. 29.
03/01/1747William, son of George Hatfield, of Laxton. Jan. 3.
06/01/1747John, son of John Jackson, of Kilpin. Jan. 6.
08/01/1747George, son of Rebecka Underwood. Jan. 8.
03/02/1747Thos. son of John Parkins, of Kilpin. Feb. 3.
08/02/1747John, son of Richard Hembrough, of Howden. Feb. 8.
11/02/1747Mary, dau : of Edward Casslin, of Knedlington. Feb. 11.
14/02/1747Joseph, son of Edward Pearson, of Asselby. Feb. 14.
17/02/1747John, son of Thos. Ellis, of Yoakfleet. Feb. 17.
21/02/1747Sarah, dau : of Thos. Stephenson, of Howden. Feb. 21.
21/02/1747Ann, dau : of Matthew Long, of Belby. Feb. 21.
03/03/1747Mary, dau : of Thos. Leighton, of Skelton. Mar. 3.
14/03/1747John, son of Edwd. Vause, of Howden, Junior. Mar. 14.
17/03/1747Alice, dau. of Edward Nixon, of Howden. Mar. 17.
27/03/1748Sarah, dau : of William Whitaker, of Howden. Mar. 27.
13/04/1748Joshua, son of John Weeton, of Howden. Apr. 13.
18/04/1748Joshua, son of Samuel Dunn, of Howden. Apr. 18.
24/04/1748George, son of William Nelson, of Howden. Apr. 24.
24/04/1748John, son of Jane Clark. Apr. 24.
26/04/1748Charles, son of Sarah Patrick. Apr. 26.
30/05/1748Esther, dau: of Thos. Dodgson, of Howden. May 30.
30/05/1748Margaret, dau : of John Thompson, of Howden. May 30.
03/05/1748Frances, dau : of Francis Aircy, of Skelton. May 3r.
20/05/1748Jonathan, son to Jonathan Overend, of Duncoates. May 20.
06/06/1748Barbara, dau : of John & Ann Hyde, of Howden. June 6.
04/07/1748Catherine, clan : of Robt. Foreshore, of Howden. July 4.
10/07/1748Margt. dau. of Zach : Hembrough. July 10.
11/07/1748William, son of William Foster, of Howden. July 11.
07/08/1748Mary, dau : of Thos. Stoner, of Asselby. Aug. 7.
17/08/1748Richard, son of Richd. Johnson, of Balkholme. Aug. 17.
22/09/1748Elisabeth, dau : of Martin Bilbrough, Howden. Sept. 22.
22/09/1748Rebec : dau : of John Tate, of Howden. Sept. 22.
04/10/1748Sarah, dau : of Robert & Mary Dowson, of Howden. Oct. 4.
09/10/1748Elliner, dau : of Nathl. Day, of Howden. Oct. 9.
09/10/1748John, son of John Nicholson, of Asselby. Oct. 9.
11/10/1748Edward, son of Robert Spofforth, of Howden. Oct. 11.
15/10/1748Catherine, dau : of Thos. Sissons, of Asselby. Oct. 15.
23/10/1748Mary, dau : of Thos. Batman, of Asselby. Oct. 23.
26/10/1748John & Hannah, son & dau : of John Man, of Howden. Oct. 26.
06/11/1748Thomas, son of John Roads, of Howden. Nov. 6.
26/12/1748Ann, dau. of Richard English, of Howden. Dec. 26.
09/01/1748,Mary, dau, of Mary & David Iveson, of Howden. Jan. 9.
15/01/1748William, son of John Hall, of Belby. Jan. 15.
16/01/1748John, son of John Briggs, of Skelton. Jan. 16.
17/01/1748John, son of Stephen Selly, of Howden. Jan. 17.
30/01/1748Robert, son of Samuel Steel, of Laxton. Jan. 30.
03/02/1748Ann, dau : of Thos. Sissons, of Asselby. Feb. 3.
15/02/1748Joseph, son of James Godmond, Vicar of Howden. Feb. 15.
06/03/1748John, son of Jonathan Moor, of Howden. Mar. 6.
13/03/1748William, son of Robt. Fielder, of Howden. Mar. 13.
14/03/1748Thos. son of Thos. Morrit, of Kilpin. Mar. 14.
02/04/1749Robert, son of Thos. Nutbrown, of Howden. Apr. 2.
02/04/1749Elis : dau : of John Ashton, of Howden. Apr. 2.
09/04/1749John, son of John Baldwin, of Balkholme. Apr. 9.
10/04/1749Thos., son of Robert Hurst, of Skelton. Apr. 10.
15/04/1749Ann, dau : William Walker, of Belby. Apr. 15.
27/04/1749Martha, dau : of Joseph Cass, of Asselby. Apr. 27.
27/04/1749Richard, son to Wm. Pearson, of Asselby. Apr. 27.
08/05/1749Richard, son of James Savage, of Howden. May 8.
15/05/1749Elis: dau : of Thos. Waterhouse, of Asselby. May 15.
24/05/1749Elis : dau : of Wm. Rusholme, of Howden. May 24.
29/05/1749Elis : dau : of Joseph Jones, of Howden. May 29.
30/05/1749Mary, dau : of John Dunn, of Howden. May 30.
03/06/1749Joseph, son of John Winnle, of Asselby. June 3.
04/06/1749Emanuel, son of Thos. Gray, of Kilpin. June 4.
05/06/1749Simon, son of Simon Ayre, of Howden. June 5.
05/06/1749Mary, D. of James Bilbrough, of Belby. June 5.
08/06/1749Rachel, D. of John Underwood, of Howdcn. June 8.
12/06/1749George, son of Thos. Lolley, of Kilpin. June 12.
13/06/1749Ellin, dau : of Wm. Whitaker, of Howden. June 13.
19/06/1749Elis : dau : of Thos. Simpson, of Howden. June 19.
03/07/1749Sarah, Dau : of Tho : Parkinson, of Howden. July 3.
04/07/1749Jane, dau : of Thos. Lowther, of Asselby. July 4.
09/07/1749Ann, D. of Tho Brocklebank, of Howden. July 9.
31/07/1749Ann, D. of Wm. Bramham, of Asselby. July 31.
08/08/1749Elisabeth, dau : of John Dancer, of Howden. Aug. 8.
18/08/1749John, son of John Clayburn, of Howden. Aug. 18.
30/08/1749Henry, son of John Good, of Howden Dyke. Aug. 30.
03/09/1749Sarah, D. of Quintan Snarr, of Balkholme. Sept. 3.
17/09/1749Mary, D. of Thos. Singleton, of Asselby. Sept. 17.
09/09/1749John, S. of Wm. Palmer, of Yoakfleet. Sept. 9.
20/09/1749Elisabeth, D. of James Peers, of Belby. Sept. 20.
22/09/1749Sarah, D. of Wm. Jackson, of Howden. Sept. 22.
08/10/1749Blenkow, S. of Saml. Dunn, of Howden. Oct. 8.
09/11/1749Martin, Son of Martin Bilbrough, of Howden. Nov. 9.
16/11/1749George, son of Wm. Stephenson, of Kilpin. Nov. 16.
28/11/1749Mary, dau : of William Burne, of Balkholme. Nov. 28.
29/11/1749Richd., son of Richard English, of Howden. Nov. 29.
28/11/1749Hannah, dau : of Gervas Copley, of Yokefleet. Nov. 28.
12/12/1749George, son of William Copeland, of Howden. Dec. 12.
14/12/1749Isaac, son of Wm. Richardson, of Howden. Dec. 14.
19/12/1749Charles, son of Thos. Jewitt, of Saltmarsh. Dec. 19.
01/01/1749John and William, sons of Stephen Bulmer. Jan. 1.
01/01/1749Jonathan, son of John Tindall, of Thorp lidget. Jan. 1.
02/01/1749Elis: dau : of Edward Vause, of Howden. Jan. 2.
23/01/1749Dorathy, dau : of John & Ann Hyde, of Howden. Jan. 23.
01/02/1749Jonathan, son of John Cade, of Asselby. Feb. 1.
04/02/1749Elisabeth, D. of Nathl. Bell, of Howden. Feb. 4.
13/02/1749Hannah, D. of Richard Green, of Balkholme. Feb. 13.
13/02/1749Emanuel, son of John Lyon, of Balkholme. Feb. 13.
02/02/1749George, son of the sd. John Lyon, 2 years old. Feb. 13.
20/02/1749Mary, D. of Am : Eccles, of Skelton. Feb. 20.
24/02/1749Matthias, son to Wm. Cook, of Selby, baptiz'd at Selby. Feb. 24.
02/03/1749Ann, D. to Edward Nixon, of Howden. Mar. 2.
06/03/1749Edward, son to Edward Casslin, Knedlington. Mar. 6.
12/03/1749Catherine, dau : to Joseph West, of Howden. Mar. 12.
23/03/1749Margt. D. of John Hessey, of East Linton. Mar. 23.
01/04/1750Sheperdson, son of John Brown, of Howden. Apr. 1.
02/04/1750John, son of John Leek, of Skelton. Apr. 2.
15/04/1750Mary, D. of Joseph Lee, of Skelton. Apr. 15.
16/04/1750Isaac, son to Joseph Woofe, Curate of Howden. Apr. 16.
26/04/1750Elisabeth, D. to Robt. Sugden, of Howden. Apr. 26.
29/04/1750Sarah, D. to Herbet Dawson, of Howden. Apr. 29.
01/05/1750Thomas, son to Richard Laycock, of Howden. May 1.
06/05/1750Sarah, dau : to Thos. Dunn, of Howden. May 6.
29/05/1750Wary, dau : of James Crowshow, of Howden. May 29.
29/05/1750Ann, dau : of Michael Lamb, of Howden. May 29.
29/05/1750Thos. son to John Wood, of Skelton. May 29.
24/05/1750Amelia, dau : to Joseph Brooks, of Howden. May 24.
03/06/1750Thomas, son to Thomas Eliot, of Hull. June 3.
03/06/1750William, son to Matthew Dove, of Howden. June 3.
09/07/1750Mary, dau : to Saml. Cottam, of Howden. July 9.
11/07/1750Hannah, dau : to Thos. Wilburn. July 11.
19/07/1750Mary, D. to Matthew Maslen, of Howden. July 19.
27/07/1750James, Son to Richard Bainton, of Howden. July 27.
29/07/1750William, Son to John Thompson, of Howden. July 29.
29/07/1750Ellin, D. to Joseph Jones, of Howden. July 29.
29/07/1750Richard, son to Thos. Stephenson, of Howden. July 29.
30/07/1750Sarah, dau : to Thos. Tayler, of Skelton. July 30.
04/08/1750David, son to David Belt, of Howden. Aug. 4.
06/08/1750Sarah, dau : to Joseph Vickerton, of Howden. Aug. 6.
15/08/1750Elisabeth, dau. of John Weeton, of Howden. Aug. 15.
05/09/1750Elisabeth, D. of John Jackson, of Kilpin. Sept. 5.
06/09/1750William, son to William Rusholme, of Howden. Sept. 6.
10/09/1750William, son to Emanuel Jefferson, Esq., of Howden. Sept. 10.
17/09/1750Savill, son to Richard Hembrough, of Howden. Sept. 17.
23/09/1750Benjamin, son to Banjn. Parrot, of Skelton. Sept. 23.
23/09/1750James, son to James Campbell, of Howden. Sept. 23.
26/09/1750Deborah, D. to Mr. John Scholfield, of Sand Hall. Sept. 26.
06/10/1750Ann, dau. of Mary Laithman. Oct. 6.
15/10/1750John, son to Moses Drake, of Howden Dike. Oct. 15.
02/11/1750Elisabeth, dau: of Will Whitaker, of Howden. Nov. 2.
04/11/1750Dorathy, Dau : of John Scofield, of Sandhall. Nov. 4.
07/11/1750Joshua, son of Mr. John Dancer, of Howden. Nov. 7.
07/11/1750Mary, dau : to William Lydster, of Howden. Nov. 7.
09/11/1750Abram, son to Mr. Thos. Parkinson, of Howden. Nov. 9.
15/11/1750Jane, dau : to George Pickhaver, of Howden. Nov. 15.
08/12/1750Betty, D. to John Underwood, of Howden. Dec. 8.
11/12/1750Jane, D. to Richard Fearn, of Howden. Dec. 11.
01/01/1750Samuel, son to Thos. Goodall, of Knedlington. Jan. 1.
01/01/1750Dionisia, D. to Nathl. Day, of Howden. Jan. 1.
20/01/1750Jane, D. to Thos. Gray, of Kilpin. Jan. 20.
25/01/1750Elisabeth, D. to Wm. Andrew, of Barmby. Jan. 25.
29/01/1750Ann, D. to Richard Hall, of Barmby. Jan. 29.
07/02/1750Ann, D. of Joseph Wilson, of Barmby. Feb. 7.
15/02/1750George, son of Matthew Leng, of Belby. Feb. 15.
27/02/1750Mary, D. of John Dennis, of Barmby. Feb. 27.
07/03/1750Sarah, D. of Edward Vause, of Howden. Mar. 7.
11/03/1750Simon, son of Simon Ayre, of Howden. Mar. 11.
17/03/1750Thos. son of Robert Fielder, of Howden. Mar. 17.
18/03/1750William, son to James Peers, of Belby. Mar. 18.
21/03/1750Jane, D. to Joseph Cass, of Asselby. Mar. 21.
26/03/1751George, son to Thomas Slack, of Knedlington. Mar. 26.
08/04/1751Peter, son of Robert Featherstone, of Howden. Apr. 8.
08/04/1751Jane, D. of William Cliff, of Howden. Apr. 8.
09/04/1751Robert, son to Robt. Skin, of Asselby. Apr. 9.
29/04/1751John, son of John Laitham, of Howden. Apr. 29.
01/05/1751John, son to Joseph West, of Howden. May 1.
07/05/1751Thos. son to Charles Tayler, of Skelton. May 7.
20/05/1751Mary, D. to Thomas Lolly, of Kilpin. May 20.
21/05/1751Hannah, D. to William Foster, of Howden. May 21.
10/06/1751George Hannah, Son & Dr. to William Bielby, of H. Dyk June 10.
11/06/1751Elisabeth, D. to John Cade, of Asselby. June 11.
14/06/1751Thos. son to Robert Man, of Howden. June 14.
20/06/1751Thos. son to Thos. Leighton, of Skelton. June 20.
26/06/1751John, son to Robert Foreshore, of Howden. June 26.
30/06/1751Elisabeth, D. to the Revd. James Godmond, Vicar. June 30.
08/07/1751Ursilla, D. to Charles Abba, of Howden. July 8.
14/07/1751Easter, D. to Thos. Batman, of Asselby. July 14.
15/08/1751Richard, son to Richard Ellison, of Booth. Aug. 15.
21/09/1751Mary, D. of The. Langdale, of Kilpin. Sept. 21.
21/09/1751Mary, D. of Thos. Morret, of Howden. Sept. 21.
06/10/1751John, son Thos. Nutbrown, of Howden. Oct. 6.
16/10/1751George, son of George Pickhaver, of Howden. Oct. 16.
21/10/1751George, son of Thos. Drury, of Thorp. Oct. 21.
01/10/1751Elis D. to Thos. Field, of Howden. Oct. 1.
03/11/1751Thos. son to Thos. Batty, of Asselby. Nov. 3.
08/11/1751hos. son to John Man, of Howden. Nov. 8.
12/11/1751George, son to Samuel Hall, of Howden. Nov. 12.
08/12/1751Rebecka, Dau : of John Duckles, of Saltmarsh. Dec. 8.
27/12/1751Elisabeth, Dau : of John Croyser, of Balkholme. Dec. 27.
08/01/1752William, son to Ann Coulson. Jan. 8.
13/01/1752Ann, dau : of Thos. Goodall, of Knedlington. Jan. 13.
19/01/1752Mary, dau : of Mary Robinson. Jan. 19.
16/01/1752Mary, dau: of John Briggs, of Skelton. Jan. 16.
22/01/1752Jane & Grace, Daus. of Leonard Thorp, of Howden. Jan. 22.
29/01/1752Thos. son to Thos. Parkinson, of Howden. Jan. 29.
17/02/1752Ann, dau : of John Halliday, of Howden. Feb. 17.
28/02/1752Ann, dau : of Mr. John Dancer, of Howden. Feb. 28.
22/03/1752Elisabeth, dau : of Jonathan Spink, of Howden. Mar. 22.
22/03/1752Grace, dau : of James Crawshow, of Howden. Mar. 22.
26/03/1752Ellin, dau : of Emanuel Jefferson, of Howden, Esq. Mar. 26.
31/03/1752Thos. son of Isaac Goodall, of Howden. Mar. 31.
31/03/1752Ann, Dau : of John Thompson, of Howden. Mar. 31.
31/03/1752James, son to William Nicolson, of Howden Dyke. Mar. 31.
19/04/1752William, son to Charles Metham, Marriner. Apr. 19.
03/05/1752Ann, Dau : of Thos. Dunn, of Howden. May 3.
12/05/1752Jane, dau. of John Bawden, of Balkholme. May 12.
12/05/1752Robt. son to James Savage, of Howden. May 12.
15/05/1752Mary, D. to Will. Keader, of Kilpin. May 15.
18/05/1752William, son to Joseph Jones, of Howden. May 18.
19/05/1752William, son to William Cambage. May 19.
21/05/1752Elisabeth, D. to William Bramham, Asselby. May 21.
08/06/1752Robert, son to Stephen Selly, of Howden. June 8.
09/06/1752Robt. son to Mr. John Wighton, of Howden. June 9.
26/06/1752Amelia, Dau : to Mr. Young, of Yokefleet. June 26,
28/06/1752Mary, Dau : to George Hatfield, of Laxton. June 28.
28/06/1752Robert, son to Matthew Jubb, of Yokefleet. June 28.
28/06/1752Samuel, son to Richard Tomlinson, of Saltmarsh. June 28.
29/06/1752Sarah, dau: to Richd. Hembrough, of Howden. June 29.
04/07/1752Hannah, dau : of James Godmond, Vicar of Howden. July 4.
05/07/1752Ann, dau : to George Turton, of Yokefleet. July 5.
12/07/1752Richard, son to John Johnson, of Laxton. July 12.
13/07/1752Robert, son of Widow Mann, of Howden. July 13.
14/07/1752Zebulun, son of Matthew Mennel, of Howden. July 14.
02/08/1752Willm & John, sons to Wm. Stephenson, of Kilpin. Aug. 2.
02/08/1752Elisabeth, dau : to John Singleton, of Asselby. Aug. 2.
09/08/1752Elisabeth, dau : to Zachariah Hembrough. Aug. 9.
17/09/1752Robert, son to Robt. Faram, of Howden. Sept. 17.
04/10/1752John, son to William Palmer, of Howden. Oct. 4.
05/10/1752Ann, dau : to Thos. Simpson, of Howden. Oct. 5.
06/10/1752Catherine, Dau : to John Clayburne, Howden. Oct. 6.
17/10/1752Edward, son to Mr. Edward Nixon, of Howden. Oct. 17.
12/11/1752Robert, son to Thos. Good, of Saltmarsh. Nov. 12.
13/11/1752Tho : son of Edward Casslin, of Knedlington. Nov. 13.
24/11/1752John, son to Edward Brumby, Newland. Nov. 24.
26/12/1752John, son to John Hyde, of Howden. Dec. 26.
26/12/1752Robert, son to John Fletcher, of Howden. Dec. 26.
25/12/1752Elisabeth, D. to John Green, of Saltmarsh. Dec. 25.
06/01/1753Frances, D. to John Haram, of Laxton. Jan. 6.
09/01/1753Mary, D. to Joseph Vickerton, of Howden. Jan. 9.
10/01/1753Tho son to Richard Ward, of Howden Dyke. Jan. 10.
16/01/1753Mildred, Dau : Benjamin Parrot, Skelton. Jan. 16.
17/01/1753Richard, son to Richard Bainton, of Howden. Jan. 17.
26/01/1753William, son of Thos. Turton, of Barmby. Jan. 26.
21/01/1753Mary, D. to John Thompson, of Saltmarsh. Jan. 21.
05/02/1753Francis, son to Frans. Aarry, of Balkholm. Feb. 5.
09/02/1753Wm. son John Laverick, of .... Do. .... Feb. 9.
11/02/1753Philip, son to Mr. Arthur Saltmarsh. Feb. 11.
06/03/1753John, son of Thos. Waterhouse, of Barmby. Mar. 6.
06/03/1753Ann, dau : of William Fox, of .... Do. .... Mar. 6.
23/03/1753Mary, dau of John Martindale, of H. Dyke. Mar. 23.
25/03/1753Thos. son of Thos. Stanley, of Assleby. Mar. 25.
27/03/1753George, son of George Pickhaver, of Howden. Mar. 27.
27/03/1753Charles, son of Charles Abby, of Howden. Mar. 27.
27/03/1753Ann, D. of Joseph Cass, of Barmby. Mar. 27.
01/04/1753Francis, son to George Thwates, of Howden. Apr. 1.
12/04/1753Elisabeth, Dau : to Edwd. Vause, of Howden. Apr. 12.
18/04/1753Elisazeth, Dau : of Benjamin Underwood, Howden. Apr. 18.
21/04/1753Mary, D. of Richard Johnson, of Balkholm. Apr. 21.
21/04/1753Herbert, son of Herbert Dawson, Howden. Apr. 21.
23/04/1753Mary, D. of William Andrew, of Barmby. Apr. 23.
28/04/1753Mary, D. of Robt. Sugdon, of Howden. Apr. 28.
29/04/1753Ann, D. of James Peers, of Belby. Apr. 29.
30/04/1753Ann, D. of John Wood, of Skelton. Apr. 30.
01/05/1753Robert, son to Joseph Clemmet, of Barmby. May 1.
17/05/1753John, son to John Dennis, of Barmby. May 17.
24/05/1753Robert, son to Nicholas Bradley, of Yokefleet. May 24.
25/05/1753Thos. son to Robert Gardham, of Saltmarsh. May 25.
27/05/1753William, son to John Bradley, of Brinn. May 27.
29/05/1753George, son to Mr. John Dancer, of Howden. May 29.
31/05/1753Jane, D. to William Parrot, of Asselby. May 31.
31/05/1753John & Thos. sons to Thos. Waterhouse, of do. May. 31.
(2 years & 2 ms. old when christend).
01/06/1753John, son to Thos. Lowther, of Asselby. June 1.
03/06/1753Elisabeth, D. to Thos. Lolly, of Knedlington. June 3.
04/06/1753Ann, D. to James Bilbrough, of Belby. June 4.
18/06/1753John, son to John Leedham, of Howden. June 18.
15/07/1753William, son to Edward Gibson, of Asselby. July 15.
15/07/1753fames, son to Thos. Batty, of Asselby. July 15.
16/07/1753John, son to Mr. Wm. Whitaker, of Howden. July 16.
17/07/1753Mary, D. to William Winter, of Asselby. July 17.
17/07/1753William, son to John Bulmer, of Howden. July 17.
06/08/1753Elisabeth, D. to Emanuel Jefferson, Esq., of Howden. Aug. 6.
21/08/1753Mary, D. to Richard Hall, of Barmby. Aug. 21.
09/09/1753William, son to William Pearson, of Howden. Sept. 9.
10/09/1753Samuel, son to Charles Tayler, of Skelton. Sept. 10.
16/09/1753Ann, D. to Paul Pickhaver, of Barmby. Sept. 16.
01/10/1753Joseph, son to Joseph Brocklebank, of Howden. Oct. 1.
02/10/1753Hannah and Tommison, Drs. Will. Empson. Oct. 2.
04/10/1753Hannah, D. to Joseph Jewett, of Howden. Oct. 4.
07/10/1753Sarah, D. to Tho. Hare, of Kilpin. Oct. 7.
11/10/1753Elisabeth, D. to John Good, of Howden Dyke. Oct. 11.
18/10/1753Mary, D. to Joseph Wilson, of Barmby Junior. Oct. 18.
25/10/1753John, son to Thomas Pennington; of Barmby. Oct. 25.
04/11/1753Ann, D. to Matthew Smith, of Howden. Nov. 4.
07/11/1753Mary, D. to John Cade, of Asselby. Nov. 7.
14/11/1753Jonathan, son to Jonathan Spink, of Howden. Nov. 14.
23/11/1753Ann, D. to John Peers, of Howden. Nov. 23.
27/11/1753Ann, D. to John Jackson, of Kilpin. Nov. 27.
28/11/1753Mary, D. to David Belt, of Howden. Nov. 28.
08/11/1753Joseph, son to John Turton, of Barmby. Nov. 8.
04/12/1753Elisabeth, D. to William Hurd, of Belby. Dec. 4.
27/12/1753Ann, D. to William Bradley, of Barmby. Dec. 27.
26/01/1754Ann, D. to John Broad, of Balkholme. Jan. 26.
14/02/1754Wm. son to Benjamin Hall, of Howden. Feb. 14.
16/02/1754John, son to Thos. Bramham, of Asselby. Feb. 16.
22/02/1754John & Charles, sons to Matthew Maslen, of Howden. Feb. 22.
27/02/1754Thos. son to John Steel, of Barmby. Feb. 27.
05/03/1754Diana, D. to Joseph West, of Howden. Mar. 5.
18/03/1754John & Mary, children to Martin Bilbrough. Mar. 18.
28/03/1754Salina, D. to Robert Greswell, of Howden. Mar. 28.
31/03/1754Hannah, D. to Richard Mote, of Yoakfleet. Mar. 31.
16/04/1754Elisabeth, D. to Saml. Hall, of Howden. Apr. 16.
16/04/1754Sarah, D. to Richard Watson, of Barmby. Apr. 16.
02/05/1754Eliz., D. of Thos. Ellison, of Barmby. May 2.
05/05/1754Martha, dau : of Joseph Moor, of Laxton. May 5.
07/05/1754Eliz : D. to Matthew Mennel, of Howden. May 7.
27/05/1754Wm., son to Wm. Nicholson, of Howden Dyke. May 27.
30/05/1754John, son of John Clark, of Barmby. May 30.
31/05/1754Mary, dau : of Richd. Waterhouse, of Barmby. May 31.
17/05/1754Elisabeth, D. to Thomas Bentley, of Howden. May 17.
01/06/1754John, son of John Burton, of Barmby. June 1.
12/06/1754Thos. son to Thos. Goodall, of Knedlington. June 12.
25/06/1754Wm. son to Isaac Goodall, of Howden. June 25.
21/07/1754John, son to Benjamin Parrot, of Skelton. July 21.
04/08/1754Simon, son to Simon Gilderdale, of Laxton. Aug. 4.
04/08/1754Wm. son to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Aug. 4.
05/08/1754Sarah, D. to Wm. Cluff, of Howden. Aug. 5.
24/08/1754Martha, D. to Wm. Rawson, of Howden Dyke. Aug. 24.
26/08/1754Ann & Grace, Drs. to Thos. Slack, of Knedlington. Aug. 26.
28/08/1754Hannah, D. to John Wood, of Barmby. Aug. 28.
29/08/1754Thos. son to Thos. White, of Barmby. Aug. 29.
29/08/1754Hannah, D. to John Haram, of Laxton. Aug. 29.
10/09/1754Mary, D. to George Moor, of Saltmarsh. Sept. 10.
27/09/1754Thos. son to Richard English, of Howden. Sept. 27.
27/09/1754Sarah, D. to Wm. Roddil, of Howden, Barber. Sept. 27.
30/09/1754Wm. son to Thos. Morrit, of Howden. Sept. 30.
30/09/1754Eliz., D. to John Brumby, of Howden. Sept. 30.
30/09/1754Joseph, son to John Pocklington, Barmby. Sept. 30.
10/10/1754Henry, son to Richard Hindesley, of Howden. Oct. 10.
11/10/1754Wm. son to Wm. Cobb, of Asselby. Oct. 11.
10/11/1754John, son to John Thompson, of Knedlington. Nov. 10.
12/11/1754Eliz., D. to John Briggs, of Skelton. Nov. 12.
10/11/1754John, son to David Lengg, of Yoakfleet. Nov. 10.
25/11/1754Thos. son to Tho Nutbrown, of Howden. Nov. 25.
01/12/1754Mary, D. to Thos. Parrot, of Yoakfleet. Dec. 1.
03/12/1754Elis : D. to John Dennis, of Barmby. Dec. 3.
07/12/1754Robert, son to Alice Airey, of Balkholme. Dec. 7.
08/12/1754George, son to John Brown, of Howden. Dec. 8.
11/12/1754Richard, son to Richard Green, of Newland. Dec. 11.
11/12/1754Mary, D. to Abraham Haigh, of Asselby. Dec. 11.
26/12/1754Wm. son to Robt. Dean, of Barmby. Dec. 26.
29/12/1754John, son to John Pearch, of Asselby. Dec. 29.
30/12/1754George, son to Thos. Stanley, of Asselby. Dec. 30.
14/01/1755Francis, son to Francis Leek, of Balkholme. Jan. 14.
15/01/1755John, son to John Martindale, of Barmby. Jan. 15.
05/01/1755Arabella, D. td Jas. Godmond, Clerk, Vicr. of Howden. Jan. 35.
10/02/1755Mary, D. to Robert Snarr, of Skelton. Feb. 10
16/02/1755William, son to John Thompson, of Howden. Feb. 16.
04/03/1755Elizabeth, D. to Thos. Bentley, of Howden. Mar. 4.
06/04/1755Sarah, dau : to David Pearson, of Asselby. Apr. 6.
07/04/1755John, son to John Alcock, of Howden. Apr. 7.
21/04/1755Mary, dau : to John Nutbrown. Apr. 21.
06/05/1755Rosamond & Elisabeth, Daus. to Richard Hembrough, Howden. May 6.
11/05/1755Elisabeth, D. to James Peers, of Belby. May 11.
23/05/1755William, son to Wm. Procter, of Howden. May 23.
29/05/1755William, son to William Armatage, of Asselby. May 29.
29/05/1755Mary, D. to Wm. Palmer, of Howden. May 29.
29/05/1755Mary, D. to John Pearcy, of Asselby. May 29.
09/06/1755Ann, D. to Wm. Andrew, of Barmby on ye Marsh. June 9.
18/06/1755Elisabeth, D. to Mr. John Danser, of Howden. June 18.
23/06/1755Leah, D. to Christopher Benton, of Howden. June 23.
27/06/1755Rufford, son to Robert Fetherston, of Howden. June 27.
29/06/1755James, son to William Turner, of Howden. June 29.
02/07/1755William, son to Wm Winter, of Asselby. July 2.
13/07/1755John, son to Robert Sugdon, of Howden. July 13.
13/07/1755Richard, son to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden. July 13.
21/07/1755Ann, D. to William Parrot, of Asselby. July 21.
25/07/1755Mary, D. to Robert Ransom, a Traveler. July 25.
31/07/1755Elisabeth, D. to Thos. Lowther, of Asselby. July 31.
22/08/1755Hannah, D. to Richard Bainton, of Howden, Joiner. Aug. 22.
31/08/1755Alice, D. to Matthew Maslen, of Howden. Aug. 31.
10/09/1755Edward, son to Edward Vause, of Howden. Sept. 10.
21/09/1755Sarah, D. to Matthew Smith, of Howden. Sept. 21.
02/10/1755Henrietta, D. to Joseph West, of Howden. Oct. 2.
03/10/1755Robert, son to Benjamin Hall, of Howden. Oct. 3.
03/10/1755Elisabeth, D. to Jonathan Spink, of Howden. Oct. 3.
07/10/1755William, son to John Good, of Howden Dyke. Oct. 7.
09/10/1755Elisabeth, D. to Thos. Harrison, of Barmby. Oct. 9.
02/11/1755Frances, D. to Francis Young, of Yoakfleet. Nov. 2.
07/11/1755Robert, son to Mr. Emanuel Jefferson, of Howden. Nov. 7.
12/11/1755Easther, D. to John Laverick, of Balkholme. Nov. 12.
23/11/1755Saml. Beeston, born & baptiz'd at Selby & Christend at Howden, Nov. 23.
05/12/1755John, son to John Haram, of Laxton. Dec. 5.
07/12/1755John, son to Thomas Hare, of Kilpin. Dec. 7.
12/12/1755Robert, son to Thomas Ellison, of Barmby. Dec. 12.
14/01/1756Mary Sherwood, Quaker, of Howden. Jan. 14.
25/01/1756Elisabeth, D. to Elisabeth Peers, of Howden. Jan. 25.
19/01/1756John, son to Wm. Andrew, of Barmby. Jan. 19.
26/01/1756Richard, son to John Peach, of Asselby. Jan. 26.
08/02/1756Sarah, D. to Wm. Tate, of Howden. Feb. 8.
15/02/1756Mary, D. to Rebecca Underwood. Feb. 15.
11/02/1756Elisabeth, D. to George Mason, of Brind. Feb. 11.
25/02/1756Mary, D. to Richard Nonebel, of ye Waterside House. Feb. 25.
26/02/1756Betty, D. to William Glew, of Howden. Feb. 26.
02/04/1756William, son to Joseph Jewitt, of Howden. Apr. 2.
17/05/1756Ann, D. to James Watson, of Asselby. May 17.
06/05/1756Doraty, D. of John Watson, of Barmby. May 6.
06/06/1756Mary, D. to Anthony Thompson, Barmby. June 6.
07/06/1756Westoby, son to Richard Ward, Howdendyke. June 7.
07/06/1756William, son to Thomas Pennington, Barmby. June 7.
15/06/1756George, son to William Taylor, Laxton. June 15.
21/06/1756John, son to Thomas Wood, Skelton. June 21.
19/07/1756John, son to Thomas Burton, Howden. July 19.
21/07/1756George, son to George Valance, of Howden. July 21.
01/08/1756George, son to George Craven, of Laxton. Aug. 1.
04/08/1756Thomas, son to Thomas Torton, Barmby. Aug. 4.
15/08/1756Robt. son to Ephraim Harper, Laxton. Aug. 15.
30/08/1756Ann, D. to John Torton, Barmby. Aug. 30.
30/08/1756Toll, son to Mary Breetman, Yoakfleet. Aug. 30.
30/08/1756George, son to David Long, Yoakfleet. Aug. 30.
05/09/1756Mary, D. to Wm. Adamson, Howden. Sept. 5.
07/09/1756Richard, son to Mr. John Danser, Howden. Sept. 7.
19/09/1756William, son to Christopr. Iveson, Howden. Sept. 19.
19/09/1756Mary, D. to Hannah Wright. Sept. 19.
19/09/1756Jonathan, son to Joseph Thompson, Killpin. Sept. 19.
02/10/1756Ann, D. to George Pickhaver, Howden. Oct. 2.
03/10/1756Richard, son to Richd. English, Howden. Oct. 3.
03/10/1756Richard, son to Saml. Hall, Howden. Oct. 3.
04/10/1756Francis, son to Richard Mote, Yoakfleet. Oct. 4.
12/10/1756Nancy, D. to Joseph Bickerton, Howden. Oct. 12.
17/10/1756Thomas, son to Thomas Stephenson, Howden. Oct. 17.
22/10/1756John, son to Thomas White, Barmby. Oct. 22.
05/11/1756John, son to John Bartle, of Skelton. Nov. 5.
11/11/1756James, son to James Allen, of Howden. Nov. 11.
07/11/1756Joshua, son to Joseph Clemett, Barmby. Nov. 7.
21/11/1756Mercella, D. to Wm. Rodwell, of Howden. Nov. 21.
22/11/1756Hannah, D. to Wm. Stephenson, Saltmarsh. Nov. 22.
23/11/1756John, son to Wm. Clough, of Howden. Nov. 23.
24/11/1756John, son to Robert Johnson, of Thorp. Nov. 24.
30/11/1756Hannah, D. to Wm. Fox, of Barmby. Nov. 30.
05/12/1756Ann, D. to Benjamin Underwood, Barmby. Dec. 5.
06/12/1756Elisabeth, D. to Richard Watson, Barmby. Dec. 6.
12/12/1756Joseph, son to Wm. Rawson, of Howden. Dec. 12.
16/12/1756Hannah, D. to Robt. Dean, of Barmby. Dec. 16.
09/01/1757William, son to John Brown, of Balkholme. Jan. 9.
06/02/1757Jonathan, son to John Clark, Barmby. Feb. 6.
16/02/1757Mary, D. to James Godmond, Vicar. Feb. 16.
07/03/1757William, son to John Martindale, Barmby. Mar. 7.
03/04/1757Elisabeth, D. to Wm Nicholson, of Howden. Apr. 3.
13/04/1757Mary, D. to Thomas Bradley, of Howden. Apr. 13.
20/04/1757Richard, son to Richard Hall, Barmby. Apr. 20.
20/04/1757Susannah, D. to John Haram, of Laxton. Apr. 20.
24/04/1757John, son to Samuel Green, of Skelton. Apr. 24.
04/05/1757Elisabeth, D. to Joseph Coggrave, Howden. May 4.
05/05/1757Thos. son to Wm. Relph, of Barmby. May 5.
05/05/1757Richard, son to Paul Pickhaver, Barmby. May 5.
05/05/1757George, son to Joseph Andrew, of Barmby. May 5.
15/05/1757Hannah, D. to Mary Lister. May 15.
15/05/1757Ann, Dau : to William Turner, of Howden. May 15.
23/05/1757Mary, D. to John Leek, of Balkholme. May 23.
05/06/1757Robt., son to Thomas Nutbrown, Howden. June 5.
12/06/1757Martha, dau : to James Pears, of Belby. June 12.
20/06/1757Jane, dau : to Robert Taylor, of Skelton. June 20.
22/06/1757Mertilla, D. to Francis Young, of Yokefleet. June 22.
26/06/1757Mary, D. to John Pearcy, of Asselby. June 26.
27/06/1757William, son to John Briggs, of Skelton. June 27.
27/06/1757Susannah, D. to Thomas Stonley, of Asselby. June 27.
03/07/1757William, son to George Allyson, of Howden. July 3.
03/07/1757Ann, D. to Elizabeth Peers. July 3.
04/07/1757Ann, D. to William Gott, of Knedlington. July 4.
11/07/1757Richard, son to Richard Drew, of Howden. July 11.
25/07/1757Frances, D. to Thomas Bentley, of Howden. July 25.
10/08/1757Elizabeth, D. to Elizabeth Ward, of Howden Dyke. Aug. 10.
21/08/1757William, son to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden. Aug. 21.
28/08/1757Betty, D. to John Fish, of Balkholme. Aug. 28.
29/08/1757Ann, D. to William Armatage, of Asselby. Aug. 29.
13/09/1757John, son to James Crowshow, of Howden. Sept. 13.
18/09/1757Tho son John Pearson, of Asselby. Sept. 18.
26/09/1757Ann, D. to John Ayre, of Howden, Grocer. Sept. 26.
02/10/1757William, son to William Nicholson, Waterman. Oct. 2.
03/10/1757Sarah, D. to William Empson, of Howden. Oct. 3.
04/10/1757Susannah, D. to John Brown, of Howden. Oct. 4.
04/10/1757Thos. son to Thomas Brocklebank, of Howden. Oct. 4.
05/10/1757Thos. Ellenor, & Willm. Sons & D. to Robert Claybourn. Oct. 5.
15/10/1757Thos. son to Edward Vause, Junr. of Howden. Oct. 15.
01/11/1757William, son to John Pearch, of Asselby. Nov. 1.
27/11/1757Ann, D. to William Doughty, of Howden. Nov. 27.
09/12/1757Ann, D. to James Boynton, Howden. Dec. 9.
03/01/1758Mary, D. to Edward Day, of Howden. Jan. 3.
17/01/1758John, son to Richard Bainton, of Howden. Jan. 17.
23/02/1758Ann, Dau : to Thomas Morrit, of Howden. Feb. 23.
24/02/1758Jane, D. to John Briggs, of Howden. Feb. 24.
01/05/1758Thomas, son to George Pickhaver, of Howden. May 1.
09/05/1758George, son to Thomas Lowther, of Asselby. May 9.
14/05/1758Rose, dau : to Charles Abby, of Howden. May 14.
16/05/1758Jonathan, son to Jonathan Overend, of Duncoates. May 16.
16/05/1758William, son to Robert Snarr, of Skelton. May 16.
28/05/1758Henry, son to Matthew Smith, of Howden. May 28.
04/06/1758John, son to Thomas Weldrake, Balkholme. June 4.
11/06/1758Hannah, dau. to George Mason, of Howden. June 11.
18/06/1758Hannah, dau. to Jonatn. Spink, Howden Dyke. June 18.
18/07/1758Elizabeth, D. to John Good, of Howden Dike. July 18.
18/07/1758William, son to Thomas Cass, of Barmby. July 18.
24/07/1758Stainton, son to Christopr. Benton, of Howden. July 24.
27/07/1758Mary, D. to Mr. Jno. Scholfield, of Sand Hall. July 27.
12/08/1758William, son to George Brownbridge, Balkholme. Aug. 12.
12/08/1758Elizabeth, dau. to Mary Leek, of Howden. Aug. 12.
22/08/1758Nancy, dau. to William Craven, of Howden. Aug. 22.
05/09/1758Jane, dau : to Mr. John Danser, of Howden. Sept. 5.
10/09/1758George, son to William Middlewood, of Barmby. Sept. 10.
11/09/1758Ann, dau. to John Nicholson, of Howden, Exciseman. Sept. 11.
17/09/1758John, son to Joseph Townsend, of Barmby. Sept. 17.
20/09/1758Mary, dau : of John Scholfield, of Sand Hall. Sept. 20.
02/10/1758Richard, son to James Savage, of Howden. Oct. 2.
03/10/1758Elliner, dau : to William Jackson, of Howden. Oct. 3.
03/10/1758Isaac, son to Isaac Goodall, of Howden. Oct. 3.
04/10/1758Elliner, dau : to William Nicholson, of Howden. Oct. 4.
12/10/1758Joshua, son to Joseph Thompson, of Barmby. Oct. 12.
12/10/1758Ruth, d. to William Lazenby, of Howden. Oct. 12.
12/10/1758Elizabeth, d : to Robert Wilberfoss, of Barmby. Oct. 12.
25/10/1758John, son to John Steel, of Barmby. Oct. 25.
01/11/1758Thomas, son to William Singleton, of Asselby. Nov. 1.
07/11/1758Ann, D. to Robert Fielder, of Howden. Nov. 7.
08/11/1758Carolina Matilda, D. to John Haram, of Laxton. Nov. 8.
11/11/1758Joseph, son to Edward Jewitt, of Balkholme. Nov. 11.
17/11/1758Ellin, dau : to Robert Johnson, of Thorp. Nov. 17.
27/11/1758James, son to Thomas Batty, of Asselby. Nov. 27.
04/12/1758Alice, D. to Thomas Frear, of Howden. Dec. 4.
19/12/1758Ann, dau : to Edward Day, of Howden. Dec. 19.
27/12/1758Mary, dau : to William Glew, of Howden. Dec. 27.
28/12/1758Hannah, D. to William Green, of Howden. Dec. 28.
31/12/1758William, son to Quinton Snarr, of Balkholm. Dec. 31.
03/01/1759Ann, D. to William Abba, of Barmby. Jan. 3.
11/01/1759Ann, D. to John Smith, of Kilpin. Jan. 11.
21/01/1759Mary, Dau : to Edward Jackson, of Howden. Jan. 21.
22/01/1759John, son to John Whitaker, of Howden, Grocer. Jan. 22.
27/01/1759John, son to Richard Ramsey, of Asselby. Jan. 27.
05/02/1759Ann, D. to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin. Feb. 5.
15/02/1759Elizabeth, D. to Mr. John Dunn, of Howden. Feb. 15.
26/02/1759Evelyn, son to William Roddill, of Howden. Feb. 26.
27/02/1759Robert, son to Robert Wand, of Howden. Feb. 27.
20/03/1759Barbarah, D. to James Hardy, of Kilpin. Mar. 20.
25/03/1759Thomas, son to Richard Watson, of Barmby. Mar. 25.
27/03/1759Thomas, son to William Gott, of Knedlington. Mar. 27.
16/04/1759Abraham, son to Abraham Ealand, of Barnil Hall. Apr. 16.
17/06/1759William, son to Joseph Harrison, June of Barmby. Apr. 17.
17/04/1759Thomas, son of Joseph Andrew, of Barmby. Apr. 17.
25/04/1759Martha, D. of John Bell, of Barmby. Apr. 25.
03/05/1759Elizabeth, D. of John Mallison, of Eastrington, Curate. May 3.
10/05/1759John, son to William Winter, of Asselby. May 10.
20/05/1759Richard, son to James Crawshow, of Howden. May 20.
21/05/1759Leonard, son to Richard Drew, of Howden. May 21.
28/05/1759Elizabeth, clan : to Wm. Cluff, of Howden. May 28.
29/05/1759Jane, D. to Wm. Doughty, of Howden. May 29.
02/06/1759Jane, D. to Richard Smith, of Howden Dyke. June 2.
04/06/1759Thomas, son to Samuel Roddale, of Howden Dyke. June 4.
05/06/1759William, son to William Andrew, of Barmby. June 5.
08/06/1759Ann, D. to John Bean, of Kilpin. June 8.
11/06/1759Sarah, D. to John Martindale, of Barmby. June 11.
13/06/1759Ann, D. to Joseph Coggrave, of Howden. June 13.
26/06/1759Hannah, D. to John Ayre, of Howden. June 26.
29/06/1759Thomas, son to Wm. Fox, of Barmby. June 29.
01/07/1759Ann, D. to Thos. Wilcock, of Howden. July 1.
07/07/1759John, son to Thomas Nutbrown, of Howden. July 7.
15/07/1759Ann, D. to Wm. Relph, of Barmby. July 15.
15/07/1759William, son to Matthew Iveson, of Howden. July 15.
22/07/1759Jane, D. to Anthony Thompson, of Barmby. July 22.
30/07/1759Mark, son to John Briggs, of Skelton. July 30.
31/07/1759Robert, son to Jacob Richardson, of Howden. July 31.
12/08/1759Mary, D. to Saml. Green, of Skelton. Aug. 12.
02/09/1759Hannah, D. to Hannah Turton, of Barmby. Sept. 2.
10/09/1759Mary, D. to Marmaduke Procter, of Howden. Sept. 10.
16/09/1759Ann, D. to John Clarke, of Barmby. Sept. 16.
04/10/1759Thomas, son to Thomas Burton, of Howden. Oct. 4.
07/10/1759Moses, son to Peter English, of Kilpin. Oct. 7.
09/10/1759Mary, D. to John Wood, of Skelton. Oct. 9.
16/10/1759John, son to Richard Hall, of Barmby. Oct. 16.
04/11/1759Frederick, son to James Godmond, Vicar of Howden. Nov. 4.
07/11/1759Thomas, son to Wm. Pearson, of Knedlington. Nov. 7.
10/11/1759Hugh, son to Mr. John Danser, of Howden. Nov. 10.
11/11/1759Mary, D. to Robert Good, of Asselby. Nov. 11.
18/11/1759Ann, D. to Gregory Thornton, of Balkholme. Nov. 18.
17/11/1759Elizabeth, D. to John Leaper, of Kilpin. Nov. 17.
26/11/1759Ann, D. to Thomas Wheldrake, of Balkholme. Nov. 26.
27/11/1759Elizabeth, D. to John Leek, of Balkholme. Nov. 27.
28/11/1759Jane, D. to David Goundril, of Linton. Nov. 28.
18/12/1759Robert, son to Robert Wilson, of Barmby. Dec. 18.
20/12/1759Martha, D. to Thomas Ellison, of Barmby. Dec. 20.
26/12/1759John, son to Aaron Armatage, of Howden. Dec. 26.
26/12/1759Mary, D. to Joseph Bentley, of Skelton. Dec. 26.
27/12/1759Sarah, D. to Joseph Thompson, of Barmby. Dec. 27.
27/12/1759Isabella, D. to Hammon Seymore, of Skelton. Dec. 27.
03/01/1760John, son of John Hall, of Barmby. Jan. 3.
14/01/1760Martha, D. to Thomas Bradley, of Howden. Jan. 14.
16/01/1760Lydia, D. to James Boynton, of Howden. Jan. 16.
17/01/1760Ann, D. to John Dennis, of Barmby. Jan. 17.
20/01/1760James, son to James Peers, of Belby. Jan. 20.
23/01/1760Sarah, D. to William Craven, of Howden. Jan. 23.
23/01/1760John, son to John Briggs, of Howden. Jan. 23.
27/01/1760Mary, D. William Underwood, Barmby. Jan. 27.
28/01/1760Mary, D. to James Watson, of Asselby. Jan. 28.
29/01/1760Thomas, son to Thos. Cook, of Asselby. Jan. 29.
03/02/1760Mary, D. to Charles Allison, of Howden. Feb. 3.
03/02/1760Mary, D. to Richard Stevenson, of Barmby. Feb. 3.
13/02/1760Thomas, son to Thomas White, of Barmby. Feb. 13.
18/02/1760Nanny, D. to Robert Rowley, of Howden. Feb. 18.
18/02/1760Sarah, D. to John Steel, of Barmby. Feb. 18.
19/02/1760George, son to John Alcock, of Howden. Feb. 19.
01/02/1760Joseph, son to Joseph Townsend, of Barmby. Feb. 1
20/02/1760Mary, D. to Robert Maskell, of Howden. Feb. 20.
02/03/1760Thomas, son to John Bartle, of Skelton. Mar. 2.
23/03/1760Robert, son to Richard Johnson, of Belby. Mar. 23.
30/03/1760Ann, Dau : to John Pearson, of Asselby. Mar. 30.
06/04/1760Betty, dau : to Jonathan Spink, Howden Dyke. Apr. 6.
08/04/1760Jane, dau : to Thomas Morrit, of Howden. Apr. 8.
08/04/1760Betty, dau. to Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden. Apr. 8.
14/04/1760George, son td Robert Taylor, of Skelton. Apr. 14.
20/04/1760Daniel, son to John Broad, of Balkholme. Apr. 20.
27/04/1760John, son to Thomas Butler, of Howden. Apr. 27.
27/04/1760John, son to Henry Best. of Howden. Apr. 27.
28/04/1760William & Caroline, son & D. to Thomas Lowther, Asselby. Apr. 28
06/05/1760Richard, son to Richard Ellison, of Booth. May 6.
06/05/1760Mary, D. to William Armatage, of Asselby. May 6.
25/05/1760John, son to Robert Sowle, of Skelton. May 25.
09/06/1760Ann, D. to Robert Gardham, Saltmarsh. June 9.
09/06/1760Ann, D. to Robert Wand. of Howden. June 9.
08/06/1760Thomas, son to Thomas Bentley, of Howden. June 8.
08/06/1760Ann, D. to John Thompson, of Knedlington. June 8.
06/07/1760William, son to John Green, of Newland. July 6.
06/07/1760Mary, D. to John Headlah, of Howden. July 6.
04/08/1760William, S. to Benjamin Underwood, of Skelton. Aug. 4.
07/08/1760Hannah, Dau : Richard Stork, Howden. Aug. 7.
12/08/1760Thomas, son to John Good, of Howden Dyke. Aug. 12.
10/09/1760Mary, clan : to Wm. Singleton, of Asselby. Sept. 10.
18/09/1760Richard & Jacob, sons to Jacob Richardson, Howden. Sept. 18.
03/10/1760Sarah, D. to Joseph Elcock, of Howden. Oct. 3.
20/10/1760Amonica, D. to Francis Young, of Yokefleet. Oct. 20.
20/10/1760Abraham, son to Abraham Haigh, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 20.
25/11/1760Hannah, D. to Thomas Frear, of Howden. Nov. 25.
25/11/1760Richard, son to Richard Long, of Saltmarsh. Nov. 25.
28/11/1760John, son to George Mayson, of Howden. Nov. 28.
28/11/1760Ann, D. to George Blanshard, of Thorp. Nov. 28.
11/12/1760Robert, son to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden. Dec. 11.
29/12/1760William, son to Ann Thompson, of Knedlington. Dec. 29.
28/12/1760Jewit, son to John Laverick, of Balkholm. Dec. 28.
08/01/1761James, son to John Haram, of Laxton. Jan. 8.
11/01/1761Thomas, son to Mary Pearson, of Asselby. Jan. 11.
12/01/1761William, son to John Fish, of Balkholme. Jan. 12.
15/01/1761Frances, D. to Mr. John Danser, of Howden. Jan. 15.
25/01/1761Sarah, D. to Elizabeth Peers, of Howden. Jan. 25.
25/01/1761Edward, son of Dorothy Dent, of Yokefleet. Jan. 25.
04/03/1761Thomas, son of Robert Fielder, of Howden. Mar. 4.
07/03/1761Mary, D. of Joseph Harrison. of Barmhy Junr. Mar. 7.
07/03/1761Thomas, son to Abraham Eland, of Knedlington. Mar. 7.
12/03/1761Sarah, D. to Abraham Rowntree, of Howden. Mar. 12.
30/03/1761William, son to William Newham, of Balkholm. Mar. 30.
30/03/1761John & Sarah, Son and Dau : to Ann Story. Mar. 30.
19/04/1761Moses, son to Sarah Cass, of Yokefleet. Apr. 19.
20/04/1761Paul and Lucy, son & Dau : to George Pickhaver, Howden. Apr. 20.
23/04/1761George, Son to the Revd. Mr. Leech, Curate of Howden. Apr. 23.
26/04/1761George, son to John Tayler, of Laxton. Apr. 26.
26/04/1761Isaac Ellis, son of John Ellis, of Yokefleet. Apr. 26.
26/04/1761John, son to Richard Almley, of Balkholm. Apr. 26.
03/05/1761William, son to Thomas Nutbrown, of Howden. May 3.
10/05/1761Ann, dau : to William Cluff, of Howden. May 10.
10/05/1761Sarah, dau : of William Thompson, Saltmarsh. May 10.
14/05/1761Thomas, son to William Lazonby, of Howden. May 14.
16/05/1761Mary, dau : to William Gott, of Knedlington. May 16.
16/05/1761John, son to Marmaduke Proctor, of Howden. May 16.
25/05/1761Theadosia, Dau : to Richard Bainton, Howden. May 25.
30/05/1761Sarah, dau : to Thomas Wikinson, Howden. May 30.
07/05/1761Elizabeth, dau : to Thomas Cass, Barmby. May 7.
17/06/1761Thomas, son to John Pearch, of Asselby. June 17.
18/06/1761Mary, dau. to Joseph Goggrave, Howden. June 18.
21/06/1761John, son to Richard Drew, of Howden. June 21.
28/06/1761Miles, son to Miles Pinder, of Howden. June 28.
01/07/1761Ann dau : to John Whitaker, of Howden. July 1.
05/07/1761Anthonv, son to Corney Duckles, of Yokefleet. July 5.
19/07/1761Mary, dau : to Jonathan Spink, Howden Dyke. July 19.
20/07/1761Ann, dau : to Thomas Harrison, Barmby. July 20.
03/08/1761Rebekah, D. to Edward Day, of Howden. Aug. 3.
03/08/1761Mary, clan : to Thomas Lowther, Asselby. Aug. 3.
16/08/1761Thomas, son to Nicholas Peniman, of Howden. Aug. 16.
23/08/1761Robert, son to Robert Sowle, of Skelton. Aug. 23.
25/08/1761Elizabeth, Dau : to James Gylliot, Saltmarsh. Aug. 25.
02/09/1761Mary, dau. to John Berkenshire, of Howden. Sept. 2.
06/09/1761Nancy, dau : to John Day, of Howden. Sept. 6.
13/09/1761Aaron, son to Peter English, of Kilpin. Sept. 13.
02/10/1761Martha, dau : to John Dennis, Barmby. Oct. 2.
02/10/1761Sally, dau. to Matthew Iveson, of Howden, Oct. 2.
03/10/1761Ann, dau : to Mary Thompson, of Howden. Oct. 3.
04/10/1761Thomas, son to Richard Johnson, Belby. Oct. 4.
10/10/1761George, son to Thomas Peck, Howden. Oct. 10.
25/10/1761Mary, dau : to Charles Abba, Howden. Oct. 25.
19/10/1761Ann, dau. to John Steel. Barmby. Oct. 19.
26/10/1761fary, dau. to Witham Fox, Barmby. Oct. 26.
03/11/1761Sarah, clan. to Samuel Green. Barmbv. Nov. 3.
06/11/1761Joseph, son to Thomas Burton, Howden. Nov. 6.
15/11/1761Mary, dau : to Wm. Whitaker, of Howden. Nov. 15.
25/11/1761David, son to Jonathan Ellothorp. of Asselby. Nov. 25.
25/11/1761William, son to William Pearson, of Howden. Nov. 25.
28/11/1761Sarah, D. to Mary Stones, of Thorpliget. Nov. 28.
29/11/1761Mary, dau : to Philip Greenup, of Howden. Nov. 29.
13/12/1761William, son to William Colum. Howden. Dec. 13.
10/01/1762John, son to Robert Claybourne, Howden. Jan. 10.
16/01/1762Elisabeth, D. to John Martingale, of Barmby. Jan. 16.
18/01/1762Jane, dau : to Robert Gardham, Saltmarsh. Jan, 18.
26/01/1762Robert, son to Mr. Robert Sutton, Howden. Jan. 26.
09/02/1762Sarah, dau : to John Leaper, of Kilpin. Feb. 9.
03/03/1762William, son to David Goundrill, of Linton. Mar. 3.
25/03/1762Nancy, dau : to Thomas Barton, Howden. Mar. 25.
06/04/1762William, son to Edward Cobb, Barmby. Apr. 6.
13/04/1762Thomas, son to John Brown, of Balkholme. Apr. 13.
13/04/1762Ann, D. to John Robert, of Laxton. Apr. 13.
14/04/1762Ann, dau : to William Outabridge. Apr. 14.
14/04/1762Mary, dau : to Aaron Armatage, Howden Dyke. Apr. 14.
21/04/1762Michael, son to Thomas White, Barmby. Apr. 21.
01/05/1762Sarah, dau : to Edward Throsle, Yokefleet. May 1.
24/05/1762Joshep, son to Joseph Moor, Howden. May 24.
26/05/1762Rebekah, D. to Gregory Thornton, Balkholme. May 26.
13/06/1762Edward, son to Edward Jewett, Balkholme. June 13.
20/06/1762Anthony, son to Joseph Thompson, Kilpin. June 20.
22/06/1762Robert, son to Thomas Morrit, Howden. June 22.
25/06/1762John, son to James Peers, of Belby. June 25.
22/07/1762Charlotte, clan : to The Revd. William Leech, Howden. July 22
03/08/1762John, son to Robert Waud, Howden. Aug. 3.
15/08/1762John, son to Richard (?) Bates, of Skelton. Aug. 15.
29/08/1762Sarah, D. to William Nicholson, of Booth. Aug. 29.
03/09/1762William, son to John Leek, of Balkholm. Sept. 3.
05/09/1762Ann, dau : of George Craven, Laxton. Sept. 5.
12/09/1762William, son to William Woad, of Yokefleet. Sept. 12.
12/09/1762George Bell, son of John Bell, Laxton. Sept. 12.
13/09/1762Thomas, son to Mr. Abraham Rowntree, Howden. Sept. 13.
19/09/1762Tamer, D. of Robert Perrot, Yokefleet. Sept. 19.
29/09/1762John, D. to Mary Smith, of Howden. Sept. 29.
30/09/1762Thomas, son to Thomas Dowson, Kilpin. Sept. 30.
02/10/1762Jane, D. to Richard Storke, Howden. Oct. 2.
05/10/1762William, son to William Nicholson, Howden. Oct. 5.
23/10/1762Alice, dau : to Benjamin Hill, Yokefleet. Oct. 23.
24/10/1762William, son to William Craven, Howden. Oct. 24.
25/10/1762John, son to John Taylor, Howden. Oct. 25.
14/11/1762John, son to John Pinder, of Laxton. Nov. 14.
15/11/1762George, son to W George Athorpe. Nov. 15.
21/11/1762Frances, D. to Abraham Holmes, Yokefleet. Nov. 21.
24/11/1762John, son of John Cook, of Laxton. Nov. 24.
25/11/1762Mary, dau : to Thomas Frear, Howden. Nov. 25.
29/11/1762Ellis, dau : to William Armatage, Asselby. Nov. 29.
29/12/1762James, son to James Watson, Asselby. Dec. 29.
30/01/1763John, son to Edward Day, of Howden. Jan. 30.
31/01/1763Mary, dau : to John Dunn, of Howden, Carpter. Jan. 31.
04/02/1763Jane, dau : to William Langton, Barber, of Armin. Feb. 4.
06/02/1763John, son to Benjamin Jackson, Howden. Feb. 6.
14/02/1763Robert, son to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Feb. 14.
15/02/1763John, son to Philip Greenup, of Howden. Feb. 15.
25/02/1763William, son to Robert Rowley, of Howden. Feb. 25.
28/02/1763Thomas, son to Richard Drew, of Howden. Feb. 28.
01/03/1763Edward, son to William Doughty, of Howden. Mar. 1.
03/03/1763William, son to Joseph Ellcock, of Howden. Mar. 3.
04/03/1763William, son to Mr. John Dancer, of Howden. Mar. 4.
09/03/1763George, son to John Berkenshire, of Howden. Mar. 9.
14/03/1763Rebecca, dau : to Henry Best, Shoemaker, of Howden. Mar. 14.
15/03/1763Hannah, dau : to William Gott, of Knedlington. Mar. 15.
11/04/1763Ann, dau : to John Briggs, of Howden. Apr. 11.
14/04/1763John, son to James Hardy, of Kilpin. Apr. 14.
17/04/1763Mary, dau : to John Bartle, of Skelton. Apr. 17.
22/04/1763Hannah, dau : to Wm. Singleton, Asselby. Apr. 22.
28/04/1763Elizabeth & Mary, drs. (twins) to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden. Apr. 28.
01/05/1763Mary, dau. to Samuel Kirby, of Kilpin. May 1.
01/05/1763William, son to George Mason, of Howden. May 1.
15/05/1763Mary, dau : to Thomas Lowther, of Asselby. May 15.
15/05/1763Hannah, dau : to John Pearson, of Asselby. May 15.
21/05/1763William, son to Rebecca Tate, Howden. May 21.
26/05/1763Thomas, son to Mr. Robert Sutton, of Howden. May 26.
29/05/1763Joshua, son to James Savage, of Howden. May 29.
29/05/1763Richard, son to Thomas Hilldrake, of Balkholme. May 29.
29/05/1763Thomas, son to Thomas Audas, Knedlington. May 29.
29/05/1763John & Joseph, natural sons to Mary White, Kilpin. May 29.
03/06/1763John, son to John Tyas, of Howden. June 3.
05/06/1763John, son to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin Pike. June 5.
06/06/1763Sarah, dau : to Richard Bainton, of Howden. June 6.
09/06/1763Mary, Dau : to George Blanshard, of Thorpe. June 9.
10/06/1763Sophia, Dau : to William Rodwell, of Howden. June 10.
26/06/1763George, son to John Ealand, of Barn Hill Hall. June 26.
03/07/1763Miles, son to Miles Pinder, of Howden. July 3.
05/07/1763William, son to Thomas Clark, of Asselby. July 5.
17/07/1763Mary, dau : to Richard Green, of Newland. July 17.
25/07/1763Hannah, dau : to John Peach, of Asselby. July 25.
06/08/1763Mary, dau : to Edward Bailiff, of Booth, 6 years old. Aug. 9.
09/08/1763Hannah, dau : to Edward Bailiff, of Booth. Aug. 9.
18/09/1763Thomas, son to Richard Levett, of Skelton. Sept. 18.
20/08/1763John, son to George Allison, of Howden, a year & half old. Aug. 20.
22/09/1763Robert, son to John Good, of Howden-dyke. Sept. 22.
08/10/1763Sarah, dau. to Michael Taylor, of Howden. Oct. 8.
11/10/1763Elizabeth, dau. to Robert Good, of Asselby. Oct. 11.
18/10/1763Elizabeth, dau. to Samuel Rodwell, of Howden Dyke. Oct. 18.
20/10/1763Watson Burton, son to Thomas Brown, of Newland. Oct. 20.
23/10/1763Clare, dau. to John Bell, Grocer, of Howden. Oct. 23.
04/11/1763Elizabeth, dau. to John Bee, of Skefling in Holdernesse. Nov. 4.
06/11/1763Benjamin, son to Robert Wand, of Howden. Nov. 6.
20/11/1763William, son to Richard Almley, of Balkholme. Nov. 20.
22/11/1763William, son to Edward Jewitt, of Balkholme. Nov. 22.
25/11/1763Elizabeth, Dau : to Richard Johnson, of Belby. Nov. 25.
27/11/1763Barbary, Dau. to Robert Fielder, of Howden (poor). Nov. 27.
12/12/1763Ann, dau. to Jonathan Ellathorp, of Asselby. Dec. 12.
20/12/1752Samuel, son to Robert Sugden, of Howden. Dec. 20.
born 22nd Decr, 1752. 11 years of age.
26/12/1752Stephen, son to Stephen Bulmer, of Howden. Dec. 26.
born 22nd Decr, 1752. 11 years of age.
01/01/1764James, son to John Fell, of Skelton. Jan. 1.
10/01/1764John, son to Abraham Rowntree, of Howden. Jan. 10.
18/01/1764Sarah, dau : to Aaron Armytage, of Howdendyke. Jan. 18.
19/01/1764Anthony, son to Anthony Forster, of Howden. Jan. 19.
22/01/1764Ann, dau : to Thomas Nutbrown, of Howden. Jan. 22.
30/01/1764Margaret, dau. to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Jan. 30.
15/02/1764Ann, dau : to John Ashton, of Howden. Feb. 15.
17/02/1764Elizabeth, dau : to William Clough, of Howden. Feb. 17.
26/02/1764Mary, dau. to John Kelsey, of Newland Gate. Feb. 26.
26/02/1764John, son to Matthew Iveson, of Howden. Feb. 26.
13/03/1764John, son to John Leaper, of Kilpin. Mar. 13.
31/03/1764Rosamond & Sarah, daus. to Joseph Copgrave, Howden. Mar. 31.
04/04/1764Miles, son to John Grey, of Howden. Apr. 4.
07/04/1764Ann, dau : to Sarah Kirtchinson, of Howden, Widow. Apr. 7.
08/04/1764William, son to Joseph Betts, of Skelton. Apr. 8.
02/04/1764Patty, dau. to Thomas Bradley, Howden, 2 years & ¼ old. Apr. 10
10/04/1764Margaret, dau : to Thomas Bradley, of Howden. Apr. 10.
10/04/1764Thomas, son to John Dunn, of Howden, Carpenter. Apr. 10.
11/04/1764William, son to John Thompson, of Knedlington. Apr. 11.
20/04/1764George, son to Richard Russell, of Howden. Apr. 20.
29/04/1764Ann, dau. to George Allison, of Howden. Apr. 29.
19/05/1764Elizabeth, dau : to William Locke, of Howden. May 19.
28/05/1764Ann, dau : to Marmaduke Proctor, of Howden. May 28.
30/05/1764Mary, dau : to Mabell Aulmley, of Howden. May 30.
01/06/1764William, son to John Fletcher, of Howden. June 1.
12/06/1764Ann, dau : to Deborah Sool, of Skelton, Widow. June 12.
24/06/1764Mary, dau : to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin. June 24.
17/06/1764Ann, dau. to Thomas Brown, of Newland. June 17.
01/07/1764Hannah, dau : to Thomas Grey, of Kilpin. July 1.
08/07/1764Mildred, dau. to the Revd. Wm. Leech, Curate of Howden. July 8.
10/07/1764William, son to William Ellingworth, Jr. of Howden. July 10.
19/09/1764Hannah, dau. to Mary Pecket, of Howden. Sept. 19.
11/10/1764John, son to William Nicholson, of Howden. Oct. 11.
11/10/1764Elizabeth, dau : to John Leek, of Balkholme. Oct. 11.
19/10/1764Mary, dau : to John Tate, of Howden. Oct. 19.
19/10/1764Amelia, dau : to William Doughty, of Howden. Oct. 19.
28/10/1764Susanna, dau. to Mary Beecroft, in Howden. Oct. 28.
29/10/1764Frances, dau : to John Briggs, of Skelton. Oct. 29.
01/11/1764Elizabeth, dau. to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Nov. 1.
08/11/1764William, son to William Hunt, of Brind Lees. Nov. 8.
18/11/1764Elizabeth, dau. to William Newham, of Balkholme. Nov. 18.
25/11/1764Thomas, son to William Hall, Mariner, of Hull. Nov. 25.
25/12/1764William, son to Thomas Frear, of Howden. Dec. 25.
02/01/1765Ann, dau. to Wm. Armytage, of Asselby. Jan. 2.
15/01/1765Susanna, dau. to Matthew Smith, of Howden. Jan. 15.
20/01/1765Elizabeth, dau. to Mr. John Whitaker, of Howden. Jan. 20.
22/01/1765John, son to Joseph Wilson, of Howden. Jan. 22.
03/02/1765William, son to Benjamin Jackson, of Howden. Feb. 3.
04/02/1765Matthew, son to John Buttle, of Balkholme. Feb. 4.
08/02/1765Ann, dau. to Joseph Moore, of Howden. Feb. 8.
15/02/1765Frances, dau. to Robert Waud, of Howden. Feb. 15.
13/03/1765John, son to John Headlam, of Howden. Mar. 13.
18/03/1765Ann, dau. to Matthew Hairsine, of Asselby. Mar. 18.
21/03/1765Alice, dau. of Matthew Easinwood, of Kilpin Pyke. Mar. 21.
24/03/1765James, son to James Peers, of Belby. Mar. 24.
24/03/1765Diana, dau. to Thos. Kilvington, of the half way House. Mar. 24.
26/03/1765William, son to Jonathan Ellathorp, of Asselby. Mar. 26.
26/03/1765Mary, dau : to William Ewbank, of Asselby. Mar. 26.
26/03/1765George, son to Robert Good, of Asselby. Mar. 26.
06/04/1765Ann, dau. to Robert Rowland, of Howden. Apr. 6.
10/04/1765Ann, dau. to Richard Jackson, of Howden. Apr. 10.
12/04/1765Susanna, dau. to John Smith, of Kilpin. Apr. 12.
14/04/1765Mary, dau : to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin. Apr. 14.
19/04/1765James, son to James Hardy, of Kilpin. Apr. 19.
23/04/1765Thomas, son to Thomas Dowson, of Kilpin. Apr. 23.
26/04/1765Robert, son to Mr. John Bell, Grocer, of Howden. Apr. 26.
28/04/1765James, son to Peter Inglish, of Kilpin, a year old. Apr. 28.
01/05/1765Rebecca, dau. to George Mason. of Hoyden. May 1.
10/05/1765John, son to David Dolby, of Asselby. May 18. x R. C.
19/05/1765Susanna, dau. to Joseph Elcock, of Howden. May 19.
26/05/1765John, son to John Brown, of Newland. May 26.
29/05/1765William, son to Walter Sharpe, of Howden. May 29.
31/05/1765Sarah, dau. to William Gott, of Knedlington. May 31.
02/06/1765Joseph, son to Joseph. Thompson, of Kilpin. June 2.
02/06/1765Elizabeth, dau. to Mr. Thomas Turnell, of Howden. June 2.
19/06/1765Ann, dau. to William Jenkinson, of Howden. June 19.
25/06/1765William, son to Richard Ramsey, of Asselby. June 25.
26/06/1765John, son to Samuel Rodwell, of Howden Dyke. June 26.
05/07/1765Robert, son to Mr. Abraham Rowntree, of Howden, Apothecary. July 5.
06/07/1765Peggy, dau. to Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden Apothecary. July 6.
08/07/1765Mary, dau. to Hammond Seymour, Jr of Howden. July 8.
06/07/1765William, son to Daniel Deighton, of Howden. July i6.
10/07/1765William, son to Thomas Ellis, of Kingston upon Hull. July 21. x R. C.
30/07/1765Thomas, son to John Good, of Howden-dyke. July 30.
08/08/1765William, son to Elizabeth Shepherd, of Howden. Aug. 8.
26/08/1765Mary, dau. to William Lazonby, of Howden. Aug. 26.
03/09/1765Elizabeth, clau. to Richard Ellison, of Booth. Sept. 3.
26/09/1765Nancy, dau : to Richard Jenkinson, of Howden. Sept. 26.
06/10/1765Hannah, clan. to John Dunn, of Howden, Carpenter. Oct. 6.
07/10/1765Elizabeth, dau. to the Revd. William Leech, Curate of Howden. Oct. 7.
21/10/1765Samuel, son to John Tyas, of Howden. Oct. 21.
22/10/1765Elizabeth, dau. to George Harrison, of Howden. Oct. 22.
22/10/1765Joseph, son to Michael Taylor, of Howden. Oct. 22.
29/10/1765John, son to Thomas Audas, of Knedlington. Oct. 29.
03/11/1765John, son to Samuel Appleyard, of Beverley. Nov. 3.
27/11/1765William, son to William Gell, of Asselby. Nov. ,27.
29/11/1765Mary, dau. to Richard Levitt, of Skelton. Nov. 29.
21/11/1765Jewitt, son to John Laverick, of Balkholme. Nov. 21.
30/11/1765Jane, dau. to William Doughty, of Howden. Nov. 30.
16/12/1765George, son to George Blanshard, of Thorpe. Dec. 16.
08/12/1765Ann, dau. to John Leek, of Balkholme. Dec. 8.
26/12/1765Edward, son to Edward Day, of Howden. Dec. 26.
08/12/1765William, son to Robert Sugden, of Howden, aged 8 years Dec. 27.
05/12/1765Thomas, son to Robert Sugden, of Howden, aged 5 years Dec. 27.
05/01/1766Thomas, son to Robert Snarr, of Skelton. Jan. 5.
19/01/1766William, son to John Leaper, of Kilpin. Jan. 19.
30/01/1766Robert, son to Robert Wood, of Asselby. Jan. 30.
31/01/1766William, son to William Singleton, of Asselby. Jan. 31.
02/02/1766Thomas, son to Thomas Bradley, of Howden, Labourer. Feb. 2.
07/02/1766William, son to Thomas Windle, of Howden. Feb. 7.
08/02/1766Jane, dau. to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden. Feb. 8.
10/02/1766John, son to John Nutbrown, of Howden. Feb. 10.
10/02/1766Samuel, son to Jane Wand, of Howden. Feb. 10.
20/02/1766Ann, dau. to Edward Bailiff, of Knedlington. Feb. 20.
22/02/1766Mary, dau. to William Peck, of Asselby, Miller. Feb. 22.
23/02/1766Ann, dau. to John Bartle, of Skelton. Feb. 23.
23/02/1766Richard, son to Robert Farrer, of Howden. Feb. 23.
23/02/1766Ann, dau : to James Thwaites, of Howden, Sadler. Feb. 23.
02/03/1766Elizabeth, dau : to Christopher Iveson, of Howden. Mar. 2.
14/03/1766John, son to Thomas Marshall, of Belby. Mar. 14.
23/03/1766Robert, son to Robert Simpson, of Howden. Mar. 23.
25/03/1766George, son to Robert Stephenson, of Asselby. Mar. 25.
30/03/1766William, son to William Cliff, of Howden. Mar. 30.
31/03/1766John, son to Ann Bell, of Howden, Widow. Mar. 31.
06/04/1766Robert, son to Richard Johnson, of Belby. Apr. 6.
06/04/1766George, son to James Peers, of Belby. Apr. 6.
06/04/1766Jane, dau. to John & Margaret Bushfield, Trampers. Apr. 6.
07/04/1766Dolly, dau. to Aaron Armytage, of Howden-dyke. Apr. 7.
11/04/1766Mary, dau. to Hannah Hembrough, of Howden. Apr. 11.
22/04/1766Christopher, son to Robert Fielder, of Howden. Apr. 22.
24/04/1766John, son to William Bielby, of Howden Dyke. Apr. 24.
29/04/1766John, son to Matthew Hairsine, of Asselby. Apr. 29.
07/05/1766John, son to Ann Woodhill, of Great. Driffield. May 7.
11/05/1766John, son to John Kelsey, of Newland Gate. May 11.
11/05/1766Ann, dau. to John Thompson, of Knedlington. May 11.
13/05/1766Matthew, son to William Locke, of Howden, Bookseller. May 13
25/05/1766John, son to George Bentley, of Skelton. May 25.
08/06/1766Mary, dau. to Thomas Bartle, of Howden. June 8.
12/06/1766Charles & George (twins), sons to Robert Good, of Asselby. June 12.
16/06/1766Henry, son to Leonard Vollum, of Howden. June 16.
02/07/1766John, son to John Maud, of Newark upon Trent, in the County of Nottingham. July 2.
13/07/1766Ann, dau. to William Craven, of Howden. July 13.
13/07/1766Ann, dau. to Edward Jewitt, of Balkholme. July 13.
20/07/1766Samuel, son to Richard Drew, of Howden. July 20.
04/08/1766Ann, dau. to John Grey, of Howden. Aug. 4.
09/08/1766Mary, dau. to Ambrose Cawood, of Booth. Aug. 9.
10/08/1766Elizabeth, dau. to Elizabeth Sharp, a Vagrant. Aug. 10.
17/08/1766Jane, dau. to Richard Strafford, of Howden. Aug. 17.
24/08/1766William, son to Richard Green, of Newland. Aug. 24.
28/08/1766Thomas, son to Thomas Hudson, of Skelton. Aug. 28.
09/09/1766Thomas, son to Thomas Brown, of Newland. Sept. 9.
09/09/1766Rebecca, dau : to William Armytage, of Asselby. Sept. 9.
14/09/1766Rosanna, D. to Wm. & Mary McNeale, Chimney Sweepers. Sept. 14.
14/09/1766Ann, Dau : to John Snow, of Kilpin. Sept. 14.
30/09/1766Martha, Dau : to George Allison, of Howden. Sept. 30.
01/10/1766Ann, dau : to William Hunt, of Brind Lees. Oct. 1.
02/10/1766Mary, dau. to George Mason, of Howden. Oct. 2.
03/10/1766Betty, dau. to William Bell, of Saltmarsh. Oct. 3.
05/10/1766George, son to John Fletcher, of Howden. Oct. 5.
10/10/1766John & Ann, Son & Dau. (twins) to Thos. Utley, of Yokefleet. Oct. 10.
11/10/1766Ann, dau. to David Dolby, of Asselby. Oct. 11.
22/10/1766Mary, dau. to William Cooke, of Asselby. Oct. 22.
27/10/1766Mary, dau. to George Cooke, of Skelton. Oct. 27.
19/10/1766John, son to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin. Oct. 19.
03/11/1766Dorothy, Dau : to Philip Greenup, of Howden. Nov. 3.
11/11/1766Ann, dau. to Jane Wainman, of Howden. Nov. 11.
14/11/1766Richard, son to Richard Jackson, of Howden. Nov. 14.
21/11/1766Nancy, dau. to George Harrison, of Howden. Nov. 21.
30/11/1766Thomas, son to Mr. Thomas Turnell, of Howden. Nov. 30.
21/12/1766Ann, Dau : to George Seed, of Howden. Dec. 21.
22/12/1766Thomas, son to Thomas Frear, of Howden. Dec. 22.
03/01/1767John, son to Jane Green, of Skelton. Jan. 3.
08/01/1767Frances, Dr. to Mary Newham, of Balkholme. Jan. 8.
13/01/1767Elizabeth, dau : to Richard Aulmley, of Balkholme. Jan. 13.
29/01/1767Arabella, dau : to John Woodsworth, of Knedlington. Jan. 29.
29/01/1767Elizabeth, dau. to John Ashton, of Knedlington. Jan. 29.
03/02/1767Ann, Dr. to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin, a year old. Feb. 3.
08/02/1767Paul, son to Peter Inglish, of Kilpin, a year old. Feb. 8.
10/02/1767George, son to John Tayor, of Asselby. Feb. 10.
21/02/1767James, son to Benjamin Jackson, of Howden. Feb. 21.
22/02/1767John, son to John Harrison, of Howden, Labourer. Feb. 22.
27/02/1767James & William, sons (twins) to William Doughty, of Howden, Feb. 27.
01/03/1767Benjamin, son to John Fell, of Skelton. Mar. 1.
02/03/1767Marmaduke, son to Marmaduke Waterhouse, of Asselby. Mar. 2.
04/03/1767Sarah, dau. to Thomas Maskall, of Howden. Mar. 4.
05/03/1767John, son to John Dunn, of Howden, Carpenter. Mar. 5.
08/03/1767Walter, son to Walter Sharpe, of Howden. Mar. 8.
09/03/1767Thomas, son to Thomas Carter, of Howden. Mar. 9.
13/03/1767Ralph, son to Mr. Abraham Rowntree, of Howden, apothecary Mar. 13.
23/03/1767Richard, son to Richard Jenkinson, of Howden. Mar. 23.
24/03/1767William, son to William Bielby, of Howden dyke. Mar. 24.
24/03/1767Mary, dau. to Matthew Easingwood, of Howdendyke. Mar. 24.
30/03/1767John, son to John Pearson, of Asselby. Mar. 30.
07/04/1767Robert, son to John Holgate, of Howden, Grocer. Apr. 7.
08/04/1767Caroline, dau : to Matthew Imeson, of Howden. Apr. 8.
10/04/1767Ann, dau. to Joseph Sayles, of Howden. Apr. 10.
13/04/1767Margaret, dau : to Jonathan Ellathorpe, of Asselby. Apr. 13.
13/04/1767Martha, dau. to George Blanchard, of Thorpe. Apr. 13.
12/04/1767Ann, dau : to the Revd. John Mallison, of Howden,
Curate of Eastrington & Laxton. Apr. 12.
19/05/1767Richard, son to Matthew Smith, of Howden. May 19.
22/05/1767John, son to John Jackson, of Howden. May 22.
02/06/1767Thomas, son to Richard Stork, of Howden. June 2.
02/06/1767Mark, son to Robert Rowland, of Howden. June 2.
14/06/1767Mary, dau : to James & Elizabeth Simms, Trampers. June 14.
28/07/1767Thomas Bentoft, son of William Peck, of Asselby. July 28.
02/08/1767Mary, dau. to John Briggs, of Howden. Aug. 2.
05/08/1767Ann, dau. to John Headlam, of Howden. Aug. 5.
31/08/1767Joseph, son to Thomas Audas, of Knedlington. Aug. 31.
31/08/1767James, son to James Savage, of Howden Jr. Aug. 31.
01/09/1767John, son to William Ellingworth, of Howden, Jr. Sept. 1.
04/09/1767Joseph, son to John Tasker, of Belby. Sept. 4.
06/09/1767Joseph, son to John Laverick, of Balkholm. Sept. 6.
13/09/1767Sarah, dau : to Thomas Dowson, of Kilpin. Sept. 13.
17/09/1767Thomas, son to Robert Ridsdale, of Knedlington. Sept. 17.
27/09/1767Esther, dau. to John Leaper, of Kilpin. Sept. 27.
06/10/1767Joseph, son to William Nicholson, of Howden. Oct. 6.
16/10/1767Elizabeth, dau : to William Jenkinson, of Howden. Oct. 16.
22/10/1767Sarah, dau. to Charles Leach, of Gilberdike. Oct. 22.
30/10/1767Elizabeth, dau : to William Gott, of Knedlington. Oct. 30.
11/11/1767Mary (? Ann), dau. to The. Nutbrown, of Howden, Jr. Nov. 11.
16/11/1767Sarah, dau. to Mr. Paul Harrison, of Belby. Nov. 16.
15/11/1767Thomas, son to William Newham, of Balkholme. Nov. 15.
25/11/1767Nanny, Dau : to William Hunt, of Brind Lees. Nov. 25.
14/12/1767Elizabeth, dau : to Robert Good, of Asselby. Dec. 14.
18/12/1767Ann, dau : to Timothy Lowther, of Howden Dyke. Dec. 18.
08/01/1768Mary, dau. to Thomas Brown, of Newland. Jan. 8.
24/01/1768John, son to Samuel Ward, of Howden. Jan. 24.
25/01/1768Jane, dau. to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin. Jan. 25.
25/01/1768Ann, dau : to Susanna Walker, of Kilpin. Jan. 25.
27/01/1768Jonathan, son to David Dalby, of Asselby. Jan. 27.
01/02/1768Thomas, son to Thomas Fallowfield, of Holme Spalding Moor. Feb. 1.
02/02/1768Thomas, son to Thomas Harlin, of Howden. Feb. 2.
04/02/1768Hammond, son to Mary Pinder, of Howden Poor House, Widow. Feb. 4.
07/02/1768Joseph, son to Joseph Elcock, of Howden. Feb. 7.
18/02/1768Marmaduke, son to Marmaduke Proctor, of Howden. Feb. 18.
20/02/1768Elizabeth, dau. to Robert Cowper, of Howden. Feb. 20.
02/03/1768Patience, dau : to George Belt, of Howden. Mar. 2.
09/03/1768Mary, dau : to John Stephenson, of Asselby. Mar. 9.
10/03/1768Betty, dau : to James Thwaites, of Howden, Sadler. Mar. 10.
11/03/1768John, son to Mary Coates, of Howden, Spinster. Mar. 11.
14/03/1768Ann, dau : to Thomas Hudson, of Skelton. Mar. 14.
17/03/1768William, son to Mary Scawm, of Linton. Mar. 17.
22/03/1768Elizabeth, dau : to George Cooke, of Skelton. Mar. 22.
22/03/1768William, son to John Haldenby, of Skelton. Mar. 22.
01/04/1768Thomas, son to John Kelsey, of Newland Gate. Apr. 1.
10/04/1768Joshua, son to Joshua Hammond, of Howden. Apr. 10,
11/04/1768Thomas, son to Edward Day, of Howden. Apr. 11.
14/04/1768Edward, son to Ann I'on, of Howden. Apr. 14.
16/04/1768Dicky, son to Richard Jenkinson, of Howden. Apr. 16.
17/04/1768Elizabeth, dau. to Thomas Hildrake, of Balkholme. Apr. 17.
23/04/1768Robert, son to Samuel Arlo, of Kingston upon Hull, Taylor. Apr. 23.
30/04/1768Thomas, son to William Doughty, of Howden. Apr. 30.
05/05/1768William, son to Samuel Rodwell, of Knedlington. May 5.
02/06/1768John, son to William Lock, of Howden. June 2.
03/06/1768John, son to George Blanchard, of Thorpe. June 3.
07/06/1768John, son to John Grey, of Howden. June 7.
13/06/1768Ann, Dau. to Robert Barrow, of Howden. June 13.
30/06/1768Elizabeth, dau. to Richard Bainton, of Howden. June 30.
03/07/1768George, son to Thomas Kilvington, of the half way House. July 3.
08/07/1768Ann, dau : to John Woodsworth, of Knedlington. July 8.
10/07/1768Elizabeth, dau : to Robert Holmes, of Skelton. July 10.
11/07/1768John, son to John Tyas, of Howden. July 11.
14/07/1768Mary, dau : to William Voase, of Howden. July 14.
17/07/1768Richard, son to Richard Strafford, of Howden. July 17.
18/07/1768Joseph, son to Joseph Fletcher, of Howden. July 18.
26/07/1768Hannah, dau. to Richard Jackson, of Howden. July 26.
30/07/1768Margaret, dau. to John Nutbrown, of Howden. July 30.
09/08/1768Eleanor, dau : to Marmaduke Waterhouse, of Asselby. Aug. 9.
25/09/1768Mary, dau : to Peter Inglish, of Kilpin. Sept. 25.
27/09/1768Sarah, dau : to Mr. Thomas Turnell, of Howden. Sept. 27.
02/10/1768Margaret, dau. to John Snow, of Kilpin. Oct. 2.
06/11/1768John, son to Joseph Thompson, of Kilpin. Nov. 6.
13/11/1768Hannah, dau : to Moses Jewitt, of Howden. Nov. 13.
13/11/1768Elizabeth, dau : to Thomas Windle, of Howden. Nov. 13.
14/11/1768Ellin, dau. to Ann Lazonby, of Howden. Nov. 14.
23/11/1768John, son to Ann Hembrough, of Howden. Nov. 23.
18/12/1768Charles, son to William Singleton, of Asselby. Dec. 18.
10/12/1768Sarah, dau. to John Taylor, of Asselby. Dec. 10.
26/12/1768Thomas, son to Mr. George Athorpe, of Howden. Dec. 26.
26/12/1768Thomas, son to John Darley, of Howden. Dec. 26.
05/01/1769William, son to Sarah Moore, of Howden, widow. Jan. 5.
09/01/1769Isabella, dau : to James Savage, Junr. of Howden. Jan. 9.
12/01/1769Hannah, dau : to Robert Good, of Asselby. Jan. 12.
15/01/1769Mary, dau : to John Brown, of Newland. Jan. 15.
22/01/1769Mary, dau : to Deborah Sowl, of Skelton, widow. Jan. 22.
22/01/1769William, son to Thomas Awdas, of Knedlington. Jan. 22.
06/01/1769Elizabeth, dau : to James Watson, of Asselby. Jan. 6.
01/02/1769Tommy, son to Thomas Holesworth, of Howden. Feb. 1.
03/02/1769Robert, son to Richard Coneyworth, of Howden, 3 yrs. old. Feb. 14.
20/02/1769Richard, son to Richard Johnson, of Belby. Feb. 20.
22/02/1769Martha, dau : to George Mason, of Howden. Feb. 22.
26/02/1769John, son to John Fielder, of Thorpe Ledgett. Feb. 26.
28/03/1769John, son to John Bartle, of Skelton. Mar. 28.
05/04/1769Sarah, dau. to Edmund Waterhouse, of Knedlington. Apr. 5.
07/04/1769Martha, dau. to Thomas Frear, of Howden. Apr. 7.
14/04/1769Lucy, dau. to Richard Jenkinson, of Howden. Apr. 14.
17/04/1769James, son to James Peers, of Belby. Apr. 17.
18/04/1769Hannah, dau. to Thomas Spink, of Kilpin. Apr. 18.
25/04/1769David, son to David Dallby, of Asselby. Apr. 25.
28/04/1769John, son to John Tasker, of Belby. Apr. 28.
05/05/1769James, son to Thomas Brockbank, of Howden, Taylor. May 5.
09/05/1769Elizabeth, dau : to James Gall, of Knedlington. May 9.
28/05/1769Barbara, dau. to Thomas Thompson, of Kilpin. May 28.
01/06/1769Thomas, son to William Bielby, of Howden Dyke. June 1.
03/06/1769Hannah, dau. to John Thompson, of Howden, Shoemaker. June 3.
07/06/1769William, son to Matthew Imeson, of Howden. June 7.
01/06/1769James, son to Richard Stork, of Howden, Blacksmith. June 1o.
10/06/1769Robert, son to Mr. Robert Spofforth, Jr. of Howden. June 10.
12/06/1769James, son to James Simms, of Howden, Chimney Sweeper. June 12.
09/07/1769Mary, wife to Thomas Wood, of Sketon, 49 years of age. July 9.
13/07/1769Thomas, son to Mr. John Danser, of Howden. July 13.
16/07/1769Ann, dau : to Joseph Topcliffe, of Knedlington. July 16.
27/07/1769Ann. dau : to Elizabeth Mann, of Howden-dyke. July 27.
06/07/1769Jane, dau : to John Leaper, of Kilpin. July 6.
31/07/1769James, son to John Fell, of Skelton. July 31.
06/08/1769Mary, dau. to Jonathan Ellorthrop, of Asselby. Aug. 6.
09/08/1769Thomas, son to Mr. Thomas Harrison, of Howden, Grocer. Aug. 9.
13/08/1769Elizabeth, dau. to William Powell, of Howden. Aug. 13.
17/08/1769Francis, son to George Seed, of Howden. Aug. 17.
18/08/1769Thomas, son to William Voase, of Howden. Aug. 18.
20/08/1769Elizabeth, dau : to Richard Green, of Newland. Aug. 20.
06/09/1769Hannah, dau : to Jno. Thompson, City of York, Carpenter. Sept. 6.
11/09/1769Ann, dau : to Wm. Sissens, of Howden, Taylor. Sept. 11.
03/10/1769Thos. Vause, son to Wm. Voase, of Howden, Blacksmith. Oct. 3.
03/10/1769William Audus, son to Thos. Audus, Knedlington. Oct. 3.
04/10/1769Alice Laverack, dau : to Jno. Laverack, Balkholme. Oct. 4.
04/10/1769,Mary, dau. to Wm. Lawley, Linton East. Oct. 4.
23/10/1769Thos. son to Geo: Stephenson, Howden, Labourer. Oct. 23.
29/10/1769Sarah, Dau : to Thos. Carter, Howden, Innkeeper. Oct. 29.
03/11/1769Jno. son to Thos. Brown, of Newland. Nov. 3.
15/11/1769Wm. son to Thos. Nutbrown, of Howden, Cordwainer. Nov. 15.
24/11/1769Mary, dau : of Benjamin Jackson. Nov. 24.
13/12/1769John, son of James Thwaites. Dec. 13.
27/12/1769Ann, dau. of Wm. Thornborough. Dec. 27.
27/12/1769John, son of Walter Sharpe. Dec. 27.
02/01/1770William, son of Thomas Bradley. Jan. 2.
08/01/1770George, son of Willm. Hunt, Brinleys. Jan. 8.
12/01/1770Matthew & John, twin sons of Matthew Smith. Jan 12.
12/01/1770John, son of Mary Smith, widow of the late John Smith, of Asselby, deceased. Jan. 12.
21/01/1770Joshua, son of Robert Good, Balkholme. Jan. 21.
23/01/1770Sarah, dau. of Edward Day. Jan. 23.
20/02/1770Sarah and John (twins), Son and dau : of John Ashton, Knedlington. Feb. 20.
25/02/1770Joseph, son of Thomas Hudson, Skelton. Feb. 25.
04/03/1770Sarah, dau : of George Bentley, Skelton. Mar. 4.
05/03/1770John, son of Ann Dent. Mar. 5.
08/03/1770Elizabeth, dau : of Thomas Peach, Asselby. Mar. 8.
10/03/1770Sarah, dau : of George Blanchard, Thorpe. Mar. 10.
13/03/1770James, son of Thomas Brockbank. Mar. 13.
18/03/1770Sarah, dau : of Sarah Jepson, Belby. Mar. 18.
25/03/1770Sarah, dau : of Thos. Butler. Mar. 25.
22/04/1770John, son of John Nutbrown. Apr. 22.
29/04/1770John, son of John Harrison, Howden. Apr. 29.
15/05/1770Betty, dau : of Richard Jackson. May 15.
07/06/1770William, son of Robert Giles, Skelton. June 7.
08/06/1770Paul, son of Robert Cowper. June 8.
09/06/1770Thomas, son of Edmund Waterhouse, Knedlington. June 9.
10/06/1770George, son of Jonathan Laycock. June 10.
17/06/1770William, son to John Kelsey, Newland. June 17.
05/07/1770Nanny, dau. of Richard Bainton. July 5.
15/07/1770Sarah, dau : of John Fish, Balkholme. July 15.
25/07/1770Thomas, son to Marmaduke Procter, Howden (returned). July 25.
12/08/1770Hannah, dau. to Robert Stephenson, of Balkholme. Aug. 12.
18/08/1770Mary, dau : to John Thorpe, of Belby. Aug. 18.
30/08/1770Hannah, dau : to Henry Taylor, of Asselby. Aug. 30.
02/09/1770Thomas, son to John Gray, Howden. Sept. 2.
15/09/1770Elizabeth, dau : to Wm. Armitage, of Booth. Sept. 15.
17/09/1770Mary, dau. to John Fielder, of Thorpe Ledget. Sept. 17.
04/10/1770Robert, son to William Locke, of Howden. Oct. 4.
07/10/1770Hannah, dau : to Richard Scott, of Knedlington. Oct. 7.
25/10/1770William, son to William Flockton, of Howden. Oct. 25.
04/11/1770Phoebe, Dau : to Joseph Elcock, of Howden. Nov. 4.
08/11/1770William, son to James Savage, Junr., of Howden. Nov. 8.
12/11/1770John, son to William Sisson, of Howden. Nov. 12.
01/12/1770Sarah, dau. to Robert Barrow, of Howden. Dec. 1.
08/12/1770Ann, dau. to Mr. Thomas Turnell, Howden. Dec. 8.
11/12/1770Ann, dau. to Wm. Goodworth, Asselby. Dec. 11.
23/12/1770Hannah, dau : to Thos. Holesworth, Howden. Dec. 23.
02/01/1771Richard, son to Richard Johnson, of Belby. Jan. 2.
05/01/1771Ralph, son to Mr Robert Spofforth, Junr. of Howden. Jan. 5.
06/01/1771Hannah, dau. to Thomas Dowson, of Kilpin. Jan. 6.
23/01/1771Ann, dau. to Moses Jewitt. Jan. 23.
29/01/1771Sarah, dau. to Sarah Good, widow. Jan. 29.
31/01/1771Mary, dau. to Robert Rowland, of Howden. Jan. 31.
06/02/1771Frances, dau : to Elizabeth Sugden. Feb. 6.
18/02/1771Matthew, son to Michael Claybourn, Howden. Feb. 18.
25/02/1771William & Elizabeth, twins, children of Wm. Cook, Asselby. Feb. 25.
24/02/1771Elizabeth, dau. to John Taylor, Asselby. Feb. 24.
05/03/1771Elizabeth, dau : to John Dunn, Wright, Howden. Mar. 5.
11/03/1771John, son to Charles Brown. Mar. 11.
12/03/1771Thomas, son to Benjamin Jackson, Howden. Mar. 12.
12/03/1771John, son to John Woodsworth, Knedlington. Mar. 12.
18/03/1771John, son to John Hautenby, Balkholme. Mar. 18.
26/03/1771Jane, D. to Matthew Haysine, Asselby. Mar. 26.
28/03/1771John, son to John Hudson, Howden. Mar. 28.
30/03/1771John, son to Elizabeth Ellis. Mar. 30.
02/04/1771Harriet, Dau : of William French, Howden. Apr. 2.
10/04/1771Rebecca, Dau : of John Nutbrown, Howden. Apr. 10.
15/04/1771Isaac, son to William Singleton, Asselby. Apr. 15.
24/04/1771Sarah, dau : to William Gott, Knedlington. Apr. 24.
29/04/1771John, son to James Woodsworth, Howden. Apr. 29.
09/05/1771Hannah, Dan : to David Doleby, Asselby. May 9.
18/05/1771Mary, Dau : to Willm. Doughty, Howden. May 18.
21/05/1771John, son to Wm. Stothard, Howden. May 21.
26/05/1771Mary, dau : to Richd. Jenkinson, Howden, returned. May 26.
01/06/1771Mary, dau : to James Goal, Knedlington. June 1.
20/06/1771Robert, son of Thos. Harrinson, Howden. June 20.
25/06/1771George son of Alice Smith, of Skelton. June 25.
04/07/1771Thomas, son to Thomas Windle, Howden. July 4.
09/07/1771Mary, clan : to Robert Alcock, Howden. July 9.
14/07/1771Joseph, son to John Ashton, Knedlington. July 14.
19/07/1771Mary, dau : to Richard Drew, Howden. July 19.
28/07/1771Sarah, dau. to Mary Lambert. July 28.
04/08/1771Matthew, son to Richard Strafford, Howden. Aug. 4.
07/08/1771Ann, dau: to Thomas Kilvington. Aug. 7.
18/08/1771Joseph, son to Joseph Fletcher, Howden. Aug. 18.
19/08/1771William, son to John Whitaker, Howden. Aug. 19.
01/09/1771Joseph, son to George Mason, Howden. Sept. 1.
09/09/1771Elizabeth, dau : to Jonathan Ellerthorp, Asselby. Sept. 9.
26/10/1771Isaac, son to George Belt, Howden. Oct. 26.
26/10/1771Sarah, dau : to John Darley, Howden. Oct. 26.
01/11/1771Margret, dau : to James Simms, Howden. Nov. 1.
18/11/1771Edmund, son to Edmund Waterhouse, Knedlington. Nov. 18.
24/11/1771William, son to Elizabeth Sally. Nov. 24.
07/12/1771George, son to George Stephenson, Howden. Dec. 7.
08/12/1771Hannah, dau : to Robert Mann, Howden. Dec. 8.
18/12/1771Joseph, son to Richard Elletson, Howden Dyke. Dec. 18.
24/12/1771Mary, dau : to John Mellon, Howden. Dec: 24.
31/12/1771William, son to Mary Smith, Widow, Asselby. Dec. 31.
09/01/1772Thomas, son to Thomas Hudson, Skelton. Jan. 9.
24/01/1772William, son to William Bray, Howden. Jan. 24.
26/01/1772Aly, Dau : to Robert Singleton, Balkholme. Jan. 26.
27/01/1772Ann, Dau : to Thomas Thornborough, Belby. Jan. 27.
12/02/1772Robert, son to John Thorpe, Belby. Feb. 12.
13/02/1772John, son to Leonard Thompson, Howden. Feb. 13.
12/02/1772Mary, dau. to John Long, Belby. Feb. 12.
23/02/1772Joseph, son to Matthew Ivison, Howden. Feb. 23.
15/02/1772Jane, dau : to George Blanchard, Thorpe. Feb. 15.
04/03/1772John, son to John Burdon, Junr. Howden. Mar. 4.
07/03/1772Benjamin Parrot, son to Mary Morrit. Mar. 7.
26/03/1772Elizabeth, dau. to William Alcock, Howden. Mar. 26.
12/04/1772Mary, dau. to Thomas Brown, Newland. Apr. 12.
13/04/1772Betty, dau : to William Hunt, Brindleys. Apr. 13.
14/04/1772Catharine, dau : to John Fell, Skelton. Apr. 14.
06/05/1772George, son to George Vicar, East Linton. May 6.
08/05/1772Triphosa, dau. to John Stephenson, Asselby. May 8.
09/05/1772Nancy, dau : to William Hutchcroft, Balkholme. May 9.
17/05/1772George, son to Thomas Young, Asselby. May 17.
27/05/1772Thomas, son to Charles Empson, Saltmarsh. May 27.
28/05/1772Elizabeth, clan : to William Voace, Howden. May 28.
06/06/1772Henry, son to Henry Cooper, Howden. June 6.
08/06/1772John, son to John Leek, Balkholme. June 8.
09/06/1772William, son to John Bartle, Skelton. June 9.
15/06/1772Hannah, dau : to Mr. Robert Spofforth. Junr. of Howden. June 15.
21/06/1772Francis, son of Thomas Thompson, Kilpin. June 21.
04/07/1772Hannah, dau : to George Bickerton. Howden. July 4.
23/07/1772Richard, son to John Kelsey, Newland Gate. July 23.
03/08/1772Ann, dau : to William Andrew, Howden. Aug. 3.
07/08/1772John, son to John Wilkinson, Howden. Aug. 7.
08/08/1772Ralph, son to John Hudson, Howden. Aug. 8.
10/08/1772Lydia, dau. to Walter Sharp, Howden. Aug. 10.
09/08/1772Thomas, son to Sarah Pennington. Aug. 9.
10/08/1772Hannah, dau. to Willm. Nicholson, Howden. Aug. 10.
10/08/1772David, son to Peter Gawtree, Howden. Aug. 10.
11/08/1772Elizabeth, dau : to Richard Ward, Kilpin-pike. Aug. 11.
09/09/1772Mary, dau : to John Gray, Howden. Sept. 9.
30/09/1772John, son to John Scholfield, Sand Hall. Sept. 30.
02/10/1772Sally, dau : to Richard Jackson, Howden. Oct. 2.
03/10/1772Ann, dau : to Thomas Kilton, Howden. Oct. 3.
12/11/1772Richard, son to Thomas Morritt, Junr. Howden. Nov. 12.
14/11/1772Robert, son to Robt. Coneyworth, Howden. Nov. 14.
21/11/1772William, S. of Jonathan Ellerthorpe, of Asselby. Nov. 21.
06/12/1772Frances, dau : to Richard Jenkinson, Howden. Dec. 6.
23/12/1772John, son to Margaret Thompson. Dec. 23.
28/12/1772Rebecca, dau : to Robt. Stephenson, Balkh Dec. 28.
01/01/1773Betty, dau : to Wm. Goodwith, Asselby. Jan. 1.
03/01/1773Elizabeth, dau : to Willm. Newham. Jan. 3.
20/01/1773Ann, dau. to William Lawton, Newland. Jan. 20.
08/02/1773Matthew, son to Robert Alcock, Howden. Feb. 8.
20/02/1773John, son to Robert Mann, Howden. Feb. 20.
23/02/1773George, son to John Dunn, Howden, Wheelwright. Feb. 23.
02/03/1773William, son to George Day, Howden. Mar. 2.
05/03/1773John, son to Alexander Beckett, Howden. Mar. 5.
11/03/1773Jane, dau : to James Thwaite, Howden. Mar. 11.
20/03/1773Thomas, son to Thos. Fletcher, Howden. Mar. 20.
18/04/1773Abiah, D. to Hannah Hunter. Apr. 18.
23/04/1773Mary, dau. to Thomas Hudson, Skelton. Apr. 23.
09/05/1773Michael, son to Jane Lambert. May 9.
11/05/1773Sarah, dau. to Moses Jewitt. May 11.
16/05/1773Sarah, dau : to Robt. Singleton, Balkholme. May 16.
16/05/1773Robert, son to Robt. Rouland, Howden. May 16.
30/05/1773Eliz : dau : to Marmaduke Ridsdale, Asselby. May 30.
30/05/1773Nancy, dau. to William Thorpe, Balkholme. May 30.
03/06/1773Thomas, son to John Batman, Asselby. June 3.
22/06/1773John, son to William Thrash, Howden. June 22.
27/06/1773Ann, dau. to Robert Spofforth, Junr. Howden. June 27.
12/09/1773John, son to John Mellon, Howden. Sept. 12.
22/09/1773Sarah, dau. to Eliz. Hall. Sept. 22.
26/09/1773Sally, clan : to Wm. Hutchcroft, Balkholme. Sept. 26.
29/09/1773William, son to Michael Claybourn, Howden. Sept. 29.
03/10/1773William, son to William Broion, of Knedlington. Oct. 3.
04/10/1773Nanny, dau. to James Wadsworth, Howden. Oct. 4.
05/10/1773John, son to Joseph Fletcher, Howden. Oct. 5.
10/10/1773William, son to John Fish, Balkholme. Oct. 10.
25/10/1773Jane, dau : to Robert Cooper, Howden. Oct. 25.
31/10/1773William, son to (blank) Thompson, Kilpin. Oct. 31.
15/11/1773Dinah, dau : to William Alcock, Howden. Nov. 15.
26/11/1773Alice, dau : to William Bray, of Howden. Nov. 26.
26/12/1773Thomas, son to Thomas Leighton, Skelton. Dec. 26.
26/12/1773Ann, dau. to Robert Snarr, Skelton. Dec. 26.
02/01/1774William, son to William Locke, Howden. Jan. 2.
16/01/1774Dolly, dau : to Joseph Elcock, Howden. Jan. 16.
16/01/1774John, son to John Batty, Howden. Jan. 16.
16/01/1774Thomas, son to Edmond Waterhouse, Knedlington. Jan. 16.
06/02/1774Hannah, dau : to Robert Wilson, Kilpine. Feb. 6.
13/02/1774John, son to Richard Johnson, Belby. Feb. 13.
13/02/1774Ann, dau : to Jane Grey, Kilpine. Feb. 13.
16/02/1774Mary, dau : to John Wilkinson. Feb. 16.
24/02/1774Joseph & Ann, Twinn Children to John Tasker, Belby. Feb. 24.
27/02/1774Ann, D. to Jane Grey, Howden. Feb. 27.
27/02/1774Alice, Dau : to Thomas Houlsworth, Howden. Feb. 27.
01/03/1774Edward, son to Thomas Brown, Newland. Mar. 1.
20/03/1774Margaret, dau. to John Darley, Howden. Mar. 20.
20/03/1774Ann, Dau : to Robert Snarr, Skelton. Mar. 20.
20/03/1774Ann, Dau : to John Reed, Howden. Mar. 20.
25/03/1774Esther, Dau : to Robert Hall, Kilpine. Mar. 25.
27/03/1774Charles, son to Charles Cowlam, Howden. Mar. 27.
29/03/1774Mary, dau. to John Leak, Balkholme. Mar. 29.
04/04/1774Stephen, son to Wiliam Sissons, Howden. Apr. 4.
04/04/1774George, son to John Burden, Howden. Apr. 4.
10/04/1774Elizabeth, D. to James Simms, Howden. Apr. 10.
13/04/1774John, S. of Jonathan Ellerthorpe, of Asselby. Apr. 13.
01/05/1774Thos. son to Thomas Johnson, Howden. May 1.
01/05/1774John, son to Jane Waud, Howden. May 1.
08/05/1774Hannah, D. to Thomas Tyas, Howden. May 8.
08/05/1774John, son to William Tate, Howden. May 8.
09/05/1774Robert, son to William Thorp, Balkholme. May 9.
10/05/1774Richard, son to Matthew Iveson, Howden. May 10.
24/05/1774Benjamin, son to Benjamin Brockbank, Howden. May 24.
29/05/1774Nancy, Dau : of George Stevenson, Howden. May 29.
03/06/1774William, son of John Scholfield, Sand Hall, aged 3 months. June 2.
05/06/1774William, son of Eleanor Wood, Howden. June 5.
13/06/1774Martha, dau. to Peter Gawtry, Howden. June 13.
03/06/1774Fanny, dau. to Richard Jenkinson, Howden, aged 3 months. June 13.
19/06/1774Robert, son of George Bentley, Skelton. June 19.
22/06/1774Alice, dau. to Henry Taylor, Asselby. June 22.
29/06/1774Ann & Sarah, Twinn children to John Fielder, Thorp Ledget. June 29.
10/07/1774Robert, son to Charles Brown, Newland. July 10.
11/07/1774Fanny, Dau : to Leonard Thompson, Howden. July 11.
03/08/1774William, son of Robert Mann, Howden. Aug. 3.
09/08/1774Dickey, son to John Kelsey, Hazard Hall. Aug. 9.
21/08/1774John, son of Martha Hattersley, Howden. Aug. 21.
11/09/1774John, son to John Long, Belby. Sept. 11.
18/09/1774Ann and Bettie, Twin Children to Wm. Hall, Belby. Sept. 18.
03/10/1774James, son to John Wadsworth, Knedlington. Oct. 3.
02/11/1774Edward, son to Edward Freeman, Howden, Mariner. Nov. 2.
07/11/1774Mary, dau. to John Whitaker, Howden. Nov. 7.
25/11/1774William, son to James Huscroft, Knedlington. Nov. 25.
04/12/1774Frankey, Dau : to William Huscroft, Balkholme. Dec. 4.
28/12/1774John, son to Thomas Bradforth, Howden. Dec. 28.
02/01/1775Sarah, Dau : to Matthew Evans, Dancing Master. Jan. 2.
10/01/1775Thomas, son to George Richardson, Howden. Jan. 10.
19/01/1775Joseph, son to Bernard Lea, Laxton. Jan. 19.
22/01/1775Richard, son, to Thomas Wells, Asselby. Jan. 22.
29/01/1775Joseph, son to Thomas Harrison, Howden. Jan. 29.
08/02/1775John, son to Robert Cowper, Linnen Draper, Howden. Feb. 8.
12/03/1775John, son to Robert Featherstone, Junr. Howden. Mar. 12.
12/03/1775John, son of John & Elizabeth Downey, Howden. Mar. 12.
19/03/1775James, son to Valentine Harrison, Howden. Mar. 19.
19/03/1775William, son to John Grey, Howden. Mar. 19.
20/03/1775George, son to John More, Howden. Mar. 20.
09/04/1775John, son to William Armitage, Asselby. Apr. 9.
17/04/1775Mark, son to John Nutbrown, Howden. Apr. 17.
18/04/1775Elisabeth, dau : to Thomas Thompson, Kilpin. Apr. 18.
19/04/1775Ralph, son to Mr. John Hudson, Howden. Apr. 19.
Here are inserted ye Baptisms & Burials not sent in their due Time thro neglect of Parents.
21/08/1748Faith, dau : of John Morton, of Yoakfleet, baptized 21 Aug.
11/09/1748Hannah, dau. of Wm. and Mary Tate, baptized 11 Septr.
16/09/1748Hannah, dau. of Benjn. Underwood, of Barmby, bapd. 16 Sepr.
02/01/1748Tho: son of John Roberts, Laxton, bapt 2 Jany.
12/01/1748Robert, son of Robt. Bauden, of Barmby, bapt 12 Jany.
09/02/1748Richard, son of Thos. Waterhouse, of Barmby, baptd. 9 Feby
12/02/1748Sarah, dau. of John Torton, Yokefleet, bap 12 Feby.
02/04/1749Elisabeth, D. of Joseph Moor, of Yokefleet, hap 2 April.
09/04/1749John, Son of John Palmer, of Balkholme, bapd. 9 April.
19/11/1749John, son of Wm. Palmer, of Yokefleet, bapd. 19 Novr.
19/12/1749Charles, son of Thos. Jewitt, of Saltmarsh, hap 19 Decr.
27/04/1750Matthias, son to Matthew Jubb, of Yokefleet, bapd. 27 Apr.
06/05/1750John, son of John Jackson, of Laxton, bapd. 6 May.
17/06/1750Mary, dau. of Henry Ray, of Laxton. June 17.
09/12/1750Sarah, Dau : of Thos. Ellis, of Yokefleet. Dec. 9.
23/12/1750Richard, Son of Richd. Moat, of Saltmarsh. Dec. 23.
03/03/1750Sarah, dau. of John Thompson, of Saltmarsh. Mar. 3.
17/03/1750Jane, dau. of Jane Lee, of Skelton. Mar. 17.
17/03/1750Ann, dau. of Jane Holmes, of Saltmarsh. Mar. 17.
01/04/1751Richard, son of Richd. Watson, of Barmby. Apr. 1.
28/04/1751Elisabeth, Dau : of George Tutty, of Yoakfleet. Apr. 28,
19/05/1751George, son of John Morton. May 19.
26/05/1751Stephen, Stephen son of Robt. Parrot, of Saltmarsh. May 26.
27/05/1751John, son of Benjamin Underwood, of Barmby. May 27.
29/05/1751Robt. son of William Fox, of Barmby. May 29.
02/06/1751Joseph, son of Joseph Moor, of Yokefleet. June 2.
30/07/1751William, Son of Robert Leaper, of Barmby. July 30.
11/08/1751Thos. son of Paul Pickhaver, of Barmby. Aug. 11.
03/10/1751Margaret, dau : to John Brown, of Barmby. Oct. 3.
05/12/1751Mary, dau : of Thos. Pennington, of Barmby. Dec. 5.
14/01/1752Hannah, dau : of Thos. White, of Barmby. Jan. 14.
31/03/1752Ann, dau. to Amaziah Duckles, of Yokefleet. Mar. 31.
31/03/1752Hannah, Dau. to Richard Moat, of .... Do. .... Mar. 31.
26/02/175526 Feby Joseph, son to Joseph Wilson, of Barmby.
23/03/175523 March. William, son to William Gott, of Barmby.
11/04/175511 April. Elisabeth, Dan : to Edward Cobb.
12/01/176012 Jany James & George, sons to James Gilyeat.
16/03/176016 March. Mary, dau : to William Lee, of Saltmarsh.
25/05/176025 May. John, son to John Stather.
31/08/176031 Augt. Jane, Dau. to Robert Parrot, Saltmarsh.
26/04/176226 April. Jane, dau. to William Andrew, of Barnby.
27/04/176227 April. Sarah, dau. to Thomas Crost, of Barnby.
06/05/17626 May. Richard, son to Jonathan Ball, of Barnby.
06/05/17626 May. George, son to Thomas Ellison, of Barnby.
14/07/176214 July. Catharine, Dau : to John Wright, of Barnby.
15/08/176215 August. John, son to John Bell, of Barnby.
30/??/176230 .... John, son to William Delany, of Barnby.
03/11/17623 Novr. John, son to John Noble, of Barnby.
14/12/176214 Decr. John, son to Thomas Harrison, of Barnby.
15/12/176215 Decr. Thomas, son to Samuel Green, of Barnby.
03/01/17633 Jany James, son to Mr. Young, of Yoakfleet.
13/03/176313 March. William, son to John Whiteley, of Laxton.
20/??/176320 .... Eleanor, dau. to Simpson Colt, of Yokefleet.
30/??/176330 .... Mary, dau : to John Male, of Barnby.
03/04/17633 April. Mary, dau : to Richard Leng, of Laxton.
06/??/17636 .... Elizabeth, dau : to Abraham Haigh, of Saltmarsh.

Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1913
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
This page © 2020