Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/ERYChCollection.txtData from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
The place: HOWDEN. Church dedication: ST. PETER. Church type: Peculiar.
Area, 14,510 acres. Howdenshire wapentake. -Population, 4,531 *2; Church-room, 1,000 *3; Net value, £162. -Here was a Church and a priest at the time of the Domesday Survey.This was first a Rectory parochial, of the patronage of the Priory of Durham ; in 1267 it was made Collegiate, and a Vicarage was ordained in 1319. The Church is still presented, and instituted to, as a Vicarage.
The repairs of the Church were settled by an award of Archbishop Sharp's.
In the days of King Edward the Confessor, the manor, Church, and lands, were wrested from the Monastery of Peterborough, and being in the King's hands, William the Conqueror gave them to the Bishop of Durham, who gave them to the Monks of Durham ; and on 20th June 1387, Alexander, Archbishop of York, confirmed to the said Monks all ecclesiastical jurisdiction, except criminal causes, pro salute animo, and causes of deprivation and degradation. Walter Skirlaw, Bishop of Durham, built a very great and large steeple to this Church, that if there happened any inundation, it might serve the inhabitants for a place of refuge to save themselves in ; and by his will he left £40 towards the fabric of the same steeple.
This Church was first a parochial Chapel of the patronage of the Priory of Durham, and A.D. 1267, Archbishop Walter Gray, after reciting that the parish of Hovenden is very wide and large, and the profits and rents thereof so much abounding as to be sufficient for the maintenance of many spiritual men, ordained five Prebends, each one of whom as an Hebdomary to orderly keep his turn, and serve the Cure of the parish by his respective Priest, and further ordained that the Prebend of Howden should be the first Prebend, and free from all cure of souls.
Patron, the Lord Chancellor.
Impropriators, several proprietors.
In the Parliamentary Survey, vol. xvii. page 438, it is stated : " The tithes are impropriate. There is a large Church, but the Chancel is extremely out of repair. The Minister hath no profits out of the tithes, but there is a salary of £33. 13s. 4d. paid him by the Receiver-General at York."
Valued in 1818, at £130 per annum. Augmented in 1821, with £200; and in 1826, with £200, both from the Parliamentary grant, by lot.
A decree in the Exchequer, in Hilary and Trinity Terms, 13th Wm. III., as to tithes, at Yorkfield, is unreported.
Inclosure Acts were passed 7th Geo. III. (Bishop Soil), and 49th Geo. III. (Skelton.)
No glebe house.
The Register Books commence in 1542. Deficient in 1724. -Vide transcripts in the Peculiar Registry.
Richard Foster's charity, by will, dated 20th June 1604. rent charge of £1 per annum, apparently now lost, there being no sufficient evidence of the payments.Robert Nelson's charity, by will. Rent of 2a. 2r. of land. One-half for the relief of the poor of Howden, and the other to the poor of the townships of Thorpe and Beilby. The Commissioners recommended that the rents be applied in the same manner for the education of poor children of those places, agreeably to the will of the testator.
John Dunn's charity, by will, dated 25th May 1628. rent charge of £8 per annum, for the putting forth and binding apprentices of children of Howden ; £3 of children of Laxton ; 40s. of children of Saltmarshe ; 40s., and 20s. to the preacher, for an anniversary sermon on the Tuesday after the day of the burial of the said John Dunn. The Commissioners reported that, as the applications for binding apprentices had been so few, there was a balance in hand, at the time of the Report, of £76. 12s.
Francis Barker's charity, by will. Rent of 9a. 0r. 27p. of land towards putting out apprentice every year one poor boy born in Howden.
Robert Grey's charity, by will, dated 23rd November 1638. Interest of £200 for buying flannel petticoats and waistcoats for poor men and women at Christmas.
Robert Ferris's charity, by will. 20s. per annum to the poor, distributed in the same manner, and with the preceding charity.
Poorhouse in Pinfold-street. There is a sum of 20s. mentioned on the benefaction table, paid by Michael Musgrave and Henry Tonville to George Stow and Ann his wife, in consideration of which they sold a house, as appears by deed of sale, dated 19th May 1665. In 1794, the house was taken down, and a workhouse built, previous to which it was occupied by two poor old widows.
John Davies's charity, by will, dated 10th September 1678. rent charge of £2. 12s. per annum for bread for twelve poor men and women on Sundays.
Rev. John Athorpe's charity, by will, dated 23rd December 1679. Interest of £100, which, together with 4s. from the parish stock, is applied in a weekly distribution of 2s. worth of bread to the poor, together with Davies's, before-mentioned. One-half is given to a poor woman of the township of Thorpe, and the remainder to the poor of Howden.
William Shaw's charity, by will, dated 24th November 1679. rent charge of 12s. per annum to twelve poor widows on Old Christmas-day.
Susannah Wray's charity, by deed, dated 4th March 1680. Half an acre of land, sold to the overseers, and now in the tenure of one John Bordon. The Commissioners think there is no claim to the land, owing to Bordon's long possession.
Ann Blanshard, widow's charity, by will. rent charge of 3s. 4d. per annum to the poor on new year's day. Not paid since 1805.
Christopher Hartford's charity, by will (date not given). rent charge of £1 per annum to the poor on St. Thomas's day.
Sir William Allanson Knight's, gift, by will (date not given). £4, which sum was laid out in the purchase of a house ; and by deed, dated 18th April 1728, in consideration of £8 (£4, part thereof, supposed to have been supplied by the parish), a cottage and croft was conveyed to the overseers for the poor ; but it appears there are no documents to confirm this supposition, nor any evidence except the inscription on the benefaction table.
Robert Escricke's charity, by will, dated 1st June 1709. Site of cottage, &c., let, at the time of the Report, for £1. 5s. per annum, for the putting out every two years a boy apprentice, as neither they nor their parents have the town's pay, but really are in want, and have not to put themselves with ; and for want of such, to the overseers of Howden, to put apprentices out of Howden every two years for ever. At the time of the Report, the rent had not been paid since 1781, but was expected to be resumed.
The Grammar School. The Commissioners reported, that there has for many years been a school kept by the successive Curates, but they found no endowment, or that any grammar scholars had been taught gratuitously. There are two benefactions for English education, which the master of the grammar school receives. Income: rent charge of £2. 8s., and annuity of £21, which arise from Thomas Cutts's benefaction, by deed, dated 22nd March 1702 ; rent charge of 48s. per annum, for teaching four poor children reading, writing, and accounts ; and Robert Jefferson, Esq.'s benefaction, by will, dated 15th January 1803 ; £21 per annum for teaching 12 poor boys reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Robert Jefferson, Esq.'s Charities, by his said will. Annuity of £15. 5s. £5. 5s., part thereof, to the minister of Howden, for preaching a sermon on the anniversary day of his burial ; and £10 distributed in coals on Christmas-eve amongst the poor, according to the size of their families.
Nelson's gift, vide Howden. One-fourth of the rent of land, let, at the time of the Report, for £7. 7s. per annum, is paid to the overseers of Belby, and distributed to the poor.
Storm's charity. rent charge of 10s. per annum out of lands in Bownhills to the poor at Christmas. Distributed with Nelson's rent.
Poor's Land. Rent of two acres of land to three or four poor widows who endeavour to support themselves without parochial relief.
Dunn's charity, vide Howden.
Mrs. Elizabeth Steel's charity, by will, in 1679. rent charge of 10s. per annum, carried to the overseer's account.
Poor's Land. Seven acres, let, at the time of the Report, for £7. 10s. per annum, supposed to have been given by one Robert Patrick. This rent is also carried to the overseer's account.
Mary Wrossal's charity. 10s. per annum in bread to the poor of Saltmarsh and Skelton, viz., 4s. to the former, and 6s. to the latter.
Richard Jewitt's charity. rent charge of £1 per annum to the schoolmistress for teaching three poor children to read.
Matthew Pickering's charity, by will, dated 25th April 1688. Rent of 1a. 2r. of land, for the putting poor boys apprentices.
Robert Patrick's charity, by will, in 1697. rent charge of £1. 10s. per annum, distributed among poor widows.
Poor's allotment. Rent of four acres of land, let, at the time of the Report, for £5 per annum, and distributed to the poor.
Township Money. The Commissioners reported, that from several entries in an old town's book belonging to the surveyors of highways, that in October 1787, one Mr. John Schofield received of Mr. Philip Schofield £100, the produce of the sale of two common rights ; and in part discharge, Mr. Schofield sold a close for £26. 5s., and in 1796 paid £30 for building two town's houses, and the residue (after deducting £1. 1s. as interest on the purchase-money), he paid, in 1800, £42. 14s. to the surveyor of the highways, who, it is believed, expended it in building some more poorhouses : but the Commissioners found no authority for considering this as a charitable fund.
Nelson's charity, vide Howden. One-fourth of £7. 7s. to the poor, in clothes or coals. Not paid for three years preceding the Report.
Athorpe's charity, vide Howden. One shilling's worth of bread to a poor widow every Sunday.
Town's Land. The rent of five acres of land, after being subject to 11s. 6d. every two years to the rate for the Market Weighton Drainage, is carried to the general parochial account for the township. - Vide 11th Report, page 755.
A post town.
Torre's MS. (Peculiars), page 1077. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. ii. page 82. Burton's Monasticon, pages 57. 106. Mon. Angl., vol. vi. page 1473. Bawdwen's Domesday Book (As-chilebi), pages 61. 62. 79 ; (Ballebi), 29. 61, 62. 237 ; (Bernebi), 61, 62 ; (Cotes), 61 ; (Hove-dene), 61, 62. 78, 79. 237; (Chelpin), 61; (Cledinton), 61, 62 ; (Laxinton), 61; (Saltemersc), 61 ; (Lugufeld), 60, 61. 155 ; (Schultun or Scilton), 61; (Torp), 61. Prickett's Bridlington, page 46. Gent's Ripon, page 56.
*1 Laxton. -The Bishop of Durham held here three carucates of land.*2 Viz. Asselby, 297; Balkholme, 117; Barmby Marsh, 473; Belby, 44; Cotness, 29; Howden, 2,130; Kilpin, 349 ; Knedlington, 123 ; Laxton, 281 ; Metham, 35 ; Saltmarsh, 191 ; Skelton, 228; Thorpe, 44; and Yokefleet, 190. -In 1834, the Population was returned at 3,777, which is supposed to be exclusive of the Chapelries.
*3 In 1818, returned at 1,500.
Other information:
Knedlington. -And six carucates here. Asselby. -Also six in this town.Belby. -And here two and a half.
Balkholme . -Also here two carucates and two oxgangs.
Frandyke. -The Bishop had here one carucate.
Cotness. -In this town the Bishop had 12 oxgangs.
Metham. -Here the family of the Methams held the manor of the Bishop, by rent of £16 per annum.
Inflete. -The town was held by the Methams of the Prior of Finchall, by the annual rent of £6. 10s. 4d.
George Lawton in 1842..
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