


Hornsea, Roll of Honour transcription


Hornsea parish:


Hornsea, Roll of Honour transcription:

The Roll of Honour in The Methodist Church, Hornsea.

Roll of Honour
of the men from
the Primitive Methodist Church
and Sunday School, Hornsea
who served in the Army or Navy
in the European War 1914-1918

Adkin, Harry  Fisher, Charles  Naylor, Bramwell  Robinson, Harry
Andrew, George Fortis, Harold Naylor, William Russell, Harry
Anthony, Fred Fussey, Albert Oates, Sydney Russell, Tom
Anthony, Harry Girling, Harry L Outram, Albert Simpson, Fred
Arksey, Fred Greenslade, William Outram, Charles Simpson, Tom
Arksey, Harold Habershaw, Denis Outram, William Smith, William
Arksey, Thomas Hall, Arthur Parker, Cyril T Stephenson, Harold
Arksey, William Hall, George Parker, Eric Taylor, Arthur
Barker, Aaron Hall, Harry Parker, James Taylor, Christopher
Barton, George Hood, Charles Parker, William Taylor, Clarence
Bielby, Charles Hood, Fred Pearce, Harold Taylor, Ernest
Birch, Arthur Hood, John Pearce, Sydney Taylor, Frank
Blenkin, Thomas Hood, Sydney Pearson, Edward Taylor, Harold
Branton, Harry Jackson, Arthur Pearson, Robert E Taylor, Samuel
Burgess, Arthur Jackson, Fred Peers, Alfred Taylor, Walter
Burgess, Harry Jackson, Walter Peers, Richard Thorley, William
Burgess, William Jarrett, George Peers, Ted Usher, Ernest
Cockerill, Walter Jarrett, Thomas H Peers, William Usher, Harry
Davison, Harry Johnson, William Peers, William Usher, James
Davison, Tom Jordan, Albert Pooley, Frank Ward, Norman Clarke
Davison, William Keith, Arthur Pooley, George Webb, George
Dun, W H Monkman, Mark Pooley, Jack West, Robert
Easton, George R Moss, Harry Rhodes, Fred Wiles, Robert
Elliott, Isaac Myers, Joseph Robinson, Edward Wright, Wilfrid

In Memoriam
These made the supreme sacrifice
Greater love hath no man than this

Allot, Tom  Keith, Herbert
Andrew, William Keith, Walter
Blanchard, Harry Myers, Herbert
Blanchard, Oscar Pooley, Arthur
Braithwaite, Albert Robinson, John W
Brooks, Fred Sutherby, Albert
Burgess, Fred Teesdale, Albert
Burgess, George Teesdale, Samuel
Carr, Harry West, George
Keith, Fred Wiles, Thomas W

Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott.
from photography by Colin Hinson