


Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.




Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: EASINGTON.     Church dedication: ALL SAINTS.     Church type: Discharged Vicarage.*1

Area, 3,020 acres. Holderness wapentake, S.D. -Population, 542 *2; Church-room, 380 *3; Net value, £51. -This Church, in which was a Chantry, was given by King Edward I. to the Abbey of Meaux, in part of recompence for the manor of Myton and town of Kingston-upon-Hull, then passed over to the Crown, to which Monastery it was appropriated in 1340, and a Vicarage ordained. King Henry VIII. at the Dissolution gave the Church, with the Chapel of Out Newton, to the see of York, in exchange ; and the Archbishop is now the patron and impropriator.

The Church is valued in Pope Nicholas's taxation, at £41. 3s.; in the King's books, the Living is valued at £10, after deducting a payment of £4 per annum to the minister of Out Newton ; in the Parliamentary Survey, vol. xvii. pages 6, (Rectory) 257, it is stated : "The Rectory belongs to the Archbishop, who pays to the Vicar £14 per annum." " There hath been no minister for two years. There is a salary of £43. 10s. 1d. and a house ; parsonage worth £163. 10s. 1d.; there is a Chapel at Out Newton *4, much decayed, fit to be annexed to Holmpton ;" and in 1818, at £48 per annum.

Augmented in 1768, with £200; in 1810, with £200; and in 1819, with £1,200, both from the Parliamentary grant, -and all by lot.

Archbishop Frewen made an Augmentation of £20 per annum to this Church.

There was a decree in the Exchequer in Michaelmas term, 30th Eliz., as to tithes at Easington *5, but which is unreported.

On the 25th July, A.D. 1395, Letters were directed by the Abbot of Meaux to gather up the bones of the dead buried in the Chapel-yard of Ravenser, and by reason of inundation then washed up and uncovered, and bury the same in the Church-yard of Easington.

A brief for repairing this Church was granted in 1769.

Inclosure Acts for Easington were passed 10th Geo. III., and 48th Geo. III.

The glebe house is fit for residence.

The Register Books commence in 1654.

Robert Pattinson's charity, for education, by deed, dated 17th Oct. 1811. Rent of 3s. 3a. 27p. of land, let at the time of the Report, for £10 per annum (but which is unimproveable till the death of Sarah Milner, the tenant for life), for the education and instruction of, and for the providing books for, so many poor boys and girls as the Curate should fix ; the schoolmaster to be of the Protestant religion, and each boy and girl to be instructed in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and in the principles of the Protestant religion during the time of their continuance at school, and each boy and girl is directed, to be kept at school during such time only as the Curate, churchwardens, and overseers in their discretion think proper. The annuity of £10 per annum is paid to the schoolmaster, who instructs twenty poor children in English reading. The children are of both sexes, and they are nominated, as vacancies occur, by the Minister and one of Mr. Pattinson's tenants on his behalf. The children are taught reading gratis, and writing and accounts on payment of a moderate charge.


Poor's Land. This consists of two small parcels of land, containing together rather more than two acres, under the management of the overseers of the poor of the township, respecting the acquisition of which no particulars are known. The rents, £2. 14s. per annum, are received by the overseers, and carried to the account of the poor's rate. -Vide 9th Report, page 758.

Post town: Pattrington.

Torre's MS., page 1555. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. ii. page 146. Bawdwen's Domesday Book (Esingetun), page 177. Burton's Monasticon, pages 74.236. 299. 343. Mon. Angl. vol. v. pages 203. 205. Thompson's Occ. Prom., page 270.

*1 There have been no Institutions since 1639, and the Living is now held as a Curacy.

*2 Viz. Easington, 479; and Out Newton, 63. In 1834 the population was returned at 600.

*3 Vide Return of 1818. In 1834 returned "sufficient."

*4 There is now no Chapel at Out Newton.

*5 It is not clear whether the decree relates to this Easington, or, to Easington, in the North Riding.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
OCR and changes for Web page presentation
by Colin Hinson. © 2013.