


Burton Agnes Churchyard and Church etc.


Burton Agnes:
Burton Agnes Churchyard and Church etc..



This project was started by Doreen Laycock and I on the spur of the moment while waiting for Burton Agnes Hall to open one morning in June 2013. A few more photos were taken in September of 2013 and about half a dozen (mostly re-takes - brass plaques can be very difficult to photograph) were taken in June 2014. The monumental inscriptions were transcribed by the East Yorkshire Family History Society in 1997, and in the years since then many of the stones have eroded further (see Wilson (William) in the Graves section where a large piece has fallen off the centre of stone since it was transcribed). It is impossible to say whether this is due to the quality of the stone, the degree of exposure to the elements or a combination both. There seems, however, to be no consistency between the age of a monument and its condition. And while transcriptions preserve the information given by an inscription, they cannot record the imagery, patterns or fonts, their associated symbolism and how these have changed with time. Even the inscriptions I photographed at Reighton five years ago have in that time become more difficult to read. We would therefore suggest that photographic records of gravestones in other churchyards are made as soon as possible, work which we are continuing to do. The photographs of Kilham, our next project, have already been taken.

Unlike at most churchyards, the gravestones at Burton Agnes, with a few exceptions, have been moved from their original locations and placed against the churchyard walls so that it is impossible in most cases to say exactly where a person is buried. Three have been so overgrown by the yew tree arch that they are very difficult, if not impossible, to photograph and transcribe. Some of the most eroded stones were only possible to identify by their position in relation to others.

The route taken begins at the village pond and then covers the War Memorial, the approach to the church, the church itself and its yard. We have tried to produce a 'virtual tour' of the interior of the church clockwise, its exterior clockwise and then the stones in the churchyard, always keeping, as far as possible, to the order in the EYFHS's "Burton Agnes and Ruston Parva Monumental Inscriptions" booklet. In a few cases we have been unable to find certain inscriptions. We have also followed our usual practice of simply giving the names of the people listed on the stones with a reference to the MI number in the EYFHS's booklet where a full (and, due to recent erosion, better) transcription will be found. However, these images can be used independently of the EYFHS's booklet.

For those who are, for some reason, interested in what we look like, and by way of 'signing' our work, we appear in some of the photos. I am the one with the long hair.

Lisa Blosfelds
26th June 2014

The links given below take you to the first photo of the grave of the relevant name.

The MI number in the EYFHS booklet is given in the titles where applicable.

The number for the photograph is given in the caption below the photograph.

There are three sizes of photos: the thumbnail images which link to a page containing a larger image (640 by 480 pixels), and then a full size image which is linked from the previously mentioned larger image. The full size image can of course be saved for your own personal use.

The list of photographs

The photographs:

Aisle  Altar_rails  Angel 
Benchmark  Bible  Bishop's_chair 
Boynton  Boynton_pew  Burghope 
Burton_Agnes_pond  Bushell  Cayley 
Chancel  Chancel_ceiling  Chancel_door 
Chapel  Choir_stalls  Church 
Church_door  Church_gates  Church_history 
Church_notice_board  Church_sign  Clock 
Coates  Column_heads  Corbel 
Cottage  Dade  Davison 
Denny  De_Somerville  Flower_stand 
Font  Fungus  Geese 
Griffin  Griffiths  Harmonium 
Harrison  Hatchment  Hordern_-_Joseph 
Lamplugh  Lane_to_the_church  Lectern 
Moor  Musham  Mussenden 
Nave  Nevill  North_colonnade 
North_door  Old_farm_buildings  Organ 
Organ_rail  Outram  Palmes_-_James 
Plaque  Plinth  Porch 
Pulpit  Rectory  Roll_of_Honour 
Roof_of_the_nave  Somerville  Sunday_school_corner 
Top_of_the_lectern  Top_of_the_tower  Tower 
Twidell  War_Memorial  War_Memorial_plinth 
Wickham-Boynton  Wilberforce  Window 
Wood  Yew_trees     

Happy hunting!

Doreen Laycock and Lisa Blosfelds