Born ____ 1850 died 20th April 1859 EDITH HENRIETTA Daughter of the Revd. YARBURGH GAMALIEL and EDITHA CHRISTIANA Them which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with Him PATTIE WARBURTON LLOYD-GREAME eldest sister of the above (________) Tunbridge Wells, May 9th 1870 aged 26 years. (MARIA LLOYD-GREAME) died 29th June 1908 EDITHA CHRISTIANA, wife of the Revd. YARBURGH GAMALIEL LLOYD-GREAME Born Decr. 25th 1817. Died May 13th 1900 The Reverend YARBURGH GAMALIEL LLOYD-GREAME born 19th July 1813 died 30th May 1890.
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