Bridlington Parish, Directory of Trades and Professions for 1892
Transcript of the entry for the Post Office, professions and trades
for BRIDLINGTON in Bulmer's Directory of 1892.
- The Guardians meet every alternate Saturday, at the Board Room, Union Workhouse, Bridlington
- Chairman - Robert Medforth
- Clerk - Charles Gray
- Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator - W. A. Wetwan, M.R.C.S.
- Relieving Officer and R.S. Inspector - James Stephenson
- Assistant Overseers - For Bridlington and Quay, John Woodmansey; for Hilderthorpe, John Allerston
- Hon. Chaplain - Rev. Henry Woffindin, M.A.
- Master- - Joseph Carter
- Matron - Mrs. Elizabeth Carter
- Superintendent Registrar - Charles Gray
- Registrars - For Bridlington, Joseph Aidridge; for Hunmanby, Robert Coutas; for Skipsea, W. B. Gray
- The Board meets at the Town Hall, on the second Monday in each month.
- Chairman - J. W. Postill
- Clerk - Charles Gray
- Cemetery - Sewerby road, Bridlington
- Superintendent and Registrar - William Forge
- Meet at the Board Room, 75 High street,Bridlington, on the first Tuesday in each month.
- Chairman - G. G. 0. Sutcliffe
- Clerk - Charles Gray
- Medical Officer - W. A. Wetwan, M.R.C.S.
- Surveyor and Inspector of Nuisances - R. R. Brown
- Collector of Rates - John Sherwood
- Meetings in the National School, North Back lane, last Wednesday in each month
- Chairman Thomas Harland, Esq., C.C.
- Clerk - F. J. Brigham
- Treasurer J. Smith
- Chairman - William Weldon, High street
- Secretary - Fred. Chas. Richardson, St. John's avenue
- Chairman - John Bennett, Stirling Castle Hotel
- Secretary - Cecil Harland, Daneslea
- Chairman - Joseph Shaw, Thorpe street
- Secretary - Robert Severs, 3 Olinda place
- Meetings as occasion requires, in the Victoria Rooms, Garrison street, Bridlington Quay
- Ruling Councillor - Colonel Armytage, Marton hall, Sewerby
- Treasurer - W. A. Taite, Manor street, Bridlington Quay
- Secretary - Mrs. Taite, Manor street,Bridlington Quay
- St. John's Street, Bridlington.
- President - Col. Lloyd-Greame
- Chairman - Mr. M. Richardson, Bridlington Quay
- Secretary - Ernest Lambert, 10 Quay road
- Resident Caretaker - Mrs. Mary Bramley
- President - Councillor Poole, Hull and Bridlington Quay
- Vice-Presidents - Messrs. F. J. Brigham, Sutcliffe, Lawdon, Milner, Lee, and Houghton
- Hon. Secretary - Mr. Wm. Tindall, Bridlington Quay
- Treasurer - Mr. William Heselton, Baylegate, Bridlington
- President - Mrs. Angus Holden, Woodlands, Bradford
- Vice-President - Mrs. Wyatt, St. John's avenue, Bridlington
- Treasurer - Mrs. Sutcliffe, St. John's avenue, Bridlington
- Hon. Secretary - Mrs. Milner. High st.,Bridlington
- Cliff Street, Bridlington Quay.
- President - J. A. Jameson, Esq., J.P., Westgate, Bridlington
- Secretary - J. W. Postill, King Street house
- Treasurer - Wm. Headley, Post Office, Bridlington Quay
- Caretaker - J. B. Martin, 22 Grundell terrace, Hilderthorpe
- Flamborough Road.
- Chairman - Sir W. C. Worsley, Bart.,Rovingham, York
- Secretary - C. Seymour Clarke, 4 Vernon place, Scarborough
- Lady Superior - Miss Maud Palmes
- Medical Officers (Honorary) - Drs. Wetwan, Moberley, and Godfrey
- Hudson Col. J. (chairman), Bridlington Quay Bosville A. M., Esq., Thorpe Hall, Bridlington Boynton Sir Henry, Burton Agnes Foord Rev. R., Foxholes Hudson Rev. C. W., Quay road, Bridlington Wheelhouse Dr., Filey Clerk - Mr. Martin Richardson, Quay road, Bridlington Petty Sessions are held at the Court House, Quay road, Bridlington, every Saturday at 11 am.
- Superintendent of Police - Wm. Hy. Winpenny, Police Station
- Sergeants - John Bentley, Hilderthorpe; Alex. B. Robertson, Police Station; Rd. Clarkson, Filey
- Held at Court House bi-monthly.
- Judge - His Honour F. A. Bedwell, M.A., Hull
- Registrar - T. Harland, Esq., C.C., Bridlington Quay
- Bailiff and Clerk - John Woodmansey, 1 Cambridge terrace, Bridlington
- Clerk - Thomas Heselton
- Harbour Master and Collector of Dues - John Gray
- Treasurer - Edwd. James Smith
- Office: Squire Lane, Bridlington.
- Clerk - Thomas Harland
- Secretary and Treasurer - John B. Purvis, 15 Promenade, Bridlington Quay
- Captain - Wm. Hoggard, St. Anne's terrace, Hilderthorpe
- Sub-Captain - F. Newlove, 5 Wesley terrace, Bridlington Quay Number of Fireman, 12
- (For working the Rocket Apparatus.)
- Honorary Captain - H. J. Jackson, Prince st., Bridlington Quay
- Paymaster - George Rennard, Brunswick Hotel, Bridlington Quay
- For Bridlington - Walter Dobson, Esq., Neptune villa, Hilderthorpe For Bridlington Quay - Thomas Harland Esq., Daneslea, Bridlington Quay For Hilderthorpe - W. 0. Jarratt, Esq.,Hilderthorpe lodge
- County Alderman - George Brambles, Esq.
- Meetings, first Monday in each month, in the Town Hall Clerk - F. J. Medforth
- St. Mary's (Priory Church), Church green - Rector, Rev. Henry Woffindin, M.A.
- Congregational (Zion), St. John street - Pastor, Rev. Richard Wyatt, St. John's avenue
- Baptist, Quay road
- Wesleyan, St. John street - Minister, Rev. John Boulter, St. John's avenue
- Primitive, St. John st. - Minister, Rev. Thos. Whittaker (supt.), 44 Quay road, Bridlington Quay
- Christ Church, Quay road - Vicar, Rev. Saml.William Darwin Fox, M.A. (and surrogate), Christ Church vicarage; curate, Rev. Robt,P. Carroll, BA., Wellington road
- St. Paul's (chapel-of-ease to the above), Thorpe street, Hilderthorpe
- Holy Trinity, The Promenade - Vicar, Rev. W. G. Raise, M.A., 1 Trinity villas
- St. William's (Catholic), Wellington road, Priest, Rev. Patrick Connery, 2 Wellington road. Mass on Sunday at 11 am. Vespers and Benediction at 7 p.m. Daily Mass at 8-30 am.
- Congregational, The Promenade - Pastor, Rev. Martin Ebenezer Smit, Argyle villas
- Wesleyan, Chapel street - Superintendent minister, Rev. Jas. Spensley, Wellington rd.
- Primitive, Chapel street - Minister, Rev. Philip Nume, 45 Quay road
- United Methodist, The Promenade - Minister, Rev. Samuel Tomlin, Blenheim ter., Quay road
- Salvation Army Barracks (Wellington Hall)Wellington road
- General Post Office, Prince street, Bridlington Quay. Week-day deliveries commence at 8-20 am., 1-30 and 6-30 p.m. Sunday delivery commences at 9-30 am. Despatches - Local: 6-50 a.m. All parts: 8 and 10-55 am., 5-15 and 6-30 p.m.; also at 8-10 p.m. for morning delivery in Hull and neighbourhood. Driffield and Scarborough, 11-50 a.m.; Beverley and Hull, 3-5 p.m. Sunday, 5-15 p.m. William Headley, postmaster.
Post, Money Order, and Savings Bank Office, 34, Quay Road. Despatches (daily): 7-15 and 10-25 am., 12-5, 4-40, and 7-30 p.m. Sundays, 4-20 p.m. Henry Bradley, receiver. The Pillar Letter Boxes are cleared several times during the day in time for the outgoing mails.
Post, Money Order, Savings Bank, and Telegraph Office, 10 High Street, Bridlington. Despatches: 7-20 and 10-55 am., 5-25, 6-30 and 7-55 p.m. to all parts; 5-25 p.m. to Driffield; 6-55 and 11-50 a.m. and 5-25 p.m. for town delivery. Miss Jane Cape, receiver.
Letter Boxes: Bayle Gate and St. John's Street cleared at 7-35, 10-20 and 11-55 am., 4-55 and 7-35 p.m.; Sundays, 4-55 p.m.
- Airey James, joiner and wheelwright, 9 St. Mary's terrace
- Aldridge Joseph, registrar of births, deaths and marriages, and vaccination officer for Bridlington district, 23 St. John's street
- Allison Andrew, M.D., 60 High street
- Allison Frederick, grocer, 2 and 3 St. John's st
- Allison John, L.F.P. and S. (Glasgow), L.S.A.(Lond), physician and surgeon, 60 High st
- Asher Mr. Jas., Elmdon villa, St. John's avenue
- Atkinson William, farmer, 21 Kirkgate
- Barnby Miss Jemima, ladies seminary, Welbeck villas, St. John's avenue
- Baron Mrs. Sarah, Bayle gate
- Barugh Mrs. Ann, St. John's avenue
- Bateman Wm., market gardener, 6 St. John's street; greengrocer and fruiterer, 62 High st
- Benn Miss Eliza, 4 Lincoln terrace
- Blacker Miss Eleanor, 13 Bayle gate
- Blythe Mrs. Eliz., gunsmith, 2 Bayle gate
- Boulter Rev. John (Wes.), St. John's avenue
- Bowser Ed. By., corn and provender merchant, Medina avenue; h 1 Lincoln terrace
- Braby Mrs. Martha, Church green
- Braithwaite Joseph Benjamin, picture frame manufacturer and stationer, 97 High street
- Braithwaite Mrs. Sarah, 3 Lincoln terrace
- Brambles Henry, farmer, North Mount farm
- Brett Francis Charles M.R.C.S., L.S.A. (Eng.),L.R.C.P. (London), physician and surgeon, The Elms
- Bridlington Free Press - office, 24 High street; E.P.Rogers, publisher
- Broomhead Mr. Jonn, Zetland villa
- Bryan Joseph, photographer, 107 St. John's stand Bridlington Quay
- Burdass Mr. Robert, South View house
- Burrell Jas., lime merchant, North Back lane
- Burrell Sawdon, farmer, Kirkgate
- Burton Mr. William, Havelock place
- Butterfield Mr. William, Richmond villa
- Cadbury Mrs. Agnes, 70 High street
- Cammish John, hosier and haberdasher, 32 High street
- Carter Jph., master, Union Workhouse,Flamborough road
- Cass Mrs. Barbara, 22 Westgate
- Collins Samuel, carver gilder, and picture frame maker, 15 Quay road
- Cooper Mrs. Harriet, 22 High street
- Cowling Mr. John, 29 St. John's street
- Cranswick Mrs. Elizabeth, 1 St. Mary's terrace
- Crosby Joseph, stamp distributor, and collector for the Gas Co., 48 Market place
- Crosby Mr. Thos., South villa, St. John's avenue
- Crosby Wm., market gardener, Havelock place
- Cullwick Mrs. Eliza, St. John's terrace
- Cussons Wilson, jobbing gardener, 18 St. John's walk
- Dale Miss Clara, ladies' seminary, and music teacher, 38 High street
- Danby Mrs. Jane, Danby villas
- Dandy Charles (Gray & Dandy); h 4 Westgate
- Davison Miss Ellen, 15 Westgate
- Davison John Nicholson, contractor, lime burner, and cowkeeper, Scarborough road
- Day Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 Medina avenue
- Day Mr. James, 14 Bayle gate
- Deighton Aaron, sexton, 6 High green
- Dukes Mr. George, 59 High street
- Dunning Mrs. Mary, 63 St. John's street
- Earle Mr. Thomas, 1 Medina avenue
- Earnshaw Miss Emily, schoolmistress, North Back lane
- Edge William, sewing machine agent, 83 St. John's street
- Edmond George (John Gofton Edmond & Son), organ builder, 98 St. John's street
- Edmond John Gofton & Son, joiners,cabinet makers, upholsterers, and undertakers, 98 St. John's street
- Edmond Mrs. Mahala, farmer, 35 High street
- Edmond Miss Mary, milliner and straw-bonnet maker, 98 St. John's street
- Edmond William, grocer's assistant, Churchgreen
- Elliott Henry Nightingale, upholsterer, 56 St.John's street
- Elliott Joseph, tin & general dealer, 1 Kirkgate
- Etty & Clubley, grocers and earthenware dealers, 12 St. John's street
- Etty Frank (Etty & Clubley), 12 St. John's St.
- Everingham Fredk., engineer and boiler maker, North Back lane; h 12 Church green
- Fallowes Mrs. Mary, 30 Market place
- Faulconbridge Mr. Alfred, 4 Medina avenue
- Fitzgerald Maurice Bolton, inland revenue officer, 24 St. John's street
- Fletcher Mr. William, 72 High street
- Forge William, superintendent, Cemetery lodge
- Frankish John Hoitby, hatter and outfitter, 14 High street
- Freeman George, manager brick works,Bempton road
- Freeman Ward, brickmaker, 3 St. Mary's ter.
- Furby William, journalist, 1 Cambridge street
- Fussey William, farmer, East Huntow
- Garvey Dan, horse dealer, 9 High green
- Gibson Thomas, middle-class day and boarding school, Church green
- Gray Chas., superintendent registrar, clerk to local and burial boards, Thwing and Reighton School Boards, sec, to Bridlington Agricul. Society, &c., 39 and 40 High street
- Gray George, corn miller, Dukes mill
- Gray Robert (Gray & Dandy); is 2 Westgate
- Haines Geo. Rd., corn agent, 50 High street
- Hall Mrs. Jane, 27 High street
- Harland & Son, solicitors, Squire lane, and at Bridlington Quay
- Harland Cecil (Harland & Son); h Daneslea, Bridlington Quay
- Harland Thos., com. for oaths and perpetual com., registrar of County Court and clerk to income tax com. (Harland & Son); h Daneslea, Bridlington Quay
- Harper Mrs. Rachael, St. John's terrace
- Hayes Mr. Thomas, 16 Baylegate
- Headland Mr. William, 6 Medina avenue
- Hermon Theophilus, house and land agent, school attendance officer, collector of fee farm and tithe rents, pier rates, and for Lloyd cottage hospital, South Back lane
- Heselton Alfred, tallow chandler, 2 St. Mary's terrace
- Heselton George, cashier, 45 Market place
- Heselton Thomas, secretary and clerk, Brook villa, St. John's avenue
- Hick Mr. William, Kirkgate
- Hickson Mrs. Rachael, 7 Lincoln terrace
- Hillerby Francis, tailor, 32 St. John's street
- Hobson Mr. George, 44 St. John's street
- Hobson Mr. Thomas, 43 St. John's street
- Hodgson Francis. gunmaker, 1 Market place
- Hodgson John Chas., market gardener, 81 St. John's street
- Holdroyd Mr. C. W., Welbeck villas, St. John's avenue
- Housley Mr. Rd., Scar cliffe, St. John's avenue
- Hudson Thos. Craven, hairdresser& tobacconist, 92 High street
- Hull & Grimsby Bill Posting Co., 93 St. John's street
- Hutchinson Mrs. Agnes, North Wold terrace, Quay road
- Hutchinson Edwd. de Warrenne, M.D., (Edin.), physician to Lloyd's cottage hospital, and St. Anne's convalescent home, 41 High street
- Hutton Mrs. Emilie, matron, Lloyd's cottage hospital, Quay road
- Ireland Edwin, M.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, 16 Market place
- Jackson Thomas, farmer, Westfield
- Jackson Mr. William, 24 St. John's walk
- Jameson Joseph Alfred, Esq., J.P., The Avenue
- Jordan Mr. John William, South villa, St. John's avenue
- Jordan Mrs. Rebecca, 4 Cambridge street
- Kelwick Walter, upholsterer, 64 St. John's st
- Kilburn Mrs. Ann, stay and corset maker, 116 St. John's street
- King Fred., hairdresser, 47 High street
- Kirby Charles, manager, Water works
- Kirton Mr. Joseph, Belle Vue cottage
- Knaggs Mrs. Mary, clothes dlr., 1 St. John's st
- Knowles Richard, m. mariner, Quay road
- Lambert Rt. John, ice cream dlr., 10 Quay rd
- Lamplough Mrs. Ann, St. John's terrace
- Lamplugh Jeremiah, miller and farmer, Black mills
- Lang Charles Treble, M.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, 41 Market place
- Lawson John, hot water engineer, Wilson's yd
- Layburn Mr. Christopher, Scarborough road
- London & Yorkshire Bank, 1 High street; George Wheatley, manager; h Driffield
- Lyon Miss Jane Innes, 44 High street
- Mainprize Mrs. Jane, 9 Lincoln terrace
- Marshall Mr. Oliver, Church green
- Marson John, temperance hotel, 13 High street
- Martin Mr. Thomas, 14 Westgate
- McKnight Sergeant-Major James, instructor, No. 1 Battery, 1st E.R.Y.A.V., 2 Portland pl
- Medforth Frederic Julian, solicitor, Market place: h Bridlington Quay
- Medforth Rt., corn merchant, West End house
- Miller Thomas, chimney sweeper, 57 Quay rd
- Mitchell Mr. George, Church green
- Moore John William, cooper and basket maker, 98 High street
- Nettleton Mrs. Jane, farmer, 13 Portland place
- Nicholson Miss Alice, ladies' seminary, 5 High street
- Nornabell Mrs. Matthias, flour merchant, 50 High street; h Clifton Villas
- Oke Robert James, clerk, 8 Lincoln terrace
- Parkinson Mr. John, Fountain house, Quay rd
- Partridge Mrs. Anne, schoolmistress, Church green
- Partridge Thomas Stephen, music teacher, Church green
- Petch John Robson, poulterer, 81 High street
- Plaxton Francis, market gardener, 47 St. Johns street
- Porter John, carter, bread and flour dealer, 34 High street
- Prickett Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, 12 Westgate
- Priory Mission Cottage, 28 Sewerby street
- Proctor John, provision and flour dealer, 57 High street
- Radford Mr. Thomas Lawrence, St. John's av.
- Readhead Tom, market gardener, Havelock street
- Richardson & Son, solicitors and agents to the London, Liverpool, & Globe Insurance Co., Market place
- Richardson Fred. Charles., commissioner for oaths (Richardson & Son) ; h St. John's av.
- Richardson Martin, notary public, com. for oaths, perpetual com., clerk to the magistrates for the Dickering Division, and Town clerk (Richardson & Son) ; h Roseville, Bridlington Quay
- Robins Mrs. Geo., 5 Medina avenue
- Robinson Mr. John, Carlton terrace
- Robinson John, M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.S.A., surgeon, 26 Quay road
- Robinson Misses, ladies' seminary, St. John's. terrace
- Robinson William, farmer, Mount Pleasant
- Robson Chas. Hawley, manager, 7 Medina av.
- Rogers Edward Palmer, stationer and printer, proprietor and publisher of Bridlington Free Press, 24 High street
- Rookledge Miss Mary Eliz., schoolmistress, 4 Portland place
- Rowlin George, farmer, 24 Kirkgate
- Sever Mr. Thomas, St. John's avenue
- Severs Mr. George, 80 St. John's street
- Sherwood Mrs. Geo., 58 High street
- Singer Manufacturing Co., sewing machine dept, 6 Quay road; Thomas Hall, agent
- Slack Wm., furniture dealer, 7 St. John's st.
- Smalley Mr. John, Melrose house, Quay road
- Smith Mr. John, Brookleigh, St. John's av.
- Snowdon Mrs. Annie Elizabeth, private school, 110 St. John's street
- Staveley Stephen, beer retailer, 71 High street
- Stephenson Edmond, market gardener, 41 St. John's street
- Stephenson Jas., relieving officer, 12 Market pl.
- Stephenson John Wm., florist, 16 St. John's st.
- Stephenson Mr. Matthew, Thames villa, St. John's avenue
- Stone William, clothes, general, and petroleum dealer, 96 St. John's street
- Stonex Mrs. Rachael, private school, Coverley house, Market place
- Story Arthur Richmond, rope and twine manufacturer, 25 High street
- Sutcliffe George Gilbert, solicitor, 31 High street; h Prospect house
- Syson Samuel, engineer, Waterworks
- Tassell Mr. Charles Miller, St. John's avenue
- Taylor George, farmer, Sewerby cottage
- Taylor Mrs. Susan, Kingstone house, Quay road
- Taylor Tom, tailor and draper, 33 High street; h Stanton villa, Quay road
- Thompson Edward, butler, 4 St. Mary's terrace
- Tigar Mr. Pennock Hardwick, 36 High street
- Tindall Mrs. Anne, Old Guildhall, 5 High st.
- Towell Thos., market gardener, Windsor cot.
- Volckman Mrs. Elizabeth, Medina cottage
- Waddington Robert Watkinson, fancy dealer, 53 St. John's street
- Waite Anthony, bootmaker, toll collector, town crier, billposter, caretaker of Town Hall and Corn Exchange, 82 St. John's street
- Walkington Thomas, yeast merchant and bricklayer, North Back lane
- Wall Mr. Chas. Wm. Henry, Beech house, St. John's avenue
- Walton Mr. Stephen, 25 St. John's avenue
- Ward Miss Jane, 3 Market place
- Watson Mrs. Anne, 50 Quay road
- Watson Mrs. Emma, 84 St. John's street
- Watson Mr. Thos., 9 Medina avenue, Quay rd.
- Watts Mrs. Mary, clothes and furniture dealer, Bayle End house
- Watts Matthew, flour agent, and carrier to Driffield on Thursdays, 91 St. John's street
- Wentworth James Oulton (John Wentworth & Son) h 21 Westgate
- Wentworth John & son, cabinet makers and pianoforte warehouse, 6 and 7 Westgate
- Wentworth John (John Wentworth & Son), auctioneer, valuer, and house agent; is 7 Westgate
- Wetwan William Albert, surgeon, Market place ; h Prospect street, Bridlington Quay
- White Mrs. Sarah, farmer, 16 Westgate
- Whiting Miss Mary, 3 Bayle gate
- Whittaker Mrs. Mary, South Back lane
- Wiles William, gardener, Priory cottage
- Willbourn Isaac, schoolmaster, Carlton ter.
- Willis Tom Robson, toy and fancy dealer, 79 High street
- Wilson Mrs. Ann, 33 Quay road
- Wilson William, jobbing gardener, 61 High st.
- Wilson William, market gardener, Church green
- Winpenny William Henry, superintendent, Police Station, Quay road
- Winter Miss Ann, 90 St. John's street
- Wise Mrs. Harriet, North Wold ter., Quay rd.
- Woffindin Rev. Henry, M.A., The Rectory
- Wood Mr. James, Swindon house, Quay road
- Woodmansey John, C.C. bailiff and assistant overseer, 1 Cambridge street
- Wyatt Rev. Rd. (Congregational), St. John's av.
- York City and County Banking Co., Limited (draw on Lloyd's & Co., London), 1 Westgate; Edward James Smith, manager
- York Union Banking Co., Limited (draw on Glyn, Mills & Co., London), Westgate; Danl. James Burden Tonge, manager
Academies & Schools.
- Barnby Miss Jemima, Welbeck villas, St. John's avenue
- Dale Miss Clara, 38 High st
- Gibson Thomas, Priory House school
- National, North Back lane; (boys') Isaac Wilibourn, master ; (girls') Miss Emily Earnshaw, mistress; (infants, - Church green) Mrs. Anne Partridge
- Nicholson Miss Alice, 5 High street
- Robinson The Misses, St. John's terrace
- Snowdon Mrs. Annie Elizbth., 110 St. John's terrace
- Stonex Mrs. Rchl., Market pl
- Wilson Miss Susan, The Vines, Quay road
Ale and Porter Merchants.
- Bradley Henry, 68 High st
- Cape The Misses Ann & Jane, 10 High street
- Moody George, 20 High street
- London & Yorkshire Banking Co., Ltd., 1 High st (draw on Union Bank, London); George Wheatley, manager
- Savings, Market place, and Commercial buildings,Bridlington Quay; Thomas Heselton, secretary
- York City & County Banking Co., Ltd., Westgate (draw on Lloyds & Co., London); E. J. Smith, manager
- York Union Banking Co., Ltd., Westgate (draw on Glyn Mills & Co., London); D. J. B. Tonge, manager
- Hull & Grimsby Billposting Co., 93 St. John's street
- Waite Anthony (and bellman, &c.), 82 St. John's street
Booksellers, Newsagents, & Stationers.
- Braithwaite Joseph Benjamin, 97 High street
- Heselton William, 75 High st
- Rogers Edward Palmer, 24 High street
Boot and Shoe Makers.
- (Dealers marked thus: d Repairers marked thus: r)
- Coates John, 30 High street
- Coulson John, 9 Market place
- dCraggs Miss Eliza, 45 High st
- dFoster Mrs. Jane, 9 High street, and Prince street, Bridlington Quay
- Gledhill Edward, Hermitage cottage
- rKing William, 47 High street
- dNicholson George, 63 High st
- rReed John, 5 Church green
- dStephenson Albert James, 17 St. John's street
- Waite Anthy., 82 St. John's st
- dWeldon William, 88 High st, and Bridlington Quay
- Wiles Robinson, 80 High st
- Williamson John, 9 Quay rd
Builders and Bricklayers.
- Brown Robert, 11 Quay road
- Davison John Nicholson, Scarborough road
- Hird Brown, 13 St. John's walk
- Limon Charles, 6 Lincoln ter
- Sampson John, 114 St. John's street
- Constable William, 52 St. John's street
- Fletcher Joseph & Sons, 11 High street
- Gorden Edward, 16 Kirkgate
- Lawty John, 53 High street, and 42 King street, Bridlington Quay
- Sawdon John, 6 High street
- Smallwood Luke, 65 High st
- Stride Charles, Market place
Cab and Carriage Proprietors.
- Carville John, Kirkgate
- Humphreys Wm., 51 Quay rd
- Jackson Joseph, Nungate
- Knaggs Mrs. Mary, 1 St. John's street, & Promenade, Bridlington Quay
- Rowley George, Kirkgate
- Wilson Alfred, St. John's st
- Wilson John, Pinfold street
- Wormleighton John, 58 Kirkgate
Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers.
- Binnington Wm., 14 Market
- Braithwaite Benj., 97 High st
- Edmond J. G. & Son, 98 St. John's street
- Elliott Hy. Nightingale, 50 St. John's street
- Kelwick Walter, 64 St. John's street
- Rhodes Edmd, 38 St. John's st
- Watson James Bielby, 30 St. John's street
- Wentworth John & Son, 6 and 7 Westgate
- Constable Stphn., The Hermitage
- Grimshaw Jph., 53 Kirkgate
Carvers, Gilders, and Picture Framers.
- Braithwaite Joseph Benjamin, 97 High street
- Collins Samuel, 18 Quay road
Cattle Dealer.
- Beckett Robt., 47 Kirkgate
Chemists & Druggists.
- Dewing Jas. Edwd., 8 High st
- Gatenby Robt., 19 High street
- Mainprize Edmund, 64 High st
- Smith William, Market place
- Wilcock Jas. Wm., A.P.S., 87 High street
China, Glass. & Earthenware Dealers.
- Burrell Francis, 61 High st
- Etty & Clubley, 12 St. John's street
- Stone George, 94 St. John's st
Coal Dealers.
- Constable John Wm., 51 St. John's street
- Garry Michael, 11 Sewerby st
- Humphreys Wm., 61 Quay rd
- Lister Michael, 102 St. John's street
- Watson James, The Vines
- Wilson Alf. 95 St. John's st.
- Bakers marked *
- Coates Mrs. Jennie, 30 High st
- Dukes Mrs. Eliz., 66 High st
- Forbes John, 94 High street
- Petch John Robson, 81 High st
- *Sawyer Thos., 9 St. John's st
- *Woodcock Mrs. Annie, 49 High street
- Atkinson Wm., 21 Kirkgate
- Banks Rd., Havelock place
- Beckett Robt., 47 Kirkgate
- Burrell Sawdon, Kirkgate
- Constable Stphn., South Back lane
- Davison John Nicholson,Scarborough road
- Dobson Mrs. Hanh., Clitheroe cottage
- Edmond Mahala, 35 High st
- Fussey Wm., East Huntow
- Garbutt Mitchel, 10 Kirkgate
- Grainger Thos., South Back lane
- Humphreys Benj., North Back lane
- Mallory Geo., 37 Sewerby st
- Mason Saml., North Back lane
- Milson Rd., 12 St. Mary's ter
- Peasgood Hy., Applegarth lane
- Readhead Saml., 37 High st
- Robinson Mrs. Sarah, 3 Westgate
- Robinson Wm. Mount pleasant
- Rowley George, Kirkgate
- Sampson Thos., New Pasture lane
- Thompson Martin, High Green
- Warn Herbert, Mount villa
- Watson Robert, Market place
- Watts Jeremiah, Havelock pl
- White Mrs. Sarah, Westgate
Donkey Owners.
- Carvill John, Kirkgate
- Garvey Daniel, Sewerby st
- Jackson Joseph, Sewerby st
- Knaggs Mrs. Mary, 1 St. John's street
- Williamson Thos., St. John's street
- Wilson Alfred, 95 St. John's st
- Beckton Rt., 23 St. John's walk
- Binnington Foster. 77 High st
- Creaser Francis, 93 High st
- Gibson Miss Jane (fancy), 17 and 18 High street
- Mainprize George Vickerman, 73 High street
- Wallis John, 56 High street
- Coulson Miss Ann, Quay road
- Coulson Miss Jane Ann, 9 Market place
- Coulson Miss Mary Ann, 1 Church green
- Craggy Miss Jane, 58 St. John's street
- Edmond Miss Jane, 73 St. John's street
- Found Miss Margt., 20 Market place
- Gutherless Mrs. Elizabeth, 3 North Back lane
- Kidd Miss Margt., Squire lane
- Pinkney Miss Emma,5 Lincoln terrace
- Thompson Miss Eleanor, 12 Bayle gate
Dyers and Cleaners.
- Hobson Mrs. Alice, 60 Quay rd
- Milne Miss Zilab, 78 St. John's street
- Atkinson Wm., 21 Kirkgate
- Beckett Robert, 47 Kirkgate
- Brambles Hy., North Mount farm
- Burrell Sawdon, Kirkgate
- Constable Stephen, The Hermitage
- Edmond Mrs. Mahala, 35 High street
- Fussey Wm., East Huntow
- Jackson Thomas, West field
- Lamplugh Jeremiah (& miller) Black mills
- Nettleton Mrs. Jane, 13 Portland place
- Nightingale John, Stepney house
- Peasgood Hy., Applegarth lane
- Robinson Wm., Mount pleasant
- Rowlin George, 24 Kirkgate
- Taylor Geo., Sewerby cottage
- Thompson Martin, 1 High green
- White Mrs.Sarah, 16 Westgate
- Grimshaw Thompson, 77 St. John's street
- Heselton Jas., 109 St. John's st
- Bogg John, 4 St. John's street
- Coburn Andrew, 10 Market pl
- White George, 61 High street
Greengrocers and Fruiterers.
- Atkinson David, 5 Kirkgate
- Bateman Wm., 62 High street
- Brown Mrs. William Coates, 5 St. John's street
- Jackson Thomas Emanuel, 48 High street
- Taylor William, St. John's st
- Wiles William, Priory cottage, Bridlington Quay
Grocers and Provision Dealers.
- Allison Frederick, 2 and 3 St. John's street
- Baker Mrs. Ellen, 43 Market pl
- Blythe John, 64 High street
- Bradley Henry, 68 High street
- Broadbent Mrs. Mary, 12 Quay road
- Cape Misses Ann and Jane, 10 High street
- Downes John, 78 High street
- Dukes Mrs. Eliz., 66 High st
- Etty & Clubley, 12 St. John's
- Foster John Hill, 39 Market pl
- Gray & Dandy, 2 Westgate
- Holtby Hy., 2 High st and 13 Chapel st, Bridlington Quay
- Jackson Vickerman, 13 Market place
- Lazenby Mrs. Sarah, 5 Bayle gate
- Lyon Alfred, 97 St. John's st
- Mainprize Edmd., 64 High st
- Moody George, 20 High street
- Nightingale John, 89 High st
- Ripley Mrs. Mary Jane, 2 Market place
- Smallwood Wm., 6 Kirkgate
- Smith Hy. Fredk., 3 Kirkgate
- Stephenson James, 3 High st
- Story John Wm., 33 Kirkgate
- Walkington Mrs. Sarah, 61 St. John's street
- Wilson John, 20 Quay road
- Wright Thos., South Back lane
Hotels, Inns, and Taverns.
- Black Lion, Market place; Charles Jarvis Naylor
- Board, 68 High street; Henry Bradley
- Bull and Sun, Church green; William Henry Blackburn
- Crown, Quay road; Charles Arnott Harrison
- Globe, Market place ; Mrs. Hannah Carr
- Green Dragon, 23 Westgate; Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson
- Nag's Read, Market place; William Jordan Smith
- Pack Horse, Market place; John Albert Potter
- Queen, 91 High street; Fredk. Wilson
- Royal, 55 High street; James William Marshall
- Ship, St. John's street; Geo. Walker
- Star, 5 Westgate; Cornelius Johnson
- White Swan, 32 Market Place; William Ward
Insurance Companies and Agents.
- Alliance; Wm. Smith,Market place
- British Prim. Meth. F. & S. B. Soc.; James Rennison, 48 St. John's street
- Imperial & U. K. Temperance, &c.; Thomas Gibson, Priory house
- Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society; Robert John Lambert, 7 Quay road
- Phoenix; John Nightingale, 89 High street
- Prudential; M. B. Aston(assistant super.), 1 Portland pl.; Wm. Edge, 83 St. John st
- Royal Liver Friendly Soc.; William Dodd Smith, 2 Quay road
- Sun; Frederick Allison, 2 and 3 St. John's street
- Wesleyan and General; Geo. Nicholas Whittaker, 11 St. John's street
- Yorkshire (Fire and Life); Messrs. A. & J. Cape, 10 High street
- Clark Alfred, 95 High street
- Dale Matthew, 85 High st.
- Milner William, 16 High st.
- Stevenson Albert James, 17 St. John's street
Joiners, &c.
- Airey James, 9 St. Mary's ter.
- Braithwaite Benj., 97 High st.
- Edmond J. G. & Son, 98 St. John's street
- Eggleston John, 56 Quay road
- Gardam Amos, Havelock pl.
- Lyon William, 14 Quay road
- Robinson Wm., 4 Portland pl.
- Snowdon Thomas William, 110 St. John's street
- Watson Robert, 27 Market pl.
- Wentworth John & Son, 6 and 7 Westgate
Livery Stable Keepers.
- Knaggs Mrs. Mary, 1 St. John's st. and Promenade, Bridlington Quay
- Naylor Charles Jarvis, Black Lion Hotel
- Ward William, 32 Market pl.
- Clark Mrs. Faith, 3 Cambridge street
- Cranswick Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 Portland place
- Fewster Mrs. Emma, 38 Market place
- Foster Mrs. Christiana, Portland place
- Gibson Mrs. Walter, 36 Kirkgate
- Hornsey Mrs. Ann, 4 Pembroke place
- Smithies Mrs. Ann, 19 St. St. John's avenue
- Stobbert Mrs. Ellen, 2 Lincoln terrace
- Woodcock Mrs. Annie, 37 Quay road
Marine Store Dealers.
- Grainger Mrs. Jane, 21 Sewerby street
- Mallory George, 37 Sewerby st.
Market Gardeners, Seedsmen, & Florists.
- Bateman Wm., 6 St. John's st
- Crosby Wm., Havelock place
- Hodgson John Chas., 81 St. John's street
- Plaxton Francis, 47 St. John's street
- Readhead Tom, Havelock pl
- Stephenson Edmond, 41 St. John's street
- Stephenson John Wm., 16 St. John's street
- Towell Thos., Windsor cottage
- Wiles Wm., Priory cottage
- Wilson Wm., Church green
- Clark Mrs. Alfred, 23 High st
- Edmond Miss Mary, 98 High st
- Gibson Miss Jane, 17 and 18 High street
- Irving Mrs. Charlotte, 69 High street
- Bridlington Free Press, printed and published by Edward Palmer Rogers, 24 High st., Bridlington; weekly, Sats.
Painters, Paperhangers & Decorators.
- Atkinson George, 57 Quay rd
- Carter Robt., 31 St. John's st
- Siddall John Thos., 12 Portland place
- Stathers Arthur, 84 High st
- Whittaker G. N. S., 11 St. John's street
Plumbers and Glaziers.
- Atkinson George, 57 Quay rd
- Carter Robt., 31 St. John's st
- Stathers Arthur, 84 High st
Saddlers and Harness Makers.
- Barrow Hezekiah, 42 Marketplace
- Sherwood John, 96 High st
Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries.
- Dixon Geo., 13 Sewerby street
- Elliott Joseph, Kirkgate
- Jackson Joseph, Sewerby st
(Marked b are blacksmiths; g gunsmiths; w, whitesmiths.)
- gBlythe Mrs. Eliz., 2 Baylegate
- bDale Matt., 85 High street
- bDooks Chas., 7 St. Mary's ter
- bEveringham Brothers, North Back lane
- bFenby George Wm., 75 St. John's street
- gHodgson Francis, 1 Market pl
- bWatson Rt., 27 Market place
- Harland & Son, Squire lane and Bridlington Quay
- Medforth F.J. Market Place
- Richardson & Son, Market place and Filey
- Sutcliffe G. G., 81 High street
Surgeons & Physicians.
- Allison Andrew, M.D., 60 Highstreet
- Allison John, L.F.P. & S., L.S.A., 60 High street
- Brett Francis Chas., M.R.C.S. &L.S.A., L.R.C.P, The Elms
- Hutchinson Ed. de Warrenne, M.D., 41 High street
- Robinson John, M.R.C.S. & L.S.A., 26 Quay road
Surgeons (Veterinary.)
- Ireland Edwin, M.R.C.V.S., 16 Market place
- Lang Chas. Treble, M.R.C.V.S. 41 Market place
Tailors and Woollen Drapers.
(Marked thus * are Tailors only.)
- Baker William, 46 High st.
- Bielby James, 19 Quay road
- Evison George Atkinson, 76 High street
- *Forbes Wm., South Back lane
- Garton Andrew, 7 High street
- Hillerby Francis, 32 St.John's street
- *Hoggard Fredk., South Back lane
- Madden Joseph, 90 High st.
- Sewell Edward, 46 St. John's street
- Taylor Tom, 38 High street
- Harrison Joseph Henry, 15 High street
- Hudson Thomas Craven, 92 High street
- Stephenson Geo., 48 High st.
- Braithwaite Benj. 97 High st.
- Edmond J. G. & Son, 98 St. John's street
- Eggleston John, 56 Quay road
- Robinson Wm., 4 Portland pl.
- Watson Robert, 27 Market pl.
- Wentworth John & Son, 6 and 7 Westgate
Watchmakers and Jewellers.
- Burrell Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, 48 Market place
- Nixon Steph. Hy., 12 High st.
Wine and Spirit Merchants.
- Bradley Henry, 65 High street
- Cape The Misses Ann & Jane,10 High street
- Moody George, 20 High street
Bridlington Quay.
- Abram Mr. Fredk. Chas., 4 West View villas
- Allen Ernest James, B.A., M.C.P., F.S.Sc., high school, Brynmawr, Victoria road
- Allerston John Taylor, marine artist, Wellington house
- Andrew Mr. John (Andrew & Andrew); h Wellington view
- Arnott Mr. Charles, 24 Promenade
- Badger Mr. Henry Charles, 8 Fort terrace
- Bagnall Mr. Frederick, West View villas
- Baker Mr. Chas. Wm., 1 Westmoreland avenue
- Banks Robert (Collinson & Banks); h 27a North street
- Baron Mr, Robert, Wellington road
- Barr, Miss Mary Elizaheth, Grasmead
- Barugh Mrs. Jane, 8 Wellington road
- Batchelor Benj., corn merchant, Wellington rd
- Beale Mrs. Mary, 1 Grasmead
- Bean George (Makins & Bean); h Victoria rd
- Birch Mr. Edwin, 1 Lansdowne villas
- Blackburn Mr. William, Belle Vue cottage
- Blundell Mr. Henry, Bryn villa, Beaconsfield
- Bourne Miss Elizabeth, hosier, Garrison street
- Boynton Mr. Thos., Norman ho., Sewerby cres.
- Bradford Geo. Hy., dentist, 1 Springfield ter
- Brambles Geo., timber mrcht., 8 Blenheim ter
- Brambles Miss Hannah, Promenade cottage
- Bridlington & Quay Gazette, Illustrated Gazette, and Visitors' List; office, Promenade; Chas. Foster & Co., printers and publishers
- Bridlington & Quay Permanent Benefit Building Society, Quay road; J. C. Archer, secretary
- Bridlington & Quay Water Co., Ltd.; office, Quay road; William Lee, secretary
- Bridlington Land & Investment Co., Ltd.; office, Quay road; John Chris. Archer, sec.
- Bridlington Model Building Society; office, Midway green; Geo. Sherwood, sec.; F. J. Brigham, solicitor; S. Dyer, surveyor
- Brigham Fredk. J., solicitor, 8 Manor street
- Brigham Mr. John, Glashgar, Wellington road
- Broadbent Thomas, music dealer and organ builder, 8 Garrison street
- Brown Miss Isab., private school, Fernside hs
- Brown Mr. Robert Railston, 1 Blenheim ter
- Brown Robert Railston, CE., town surveyor, Prospect street; h Fountain house, Quay rd
- Brown Robert Thomas, chemist's assistant, 6 York place
- Burniston Mrs. Mary (Curtis & Burniston); h Alexandra Hotel
- Burrell Benjamin, jeweller, 4 Queen street
- Burrell Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, 2 Esplanade
- Burton David Fowler, Esq., J.P., C.C., barrister-at-law, Sunny bank
- Canby Mrs. Mary, 2 Lawn terrace
- Cape Mrs. Mary, 3 Bishop terrace
- Carroll Rev. Robert P., B.A., curate, Christ church; h Wellington road
- Carter Mr. Charles, Eastrington lodge,Beaconsfield
- Chadwick Mrs. Mary, Vernon house, Promenade
- Chatterton Mrs. Catherine Barnett, Albert terrace
- Clarkson Mrs. Ann, 3 Canton villas
- Clifton Lieut., Shamrock villa, Victoria road
- Cobb Mrs. Frances, 13 North street
- Collinson John (Collinson & Banks); h 18 King street
- Connery Rev. Patrick (Cath.) 3 Wellington rd
- Cooper Geo., boat builder, Alma villa, Hilderthorpe road
- Cowie Mrs. Mary, 3 Trinity villas
- Cranswick Mrs. Elizabeth, Armley lodge
- Cranswick Mr. Thomas, Victoria road
- Creadland Mr. John, 11 Victoria place
- Crookes Mr. Henry, Beaconsfield villa
- Curtis Chas., (Curtis & Burniston) auctioneer and sheriff's officer, Scarborough; h Alexandra hotel
- Davis Edwin Louis, superintendent N.-E. Ry., 2 Lansdowne villas, Sewerby crescent
- Dawber Mrs. Phoebe, Herne villa, Victoria rd
- Dawber Mr. William, St. Anne's villas
- Dawson Mr. Richard, 29 North street
- Dennison Mark, maltster, 1 York place
- Dixon Ernest Carr (Dixon & Co.); h 2 Prospect street
- Dixon Walter (Dixon & Co.); h Filey
- Dove Harry, monumental mason, 86 Quay rd
- Draffin John (exors. of), refreshment rooms, Royal Pavilion
- Dupan Louis, professor of music and languages, 2 North View terrace
- Dyer Samuel, architect, surveyor and sanitary engineer, Helstonleigh, Quay road
- Earle Mr. Thomas, 4 Princess street
- Earnshaw Joseph, architect and surveyor, Carlton house, Wellington road
- Fawcett Mrs. Sarah, 2 Belle vue
- Field House, Victoria road, massage and hydro.; Miss Emily Russum, proprietress
- Ford Mr. Frederick, 6 Wellington road
- Foster Miss Ann, Poplar house, 46 Quay road
- Foster Charles & Co., printers, booksellers, stationers, and newspaper proprietors and publishers, Promenade
- Fox Rev. Samuel William Darwin, M.A., vicar of Christ church and surrogate of York, Vicarage, Quay road
- Frankish Miss Elizabeth, 14 Midway terrace
- Furby Charles, printer, bookbinder, stationer and paperhanger, 8b Prospect street
- Gardham Mr. George, Falconhurst, Victoria rd
- Gardiner Miss Elizabeth, 3 Brunswick place
- Garside Mr. Joseph, Promenade
- Godfrey Henry John Clarendon, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., physician and surgeon, 7 Manor st
- Gray John, harbour master, The Pier ; h Gray's yard, Promenade
- Greening William Keddy, paperhanger and decorator, 7 Prospect Street
- Greenwood Hy.,yeast merchant, 20 Promenade
- Gummer Alderman, 1 Bishop terrace
- Hagyard Mrs. Elizabeth, Bosworth house
- Haldenby Mr. Joseph, 11 Midway terrace
- Halse Rev. Wm. George, M.A., vicar of Holy Trinity Church, 1 Trinity Villas
- Hardman Mr. William, Ebor villa
- Harland Thos., Esq., C.C., solicitor, Daneslea
- Hawksley Miss Sarah Ann, 27 Queen street
- Heard James, Russian consul, Victoria road
- Heaven Mr. Graham Wilkins, Sewerby terrace
- Hewitt Mr. Percival, Seafield house, Wellington road
- Hobson Mr. George, 5 Wellington road
- Hodgson Miss Emma, 2 Prospect row
- Hodgson Miss S. J., 4 Burlington terrace
- Holden Jph. Thos., billiard saloon and private hotel, Stratten house, Promenade
- Holiday Miss Mary, Wellington road
- Hood Mr, John Burton, Cyprus villas, Sewerby crescent
- Hooton John William, cement manufacturer, Avon lodge, Wellington road
- Hopper Mr. William, 2 Bridge villas
- Hudson Charles, Esq., J.P., Montague house, Quay road
- Hudson Col. Jas., J.P., commander, E.Y.A.V., Armley house
- Hudson Joseph Hy., joiner, builder, undertaker and contractor, Gray's yard, Promenade; h 5 Elm terrace, Hilderthorpe road
- Hughes Mrs. Isabel, Fernholme
- Hulbert Mr., 8 Gambron villas
- Humphreys Arthur, master, Wesleyan school, Rope walk; h 1 Westmoreland grove
- Ireland Hy., Board schoolmaster, 8 Princess St
- Jackson John, engnr., Harbour house, Prince st
- Jefferson William, clerk, 3 Victoria place
- Jeffrey Mrs. Mary, Thorn villa
- Jones Norman H., draper's manager, Glasmoore, Victoria road
- Jordan Mrs. Mary, Ashbourne house, Quay rd
- Jordan Mrs. Rebecca, 4 Cambridge street
- Keith Henry, 4 Midway terrace
- Kinsley John Vere, merchant, Eversley, Victoria road
- Kirk Alfred, bank manager, 6 Regent terrace
- Kirkpatrick Mrs. Hannah, Cambron villas, Promenade
- Knaggs Arthur, 30 North street
- Lamb Miss Ann, 5 Grasmead
- Lambert Mrs. Maria Louisa, 25 Promenade
- Lamplough Mrs. Ann, 2 York place
- Lamplough Geo., merchant's buyer,Wellington road
- Lamplough Mrs. John, 1 Princess street
- Langdale Miss Helen, Helenshome, Victoria rd
- Ledger Charles Fredk., solicitor and com, for oaths, 38 Quay road; h 4 York place
- Lee Mrs. Dorothy, 17 Promenade
- Lee William, Sec. to Water Co., Kelvin grove, Victoria road
- Lightley & Son, carriage and bicycle repairers,dealers, and manufacturers, Chapel street
- Lightley Jas. (Lightley & Son); h 16 Chapel St
- Lister Mrs. Harriet, 3 Grasmead
- Loe Mr. Jas. Scarborough, 8 Lansdowne villas
- Logan Geo., vict., Britannia Hotel, Prince St
- Lowson Robert, miller, 2 Springfield villas
- Lowson William, miller, 4 Spring terrace
- Lumb Mr. Amos, Wellington road
- Machen Thomas, naturalist, 11 Cliff street
- Major John Hyde, m. mariner, 3 Sewerby villas
- Marr Miss Ann Jane, Clifton villa, Wellington road
- Maughan Mr. Reuben, 11 North View terrace
- McGregor Charles, merchant, 10 Sewerby ter
- Medforth & Hutchinson, corn, bone, and manure merchants, Hilderthorpe mills
- Medforth Fred. Julian, solicitor, Montague ter
- Moberly Sydney C. H., M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P., physician and surgeon, Musgrove house
- Moore Miss Jane, 1 Spring terrace
- Morgan Miss Mary, massage, 3 West View villas
- Morris Mrs. Mary, laundress, 3 Albert place
- Nicholson Mrs. Elizabeth, game and poultry dealer, 25 King street
- Nicholson Mrs. William, Broomfield house, Wellington road
- Nume Rev. Philip (Primitive), 45 Quay road
- Oakes Mrs. Mary, 7 Wellington road
- Oldham Mrs. Ann, Ryedale, Wellington road
- Otterburn Miss Mary Jane, 3 Prospect row
- Ouston Miss Ann, 12 Prospect street
- Parker Misses, Beryl house, Wellington road
- Parkinson Mr. Thomas, 3 Lawn terrace
- Partridge Thomas Stephen & Son, music warehouse, 12 Cliff street; h Bridlington
- Patrick Mrs. Rebecca, 14 Chapel street
- Payne Mrs. Emily, Spring terrace
- Peacock Arthur Egbert, merchant, Waverley
- Pearson Mrs. Ada, 1 Victoria terrace
- Peck Mr. Thomas, 3 York place
- Peniston Mr. Jonathan, 3 Bridge villas
- Penrose Mrs. Rt., Appley house, Sewerby cres
- Pepper George, m. mariner, St. Leonard's, Sewerby crescent
- Pickard Mrs. William, Dunkeld villa
- Pinder John, foreman, 7 Victoria place
- Pollard Mrs. Harriet, 1 Belle Vue
- Pool William, laundry and bath proprietor, Queen's square
- Postill Mrs. Eliabeth, 14 North street
- Procter Mr. George, Inversnaid, Victoria road
- Puckering William, piano dealer and tuner, 2 Brunswick place
- Raney James, clerk, Regent terrace
- Redpath Thomas, cowkeeper, Victoria lodge, Wellington road
- Reed Mrs. Eliza, 10 North street
- Reed Fras., nuisance inspector, 4 Elm terrace, Hilderthorpe road
- Rennard Mrs. Annie, 24 North street
- Rice William, bootmaker, 2 Queen street
- Richards George Willis, hosier, hatter, and glover, Prospect street
- Richardson & Son, solicitors, Cliff street, and Bridlington
- Richardson Miss Annie Frances, 2 Springfield terrace
- Richardson Frederick Charles (Richardson & Son); h Bridlington
- Richardson Martin (Richardson & Son);Rose villa
- Riches Mitchell Bloye, m. mariner, 3 Albert terrace
- Rickaby Col. John, Manor house
- Rickell Mrs. Ann, ladies' school, 9 Cliff street
- Robinson Mr. Blanchard, Providence cottage
- Robinson Miss Caroline. Victoria road
- Robinson Wm. Thos., architect and surveyor, Thornholme villa, Wellington road
- Robson Mrs. Elizabeth, 5 Grasmead
- Rowntree Francis, shipsmith, 34 Queen street; h Hilderthorpe
- Sawdon John Henry, clerk, 31 North street
- Scott Mr. John, Field villas
- Scrivner Mr. Robert, 6 Esplanade
- Searby Wm., ham & bacon factor, 6 Promenade
- Seath George, 12 Midway terrace
- Shaw Joseph, fruit merchant, Elmwood
- Shepherdson Miss Mary, 31 Promenade
- Shepherdson Mr. Matthew, 3 Sewerby terrace
- Sherwood Jno., local board collector, 4 Lawn ter
- Shillito Miss Cath. Margt., 9 Burlington ter
- Shipman Thos. H., master, Bridlington station
- Siddall Wm., joiner & boat builder, 35 North st
- Signal Station for Lloyds' Shipping Gazette, Sewerby crescent
- Simpson Mr. George, 4 Wellington road
- Simpson Mrs. Mary Cath., brewer, Promenade
- Smit Rev. Martin (Congl.), Argyle villas
- Smith Edwin, master mariner, The Crescent
- Smith John, accountant, 11 Wellington road
- Smith John, brewer, Cliff street
- Smith Samuel, fish merchant, 11 Manor street
- Smith Sidney, prof. gardener, 10 Queen street
- Snow Mrs. Martha, Wellington road
- Southern Miss Susanah, 10 Wellington road
- Spensley Rev. James (Wes.), Wellington road
- Stanwix Miss Emma, 2 West View villa
- Stead Mr. John, Victoria road
- Steere Mr. Lee-Steere, 4 Belle vue
- Stephenson Thomas, horse breaker, 8 Burlington terrace
- Stork Mrs. Emily, 1 Montague terrace
- Storr George (Storr & Son) ; h King street
- Storr William Andrew (Storr & Son); h Hilderthorpe
- Stothert Miss Alice, 2 Wellington road
- Summers Mr. G. B., Arundel house
- Swetman Mr. Hale, 5 Sewerby villas
- Taite Wm. Alfred, bank manager, Manor st
- Tate Henry, tea traveller, 1 Bridge villas
- Taylor Henry (Taylor & Son), 4 Prospect row
- Taylor Mr. Isaac, 1 Alma ter, Hilderthorpe rd
- Temple Joseph, agent, 1 Albert cottages
- Thompson Theodosius, L.R.C.P. & S.,physician and surgeon, 7 Cliff street
- Thornton, Reynolds, & Co., timber merchants, Victoria Saw mills
- Tindall Mr. Wm., Leven villa, Wellington rd
- Todd Mr. William, Canton villas
- Tomlin Rev. Samuel (Methodist Free Church), Blenheim terrace, Quay road
- Topham Arthur Emmerson, hosier, 3 Prince st
- Travis Mr. John, 26 Promenade
- Turner William, billiard saloon proprietor, Alma cottage, Hilderthorpe road
- Twiddy Mrs. Thirza, 5 Victoria place
- Walker Misses Rachel, Hannah, & Sarah, 1 Canton villa
- Waller Mr. Michael, 2 Hotham terrace
- Walton Misses, Eaglehurst, Quay road
- Ward John, hank manager, 34 King street
- Wardill Brothers, carriage builders, Rope walk
- Wardill Charles Henry (Wardill Brothers),auctioneer and valuer; h Cliff street
- Wardill Dowsland (Wardill Brothers), cabinet maker, &c., Cheapside; h Cliff street
- Wardill Edwin (Wardill Brothers) ; h 12 The Crescent
- Wardill Frederick William, surgeon dentist Prospect street
- Wardill Miss Maria, 10 King street
- Wardill Rd. Hy. (Wardill Bros.); h 10 King st
- Watson James, agent, Station Coal depots
- Watson Mr. Peirson, Cyprus villas, Sewerby crescent
- Watson Robert, cowkeeper. 9 Chapel street
- Webster Mr. Obadiah, 4 Canton villas
- Welsh Mr. Anthony Hunt, 2 Sewerby villas
- West Alfred, solicitor, 11 King street ; h Clumber house, Wellington road
- Wetwan Wm. Albert, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A., 9 Prospect street
- Whipp Mrs. Clara, 4 York place
- Whipp Mrs. Mary Ann, 4 Brunswick place
- Whittaker Sidney Ernest, wholesale drysalter and smallware dealer, Quay road
- Whittaker Rev. Thomas (Primitive Methodist), 44 Quay road
- Wild James, junr., umbrella maker and grinder, 9 Midway terrace
- Williamson Robt., livery and bait stable keeper and 'bus proprietor, Hilderthorpe mews
- Williford Miss Mary Hannah, 18 Promenade
- Wilson John Mowbray, professor of music, 11 Prospect street
- Wilson John, house agent, 2 Alma terrace, Hilderthorpe road
- Wilson Miss Louisa, ladies' school, 2 Alma terrace, Hilderthorpe road
- Wilson Miss Susan, boys' preparatory school, 10 Marlborough terrace
- Wise Robert, Beck hill
- Woodcock Hy., confectioner, 14 King street
- Woodcock Matthew, butcher, and lodgings, 13 Prince street
- Woodhouse Mrs. Margaret, lodgings, 10 Bright crescent
- Woodhouse Mrs. Mary Ann, Cliff street
- Woodhouse Samuel, fish merchant, Cliff street
- Woodmansey Mrs. Elizabeth, 21 North street
- Woodmansey Miss Ruth, 20 North street
- Wortley Geo., mineral water manufacturer and ale agent, Prospect street
- Wray Miss Mary Ann, lodgs., 3 Burlington ter
- Wright Mr. Hy., St. Fillian's, Wellington road
- Wright Philip, lodgings, 5 Sea view
- Wynn Miss Harriet, lodgings, 2 Victoria place
- Yeaman James, lodgings, 12 Queen street
- Yeoman Thos., tailor and draper, Queen street
- Yonge Lieut., divisional officer of coast guards, Coast Guard station
- York City and County Bank, 87 King street; John Ward, manager
- York Union Bank, Manor street; Wm. Alfred Taite, manager
- Young Anthony, lodgings, 32 Queen street
Academies & Schools.
- Allen Ernest Jas. B.A., M.C.P., F.S.Sc., Brynmawr, Victoria road
- Board, U.D. (girls'), Quay rd; Miss Mary Eliz. Rookledge
- Brown Miss Isabel, Fernside house
- Rickell Mrs. Ann, 9 Cliff street
- Wesleyan Day School (boys mixed), Rope walk; Arthur Humphreys, master
- Wilson Miss Louisa, 2 Alma terrace, Hilderthorpe road
- Wilson Miss Susan, 10Marlborough terrace
Architects & Surveyors
- Dyer Samuel, Quay road
- Earnshaw Jph., Wellington rd
- Robinson William Thomas, Wellington road
- Cranswick Hy., Victoria road
- Curtis Chas., Alexandra Hotel
- Taylor & Son, North street
- Wardill Chas. Hy., Cliff street
- Wilson John Major, 5 Promenade
- York City & County Bank, 37 King st; John Ward, mngr.
- York Union Bank, Manor st; Wm. Alf. Taite, manager
Beer & Wine Retailers.
- Baldwin Wm., Greyhound Inn, 28 Promenade
- Chambers Thomas, Cricketers' Arms, 8 Brunswick place
- Leach Thos., Sea Birds Inn, Flamborough road
- Siddall Jackson, 1 Oxford st
Boat Owners.
- Anderson Edwd., 22 Queen st
- Barnett John, 3 Marlborough terrace
- Champlin Geo., 3 Esplanade
- Clark Thomas, Bath terrace
- Lyon John, Garden wall
- Pashby Richard, 1 Bath ter
- Saggs Robert Popplewell, 3 Bath terrace
- Sampson Robt., Gray's yard, Promenade
- Williamson Chris. Francis, 4 Willow terrace
Booksellers, Newsagents, Stationers, and Printers.
- Brown Richard, 8 King street
- Foster Charles, Promenade
- Furby Charles, Prospect st
- Gawthorpe Thurlston Robert
- Smith W. H. & Sons,Bridlington station
- Wade, 9 Garrison street
- Wilson John Major, 5 Promenade
Boot and Shoe Makers.
- Braimbridge Joseph, Portland place
- Cast Charles, Beck hill
- Chambers Rt., 13 Promenade
- Foster Mrs. Jane and Misses, Prince street
- Hanwell Mrs. Ellen, 10 Promenade
- Lawson Major, 2 King street
- Middlebrook Whitaker, 21 King street
- Nicholson Miss Julia, 1Commercial buildings
- Pearce Edmond, 25 North st
- Rice William, 2 Queen street
- Richardson James, Bath ter
- Weldon William, Clough bdge
- Williamson Jno., Clough bdge and 8 Quay road
Builders and Contractors.
- Bailey Robert, Beechwood, Victoria road
- Barr Aaron, Lyncote house
- Gray Thomas, Commercial buildings
- Hudson Joseph Henry, Gray's yard, Promenade
- Leeson Frederick Johnson, North street
- Mainprize Leonard, 1 Manor st
- Rennard George, Manor st
- Rennard John, North street
- Walkington David Gibbon, 1 Elm ter, Hilderthorpe rd
- Barnett William (pork), 1 Prospect street
- Burrell Luke, Promenade
- Chew John, 16 King street
- Clark Henry, Clough bridge
- Hunter Thos. (pork), Promenade and Clough bridge
- Lawty John, 42 King st and High street Bridlington
- Lyon Mrs. Rachael, 2 Promenade
- Nicholson Alf., Clough bridge
- Nicholson James, 2 Eltham terrace Promenade
- Oxtoby John, 39 Quay rd. and 8 Hilderthorpe road, Hilderthorpe
- Richardson Albert, 80Promenade
- Taylor Harry Harland, Cliff st
- Taylor Robert, 3 Prince street
- Woodcock Matt., 13 Prince st
Cab and Carriage Proprietors.
- Baldwin Wm., 28 Promenade
- Burton Robert, Telegraph Inn yard, Quay road
- Dalby Mrs. Frances, 10 Prospect street
- Humphrey John, 7 Chapel st
- Knaggs Mrs. Mary, Promenade mews
- Parker Jas. Clough, Beaconsfield Arms
- Reaston James, 1 North View terrace
Cabinet Makers.
- Atkin William, Chapel street
- Kirby James, 8 Albion terrace
- Storr & Son, 32 King st and 6 Queen street
- Wardill Dowsland, Cheapside
- Williamson David, 10 Albert terrace
- Willis Thomas Holliday, 7 Regent terrace
Cart Owners.
- Belt Christopher Robson, 6 North street
- Dixon John, Garden walk
- Dove Samuel, 7 Rope walk
- Garbutt William, Rope walk
- Miles Francis, Garden walk
- Pant John, Gas House lane
- Reaston James, 1 North View terrace
- Dickins (Exors. of), 7 Prince st
- Headley Wm., 4 Prince street
- Jackson Hy. John, 11 Prince st
- Mainprize John Vickerman, 9 King street
- Powis John Boult, 15 Promenade
Chimney Sweepers and Soot Merchants.
- Myers David, Clough bridge
- Wiles Jas., senr., 9 Midway ter
- Anfield Hy., 1 Burlington ter
- Anfield William (Trustees of), 9 Prince street
- Gardham Mrs. Margaret, 39 Quay road
- Gibbins George, 6 King street
- Gibbon Thomas, 10a King st
- Hunter Henry, 23 Prince st
- Jefferson John, 16 Promenade
- Johnson John, 4 Manor street
- Jordison Miss Susan, 16 & 17 Prince street
- Kneeshaw Misses Eliza and Harriet, 3 Prospect street
- Knight John, Clough bridge
- Monkman Robert, Queen st
- Railton John William, 6 Prospect Row
- Tranmer Wm., 15 Queen st
- Woodcock Henry, 14 King st
- Allen Richard, Regent house, Promenade
- Andrew John Abraham, 15 Prince street
- Dixon & Co., 2 Prospect st, and at Flamborough
- Howdie Thomas Wm.,Broadwater house
- Keith Thomas Atkinson, 1 Midway terrace
- Makins & Bean, 7 King street
- Moody William, Clough bridge
- Scholefield Mrs. C., 15 King st
- Etty Miss Elizabeth Ann, 1 & 2 Free Church terrace
- Forbes Miss Emily, 43 Quay rd
- Hotham Misses Eliz. & Mary Dalby, 12 Chapel street
- Whitfield Mrs. Ann, Midway ter
- Wilson Misses Maria & Jane Eliz., 2 Midway terrace
Fish & Game Dealers.
- Anderson Samuel Joseph, 3 Promenade
- Crawford Wm., Chapel street
- Walkington George Wm., 15 Chapel st., and Promenade
- Woodhouse Samuel, Cliff st
Greengrocers and Fruiterers.
- Armitage John, 41 King street
- Blashill George Wm., Clough house
- Ellis Henry, 29 Promenade
- Hutchinson Fredk., 9 Manor st
- Jefferson John, 16 Promenade
- Knowsley Edwd., 3 Garrison st
- Leeson Mrs. Charlotte, 11 Promenade
- Leftley George, 27 King street
- Musk Henry, Clough bridge
- Musk Robert, 1 Promenade
- Reed Francis, Clough bridge
- Simpson Michael Sadler, Quay road
- Spence Mrs. Ann, 26 Queen st
- Taylor Mrs. Ada, 38 King st
- Wiles William, 1 Prince street
- Blythe Henry, 1 Albert ter
- Bradley Henry, 34 Quay road
- Colley George, 10 Prince st
- Collinson & Banks, 13 King st
- Colthart Walter, 12 Prince st
- Crannis Charles Gregory, Promenade
- Fairbotham John, 9 Queen st
- Gray Francis, 12 Manor street
- Gray Robert, 19 Queen street
- Hall Benj., Promenade stores
- Hardwick Geo. Drinkrow, Wm. Alfred and John, Promenade
- Hayton Richd. S., King street
- Holden Mrs. Emma, 14 Promenade
- Holtby Henry, 13 Chapel st
- Kneeshaw Misses Eliza and Harriet, 3 Prospect street
- Ouston David, 20 King street
- Parnell Alfred Jas., 33 King st
- Railton John William, 6 Prospect row
- Reynolds Mrs. Eliz., Spring gardens
- Rowntree Mrs. Jane, 26 King st
- Siddall Jackson, 1 Oxford st
- Simpson George Wilkinson, 8 Queen street
- Douglas John, King street
- Jackson Geo., 8 Victoria place
- Martin Walter Griffin, 7a King street
- Meek Octavius, 22 Prince st
- Robinson William, 17 King st
- Sampson Henry, 10 Manor st
Hotels, Inns, and Taverns.
- Alexandra, Sewerby terrace; Curtis and Burniston
- Beaconsfield Arms, Flamborough road; James Clough Parker
- Britannia, Prince st; George Logan
- Brunswick, Manor street; Geo. Rennard
- Cock and Lion, Prince street; Charles Jarvis Naylor
- George, 21 Prince st; Thomas H. Gresham
- Half Moon, Prospect st; Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbett
- Harrison's New, Prince street; Matthew Wilburn
- King's Arms, King street; Rt. Williamson
- Parade, Cliff st; Jph. Labon
- Paragon, Prince st; Charles Nicholson
- Refreshment Rooms, Bridlington station; Mrs. Annie Creaser
- Stirling Castle, Queen street; John Bennett
- Telegraph, Quay rd; William Russell
- Burbery John Jackson, Chapel street
- Dales Wm. John; 12 King st
- Gardham Rd., 4 Promenade
- Brown John, 3 Manor street
- Chambers Thos. Hodgson, 22 Promenade
- Hudson Joseph Henry, Gray's yard, Promenade
- Leeson Frederick Johnson, North street
- Mainprize Leonard, 1 Manor st
- Postill Francis, 7 The Crescent
- Siddall Thomas, 12 North st
- Siddall William, 35 North st
- Tiplady Wm. Hy., 4 North st
- Watson Fras. Hy., 4 Hotham terrace
Lodging House Keepers.
- Abram William, 8 Princess ter
- Allanson Thomas Booth, Esplanade
- Allerston Miss Sarah Jane, 4 Grasmead
- Anderson Edward, 22 Queen st
- Armitage John, 41 King street
- Atkin Mrs. Margt., 9 Fort ter
- Atkin Richard, 15 North st
- Atkin Thomas, Bay View hs, Esplanade
- Atkin Wm., Musgrove house
- Bailey Mrs. Johanna, 1 Springfield villas
- Baker Miss Rhoda, 4 Marlborough terrace
- Banks Mrs. Jane, 9 Brunswick place
- Barnett John, 3 Marlborough terrace
- Baron Mrs. Harriet, 8 North View terrace
- Barron John, 9 Albion terrace
- Baxter Edward, 3 Cliff street
- Bedford Misses Eliza Charlotte and Charlotte Elizabeth, 21 Promenade
- Bell Mrs. Mary Ann, 9 Marlborough terrace
- Belt Chris. Robson, 6 North st
- Bishop Mrs. Mary, 5 Burlington terrace
- Blair Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 St. Anne's villas
- Blashill Geo. Wm., Clough hs
- Bleasby Mrs. Mary Ann, 3 Victoria terrace
- Boole Mrs. Eliz., Ivy house, Manor street
- Brown Mrs. Ella, 6 Fort ter
- Brown John, 3 Manor street
- Brown Thomas, 33 North st
- Brunton Jas., 5 Queen's square
- Burton Richard, 10 Albert ter
- Chambers Thomas Hodgson, 22 Promenade
- Champlin Geo., 3 Esplanade
- Chaplin Mrs. Annie, 1 West View villas
- Chaplin Mrs. Annie, 3 Westmoreland avenue
- Charlton John, 3 North View terrace
- Cherry Gibson, Alma villa
- Cheveley Miss Emily, 1 Fort terrace
- Clark William, 10 Regent ter
- Clarke Mrs. Alice, 2 Trinity villas
- Clough Mrs. Susan, 10 Marlborough terrace
- Coates Miss Maria Jane, 4 Princess terrace
- Coates Mrs. Martha, 1 Regent terrace
- Coates William, 3 Regent ter
- Coatham Thomas, 10 North View terrace
- Cockerill Fras., 11 Chapel st
- Coleman Thomas, 18 King st
- Collins William, Frederick, Marshall house
- Cowling Mrs. Eliz. Martha, 9 North street
- Craike Miss Ellen, 19 North st
- Cranswick Mrs. Fanny, 5 Albion terrace
- Crawford Mrs. Betsy, 5 Regent terrace
- Creaser Mrs. Annie, 22 Chapel street
- Croft Mrs. Ellen, 9 North View terrace
- Cross Mrs. Mary Jane, 1 Ocean view
- Dales Misses Maria and Mary Ann, 3 Fort terrace
- Davison Ralph, 2 Regent ter
- Day Charles, Victoria place, Gas House lane
- Day Miss Louisa, Queen's cottage, Bath terrace
- Deighton Francis, 2 Londesborough house, Promenade
- Dixon Misses Harriet and Elizabeth, 7 Albion terrace
- Dobson Mrs. Mary, 3Promenade terrace
- Dobson Richard, 11 North st
- Dobson Mrs. Robt., 37 King street
- Dodds Miss Fanny, 29 Queen street
- Dodds Mrs. Susannah, 6 Willow terrace
- Dosser Richd., 6 The Crescent
- Duffield Rt. Wm., 34 North st
- Edeson George, 27 North st
- Edmond Mrs. Ann, Elm ter, Hilderthorpe road
- Elletson Thos., 7 North View terrace
- Exley Mrs. Mary, 1 Londesborough house, Promenade
- Faller Mrs. Mary, 2 Princess st
- Fisher Miss Selina, Sea view, Promenade
- Fox Mrs., 2 Albion terrace
- Freer Mrs. Charlotte, 3 Queen's square
- Garton Mrs. Mary Ann,Clarence house
- Gaycliff Mrs. Mary, 9 Victoria place
- Gelder Alfred, Ravenspurn
- Gittins Mrs. Margt., Chestnut cottage
- Gordon Edward, Montague ter
- Gospel Mrs. Elizabeth, 10 Marlborough crescent
- Goulton Mrs. Frances, 1 Gladstone terrace
- Grainger Miss Sarah, 2 Manor street
- Gray Mrs. Emma, 8 Cliff st
- Gray Mrs. Jane, Marlborough house
- Gray Thomas, Commercial buildings
- Green Mrs. Annie, 3 and 4 Sewerby terrace
- Green Mrs. Margaret Ann, 6 Elm ter, Hilderthorpe road
- Grubb Mrs. Mary, Westroyd
- Hagyard Mrs. Margaret, 7 Fort terrace
- Hagyard Miss Mice, 9 Sewerby terrace
- Hall Miss Janet, 7 Marlborough terrace
- Hall Mrs. Marie, The Crescent
- Hardy Samuel, 6 Queen's sq
- Harpham Mrs. Hannah, 5 North street
- Harrison Geo., 10 Chapel st
- Harrison Mrs., Victoria house
- Hirst James, 11 Regent ter
- Hobson Mrs. Rt., 7 Esplanade
- Hodgson Mrs. Mary, 28 North street
- Hope Tom, 5 Willow terrace
- Hotchkiss Mrs. Annie, 6 Gladstone terrace
- Hughes Mrs. Jane, 5 Cliff st
- Hugill Mrs. Mary Jane, 3 Albion terrace
- Jackson Miss Ann Elizabeth, 5 Princess street
- Jackson George, 8 Victoria pl
- Jarratt Wm., 5 Marlborough terrace
- Jefferson Mrs. Mary Dannatt, 2 Gladstone terrace
- Johnson Mrs. Ann, 1 St. Anne's villas
- Johnson Mrs. Hannah,Bretwood house
- Johnson John, 7 Burlington terrace, and Hilderthorpe
- Johnson Miss, 4 Regent ter
- Johnson Mrs. Ruth, 2 Elm terrace, Hilderthorpe road
- Jones Richd., Sea Drift house
- Jordan Mrs. Jane Elizabeth, 6 Cliff street
- Kerrison Mrs. Mary Ann, 3 Alma ter, Hilderthorpe rd.
- Kirby Mrs. Eliza, 6 Princess St
- Kirby James, 8 Albion terrace
- Kirby Samuel, Heath house
- Kirman Mrs. Mary, 7 North st
- Kitson John, Wyther cottage, Sands lane
- Knaggs Mrs. M., 6 N. View ter
- Knaggs Thomas, 1 Albion ter
- Knott George, 6 Princess st
- Knott Jno. Rt., 9 Princess st
- Knowsley Mrs. Mary, 5 Albert terrace
- Lamplugh Miss Jane Ann, 2 Princess terrace
- Lawson Major, 2 King street
- Lazenby Mrs. Jane, Moscotte house
- Lee Mrs. C., 40 King street
- Leftley George, 27 King st
- Lockwoods Wm., 22 North st
- Lonsdale Miss Hannah, 3 Royal crescent
- Lonsdale Wm., 5 Princess ter
- Lyon Mrs. Ann, 2 Ocean view
- Lyon John, Garden wall
- Mackerill Josiah, 9 The Crescent
- Maidens Thos., 2 Albert place
- Marshall Mrs. Amy, 4 Gladstone terrace
- Mason Miss Martha, 2 Burlington terrace
- Mason Richard, 18 North st
- McCullagh Miss Emily, 4 Albion terrace
- Metcalf Christopher, 8 Midway terrace
- Miles Josh. Usher, 1 Willow ter
- Miles Wm., 10 Princess street
- Miller Abraham, 3 Elm ter, Hilderthorpe road
- Millington Mrs. Mary, 3Gladstone terrace
- Naylor Mrs. Emma, Edinburgh hs, Marlborough ter
- Newlove William, 8 North st
- Newton Mrs. Selina, 8Princess street
- Nicholls Miss Jane, Fort hall
- Nicholson Miss Betsy, 10 Cliff street
- Norris David, 2 Sewerby ter
- Outhwaite Mrs., 4 Garrison st
- Oxley Miss Rachel, 2 Royal crescent
- Pacey Miss Emily, Victoria rd
- Parnell Alf. Jas., 33 King st
- Pearce Edmond, 25 North St
- Pexton Mrs. Jane, 1 Brunswick place
- Porrie John, 3 Albert cottages
- Postill Fras., 7 The Crescent
- Potter Mrs., 15 Chapel street
- Preston Miss Rachel, 5 Midway terrace
- Raby Miss Annie, Middleton house
- Richardson Mrs. Ann Elizabeth, 6 Burlington terrace
- Richardson Mrs. Martha, 4 Victoria terrace
- Riley Geo. Harry, 7 Sewerby villas
- Roberts Miss Mary, 7 Princess terrace
- Robinson Mrs. Sarah Ann, 5 Fort terrace
- Robson Miss Jane Elizabeth, 1 Sea view
- Robson Mrs. Jane, Beaconsfield house
- Robson Robert, 7 Albert ter
- Rodmell Mrs. Hannah Maria, Harcourt house, Esplanade
- Rowntree Edward Wm., 13 Queen street
- Rowntree Mrs. Jane, 26 King street
- Rowntree Mrs. Mary, 34 Queen street
- Saggs Robert Popplewell, 3 Bath terrace
- Sawden Miss Hanh., 2 Bishop terrace
- Sawden Henry, 1 Esplanade
- Scrivner Miss Jane Ann, 12 Promenade
- Senior Miss Ann, Promenade
- Shaw Mrs. Charlotte, Bright crescent
- Shores Mrs. Eliza Christiana, 9 Princess terrace
- Shores John Waite, 2 Marlborough terrace
- Siddall Mrs. Theresa, 26 North street
- Siddall Thomas, 12 North st
- Sigsworth Thomas, North st
- Simpson Mrs. Emma, Garden wall
- Simpson Mrs. Frances, 3 Midway terrace
- Simpson Miss Mary Ellen, 4 Promenade terrace
- Simpson Mrs. Sarah, Parkstone, Grasmead
- Smailes James, 2 Providence place
- Smallwood Thomas, 8 and 9 Albert terrace
- Smith Mrs. Ann, 8 Chapel st
- Smith Miss Harriet, 7 Elm terrace, Hilderthorpe road
- Smith John, 5 Gladstone ter
- Smith John, 8 Princess street
- Smith Saml., 11 Manor street
- Smith Thomas Pearson, 6 Princess terrace
- Speck Mrs. Sarah, 30 King st
- Standish Miss Emily, 6 Chapel street
- Steinbery Mrs. Mary Ann, 4 Fort terrace
- Stephenson Edmund, Belle Vue house
- Stephenson Mrs. Harriet Agnes, Palm villa, Victoria road
- Stephenson James, 33 Queen street
- Stephenson John, Spring gars
- Steward Miss Maria, 5 Garrison street
- Stringer Thos., 6 Midway ter
- Swailes James, Promenade
- Tabiatha Mrs. Trafford, Tivoli house
- Tallentire Thos., 23 Queen st
- Taylor Chas., 1 Albert place
- Taylor Mrs. Eliz., 4 Sea view
- Taylor Mrs. Hanh., 2 Sea view
- Taylor Leonard, 2 Albert ter
- Taylor Mrs. Sarah, 21 Queen st
- Thompson Hy., 10 Brunswick place
- Thompson Miss Jane Eleanor, 5 Victoria terraceThornton Wm., 4 Prospect st
- Thorpe Mrs. Jane, 2 Victoria terrace
- Timmins Frdk. John, 1 Lawn terrace
- Tiplady Wm. Hy., 4 North st
- Todd James, Chapel street
- Todd John, Osborne house
- Tranmer Wm., 15 Queen st
- Usher John, 30 Queen street
- Usher Robt. Robinson, Chapel street
- Utley Mrs. Ann, 2 Albert cots
- Walkington David Gibbon, 1 Elm ter, Hilderthorpe road
- Wallis Mrs. Hanh., 6 Garrison street
- Warburton Miss Emma, 4 North View terrace
- Waterman Rt., 2 Promenade terrace
- Watson Francis Hy., 4Hotham terrace
- Waudby Edward, 32 North st
- Waudby Mrs. Haub., 17 North street
- West Miss Alice, 3 Princess ter
- Williamson Chris. Francis, 4 Willow terrace
- Williamson John Thomas, 36 North street
- Williamson John, York house
- Williamson Samuel, Albany house, Beaconsfield parade
- Willis Mrs. Annie, 7 Regent terrace
- Wilson Miss Sarah Ann, 2 Alma ter, Hilderthorpe road
- Winter Frances, 6 Albion ter
- Witty Miss Emily, 9 Bright crescent
- Woodcock Matt., 13 Prince st
- Woodhouse Mrs. Margaret, 10 Bright crescent
- Wray Miss M. A., 3 Burlington terrace
- Wright Philip, 5 Sea view
- Wynn Miss Harriet, 2 Victoria place
- Yeaman James, 12 Queen st
- Young Anthony, 32 Queen st
Market Gardeners, &c.
- Ellis Henry, 4 Bridge villas
- Jefferson John, York place
- Simpson Michael Sadler, Quay road
- Williamson Samuel, Albany house, Beaconsfield parade
Model Makers and Fancy Dealers.
- Anderson Peter, 7 Promenade
- Crathorne Josiah, 16a King street and Prospect row
- Lendis Fredk. Wm., Cliff st
Oyster Dealers.
- Dawson Wm., Clough bridge
- Garlick John, Prince street
- White George, Clough bridge
Painters, Paperhangers, &c.
- Bailey Charley, Quay road
- Dixon Mr. Fredk., 3 Queen st
- Dixon John Hy., 13 Chapel st
- Furby Charles, Prospect st
- Greening William Keddy, 7 Prospect street
- Allanson Thomas Booth, Esplanade
- Boak & Sons, Promenade
- Bryan Joseph, Chapel street
- Shores John Waite, 2 Marlborough terrace
Private Hotel and Boarding House Keepers.
- Andrew & Andrew, 27 Promenade
- Charlton Alfred, 5 and 6 Brunswick place
- Coverdale Mrs. Mary, Princess house
- Dalby Mrs. Frances, 10 Prospect street
- Holden Jph. Thos., Stratten hs
- Kirby Mrs. Martha, 7 and 8 Bright crescent
- Pawson Thomas, Sea breezes
- Richardson Mrs. Mary Jane, 11 Sewerby terrace
- Wilson John Major, 5 Promenade
Restaurant Keepers.
- Clifford Thos., 24 Cliff street
- Draffin John (Exors. of), Royal pavilion
- Field & Sons, Esplanade
- Grantham John Thomas, 28 Prince street, Commercial buildings, and 1, 2, and 7 Garrison street
- Hall Richard, 18 Queen street
- Jordison Miss Susan, 16 and 17 Prince street
- Lee Mrs. C., 40 King street
- Musk Robert, Chapel street
- Nolan Mrs. Agnes, Prince st
- Cooper Newsome, 11 Queen st
- Todd James, Chapel street
- Bowman John, Beck Hill
- Cherry Gibson, Alma villa
- Miller Abraham, 3 Elm ter, Hilderthorpe road
- Rowntree Fras., 34 Queen st
- Simpson George, 28 Queen st
- Wilson William, 5 Wesley ter
- Wilson William, North street
- Brigham Fredk. J., Manor st
- Harland & Son, Daneslea
- Ledger Chas. Fredk., Quay rd
- Richardson & Son, Cliff street
- West Alfred, 11 King street
Surgeons & Physicians
- Godfrey Hy. John Clarendon, M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P., 7 Manor street
- Moberly Sydney C. H., M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P., Musgrove house
- Thompson Theodosius, L.R. C.P. and S., 7 Cliff street
- Wetwan Wm. Alb., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., 9 Prospect street
Tailors and Drapers.
(Marked * are Tailors only.)
- *Baron John, 3 Providence pl
- Cockerill Francis, 11 Chapel st
- *Houghton Drinkrow, 14 Prince street
- *Metcalf Christopher, 8 Midway terrace
- *Nicholls Benj., 24 Queen st
- Postill John Wm., 1 King st
- *Potter William Pickering, 6 Albert terrace
- *Smith John, 5 Gladstone ter
- Yeoman Thomas, Queen st
- Barkley Samuel, 4 Queen's sq
- Jones Rd. H., Sea Drift house
- Douglas John, 28 King street
- Fairbotham John, 22 King street
- Outhwaite Mrs., 4 Garrison st
- Purdon Fred, 15a King street
- Purdon Frederick George, 8a Prince street
- Whiting William Smith, 11 Garrison street
Watchmakers and Jewellers.
- Burrell Benjamin, 4 Queen st
- Burrell Frankish, 48 Market pl
- Dales John Wm., 8 Promenade
- Harrison James Walker, 17 Queen street
- Heselton Alf. (James Cape & Son), 10 Garrison street
- Lowson Robert, 8 Prince st
- Wilkinson John, 4 King st
Wine and Spirit Merchants.
- Banks Robert, 13 King street
- Collinson John, 13 King street
- Ouston David, 20 King street
- Stubbs Charles, 22 Cliff street
- Walker Henry John, Field House cottage, Victoria rd
- Post, Money Order, Savings Bank, Insurance and Annuity Office, 5 Hilderthorpe terrace, Hilderthorpe, Bridlington Quay; F. G. Wrack, postmaster. Box cleared - week days, 7-30 and 10-40 a.m., 12 noon, 5 and 7-45 p.m.; Sundays, 4-35 p.m. Railway Crescent Pillar Box cleared - week days, 7-25, 10-35 and 11-55 a.m., 4-55 and 7-40 p.m.; Sundays, 4-30 p.m.
- Abel Henry, joiner, 11 Hilderthorpe place
- Abram Thomas, lodgings, 16 St. Anne's terrace, Nelson street
- Ainsworth John, lodgings, Croydon house, Pembroke terrace
- Allan Robt., painter, and lodgings, la Nelson st
- Allerston John, postman, assistant overseer, & lodgings, Claremont house, Claremont ter
- Allison Miss Elizabeth, 11 St. Hilda's street
- Allison Richard Major, gasfitter, and lodgings, 2 Adelaide place, Hilderthorpe road
- Anfield Harry Gifford, cab proprietor, 2 Empress place
- Appleby Mrs. Sarah Ann, 6 St. Hilda's street
- Askwith Mr. Henry Charles, 12 Granville ter
- Atkinson Isaac, grocer, & lodgings, Junction hs
- Atkinson Jno., lodgings, 1 Londesborough villas
- Avis Mrs. Mary, lodgings, 6a St. Hilda's street
- Backhausen Mr. Geo., 2 Londesborough villas
- Backhouse Edmund, lodgings, 7 Oxford terrace
- Baker George, lodgings, Pembroke house
- Barker John, lodgings, 20 Grundell terrace
- Barnett John, lodgings, 2 Nelson street
- Barnett Miss Mary Ann, lodgings, 10 St. Hilda's street
- Barnett Thos. Kirk, lodgings, 10 Pembroke ter
- Baron James, joiner, and lodgings, 12 Pembroke terrace
- Bayes Miss Esther, dressmkr., Hilderthorpe rd
- Beauvais Mr. Joseph James, The Willows
- Beckett Mrs. Sarah, lodgings, 5 West street
- Bell Robert, gamekeeper, 20 South parade
- Belt John Adiah, lodgings, 24 Railway crescent
- Best Mrs. Sarah Catherine, Beech villas
- Birdsall Mr. Spink, Pembroke villa
- Blakestone Mr. George, 2 Claremont terrace
- Blanchard Mrs. Mary, lodgings, Clifton house, Pembroke terrace
- Board School (U.D.) West., Hy. Ireland, boys' master; Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, infants' mistress
- Boddy George, lodgings, 7 Mowbray terrace
- Boddy Mrs. Hanh., lodgings, 10 Hilderthorpe pl
- Boden Thomas, manager, Trafalgar cottage
- Bradley Mr. Wm., 10 Neptune ter, Neptune st
- Broadbent Mrs. Rosamond Hanh., cowkeeper, South Cliff cottage
- Brooks Thos., bricklayer, 18 Hilderthorpe place
- Brown Mrs. Ann, 5 South parade
- Brown Fras., lodgings, 14 West street
- Brown George, blacksmith, and lodgings, 11 Grundell terrace
- Brown John Pattison, fruiterer, 14 Hilderthorpe place
- Brown Walter, tailor, and lodgings, 21 Hilderthorpe place
- Browne Mr. John, 8 Ferndale terrace
- Browning Mrs. Jane, lodgings, Albert lodge
- Burbery Mr. John Jackson, Rose bank
- Burdall Mrs. Ann, 1 Helen's terrace
- Burdell Henry, lodgings, 3 Thorpe street
- Burniston John, clerk, 11 Hilderthorpe terrace
- Burton Robert, cab proprietor, and lodgings, 8 South parade
- Butterill Miss Fanny, vict., Hilderthorpe Hotel, 1 and 2 Hilderthorpe terrace
- Campleman Jas., bricklayer, 16 Hilderthorpe rd
- Campleman Tom, lodgings, 21 St. Anne's ter, Nelson street
- Cappleman Francis, lodgings, 14 Neptune st
- Catton Mrs. Mary, 1 Ferndale terrace
- Charlo Mrs. Fanny, lodgings, 1 West street
- Clark Charles William, joiner and undertaker, 8 Hilderthorpe terrace and 3 Trafalgar ter
- Clark Frank Ernest, N.-E. Ry. police officer, and lodgings, 3 Claremont terrace
- Clark Mr. John, 3 New Burlington road
- Clark Mark, lodgings, 2 Olinda place
- Claxton Allison, lodgings, 55 West street
- Cockerill Mrs. Ellen, shopkeeper and lodgings, 24 West street
- Cockshaw Jph., lodgings, 20 Hilderthorpe place
- Collinson Thos., lodgings, 1 St. Anne's terrace, Nelson street
- Cooke Geo. John, lodgings, 9 Hilderthorpe place
- Coulson Misses Annie & Clara, grocers, 25 West street
- Cousins Alfred, lodgings, 3a St. Hilda's street
- Coverdale John Jackson, pianoforte tuner and repairer, 12 Railway crescent
- Cramp Mrs. Ann Maria, 1 Trafalgar terrace
- Crannis Charles, grocer and beer and wine retailer, Queen's terrace
- Crawford Mrs. Eliza, lodgings, 61 West street
- Crawford Frank, lodgings, 56 West street
- Crawford Isaac, lodgings, 8 Hilderthorpe place
- Crawford John, junr., fish curer, West street
- Crawford John, skipper, 34 West street
- Crawford Richard, lodgings, 59 West street
- Crawford Robert, skipper & owner, 33 West st
- Cross Miss Charlotte, lodgings, 13 Grundell ter
- Crumble George, lodgings, 11 Ferndale terrace
- Curtis Mr. Richard, 1 Nelson street
- Dalby Stephen, painter, 19 Hilderthorpe place
- Dales Mr. William, 1 Claremont terrace
- Danby Mrs. Betsy Ann, 14 Granville terrace, New Burlington road
- Danby Rt., cooper and lodgings, 8 Queen's ter, Hilderthorpe road
- Davey Joseph, 19 Grundell terrace
- Davis Mr. James William, 24 Railway crescent
- Davison Foster, lodgings, 3 Grundell terrace
- Davison Robt. assurance agent 28 West street
- Dawson Fredk. Geo., seedsman, 12 West street
- Day William, provision merchant and mineral water manufacturer, Ferndale house
- Dickinson Wm., smallware dealer, 4 Bow street
- Dixon Septimus, farmer and lodgings, 43 West street and Hilderthorpe farm
- Dixon Mr. William, 10 Ferndale terrace
- Dobson John, lodgings, 14 St. Hilda's street
- Dobson Walter, C.C., architect and builder, Neptune villa
- Dosser Thos., manager, Londesborough Hotel, West street
- Dosser Wm. Deighton, lodgings, 4 St. Anne's terrace, Nelson street
- Dove Tom, lodgings, 10 South parade
- Dunn Mrs. Miriam, 19 West street
- Dunning Mrs. Emma, 3 Junction houses
- Eccles Mrs. Sarah Jane, lodgings, 3 Oxford ter
- Edmond Mrs. Sarah, lodgings, 8 Olinda place
- Edmund Mrs. Catherine, lodgings, 9 Oxford ter
- Elliott Henry, lodgings, 9 West street
- Elliott John, lodgings, South East cottage
- Ellis Tom, lodgings, 5 Claremont terrace
- Emblem George, lodgings, 9 South parade
- England Henry, lodgings, 48 West street
- Everingham William, clerk, 4 Oxford terrace
- Fairbottom Wm., lodgings, 15 Grundell terrace
- Fillingham Mr. Edward, Elm villas
- Fletcher Mr. James John, 7 Ferndale terrace
- Forster Wm., printer, Adelaide place,Hilderthorpe road
- Foster Miss Harriet Eliza, ladies' school, Vienna cottage
- Fowler Mrs. Jane, lodgings, 11 Fairfield ter
- Fox Geo., teacher of music, 2 Pembroke terrace and Bridlington
- France Mrs. Emma, lodgings, 4 Queen's ter
- Fraser Mrs. Eliza, lodgings, 3 South parade
- Gandon Giles C., lodgings, 50 West street
- Gant John, builder, 2 Ferndale terrace
- Garbutt William, lodgings, 62 West street
- Garton Thomas, lodgings, 5 Railway crescent
- Gaunt Mr. Thomas, 3 Granville terrace, New Burlington road
- Gee Mr. George, 4 Claremont terrace
- Gill Geo., lodgings, York house, Railway cres
- Gossage William, clerk, 16 Ferndale terrace
- Gray Brothers, coal merchants, West street
- Gray Richard (Gray Bros.); h 14 Railway cres
- Gray William, (Gray Bros.) h 3 West street
- Greenley Thos., market gardener, Spa cottage
- Greenwood Mark, lodgings, 52 West street
- Hall John Tanton, joiner and lodgings, 4 Grundell terrace
- Haresceugh Benjamin Braidley, commercial traveller, 9 Railway crescent
- Harrison Mrs. Mary Jane, lodgings, 1 Railway crescent
- Harrison Mrs. Mary, Aspect house
- Harrison William, lodgings, 4 Trafalgar ter
- Hawkins Mrs. Annie, lodgings, 7 Railway cres
- Hawkins Mr. George Wood, 37 West street
- Hickman Mr. John, 3 West parade
- Hill Hy. Jas., Prudential agent, 5 Oxford ter
- Hill William, draper, 1 Ebenezer cottages
- Hobson Mrs. Eliza, 5 Ferndale terrace
- Hobson John Speck, butcher, South cliffs
- Hoe William, lodgings, 8 St. Anne's terrace, Nelson street
- Hoggard Miss Elizabeth, lodgings, 9 St. Anne's terrace, Nelson street
- Holderness Mrs. Mary, 15 St. Anne's terrace, Nelson street
- Holman James, lodgings, 18 West street
- Hopper Robert, sail maker, 9 Ferndale terrace
- Hornby Miss Maria Sophia, lodgings, 11 Pembroke terrace
- Horton Mrs. Sarah, 6 Ferndale terrace
- Hudson Mrs. Fanny, lodgings, Nottingham house, Pembroke terrace
- Humphreys Richard, lodgings, 4 South parade
- Hutchcroft Mrs. Sophia, Fern cottage
- Hutchinson Edward, pleasure boat owner, 4 Mowbray terrace
- Hutchinson Henry, fishing boat owner, 36 West street
- Hutchinson Holdsworth, lodgings, 4 West st
- Ireland Henry, master, Board school, West st
- Jackson Mrs. Hanh., lodgings, 1 Providence pl
- Jackson Mrs. Hanh., lodgings, 4 Railway cres
- Jackson John, temperance hotel, Railway cres
- Jameson Mrs. Jane, lodgings, 27 West street
- Jarratt John, lodgings, 4 Olinda place
- Jarratt Wm. Otley, Esq., C.C., Hilderthorpe lodge
- Jealous Thos. John, lodgings 1 Hilderthorpe pl
- Jemeson Mrs. Martha, lodge., 5 Pembroke ter
- Jenkinson Robert, lodgings, 7 Pembroke ter
- Jobson George, lodgings, 5 Talbot terrace
- Johnson George, lodgings, 53 West street
- Johnson John, lodgings, 9 Hilderthorpe terrace
- Kidson George, florist and lodgings, 45 West st
- Knagge Mrs. Mary, lodgings, 54 West street
- Lait Edward, 49 Hilderthorpe road
- Lait Mr. William Anderson, 21 West street
- Lamb John, tailor, 2 St. Hilda's street
- Lancaster Mrs. Sarah, lodgings, 6 De Grey ter
- Lawson Mrs. Louisa, lodgings, 17 West street
- Lewendon Mr. Wayland Newbury, 20 West st
- Lewis Mrs. Annie Frith, lodgings, 1 Grundell terrace
- Lightfoot Fras., market gardener, 6 Oxford ter
- Lightley Francis, joiner, 10 Hilderthorpe ter
- Lister Mrs. Harriet, lodgings, 2 Trafalgar ter
- Lovell Mrs. Eliza, lodgings, 2 West parade
- Lunn John, lodgings, 7 West street
- Lyne Mrs. Mary, 7 Granville terrace
- Lyth Mrs. Fras., lodgings, 13 Hilderthorpe ter
- Lyth John, lodgings, 8 Railway crescent
- Mainprize Mrs. Eliza & Annie, 15 Ferndale ter
- Mainprize George, farmer, Albion house
- Marr Mrs. Ann, 9 Grundeil terrace
- Marsh Edward, bellhanger and gasfitter, 4 Hilderthorpe terrace
- Marson Lawson, cabinet maker and lodgings, Beech villas
- Martin Mrs. Emily, lodgings, 15 Grundell ter
- Martin Jacob, lodgings, 21 Grundell terrace
- Martin Joseph, lodgings, 22 Grundell terrace
- Martindale Mrs. Ellen, Hutton house
- Mason Miss Frances, dressmaker, 3 Queen's ter
- Mason William, bootmaker, 3 Queen's terrace
- Matheson Mrs. Sarah Ann, lodgings, 22 West st
- Matthews James, cabinet maker, 5 Thorpe st, and Malcolm house, New Burlington road
- Mawson Mr. John, Verity house
- McLeod Miss Sarah Ann, dressmaker and lodgings, 16 Railway crescent
- McPherson Alex., lodgings, 5 St. Anne's ter, Nelson street
- Middleton Miss Mary Ann, lodgings, 20 St. Anne's terrace, Nelson street
- Miles Robert, lodgings, 63 West street
- Miller Mrs. Ada, lodgings, 6 St. Anne's terrace
- Mills James, solicitor, Bella villa
- Moore Mrs. Louisa, lodgings, 9 Pembroke ter
- Morris Mrs. Annie, lodgings, 6 South parade
- Murgatroyd Mrs. Annie, lodgings, 39 West st
- Nettleton John, lodgings, 7 Granville terrace, New Burlington road
- Newby John, lodgings, 3 Nelson street
- Nicholls John, coal dealer, Bow street
- Nicholls Joseph, lodgings, 4 West parade
- Nicholson Miss Eliz., board schoolmistress, West street; h 5 Fort terrace
- Nightingale Rd., lodgings, 27 Hilderthorpe rd
- Nutt Mr. James, 13 Granville terrace
- Oliver Samuel, plumber and painter, 47 Hilderthorpe road
- Owen Mrs. Mary, lodgings, 2 Junction houses
- Oxtoby John, butcher, 3 Hilderthorpe road
- Pickering Thomas, lodgings, 57 West street
- Pool Miss Frances, 1 Talbot terrace, New Burlington road
- Pratt John, coal dealer, Olinda place
- Preston Rev. David, B.A., 3 Londesborough vils
- Procter Mrs. Elizabeth, lodgings, 19 St. Anne's terrace, Nelson street
- Procter Miss Emily, grocer, 1 South parade
- Rabin Fred. M., m. mariner, 16 Grundell ter
- Raycroft William, lodgings, 6 Mowbray terrace
- Reaston Miss Annie, South Field house
- Reaston Mrs. Frances, monthly nurse, 2 Helen's terrace
- Redhead Robert, m. mariner, 35 West street
- Redhead Samuel, fishing boat owner, 6 West st
- Reed Mr. John Wm., 2 Ebenezer cottages
- Reynolds Mr. Walter Henry, 4 Granville ter, New Burlington road
- Richards Mr. Henri, 4 Hilderthorpe place
- Richardson Miss Emma, 3 Talbot terrace, New Burlington road
- Richardson Miss Jane Ann, South Cliff house
- Richardson Thomas George, seed merchant, 7 Thorpe street
- Robinson John, ironmonger, 18 St. Anne's ter, Nelson street
- Robinson Thomas, painter and lodgings, 7 South parade
- Robson Henry, jobbing gardener and lodgings, 10 Grundell terrace
- Roscoe Mrs. Eliza, lodgings, 4 Talbot terrace, New Burlington road
- Rowntree Francis, blacksmith, 1 Mowbray ter
- Rowntree William, joiner, 3 Mowbray terrace
- Sampson Fred, bricklayer and lodgings, 6 Grundell terrace
- Sampson John, lodgings, 4 Nelson street
- Sanderson Mrs. Rebecca, lodgings, 7 De Grey terrace
- Sanderson Mrs. Sarah, lodgings, 60 West st
- Sawden Geo. Wm., lodgings, 2 Mowbray ter
- Sawden Henry, pleasure boat owner, 2 St. Anne's terrace
- Scales Rt. Thos., butcher, West street; h 51
- Scatcherd Mr. John, 12 Neptune terrace
- Scott Thomas, lodgings, 58 West street
- Scotter James, lodgings, 10 West street
- Scrivener Alf., coachbuilder and lodgings, 11 West street
- Seller Milner, lodgings, 7 St. Hilda's street
- Severs Robert, lodgings, 3 Olinda place
- Sharp Mr. James, The Laurels
- Shaw Mrs. Catherine, lodgings, 2 Railway cres
- Shaw Fras., skipper and owner, 16 Neptune ter
- Shaw Joseph, fish merchant, 6 Thorpe street
- Shepherd Miss Mary, lodgings, 11 South par
- Sheppard James, grocer, provision, hay, straw, and corn merchant, 3 Hilderthorpe terrace; h 3 Ferndale terrace
- Shipley John, lodgings, 4 New Burlington rd
- Shippey Joseph, lodgings, 13 Bow street
- Siddall Jno. Thos., painter, 4 Hilderthorpe rd
- Smith Mrs. Ann, Elm villas
- Smith Mrs. Eliz., lodgings, 10 Railway cres
- Smith George, lodgings, 15 West street
- Smith George, lodgings, 23 West street
- Smith Rd., carriage proprietor and lodgings, 26 Railway crescent
- Smith William, tailor and draper, 12Hilderthorpe terrace
- Spaven William, lodgings, 17 St. Anne's ter
- Stephenson John, lodgings, 1 Adelaide place
- Stephenson Mrs. Prudence, dressmaker and lodgings, 14 Ferndale terrace
- Storr William, lodgings, 2a St. Hilda's street
- Stow Mrs. Hannah, 16 West street
- Taylor John William, lodgings, 1 Thorpe street
- Taylor John, butcher and lodgings, 12 Ferndale terrace
- Taylor Mrs. Rose, lodgings, 2 Granville ter
- Taylor Mr. William, 38 West street
- Taylor Mr. William, 9 Granville terrace
- Thom Mrs. Annie, lodgings, 8 Pembroke ter
- Thomas George, lodgings, 7 Grundell terrace
- Thompson Dvd., vict., Albion Hotel, Oxford ter
- Thompson Mr. James, 4 Londesborough villas
- Thompson Mrs. Jas., lodgings, 4a St. Hilda's st
- Thompson Mr. William, Fern villa
- Tigar William, chief officer, 1 St. Hilda's st
- Topham Arthur, Trafalgar villa
- Torr James Yorke, painter, New Burlington rd
- Trufitt Edward Theaker, lodgings, 49 West st
- Trufitt John, lodgings, 8 Grundell terrace
- Vause Mr. James, 3 Railway crescent
- Vickerman Jas. Percy, lodgings, 17 Grundell ter
- Waddington Thomas, manure manufacturer, Percy lane; h 10 Olinda place
- Walker Fred, grocer's traveller, 2 Queen's ter, Hilderthorpe read
- Walker James, lodgings, Beech villas
- Walker Mrs. Tom, Hilderthorpe cottage
- Walkington Fras., bricklayer and lodgings, 3 Thorpe street
- Waller Tom, lodgings, Beech villas
- Wallis Mrs. Mary Ann, lodgings, 6 Railway crescent
- Warcup Mr. Cockcroft, 12 St. Anne's terrace
- Warcup John, lodgings, 46 West street
- Wardell Francis, painter, gilder, and picture frame maker
- Wardell Joseph, joiner, Hilderthorpe road
- Warrener Job, joiner, 1 Granville terrace
- Watkinson Jas., lodgings, 6 Hilderthorpe place
- Watson Mrs. Emily, lodgings, la St. Hilda's st
- Watson Robert, owner, Londesborough Hotel, West street
- Waudby Edward, lodgings, 7 Hilderthorpe ter
- Webb Mr. John, 18 Railway crescent
- Webster Mrs. Isabel, Harbour house, West st
- Webster Mr. Willam, 5 Granville terrace, New Burlington read
- Weightman Miss Ellen, lodgings, 7 Olinda pl
- Welburn William, lodgings, 4 St. Hilda's street
- Weldon Tom, cabinet maker and lodgings, 4 Ferndale terrace
- West Mrs. Ann, Laurel villas terrace
- White George, oyster merchant, 10 Fairfield
- White Jph., colour-sergt., instructor of B. Co., 2nd V.B., E.Y.R., 1 New Burlington road
- Whitehead Mr. John, Railway crescent
- Wiles Alfred, lodgings, 2 Grundell terrace
- Wilkinson Mr. Edward, Lynethorpe, Railway crescent
- Williamson Allan, brickmaker and lodgings, 11 Railway crescent
- Williamson Robert, cab, 'bus, and carriage proprietor, 6 Hilderthorpe terrace
- Wilson Edwd., joiner, builder, and undertakers 8 De Grey terrace
- Wilson Mrs. Harriet, lodgings, 9 Queen's ter
- Wilson Miss Louisa, lodgings, 13 Neptune ter
- Wilson Mrs. Mary Jane, 3 St. Hilda's street
- Wilson Mr. Robert, 3 St. Hilda's street
- Wilson Robert, lodgings, 14 Grundell terrace
- Wilson Thomas, lodgings, 42 West street
- Wittgreffe Hy. August, grocer and beer retailer, 29 West street
- Wood Thomas, commission agent, 2 West st
- Wrack Fredk. George, chemist, Post office, 5 Hilderthorpe terrace
- Wright Mr. John, 20 Railway crescent
- Letters via York. The nearest Money Order Office is at Bempton, and the nearest Telegraph Office at Flamborough.
- Hought Leonard, joiner and wheelwright, grocer and provision dealer
- Robinson Thomas, blacksmith
- Banks John Henry
- Coultas Samuel
- Dunn Isaac
- Gardiner Robert Wilson
- Mainprize John
- Nesfield John and Charles
- Postal address, Easton, Bridlington.
Nearest Post, Money Order, and Telegraph Office, Bridlington.
- Horner Henry, farmer, Easton house
- Warters Greenwood, farmer, East field
- Postal address, Wilsthorpe, Carnaby, Hull.
Nearest Money Order and Telegraph Office, Bridlington.
- Appleby Baker, farmer
Scan, OCR and html by Colin Hinson. Checking and correction by Peter Nelson.