Bridlington Directory of Trades and Professions for 1834
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BRIDLINGTON in Pigot's Directory of 1834.
Post: - Post Office, High Street, Bridlington, Ann Thompson, Post mistress.
- B.Q. at the end of an address signify Bridlington Quay.
- Agars Mrs. Ann, Market place
- Agars Mr. George, High st
- Atkinson Miss Ann, Market place
- Beavais Mr. Jos. Thos. Kirk green
- Benson Rev. Joseph, Quay road
- Blackburn Mrs. Bridlington quay
- Bosville Alex. Wm. esq. Thorp hall
- Boyes Mr. Francis, High st
- Boynton Sir Henry, bart. Burton Agnes
- Bramley Mr. Rd. West parade, B.Q.
- Champion Mrs. Ann, Prospect row
- Clubley Mr. Robert, Westgate
- Coates Mrs. Mary, Cliff house, B.Q.
- Coverley Mrs. Ellen, High st
- Coverley Francis, esq. Market place
- Coverley Mr. John, Prospect row
- Coverley Samuel, esq. High st
- Davison Mr. Robt. West parade, B.Q.
- Dorrington Mr. Richard, Westgate
- Greame John, esq. Sewerby house
- Greame Yarburgh, esq. (magistrate) Sewerby house
- Harding John, esq. Field house, B.Q.
- Harland Mrs. Margaret, Westgate
- Harness Rev. Robert, Westgate
- Hobson Miss Sarah, Baylegate
- Hodgson Mr. John, Church green
- Kendall Rev. William, Kirkgate
- Lawrey Mr. Robert, High st
- Lawrey Mr. William, High st
- Lonsdale Mr. Francis, King st, B.Q
- Major Mr. Francis, High st
- Major Mrs. Mary, High st
- Milne Mrs. Elizbh. Queen st, B.Q.
- Milner Mrs. Mary, High st
- Nicholson Mr ---, Quay road
- Nixon Mr. John, St. John st
- Ogle Mrs. Elizabeth, Prospect row
- Plummer Mr. Christopher, High st
- Porter Mr. Robert, Prospect row
- Preston Robt. esq. Prospect st, B.Q.
- Rickaby Charles, esq. Prince st, B.Q.
- Savage Mr. James, Prospect row
- Savage Mr. William, Cliff, B.Q.
- Sedman Mr. William, Prospect row
- Smith Rev. George, Kirkgate
- Strickland Sir Geo. bart. M.P. Boynton
- Taylor Mr. Bryan, Westgate
- Wade Mr. Henry, St. John st
- Walmsley John, esq. Flamborough
- Walmsley Miss, Prospect row
- Ward Mrs. Ruth, Quay road
- White Misses Sarah & Jane, High st
- Whitfield Mr. Thos. Harbour road
- Coates James, Cliff st, B.Q.
- Frankish Grace, Queen st, B.Q.
- Grammar School --- John Linskill, master
- Hodgson Ann (knitting) Kirkgate
- Hogg James (classical & mathematical) Chapel row, B.Q.
- Holliday & Jacks (boarding) Prospect row
- Infants' School, Baylegate --- Robert Winteringham, master ; Rachael Winteringham, mistress
- Infants' School, Cliff st, Bridlington Quay --- Jn. Crane, master ; Mary Crane, mistress
- Lamplough Mary, Prospect row
- Langdale John (boarding) Market place
- Maw John, Flamborough
- National Schools --- Geo. Beswick, master ; Elizabeth Anderson, mistress
- Stokell Ann, Back street
- Traves Sarah, Flamborough
- Harland Bryan Taylor, Westgate
- Prickett Marmaduke & Son, Westgate
- Smith William, Westgate
- Taylor David, High st
- Taylor Sidney, Westgate
- Walker William, Market place
- Wetwan George (and notary) High st and Prospect row, B.Q.
- Allison & Milner, Market place
- Furby & Forth, Market place
- Hayzen Peter, King st, B.Q.
- Bullock Robert, King st, B.Q.
- Elliott Joseph, Baylegate
- Hobson Edward, High st
- Leeson Samuel Knowles, King st, B.Q.
- Machen John, Westgate
- Mackerell Thomas (& biscuit) High st
- Newton George, Flamborough
- Speck John, King st, B.Q.
- Harding John & Co. (Bridlington bank) Market place --- (draw on Sir John Lubbock & Co. London)
- York Union Banking Company, Baylegate --- (draw on Williams, Deacon & Co. London) --- Robert Davison, agent
- Bell Peter, Westgate
- Butterwick Wm. Promenade, B.Q.
- Coates John, St. John st
- Furby John, Back lane
- Mainprize William, South Back lane
- Traves Benton, Flamborough
- Forth William, High st
- Furby & Pearson, High st
- Barnett Robert, Queen st, B.Q.
- Bielby William, St. John st
- Binning Francis, Queen st, B.Q.
- Bullock Harland, King st, B.Q.
- Coates John, Queen st, B.Q.
- Coopland Francis, Westgate
- Dixon George, Sewerby st
- Dixon Thomas, High st
- Fletcher James, High st
- Harrington Thomas, Flamborough
- Hewson William, Flamborough
- Kidd Thomas, Market place
- Lund William, High st
- Nichols Charles, Bellgate
- Nichols Thomas, Promenade, B.Q.
- Nicholson Francis, Market place
- Nicholson Robert, Flamborough
- Pinder William, High st
- Robson William, Flamborough
- Tarbottom John, Westgate
- Watson Robert, High st
- Westerman Christopher, King st, B.Q.
- Wild William, Flamborough
- Wilkinson Isaac, Quay road
- Dale William, High st
- Doeg James Henry, High st
- Forth Benjamin, High st
- Bell William, St. John st
- Furness Robert Hopwood, High st
- Haggitt John, High st
- Jewison John, New buildings, B.Q.
- Nightingale Hannah, Kirkgate
- Sawden and Rex, King street, B.Q.
- Barr Robert, Hunmanby road
- Bishop William, St. John st
- Colley John, Church green
- Gray George, Promenade, B.Q.
- Grundell Robison, St. John st
- Hardy Patrick & Son, High st
- Holderness William, High st
- Barrett George, High st
- Brambles Thomas, Bridlington Quay
- Cape George, High st
- Coates John, Queen st, B.Q.
- Davison Vickerman, St. John st
- Frost Henry & Geo. King st, B.Q.
- Frost Sawdon, Pinfold st
- Hardy John, High st
- Harrison George, Baylegate
- Headley Matthew, Flamborough
- Hodgson William, King st, B.Q.
- Hoggarth Anthony, Flamborough
- Kay John, High st
- Loadman George, Garrison st, B.Q.
- Owston Robert, Prospect row
- Pool William, St. John st
- Raywood Constable, St. John st
- Speek Richard, King st, B.Q.
- Taylor Geo. Queen st, B.Q,
- Watson John, St. John st
- Wormleighton William, Market place
- Bielby Matthew, Queen st, B.Q.
- Bielby William, St. John st
- Ellis Burton, Market place
- Forth Thomas, Market place
- Seller William, Market place
- Wardill Jonathan, King st, B.Q.
- Chapman Ann, King st, B.Q.
- Shields Robert, Market place
- Bullock Harland, King st, B.Q.
- Lamplough Benjamin, King st, B.Q.
- Lundy David, Garrison st, B.Q.
- Marshall Stephen, King st, B.Q.
- Bullock Robert, King st, B.Q.
- Holliday Ann, Market place
- Leeson Samuel Knowles, King st, B.Q.
- Pinkney Simon, St. John st
- Speck John, King st, B.Q.
- Allison Brown, Market place
- Danby George, St. John st
- Jewison John (& seed) King st, B.Q.
- Marshall Stephen, King st, B.Q.
- Sawden Benjamin (& seed) King st, B.Q.
- Wetwan George, Prospect row
- Bielby Matthew, High st
- Gilling Henry, High st
- Fairgray John, High st
- Headley Morris, King st, B.Q.
- Rayner John, High st
- Ross John, Market place
- Bowland John, Westgate
- D'Lyon Frederick, St. John st
- Garton Thomas, South back lane
- Heselton William (& glover) St. John st
- Atlas, George Furby, High st
- County, Robert Davison, Baylegate
- Crown (life) & Protection (fire) William K. Chambers, Quay road
- Leeds & Yorkshire, George Wetwan, High st
- Norwich Union, William Walker, Market place
- Phoenix, John Bellard, Promenade, B.Q.
- Sun, John Landale, Market place
- Yorkshire, Jno. Thompson, High st
Marked # are Dealers only.
- # Bayes George, Flamborough
- # Bayes Richard, Flamborough
- # Duke John, Flamborough
- Fell Edward, Flamborough
- Robinson Cockroft, Flamborough
- # Savage William, Flamborough
- # Simpson James, Flamborough
- Woodhouse Jas. & Son, Flamborough
- Wright & Tranmer, Flamborough
- # Wright John, Flamborough
- Bateman William, St. John st
- Cawton William, Quay road
- Mann Hugh, St. John st
- Wilkinson Isaac, Quay road
(See also Shopkeepers)
- Allerston Francis, King st, B.Q.
- Allerston John, High st
- Collins William, High st
- Craven Craven, High st
- Davison Robert, Baylegate
- Fairgray John, High st
- Fell John, King st, B.Q.
- Hayzer Peter, King st, B.Q.
- Johnson William, Market place
- Mackley Patrick, Market place
- Porter Daniel, Westgate
- Richardson George, King st, B.Q.
- Stephenson Jas. & Son, King st, B.Q.
- Thompson John, High st
- Topham Michael, Westgate
- Weightman Berry, High st
- Milner Thomas, High st
- Preston Francis, King st, B.Q.
- Richardson Luke, Prince st, B.Q.
- Westerman John Salmon, High st
- Baron James, High st
- Forth Abraham, Garrison st, B.Q.
- Forth William, Market place
- Fleck Andrew, Market place
- Nicholson Riby, Bridlington
- Black Lion, Ann Harrison, High st
- Britannia, William Allerston, King st, B.Q.
- Green Dragon, Matthew Cranswick, Westgate
- Nelson, Richard Johnson, High st
- New Inn, Robert Grange, King st, B.Q.
- Star, Jno. Egglestn Hopper, Westgate
- Stirling Castle, George Chambers, Queen st, B.Q.
- Crunswick John, High st
- Dale William, High st
- Doeg James Henry, High st
- Forth Benjamin, High st
- Baron Robert, King st, B.Q.
- Breekon William, Cliff St, B.Q.
- Davison Vickerman, Flamborough
- Ellis Burton, Market place
- Furby John, Market place
- Heseltine Joseph, Market place
- Heseltine Thomas, Back lane
- Seller William, Market place
- Tranmer James, Flamborough
- Tranmer Robert, Flamborough
- Wardill Jonathan, King st, B.Q.
- Wilson William, High st
- Cowton & Sons (and jet turners) King st, B.Q.
- Eggleston Francis, Prospect row
- Gardner Wm. Kennedy (and jet turner) King st, B.Q.
- Wilson Walter (& bird, &c. preserver) Prospect row
- Harrison John, Sea breezes, B.Q.
- Walker John, Garrison st, B.Q.
- Allerston John, High st
- Bailey John, Flamborough
- Brown Robert Thomas, High st
- Chapman William, King st, B.Q.
- Croft Mary, Flamborough
- Cross Robert, King st, B.Q.
- Davison Robert, Bullgate
- Greenaway Benjamin, High st
- Knowles Gabriel, High st
- Morris William, Market place
- Pitts Charles, High st
- Topham Michael, Westgate
- Vickerman John, High st
- Wrangham George, High st
- At Bridlington Quay.
- Bellard John, Promenade
- Blackburn Margaret, Queen st
- Brambles Walter, Promenade
- Cock John, Quay row
- Forth Abraham, Garrison st
- Frost John, New buildings
- Lundy David, Quay row
- Sedman Mary, King st
- Thompson Alicia, Commercial place
- Witty Ann, Promenade
- Dodgson George, Market place
- Hodgson George, High st
- Lamplough Matthew, Flamborough
- Smith Matthew, Flamborough
- Spink Francis, High st
- Wetwan George, Prospect row, B.Q.
- Winteringham John, High st
- Archer Elizabeth, St. John st
- Archer Rebecca, Queen st, B.Q.
- Coates Elizabeth, Chapel row, B.Q.
- Coates Mary, St. John st
- Croft Mary, Flamborough
- Gibson Mary, High st
- Greenaway Elizabeth, High st
- Johnson Mary, Westgate
- Medd Ann, King st, B.Q.
- Nicholson Elizabeth, King st, B.Q.
- Nightingale Maria, Chapel row, B.Q.
- Thompson & Fawcett, High st
- Ward Mary, St. John st
- Williamson Ann, King st, B.Q.
- Arnell Watson, Cliff st, B.Q.
- Cameron John, High st
- Dale Edward, Queen st, B.Q.
- Headley John, Flamborough
- Hopper Francis, High st
- Milner Ann, Garrison st, B.Q.
- Mavo William Paggon, Promenade, B.Q.
- Oxley Thomas, King st, B.Q.
- Smith William, Promenade, B.Q.
- Story William, High st
- Hall Robert, High st
- Harwood Robert, High st
- Morrell Thomas, Sewerby st
- Pattison John, King st, B.Q.
- Rhodes Thomas, High st
- Addy George, Wharf, B.Q.
- Scrivener Thomas, Wharf, B.Q.
- Bateman William, St. John st
- Innes James, High st
- Jewison John, King st, B.Q.
- Jewison John, New buildings, B.Q.
- Mann Hugh, St. John st
- Bullock Harland, Queen st, B.Q.
- Lamplough Benjamin, King st, B.Q.
- Marshall Stephen, King st, B.Q.
- Scrivener Thomas, King st, B.Q.
- Ward John, Quay road
(See also Grocers)
- Bland Sarah, Market place
- Chambers Margaret, Queen st, B.Q.
- Clark Samuel, Church green
- Frankish Richard, High st
- Hardy Patrick, High st
- Hick William, Market place
- Hobson George, Westgate
- Holmes Leonard (& bacon dealer) St. John st
- Lamplough Thomas, Flamborough
- Laycock Ralph, St. John st
- Leaf Hannah, Back st
- Meek William, Market place
- Pearson Thomas, St. John st
- Snowball Christopher, Market place
- Vickerman John, High st
- Walker Mary, Flamborough
- Walkinton Sarah, St. John st
- Ward Henry, St. John st
- Wharton Jane, High st
- Winteringham John, High st
- Wormleighton John, Market place
- Dickenson Elizabeth, St. John st
- Garton Thomas, High st
- Archer Ruth, Queen st, B.Q.
- Baker Sarah, Cliff st, B.Q.
- Baron Mary, King st, B.Q.
- Burrell Jane, Prospect row
- Chadwick Ellen, Flamborough
- Dixon Ellen, High st
- Dixon Sarah, Westgate
- Harris Charlotte, High st
- Headley Ann, Flamborough
- Loadman Hannah, Queen st, B.Q.
- Major Ann, Flamborough
- Thompson & Fawcett, High st
- Turner Harriet, Flamborough
- Wilkinson Ann, Prospect row
- Wintringham Rebecca & Ann, Westgate
- Young Jane, Queen st, B.Q.
- Dawson George, Baylegate
- Morris John, Market place
- Myers William Shepherd, Prospect place, B.Q.
- Sandwith Humphrey, High st & B.Q.
- Bailey John, Flamborough
- Bailey John, jun. Flamborough
- Barnet Smith, Market place
- Coates Thomas, St. John st
- Cowing Holder, St. John st
- Dixon William, King st, B.Q.
- Draper Robert, Bellgate
- Dukes George, Westgate
- Elliott John, Promenade, B.Q.
- Head Thomas, High st
- Kirby William, Flamborough
- Loadman George, Queen st, B.Q.
- Maltby Thomas, Flamborough
- Moore William, High st
- Pickering Henry, Garrison st, B.Q.
- Pickering Samuel, Cliff st, B.Q.
- Pickering William, Garrison st, B.Q.
- Postill William, King st, B.Q.
- Shaw Robert, Westgate
- Stephenson Matthew, Westgate
- Vickerman John, King st, B.Q.
- Winteringham George, Market place
- Bell Peter, High st
- Coates Benjamin, Back st
- Lamplugh & Bellard (& soap boilers) High st
- Weightman Berry, High st
- Admiral Parker, Dorothy Hutchinson, King st, B.Q.
- Buck, Elizabeth Collins, High st
- Bull & Sun, Thomas Wilson, Church green
- Cock & Lion, Francis Allerston, King st, B.Q.
- Cross Keys, Mary Bryan, High st
- Dog & Duck, Benton Traves, Flamborough
- Freemasons' Arms, Henry Livingston, St. John st
- George & Dragon, John Colley, Church green
- King's Head, William Barnet, Market place
- Letters, George Pick, Flamborough
- Light Horseman, Thomas Moody, Market place
- Nag's Head, Abel Smith, Market place
- North Star, Elizabeth Harrington, Flamborough
- Pack Horse, John Tate, Market place
- Plough, William Wilson, High st
- Rose & Crown, Milcah Pockley, Flamborough
- Scarborough Castle, Matthew Sinkler, Bellgate
- Ship, Hannah Coates, St. John st
- Ship, James Woodhouse, Flamborough
- Sportsman's Arms, Valentine Draper, Garrison St, B.Q.
- Strickland's Arms, Thomas Stork, Flamborough
- Sunderland Bridge, John Taylor, Cliff st, B.Q.
- Tiger, John Leng, King st, B.Q.
- Wellington, Richard Gray, Garrison st, B.Q.
- White Swan, John Holland, Market place
- Burrell Francis, Hunmanby road
- Clark Richard, High st
- Cruddas William, Sewerby st
- Dunning Robert, Queen st, B.Q.
- Good Joseph, St. John st
- Laycock Ralph, St. John st
- Milner Thomas, High st
- Puckering Mary, Flamborough
- Rennard George, Quay road
- Smith Robert, Sewerby st
- Marshall Henry, King st, B.Q.
- Simpson John, Queen's place, B.Q.
- Heselton George, High st
- Lyon Craven, High st
- Coates Thomas, Promenade, B.Q.
- Poole Mark, Baylegate
- Popplewell Benjamin, High st
- Allerston Francis, King st, B.Q.
- Cape Thomas, High st
- Cranswick Matthew, Westgate
- Craven Craven, High st
- Hayzen Peter, King st, B.Q.
- Jewison John, New buildings, B.Q.
- Richardson George, King st, B.Q.
- Stephenson Jas. & Son, King st, B.Q.
- Thompson John, High st
- Bell Anthony, livery stable keeper, Chapel row, B.Q.
- Brambles Waters, agent to the ship owners' society, Promenade, B.Q.
- Breekon William, bathing machine keeper, B.Q.
- Brown John, nail maker, Garrison st, B.Q.
- Brown Robert Thomas, music seller, High st
- Bryan Mary, mattress maker, High st
- Castell Thomas, stone mason, Flamborough
- Chambers William, agent to the gas works, Quay road
- Colton William, clog & patten maker, St. John st
- Dobson George, basket maker, High st
- Fletcher Absalom, pawnbroker, High st
- Frost John, bone grinder, Quay road
- Gardner William Kennedy, circulating library, King st, B.Q.
- Hensworth John, boat builder, Queen's place, B.Q.
- Heward William Nelson, harbour master, King st, B.Q.
- Hodgson Robert, master of workhouse, Parish row
- Knowles Gabriel, linen weaver & flax dresser, High st
- Lamplough Thomas, agent for Lloyd's, King st, B.Q.
- Langdale John, land surveyor, Market place
- Lowther Geo. chair maker, Cliff st, B.Q.
- Mackley John, worsted spinner, St. John st
- Mordey Christopher Shields, light keeper, Flamborough
- Pinkney Simon, spirit dealer, St. John st
- Rowley Newyear, mealman, Kirkgate
- Scrivener Thomas, wharfinger, Wharf, B.Q.
- Shields Elizabeth, dealer in stamps, Market place
- Stratton David, light keeper, Flamborough
- Collector --- John Broadly Howard, esq. Custom house
- Comptroller --- Wm. Colclough, esq. Quay road
- Inspecting commander of the coast guard --- William Deane, esq. Chapel row, B.Q.
- Chief Officer of the coast guard --- Mr. James Hoad, Flamborough
- To Beverley & Hull, John Carr & John Coulson, from Bridlington Quay, every Monday and Thursday.
- To Burton, George Ezard, Joel Hacknor, and Joseph Haynter, from Market place, Bridlington, every Wed. & Sat. -- and George Dixon, from the Black Lion, every Saturday.
- To Driffield, John Leighton, from Bridlington quay, Mon. Thurs. & Sat.
- To Foston, William Hall, from Market place, Bridlington, every Saturday.
- To Hull, Mary Bayes and William Jefferson, from Flamborough & Bridlington, every Monday & thursday.
- To Hunmanby & Scarborough, Robert Elliott, from Bridlington quay, every
- Monday & Thursday -- and Robert Baker, from the Green Dragon, every Saturday.
- To Rudston, William Taylor & Thomas Taylor, from Market place, Bridlington, every Wednesday & saturday.
- To Skipsea, Francis Denton, from the Nelson Inn, every Wed. & Sat.
- To York, Bayes & Pockley, from Bridlington & Flamborough, Tues. & Thurs.
- To London, the Flora, Benjamin Cobb, master ; the Hope, William Young, the
- Reliance, Edward Cousins ; and the Thomas and Ann, Jasper Fawcett, once a fortnight.
- To Hull, the Good Intent ; and the Mary, Henry Wright, master.
- To Newcastle & Sunderland, the Ann, Thomas Booth, master ; the Betsy, Harland Bullock ; the Lord Hill, William Pickering ; and the William & James, William Jarratt, weekly.
Transcribed by Steve Garton. ©2000