Bridlington Directory of Trades and Professions for 1829
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BRIDLINGTON in Pigot's Directory of 1829.
Post Office, - High-street, Thomas Thompson, Post Master.
- Letters for London and the South are despatched by Mail gig every night at twelve, and arrive at half-past nine in the evening.
- Letters for Whitby and Scarboro' are despatched by Mail gig at half-past nine in the evening, and arrive at midnight.
- Letters for York, Lancashire, Cheshire and the West are despatched by Mail gig at a quarter past one in the afternoon, and arrive at a quarter past seven in the morning
- The office opens during summer at half-past seven, and in winter at eight, and closes at nine in the evening; delivery at eight in the morning: the office closes for the York Mail at a quarter before one.
- Bridlington Quay, Receiving-house at Mrs. Thompson's, Prince-street, from whence letters are despatched to the post office, Bridlington, upon the payment of one penny each.
- Agars George, gent., St. John's gate
- Agars Mrs. Ann, Market place
- Auther Francis, gent. Prince street, Quay
- Beauvais James Thomas, gent. Kirk gate
- Blackburn Sleightholme, gent. Queen street, Quay
- Boynton Henry, gent. King street, Quay
- Bramley Richard, gent. Quay road, Quay
- Brown Mrs. Prince street, Quay
- Champion Mrs. Prospect row, Quay
- Coverley Francis, gent. Market place
- Coverley John, gent. Westgate
- Coverley Mrs. Ellen, High street
- Coverley Samuel, esq. High street
- Frankish John, gent. Nun gate
- Frankish Mrs. Jane, Bayle gate
- Greame John, esq. Sewerby
- Greenaway Mrs. Prospect row, Quay
- Harding John, esq. Field house
- Harland Mrs. Margaret, West end
- Harness Rev. Robert, Quay road
- Hobson Misses, High street
- Hodgson George, esq. High street
- Hutton Francis, gent. Queen street, Quay
- Kendall Rev. William P. Kirk gate
- Lawrey Capt. Robert, High street
- Lonsdale Mrs. Frances, King street, Quay
- Lowish Mrs. Elizabeth, Church green
- M'Donald Right Hon. Lord, Thorpe
- Major Francis, gent. High street
- Milne Mrs. Ellen, Back street, Quay
- Milner Mrs. Mary, High street
- Ogle Mrs. Elizabeth Prospect row, Quay
- Plummer Christopher, gent. High street
- Porter Robert, gent. South Back lane
- Preston Robert, gent. King street, Quay
- Rickaby Charles, esq. Prince street, Quay
- Savage William, gent. Prospect street, Quay
- Simpson Mrs. William, King street, Quay
- Smith Capt. George Promenade, Quay
- Smith Rev. George, Kirk gate
- Strickland Sir William, bart. Boynton
- Taylor Bryan, esq. West end
- Tyson Mrs. Clough bridge, Quay
- Wade Mrs. Jane, St. John's gate
- Walmsley Mrs. Elizabeth, Prospect row, Quay
- Ward Isaac, gent, Prince street, Quay
- Ward Thomas, esq. Prospect street, Quay
- White Mesdames S. & J. High street
- Whitfield Thomas, gent. Queen street Quay
- Wilson Thomas, gent. Quay road
- Grammar School, Marketplace- John Linskill, master
- Hogg James, Chapel row, Quay
- Holliday & Jacks (ladies') Prospect row, Quay
- Langdale John, South Back lane
- National School, Kirk gate- George Beswick, master; Miss Anderson, mistress
- Stockell Ann, High street
- Harland Bryan Taylor, Squire lane and Market place
- Prickett Marmaduke, West gate
- Smith William, Westgate
- Taylor David, Squire lane & High street
- Taylor Sidney, West gate
- Walker William, High street
- Wardell John, New buildings, Quay
- Wetwan George, Bridlington & Quay
- Bullock John, St. John's gate
- Meek Samuel, Market place
- Bullock Robert, Prince street, Quay
- Elliott Joseph, Bayle gate
- Hobson Edward, (and ship biscuit) High street
- Horsey Peter (flour dealer) High street
- Leeson John, Prince street, Quay
- Machen John, West end
- Mackerill Thomas, High street
- Speck John, King street, Quay
- Harding, Smith & Stansfield, Market place-(draw on Sir John William Lubbock & Co. London)
- Dobson George, High street
- Hutchinson Edward, Garrison street, Quay
- Bell Peter, West gate
- Coates John, St. John's gate
- Dennis Richard, Bishop's buildings, Quay
- Holliday John (& farrier) Market place
- Holt John, Back street
- Ireland William, High street
- Turner James, Promenade, Quay
- Forth William, (& printer) High street
- Furby & Pearson (& printer, binders & paper hangers) High street
- Furby George (& agent to the East India tea company) High street
- Barnett Robert, South row, Quay
- Baron John, Promenade, Quay
- Binning Francis, Queen street, Quay
- Bullock Harland, King street, Quay
- Coates John, King street, Quay
- Coopland Francis, High street
- Dixon Daniel, High street
- Fletcher James High street
- Hardcastle William, St. John's gate
- Kidd Thomas, High street
- Watson Robert, High street
- Wilkinson Isaac, Prospect row, Quay
- Dale William, High street
- Forth Benjamin, (& ironmonger) High street
- Mitchell Jane, High street
- Redman Mercy, New buildings, Quay
- Bell William & John, St. John's gate
- Haggitt John, High street
- Hall Samuel, King street, Quay
- Nightingale Edward, Penfold gate
- Armstrong George, Clough bridge, Quay
- Barr Robert, Market place
- Bishop William, Quay road
- Gray George, (& builder) Promenade
- Holderness Francis, High street
- Holderness William, High street
- Brambles Thomas, Prince street
- Brown William Holtby, High street
- Cape George, Market place
- Coates John, Queen street, Quay
- Frost Henry, King street, Quay
- Hardy John, Market place
- Hodgson William, King street, Quay
- Meek William, St. John's gate
- Speck Richard, North Back street
- Taylor George, Queen street, Quay
- Woodcock William, Kirk gate
- Beilby Matthew, Queen street, Quay
- Forth Thomas, Market place
- Meek Samuel, Market place
- Seller William, (& upholsterer) Market place
- Winteringham William, Westgate
- Chapman Joseph, King street, Quay
- Shields Robert, Market place
- Leeson John, Prince street, Quay
- Pinkney Simon, St. John's gate
- Speck John, King street, Quay
- Allison Brown, Market place
- Danby George, St. John's gate
- Hall Samuel, (& coal) King street, Quay
- Jewison John, New buildings, Quay
- Marshall Stephen (& coal) King street, Quay
- Wetwan George & Thomas, Prospect street
- Cook William, West end
- Davison Isaac, Burlington
- Gibson Robert, Bayle end
- Parrott George & Paul, Back street, Quay
- Wetwan George & Thomas, Prospect street
- White William & Robert, Bempton
- Wintringham John (& shopkeeper) High street
- Fletcher Thomas, High street
- Gilling Henry, High street
- Fairgrey John, Market place
- Fox John, King street, Quay
- Parrott James, Market place
- Rayner John, High street
- Gorton Thomas, South Back lane
- Heselton William, (& glover) High street
- Atlas, George Furby, High street
- County, Robert Davison, Market place
- Norwich Union, Joseph Pilmer, Market place
- Phoenix, John Bellard, Promenade Quay
- Sheffield, Robert Harwood, High street
- Yorkshire, Jonathan Thompson, High street
- Bateman William, St. John's gate
- Cowton William, Quay road
- Ford Thomas, Spring gardens
- Mann Hugh, St. John's gate
- Nelson Thomas, (& seedsman) St. John's gate
(See also Shopkeepers, &c.)
- Allerston Francis, Prince street, Quay
- Allerston John, High street
- Baton John & George (& drapers) Bayle gate
- Chester William, Market place
- Coates James, Queen street, Quay
- Craven Craven, High street
- Davison Robert, (& draper) Market place
- Dunning Robert, Prince street, Quay
- Fox Richard (& draper) High street
- Hayzen Peter, King street, Quay
- Johnson William, (& draper) Market place
- Kay Thomas, West gate
- Potter Daniel, (& draper) West end
- Stephenson & Sons, Prince street, Quay
- Thompson John (and wholesale) High street
- Weightman Berry (and draper) High street
- Preston Francis, King street, Quay
- Richardson Luke, Queen street, Quay
- Baron James, High street
- Brown & Son, High street
- Forth Abraham, Garrison street, Quay
- Forth William, (& furrier) Market place
- Frankish Richard, High street
- Fleek Andrew, Market place
- Nicholson Ryby, Church green
- Black Lion, Ann Harrison, High street
- Britannia, Mary Morrod, Prince street,
- George, Robert Edmond, King street,
- Globe, Matthew Cranswick, High street
- Green Dragon, Robert Carr, West end
- Nelson, Rich Johnson, High street
- Star, Benjamin Collinson, West end
- Cranswick John, High street
- Dale William, High street
- Baron Robert, (and paper hanger) King street, Quay
- Breckon William, Garrison street, Quay
- Ellis Burton, Market place
- Furby John (and machine maker) Market place
- Heseltine Joseph, West Back lane
- Heseltine Thomas, South Back lane
- Seller William, Market place
- Wardill John, King street, Quay
- Wilson William, St. John's gate
- Cowton Samuel & Sons, King street, Quay
- Gardner William, (& working jeweller)
- King street, Quay
- Lynn Craven, King street, Quay
- Wilson Walter, Prospect place, Quay
- Allerston John, High street
- Brown & Son (woollen) High street
- Chapman William, Prince street, Quay
- Cross Robert, Prince street, Quay
- Davison Robert, Market place
- Greenaway Benjamin, High street
- Knowles Gabriel, High street
- Pitts & Son, High street
- Porter Robert, Prince street, Quay
- Vickerman John (& hosier), High street
- Wrangham George, High street
- Atkinson George, King street Quay
- Carr John, King street, Quay
- Hobson John, Market place
- Bryan William, High street
- Pickering Wm, Garrison street, Quay
- Dunning George, Kirkgate
- Fox Richard, High street
- Frost Hannah, King street, Quay
- Greenaway Elizabeth, High street
- Medd Ann, Commercial place, Quay
- Thompson & Fawcett, High street
- Allison George Anlaby, High street
- Arnell Watson (and paper hanger) Back street
- Cameron John, High street
- Hopper John, High street
- Parrott Thomas, High street
- Sedman William, Prospect row, Quay
- Elvidge William, Prospect street, Quay
- Story William, High street
- Hall Robert, Market place
- Harwood Robert, High street
- Pattison John, King street, Quay
- Rhodes Richard, High street
- Addy George, Prince street
- Scrivener Thomas, Prince street, Quay
- Brown William Holtby, High street
- Innes James, High street
- Jewison John, New buildings, Quay
- Bullock Harland, King street, Quay
- Hall Samuel, King street, Quay
- Lamplough Benjamin, King street, Quay
- Marshall Stephen, King street, Quay
- Ward Isaac, Prince street, Quay
- Ward Thomas, Prospect street, Quay
- Wilson Thomas, St. John's gate
- Witty Peter, Garrison street, Quay
(See also Grocers.)
- Adams William, St. John's gate
- Bedlington Elizabeth, Queen street, Quay
- Chambers Francis Queen street, Quay
- Dixon Catherine, Market place
- Holmes Leonard, St John's gate
- Holt John, Kirk gate
- Johnson Elizabeth, St. John's gate
- Laycock Ralph St. John's gate
- Leaf Hannah, St. John's street
- Meek William, Market place
- Nicholas Thomas, Queen street, Quay
- Philliskirk George, Prince street, Quay
- Pluwes Thomas, Kirk gate
- Snowball Christopher, Market place
- Wharton Jane, High street
- Archer Ruth, Queen street, quay
- Dixon Eleanor, High street
- Dixon Sarah, West gate
- Harris John, High street
- Loadman Hannah, Queen street, Quay
- Nicholson Elizabeth, Back street, Quay
- Smith & Wilson, Queen street, Quay
- Clement Joseph, Prospect row, Quay
- Cordukes Hampton, Market place and Terrace, Quay
- Dawson George, High Street and
- King street, Quay
- Mayo P. W. Promenade, Quay
- Morris John, Market place
- Myers William, King street, Quay
- Renney Wiled, Prince street, Quay
- Sandwith Humphrey, High street
- and Prince street, Quay
- Barker Samuel, St. John's gate
- Barnet Smith, Market place
- Conies Thomas, St. John's gate
- Cowing William Holder, St. John's gate
- Dixon William, Commercial place, Quay
- Dukes George, West gate
- Edmund Christopher St, John's gate
- Head Thomas, High street
- Holdsworth William (and draper)
- King street, Quay
- Loadman George, Queen street, Quay
- Pickering Samuel, North Back street, Quay
- Pickering William, Garrison street, Quay
- Postill William, Prince street, Quay
- Stephenson James, Garrison street, Quay
- Winteringham George, Market place
- Coates Benjamin Kirk gate
- Furness Robert Hopwood (& soap boiler) High street
- Hardy Patrick, High street
- Weightman Berry, High street
- Admiral Parker, Dorothy Hutchinson, King street, Quay
- Black Bull, Esther Allison, High street
- Buck Thomas Collins, High street
- Bull & Sun, Tho, Wilson Church green
- Cock & Lion, Francis Allerston, Prince street, Quay
- Freemasons' Arms, William Bishop, Saint John's gate
- George & Dragon, Thomas Stephenson, Church green
- King's Arms, George Atkinson, King street, Quay
- King's Read, William Colton, Market place
- Light Horseman, David Whiting, Market place
- Nag's Head, Abel Smith, Marketplace
- New Inn, Robert Grange, Prince street,
- Pack Horse, John Tate, Market place
- Scarborough Castle, Thomas Moody, Bayle gate
- Ship, Thomas Coates, St. John's gate
- Ship, Samuel Lyon, Ship Hill, Quay
- Sportsman's Arms, William Draper, Garrison street, Quay
- Stirling Castle, George Chambers, Queen street, Quay
- Sunderland-Bridge, Thomas Seller, N. Back street
- Tiger, John Usher, Prince street, Quay
- White Swan, John Holland, Market place
- Pilmer Joseph, (& fruiterer) Market place
- Swift Timothy, Garrison street, Quay
- Brambles Waters, Promenade, Quay
- Marshall Stephen, King street, Quay
- Lamplough John Frank, High street
- Lyon Craven, High street
- Coates Thomas, (& anchor & ship) King street, Quay
- Dennis Richard, Bishop's buildings
- Pool Mark, Bayle gate
- Popplewell Benjamin, High street
- Cape Thomas, (& porter) High street
- Craven Craven, High street
- Hayzen Peter, King street, Quay
- Stephenson & Sons, Prince street, Quay
- Thompson John, High street
- Abbott Thomas Eastol, supervisor, High street
- Bollard Jonathan, harbour master, Promenade, Quay
- Bowland John, silk dyer, West gate
- Breckon & Anderson, bathing machine keepers, Garrison street, Quay
- Breckon William, boarding & lodging house keeper, Garrison street, Quay
- Brown & Son, dealers in musical instruments, High street
- Clark Samuel, cattle dealer, Queen street, Quay
- Cousins Hannah, boarding and lodging house, Queen street, Quay (possibly should be Coulson instead of Cousins [Pat Kilmore, 2006]).
- Dickinson Elizabeth, stay maker, High street
- Frost John, bone grinder, King street, Quay
- Gardner William, circulating library, King street Quay
- Garton Thomas, stay maker, High street
- Harland John, millwright, S. Back lane
- Knowles Gabriel, dresser & linen manufacturer, High street
- Lamplough Thomas, agent to Lloyds, Prospect row, Quay
- Lowry William, breaches & glove maker, High street
- Mackley Edwd, worsted spinner, High street
- Martin and Co. ship builder, Queen's place, Quay,
- Mathews David, civil engineer, Clough bridge, Quay
- Rowley Newyear, dealer in oatmeal, Pinfold street
- J. B. Howard, esq. collector- Jonathan Waters, esq. comptroller--Mr. John Mason, surveyor and searcher-two tide waiters and two boatmen.
- Coast Guard.-William Deane, esq. Inspecting commander, Chapel row, Quay.
- To Hull, the Union (from Scarborough) calls at the Globe, Bridlington, every morning (Sundays excepted) at half. past nine, and at the George, Britannia, and Stirling Castle, Quay, alternately, every morning at half past 9; goes thro' Brandesburton every Wednesday & Saturday & thro' Driffield the other days. Scarborough, the Union (from Hull) calls at the above Inns, every day (Sundays excepted) at noon; goes thro' Hunmanby & Filey--N. B. During the summer two extra coaches pass daily to and from the above places.
- To Beeford, - Woodhouse, from the Pack Horse, every Saturday. Beverley, see Hull.
- To Burton Agnes, --, Arnett, from the Star every Wednesday & Saturday.
- To Driffield, John Leighton, Pout his house, Quay road, every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Gamlin Watson from the Star, every Sat.
- To Hornsea, - Stockdale, from the Pack Horse, every Saturday.
- To Hull, John Ward, from St John's gate, every Tuesday & Friday--.William Bryan, from his house, High st. John Coulson, from Prospect row, Quay-& William, Jefferson (from Flamborough) calls at the Cock & Lion, Quay, every Monday and Thursday.
- To Hunmanby, -- Stephenson, from the Pack Horse-and John Johnson. from the Scarboro' Castle & -- Baker, from the Globe, every Tues. & Sat.
- To Kilham,- Milner, from the Star and Hardy, from the King's Head, every Saturday,
- To Nafferton, - Johnson, from the Star, every Sat.
- To Scarborough, Robert Owston, from Prospect street, Quay, every Monday and Thursday & -- Stephenson, from the Pack Horse, every Tues. & Sat.
- To Thorn Holm, -- Poynton, from the Star, every Wednesday & Saturday.
- To York, -- Pockley, from the Greek Dragon, every Tuesday.
- To London, the Industry & the Wray, every month--and the Hope, six times a year.
- To North Shields, the Industry, every month every
- To Sunderland, the Wray,
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003