


Bridlington, Memorial Plaque transcription


Bridlington parish:


Bridlington, Memorial Plaque transcription:

The World War II memorial screen in Priory Church, Bridlington.

The first group of 3 plaques (see also Photo)

Edwin Abell  Frank A Cheetham  Frank Featherstone
Alfred W Alderson Frank Chivers Charles H Fletcher
William S Allan George E Clark Fred Flower
Edward J Altham John Clark Alec E Forbes
Annie M Anderson Arthur Clarkson Thomas A Forster
Eric L Armitage Leonard Claxton Harry Foster
Sydney K Arksey William N Coates Norman C Fowler
Derek W Aston Kenneth G Cole David Freeman
John J Atkinson Robert W Coleman Ward Freeman
Edward Ayre Arthur R Constable Harry L Friend
Vincent T Bailey Kenneth G Cooper Gilbert Fussey
Richard V Barnby Frederick Copsey John L Gant
Louis Barron George Cornell Charles H Garrett
Walter F Barron Sydney Cornell Arthur Gee
George Beechcroft Geoffrey G Darwen Frederick H Gee
Charles E Brown Geoffrey Dobson William Gilmour
John W Burgess Leonard Dowse John W Gilson
James A Butcher Wilfred L Dowse Geoffrey R Gibb
Derek Cappleman John F Driscoll Ronald E Gibson
George Carter Eric Dunkerley Brian F Glazier
Raymond Carter George Edwards Sydney Gledhill
William Cawkhill Denis Earnshaw Patrick Glenville
Elsie G Chatterton Francis G Ellis Charles H Gow
Arnold F Cheetham Fred Ellis Ian M Gow

The second group of 3 plaques (see also Photo)

George K Grainger  Molly Hyland  John W Millard
Cyril Gray George Ireland Harold Mitchell
David A Gray William Jackson Robert Murray
Alan S Greensides John Jeff Albert L Neal
F W Gregory R V Jeff Kenneth E New
Ernest V Gutherless Alfred Jeffrey Jane Newton
Lucas S Hanton Arthur Jordan Thomas A Newton
George J Harden Mark Jordan Agnes A Nicholson
Robert K Hawkins Ronald H Jordan Ben Nicholson
Richard Hawksworth William Kenny Patrick J Nicholson
Donovan Hebdon Arthur W Kirby Stanley W Nixon
Herbert C Hermon Malcolm R Lamming S N Orum
Cyril Hills James W Leason Edward G Parish
Denis A Hinchliffe John W Leason Evelyn Parkin
J D Hobson Joseph P Leddy William Parkinson
Albert W Hodgson John W Linsley Percival G Perkins
Gertrude Holden Brian J Lister Harry Pinder
Kenneth H Hogarth George H Longden Francis H Pollard
Tom C Hoggard Sydney Lyth Denis K Potter
Arthur Holmes Frank Martindale Frank Powls
Frederick W Hope Peter D Martindale John K Purdon
Trevor Hornby George Megson Peter D Purdon
Donald J Houghton James McAllister Edward Redding
William H Howes David McKirdy Nora Riley

The last group of 3 plaques (see also Photo)

Richard J Ripley  Edward W Temple  Cyril Wilbourne
John H Robson Edward D Thackeray Harry C Wilson
Norman C Robson Ronald Thomas Henry Wilson
Percy Rodgers Arthur Thompson Stanley Wilson
Harold D Rogers Stanley W Thompson Peter Wilkinson
Ronald Romyn Eric A Thwaites Arthur Williamson
Joseph Sampson Peter E Turner Basil B Witty
Gerald Sanderson Ernest R Underwood George G Witty
Gerald Sangwin Geoffrey F Usher John W Woodcock
Charles Sawden Hector T Wade John Allbut
John B Sawden Charles H Wainwright Harry Baker
Esther Shaw Gertrude E Wainwright Leslie Battye
John J Shaw Allen G Waites George Beecroft
Harry Shippey Walter Waites Robert Clark
Bernard Simpson Bernard Walker William Emmerson
Norman Simpson Ronald Ward James Firman
Stanley Simpson Dorothy G Watson Raymond Garrett
Henry J Slaugter James W Watson Pietro Giovetti
Robert Smith Maurice G Webb Jack Morris
Betty Spear Harold Whitaker Thomas Rennoldson
George A Storey William White Donald Twiddy
Ernest Sturgeon George H Whitman Cyril Wilbourne
Eric Taylor Edith Whittaker Jessie Wilbourne
Charles H Temple Eric B Wikxer  

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson