


Charities: Emanuel Hospital, Brandesburton ERY.




Brandesburton Charities

Second Vol of 32 of Report of the Commissioners to
inquire concerning Charities in England for the Education
of the Poor Act 58 Geo III c 91. 1819.

Emanuel Hospital 247-263

p 247 Emanuel Hospital - re Brandsburton E Yorks
Examination of Rev. Thomas Waters D.D. 29th October 1818.
Are you the Master of Emanuel Hospital ? - I am.
How long have you been so ? - I was appointed master about 14 years ago.
What is the foundation of the charity ? - Lady Dacres founded it,originally by her will, dated the 20th December 1594, and it was confirmed by a charter, bearing date the 17th December 43rd Elizabeth, by which the Lord Mayor and Aldermen were constituted governors of the hospital.

p 251 Re School at Brainsburton (Brandesburton)
"The school for eight boys, lately established at Brainsburton, is attended with easy charge, when compared with the heavy expense attending the children in Emanuel Hospital.

At Brainsburton, the whole expense, for rent of school, food, raiment, washing, lodging and education, amounts to £128 a year, which is only £16 a year for each boy, whilst the boys and girls clothed, educated, and maintained in Emanuel Hospital, cost yearly £39 each, exclusive of repairs to the buildings.

p 253 Re Discontinuance of the School at Brainsburton.
The school at Brainsburton, which was established under the regulations of 1795, was discontinued pursuant to the recommendation of the committee in their printed report in 1802. It was gradually terminated by not filling up the vacant places of the children who quitted. It ended in or about the year 1805.

p 254 property of the Hospital at Brandesburton
An Account of an Estate belonging to the Poor and Trustees of Emanuel Hospital, Westminster, situate at Brandsburton in the East Riding of the County of York.

A List of 39 Properties
1Atkinson's ExorsFarmstead etc1821207-11s-0d
2Atkinson, Joshuas's ExorsCottage----1-10s-0d
3Borrill, JohnFarmstead etc1821345-11s-0d
4Broadman, widowCottage----19s-0d
5Birkle, widow reps ofCottage----10s-0d
6Bradshaw, John Rev.Cottage----33- 0s-0d
7Cook, RobertCottage etc----8- 8s-6d
8Clifton's ExorsFarmstead1821251- 0s-0d
9Clubley, ThomasFarmstead1821108- 7s-0d
10Copeland, JosephCottage,Carpenters182147- 6s-6d
11Dean, R, widowCottage----14- 0s-0d
12Dales, RobertCottage----5- 0s-0d
13Dunderdale's ExorsCottage----8- 9s-0d
14Escrick, BarbraCottage182125- 2s-0d
15Edward, HenryCross Keys Inn1821160- 0s-0d
16Gibson, WilliamFarmstead1821184- 0s-0d
17Grayburn, JamesFarmstead1821185- 0s-0d
18Hall, MarmadukeCottage & shop----4-19s-0d
18GlentonsCottages for poor----2-10s-0d
19Hendsley's ExorsFarmstead1821315- 0s-0d
20Keith, JohnCottage----4-10s-0d
21Lock, WilliamCottage----17- 7s-0d
22Moor, JohnFarmstead1821203-10s-0d
23Moor, RalphFarmstead1821310-0s-0d
24Mosey, widowFarmstead1821371- 6s-0d
25Poskitt, GeorgeCottage, school rm----4-12s-0d
26Pinder, William--182122-10s-0d
27Ribey, ThomasFarmstead182132- 2s-0d
28Robinson, RogerFarmstead182184-17s-0d
29Robinson, JohnCottage, carpenters182115- 0s-0d
30Robson, WilliamCottage----3-15s-0d
31Russell, JohnCottage----2-10s-0d
32Stephenson, JohnCottage etc182130- 0s-0d
33Sharp, John, OverseerCottage----19s-0d
34Simpson, GeoCottage----1-10s-0d
35Thornton, WalterSwan ale-house182150- 0s-0d
36Ushaw, WilliamAlehouse etc----12- 4s-0d
37White, WilliamCottage etc----13- 0s-0d
38Wallis, JamesCottage, blacksmiths----6- 0s-0d
39Wright, PeterCottage----5- 0s-0d
Harrison, Mr.}Free rents out of their 9s-0d
Dixon, Mr.}respective estates etc 1- 0s-0d
Chapman, Mr.}at Brandsburton. 7s-0d
Total Rents  £3,100-11s-0d

Second Vol of 32 of Report of the Commissioners to
inquire concerning Charities in England for the Education
of the Poor Act 58 Geo III c 91. 1819.