Bempton Burials, 1777-1812
Bempton Burials, 1777-1812
Burials at St. Michael's Church, Bempton 1777-1812.
(East Yorkshire Archives cat no: PE138/2)
[Parchment, faded in places and with a fragile binding. All names are transcribed as they appear in the original ]
16 May | Ruth Burdass buried |
26 June | Elizabeth Storry buried |
16 October | John s/o Samuel Slator buried |
2 February | Fran (sic) Coverley buried |
1 May | Richard Cook buried |
13 May | John s/o John Shaw buried |
14 June | Thomas Mason buried |
31 January | Thomas Walmsley buried |
13 October | Elizabeth Pape buried |
26 October | Thomas Appleby buried |
26 November | William Wood, a child, buried |
10 February | Mary Bailey buried |
29 July | Phebe Dawson buried |
* |
16 February | John Jewison buried |
11 April (?) | Samuel s/o Francis Coverley buried |
20 April | Seward (Edward?) Chambers buried |
24 April | Ann Mason, a child, buried |
21 May | Mary Bryon buried |
6 June | James Walmesley buried |
10 June | Elizabeth Chew, a child, buried |
19 June | Emmy (?) Hodgson, a child, buried |
* | |
[The entries between the asterisks above are very faint] | |
20 June | Mary Chew buried |
23 June | Robert Chew buried |
8 November | Rachel Dawson buried |
24 December | Robert Jackson buried |
3 February | George Agars buried |
20 February | Thomas Agars buried |
26 February | Frances Cook buried |
18 July | Ester Dawson buried |
10 August | William Cook, a child, buried |
17 November | Robert Agars buried |
20 (-) | Elizabeth Clubley buried |
1 December | Thomas Glenton buried |
2 December | John Bordose (Bordop?)[Could be a member of the Burdass family] buried |
29 December | Elizabeth Brown buried |
2 January | Samuel Coverley buried |
11 February | John Smith, a child, buried |
6 August | John Hindslay (Lindslay?) buried |
8 August | William Moody, a child, buried |
10 September | Elizabeth Walmsley buried |
Duty begun | |
2 November | Elizabeth Jewison buried |
14 December | Ann Edmond buried |
31 December | Ann Edmond d/o John Edmond buried |
8 January | Francis Mason, a pauper, buried |
12 February | John s/o John Edmond buried |
19 June | Ann Hardy |
23 October | Thomas Edmond, a child, buried |
11 November | John Coverley buried |
28 January | William Hodgson, a child, buried |
8 March | Hannah Coverley buried |
26 March | Peter Haxby, a pauper, |
23 March | Elizabeth Agars buried |
25 May | Elizabeth Wardle, a child, buried |
7 June | Samuel Cook buried |
20 September | George Agars buried |
20 September | John Hodgson buried |
22 February | Elizabeth Coverley buried |
25 March | William Pape buried |
22 June | Mary Mason buried |
3 August | John Chew buried |
21 October | Emmy Dodson, a child, buried |
8 November | Frances Coverley, a child, buried |
29 June | Margaret Chew, a child, buried |
19 February | Milkah Chew buried |
1 March | Eleanor Walmesley buried |
9 June | John Agars buried |
7 September | William Moody buried |
16 September | Susanna Dodson buried |
20 October | Mary Coverley buried |
18 January | Elizabeth Cook buried |
3 September | Robert Darley buried |
16 September | Ann Watson buried |
17 September | John Morey (?) buried |
12 November | Jane Haxby, a pauper, buried |
14 November | John Squire buried |
20 January | William Fawcet, a child, buried |
15 April | Robert Hodgson buried |
16 June | Martha Robinson, a child, buried |
28 June | John Stephenson buried |
6 October | Magdalen Vickerman buried |
16 November | Jane Walker, a pauper, buried |
10 December | Maudland Ward buried |
24 January | Francis Story buried |
21 February | Robert Darrel buried |
6 March | William Wardle buried |
21 April | John Hodgson buried |
York | |
14 June | Thomas Fawcet buried |
27 November | Ellen Dawson buried |
21 December | Thomas Agars buried |
21 May | Frances Cook buried |
York | |
9 September | Michael Walker, pauper, buried |
Duty paid | |
27 December | William Meek, a child, buried |
6 May (sic) | Ellen Robinson, a child, buried |
Elizabeth Nicholson buried (-) | |
30 (-) | Mary d/o Thomas Frankish buried |
2 October | Ann Jackson buried |
10 December | Edward Clubley buried |
18 (-) | Samuel Cook buried |
31 January | John Darley buried |
16 February | Ann Haxby, pauper, buried, |
16 February | Phoebe Robinson buried |
13 July | William Dawson buried |
Duty paid | |
[Beautifully clear here] | |
8 December | Ann Nessfield buried |
29 January | William Rowley buried |
31 January | A drowned man buried |
5 February | Elizabeth Law buried |
27 June | Ann w/o Robert Darley buried |
6 July | Mary d/o John Jewison buried |
12 September | Henry Ripley buried |
21 September | Francis s/o Francis Coverley buried |
24 October | Thomas s/o Robert Boardingham buried |
19 November | Margaret Dawson buried |
3 December | William Cook buried |
4 January | Margaret Baylor buried |
23 March | Richard Mason buried |
14 April | Dorothy Robinson buried |
26 July | Sarah d/o Robert Walmsley buried |
10 October | Helen d/o Thomas Vickerman buried |
22 December | Dorothy d/o Edward Robinson buried |
21 January | Hannah d/o Samuel Slater buried |
27 February | James s/o John Stephenson buried |
4 April | Elizabeth Hodgson buried |
4 April | Helen Mason buried |
1 September | Sarah Walmesley buried |
22 June | John s/o Thomas Lazenby buried |
4 February | John s/o William Dawson buried |
27 February | Margaret d/o John Dawson buried |
16 March | Francis s/o Robert Gardiner buried |
25 April | Thomas Vickerman buried |
7 June | Robert Jarrat buried |
19 June | Ann Gardiner buried |
21 July | James Darley buried |
15 August | John Darley buried |
25 January | William Pape buried |
30 January | Jane Robinson buried |
4 February | Ursula Jewison buried |
18 February | Ann Moody buried |
5 March | John Dodson buried |
21 March | George Dodson buried |
21 March | Benjamin Shaw buried |
24 March | Elizabeth Shaw buried |
17 April | John s/o John Coverley buried |
19 March | Elizabeth d/o John Bielby buried |
7 April | Hannah w/o Edward Watson buried |
6 May | John Coverley buried |
29 May | John Jewison buried |
30 May | Thomas Lazenby buried |
1 July | Drusilla Jackson buried |
12 January | William Coverley buried |
14 January | Robert Mason buried |
[Lovely and clear from this point] | |
18 August | Richard Wardle buried |
12 October | Elizabeth Jewesson from Sewerby buried |
13 January | Frances Chambers from Bridlington buried |
4 March | John Dawson buried |
2 June | William Frankish, infant, buried |
20 June | Dorothy Pape buried |
26 June | Robert Coultas from Bridlington Quay buried |
16 August | Elizabeth Burdas from Buckton, infant, buried |
1 September | John Frankish, infant, buried |
3 June | John Vickerman buried |
9 June | Frances Vickerman buried |
10 July | Ruth Lazenby buried |
13 August | Elizabeth Lazenby buried |
17 January | Frances Mason from Sewerby buried |
12 February | John Jefferson from Bridlington buried |
6 April | Susannna Hodgson buried |
9 April | Ann Edmond buried |
9 April | Ann Gardiner, infant, buried |
18 April | Elizabeth Vickerman from Flambro (sic) buried |
24 April | Stephen Robinson buried |
6 June | Jane Frankish, infant, buried |
13 October | Helen Coverley from Bridlington, infant, buried |
27 October | John Nesfield from Thurnholm buried |
12 February | Hannah Dandy, infant, buried |
5 March | Ann Gardiner buried |
15 March | Jane Cook buried |
16 August | Jane Vickerman from Flambro, infant, buried |
30 August | Mary Johnson buried |
12 October | Mary Jefferson from Bridlington buried |
9 January | James Robinson from Buckton, infant, buried |
9 March | Eleanor Danby, infant, buried |
23 March | Elizabeth Dawson from Bridlington Quay buried |
31 July | Elizabeth Milner, infant, buried |
5 December | Ann Robinson buried |
6 March | Frances Glenton buried |
31 May | George Garbut, infant, buried |
18 June | Maudlin Wardle buried |
15 July | William Clement buried |
21 July | Sarah Agars buried |
11 September | Richard Cook buried |
23 October | George Miller buried |
17 December | Hannah Dawson buried |
13 July | Magdalen Gray from Bridlington buried in the chancel |
7 August | Ralph Hutchinson Dosdale, infant, buried |
4 September | John Dawson from Flambro buried |
17 September | Edward Watson buried |
29 January | Mary Coverley from Bridlington buried |
2 August | Frances Hazelton from Bridlington buried |
16 December | Hannah Frankish, infant, buried |
6 March | Dorothy Dawson from Flambro buried |
29 May | Mary Seller buried |
6 June | Francis Coverley from Bessingby buried |
24 June | Frances Faucet buried |
18 August | John Chew buried |
29 January | Elizabeth Walmsley buried |
26 March | Thomas Moody from Buckton buried |
11 April | Hannah Clubley from Buckton, infant, buried |
25 June | George Walmsley from Bridlington buried |
5 February | Elizabeth Story buried |
15 February | Thomas Frankish buried |
7 March | Elizabeth Wood buried |
1 April | Ann Bailey from Buckton buried |
15 August | Elizabeth Mason from Buckton buried |
17 August | Samuel Shaw from Sewerby, infant, buried |
25 September | Richard Dixon from Bridlington buried |
13 December | William Agars buried |
11 April | Hannah Gardiner from Sewerby, infant, buried |
Transcribed by
and presented here by permission of
Lisa Blosfelds ©2014
and presented here by permission of
Lisa Blosfelds ©2014