


Bempton Burials, 1777-1812


Bempton Burials, 1777-1812


Burials at St. Michael's Church, Bempton 1777-1812.


(East Yorkshire Archives cat no: PE138/2)

[Parchment, faded in places and with a fragile binding. All names are transcribed as they appear in the original ]

16 MayRuth Burdass buried
26 JuneElizabeth Storry buried
16 OctoberJohn s/o Samuel Slator buried

2 FebruaryFran (sic) Coverley buried
1 MayRichard Cook buried
13 MayJohn s/o John Shaw buried
14 JuneThomas Mason buried

31 JanuaryThomas Walmsley buried
13 OctoberElizabeth Pape buried
26 OctoberThomas Appleby buried
26 NovemberWilliam Wood, a child, buried

10 FebruaryMary Bailey buried
29 JulyPhebe Dawson buried

16 FebruaryJohn Jewison buried
11 April (?)Samuel s/o Francis Coverley buried
20 AprilSeward (Edward?) Chambers buried
24 AprilAnn Mason, a child, buried
21 MayMary Bryon buried
6 JuneJames Walmesley buried
10 JuneElizabeth Chew, a child, buried
19 JuneEmmy (?) Hodgson, a child, buried
[The entries between the asterisks above are very faint]
20 JuneMary Chew buried
23 JuneRobert Chew buried
8 NovemberRachel Dawson buried
24 DecemberRobert Jackson buried

3 FebruaryGeorge Agars buried
20 FebruaryThomas Agars buried
26 FebruaryFrances Cook buried
18 JulyEster Dawson buried
10 AugustWilliam Cook, a child, buried
17 NovemberRobert Agars buried
20 (-)Elizabeth Clubley buried
1 DecemberThomas Glenton buried
2 DecemberJohn Bordose (Bordop?)[Could be a member of the Burdass family] buried
29 DecemberElizabeth Brown buried

2 JanuarySamuel Coverley buried
11 FebruaryJohn Smith, a child, buried
6 AugustJohn Hindslay (Lindslay?) buried
8 AugustWilliam Moody, a child, buried
10 SeptemberElizabeth Walmsley buried
Duty begun
2 NovemberElizabeth Jewison buried
14 DecemberAnn Edmond buried
31 DecemberAnn Edmond d/o John Edmond buried

8 JanuaryFrancis Mason, a pauper, buried
12 FebruaryJohn s/o John Edmond buried
19 JuneAnn Hardy
23 OctoberThomas Edmond, a child, buried
11 NovemberJohn Coverley buried

28 JanuaryWilliam Hodgson, a child, buried
8 MarchHannah Coverley buried
26 MarchPeter Haxby, a pauper,
23 MarchElizabeth Agars buried
25 MayElizabeth Wardle, a child, buried
7 JuneSamuel Cook buried
20 SeptemberGeorge Agars buried
20 SeptemberJohn Hodgson buried

22 FebruaryElizabeth Coverley buried
25 MarchWilliam Pape buried
22 JuneMary Mason buried
3 AugustJohn Chew buried
21 OctoberEmmy Dodson, a child, buried
8 NovemberFrances Coverley, a child, buried

29 JuneMargaret Chew, a child, buried
19 FebruaryMilkah Chew buried
1 MarchEleanor Walmesley buried
9 JuneJohn Agars buried
7 SeptemberWilliam Moody buried
16 SeptemberSusanna Dodson buried
20 OctoberMary Coverley buried

18 JanuaryElizabeth Cook buried
3 SeptemberRobert Darley buried
16 SeptemberAnn Watson buried
17 SeptemberJohn Morey (?) buried
12 NovemberJane Haxby, a pauper, buried
14 NovemberJohn Squire buried

20 JanuaryWilliam Fawcet, a child, buried
15 AprilRobert Hodgson buried
16 JuneMartha Robinson, a child, buried
28 JuneJohn Stephenson buried
6 OctoberMagdalen Vickerman buried
16 NovemberJane Walker, a pauper, buried
10 DecemberMaudland Ward buried

24 JanuaryFrancis Story buried
21 FebruaryRobert Darrel buried
6 MarchWilliam Wardle buried
21 AprilJohn Hodgson buried
14 JuneThomas Fawcet buried
27 NovemberEllen Dawson buried
21 DecemberThomas Agars buried

21 MayFrances Cook buried
9 SeptemberMichael Walker, pauper, buried
Duty paid
27 DecemberWilliam Meek, a child, buried
6 May (sic)Ellen Robinson, a child, buried

Elizabeth Nicholson buried (-)
30 (-)Mary d/o Thomas Frankish buried
2 OctoberAnn Jackson buried
10 DecemberEdward Clubley buried
18 (-)Samuel Cook buried

31 JanuaryJohn Darley buried
16 FebruaryAnn Haxby, pauper, buried,
16 FebruaryPhoebe Robinson buried
13 JulyWilliam Dawson buried
Duty paid
[Beautifully clear here]
8 DecemberAnn Nessfield buried

29 JanuaryWilliam Rowley buried
31 JanuaryA drowned man buried
5 FebruaryElizabeth Law buried
27 JuneAnn w/o Robert Darley buried
6 JulyMary d/o John Jewison buried
12 SeptemberHenry Ripley buried
21 SeptemberFrancis s/o Francis Coverley buried
24 OctoberThomas s/o Robert Boardingham buried
19 NovemberMargaret Dawson buried
3 DecemberWilliam Cook buried

4 JanuaryMargaret Baylor buried
23 MarchRichard Mason buried
14 AprilDorothy Robinson buried
26 JulySarah d/o Robert Walmsley buried
10 OctoberHelen d/o Thomas Vickerman buried
22 DecemberDorothy d/o Edward Robinson buried

21 JanuaryHannah d/o Samuel Slater buried
27 FebruaryJames s/o John Stephenson buried
4 AprilElizabeth Hodgson buried
4 AprilHelen Mason buried
1 SeptemberSarah Walmesley buried
22 JuneJohn s/o Thomas Lazenby buried

4 FebruaryJohn s/o William Dawson buried
27 FebruaryMargaret d/o John Dawson buried
16 MarchFrancis s/o Robert Gardiner buried
25 AprilThomas Vickerman buried
7 JuneRobert Jarrat buried
19 JuneAnn Gardiner buried
21 JulyJames Darley buried
15 AugustJohn Darley buried

25 JanuaryWilliam Pape buried
30 JanuaryJane Robinson buried
4 FebruaryUrsula Jewison buried
18 FebruaryAnn Moody buried
5 MarchJohn Dodson buried
21 MarchGeorge Dodson buried
21 MarchBenjamin Shaw buried
24 MarchElizabeth Shaw buried
17 AprilJohn s/o John Coverley buried

19 MarchElizabeth d/o John Bielby buried
7 AprilHannah w/o Edward Watson buried
6 MayJohn Coverley buried
29 MayJohn Jewison buried
30 MayThomas Lazenby buried
1 JulyDrusilla Jackson buried

12 JanuaryWilliam Coverley buried
14 JanuaryRobert Mason buried
[Lovely and clear from this point]
18 AugustRichard Wardle buried
12 OctoberElizabeth Jewesson from Sewerby buried

13 JanuaryFrances Chambers from Bridlington buried
4 MarchJohn Dawson buried
2 JuneWilliam Frankish, infant, buried
20 JuneDorothy Pape buried
26 JuneRobert Coultas from Bridlington Quay buried
16 AugustElizabeth Burdas from Buckton, infant, buried
1 SeptemberJohn Frankish, infant, buried

3 JuneJohn Vickerman buried
9 JuneFrances Vickerman buried
10 JulyRuth Lazenby buried
13 AugustElizabeth Lazenby buried

17 JanuaryFrances Mason from Sewerby buried
12 FebruaryJohn Jefferson from Bridlington buried
6 AprilSusannna Hodgson buried
9 AprilAnn Edmond buried
9 AprilAnn Gardiner, infant, buried
18 AprilElizabeth Vickerman from Flambro (sic) buried
24 AprilStephen Robinson buried
6 JuneJane Frankish, infant, buried
13 OctoberHelen Coverley from Bridlington, infant, buried
27 OctoberJohn Nesfield from Thurnholm buried

12 FebruaryHannah Dandy, infant, buried
5 MarchAnn Gardiner buried
15 MarchJane Cook buried
16 AugustJane Vickerman from Flambro, infant, buried
30 AugustMary Johnson buried
12 OctoberMary Jefferson from Bridlington buried

9 JanuaryJames Robinson from Buckton, infant, buried
9 MarchEleanor Danby, infant, buried
23 MarchElizabeth Dawson from Bridlington Quay buried
31 JulyElizabeth Milner, infant, buried
5 DecemberAnn Robinson buried

6 MarchFrances Glenton buried
31 MayGeorge Garbut, infant, buried
18 JuneMaudlin Wardle buried
15 JulyWilliam Clement buried
21 JulySarah Agars buried
11 SeptemberRichard Cook buried
23 OctoberGeorge Miller buried
17 DecemberHannah Dawson buried

13 JulyMagdalen Gray from Bridlington buried in the chancel
7 AugustRalph Hutchinson Dosdale, infant, buried
4 SeptemberJohn Dawson from Flambro buried
17 SeptemberEdward Watson buried

29 JanuaryMary Coverley from Bridlington buried
2 AugustFrances Hazelton from Bridlington buried
16 DecemberHannah Frankish, infant, buried

6 MarchDorothy Dawson from Flambro buried
29 MayMary Seller buried
6 JuneFrancis Coverley from Bessingby buried
24 JuneFrances Faucet buried
18 AugustJohn Chew buried

29 JanuaryElizabeth Walmsley buried
26 MarchThomas Moody from Buckton buried
11 AprilHannah Clubley from Buckton, infant, buried
25 JuneGeorge Walmsley from Bridlington buried

5 FebruaryElizabeth Story buried
15 FebruaryThomas Frankish buried
7 MarchElizabeth Wood buried
1 AprilAnn Bailey from Buckton buried
15 AugustElizabeth Mason from Buckton buried
17 AugustSamuel Shaw from Sewerby, infant, buried
25 SeptemberRichard Dixon from Bridlington buried
13 DecemberWilliam Agars buried

11 AprilHannah Gardiner from Sewerby, infant, buried

Transcribed by
and presented here by permission of
Lisa Blosfelds ©2014