


Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.




Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: BARMBY MOOR.     Church dedication: ST. CATHERINE.     Church type: Peculiar. Discharged Vicarage.

Area, 2,290 acres. Harthill wapentake. Wilton Beacon *2. - Population, 452 ; Church-room, 200; Net value, £50. -The whole town was given by Ulphus to St. Peter, part of which belongs to the Prebendary, who is lord of the town, having therein his demesne manor and six oxgangs of land *3. The Church belongs to the Dean of York, as Parson of Pocklington, to whom it was appropriated, and a Vicarage ordained in 1252, in the Chapels of Barmby and Fangfoss. Fangfoss is as much a parish Church as Barmby, but they make but one Vicarage. 2s. per annum was reserved, in token of subjection to Pocklington. No catalogue of Incumbents is given by Torre.

Patron and impropriator, the Dean of York.

Valued in the King's books, at £5. 6s. 8d.; in the Parliamentary Survey, vol. xvii. page 376, it is stated : " Vicarage, £6; impropriation, £60;" and in 1818, at £55. 4s. 6d. per annum.

Augmented in 1777, with £200, and in 1799, with £200, both by lot. -Mr. Hodgson also observes, that there was an augmentation in 1767 with £200, by lot, for " Barnby," which is presumed to be this parish.

An Inclosure Act was passed 17th Geo. III.

No glebe house.

The Register Books commence in 1683.

Poor's Land. Layton's and Johnson's gifts. -William Layton, by surrender, dated 15th February 1722, gave half an oxgang of land for the use and benefit of the poor for ever; and John Johnson, Esq., by surrender, dated 12th January 1744, gave a messuage and cottage, with the appurtenances ; the rents thereof to be paid to the overseers at Christmas and Whitsuntide, and distributed by them to the poor at their discretion. The Commissioners for Barmby Moor have allotted, in lieu of the half oxgang, 81a. 3r. 34p. of land, together with the rent of two houses, which was let, at the time of the Report, for £37. 13s. per annum. Part of the fund is appropriated for schooling of from eight to twelve poor children, who are taught reading, writing, and accounts. The master receives for each child per quarter-for reading 2s. 6d., writing 3s., and accounts 5s.. The trustees provide coals for the school, and books, &c. for the scholars. The remainder is given to the poor parishioners, in sums from £2. 2s. to 5s.

Wood's dole. Vide Pocklington.

William Westoby's dole. 5s. per an-num. -Vide Allerthorpe. Both these last-mentioned sums are carried to the same account with the rents of the poor's land. -Vide 11th Report, page 722.

Post town: Pocklington.

Torre's MS. (Peculiars), page 697. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. ii. page 94. Bawdwen's Domesday Book (Bernebi), page 201.

*1 Or " Barnby Moor."

*2 Within the liberty of St. Peter of York.

*3 The Prebendary of Barmby Moor had formerly jurisdiction in this parish.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
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by Colin Hinson. © 2013.