Wiltshire - Survey of the Manor of Brinkworth (about 1625?)
Transcribed by Clive R.G. Henly, 1993
From an original document held at the Wiltshire & Swindon Archives.
Library Reference: 88:2/48
Brinckworth At a Courte of Survey holden
the xixth daye
of September primo Caroli regis the estates then in being of the Tennannts that then came in to clayme theire Estates are as followeth. Leaseholders
Extraordinary Leases for 2000 yeres
1 Davis Thomas Davis als Tailor holdeth for 2000 two Messuadges } xiid and divers lands Rent --------------------------------- ) Ordinary Leases
2 Pope Nicholas Keinton holdeth a Messuadge and land dureinge } the lief of Christopher Pope aged 44 yeres: Rent ------- } iiis iiid
value ------ 23 Walker John Walker holdeth a Tenement called the Frites for } the lives of himself aged 34: Anne his wief: 32: and } Willm theire sonne 4: Suite of Courte: Herryott: and } Rent -------------------------------------------------- } xxs
value ------4 Pontinge Nicholas Pontinge aged 64 yeres holdeth certaine lands & } Tithes for 99 yeres if hee: Nicholas aged 32: And Robert } 38: his sonnes or eyther of them soe longe live: Rent -- } xviiid
value ------ 55 Pontinge Robert Pontinge aged 40: yeres holdeth a Tenement for 90: } yeres if hee live soe longe: Customes & Services: } Herryott att the deathe of the Tennannte in possession } and Rent ----------------------------------------------- } xxs
value ------ 106 Beale William Beale aged 36 yeres holdeth a messuadge and } certaine lands for his lief the lief of Margarett Scull } 16: and John Scull xi: Suite of Courte and all custome } monneyes: xxs herryott after theire or eyther of theire } deaths: and Rent --------------------------------------- } iiis xd
value ------ 127 Walker Thomas Walker aged 75 yeres holdeth a Close called } Horsecroft with the tithe for 61 yeres if hee live soe } longe: Suite of Courte: & Rent ------------------------ } iis
value ------ 18 Buckland Thomas Buckland aged 40: yeres holdeth a tenement and } Close called Berry Close for 99 yeres if hee and Joane } his wief aged 40: soe longe live Rent ------------------ } iis
value ------ 29 Pinnell Joane Hayes holdeth a Messuadge and iiii acres of meadowe } and the tithes for the lives of Vincent Clarke 40: Joane } his wief 40 & Jeoffry theire sonne 14: by lease made to } Henry Pinnell: Rent ------------------------------------ } xvid
value ------10 Hayes The same Joane Hayes holdeth a Close called Lower } Wasefield of the demesnes called Horsecrofte and Londons } Ground with the Tithes for 99 yeres if Jeoffry Clarke 14: } xxiiis Henry Clarke 12: and Margarett Clarke: 8: soe longe } xiiid live: Rent 23s 8d & for the tithe 16 -------------------- } xvid
value ------ 611 Clarke William Clarke aged 60 yeres doth hold the iiiith parte } of Hargrove for his lief and the lives of Henry his sonne } aged 26: and Willm his sonne aged 16: Rent ------------- } vs
value ------12 Bleeke John Bleeke aged 73: yeres holdeth ii Closes called the } Breeches parcell of the demeasnes and one meadowe for his } lief onely Suite of Courte: Herryott : and Rent -------- } xls
value 1213 Maskalyne Robert Maskline holdeth by an Assignement from Mr ) Serieant Diggs a messuadge Cottage and certaine lands } with the Tithes for 90 yeres if Henry Webb aged 40: and } Elizabeth his wief 40: and Noah Webb aged 42: shall soe } longe live Rent ---------------------------------------- } xiiis iiiid
value ------ 914 Lewine Thomas Lewine aged 63: holdeth for 80 yeres if hee shall } soe longe live a Close called Linckcroft with the tithe: } Suite of Court: Herr: 3s 10 d: Rent -------------------- } iiid xd
value ------ 1215 Scull William Scull holdeth the Lyeclose with the Tithes for 80 } yeres if hee aged 68 Francis his sonne aged 30: and } William aged 18 shall soe longe live: Suite of Courte: } Herryott 6s 8d Rent ------------------------------------- } vis viiid
value 616 Beale Thomas Beale aged 60 doth hold for his lief a messuadge } and lands called Woodfurlonge and the Tithe thereof Rent } xxs
value ------ 1417 Barnes John Barnes doth hold a close of Meadow called } Splitchmans with the Tithes for 99 yeres if Ralphe aged 22 } yeres and Anthony aged 21 his Sonnes live soe longe: Rent } iiii£
value ------ 418 Beale John Beale aged 50 doth hold Pitts land and the Tithes } for 99 yeres if he soe longe live by Lease made to } William Beale for 99 yeres to determine uppon the death } of the saide John Beale and ii others which ii are deade } Rent ---------------------------------------------------- } iii£
value ------ 5019 Beale The same John Beale likewise holdeth a Tenement called } Pingalls by a Lease made to William Beale for 99 yeres } determynable uppon iii lyves whereof the said John Beale } is one the other ii are deade herryot the best goods Rent ) xiiis iiiid
value ------20 Henly Alice Henly holdeth parcell of the demeasnes called Frute } Furlonge for the lives of William 28: Jeoffry 26: and } Joyce 30: her children herryott - xxs and Rent ---------- } iiiis iiiid
value ------ 1221 Henly The same Alice holdeth parcell of the demeasnes called } Ipcrofts with the tithes for the same tearme ut supra } Herryott xxs and rent ----------------------------------- } vs 22 Fry Michaell Fry aged 40 holdeth parcell of the demeasnes } called Parkers furlonge with the Tithe for 99 yeres if hee Richard Howse 13: and John Fry 5: soe longe live Rent -- } xvs This lease was nott shewed forth
value ------ 523 Clarke Thomas Clarke holdeth a cottage and iiii closes of } containing: 13: acres and one acre of meadowe for the } Tearme of ix yeres to come att the Feaste of the } Annunciacon last past: Rent ----------------------------- } xiiii£
value ------ 14Coppieholders
24 Pinnell Henry Pinnell aged 54 holdeth for his lief and Jane his } viis 1d ob wief aged 62 is to have her widdowehood herryott: Rent - ) iid ob viis 1d ob courtsilver iid ob meadesilver iid ) iid
value ------ 1925 Henly Alice Henly widdowe formlie Alice Pinnell aged 56: } viis id ob holdeth for her lief: herryott: Rent: Courtsilver and } iid ob meadesilver ut supra ------------------------------------ } iid
value ------ 2826 Walker Thomas Walker aged 75 holdeth for his lief and Alice his } viis vid wief aged 60 is to have her widdowehood Herryott: Rent } vd ob 7s 6d courtsilver 5d: ob Meadesilver iid 2 hennes: 1 cock } iid
value ------ 1227 Scull Alice Scull aged 45 widdowe of John Scull holdeth } xis vd dureinge her widdowehood Herryott: Rent: 11s 5d: } vd ob Courtsilver 5d ob: meadesilver 4d Rent ) iiiid
value ------ 3028 Ponting Nicholas Pontinge aged 33: holdeth for his lief hee is } iis unmarried Richard Hollowaie named after him in the coppie } is deade herryott, Rent -------------------------------- )
value ------ 129 Scull The coppiehold in the tenure of Alice Scull supra is } xis vd graunted in revercion to William Scull aged 68: Jeoffry } vd ob Scull 58 and Maurice Scull aged 53 for theire lives } iiiid herryotts: Rents supra --------------------------------- }
value ------30 Dirham Richard Dirham aged 78 holdeth for his lief the remainder } iiii£ to Richard Dobbys aged 60 and to William Dobbys aged 63: } for theire lives Joane the wief of Richard Dirham aged 50 ) herryott: Rent ----------------------------------------- }
value ------ 2431 Fry Margarett Thorne aged 52 now wief of Anthony Frye holdeth } viis viid for her lief herryott: and Rent ------------------------ }
value ------ 2232 Birte Thomas Birte als Birche aged 56 holdeth for his lief } vs iid withe his nowe wief aged 56 Herryott: and Rent --------- }
value ------ 3533 Smithe Mary Smithe aged 38 nowe wief of Thomas Smithe late wief } x£ of Robert Younge holdeth for her lief: Herryott: and Rent } The remainder to Tho Nicholls for his lief nott knowne } whether hee bee deade or livinge aged 35 if hee bee } liveinge ----------------------------------------------- )
value ------ 1034 Hayward Christian Hayward widdowe aged 78: late wief of Jo: ) xviiis id Hayward holdeth duringe her widdowehood by ii coppies } sevrall parcells of land and one messuadge ii Herryotts: } Rent --------------------------------------------------- }
value ------ 4035 Lewine Thomas Lewine aged 63: holdeth divers lands for his lief } viis iid ob Joyce his nowe wief aged 52: 2 Herryotts and Rent ------ }
value ------ 1436 Barnes William Barnes aged 60 holdeth for his lief the Revercion } xiiis iid to William Barnes aged 27: Richard Barnes 19: John 24: } ob his sonnes for their lives herryott: Rent -------------- }
value ------ 4437 Sherer John Sherer aged 80 holdeth for his lief herryott & Rent } vis id ob Agnes his wief aged 35 to have her widdowehood if shee } overlive ----------------------------------------------- }
value ------ 1238 Foxcott Jane Foxcott aged 64 late wief of Walter Foxcott holdeth } xiiiis vd during her widdowehood: herryott: Rent: 14s 5d courtsilver } vd ob: 5d: ob meadesilver iiiid --------------------------------- }
value ------ 5539 Fry Michaell Frye aged 59: holdeth for his lief: herryott: } vis vid and Rent Jane his wief aged 63 ------------------------- }
value ------ 2440 Sherer George Sherer aged 40 holdeth for his lief Herryott: } iiii£ meadesilver iiiid Courtsilver: 5d: ob: 2 hennes: 1 cocke } iiiid and Rent iiii£ ------------------------------------------ } vd ob Elizabeth his wief aged 27:
value ------ 2441 Clark Richard Clark aged 50 doth hold for his lief Herryott: ) .... the and Rent ----------------------------------------------- ) Rent Roll Agnes his wief aged 50.
value ------ 5042 Wallis Elizabeth Wallis aged 48 nowe wief of Fr: Richemones ) holdeth for her lief: Herryotts ..£ Rent: 17s 10d ) xviis xd Churchetts and pannage 2s 2d --------------------------- ) iis iid
value ------ 4843 Beale William Beale aged 86 doth hold for his lief certaine ) ixs xd lands called Norrice Anne his wief aged 30: herryott: ) Rent --------------------------------------------------- )
value ------ 2544 Beale John Beale aged 50: doth hold for his lief a tenement ) called Badges and the lands thereunto belongeinge: ) vs iiid ob: herryott: Rent: 5s 3d ob meadesilver iid courtsilver vd ) iid ob: Jane his wief aged 40 the others named in the coppie ) vd ob are all deade ------------------------------------------ )
value ------ 6045 Beale The Same Jo: Beale holdeth all for his lief ii other ) xiis ixd tenements called Baldwins and Stephns ii herryotts: ) vid rent xiis ixd meadesilver vid courtsilver xid Jane his ) xid wief aged 40 the others named in the coppie dead ------- )
value ------46 Pinnell Margery Pinnell aged 31 the widdowe of Richard Pinnell ) holdeth dureinge her widdowehood ii tenements called ) viis iid Breeches and Bakers ii herryotts: and Rent ------------- )
value ------ 2047 Hawkins William Hawkins aged 60 yeres holdeth a tenement called ) Churchmans and divers lands thereunto beelongeinge for ) xiis ob his lief and the lives of Knolls Hawkins his sonne 19 and ) Mary his daughter 12 Rent ------------------------------ )
value ------ 3048 Clarke William Clarke holdeth 49 Beale Beale widdowe holdeth Cottagers
50 Mathewe Hughe Mathewe aged 60 yeres holdeth a house & garden for ) his lief & xxi yeres after: Rent ----------------------- ) iis iiiid 51 Smithe Anthony Smithe aged 36 yeres holdeth a cottage or ) tenement with the appurtenances for his lief Joane his ) wief 35: and Jo: his sonne 15 Rent --------------------- ) iis 52 Scull Suzan Scull aged 50 yeres holdeth a tenement garden and ) backsides with the appurtenances for term of her lief and ) xxi yeres after: Rent ---------------------------------- ) xiid 53 Owen Agnes Owen tenant in possession of a cottage or tenement ) with a garden for tearme of her lief the remainder after ) her deathe forfeyture &c to Edward Owen her sonne 40: and ) Joane Owen her daughter 44: for 80 yeres if they soe longe live Rent ---------------------------------------- ) iis 54 Weekes Robert Weekes aged 46 yeres holdeth a messuadge tenement ) garden and orchard with the tithes for terme of his lief ) Anne his wief 50 and Robert his sonne 14: Rent --------- ) iid 55 Tailor A cottage with the backside and garden and the herbage of ) a little ground called Buthey (excepting the westend of ) the said Buthey), graunted to William Tailor the father ) Katherin: 24: and Margery 22 his daughters for their ) lives successively Katherin is in possession butt itt is ) nott knowne whether William the father bee livinge or ) nott Rent ---------------------------------------------- ) xiid 56 Cowles John Cowles aged 72 yeres holdeth a tenement with a ) garden and barton thereunto adioyneinge for the terme of ) his lief the lief of Margery Webb 60 and William Clarke ) 40 it is nott knowne whether William Clarke bee livinge ) or nott: Rent ------------------------------------------ ) iiiis 57 Barnes Jeoffry Barnes aged 60 yeres holdeth a cottage with a ) close of pasture thereto adioyneinge for the tearme of ) his lief Fraunces his wief 59: & William theire sonne 26: ) Rent --------------------------------------------------- ) iiiis 58 Peacocke A tenement with a garden and barton thereto adioyninge ) graunted to John Peacocke for xxi yeres to begin after ) the deathe &c of Jo: Cowles 72 Margery Webb 60 and ) William Clarke 40: Rent -------------------------------- ) iiiis 59 Clarke William Clarke aged 40 yeres holdeth a cottage or ) tenement with half an acre of pasture ground for 99 yeres ) if hee and Anne his wief 20: soe longe live: Rent ------ ) iiiis 60 Scull Jeoffry Scull aged 62 holdeth one cottage with a garden ) and orchard for the terme of his lief and for the lief of ) Elizabeth Scull his daughter aged 40 yeres Rent -------- ) iiiis 61 Burchall William Burchall aged 50 yeres holdeth one cottage with a ) close for tearme of his lief and of William his sonne 18: ) & of Jo: his sonne 15: Rent ---------------------------- ) iiiis 62 Peacocke John Peacocke aged 70 yeres holdeth one tenement with the ) appurtenances for 80 yeres if Jo: Peacocke his sonne aged ) 33: and Joane Peacocke his daughter 24: shall soe longe ) live: Rent --------------------------------------------- ) iis 63 Lewen William Lewen aged 60 yeres holdeth one tenement with the ) appurtenances for his lief and the lives of Alice aged ) 34: and Elizabeth aged 32: daughters of him the said ) William: Rent ------------------------------------------ ) xiid 64 Wallis Thomas Wallis aged 40 yeres holdeth a cottage and close ) of pasture with the appurtenances for 99 yeres if hee soe ) longe live: Rent --------------------------------------- ) iiiis 65 Henly Thomas Henly aged 40 yeres holdeth a cottage or tenement ) for the tearme of 99 yeres if hee Margery his wief aged ) 42: or William his sonne aged 8 yeres shall soe longe ) live: Rent --------------------------------------------- ) iis 66 Heale William Heale aged 60 yeres holdeth one cottage or ) tenement for terme of his lief and xxi yeres after: Rent ) xiid 67 Twyney Phillipp Twyney aged 32 yeres holdeth one cottage with a ) garden orchard and rickbarton thereto belongeinge for the ) tearme of 99 yeres if hee Jane his nowe wief aged 21 and ) Joane his daughter aged 4 yeres shall doe longe live: ) Rent --------------------------------------------------- ) iis vid Cottagers which paye noe Rent
68 Anthony Barnes Wm Darter Richard Morsse John Vinsome Field Name Index
Note: the references are to the numbered sections above,
eg 'Badges' in #44 above.
Badges 44 Bakers 46 Baldwins 45 Berry Close 8 Breeches 12, 46 Buthey 55 Churchmans 47 Frites 3 Frute Furlonge 20 Hargrove 11 Horsecroft 7 Horsecrofte 10 Ipcrofts 21 Linckcroft 14 Londons Ground 10 Lower Wasefield 10 Norrice 43 Parkers Furlonge 22 Pingalls 19 Pitts Land 18 Splitchmans 17 Stephns 45 Woodfurlonge 16
WRO 88:2/48 Page 8 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1993 Person Index
Note: the references are to the numbered sections above,
eg 'Anthony Barnes' in #17 above.
BARNES Anthony 17, 68 Fraunces 57 Jeoffry 57 John 17, 36 Ralphe 17 Richard 36 William 36, 57 Beale 49 Anne 43 Jane 44, 45 Jo: 45 John 18, 19, 44 Thomas 16 William 6, 18, 19, 43 BIRTE als BIRCHE Thomas 32 BLEEKE John 12 BUCKLAND Joane 8 Thomas 8 BURCHALL Jo: 61 William 61 CLARK Agnes 41 Richard 41 CLARKE Anne 59 Henry 10, 11 Jeoffry 9, 10 Joane 9 Margarett 10 Thomas 23 Vincent 9 William 11, 48, 56, 58, 59 COWLES Jo: 58 John 56 DAVIS als TAYLOR Thomas 1 DARTER William 68 DIGGS Serieant 13 DIRHAM Joane 30 Richard 30 DOBBYS Richard 30 William 30 FOXCOTT Jane 38 Walter 38 FRY John 22 Michaell 22 FRYE Anthony 31 Jane 39 Michaell 39 HAWKINS Knolls 47 Mary 47 William 47 HAYES Joane 9, 10 HAYWARD Christian 34 Jo: 34 HEALE William 66 HENLY Alice 20, 21, 25 Jeoffry 20 Joyce 20 Margery 65 Thomas 65 William 20, 65 HOLLOWAIE Richard 28 HOWSE Richard 22 KEINTON Nicholas 2 LEWEN Alice 63 Elizabeth 63 William 63 LEWINE Joyce 35 Thomas 14, 35 MASKALYNE or MASKLINE Robert 13 MATHEWE Hughe 50 MORSSE Richard 68 NICHOLLS Thomas 33 OWEN Agnes 53 Edward 53 Joane 53 PEACOCKE Joane 62 John 58, 62 PINNELL Alice 25 Henry 9, 24 Jane 24 Margery 46 Richard 46 PONTINGE Nicholas 4, 28 Robert 4, 5 POPE Christopher 2 RICHEMONES Fr: 42 SCULL Alice 27, 29 Elizabeth 60 Francis 15 Jeoffry 29, 60 John 6, 27 Margaret 6 Maurice 29 Suzan 52 William 15, 29 SHERER Agnes 37 Elizabeth 40 George 40 John 37 SMITHE Anthony 51 Joane 51 Mary 33 Thomas 33 TAILOR Katherin 55 Margery 55 William 55 THORNE Margaret 31 TWYNEY Jane 67 Joane 67 Phillipp 67 VINSOME John 68 WALKER Alice 26 Anne 3 John 3 Thomas 7, 26 William 3 WALLIS Elizabeth 42 Thomas 64 WEBB Elizabeth 13 Henry 13 Margery 56, 58 Noah 13 WEEKES Anne 54 Robert 54 Younge Robert 33
WRO 88:2/48 Page 11 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1993
The transcripts and indexes provided here are the copyright of:
C.R.G. Henly, 9 Renfrew Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2FX.
They are made available for the private use of genealogical researchers who may copy them and extract data from them for their personal use. They are not to be reproduced or republished in any other form whatsoever.